path: root/src/build
diff options
authorspashabk-in <>2017-05-24 07:49:44 -0500
committerSachin Gupta <>2017-09-11 23:44:37 -0400
commit4a86fb478abe5c9c38b74711a0aed0be5373eeba (patch)
treebfa2fab292b6f517061994f1033437f0b44585e4 /src/build
parent8d90ab20978f12fe867f68b0c3615afbb0f046d1 (diff)
[Whitelist/Blacklist] - table generation
Tables generation implemented Change-Id: I35f33847a7c24d5ea623837ca0944a5b90f3454d RTC: 174252 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Server <> Tested-by: FSP CI Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: RAJA DAS <> Reviewed-by: Sachin Gupta <> Reviewed-by: AMIT J. TENDOLKAR <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/build')
1 files changed, 590 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/build/security/ b/src/build/security/
index 04a2103f..8006bea0 100644
--- a/src/build/security/
+++ b/src/build/security/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
# OpenPOWER sbe Project
# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2017
+# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
@@ -21,4 +22,592 @@
# permissions and limitations under the License.
-print "Hello World"
+import getopt
+import sys
+import os
+import csv
+# Exit codes
+SECURITY_LIST = "p9_security_white_black_list.csv"
+DEBUG = False
+VERBOSE = False
+GEN_FILE = "sbeSecurityGen.H"
+# csv tags
+TAG_BASE_ADDR = 'Base Address'
+TAG_CHIPLET = 'Chiplet'
+TAG_CHIPLET_RANGE = 'Chiplet Id - range'
+TAG_VERSION = 'Version'
+TAG_TYPE = 'Type'
+TAG_NAME_WHITELIST = 'write_whitelist'
+TAG_NAME_BLACKLIST = 'read_blacklist'
+def usage():
+ print "usage: [-h] [-f <security_list_path>] [-0 <output directory] [i] [-d] [-v]\n\
+-h, --help show this help message and exit\n\
+-f, --file path to the security list csv file\n\
+-o, --output output directory\n\
+-w, --whitelist print whitelist read from csv\n\
+-b, --blacklist print blacklist read from csv\n\
+-i, --info get version info of the security list\n\
+-d, --debug enable debug traces\n\
+-v, --verbose enable verbose traces"
+def exit(error, msg = ''):
+ if(error == SUCCESS):
+ return 0
+ elif(error == INVALID_USAGE):
+ print msg
+ usage()
+ elif(error == PRINT_AND_EXIT):
+ print msg
+ else:
+ if(DEBUG):
+ print "unknown error:exiting"
+ sys.exit()
+def remove_duplicates(xlist):
+ xlist = list(set(xlist))
+ return xlist
+def remove_zeroes(list):
+ out_list = []
+ for a in list:
+ if not a == 0x00:
+ out_list += [a]
+ return out_list
+def gen_file(whitelist_tables, blacklist_tables):
+ global GEN_FILE
+ header = ("#ifndef __SBE_SECURITY_GEN_H\n"+
+ "#define __SBE_SECURITY_GEN_H\n\n"+
+ "#include \"sbeSecurity.H\"\n\n"+
+ "using namespace SBE_SECURITY;\n\n")
+ tables = (('WHITELIST', 'whitelist', whitelist_tables),
+ ('BLACKLIST', 'blacklist', blacklist_tables))
+ body = ''
+ for namespace, tablename, table in tables:
+ body += ("""
+namespace """+namespace+"""
+ /*
+ table 1:
+ keys = unique 2byte - formed as (start | end) of
+ the ranges in bit 0-7 of the 32-bit address
+ values = running count of the paths to table2
+ for example - if ranges are 0x20-0x37, 0x01-0x01, 0x10-0x17 and has
+ 1, 2 and 3 paths respectively to table 2
+ then table 1 will have 0x2037 = 01, 0x0101 = 3, 0x1017 = 7
+ 1 byte for running count - we are good with uint8_t till the
+ total paths are less than 256
+ */
+ map_t< range_t<uint16_t, uint8_t>, uint8_t > _t1[] = {
+ // length of the table = """+s_list_len(table[0])+"""
+"""+s_table1_gen(tablename, table[0])+"""
+ };
+ /*
+ table 2
+ keys = unique 1 byte numbers having same prefix for each
+ range in table 1 key - bit 8-15 from a 32-bit address
+ values = running count of paths from each of the keys
+ for example - if element a has 1 path, b has 0 and c has 3 paths
+ then table 1 will have a = 1, b = 1, c = 4
+ 1 byte for key
+ 1 byte for number of paths
+ We are good with uint8_t,
+ till the number of paths to table 3 from each key is less than 256
+ */
+ map_t< uint8_t, uint8_t > _t2[] = {
+ // length of the table = """+s_list_len(table[1])+"""
+"""+s_table2_gen(tablename, table[1])+"""
+ };
+ /*
+ table 3
+ values = 2 byte value bit 16-31 of the 32-bit address
+ */
+ uint16_t _t3[] = {
+ // length of the table = """+s_list_len(table[2])+"""
+"""+s_table3_gen(tablename, table[2])+"""
+ };
+ table< map_t< range_t<uint16_t, uint8_t>, uint8_t > > t1 =
+ {sizeof(_t1)/sizeof(uint8_t), 0xFF000000, _t1};
+ table< map_t< uint8_t, uint8_t > > t2 =
+ {sizeof(_t2)/sizeof(uint16_t), 0x00FF0000, _t2};
+ table<uint16_t> t3 = {sizeof(_t3)/sizeof(uint16_t), 0x0000FFFF, _t3};
+ bool isPresent(uint32_t i_addr)
+ {
+ return SBE_SECURITY::_is_present
+ < uint16_t, uint8_t, uint8_t,
+ uint8_t, uint8_t,
+ uint16_t>
+ (t1, t2, t3, i_addr);
+ }
+ footer = "\n#endif //__SBE_SECURITY_GEN_H"
+ with open(GEN_FILE, 'w') as o_f:
+ o_f.write(header)
+ o_f.write(body)
+ o_f.write(footer)
+Functions related to address translation
+def get_chiplet(addr):
+ chiplet = (addr & 0xFF000000) >> 24
+ return chiplet
+def set_chiplet(addr, chiplet):
+ rAddr = ((addr & 0x00FFFFFF) | (chiplet << 24)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
+ return rAddr
+def get_ring(addr):
+ ring = (addr & 0x00003C00) >> 10
+ return ring
+def set_ring(addr, ring):
+ rAddr = ((addr & 0xFFFFC3FF) | (ring << 10)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
+ return rAddr
+def get_satId(addr):
+ satId = (addr & 0x000003C0) >> 6
+ return satId
+def set_satId(addr, satId):
+ rAddr = ((addr & 0xFFFFFC3F) | (satId << 6)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
+ return rAddr
+def get_effective_address(chiplet, list):
+ base_chiplet = ((list[0] & 0xFF000000) >> 24)
+ base_chiplet_type = ''
+ if((base_chiplet >= EQ_CHIPLET_OFFSET) and
+ (base_chiplet < (EQ_CHIPLET_OFFSET+EQ_TARGET_COUNT))):
+ base_chiplet_type = 'EQ'
+ elif((base_chiplet >= CORE_CHIPLET_OFFSET) and
+ base_chiplet_type = 'CORE'
+ effective_addr_list = []
+ for addr in list:
+ if(chiplet == 'EX'):
+ chiplet_id = get_chiplet(addr)
+ instance = (chiplet_id - CORE_CHIPLET_OFFSET) / CORES_PER_EX
+ if(base_chiplet_type == 'EQ'):
+ # Chiplet num is already embedded;
+ # Add both even and odd EX under each EQ
+ # effective ring
+ ring = get_ring(addr)
+ ring = (ring - (ring % 2)) + 0
+ effective_addr_list += [set_ring(addr, ring)]
+ ring = (ring - (ring % 2)) + 1
+ effective_addr_list += [set_ring(addr, ring)]
+ elif(base_chiplet_type == 'CORE'):
+ # get EX associated with each core,
+ # duplicates would be removed later
+ chiplet_id = (CORE_CHIPLET_OFFSET + (chiplet_id % 2) +
+ (instance * 2))
+ effective_addr_list += [set_chiplet(addr, chiplet_id)]
+ else:
+ exit(PRINT_AND_EXIT, "Invalid chiplet id for EX chiplet type")
+# MCS and PHB targets are not being used as of now
+# elif(chiplet == 'MCS' or chiplet == 'MI'):
+# chiplet_id = get_chiplet(addr)
+# instance = chiplet_id - MCS_TARGET_OFFSET
+# # Chiplet num is already embedded
+# # set satellite id
+# satId = (2 * (instance % 2))
+# effective_addr_list += [set_satId(addr, satId)]
+# elif(chiplet == 'PHB'):
+# chiplet_id = get_chiplet(addr)
+# instance = chiplet_id - PHB_TARGET_OFFSET
+# satId = get_satId(addr)
+# if(base_chiplet_type == 'N2'):
+# if(instance == 0):
+# addr = set_ring(addr, 0x3)
+# satId = 1 if (satId < 4) else 4
+# else:
+# add = set_ring((0x3 + (instance / 3) + 1) & 0xF)
+# satId = ((1 if (satId < 4) else 4) +
+# (0 if (instance % 2) else 1) +
+# (2 * (instance / 5)))
+# else:
+# if(instance == 0):
+# satId = 1 if (satId < 4) else 4
+# else:
+# satId = ((1 if (satId < 4) else 4) +
+# (0 if (instance % 2) else 1) +
+# (2 * (instance / 5)))
+# effective_addr_list += [set_satId(addr, satId)]
+ else:
+ effective_addr_list += [addr]
+ return effective_addr_list
+def s_list_hex(prefix, list, num_chars):
+ fmt_string = '0x%0'+str(num_chars)+'x'
+ return prefix+str([fmt_string % ele for ele in list])
+def s_list_len(list):
+ return str(len(list))
+def get_tables(id, list):
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------#
+ # Step 1: [register list] #
+ # || #
+ # \/ #
+ # {base_address1 : [chiplet range1, chiplet range2]} #
+ #..................................................................#
+ # || #
+ # \/ #
+ # {ABCDEF : [0102, 0405], UVWXYZ : [1011]} #
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------#
+ table_base_to_range = {}
+ # get a list of unique base addressess
+ base_addr = [ele & 0x00FFFFFF for ele in list]
+ base_addr = remove_duplicates(base_addr)
+ # for each base address, find the chiplet ranges
+ table1_range_keys = []
+ for base_ele in base_addr:
+ # get a list of chiplet ids for the base address
+ ele_list = []
+ for list_ele in list:
+ if((list_ele & 0x00FFFFFF) == base_ele):
+ ele_list += [(list_ele & 0xFF000000) >> 24]
+ ele_list = remove_duplicates(ele_list)
+ ele_list.sort()
+ # prepare a list of unique ranges
+ range_val = [ele_list[0]<<8 | ele_list[0]]
+ for ele_list_ele in ele_list:
+ # each consecutive number found expands the existing range
+ # and the non consecutive number adds a new range
+ if(ele_list_ele == (range_val[-1]&0xFF)+1):
+ range_val[-1] = (range_val[-1] & 0xFF00) | ele_list_ele
+ elif(ele_list_ele != (range_val[-1]&0xFF00 >> 8)):
+ range_val += [ele_list_ele<<8 | ele_list_ele]
+ table_base_to_range[base_ele] = range_val
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------#
+ # Step 2: {base_address1 : [chiplet range1, chiplet range2]} #
+ # || #
+ # \/ #
+ # {chiplet range1 : [base_address1, base_address2]} #
+ #..................................................................#
+ # Eg: {ABCDEF : [0102, 0405], UVWXYZ : [0405, 1020]} #
+ # || #
+ # \/ #
+ # {0102 : [ABCDEF], 0405 : [ABCDEF, UVWXYZ], 1020 : [UVWXYZ]} #
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------#
+ table_range_to_base = {}
+ # get unique ranges
+ for key, values in table_base_to_range.items():
+ for val in values:
+ if(val not in table1_range_keys):
+ table1_range_keys += [val]
+ # for each range find the base addressess
+ for range_ele in table1_range_keys:
+ table_range_to_base[range_ele] = []
+ for key, values in table_base_to_range.items():
+ if(range_ele in values):
+ table_range_to_base[range_ele] += [key]
+ table_range_to_base[range_ele] = remove_duplicates(table_range_to_base[range_ele])
+ table_range_to_base[range_ele].sort()
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------#
+ # Step 3: {chiplet range1 : [base_address1, base_address2]} #
+ # || #
+ # \/ #
+ # {chiplet range1 : {key1 : [base_addr1, base_Addr2]}} #
+ #..................................................................#
+ # Eg: {0102 : [ABCDEF], 0405 : [ABCDEF, UVWXYZ], 1020 : [UVWXYZ]} #
+ # || #
+ # \/ #
+ # {0102 : {AB : [CD, EF]}, #
+ # 0405 : {AB : [CD, EF], UV : [WX, YZ]}, #
+ # 1020 : {UV : [WX, YZ]}} #
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------#
+ table_range_to_key_to_base = []
+ for key, values in table_range_to_base.items():
+ # prepare a list of table 2 keys for each range
+ temp_keys = [(val & 0x00FF0000)>> 16 for val in values]
+ temp_keys = remove_duplicates(temp_keys)
+ temp_keys.sort()
+ l = []
+ for temp_key in temp_keys:
+ # for each key associated with range get a list of base addressess
+ a = []
+ for val in values:
+ if(((val & 0x00FF0000)>>16) == temp_key):
+ a += [val & 0x0000FFFF]
+ l.append((temp_key, a))
+ table_range_to_key_to_base.append((key, l))
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------#
+ # Step 4: {chiplet range1 : {key1 : [base_addr1, base_Addr2]}} #
+ # || #
+ # \/ #
+ # table1, table2, table3 #
+ #..................................................................#
+ # Eg: {0102 : {AB : [CD, EF]}, #
+ # 0405 : {AB : [CD, EF], UV : [WX, YZ]}, #
+ # 1020 : {UV : [WX, YZ]}} #
+ # || #
+ # \/ #
+ # table1: {0102 : 1, 0405 : 3, 1020 : 4} #
+ # table2: {AB : 2, AB : 4, UV : 6, UV : 8} #
+ # table3: {CD, EF, CD, EF, WX, YZ, WX, YZ} #
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------#
+ """
+ table 1:
+ keys = unique 2byte - formed as (start | end) of
+ the ranges in bit 0-7 of the 32-bit address
+ values = running count of the paths to table2
+ for example - if ranges are 0x20-0x37, 0x01-0x01, 0x10-0x17 and has
+ 1, 2 and 3 paths respectively to table 2
+ then table 1 will have 0x2037 = 01, 0x0101 = 3, 0x1017 = 7
+ 1 byte for running count - we are good with uint8_t till the
+ total paths are less than 256
+ """
+ table1 = []
+ """
+ table 2
+ keys = unique 1 byte numbers having same prefix for each
+ range in table 1 key - bit 8-15 from a 32-bit address
+ values = running count of paths from each of the keys
+ for example - if element a has 1 path, b has 0 and c has 3 paths
+ then table 1 will have a = 1, b = 1, c = 4
+ 1 byte for key
+ 1 byte for number of paths
+ We are good with uint8_t,
+ till the number of paths to table 3 from each key is less than 256
+ """
+ table2 = []
+ """
+ table 3
+ values = 2 byte value bit 16-31 of the 32-bit address
+ """
+ table3 = []
+ running_count_table1 = 0
+ running_count_table2 = 0
+ for key_m, tree in table_range_to_key_to_base:
+ running_count_table1 += len(tree)
+ table1.append((key_m, running_count_table1))
+ for key, values in tree:
+ temp_keys = values
+ temp_keys = remove_duplicates(temp_keys)
+ temp_keys.sort()
+ running_count_table2 += len(temp_keys)
+ table2.append((key, running_count_table2))
+ # table 3 values will just be the base addressess
+ # for each range and key combination in order
+ table3 += temp_keys
+ if(VERBOSE):
+ print id+" table3 keys len ["+s_list_len(table3)+"]"
+ if(VERBOSE):
+ print id,"table1:", ['0x%04x:0x%02x' % ele for ele in table1]
+ print id,"table2:", ['0x%02x:0x%02x' % ele for ele in table2]
+ print id,"table3:", ['0x%04x' % ele for ele in table3]
+ if(DEBUG):
+ print id,"table1 len ["+s_list_len(table1)+"]"
+ print id,"table2 len ["+s_list_len(table2)+"]"
+ print id+" table3 len ["+s_list_len(table3)+"]"
+ return (table1, table2, table3)
+def s_table1_gen(id, table):
+ # write table 1 string
+ str_table1 = ""
+ for i,(key, value) in enumerate(table):
+ str_table1 += '{{0x%04x}, 0x%02x}, ' % (key, value)
+ if(0 == ((i+1) % 4)):
+ str_table1 = str_table1[:-1]
+ str_table1 += '\n'
+ str_table1 = str_table1[:-1]
+ if(VERBOSE):
+ print id+" generated table1"
+ print str_table1
+ return str_table1
+def s_table2_gen(id, table):
+ # write table 2 string
+ str_table2 = ""
+ for i,(key, value) in enumerate(table):
+ str_table2 += '{0x%02x, 0x%02x}, ' % (key, value)
+ if(0 == ((i+1) % 4)):
+ str_table2 = str_table2[:-1]
+ str_table2 += '\n'
+ str_table2 = str_table2[:-1]
+ if(VERBOSE):
+ print id+" generated table2"
+ print str_table2
+ return str_table2
+def s_table3_gen(id, table):
+ # write table 3 string
+ str_table3 = ""
+ for i,value in enumerate(table):
+ str_table3 += '0x%04x, ' % (value)
+ if(0 == ((i+1) % 8)):
+ str_table3 = str_table3[:-1]
+ str_table3 += '\n'
+ str_table3 = str_table3[:-1]
+ if(VERBOSE):
+ print id+" generated table3"
+ print str_table3
+ return str_table3
+def main(argv):
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],
+ "f:o:wbidvhW:B:",
+ ['file=', 'output=', 'whitelist', 'blacklist', 'info', 'debug', 'verbose', 'help', 'wt=', 'bt='])
+ except getopt.GetoptError as err:
+ exit(INVALID_USAGE, str(err))
+ # Parse the command line arguments
+ print_info = None
+ wt = -1
+ bt = -1
+ for opt, arg in opts:
+ if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
+ elif opt in ('-d', '--debug'):
+ DEBUG = True
+ elif opt in ('-v', '--verbose'):
+ DEBUG = True
+ VERBOSE = True
+ elif opt in ('-i', '--info'):
+ print_info = "version"
+ elif opt in ('-w', '--whitelist'):
+ print_info = "whitelist"
+ elif opt in ('-b', '--blacklist'):
+ print_info = "blacklist"
+ elif opt in ('-f', '--file'):
+ assert os.path.exists(arg), "file doesn't exist at:"+str(arg)
+ SECURITY_LIST = str(arg)
+ elif opt in ('-W', '--wt'):
+ wt = int(arg)
+ print_info = "whitelist_table"
+ elif opt in ('-B', '--bt'):
+ print_info = "blacklist_table"
+ bt = int(arg)
+ elif opt in ('-o', '--output'):
+ assert os.path.exists(arg), "directory doesn't exist at:"+str(arg)
+ GEN_FILE = str(arg)+"/"+GEN_FILE
+ if(DEBUG):
+ print "file ["+str(SECURITY_LIST)+"]"
+ print "output ["+str(GEN_FILE)+"]"
+ # Read the security list file
+ version = 'unknown'
+ whitelist = []
+ blacklist = []
+ with open(SECURITY_LIST, 'rbU') as f:
+ reader = csv.DictReader(f)
+ for idx, row in enumerate(reader):
+ try:
+ if(version == 'unknown'):
+ version = row[TAG_VERSION]
+ base_addr = row[TAG_BASE_ADDR]
+ # Append 0s for numbers represented by less than 8 chars
+ base_addr = '0'*(8-len(base_addr))+base_addr
+ # Extract the least 32 bit number for base address
+ base_addr = base_addr[len(base_addr)-8:]
+ base_addr = int(base_addr, 16)
+ if(VERBOSE):
+ print "base["+'0x%08x' % base_addr + "]"
+ chiplet_range = row[TAG_CHIPLET_RANGE].split('-')
+ # Empty range field considered as error
+ if(chiplet_range[0] == ''):
+ exit(PRINT_AND_EXIT, "Missing chiplet id range")
+ if(chiplet_range[0] != '0x00'):
+ base_addr = base_addr & 0x00FFFFFF
+ chiplet_range = [int(ele, 16) for ele in chiplet_range]
+ # Expand base address with ranges
+ expanded_range = []
+ for ele in range(chiplet_range[0], chiplet_range[-1]+1):
+ expanded_range += [ele*(2**24)]
+ expanded_line = [(base_addr + ele) for ele in expanded_range]
+ expanded_line = get_effective_address(row[TAG_CHIPLET], expanded_line)
+ if(VERBOSE):
+ print s_list_hex("range:", expanded_range, 8)
+ whitelist_line = expanded_line
+ if(VERBOSE):
+ print s_list_hex("whitelist_line:", whitelist_line, 8)
+ whitelist += whitelist_line
+ blacklist_line = expanded_line
+ if(VERBOSE):
+ print s_list_hex("blacklist_line:", blacklist_line, 8)
+ blacklist += blacklist_line
+ except:
+ print "Error in line ["+str(idx+2)+"]"
+ exit(PRINT_AND_EXIT, sys.exc_info()[0])
+ whitelist = remove_duplicates(whitelist)
+ whitelist = remove_zeroes(whitelist)
+ whitelist.sort()
+ blacklist = remove_duplicates(blacklist)
+ blacklist = remove_zeroes(blacklist)
+ blacklist.sort()
+ if(print_info == 'version'):
+ exit(PRINT_AND_EXIT, "security list version ["+version+"]")
+ if(print_info == 'whitelist'):
+ exit(PRINT_AND_EXIT, s_list_hex("whitelist:", whitelist, 8))
+ if(print_info == 'blacklist'):
+ exit(PRINT_AND_EXIT, s_list_hex("blacklist:", blacklist, 8))
+ if(VERBOSE):
+ print s_list_hex("whitelist:", whitelist, 8)
+ print s_list_hex("blacklist:", blacklist, 8)
+ if(DEBUG):
+ print "security list version ["+version+"]"
+ print "Whitelist len ["+s_list_len(whitelist)+"]"
+ print "Blacklist len ["+s_list_len(blacklist)+"]"
+ whitelist_tables = get_tables("Whitelist", whitelist)
+ blacklist_tables = get_tables("Blacklist", blacklist)
+ if(print_info == 'whitelist_table'):
+ exit(PRINT_AND_EXIT, "whitelist_table["+str(wt-1)+"]" + str(whitelist_tables[wt-1]))
+ if(print_info == 'blacklist_table'):
+ exit(PRINT_AND_EXIT, "blacklist_table["+str(bt-1)+"]" + str(blacklist_tables[bt-1]))
+ # Generate output file
+ gen_file(whitelist_tables, blacklist_tables)
+ exit(SUCCESS)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main(sys.argv)
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