# IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/build/sbeOpDistribute.py $ # # OpenPOWER sbe Project # # Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2017,2018 # [+] International Business Machines Corp. # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG import os import sys import getopt CHIPID = 'p9n' p9n_EC = {'21':'DD2', '22':'DD2', '23':'DD2'} def usage(): print "usage:sbeOpDistribute.py [--sbe_binary_dir] [--img_dir] " def run_system_cmd(cmd): print 'Cmd:<'+cmd+'>' if(os.system(cmd)): print "ERROR running cmd:<"+cmd+">" exit(1) def main(argv): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "", ['sbe_binary_dir=', 'img_dir=', 'buildSbePart=', 'hw_ref_image=', 'sbe_binary_filename=', 'scratch_dir=', 'install', 'help']) except getopt.GetoptError as err: print str(err) usage() exit(1) # Default values mode = "MAKE" sbe_binary_dir = '' img_dir = '' buildSbePart = '' hw_ref_image = '' sbe_binary_filename = '' scratch_dir = '' sbe_out_name = '' if len(opts)<2: usage() exit(1) # Parse the command line arguments for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '--help': usage() exit(1) elif opt == '--install': mode = "INSTALL" elif opt == '--sbe_binary_dir': sbe_binary_dir = str(arg) elif opt == '--img_dir': img_dir = str(arg) assert os.path.exists(arg), "Did not find the file at,"+str(arg) elif opt == '--buildSbePart': buildSbePart = str(arg) assert os.path.exists(arg), "Did not find the file at,"+str(arg) elif opt == '--hw_ref_image': hw_ref_image = str(arg) assert os.path.exists(arg), "Did not find the file at,"+str(arg) elif opt == '--sbe_binary_filename': sbe_binary_filename = str(arg) sbe_out_name = sbe_binary_filename.split(".ecc")[0] elif opt == '--scratch_dir': scratch_dir = str(arg) assert os.path.exists(arg), "Did not find the file at,"+str(arg) SEEPROM_IMAGE = 'sbe_seeprom.bin' SEEPROM_HDR_BIN = 'sbe_seeprom.hdr.bin' if (mode == "MAKE"): # Create binaries folder run_system_cmd('mkdir -p '+sbe_binary_dir) for ecLevel, ddLevel in p9n_EC.items(): # Copy sbe raw binary to binaries folder run_system_cmd('cp '+img_dir+'/'+'sbe_seeprom_'+ddLevel+'.bin'+' '+sbe_binary_dir+'/'+CHIPID+'_'+ecLevel+'.'+SEEPROM_IMAGE) elif (mode == "INSTALL"): ec_build_sbe_cmd = '' for ecLevel, ddLevel in p9n_EC.items(): basename = CHIPID+'_'+ecLevel+'.sbe_seeprom' ec_build_sbe_cmd += ' --ecImg_'+ecLevel+' '+scratch_dir+'/'+basename+'.hdr.bin' # Copy sbe raw binary to scratch folder run_system_cmd('cp '+sbe_binary_dir+'/'+basename+'.bin'+' '+scratch_dir+'/'+basename+'.bin') # Add HW ref image run_system_cmd('p9_ipl_build '+scratch_dir+'/'+basename+'.bin '+hw_ref_image+' 0x'+ecLevel) #add pnor header run_system_cmd("env echo -en VERSION\\\\0 > "+scratch_dir+"/"+basename+".sha.bin") run_system_cmd("sha512sum "+scratch_dir+"/"+basename+".bin | awk '{print $1}' | xxd -pr -r >> "+scratch_dir+"/"+basename+".sha.bin") run_system_cmd("dd if="+scratch_dir+"/"+basename+".sha.bin of="+scratch_dir+"/"+basename+".hdr.bin ibs=4k conv=sync") run_system_cmd("cat "+scratch_dir+"/"+basename+".bin >> "+scratch_dir+"/"+basename+".hdr.bin") # buildSbePart.pl run_system_cmd(buildSbePart+" --sbeOutBin "+scratch_dir+"/"+sbe_out_name+ec_build_sbe_cmd) run_system_cmd("ecc --inject "+scratch_dir+"/"+sbe_out_name+" --output "+scratch_dir+"/"+sbe_out_name+".ecc --p8") if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)