diff options
authorspashabk-in <>2016-12-22 03:14:02 -0600
committerAMIT J. TENDOLKAR <>2017-04-19 09:49:08 -0400
commitb1c634071cd4ba6acbf088b723aac12c2ae0d5bc (patch)
parent18b8ff9a51f84bd7186706ac9eb63c8986702d30 (diff)
PBA and ADU interface implementation
Restructuring needed for sending SBE FFDC over PBA. Change-Id: I001e808b5bf135407566ff3d55863e61398ef9a3 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Server <> Reviewed-by: RAJA DAS <> Tested-by: FSP CI Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: AMIT J. TENDOLKAR <>
6 files changed, 546 insertions, 241 deletions
diff --git a/src/sbefw/sbeMemAccessInterface.C b/src/sbefw/sbeMemAccessInterface.C
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22756164
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sbefw/sbeMemAccessInterface.C
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog. */
+/* */
+/* $Source: src/sbefw/sbeMemAccessInterface.C $ */
+/* */
+/* OpenPOWER sbe Project */
+/* */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2016,2017 */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License. */
+/* */
+#include "sbeMemAccessInterface.H"
+// Using Function pointer to force long call
+p9_adu_access_FP_t p9_adu_access_hwp = &p9_adu_access;
+p9_adu_setup_FP_t p9_adu_setup_hwp = &p9_adu_setup;
+using namespace fapi2;
+ReturnCode sbeMemAccessInterface::setup()
+ ReturnCode l_fapiRc = FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS;
+ // Reset the current granule count
+ iv_currGranule = 0;
+ SBE_INFO("iv_addr [0x%08x%08x]", SBE::higher32BWord(iv_addr), SBE::lower32BWord(iv_addr));
+ if(iv_interface == SBE_MEM_ACCESS_PBA)
+ {
+ // Call the PBA setup HWP
+ SBE_EXEC_HWP(l_fapiRc,
+ p9_pba_setup,
+ plat_getChipTarget(),
+ iv_ex,
+ iv_addr,
+ (iv_mode == SBE_MEM_ACCESS_READ),
+ ((p9_PBA_oper_flag*)iv_flags)->setFlag(),
+ iv_maxGranule);
+ }
+ if(iv_interface == SBE_MEM_ACCESS_ADU)
+ {
+ // Call the ADU setup HWP
+ SBE_EXEC_HWP(l_fapiRc,
+ p9_adu_setup_hwp,
+ plat_getChipTarget(),
+ iv_addr,
+ (iv_mode == SBE_MEM_ACCESS_READ),
+ ((p9_ADU_oper_flag*)iv_flags)->setFlag(),
+ iv_maxGranule)
+ }
+ // if setup returns error
+ if(l_fapiRc != FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ SBE_ERROR(SBE_FUNC" setup Failed");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Assumption is Hwp won't return zero for Num Granules
+ assert(0 != iv_maxGranule);
+ SBE_INFO(SBE_FUNC "Hwp returned iv_maxGranule=[0x%08X]",
+ iv_maxGranule);
+ }
+ return l_fapiRc;
+ReturnCode sbeMemAccessInterface::accessGranule()
+ ReturnCode l_fapiRc = FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS;
+ // Check if we need to do a setup before access
+ if(iv_maxGranule == 0)
+ {
+ l_fapiRc = setup();
+ }
+ if(iv_interface == SBE_MEM_ACCESS_PBA)
+ {
+ // Call PBA access for read/write
+ SBE_EXEC_HWP(l_fapiRc,
+ p9_pba_access,
+ plat_getChipTarget(),
+ iv_addr,
+ (iv_mode == SBE_MEM_ACCESS_READ),
+ ((p9_PBA_oper_flag*)iv_flags)->setFlag(),
+ (iv_currGranule == 0),
+ (iv_lastGranule || (iv_maxGranule == 1)),
+ (uint8_t *)&iv_buffer);
+ }
+ if(iv_interface == SBE_MEM_ACCESS_ADU)
+ {
+ // Call ADU access HWP for ADU write/read request
+ SBE_EXEC_HWP(l_fapiRc,
+ p9_adu_access_hwp,
+ plat_getChipTarget(),
+ iv_addr,
+ (iv_mode == SBE_MEM_ACCESS_READ),
+ ((p9_ADU_oper_flag*)iv_flags)->setFlag(),
+ (iv_currGranule == 0),
+ (iv_lastGranule || (iv_maxGranule == 1)),
+ (uint8_t *)&iv_buffer)
+ }
+ // if access returns error
+ if( l_fapiRc != FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS )
+ {
+ SBE_ERROR(SBE_FUNC" access Failed");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iv_maxGranule--;
+ iv_currGranule++;
+ // Advance the address
+ iv_addr += iv_granuleSize;
+ iv_iterator = (iv_mode == SBE_MEM_ACCESS_READ)?
+ iv_granuleSize : 0;
+ }
+ return l_fapiRc;
+ReturnCode sbeMemAccessInterface::accessWithBuffer(const void *io_buffer,
+ const uint32_t i_len,
+ const bool i_isLastAccess)
+ ReturnCode l_fapiRc = FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS;
+ uint32_t l_iterator = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ if(iv_mode == SBE_MEM_ACCESS_WRITE)
+ {
+ // Fill buffer
+ while((iv_iterator < iv_granuleSize) && (l_iterator < i_len))
+ {
+ iv_buffer[iv_iterator++] = ((char*)io_buffer)[l_iterator++];
+ }
+ // If Adu, put the ecc and itag applicable bytes
+ if(iv_interface == SBE_MEM_ACCESS_ADU)
+ {
+ if(((p9_ADU_oper_flag*)iv_flags)->getEccMode())
+ {
+ iv_buffer[iv_iterator++] = ((char*)io_buffer)[l_iterator++];
+ }
+ if(((p9_ADU_oper_flag*)iv_flags)->getItagMode())
+ {
+ iv_buffer[iv_iterator++] = ((char*)io_buffer)[l_iterator++];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(((iv_mode == SBE_MEM_ACCESS_WRITE) &&
+ (iv_iterator >= iv_granuleSize))
+ ||
+ ((iv_mode == SBE_MEM_ACCESS_READ) &&
+ (iv_iterator == 0)))
+ {
+ if(i_isLastAccess)
+ {
+ if((iv_mode == SBE_MEM_ACCESS_WRITE) &&
+ (l_iterator >= i_len))
+ {
+ iv_lastGranule = true;
+ alignAccessWithBuffer();
+ }
+ else if((iv_mode == SBE_MEM_ACCESS_READ) &&
+ ((i_len - l_iterator) <= iv_granuleSize))
+ {
+ iv_lastGranule = true;
+ }
+ }
+ l_fapiRc = accessGranule();
+ }
+ if(iv_mode == SBE_MEM_ACCESS_READ)
+ {
+ // Fill the buffer
+ while((iv_iterator > 0) && (l_iterator < i_len))
+ {
+ ((char*)io_buffer)[l_iterator++] =
+ iv_buffer[iv_granuleSize - iv_iterator];
+ iv_iterator--;
+ }
+ // If Adu, get the ecc and itag applicable bytes
+ if(iv_interface == SBE_MEM_ACCESS_ADU)
+ {
+ uint32_t l_index = iv_granuleSize;
+ if(((p9_ADU_oper_flag*)iv_flags)->getEccMode())
+ {
+ ((char*)io_buffer)[l_iterator++] =
+ iv_buffer[l_index++];
+ }
+ if(((p9_ADU_oper_flag*)iv_flags)->getItagMode())
+ {
+ ((char*)io_buffer)[l_iterator++] =
+ iv_buffer[l_index];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Break out on error or if the data is completely sent
+ if((l_fapiRc != FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS) || (l_iterator >= i_len))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ } while(true);
+ return l_fapiRc;
+void sbeMemAccessInterface::alignAccessWithBuffer()
+ // Required to fill zeroes only if the iv_buffer is partially occupied
+ if(iv_iterator != 0)
+ {
+ // zero filling
+ while(iv_iterator < iv_granuleSize)
+ {
+ iv_buffer[iv_iterator++] = 0;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/sbefw/sbeMemAccessInterface.H b/src/sbefw/sbeMemAccessInterface.H
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b0ec3067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sbefw/sbeMemAccessInterface.H
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog. */
+/* */
+/* $Source: src/sbefw/sbeMemAccessInterface.H $ */
+/* */
+/* OpenPOWER sbe Project */
+/* */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2016,2017 */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License. */
+/* */
+#include "fapi2.H"
+#include "p9_pba_coherent_utils.H"
+#include "p9_pba_setup.H"
+#include "p9_pba_access.H"
+#include "p9_adu_setup.H"
+#include "p9_adu_access.H"
+#include "p9_adu_coherent_utils.H"
+constexpr uint32_t PBA_GRANULE_SIZE_BYTES = 128;
+constexpr uint32_t ADU_GRANULE_SIZE_BYTES = 8;
+/* @brief Enum for read or write interface
+ * */
+enum sbeMemAccessMode
+/* @brief Enum for PBA or ADU interface
+ * */
+enum sbeMemAccessInterfaceType
+class sbeMemAccessInterface
+ private:
+ // Address to start read/write from
+ uint64_t iv_addr;
+ // Interface type - PBA/ADU
+ sbeMemAccessInterfaceType iv_interface;
+ // Pointer to procedure flags - p9_PBA_oper_flag/p9_ADU_oper_flag
+ void *iv_flags;
+ // Read or Write mode
+ sbeMemAccessMode iv_mode;
+ // Ex target used in PBA interface, not applicable for ADU
+ fapi2::Target<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_EX > iv_ex;
+ // Number of granule that can be sent before calling setup again
+ uint32_t iv_maxGranule;
+ // Iterator to track the current depth of iv_buffer
+ uint32_t iv_iterator;
+ // Number of granules sent after the setup
+ uint32_t iv_currGranule;
+ // Granule size based on interface - PBA/ADU
+ uint32_t iv_granuleSize;
+ // Buffer size is bigger of the two granules
+ char iv_buffer[PBA_GRANULE_SIZE_BYTES];
+ // Last granule for access
+ bool iv_lastGranule;
+ /* @brief Wrapper function to call setup procedures
+ * for the interface. This private API is used
+ * internally as per the state of the object,
+ * i.e., whenever the iv_maxGranule
+ * becomes 0, while using interface access APIs
+ *
+ * @return fapi rc
+ */
+ fapi2::ReturnCode setup();
+ /* @brief Align and finalize the accessWithBuffer calls - useful in case
+ * the data to be read/written is not aligned to the
+ * granule sizes of the interfaces
+ *
+ * @return fapi rc
+ */
+ void alignAccessWithBuffer();
+ public:
+ /* @brief Constructor
+ *
+ * @param[in] i_addr Address to read/write from
+ * @param[in] i_flags Pointer to PBA/ADU flags
+ * @param[in] i_mode Read/Write mode
+ * @param[in] i_ex EX target[Optional in case of ADU]
+ */
+ sbeMemAccessInterface(
+ sbeMemAccessInterfaceType i_interface,
+ uint64_t i_addr,
+ void *i_flags,
+ sbeMemAccessMode i_mode,
+ uint32_t i_granuleSize = 0,
+ fapi2::Target<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_EX> i_ex
+ = fapi2::Target<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_EX>()):
+ iv_addr(i_addr),
+ iv_interface(i_interface),
+ iv_flags(i_flags),
+ iv_mode(i_mode),
+ iv_ex(i_ex),
+ iv_maxGranule(0),
+ iv_iterator(0),
+ iv_currGranule(0),
+ iv_granuleSize(i_granuleSize),
+ iv_lastGranule(0)
+ {
+ }
+ void * getBuffer()
+ {
+ iv_iterator = iv_granuleSize;
+ return &iv_buffer;
+ }
+ /* @brief Read/Write a single granule on PBA/ADU interface
+ *
+ * @return fapi rc
+ */
+ fapi2::ReturnCode accessGranule();
+ /* @brief Read/Write on PBA/ADU interface with the given buffer.
+ *
+ * @param[in] io_buffer Pointer to the data to read/write
+ * @param[in] i_len Length of the data to read/write in bytes
+ * @param[in] i_isLastAccess Is this a last access call on the interface
+ *
+ * @return fapi rc
+ */
+ fapi2::ReturnCode accessWithBuffer(const void *io_buffer,
+ const uint32_t i_len,
+ const bool i_isLastAccess = false);
diff --git a/src/sbefw/sbecmdmemaccess.C b/src/sbefw/sbecmdmemaccess.C
index 745b2a3f..aa582e45 100644
--- a/src/sbefw/sbecmdmemaccess.C
+++ b/src/sbefw/sbecmdmemaccess.C
@@ -38,39 +38,28 @@
#include "fapi2.H"
-#include "p9_pba_setup.H"
-#include "p9_adu_setup.H"
-#include "p9_pba_access.H"
-#include "p9_adu_access.H"
-#include "p9_pba_coherent_utils.H"
-#include "p9_adu_coherent_utils.H"
+#include "sbeMemAccessInterface.H"
using namespace fapi2;
-// Using Function pointer to force long call
-p9_adu_access_FP_t p9_adu_access_hwp = &p9_adu_access;
-p9_adu_setup_FP_t p9_adu_setup_hwp = &p9_adu_setup;
// Buffer requirement for ADU and PBA on the stack
-static const uint32_t MAX_ADU_BUFFER = 40;
-static const uint32_t MAX_PBA_BUFFER = 32;
+constexpr uint32_t MAX_ADU_BUFFER = 10; // 0bytes
+constexpr uint32_t MAX_PBA_BUFFER = 32;
// PBA / ADU Granule size as per the HWP Requirement
-static const uint32_t PBA_GRAN_SIZE_BYTES = 128;
-static const uint32_t ADU_GRAN_SIZE_BYTES = 8;
+constexpr uint32_t PBA_GRAN_SIZE_BYTES = 128;
+constexpr uint32_t ADU_GRAN_SIZE_BYTES = 8;
// Multiplier factor with respect to the FIFO length
-static const uint32_t ADU_SIZE_MULTIPLIER_FOR_LEN_ALIGNMENT = 2;
-static const uint32_t PBA_SIZE_MULTIPLIER_FOR_LEN_ALIGNMENT = 32;
//Default EX Target ChipletId to be used in PBA by default
-static const uint32_t PBA_DEFAULT_EX_CHIPLET_ID = 0x20;
+constexpr uint32_t PBA_DEFAULT_EX_CHIPLET_ID = 0x20;
* @brief static definition of parameters passed in adu chip-ops
-static const uint32_t SBE_ADU_LOCK_TRIES = 3;
+constexpr uint32_t SBE_ADU_LOCK_TRIES = 3;
// @brief align4ByteWordLength - Internal Method to this file
@@ -191,12 +180,9 @@ uint32_t processPbaRequest(const sbeMemAccessReqMsgHdr_t &i_hdr,
sbeResponseFfdc_t l_ffdc;
// Default for PBA
- uint32_t l_sizeMultiplier = PBA_SIZE_MULTIPLIER_FOR_LEN_ALIGNMENT;
uint32_t l_granuleSize = PBA_GRAN_SIZE_BYTES;
uint64_t l_addr = i_hdr.getAddr();
- // Proc Chip Target
- Target<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP> l_proc = plat_getChipTarget();
// Default EX Target Init..Not changing it for the time being
Target<TARGET_TYPE_EX> l_ex(
@@ -232,8 +218,6 @@ uint32_t processPbaRequest(const sbeMemAccessReqMsgHdr_t &i_hdr,
l_myPbaFlag.setOperationType(p9_PBA_oper_flag::LCO); // LCO operation
- // The max granule size for which the ADU/PBA interface if configured
- uint32_t l_numGranules = 0;
// Keeps track of number of granules sent to HWP
uint64_t l_granulesCompleted = 0;
@@ -242,22 +226,33 @@ uint32_t processPbaRequest(const sbeMemAccessReqMsgHdr_t &i_hdr,
SBE_DEBUG(SBE_FUNC "Data Aligned Len / Number of data granules = %d",
+ sbeMemAccessInterface l_PBAInterface(SBE_MEM_ACCESS_PBA,
+ l_addr,
+ &l_myPbaFlag,
+ (i_isFlagRead ?
+ l_granuleSize,
+ l_ex);
while (l_granulesCompleted < l_lenCacheAligned)
- // Call the PBA setup HWP
- SBE_EXEC_HWP(l_fapiRc,
- p9_pba_setup,
- l_proc,
- l_ex,
- l_addr,
- i_isFlagRead,
- l_myPbaFlag.setFlag(),
- l_numGranules)
- // if p9_pba_setup returns error
+ // If this is putmem request, read input data from the upstream FIFO
+ if (!i_isFlagRead)
+ {
+ // l_sizeMultiplier * 4B Upstream FIFO = Granule size 128B
+ uint32_t l_len2dequeue = PBA_GRANULE_SIZE_BYTES/sizeof(uint32_t);
+ l_rc = sbeUpFifoDeq_mult (l_len2dequeue,
+ (uint32_t *)l_PBAInterface.getBuffer(),
+ false);
+ }
+ // Call the PBA HWP
+ l_fapiRc = l_PBAInterface.accessGranule();
+ // if error
if(l_fapiRc != FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS)
- SBE_ERROR(SBE_FUNC" p9_pba_setup Failed");
// Respond with HWP FFDC
@@ -265,81 +260,19 @@ uint32_t processPbaRequest(const sbeMemAccessReqMsgHdr_t &i_hdr,
- // Assumption is Hwp won't return zero for Num Granules
- assert(0 != l_numGranules);
- SBE_INFO(SBE_FUNC "Hwp returned l_numGranules=[0x%08X]",l_numGranules);
- uint64_t l_numAcc = 0;
- if (l_numGranules < (l_lenCacheAligned - l_granulesCompleted))
- {
- l_numAcc = l_numGranules;
- }
- else
+ // If this is a getmem request,
+ // need to push the data into the downstream FIFO
+ if (i_isFlagRead)
- l_numAcc = l_lenCacheAligned - l_granulesCompleted;
+ // Number of 4Bytes to put, to align with Granule Size
+ // l_len*4 = Granule Size
+ uint32_t l_len = PBA_GRANULE_SIZE_BYTES/sizeof(uint32_t);
+ l_rc = sbeDownFifoEnq_mult (l_len,
+ (uint32_t *)l_PBAInterface.getBuffer());
- // 128Byte granule for PBA access
- uint32_t l_dataFifo[MAX_PBA_BUFFER] = {0};
- uint64_t l_numCurrAcc = 0;
- while (l_numCurrAcc < l_numAcc)
- {
- bool l_lastGran = (l_numCurrAcc == (l_numAcc-1)) ? true : false;
- bool l_firstGran = (l_numCurrAcc == 0) ? true : false;
- // If this is putmem request, read input data from the upstream FIFO
- if (!i_isFlagRead)
- {
- // l_sizeMultiplier * 4B Upstream FIFO = Granule size 128B
- uint32_t l_len2dequeue = l_sizeMultiplier;
- l_rc = sbeUpFifoDeq_mult (l_len2dequeue,
- (uint32_t *)&l_dataFifo,
- false);
- }
- // Call PBA access
- SBE_EXEC_HWP(l_fapiRc,
- p9_pba_access,
- l_proc,
- l_addr,
- i_isFlagRead,
- l_myPbaFlag.setFlag(),
- l_firstGran,
- l_lastGran,
- (uint8_t *)&l_dataFifo)
- l_addr += l_granuleSize;
- // if p9_pba_access returns error
- if( l_fapiRc != FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS )
- {
- SBE_ERROR(SBE_FUNC" p9_pba_access Failed.");
- // Respond with HWP FFDC
- l_ffdc.setRc(l_fapiRc);
- break;
- }
- // If this is a getmem request,
- // need to push the data into the downstream FIFO
- if (i_isFlagRead)
- {
- // Number of 4Bytes to put, to align with Granule Size
- uint32_t l_len = l_sizeMultiplier; // l_len*4 = Granule Size
- l_rc = sbeDownFifoEnq_mult (l_len, (uint32_t *)&l_dataFifo);
- }
- l_granulesCompleted++;
- l_numCurrAcc++;
- } // End inner while loop
- if ( (l_fapiRc != FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS) ||
- {
- break;
- }
+ l_granulesCompleted++;
} // End..while (l_granulesCompleted < l_lenCacheAligned);
// Now build and enqueue response into downstream FIFO
@@ -381,6 +314,8 @@ uint32_t processPbaRequest(const sbeMemAccessReqMsgHdr_t &i_hdr,
// @return RC from the method
+#define IS_ONE_BIT_SET(x) ((x & (x-1)) == 0)
+#define GET_8_BYTE_ALIGNED_OFFSET(x) ((x & 0x07) * 8)
uint32_t processAduRequest(const sbeMemAccessReqMsgHdr_t &i_hdr,
const bool i_isFlagRead)
@@ -397,120 +332,94 @@ uint32_t processAduRequest(const sbeMemAccessReqMsgHdr_t &i_hdr,
uint32_t l_sizeMultiplier = ADU_SIZE_MULTIPLIER_FOR_LEN_ALIGNMENT;
uint32_t l_granuleSize = ADU_GRAN_SIZE_BYTES;
+ // Keeps track of number of granules sent to HWP
+ uint64_t l_granulesCompleted = 0;
p9_ADU_oper_flag l_aduFlag;
- l_aduFlag.setTransactionSize(p9_ADU_oper_flag::TSIZE_8);
- if(i_hdr.len < 8)
- {
- l_sizeMultiplier = 1;
- l_granuleSize = i_hdr.len;
- l_aduFlag.setTransactionSize((p9_ADU_oper_flag::Transaction_size_t)(i_hdr.len));
- }
- //Default Operation Type is DMA_PARTIAL
- l_aduFlag.setOperationType(p9_ADU_oper_flag::DMA_PARTIAL);
- l_aduFlag.setLockControl(false);
- l_aduFlag.setOperFailCleanup(true);
- l_aduFlag.setNumLockAttempts(SBE_ADU_LOCK_TRIES);
- // Fast Mode / Ecc mode / Cache Inhibit Mode / Auto Increment
- // required in ADU operations.
- if(i_hdr.isFastModeSet())
- {
- l_aduFlag.setFastMode(true);
- }
- // Set DMA_PARTIAL mode by default
- l_aduFlag.setOperationType(p9_ADU_oper_flag::DMA_PARTIAL);
- if(i_hdr.isCacheInhibitModeFlagSet())
- {
- l_aduFlag.setOperationType(p9_ADU_oper_flag::CACHE_INHIBIT);
- }
- if(i_hdr.isItagFlagSet())
- {
- l_aduFlag.setItagMode(true);
- }
- if(i_hdr.isAutoIncrModeSet())
- {
- l_aduFlag.setAutoIncrement(true);
- }
- if(!i_isFlagRead) // ECC override in write mode
- {
- if(i_hdr.isEccOverrideFlagSet())
- {
- l_aduFlag.setEccItagOverrideMode(true);
- l_aduFlag.setEccMode(true);
- }
- }
- else // ECC required in read mode
- {
- if(i_hdr.isEccFlagSet())
- {
- l_aduFlag.setEccMode(true);
- }
- }
// For local Use
bool l_isEccMode = i_hdr.isEccFlagSet();
bool l_isItagMode = i_hdr.isItagFlagSet();
uint64_t l_addr = i_hdr.getAddr();
- // Proc Chip Target
- Target<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP> l_proc = plat_getChipTarget();
- // The max granule size for which the ADU/PBA interface if configured
- uint32_t l_numGranules = 0;
- // Keeps track of number of granules sent to HWP
- uint64_t l_granulesCompleted = 0;
- // Input Data length in alignment with PBA (128 Bytes)
- uint64_t l_lenCacheAligned = i_hdr.getDataLenCacheAlign();
- SBE_DEBUG(SBE_FUNC "User length [%d], Data Aligned Len / "
- "Number of data granules = %d",
- i_hdr.len, l_lenCacheAligned);
- // 8Byte granule for ADU access
- uint64_t l_dataFifo[MAX_ADU_BUFFER/2] = {0};
- while (l_granulesCompleted < l_lenCacheAligned)
+ do
- // Call the ADU setup HWP
- SBE_EXEC_HWP(l_fapiRc,
- p9_adu_setup_hwp,
- l_proc,
- l_addr,
- i_isFlagRead,
- l_aduFlag.setFlag(),
- l_numGranules)
- // if p9_adu_setup returns error
- if( (l_fapiRc != FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS) )
+ l_aduFlag.setTransactionSize(p9_ADU_oper_flag::TSIZE_8);
+ // For len lesser than 8, only 1,2 and 4 lengths are allowed
+ if(i_hdr.len < 8)
- SBE_ERROR(SBE_FUNC" p9_adu_setup Failed");
- // Respond with HWP FFDC
- l_ffdc.setRc(l_fapiRc);
- break;
+ if(IS_ONE_BIT_SET(i_hdr.len) == false)
+ {
+ l_respHdr.setStatus(SBE_PRI_INVALID_DATA,
+ SBE_ERROR(SBE_FUNC"Invalid length[%d] - "
+ "supported values[1/2/4/multiples of 8]",
+ i_hdr.len);
+ break;
+ }
+ l_sizeMultiplier = 1;
+ l_granuleSize = i_hdr.len;
+ l_aduFlag.setTransactionSize((p9_ADU_oper_flag::Transaction_size_t)(i_hdr.len));
- // Assumption is Hwp won't return zero for Num Granules
- assert(0 != l_numGranules);
- SBE_INFO(SBE_FUNC "Hwp returned l_numGranules=[0x%08X]",l_numGranules);
- uint64_t l_numAcc = 0;
- if (l_numGranules < (l_lenCacheAligned - l_granulesCompleted))
+ //Default Operation Type is DMA_PARTIAL
+ l_aduFlag.setOperationType(p9_ADU_oper_flag::DMA_PARTIAL);
+ l_aduFlag.setLockControl(false);
+ l_aduFlag.setOperFailCleanup(true);
+ l_aduFlag.setNumLockAttempts(SBE_ADU_LOCK_TRIES);
+ // Fast Mode / Ecc mode / Cache Inhibit Mode / Auto Increment
+ // required in ADU operations.
+ if(i_hdr.isFastModeSet())
- l_numAcc = l_numGranules;
+ l_aduFlag.setFastMode(true);
- else
+ // Set DMA_PARTIAL mode by default
+ l_aduFlag.setOperationType(p9_ADU_oper_flag::DMA_PARTIAL);
+ if(i_hdr.isCacheInhibitModeFlagSet())
+ {
+ l_aduFlag.setOperationType(p9_ADU_oper_flag::CACHE_INHIBIT);
+ }
+ if(i_hdr.isItagFlagSet())
+ {
+ l_aduFlag.setItagMode(true);
+ }
+ if(i_hdr.isAutoIncrModeSet())
- l_numAcc = l_lenCacheAligned - l_granulesCompleted;
+ l_aduFlag.setAutoIncrement(true);
- uint64_t l_numCurrAcc = 0;
- while (l_numCurrAcc < l_numAcc)
+ if(!i_isFlagRead) // ECC override in write mode
+ {
+ if(i_hdr.isEccOverrideFlagSet())
+ {
+ l_aduFlag.setEccItagOverrideMode(true);
+ l_aduFlag.setEccMode(true);
+ }
+ }
+ else // ECC required in read mode
- bool l_lastGran = (l_numCurrAcc == (l_numAcc-1)) ? true : false;
- bool l_firstGran = (l_numCurrAcc == 0) ? true : false;
+ if(i_hdr.isEccFlagSet())
+ {
+ l_aduFlag.setEccMode(true);
+ }
+ }
+ // Input Data length in alignment with ADU
+ // 1 for 1/2/4 Bytes else number of multiples of 8 Bytes
+ uint64_t l_lenCacheAligned = i_hdr.getDataLenCacheAlign();
+ SBE_DEBUG(SBE_FUNC "User length [%d], Data Aligned Len / "
+ "Number of data granules = %d",
+ i_hdr.len, l_lenCacheAligned);
+ sbeMemAccessInterface l_ADUInterface(SBE_MEM_ACCESS_ADU,
+ l_addr,
+ &l_aduFlag,
+ (i_isFlagRead ?
+ l_granuleSize);
+ // 8Byte granule for ADU access
+ uint32_t l_dataFifo[MAX_ADU_BUFFER] = {0};
+ while (l_granulesCompleted < l_lenCacheAligned)
+ {
// With ECC or ITAG the output length of a granule will become
// 9 bytes instead of 8, To align it we will merge 4 output granule
// before putting it in the Downstream FIFO i.e. 9*4 = 36Bytes
@@ -555,7 +464,9 @@ uint32_t processAduRequest(const sbeMemAccessReqMsgHdr_t &i_hdr,
SBE_DEBUG("l_dataFifo#1 0x%08x%08x", SBE::higher32BWord(l_dataFifo[0]),
- l_dataFifo[0] >>= (l_addr & 0x07) * 8;
+ // For lengths 1,2 and 4, data needs to be shift-aligned to
+ // 8-byte address boundary.
+ l_dataFifo[0] >>= GET_8_BYTE_ALIGNED_OFFSET(l_addr);
SBE_DEBUG("l_dataFifo#2 0x%08x%08x", SBE::higher32BWord(l_dataFifo[0]),
@@ -585,24 +496,16 @@ uint32_t processAduRequest(const sbeMemAccessReqMsgHdr_t &i_hdr,
- // Call ADU access HWP for ADU write/read request
- SBE_EXEC_HWP(l_fapiRc,
- p9_adu_access_hwp,
- l_proc,
- l_addr,
- i_isFlagRead,
- l_aduFlag.setFlag(),
- l_firstGran,
- l_lastGran,
- &(((uint8_t *)&(l_dataFifo))[l_bufIdx]))
- // if p9_adu_access returns error
- if( l_fapiRc != FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS )
+ l_fapiRc = l_ADUInterface.accessWithBuffer(
+ &(((uint8_t *)&(l_dataFifo))[l_bufIdx]),
+ l_granuleSize,
+ (l_granulesCompleted == (l_lenCacheAligned-1)));
+ // if error
+ if( (l_fapiRc != FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS) )
- SBE_ERROR(SBE_FUNC" p9_adu_access Failed");
// Respond with HWP FFDC
@@ -626,7 +529,8 @@ uint32_t processAduRequest(const sbeMemAccessReqMsgHdr_t &i_hdr,
//Calculate the MODULUS
uint8_t l_mod = (l_granulesCompleted % 4);
- if( (l_mod == 3) || ((l_granulesCompleted+1) == l_lenCacheAligned) )
+ if( (l_mod == 3) ||
+ ((l_granulesCompleted+1) == l_lenCacheAligned) )
l_len = calInterAduLenForUpFifo(l_mod,l_isItagMode,
@@ -644,25 +548,20 @@ uint32_t processAduRequest(const sbeMemAccessReqMsgHdr_t &i_hdr,
SBE_DEBUG("l_dataFifo#3 0x%08x%08x", SBE::higher32BWord(l_dataFifo[0]),
- l_dataFifo[0] <<= (l_addr & 0x07) * 8;
+ // For lengths 1,2 and 4, data needs to be extracted from
+ // shift-aligned 8-byte address boundary.
+ l_dataFifo[0] <<= GET_8_BYTE_ALIGNED_OFFSET(l_addr);
SBE_DEBUG("l_dataFifo#4 0x%08x%08x", SBE::higher32BWord(l_dataFifo[0]),
l_rc = sbeDownFifoEnq_mult (l_len, (uint32_t *)&l_dataFifo);
l_addr += l_granuleSize;
- l_numCurrAcc++;
- } // End inner while loop
- if ( (l_fapiRc != FAPI2_RC_SUCCESS) ||
- {
- break;
- }
- } // End..while (l_granulesCompleted < l_lenCacheAligned);
+ } // End..while (l_granulesCompleted < l_lenCacheAligned);
+ } while(false);
// Now build and enqueue response into downstream FIFO
diff --git a/src/sbefw/ b/src/sbefw/
index 7c64f036..6d8978ae 100644
--- a/src/sbefw/
+++ b/src/sbefw/
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ SBEFW-CPP-SOURCES += sbecmdfastarray.C
SBEFW-CPP-SOURCES += sbeglobals.C
+SBEFW-CPP-SOURCES += sbeMemAccessInterface.C
diff --git a/src/test/testcases/ b/src/test/testcases/
index 100f7bb4..82336896 100644
--- a/src/test/testcases/
+++ b/src/test/testcases/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
# OpenPOWER sbe Project
# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2017
+# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
@@ -29,8 +30,6 @@ import testUtil
import testMemUtil as testMemProcUtil
err = False
# MAIN Test Run Starts Here...
def main( ):
@@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ def main( ):
# GetMemAdu test
readData = testMemProcUtil.getmem(0x08000000, 1, 0xA5)
if(data == readData):
- print ("Success - Write-Read ADU")
+ print ("Success - Write-Read ADU 1byte")
print data
print readData
@@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ def main( ):
# GetMemAdu test
readData = testMemProcUtil.getmem(0x08000000, 2, 0xA5)
if(data == readData):
- print ("Success - Write-Read ADU")
+ print ("Success - Write-Read ADU 2byte")
print data
print readData
@@ -75,12 +74,17 @@ def main( ):
# GetMemAdu test
readData = testMemProcUtil.getmem(0x08000000, 4, 0xA5)
if(data == readData):
- print ("Success - Write-Read ADU")
+ print ("Success - Write-Read ADU 4byte")
print data
print readData
raise Exception('data mistmach')
+# Test case 4: Invalid length - 3
+ # GetMemAdu test
+ testMemProcUtil.getmem_failure(0x08000000, 3, 0xA5)
+ print ("Success - invalid length test")
# Calling all test code
diff --git a/src/test/testcases/ b/src/test/testcases/
index 48d1876a..d44c56ea 100644
--- a/src/test/testcases/
+++ b/src/test/testcases/
@@ -91,7 +91,6 @@ def getmem(addr, len, flags):
req = (getsingleword(6)
+ [0, 0, 0xA4, 0x01]
+ getsingleword(flags)
- #[0,0,0x0,0xA5]
+ getdoubleword(addr)
+ getsingleword(len))
@@ -119,3 +118,18 @@ def getmem(addr, len, flags):
testUtil.readEot( )
return data[:lenExp]
+def getmem_failure(addr, len, flags):
+ req = (getsingleword(6)
+ + [0, 0, 0xA4, 0x01]
+ + getsingleword(flags)
+ + getdoubleword(addr)
+ + getsingleword(len))
+ testUtil.writeUsFifo(req)
+ testUtil.writeEot( )
+ expResp = [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
+ 0xc0,0xde,0xa4,0x01,
+ 0x0,0x2,0x0,0xa,
+ 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x03];
+ testUtil.readDsFifo(expResp)
+ testUtil.readEot( )
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud