ATTR_FREQ_PB_MHZ TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM The frequency of a processor's nest mesh clock, in MHz. This is the same for all chips in the system. Provided by the MRW. uint32 1600 = 1600, 1866 = 1866, 2000 = 2000, 2133 = 2133, 2400 = 2400 freq_pb_mhz ATTR_FREQ_MCA_MHZ TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM The frequency of the memory controller channel. In synchronous mode, this is equivalent to ATTR_FREQ_PB_MHZ. This may be independently set per pair of memory channels if operating in asynchronous mode, but this configuration is not anticipated. This clock drives the MCU queues, and all the associated logic that drives the inputs to the DMI and reads its outputs. uint32 2000 = 2000, 2400 = 2400 ATTR_FREQ_O_MHZ TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP The frequency of a processor's Obus mesh clocks, in MHz. Provided by the MRW. uint32 4 ATTR_FREQ_A_MHZ TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM The frequency of a processor's Abus, in MHz. This is the same for all chips in the system. Provided by the MRW. uint32 ATTR_FREQ_X_MHZ TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM The frequency of a processor's Xbus mesh clocks, in MHz. This is the same for all chips in the system. uint32 ATTR_FREQ_CORE_FLOOR_MHZ TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM The lowest frequency that a core can be set to in MHz. This is the same for all cores in the system. Provided by the MVPD #V and is calculated as the max of the Power Save frequencies. uint32 ATTR_FREQ_CORE_NOMINAL_MHZ TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM The nominal core frequency in MHz. This is the same for all cores in the system. Provided by the #V bucket of module VPD. uint32 ATTR_FREQ_CORE_CEILING_MHZ TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM The maximum core frequency in MHz. This is the same for all cores in the system. Provided by the #V bucket of module VPD and is calculated as the minimum of the turbo frequencies. uint32 ATTR_PM_SAFE_FREQUENCY_MHZ TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Frequency (in MHz) to move to if the Power Management function fails. This is the same for all cores in the system. Provided by the MRW. uint32 ATTR_PM_SAFE_VOLTAGE_MV TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Voltage (in mV) to move to if the Power Management function fails. Provided by the MRW. uint32 ATTR_FREQ_PCIE_MHZ TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM The frequency of a processor's PCI-e bus in MHz. This is the same for all PCI-e busses in the system. Provided by the MRW. uint32 ATTR_DD1_SLOW_PCI_REF_CLOCK TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM MRW control to permit Normal (100 MHz) or Slow (94 MHz) operation of PCIE reference clock. On Nimbus DD1 HW, Slow operation is required to achieve Gen4 operation. Provided by the MRW. uint8 NORMAL = 0x00, SLOW = 0x01 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_ASYNC_SAFE_MODE TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Set to force all fabric asynchronous boundary crossings into safe mode. uint8 PERFORMANCE_MODE = 0x0, SAFE_MODE = 0x1 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_A_BUS_WIDTH TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Processor SMP A bus width. Provided by the MRW. uint8 2_BYTE = 0x01, 4_BYTE = 0x02 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_X_BUS_WIDTH TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Processor SMP X bus width. Provided by the MRW. uint8 2_BYTE = 0x01, 4_BYTE = 0x02 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_CORE_FLOOR_RATIO TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Processor SMP core floor/nest frequency ratio uint8 RATIO_8_8 = 0x0, RATIO_7_8 = 0x1, RATIO_6_8 = 0x2, RATIO_5_8 = 0x3, RATIO_4_8 = 0x4, RATIO_2_8 = 0x5 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_CORE_CEILING_RATIO TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Processor SMP core celing/nest frequency ratio uint8 RATIO_8_8 = 0x0, RATIO_7_8 = 0x1, RATIO_6_8 = 0x2, RATIO_5_8 = 0x3, RATIO_4_8 = 0x4, RATIO_2_8 = 0x5 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_PUMP_MODE TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Processor SMP Fabric broadcast scope configuration. CHIP_IS_NODE = MODE1 = default CHIP_IS_GROUP = MODE2 Provided by the MRW. uint8 CHIP_IS_NODE = 0x01, CHIP_IS_GROUP = 0x02 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_CCSM_MODE TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Processor SMP topology configuration. 0 = default = 1 or 2 hop topology (PHYP image spans system) Provided by the MRW. uint8 OFF = 0x0 ATTR_OPTICS_CONFIG_MODE TARGET_TYPE_OBUS Per-link optics configuration 0 = default = SMP 1 = CAPI 2.0 2 = NV 2.0 3 = OPENCAPI Provided by the MRW. uint8 SMP = 0x0, CAPI = 0x1, NV = 0x2, OCAPI = 0x3 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_SMP_OPTICS_MODE TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Processor SMP optics mode. 0 = default = Optics_is_X_bus 1 = Optics_is_A_bus Provided by the MRW. uint8 OPTICS_IS_X_BUS = 0x0, OPTICS_IS_A_BUS = 0x1 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_OPTICS_CONFIG_MODE TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Per-link optics configuration 0 = default = SMP 1 = CAPI 2.0 2 = NV 2.0 uint8 SMP = 0x0, CAPI = 0x1, NV = 0x2 4 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_CAPI_MODE TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Processor CAPI attachement protocol mode. 0 = default = no: SMPA CAPI attachement 1 = yes: SMPA CAPI attachement Provided by the MRW. uint8 OFF = 0x0, ON = 0x1 ATTR_FABRIC_PRESENT_GROUPS TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Bit mask of group IDs which will be present in the fully configured CEC configuration. Bit 0 -> group 0 present Bit 1 -> group 1 present ... Bit 6 -> group 6 present Bit 7 -> group 7 present uint8 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_SYSTEM_ID TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Logical fabric system ID associated with this chip. Provided by the MRW. uint32 ATTR_FABRIC_ADDR_EXTENSION_GROUP_ID TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Address extension enable value for RA 15:18 uint8 ATTR_FABRIC_ADDR_EXTENSION_CHIP_ID TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Address extension enable value for RA 19:21 uint8 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_GROUP_ID TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Logical fabric group ID associated with this chip. Directly drives programming of pervasive group ID registers (PIR). Compared with ATTR_PROC_EFF_FABRIC_GROUP_ID to configure FBC XOR masking. Provided by the MRW. uint8 ATTR_PROC_EFF_FABRIC_GROUP_ID TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Effective fabric group ID associated with this chip. Directly drives programming of chip memory map layout. Compared with ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_GROUP_ID to configure FBC XOR masking. uint8 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_CHIP_ID TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Logical fabric chip ID associated with this chip. Directly drives programming of pervasive chip ID registers (PIR). Compared with ATTR_PROC_EFF_FABRIC_CHIP_ID to configure FBC XOR masking. Provided by the MRW. uint8 ATTR_PROC_EFF_FABRIC_CHIP_ID TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Effective fabric chip ID associated with this chip. Directly drives programming of chip memory map layout. Compared with ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_CHIP_ID to configure FBC XOR masking. uint8 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_SYSTEM_MASTER_CHIP TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Indicates if the given chip should serve as the fabric system master. uint8 FALSE = 0x0, TRUE = 0x1 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_GROUP_MASTER_CHIP TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Indicates if the given chip should serve as the fabric group master. uint8 FALSE = 0x0, TRUE = 0x1 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_LINK_ACTIVE TARGET_TYPE_XBUS,TARGET_TYPE_OBUS Indicates if the endpoint target is actively being used as a fabric link uint8 FALSE = 0x0, TRUE = 0x1 ATTR_LINK_TRAIN TARGET_TYPE_XBUS,TARGET_TYPE_OBUS Indicates which sublinks should be initialized/trained uint8 BOTH = 0x0, EVEN_ONLY = 0x1, ODD_ONLY = 0x2, NONE = 0x3 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_X_ATTACHED_CHIP_CNFG TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP For each fabric X link on this chip, specifies whether or not the chip at the receiving end of the link is present and configured uint8 7 FALSE = 0x0, TRUE = 0x1, EVEN_ONLY = 0x2, ODD_ONLY = 0x3 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_X_LINKS_CNFG TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Contains the total number of active X links on this chip uint8 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_A_ATTACHED_CHIP_CNFG TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP For each fabric A link on this chip, specifies whether or not the chip at the receiving end of the link is present and configured uint8 4 FALSE = 0x0, TRUE = 0x1, EVEN_ONLY = 0x2, ODD_ONLY = 0x3 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_A_LINKS_CNFG TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Contains the total number of active A links on this chip uint8 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_X_ATTACHED_CHIP_ID TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP For each fabric X link on this chip, specifies the fabric ID of the chip at the receiving end of the link. Should be considered valid only if corresponding ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_X_ATTACHED_CHIP_CNFG index is true. uint8 7 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_X_ATTACHED_LINK_ID TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP For each fabric X link on this chip, specifies the link ID of the chip at the receiving end of the link. Should be considered valid only if corresponding ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_X_ATTACHED_CHIP_CNFG index is true. uint8 7 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_A_ATTACHED_CHIP_ID TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP For each fabric A link on this chip, specifies the fabric ID of the chip at the receiving end of the link. Should be considered valid only if corresponding ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_A_ATTACHED_CHIP_CNFG index is true. uint8 4 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_A_ATTACHED_LINK_ID TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP For each fabric A link on this chip, specifies the link ID of the chip at the receiving end of the link. Should be considered valid only if corresponding ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_A_ATTACHED_CHIP_CNFG index is true. uint8 4 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_X_AGGREGATE TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Indicates if X links on this chip should be configured in aggregate mode. uint8 OFF = 0x0, ON = 0x1 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_X_ADDR_DIS TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Indicates if link should be used to carry data only (in aggregate configurations). Should be considered valid only if corresponding ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_X_ATTACHED_CHIP_CNFG index is true. uint8 7 OFF = 0x0, ON = 0x1 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_X_LINK_DELAY TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Average of local/remote end link delay counter values. Used to designate coherent link in aggregate configurations. Should be considered valid only if corresponding ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_X_ATTACHED_CHIP_CNFG index is true. uint32 7 OFF = 0x0, ON = 0x1 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_A_AGGREGATE TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Indicates if A links on this chip should be configured in aggregate mode. uint8 OFF = 0x0, ON = 0x1 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_A_ADDR_DIS TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Indicates if link should be used to carry data only (in aggregate configurations). Should be considered valid only if corresponding ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_A_ATTACHED_CHIP_CNFG index is true. uint8 4 OFF = 0x0, ON = 0x1 ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_A_LINK_DELAY TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Average of local/remote end link delay counter values. Used to designate coherent link in aggregate configurations. Should be considered valid only if corresponding ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_A_ATTACHED_CHIP_CNFG index is true. uint32 4 OFF = 0x0, ON = 0x1 ATTR_PROC_EPS_GB_PERCENTAGE TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Guardband percentage to apply to baseline epsilon calculations Set by p9_fbc_eff_config. int8 ATTR_PROC_EPS_TABLE_TYPE TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Processor epsilon table type. Used to calculate the processor nest epsilon register values. Provided by the MRW. uint8 EPS_TYPE_LE = 0x01, EPS_TYPE_HE = 0x02, EPS_TYPE_HE_F8 = 0x03 ATTR_PROC_EPS_READ_CYCLES_T0 TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Calculated read tier0 epsilon protection count. uint32 ATTR_PROC_EPS_READ_CYCLES_T1 TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Calculated read tier1 epsilon protection count. uint32 ATTR_PROC_EPS_READ_CYCLES_T2 TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Calculated read tier2 epsilon protection count. uint32 ATTR_PROC_EPS_WRITE_CYCLES_T1 TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Calculated write tier1 epsilon protection count. uint32 ATTR_PROC_EPS_WRITE_CYCLES_T2 TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Calculated write tier2 epsilon protection count. uint32 ATTR_DMI_REFCLOCK_SWIZZLE TARGET_TYPE_DMI Define DMI Ref clock/Swizzle for Centaur. Mapper from DMI unit id -> ROOT CNTL 6 refclk drive enable bit consumer: p9_cen_ref_clk_enable uint8 ATTR_SYSTEM_IPL_PHASE TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Define context for current phase of system IPL. uint8 HB_IPL = 0x1,HB_RUNTIME = 0x2,CACHE_CONTAINED = 0x4,CHIP_CONTAINED = 0x8,NONHB_IPL = 0x10 ATTR_IS_MPIPL TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Indicates if current IPL is memory-preserving uint8 FALSE = 0x0, TRUE = 0x1 ATTR_PROC_XSCOM_BAR_BASE_ADDR_OFFSET TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM XSCOM BAR base address offset creator: platform consumer: p9_sbe_scominit firmware notes: Defines 16GB range (size implied) mapped for XSCOM usage Attribute holds offset (relative to chip MMIO origin) to program into chip address range field of BAR -- RA bits 22:29 (excludes system/memory select/group/chip fields) uint64 ATTR_PROC_LPC_BAR_BASE_ADDR_OFFSET TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM LPC BAR base address offset creator: platform consumer: p9_sbe_scominit firmware notes: Defines 4GB range (size implied) mapped for LPC usage Attribute holds offset (relative to chip MMIO origin) to program into chip address range field of BAR -- RA bits 22:31 (excludes system/memory select/group/chip fields) uint64 ATTR_MAX_INTERLEAVE_GROUP_SIZE TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM The physical capacity of each msel region is 4_TB without extended addressing. This attribute defines the maximum addressable space to be used within each msel, which may be lower than the physical capacity. uint64 ATTR_MEM_MIRROR_PLACEMENT_POLICY TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Define placement policy/scheme for non-mirrored/mirrored memory layout NORMAL = non-mirrored start: 0, mirrored start: 1024TB FLIPPED = mirrored start: 0, non-mirrored start: 512TB Set by platform. Used by mss_eff_grouping. uint8 NORMAL = 0x0, FLIPPED = 0x1 ATTR_PROC_MEM_BASES TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP The address where each memory group starts in the non-mirrored memory groups stack. This address is determined by the memory grouping process based on the sizes of the memory groups formed in each processor. Set by p9_mss_eff_grouping. uint64 8 ATTR_PROC_MEM_SIZES TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP The memory size of each non-mirrored memory group in the non-mirrored memory groups stack. This size is determined by the memory grouping process based on the amount of memory behind the ports that are grouped together. Set by p9_mss_eff_grouping. uint64 8 ATTR_PROC_MIRROR_BASES TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP The address where each memory group starts in the mirrored memory groups stack. This address is determined by the memory grouping process based on the sizes of the memory groups formed in each processor. Set by p9_mss_eff_grouping. uint64 4 ATTR_PROC_MIRROR_SIZES TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP The memory size of each memory group in the mirrored memory groups stack. This size is determined by the memory grouping process based on the amount of memory behind the ports that are grouped together. Set by p9_mss_eff_grouping. uint64 4 ATTR_MSS_INTERLEAVE_ENABLE TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Used in the setting of groups. It is a bit vector. If the value BITWISE_AND 0x01 = 0x01 then groups of 1 are enabled, if the value BITWISE_AND 0x02 = 0x02, then groups of 2 are possible, if the value BITWISE_AND 0x04 = 0x04, then group of 3 are possible, if the value BITWISE_AND 0x08 = 0x08, then groups of 4 are possible, if the value BITWISE_AND 0x20 = 0x20, then groups of 6 are possible, if the value BITWISE_AND 0x80 = 0x80, then groups of 8 are possible. If no groups can formed according to this input, then an error will be thrown. Provided by the MRW uint8 ATTR_MSS_INTERLEAVE_GRANULARITY TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Determines the stride covered by each granule in an interleaving group. The default stride -- 128B -- is the only value intended for production FW use. All other combinations are for experimental performance evaluation. Regardless of this attribute value, groups of size 1, 3, and 6 will be forced to 128B stride based on the logic capabilities. uint8 128_B = 0x00, 256_B = 0x01, 512_B = 0x02, 1_KB = 0x03, 2_KB = 0x04, 4_KB = 0x05, 8_KB = 0x06, 16_KB = 0x07, 32_KB = 0x08 ATTR_MSS_MEM_MC_IN_GROUP TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP An 8 bit vector that would be a designation of which MC (Nimbus MCA or Cumulus MI) are involved in the group. So the bits would represent Nimbus Cumulus Bit 0 MCA0 MI0 Bit 1 MCA1 MI1 ..... Bit 7 MCA7 MI7 Set by p9_mss_eff_grouping uint8 8 ATTR_MSS_MCS_GROUP_32 TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP creator:- mss_eff_grouping consumer:- mss_setup_bars Data Structure from eff grouping to setup bars to help determine different groups Non-Mirroring array[0-7] [0.20]: 0-- Port size; 1-- No of ports in group; 2-- Total group size of non-mirroring; 3-- Base address; 4-11-- PortID number in group; 12-- Alt Memory valid(0); 13-- Alt Memory valid (1); 14-- Alt Group size (0); 15-- Alt Group size(1); 16-- Alt Base address (0); 17-- Alt Base address (1); 18-- SMF Memory Valid 19-- SMF Group Size (size[22:35] in lower bits) 20-- SMF Base Address (addr[22:35] in lower bits) Mirroring array[8-15] [0:20]: 0-- Port size; 1-- No of ports in group; 2-- Total group size of mirroring; 3-- Base address; 4-11-- PortID number; 12-- Alt Memory valid(0); 13-- Alt Memory valid (1); 14-- Alt Group size (0); 15-- Alt Group size(1); 16-- Alt Base address (0); 17-- Alt Base address (1); 18-- SMF Memory Valid 19-- SMF Group Size (size[22:35] in lower bits) 20-- SMF Base Address (addr[22:35] in lower bits) Measured in GB uint32 16,21 ATTR_MSS_MEM_IPL_COMPLETE TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP Creator:- mss_setup_bars A numerical number indicating if the memory procedures are complete. written by mss_setup_bars when the bars are now functional in the processor. uint8 ATTR_MRW_HW_MIRRORING_ENABLE TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM REQUIRED/TRUE: HW mirroring is enabled, and all channels are required to be part of a mirrored group. REQUESTED : HW mirroring is enabled. Mirroring will be configured for groups which support it, but not all channels are required to be mirrored. FALSE : HW mirroring is disabled. Provided by the MRW. uint8 FALSE = 0, TRUE = 1, REQUESTED = 2 ATTR_PROC_NHTM_BAR_BASE_ADDR TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP The base address where the NHTM traces start. They are calculated based on the NHTM trace size requested by user. This address in memory will be the location where NHTM0/1 traces are output. Set by p9_mss_eff_grouping. Used by p9_setup_bars and p9_htm_setup. uint64 ATTR_PROC_NHTM_BAR_SIZE TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP The amount of memory a user can reserve to store NHTM traces. This amount will be used to store both NHTM0 and NHTM1 traces. Used by p9_mss_eff_grouping. uint64 256_GB = 0x0000004000000000, 128_GB = 0x0000002000000000, 64_GB = 0x0000001000000000, 32_GB = 0x0000000800000000, 16_GB = 0x0000000400000000, 8_GB = 0x0000000200000000, 4_GB = 0x0000000100000000, 2_GB = 0x0000000080000000, 1_GB = 0x0000000040000000, 512_MB = 0x0000000020000000, 256_MB = 0x0000000010000000, 128_MB = 0x0000000008000000, 64_MB = 0x0000000004000000, 32_MB = 0x0000000002000000, 16_MB = 0x0000000001000000, ZERO = 0x0000000000000000 ATTR_PROC_CHTM_BAR_BASE_ADDR TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP The base addresses where the CHTM traces start. They are calculated based on the CHTM trace sizes requested by users. There are 24 different CHTM regions, thus 24 different sizes. Each region is to store HTM trace for a core. Set by p9_mss_eff_grouping. Used by p9_setup_bars. uint64 24 ATTR_PROC_CHTM_BAR_SIZES TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP The amount of memory a user can reserve to store CHTM traces. There are 24 cores, thus 24 different sizes. Used by p9_mss_eff_grouping. uint64 256_GB = 0x0000004000000000, 128_GB = 0x0000002000000000, 64_GB = 0x0000001000000000, 32_GB = 0x0000000800000000, 16_GB = 0x0000000400000000, 8_GB = 0x0000000200000000, 4_GB = 0x0000000100000000, 2_GB = 0x0000000080000000, 1_GB = 0x0000000040000000, 512_MB = 0x0000000020000000, 256_MB = 0x0000000010000000, 128_MB = 0x0000000008000000, 64_MB = 0x0000000004000000, 32_MB = 0x0000000002000000, 16_MB = 0x0000000001000000, ZERO = 0x0000000000000000 24 ATTR_PROC_SMF_BAR_BASE_ADDR TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP The base address where the SMF bar starts.It is calculated based on the SMF size requested by users. Set by p9_mss_eff_grouping. uint64 ATTR_PROC_SMF_BAR_SIZE TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP The total amount of memory a user has requested to reserve for secure memory functions. Minimum requirement of 256MB. Used by p9_mss_eff_grouping. uint64 256_GB = 0x0000004000000000, 128_GB = 0x0000002000000000, 64_GB = 0x0000001000000000, 32_GB = 0x0000000800000000, 16_GB = 0x0000000400000000, 8_GB = 0x0000000200000000, 4_GB = 0x0000000100000000, 2_GB = 0x0000000080000000, 1_GB = 0x0000000040000000, 512_MB = 0x0000000020000000, 256_MB = 0x0000000010000000, ZERO = 0x0000000000000000 ATTR_SMF_CONFIG TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Controls the enabling and disabling of smf. Used by unit initfiles, p9_mss_eff_grouping. uint8 DISABLED = 0x00, ENABLED = 0x01 ATTR_SMF_ENABLED TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM True if smf config is enabled and smf is supported in the chip ec level. Set by p9_mss_eff_grouping. uint8 FALSE = 0x00, TRUE = 0x01 ATTR_PROC_OCC_SANDBOX_BASE_ADDR TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP The base address where the OCC sandbox starts. It is calculated based on the OCC sandbox size requested by users. Set by p9_mss_eff_grouping. uint64 ATTR_PROC_OCC_SANDBOX_SIZE TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP The amount of memory a user can reserve to store OCC sandbox functions. Used by p9_mss_eff_grouping. uint64 256_GB = 0x0000004000000000, 128_GB = 0x0000002000000000, 64_GB = 0x0000001000000000, 32_GB = 0x0000000800000000, 16_GB = 0x0000000400000000, 8_GB = 0x0000000200000000, 4_GB = 0x0000000100000000, 2_GB = 0x0000000080000000, 1_GB = 0x0000000040000000, 512_MB = 0x0000000020000000, 256_MB = 0x0000000010000000, 128_MB = 0x0000000008000000, 64_MB = 0x0000000004000000, 32_MB = 0x0000000002000000, 16_MB = 0x0000000001000000, ZERO = 0x0000000000000000 ATTR_PROC_MEM_BASES_ACK TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP The actual non-mirrored base addresses of the groups formed by the memory grouping process. These values correspond to the BAR programming and would be acknowleged on the fabric. Set by p9_mss_eff_grouping. Used by p9_setup_bars. uint64 8 ATTR_PROC_MEM_SIZES_ACK TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP The actual non-mirrored memory sizes of the groups formed by the memory grouping process. These values correspond to the BAR programming. Set by p9_mss_eff_grouping. Used by p9_setup_bars. uint64 8 ATTR_PROC_MIRROR_BASES_ACK TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP The actual mirrored base addresses of the groups formed by the memory grouping process. These values correspond to the BAR programming and would be acknowleged on the fabric. Set by p9_mss_eff_grouping. Used by p9_setup_bars. uint64 4 ATTR_PROC_MIRROR_SIZES_ACK TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP The actual mirrored memory sizes of the groups formed by the memory grouping process. These values correspond to the BAR programming. Set by p9_mss_eff_grouping. Used by p9_setup_bars. uint64 4 ATTR_HTM_QUEUES TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP The number of HTM queues to be reserved for each port in order to improve HTM trace performance. This number is calculated in memory grouping process when the HTM trace spaces are determined. Set by p9_mss_eff_grouping. Used by p9_htm_setup. uint8 8 ATTR_ENABLE_MEM_EARLY_DATA_SCOM TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM Enable early data from Memory. This also enable cp_me from L3. uint8 OFF = 0x0, ON = 0x1