//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // *! (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 2014 // *! All Rights Reserved -- Property of IBM // *! *** IBM Confidential *** //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \file sample_main.c /// \brief Sample program that creates and starts a thread /// /// This file demonstrates how to create a thread and run it. It also provides /// an example of how to add traces to the code. #include //#include #include extern "C" { #include "pk.h" #include "pk_trace.h" //#include "pk_trace_wrap.h" //#include "common_scom_addresses.H" //#include "p9_sbe_perv.H" #include "p9_hcd_cache.H" #include "p9_hcd_core.H" #include "proc_sbe_fixed.H" #include "trac_interface.h" } namespace fapi2attr { extern ProcChipAttributes_t G_proc_chip_attributes asm("G_proc_chip_attributes") __attribute__ ((section (".fixed"))); extern PervAttributes_t G_perv_attributes asm("G_perv_attributes") __attribute__ ((section (".fixed"))); extern CoreAttributes_t G_core_attributes asm("G_core_attributes") __attribute__ ((section (".fixed"))); extern EQAttributes_t G_eq_attributes asm("G_eq_attributes") __attribute__ ((section (".fixed"))); extern EXAttributes_t G_ex_attributes asm("G_ex_attributes") __attribute__ ((section (".fixed"))); } extern "C" { #define KERNEL_STACK_SIZE 256 #define MAIN_THREAD_STACK_SIZE 256 // Necessary Kernel Structures uint8_t G_kernel_stack[KERNEL_STACK_SIZE]; uint8_t G_main_thread_stack[MAIN_THREAD_STACK_SIZE]; PkThread G_main_thread; fapi2attr::ProcChipAttributes_t* G_proc_chip_attributes_ptr ; fapi2attr::PervAttributes_t* G_perv_attributes_ptr; fapi2attr::CoreAttributes_t* G_core_attributes_ptr; fapi2attr::EQAttributes_t* G_eq_attributes_ptr; fapi2attr::EXAttributes_t* G_ex_attributes_ptr; fapi2::ReturnCode hwp_chip_present(const fapi2::Target & i_target); fapi2::ReturnCode hwp_chip_functional(const fapi2::Target & i_target); fapi2::ReturnCode hwp_chip2(const fapi2::Target & i_target); fapi2::ReturnCode hwp_core(const fapi2::Target & i_target); fapi2::ReturnCode hwp_eq(const fapi2::Target & i_target); fapi2::ReturnCode hwp_perv(const fapi2::Target & i_target); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void main_thread(void* arg) { // This is workaround. Currently we do not have code to initialise // global objects. So initializing global objects against using local // initialized object FAPI_DBG("Workaround temporary allocation of Global Vector"); std::vector targets1; G_vec_targets = std::move(targets1); // Establish the pointer to the global attributes G_proc_chip_attributes_ptr = &G_proc_chip_attributes; // Intialize the targets fapi2::plat_TargetsInit(); // Get a specific target fapi2::Targetchip_target_new = fapi2::plat_getChipTarget(); FAPI_DBG("chip_target_new = 0x%08X", (uint32_t)(chip_target_new.get()>>32)); // FAPI_TRY(hwp_chip_present(chip_target_new)); FAPI_TRY(hwp_chip_functional(chip_target_new)); FAPI_TRY(hwp_chip2(chip_target_new)); /// #ifndef __noRC__ // PIB Errors are masked for platforms like SBE where // explict error code checking is to occur fapi2::setPIBErrorMask(0b11111111); #else // PIB Errors are unmaskd for platforms that desire to take machine // check interrupts fapi2::setPIBErrorMask(0b00000000); #endif // FAPI_TRY(hwp_chip(chip_target_new)); // FAPI_TRY(p9_sbe_attr_setup(chip_target)); // FAPI_TRY(p9_sbe_check_master(chip_target)); // FAPI_TRY(p9_sbe_setup_evid(chip_target)); fapi_try_exit: return; } // A Chip try fapi2::ReturnCode hwp_chip_present(const fapi2::Target & i_target) { FAPI_DBG("i_target = 0x%08X", (uint32_t)(i_target.get()>>32)); auto l_perv_present_vector = i_target.getChildren (fapi2::TARGET_STATE_PRESENT); // Get the TPChiplet target uint32_t i = 0; for (auto it: l_perv_present_vector) { FAPI_DBG("Perv Present Target %u value=%08X chiplet %02X", i, (uint32_t)(it.get()>>32), (uint32_t)(it.getChipletNumber())); ++i; } auto l_core_present_vector = i_target.getChildren (fapi2::TARGET_STATE_PRESENT); // Get the Core Chiplet targets uint32_t j = 0; for (auto it: l_core_present_vector) { FAPI_DBG("Core Present Target %u value=%08X chiplet %02X", j, (uint32_t)(it.get()>>32), (uint32_t)(it.getChipletNumber())); ++j; } fapi2::buffer data = 0; const uint32_t address = 0x0006d010; FAPI_INF("hwp_chip %u", address); uint64_t databuffer; getscom_abs(address, &databuffer); databuffer = 0xDEAD000000000000ull; putscom_abs(address, databuffer); data = 0xBADC0DE800000000ull; FAPI_TRY(fapi2::putScom(i_target, address, data)); FAPI_TRY(fapi2::getScom(i_target, address, data)); // FAPI_DBG("The First getSCOM: data = %016llX", revle64(data)); data.setBit<0, 16>(); FAPI_TRY(fapi2::putScom(i_target, 0x0006d010, data)); return fapi2::FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS; fapi_try_exit: return fapi2::FAPI2_RC_PLAT_ERR_SEE_DATA; } // A Chip try fapi2::ReturnCode hwp_chip_functional(const fapi2::Target & i_target) { FAPI_DBG("i_target = 0x%08X", (uint32_t)(i_target.get()>>32)); auto l_perv_functional_vector = i_target.getChildren (fapi2::TARGET_STATE_FUNCTIONAL); // Get the TPChiplet target uint32_t i = 0; for (auto it: l_perv_functional_vector) { FAPI_DBG("Perv Functional Target %u value=%08X chiplet %02X", i, (uint32_t)(it.get()>>32), (uint32_t)(it.getChipletNumber())); ++i; } auto l_core_functional_vector = i_target.getChildren (fapi2::TARGET_STATE_FUNCTIONAL); // Get the Core Chiplet targets uint32_t j = 0; for (auto it: l_core_functional_vector) { FAPI_DBG("Core Functional Target %u value=%08X chiplet %02X", j, (uint32_t)(it.get()>>32), (uint32_t)(it.getChipletNumber())); ++j; } return fapi2::FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS; fapi_try_exit: return fapi2::FAPI2_RC_PLAT_ERR_SEE_DATA; } // A Chip try fapi2::ReturnCode hwp_chip2(const fapi2::Target & i_target) { FAPI_DBG("i_target = 0x%08X", (uint32_t)(i_target.get()>>32)); auto l_eq_functional_vector = i_target.getChildren (fapi2::TARGET_STATE_PRESENT); // Get the EQ Chiplet target uint32_t k = 0; for (auto it: l_eq_functional_vector) { FAPI_DBG("EQ Functional Target %u value=%08X chiplet %02X", k, (uint32_t)(it.get()>>32), (uint32_t)(it.getChipletNumber())); ++k; } auto l_mcs_functional_vector = i_target.getChildren (fapi2::TARGET_STATE_PRESENT); // Get the MCS Chiplet target uint32_t m = 0; for (auto it: l_mcs_functional_vector) { FAPI_DBG("MCS Functional Target %u value=%08X chiplet %02X", m, (uint32_t)(it.get()>>32), (uint32_t)(it.getChipletNumber())); ++m; } return fapi2::FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS; fapi_try_exit: return fapi2::FAPI2_RC_PLAT_ERR_SEE_DATA; } // A Core try fapi2::ReturnCode hwp_core(const fapi2::Target & i_target) { // Temporary target that pulls out only the chiplet overly. This keeps // from having to compute this for each SCOM operation. // fapi2::Target iv_target (i_target.getAddressOverlay()); fapi2::buffer data = 0; fapi2::buffer mask; uint32_t address = 0x200F5678; FAPI_TRY(fapi2::getScom(i_target, address, data)); FAPI_TRY(fapi2::putScom(i_target, 0x20006789, data)); data = 0xBADC0DEBADC0DEBAull; FAPI_TRY(fapi2::putScom(i_target, 0x0000AAAA, data)); FAPI_TRY(fapi2::getScom(i_target, address, data)); FAPI_TRY(fapi2::modifyScom(i_target, address, data, fapi2::CHIP_OP_MODIFY_MODE_OR)); mask = BITS(4,4); FAPI_TRY(fapi2::putScomUnderMask(i_target, address, data, mask)); return fapi2::FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS; fapi_try_exit: return fapi2::FAPI2_RC_PLAT_ERR_SEE_DATA; } // An EQ try fapi2::ReturnCode hwp_eq(const fapi2::Target & i_target) { fapi2::buffer data = 0; uint64_t address = 0x1000F2222; FAPI_TRY(fapi2::getScom(i_target, address, data)); FAPI_TRY(fapi2::putScom(i_target, 0x10006789, data)); data = 0xDEADBEEFDEADBEEFull; FAPI_TRY(fapi2::putScom(i_target, 0x1000ABCD, data)); return fapi2::FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS; fapi_try_exit: return fapi2::FAPI2_RC_PLAT_ERR_SEE_DATA; } // A Perv try fapi2::ReturnCode hwp_perv(const fapi2::Target & i_target) { fapi2::buffer data = 0;; uint64_t address = 0x00005678; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) { FAPI_TRY(fapi2::getScom(i_target, address+i, data)); data.setBit<4>(); FAPI_TRY(fapi2::putScom(i_target, address+i, data)); data = 0xDEADBEEFDEADBEEFull; FAPI_TRY(fapi2::putScom(i_target, address+(2*i), data)); } return fapi2::FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS; fapi_try_exit: return fapi2::FAPI2_RC_PLAT_ERR_SEE_DATA; } // The main function is called by the boot code (after initializing some // registers) int main(int argc, char **argv) { // initializes kernel data (stack, threads, timebase, timers, etc.) pk_initialize((PkAddress)G_kernel_stack, KERNEL_STACK_SIZE, 0, 500000000); PK_TRACE("Kernel init completed"); //Initialize the thread control block for G_main_thread pk_thread_create(&G_main_thread, (PkThreadRoutine)main_thread, (void*)NULL, (PkAddress)G_main_thread_stack, (size_t)MAIN_THREAD_STACK_SIZE, (PkThreadPriority)1); PK_TRACE_BIN("G_main_thread", &G_main_thread, sizeof(G_main_thread)); //Make G_main_thread runnable pk_thread_resume(&G_main_thread); PK_TRACE("Starting thread(s)"); // Start running the highest priority thread. // This function never returns pk_start_threads(); return 0; } } // extern C