/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/sbefw/core/sbeHostUtils.C $ */ /* */ /* OpenPOWER sbe Project */ /* */ /* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2016,2017 */ /* */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */ /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or */ /* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */ /* permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ /* * @file: ppe/sbe/sbefw/sbeHostUtils.C * * @brief This file contains the PSU Access Utility Functions * */ #include "sbetrace.H" #include "sbe_sp_intf.H" #include "sbeHostUtils.H" #include "sbeHostMsg.H" #include "sbe_host_intf.H" #include "sbeerrorcodes.H" #include "assert.h" #include "fapi2.H" #include "sbeglobals.H" #include "sbeMemAccessInterface.H" #include "sbeFFDC.H" #include "hwp_error_info.H" #include "sberegaccess.H" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PSU->SBE register access utilities /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// uint32_t sbeReadPsu2SbeMbxReg (uint32_t i_addr, const uint8_t i_count, uint64_t *o_pData, bool i_isFinalRead) { #define SBE_FUNC " sbeReadPsu2SbeMbxReg " SBE_DEBUG(SBE_FUNC"i_count[0x%02X], i_addr=[0x%08X]", i_count, i_addr); uint32_t l_rc = SBE_SEC_OPERATION_SUCCESSFUL; uint8_t l_count = 0; assert((i_count >0 ) && (NULL != o_pData)) assert( (SBE_HOST_PSU_MBOX_REG0 <= i_addr) && (SBE_HOST_PSU_MBOX_REG3 >= (i_addr + i_count - 1)) ) while (l_count < i_count) { l_rc = getscom_abs ( i_addr, reinterpret_cast(&o_pData[l_count]) ); if (l_rc) { // Error while reading from PSU->SBE mbx register SBE_ERROR(SBE_FUNC"getscom_abs failed," "l_rc=[0x%08X], i_addr=[0x%08X]", l_rc, i_addr); break; } SBE_DEBUG(SBE_FUNC"l_data=[0x%08X%08X]", SBE::higher32BWord(o_pData[l_count]), SBE::lower32BWord(o_pData[l_count])); ++l_count; ++i_addr; } // Set the Ack bit in SBE->PSU DB register // if the message requires ack and if its a final read operation if ((i_isFinalRead) && (SBE_SEC_OPERATION_SUCCESSFUL == l_rc)) { l_rc = sbeAcknowledgeHost(); if (l_rc) { SBE_ERROR(SBE_FUNC " Failed to Sent Ack to Host over " "SBE_SBE2PSU_DOORBELL_SET_BIT1"); } } return l_rc; #undef SBE_FUNC } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SBE->PSU register access utilities /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// uint32_t sbeIntrHostUponRespWaiting () { uint32_t l_rc = SBE_SEC_OPERATION_SUCCESSFUL; // Interrupt the host by setting bit0 in SBE->PSU DB register // if the caller requested for it. if (SBE_GLOBAL->sbePsu2SbeCmdReqHdr.flags & SBE_PSU_FLAGS_RESP_REQUIRED) { l_rc = sbeSetSbe2PsuDbBitX(SBE_SBE2PSU_DOORBELL_SET_BIT0); } return l_rc; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// uint32_t sbeAcknowledgeHost () { uint32_t l_rc = SBE_SEC_OPERATION_SUCCESSFUL; // Set the Ack bit in SBE->PSU DB register // if the caller requested for it. if (SBE_GLOBAL->sbePsu2SbeCmdReqHdr.flags & SBE_PSU_FLAGS_ACK_REQUIRED) { l_rc = sbeSetSbe2PsuDbBitX(SBE_SBE2PSU_DOORBELL_SET_BIT1); } return l_rc; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// uint32_t sbeWriteSbe2PsuMbxReg (uint32_t i_addr, const uint64_t *i_pData, const uint8_t i_count, bool i_setBit0ToIntrHB) { #define SBE_FUNC " sbeWriteSbe2PsuMbxReg " SBE_DEBUG(SBE_FUNC"i_count[0x%02X], i_addr=[0x%08X]", i_count, i_addr); uint32_t l_rc = SBE_SEC_OPERATION_SUCCESSFUL; uint8_t l_count = 0; assert( (i_count >0 ) && (NULL != i_pData) ) assert( (SBE_HOST_PSU_MBOX_REG4 <= i_addr) && (SBE_HOST_PSU_MBOX_REG7 >= (i_addr + i_count - 1)) ) if( SBE_GLOBAL->sbePsu2SbeCmdReqHdr.flags & SBE_PSU_FLAGS_RESP_REQUIRED ) { while (l_count < i_count) { SBE_DEBUG(SBE_FUNC"l_data=[0x%08X%08X]", SBE::higher32BWord(*(i_pData+l_count)), SBE::lower32BWord(*(i_pData+l_count))); l_rc = putscom_abs ( i_addr, *(i_pData+l_count) ); if (l_rc) { // Error while reading from PSU->SBE mbx register SBE_ERROR(SBE_FUNC"putscom_abs failed," "l_rc=[0x%08X], i_addr=[0x%08X]", l_rc, i_addr); break; } ++l_count; ++i_addr; } if( (i_setBit0ToIntrHB) && (SBE_SEC_OPERATION_SUCCESSFUL == l_rc) ) { // indicate the Host via Bit SBE_SBE2PSU_DOORBELL_SET_BIT0 l_rc = sbeSetSbe2PsuDbBitX(SBE_SBE2PSU_DOORBELL_SET_BIT0); if(l_rc) { SBE_ERROR(SBE_FUNC " Failed to Sent Ack to Host over " "SBE_SBE2PSU_DOORBELL_SET_BIT0"); } } } return l_rc; #undef SBE_FUNC } /* @brief - Send PSU Chip Op response * * @param[in] - i_sbe2PsuRespHdr - Response header * @param[in] - i_fapiRc - fapi rc of the relevant hwp call * @param[in/out] - io_rc - rc status of the PSU access utility * * @return - void */ void sbePSUSendResponse(sbeSbe2PsuRespHdr_t &i_sbe2PsuRespHdr, uint32_t &i_fapiRc, uint32_t &io_rc) { #define SBE_FUNC "sbePSUSendResponse" SBE_ENTER(SBE_FUNC); do { // Making sure the PSU access utility is functional if(io_rc != SBE_SEC_OPERATION_SUCCESSFUL) { break; } uint32_t l_allocatedSize = SBE_GLOBAL->hostFFDCAddr.size; bool l_is_lastAccess = false; // Default EX Target Init..Not changing it for the time being fapi2::Target l_ex( fapi2::plat_getTargetHandleByChipletNumber( sbeMemAccessInterface::PBA_DEFAULT_EX_CHIPLET_ID)); p9_PBA_oper_flag l_myPbaFlag; l_myPbaFlag.setOperationType(p9_PBA_oper_flag::INJ); sbeMemAccessInterface l_PBAInterface( SBE_MEM_ACCESS_PBA, SBE_GLOBAL->hostFFDCAddr.addr, &l_myPbaFlag, SBE_MEM_ACCESS_WRITE, sbeMemAccessInterface::PBA_GRAN_SIZE_BYTES, l_ex); bool l_internal_ffdc_present = ((i_sbe2PsuRespHdr.primStatus != SBE_PRI_OPERATION_SUCCESSFUL) || (i_sbe2PsuRespHdr.secStatus != SBE_SEC_OPERATION_SUCCESSFUL)); // If no ffdc , exit; sbeResponseFfdc_t l_ffdc; l_ffdc.setRc(i_fapiRc); if(l_ffdc.getRc() != fapi2::FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS) { // Clear global fapi2::current_err so that // FFDC can be sent over PBA interface. // We are good with HWP ffdc, as // g_FfdcData.fapiRc is a copy of current_err fapi2::current_err = fapi2::FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS; i_sbe2PsuRespHdr.setStatus(SBE_PRI_GENERIC_EXECUTION_FAILURE, SBE_SEC_GENERIC_FAILURE_IN_EXECUTION); l_internal_ffdc_present = true; SBE_ERROR( SBE_FUNC" FAPI RC:0x%08X", l_ffdc.getRc()); SBE_INFO(SBE_FUNC" FFDC memory - addr[0x%08X%08X] size[%d]bytes", static_cast(SBE::higher32BWord(SBE_GLOBAL->hostFFDCAddr.addr)), static_cast(SBE::lower32BWord(SBE_GLOBAL->hostFFDCAddr.addr)), SBE_GLOBAL->hostFFDCAddr.size); uint32_t ffdcDataLenInWords = fapi2::g_FfdcData.ffdcLength / sizeof(uint32_t); // Set failed command information l_ffdc.setCmdInfo(i_sbe2PsuRespHdr.seqID, i_sbe2PsuRespHdr.cmdClass, i_sbe2PsuRespHdr.command); // Add HWP specific ffdc data length l_ffdc.lenInWords += ffdcDataLenInWords; uint32_t len = sizeof(sbeResponseFfdc_t); MEM_AVAILABLE_CHECK(l_allocatedSize, len, l_is_lastAccess); fapi2::ReturnCode l_fapiRc = l_PBAInterface.accessWithBuffer( &l_ffdc, len, l_is_lastAccess); if(l_fapiRc != fapi2::FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS) { io_rc = SBE_SEC_GENERIC_FAILURE_IN_EXECUTION; break; } MEM_AVAILABLE_CHECK(l_allocatedSize, ffdcDataLenInWords, l_is_lastAccess); l_is_lastAccess = l_is_lastAccess || !l_internal_ffdc_present || !SbeRegAccess::theSbeRegAccess().isSendInternalFFDCSet(); l_fapiRc = l_PBAInterface.accessWithBuffer( &fapi2::g_FfdcData.ffdcData, ffdcDataLenInWords, l_is_lastAccess); if(l_fapiRc != fapi2::FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS) { io_rc = SBE_SEC_GENERIC_FAILURE_IN_EXECUTION; break; } } // Send SBE internal ffdc if there is enough memory allocated if(l_internal_ffdc_present) { SBE_ERROR( SBE_FUNC" primaryStatus:0x%08X secondaryStatus:0x%08X", (uint32_t)i_sbe2PsuRespHdr.primStatus, (uint32_t)i_sbe2PsuRespHdr.secStatus); // SBE internal FFDC package SbeFFDCPackage sbeFfdc; //Generate all the fields of FFDC package io_rc = sbeFfdc.sendOverHostIntf(i_sbe2PsuRespHdr, SBE_FFDC_ALL_DUMP, &l_PBAInterface, l_allocatedSize); if (io_rc) { break; } } // Send the response header io_rc = sbeWriteSbe2PsuMbxReg(SBE_HOST_PSU_MBOX_REG4, (uint64_t*)(&i_sbe2PsuRespHdr), (sizeof(i_sbe2PsuRespHdr)/sizeof(uint64_t)), true); if(SBE_SEC_OPERATION_SUCCESSFUL != io_rc) { SBE_ERROR(SBE_FUNC" Failed to write to " "SBE_HOST_PSU_MBOX_REG4"); } } while(0); #undef SBE_FUNC }