# IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/test/testcases/testHostFFDC.py $ # # OpenPOWER sbe Project # # Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2017,2019 # [+] International Business Machines Corp. # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG from __future__ import print_function import sys sys.path.append("targets/p9_nimbus/sbeTest" ) sys.path.append("targets/p9_axone/sbeTest" ) import testPSUUtil import testRegistry as reg import testUtil import testMemUtil #------------------------------- # This is a Test Expected Data #------------------------------- ''' This data are the values or strings that needs to be validated for the test. ''' ''' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SBE side test data - #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ''' sbe_test_data = ( #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OP Reg ValueToWrite size Test Expected Data Description #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set FFDC chip-op ["write", reg.REG_MBOX0, "0000010000F0D704", 8, "None", "Writing to MBOX0 address"], # FFDC Size, Pass CMD Size ["write", reg.REG_MBOX1, "0000200000000100", 8, "None", "Writing to MBOX1 address"], # FFDC Addr ["write", reg.REG_MBOX2, "0000000008000000", 8, "None", "Writing to MBOX2 address"], # Pass Cmd Addr ["write", reg.REG_MBOX3, "0000000008000000", 8, "None", "Writing to MBOX3 address"], ["write", reg.PSU_SBE_DOORBELL_REG_WO_OR, "8000000000000000", 8, "None", "Update SBE Doorbell register to interrupt SBE"], ) ''' #--------------------- # Host side test data - SUCCESS #--------------------- ''' host_test_data_success = ( #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OP Reg ValueToWrite size Test Expected Data Description #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ["read", reg.REG_MBOX4, "0", 8, "0000000000F0D704", "Reading Host MBOX4 data to Validate"], ) ''' #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Do not modify - Used to simulate interrupt on Ringing Doorbell on Host #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' host_polling_data = ( #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OP Reg ValueToWrite size Test Expected Data Description #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ["read", reg.PSU_HOST_DOORBELL_REG_WO_OR, "0", 8, "8000000000000000", "Reading Host Doorbell for Interrupt Bit0"], ) host_pass_through_polling_data = ( #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OP Reg ValueToWrite size Test Expected Data Description #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ["read", reg.PSU_HOST_DOORBELL_REG_WO_OR, "0", 8, "0800000000000000", "Reading Host Doorbell for Interrupt Bit4"], ) ''' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SBE side test data - Target - Pervasive(Core), Chiplet Id - 32, Ring ID - ec_func(224), mode - 0x0020(RING_MODE_HEADER_CHECK) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ''' sbe_test_invalid_ring = ( #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OP Reg ValueToWrite size Test Expected Data Description #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ["write", reg.REG_MBOX0, "0000010000F0D301", 8, "None", "Writing to MBOX0 address"], ["write", reg.REG_MBOX1, "0002002000FF0020", 8, "None", "Writing to MBOX1 address"], ["write", reg.PSU_SBE_DOORBELL_REG_WO_OR, "8000000000000000", 8, "None", "Update SBE Doorbell register to interrupt SBE"], ) host_test_data_failure = ( #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OP Reg ValueToWrite size Test Expected Data Description #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ["read", reg.REG_MBOX4, "0", 8, "00FE000A00F0D301", "Reading Host MBOX4 data to Validate"], ) #------------------------- # Main Function #------------------------- def main(): # Run Simics initially testUtil.runCycles( 10000000 ); # Intialize the class obj instances regObj = testPSUUtil.registry() # Registry obj def for operation print("\n Execute SBE Test - Set FFDC Address\n") # HOST->SBE data set execution regObj.ExecuteTestOp( testPSUUtil.simSbeObj, sbe_test_data ) print("\n Poll on Host side for INTR ...\n") #Poll on HOST DoorBell Register for interrupt regObj.pollingOn( testPSUUtil.simSbeObj, host_polling_data, 5 ) #SBE->HOST data set execution regObj.ExecuteTestOp( testPSUUtil.simSbeObj, host_test_data_success ) testUtil.runCycles( 10000000 ) # Invalid ring - 248 # HOST->SBE data set execution regObj.ExecuteTestOp( testPSUUtil.simSbeObj, sbe_test_invalid_ring ) print("\n Poll on Host side for INTR ...\n") #Poll on HOST DoorBell Register for interrupt regObj.pollingOn( testPSUUtil.simSbeObj, host_polling_data, 5 ) #SBE->HOST data set execution regObj.ExecuteTestOp( testPSUUtil.simSbeObj, host_test_data_failure ) #dump ffdc to a file readData = testMemUtil.getmem(0x08000000, 0x2000, 0x02) hostDumpFile = open("hostDumpFFDC.bin", 'wb') hostDumpFile.write(bytearray(readData)) hostDumpFile.close() # extract HWP ffdc readData = testUtil.extractHWPFFDC(True, readData) if __name__ == "__main__": if testUtil.getMachineName() == "axone": try: main() except: print ( "\nTest Suite completed with error(s)" ) testUtil.collectFFDC() raise() print ( "\nTest Suite completed with no errors" ) else: main() if err: print ( "\nTest Suite completed with error(s)" ) #sys.exit(1) else: print ( "\nTest Suite completed with no errors" ) #sys.exit(0);