/* * Copyright (C) 2013 IBM Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) #include "config.h" #endif #include /* This must be included before ncurses.h */ #if defined HAVE_NCURSESW_CURSES_H # include #elif defined HAVE_NCURSESW_H # include #elif defined HAVE_NCURSES_CURSES_H # include #elif defined HAVE_NCURSES_H # include #elif defined HAVE_CURSES_H # include #else # error "Curses header file not found." #endif #if defined HAVE_NCURSESW_FORM_H # include #elif defined HAVE_NCURSES_FORM_H # include #elif defined HAVE_FORM_H # include #else # error "Curses form.h not found." #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "nc-cui.h" #include "nc-widgets.h" #undef move #define to_checkbox(w) container_of(w, struct nc_widget_checkbox, widget) #define to_textbox(w) container_of(w, struct nc_widget_textbox, widget) #define to_button(w) container_of(w, struct nc_widget_button, widget) #define to_select(w) container_of(w, struct nc_widget_select, widget) #define to_subset(w) container_of(w, struct nc_widget_subset, widget) static const char *checkbox_checked_str = "[*]"; static const char *checkbox_unchecked_str = "[ ]"; static const char *select_selected_str = "(*)"; static const char *select_unselected_str = "( )"; struct nc_widgetset { WINDOW *mainwin; WINDOW *subwin; FORM *form; FIELD **fields; int n_fields, n_alloc_fields; void (*widget_focus)(struct nc_widget *, void *); void *widget_focus_arg; FIELD *cur_field; /* custom validators */ FIELDTYPE *ipv4_multi_type; }; struct nc_widget { FIELD *field; bool (*process_key)(struct nc_widget *, FORM *, int); void (*set_visible)(struct nc_widget *, bool); void (*move)(struct nc_widget *, int, int); void (*field_focus)(struct nc_widget *, FIELD *); int focussed_attr; int unfocussed_attr; int height; int width; int focus_y; int x; int y; }; struct nc_widget_label { struct nc_widget widget; const char *text; }; struct nc_widget_checkbox { struct nc_widget widget; bool checked; }; struct nc_widget_textbox { struct nc_widgetset *set; struct nc_widget widget; }; struct nc_widget_subset { struct nc_widget widget; int *active; int n_active; struct subset_option { char *str; int val; FIELD *field; } *options; int n_options; int top, left, size; struct nc_widgetset *set; void (*on_change)(void *, int); void *on_change_arg; void (*screen_cb)(void *, struct nc_widget_subset *, int); }; struct nc_widget_select { struct nc_widget widget; struct select_option { char *str; int val; FIELD *field; } *options; int top, left, size; int n_options, selected_option; struct nc_widgetset *set; void (*on_change)(void *, int); void *on_change_arg; }; struct nc_widget_button { struct nc_widget widget; void (*click)(void *arg); void *arg; }; static void widgetset_add_field(struct nc_widgetset *set, FIELD *field); static void widgetset_remove_field(struct nc_widgetset *set, FIELD *field); static bool key_is_select(int key) { return key == ' ' || key == '\r' || key == '\n' || key == KEY_ENTER; } static bool key_is_minus(int key) { return key == 055; } static bool key_is_left(int key) { return key == KEY_LEFT; } static bool key_is_right(int key) { return key == KEY_RIGHT; } static bool process_key_nop(struct nc_widget *widget __attribute__((unused)), FORM *form __attribute((unused)), int key __attribute__((unused))) { return false; } static void field_set_visible(FIELD *field, bool visible) { int opts = field_opts(field) & ~O_VISIBLE; if (visible) opts |= O_VISIBLE; set_field_opts(field, opts); } static bool field_visible(FIELD *field) { return (field_opts(field) & O_VISIBLE) == O_VISIBLE; } static void field_move(FIELD *field, int y, int x) { move_field(field, y, x); } static int label_destructor(void *ptr) { struct nc_widget_label *label = ptr; free_field(label->widget.field); return 0; } struct nc_widget_label *widget_new_label(struct nc_widgetset *set, int y, int x, char *str) { struct nc_widget_label *label; FIELD *f; int len; len = strlen(str); label = talloc_zero(set, struct nc_widget_label); label->widget.height = 1; label->widget.width = len; label->widget.x = x; label->widget.y = y; label->widget.process_key = process_key_nop; label->widget.field = f = new_field(1, len, y, x, 0, 0); label->widget.focussed_attr = A_NORMAL; label->widget.unfocussed_attr = A_NORMAL; field_opts_off(f, O_ACTIVE); set_field_buffer(f, 0, str); set_field_userptr(f, &label->widget); widgetset_add_field(set, label->widget.field); talloc_set_destructor(label, label_destructor); return label; } bool widget_checkbox_get_value(struct nc_widget_checkbox *checkbox) { return checkbox->checked; } static void checkbox_set_buffer(struct nc_widget_checkbox *checkbox) { const char *str; str = checkbox->checked ? checkbox_checked_str : checkbox_unchecked_str; set_field_buffer(checkbox->widget.field, 0, str); } static bool checkbox_process_key(struct nc_widget *widget, FORM *form __attribute__((unused)), int key) { struct nc_widget_checkbox *checkbox = to_checkbox(widget); if (!key_is_select(key)) return false; checkbox->checked = !checkbox->checked; checkbox_set_buffer(checkbox); return true; } static int checkbox_destructor(void *ptr) { struct nc_widget_checkbox *checkbox = ptr; free_field(checkbox->widget.field); return 0; } struct nc_widget_checkbox *widget_new_checkbox(struct nc_widgetset *set, int y, int x, bool checked) { struct nc_widget_checkbox *checkbox; FIELD *f; checkbox = talloc_zero(set, struct nc_widget_checkbox); checkbox->checked = checked; checkbox->widget.height = 1; checkbox->widget.width = strlen(checkbox_checked_str); checkbox->widget.x = x; checkbox->widget.y = y; checkbox->widget.process_key = checkbox_process_key; checkbox->widget.focussed_attr = A_REVERSE; checkbox->widget.unfocussed_attr = A_NORMAL; checkbox->widget.field = f = new_field(1, strlen(checkbox_checked_str), y, x, 0, 0); field_opts_off(f, O_EDIT); set_field_userptr(f, &checkbox->widget); checkbox_set_buffer(checkbox); widgetset_add_field(set, checkbox->widget.field); talloc_set_destructor(checkbox, checkbox_destructor); return checkbox; } static char *strip_string(char *str) { int len, i; len = strlen(str); /* clear trailing space */ for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!isspace(str[i])) break; str[i] = '\0'; } /* increment str past leading space */ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (str[i] == '\0' || !isspace(str[i])) break; } return str + i; } char *widget_textbox_get_value(struct nc_widget_textbox *textbox) { char *str = field_buffer(textbox->widget.field, 0); return str ? strip_string(str) : NULL; } static bool textbox_process_key( struct nc_widget *widget __attribute__((unused)), FORM *form, int key) { switch (key) { case KEY_HOME: form_driver(form, REQ_BEG_FIELD); break; case KEY_END: form_driver(form, REQ_END_FIELD); break; case KEY_LEFT: form_driver(form, REQ_LEFT_CHAR); break; case KEY_RIGHT: form_driver(form, REQ_RIGHT_CHAR); break; case KEY_BACKSPACE: if (form_driver(form, REQ_LEFT_CHAR) != E_OK) break; /* fall through */ case KEY_DC: form_driver(form, REQ_DEL_CHAR); break; default: form_driver(form, key); break; } return true; } static int textbox_destructor(void *ptr) { struct nc_widget_textbox *textbox = ptr; free_field(textbox->widget.field); return 0; } struct nc_widget_textbox *widget_new_textbox(struct nc_widgetset *set, int y, int x, int len, char *str) { struct nc_widget_textbox *textbox; FIELD *f; textbox = talloc_zero(set, struct nc_widget_textbox); textbox->set = set; textbox->widget.height = 1; textbox->widget.width = len; textbox->widget.x = x; textbox->widget.y = y; textbox->widget.process_key = textbox_process_key; textbox->widget.field = f = new_field(1, len, y, x, 0, 0); textbox->widget.focussed_attr = A_REVERSE; textbox->widget.unfocussed_attr = A_UNDERLINE; field_opts_off(f, O_STATIC | O_WRAP | O_BLANK); set_field_buffer(f, 0, str); set_field_back(f, textbox->widget.unfocussed_attr); set_field_userptr(f, &textbox->widget); widgetset_add_field(set, textbox->widget.field); talloc_set_destructor(textbox, textbox_destructor); return textbox; } void widget_textbox_set_fixed_size(struct nc_widget_textbox *textbox) { field_opts_on(textbox->widget.field, O_STATIC); } void widget_textbox_set_validator_integer(struct nc_widget_textbox *textbox, long min, long max) { set_field_type(textbox->widget.field, TYPE_INTEGER, 1, min, max); } void widget_textbox_set_validator_ipv4(struct nc_widget_textbox *textbox) { set_field_type(textbox->widget.field, TYPE_IPV4); } static bool check_ipv4_multi_char(int c, const void *arg __attribute__((unused))) { return isdigit(c) || c == '.' || c == ' '; } static bool check_ipv4_multi_field(FIELD *field, const void *arg __attribute__((unused))) { char *buf = field_buffer(field, 0); unsigned int ip[4]; int n, len; while (*buf != '\0') { n = sscanf(buf, "%u.%u.%u.%u%n", &ip[0], &ip[1], &ip[2], &ip[3], &len); if (n != 4) return false; if (ip[0] > 255 || ip[1] > 255 || ip[2] > 255 || ip[3] > 255) return false; for (buf += len; *buf != '\0'; buf++) { if (isspace(*buf)) continue; else if (isdigit(*buf)) break; else return false; } } return true; } void widget_textbox_set_validator_ipv4_multi(struct nc_widget_textbox *textbox) { if (!textbox->set->ipv4_multi_type) { textbox->set->ipv4_multi_type = new_fieldtype( check_ipv4_multi_field, check_ipv4_multi_char); } set_field_type(textbox->widget.field, textbox->set->ipv4_multi_type); } static void subset_update_order(struct nc_widget_subset *subset) { char *str; int i, val; for (i = 0; i < subset->n_active; i++) { val = subset->active[i]; str = talloc_asprintf(subset, "(%d) %s", i, subset->options[val].str); set_field_buffer(subset->options[val].field, 0, str); talloc_free(str); } } static void widget_focus_change(struct nc_widget *widget, FIELD *field, bool focussed); static void subset_delete_active(struct nc_widget_subset *subset, int idx) { bool last = idx == (subset->n_active - 1); struct nc_widgetset *set = subset->set; struct nc_widget *widget; size_t rem; int i, val; /* Shift field focus to nearest active option or next visible field */ if (subset->n_active > 1) { if (last) val = subset->active[idx - 1]; else val = subset->active[idx + 1]; set->cur_field = subset->options[val].field; } else { for (i = 0; i < set->n_fields; i++) if (field_visible(set->fields[i])) { set->cur_field = set->fields[i]; break; } } set_current_field(set->form, set->cur_field); widget = field_userptr(set->cur_field); widget_focus_change(widget, set->cur_field, true); if (set->widget_focus) set->widget_focus(widget, set->widget_focus_arg); /* Update active array */ rem = sizeof(int) * (subset->n_active - idx - 1); val = subset->active[idx]; field_set_visible(subset->options[val].field, false); if (rem) memmove(&subset->active[idx], &subset->active[idx + 1], rem); subset->n_active--; subset->active = talloc_realloc(subset, subset->active, int, subset->n_active); subset->widget.height = subset->n_active; } static bool subset_process_key(struct nc_widget *w, FORM *form, int key) { struct nc_widget_subset *subset = to_subset(w); int i, val, opt_idx = -1; FIELD *field; if (!key_is_minus(key) && !key_is_left(key) && !key_is_right(key)) return false; field = current_field(form); for (i = 0; i < subset->n_active; i++) { val = subset->active[i]; if (subset->options[val].field == field) { opt_idx = i; break; } } if (opt_idx < 0) return false; if (key_is_minus(key)) subset_delete_active(subset, opt_idx); if (key_is_left(key)){ if (opt_idx == 0) return true; val = subset->active[opt_idx]; subset->active[opt_idx] = subset->active[opt_idx - 1]; subset->active[opt_idx - 1] = val; } if (key_is_right(key)){ if (opt_idx >= subset->n_active - 1) return true; val = subset->active[opt_idx]; subset->active[opt_idx] = subset->active[opt_idx + 1]; subset->active[opt_idx + 1] = val; } subset_update_order(subset); if (subset->on_change) subset->on_change(subset->on_change_arg, 0); return true; } static void subset_set_visible(struct nc_widget *widget, bool visible) { struct nc_widget_subset *subset = to_subset(widget); int i, val; for (i = 0; i < subset->n_active; i++) { val = subset->active[i]; field_set_visible(subset->options[val].field, visible); } } static void subset_move(struct nc_widget *widget, int y, int x) { struct nc_widget_subset *subset = to_subset(widget); int i, val; for (i = 0; i < subset->n_active; i++) { val = subset->active[i]; field_move(subset->options[val].field, y + i , x); } } static void subset_field_focus(struct nc_widget *widget, FIELD *field) { struct nc_widget_subset *subset = to_subset(widget); int i, val; for (i = 0; i < subset->n_active; i++) { val = subset->active[i]; if (field == subset->options[val].field) { widget->focus_y = i; return; } } } static int subset_destructor(void *ptr) { struct nc_widget_subset *subset = ptr; int i; for (i = 0; i < subset->n_options; i++) free_field(subset->options[i].field); return 0; } struct nc_widget_subset *widget_new_subset(struct nc_widgetset *set, int y, int x, int len, void *screen_cb) { struct nc_widget_subset *subset; subset = talloc_zero(set, struct nc_widget_subset); subset->widget.width = len; subset->widget.height = 0; subset->widget.x = x; subset->widget.y = y; subset->widget.process_key = subset_process_key; subset->widget.set_visible = subset_set_visible; subset->widget.move = subset_move; subset->widget.field_focus = subset_field_focus; subset->widget.focussed_attr = A_REVERSE; subset->widget.unfocussed_attr = A_NORMAL; subset->top = y; subset->left = x; subset->size = len; subset->set = set; subset->n_active = subset->n_options = 0; subset->active = NULL; subset->options = NULL; subset->screen_cb = screen_cb; talloc_set_destructor(subset, subset_destructor); return subset; } void widget_subset_add_option(struct nc_widget_subset *subset, const char *text) { FIELD *f; int i; i = subset->n_options++; subset->options = talloc_realloc(subset, subset->options, struct subset_option, i + 1); subset->options[i].str = talloc_strdup(subset->options, text); subset->options[i].field = f = new_field(1, subset->size, subset->top + i, subset->left, 0, 0); field_opts_off(f, O_WRAP | O_EDIT); set_field_userptr(f, &subset->widget); set_field_buffer(f, 0, subset->options[i].str); field_set_visible(f, false); widgetset_add_field(subset->set, f); } void widget_subset_make_active(struct nc_widget_subset *subset, int idx) { int i; for (i = 0; i < subset->n_active; i++) if (subset->active[i] == idx) { pb_debug("%s: Index %d already active\n", __func__, idx); return; } i = subset->n_active++; subset->widget.height = subset->n_active; subset->active = talloc_realloc(subset, subset->active, int, i + 1); subset->active[i] = idx; subset_update_order(subset); } int widget_subset_get_order(void *ctx, unsigned int **order, struct nc_widget_subset *subset) { unsigned int *buf = talloc_array(ctx, unsigned int, subset->n_active); int i; for (i = 0; i < subset->n_active; i++) buf[i] = subset->active[i]; *order = buf; return i; } void widget_subset_show_inactive(struct nc_widget_subset *subset, struct nc_widget_select *select) { bool active = false, first = true; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < subset->n_options; i++) { active = false; for (j = 0; j < subset->n_active; j++) if (subset->active[j] == i) active = true; if (active) continue; widget_select_add_option(select, i, subset->options[i].str, first); if (first) first = false; } } int widget_subset_n_inactive(struct nc_widget_subset *subset) { return subset->n_options - subset->n_active; } int widget_subset_height(struct nc_widget_subset *subset) { return subset->n_active; } void widget_subset_on_change(struct nc_widget_subset *subset, void (*on_change)(void *, int), void *arg) { subset->on_change = on_change; subset->on_change_arg = arg; } void widget_subset_drop_options(struct nc_widget_subset *subset) { struct nc_widgetset *set = subset->set; int i; for (i = 0; i < subset->n_options; i++) { FIELD *field = subset->options[i].field; widgetset_remove_field(set, field); if (field == set->cur_field) set->cur_field = NULL; free_field(subset->options[i].field); } talloc_free(subset->options); talloc_free(subset->active); subset->options = NULL; subset->active = NULL; subset->n_options = 0; subset->n_active = 0; subset->widget.height = 0; subset->widget.focus_y = 0; } void widget_subset_clear_active(struct nc_widget_subset *subset) { int i; for (i = 0; i < subset->n_options; i++) field_set_visible(subset->options[i].field, false); talloc_free(subset->active); subset->active = NULL; subset->n_active = 0; subset->widget.height = 0; subset->widget.focus_y = 0; } void widget_subset_callback(void *arg, struct nc_widget_subset *subset, int idx) { subset->screen_cb(arg, subset, idx); } static void select_option_change(struct select_option *opt, bool selected) { const char *str; str = selected ? select_selected_str : select_unselected_str; memcpy(opt->str, str, strlen(str)); set_field_buffer(opt->field, 0, opt->str); } static bool select_process_key(struct nc_widget *w, FORM *form, int key) { struct nc_widget_select *select = to_select(w); struct select_option *new_opt, *old_opt; int i, new_idx; FIELD *field; if (!key_is_select(key)) return false; field = current_field(form); new_opt = NULL; for (i = 0; i < select->n_options; i++) { if (select->options[i].field == field) { new_opt = &select->options[i]; new_idx = i; break; } } if (!new_opt) return true; if (new_idx == select->selected_option) return true; old_opt = &select->options[select->selected_option]; select_option_change(old_opt, false); select_option_change(new_opt, true); select->selected_option = new_idx; if (select->on_change) select->on_change(select->on_change_arg, new_opt->val); return true; } static void select_set_visible(struct nc_widget *widget, bool visible) { struct nc_widget_select *select = to_select(widget); int i; for (i = 0; i < select->n_options; i++) field_set_visible(select->options[i].field, visible); } static void select_move(struct nc_widget *widget, int y, int x) { struct nc_widget_select *select = to_select(widget); int i; for (i = 0; i < select->n_options; i++) field_move(select->options[i].field, y + i, x); } static void select_field_focus(struct nc_widget *widget, FIELD *field) { struct nc_widget_select *select = to_select(widget); int i; for (i = 0; i < select->n_options; i++) { if (field != select->options[i].field) continue; widget->focus_y = i; return; } } static int select_destructor(void *ptr) { struct nc_widget_select *select = ptr; int i; for (i = 0; i < select->n_options; i++) free_field(select->options[i].field); return 0; } struct nc_widget_select *widget_new_select(struct nc_widgetset *set, int y, int x, int len) { struct nc_widget_select *select; select = talloc_zero(set, struct nc_widget_select); select->widget.width = len; select->widget.height = 0; select->widget.x = x; select->widget.y = y; select->widget.process_key = select_process_key; select->widget.set_visible = select_set_visible; select->widget.move = select_move; select->widget.field_focus = select_field_focus; select->widget.focussed_attr = A_REVERSE; select->widget.unfocussed_attr = A_NORMAL; select->top = y; select->left = x; select->size = len; select->set = set; talloc_set_destructor(select, select_destructor); return select; } void widget_select_add_option(struct nc_widget_select *select, int value, const char *text, bool selected) { const char *str; FIELD *f; int i; /* if we never see an option with selected set, we want the first * one to be selected */ if (select->n_options == 0) selected = true; else if (selected) select_option_change(&select->options[select->selected_option], false); if (selected) { select->selected_option = select->n_options; str = select_selected_str; } else str = select_unselected_str; i = select->n_options++; select->widget.height = select->n_options; select->options = talloc_realloc(select, select->options, struct select_option, i + 2); select->options[i].val = value; select->options[i].str = talloc_asprintf(select->options, "%s %s", str, text); select->options[i].field = f = new_field(1, select->size, select->top + i, select->left, 0, 0); field_opts_off(f, O_WRAP | O_EDIT); set_field_userptr(f, &select->widget); set_field_buffer(f, 0, select->options[i].str); widgetset_add_field(select->set, f); } int widget_select_get_value(struct nc_widget_select *select) { if (!select->n_options) return -1; return select->options[select->selected_option].val; } int widget_select_height(struct nc_widget_select *select) { return select->n_options; } void widget_select_on_change(struct nc_widget_select *select, void (*on_change)(void *, int), void *arg) { select->on_change = on_change; select->on_change_arg = arg; } void widget_select_drop_options(struct nc_widget_select *select) { struct nc_widgetset *set = select->set; int i; for (i = 0; i < select->n_options; i++) { FIELD *field = select->options[i].field; widgetset_remove_field(set, field); if (field == set->cur_field) set->cur_field = NULL; free_field(select->options[i].field); } talloc_free(select->options); select->options = NULL; select->n_options = 0; select->widget.height = 0; select->widget.focus_y = 0; } static bool button_process_key(struct nc_widget *widget, FORM *form __attribute__((unused)), int key) { struct nc_widget_button *button = to_button(widget); if (!button->click) return false; if (!key_is_select(key)) return false; button->click(button->arg); return true; } static int button_destructor(void *ptr) { struct nc_widget_button *button = ptr; free_field(button->widget.field); return 0; } struct nc_widget_button *widget_new_button(struct nc_widgetset *set, int y, int x, int size, const char *str, void (*click)(void *), void *arg) { struct nc_widget_button *button; int idx, len, pad1, pad2, bufsz; char *text; FIELD *f; int field_size = size + 2; button = talloc_zero(set, struct nc_widget_button); button->widget.height = 1; button->widget.width = field_size; button->widget.x = x; button->widget.y = y; button->widget.field = f = new_field(1, field_size, y, x, 0, 0); button->widget.process_key = button_process_key; button->widget.focussed_attr = A_REVERSE; button->widget.unfocussed_attr = A_NORMAL; button->click = click; button->arg = arg; field_opts_off(f, O_EDIT); set_field_userptr(f, &button->widget); /* Center str in the field. This depends on the number of columns used * by the string, not the number of chars in str */ len = strncols(str); if (len <= size) { idx = (field_size - len) / 2; } else { idx = 1; pb_log("Warning: '%s' %d columns wide " "but button is %d columns wide\n", str, len, size); } pad1 = max(idx - 1, 0); pad2 = max(size - len - pad1, 0); bufsz = 1 + pad1 + strlen(str) + pad2 + 2; text = talloc_array(button, char, bufsz); memset(text, ' ', bufsz); memcpy(text + idx, str, strlen(str)); text[0] = '['; text[bufsz - 2] = ']'; text[bufsz - 1] = '\0'; set_field_buffer(f, 0, text); widgetset_add_field(set, button->widget.field); talloc_set_destructor(button, button_destructor); return button; } void widget_focus_change(struct nc_widget *widget, FIELD *field, bool focussed) { int attr = focussed ? widget->focussed_attr : widget->unfocussed_attr; set_field_back(field, attr); } bool widgetset_process_key(struct nc_widgetset *set, int key) { struct nc_widget *widget; FIELD *field, *tmp; int req = 0; bool tab; field = current_field(set->form); assert(field); tab = false; /* handle field change events */ switch (key) { case KEY_BTAB: tab = true; /* fall through */ case KEY_UP: req = REQ_SPREV_FIELD; break; case '\t': tab = true; /* fall through */ case KEY_DOWN: req = REQ_SNEXT_FIELD; break; case KEY_PPAGE: req = REQ_SFIRST_FIELD; break; case KEY_NPAGE: req = REQ_SLAST_FIELD; break; } widget = field_userptr(field); if (req) { widget_focus_change(widget, field, false); form_driver(set->form, req); /* if we're doing a tabbed-field-change, skip until we * see the next widget */ tmp = field; field = current_field(set->form); for (; tab && tmp != field && field_userptr(field) == widget;) { form_driver(set->form, req); field = current_field(set->form); } form_driver(set->form, REQ_END_FIELD); widget = field_userptr(field); widget_focus_change(widget, field, true); if (widget->field_focus) widget->field_focus(widget, field); if (set->widget_focus) set->widget_focus(widget, set->widget_focus_arg); return true; } if (!widget->process_key) return false; return widget->process_key(widget, set->form, key); } static int widgetset_destructor(void *ptr) { struct nc_widgetset *set = ptr; free_form(set->form); if (set->ipv4_multi_type) free_fieldtype(set->ipv4_multi_type); return 0; } struct nc_widgetset *widgetset_create(void *ctx, WINDOW *main, WINDOW *sub) { struct nc_widgetset *set; set = talloc_zero(ctx, struct nc_widgetset); set->n_alloc_fields = 8; set->mainwin = main; set->subwin = sub; set->fields = talloc_array(set, FIELD *, set->n_alloc_fields); talloc_set_destructor(set, widgetset_destructor); return set; } void widgetset_set_windows(struct nc_widgetset *set, WINDOW *main, WINDOW *sub) { set->mainwin = main; set->subwin = sub; } void widgetset_set_widget_focus(struct nc_widgetset *set, widget_focus_cb cb, void *arg) { set->widget_focus = cb; set->widget_focus_arg = arg; } void widgetset_post(struct nc_widgetset *set) { struct nc_widget *widget; FIELD *field; set->form = new_form(set->fields); set_form_win(set->form, set->mainwin); set_form_sub(set->form, set->subwin); post_form(set->form); form_driver(set->form, REQ_END_FIELD); if (set->cur_field) { set_current_field(set->form, set->cur_field); field = set->cur_field; } field = current_field(set->form); widget = field_userptr(field); widget_focus_change(widget, field, true); if (set->widget_focus) set->widget_focus(widget, set->widget_focus_arg); } void widgetset_unpost(struct nc_widgetset *set) { set->cur_field = current_field(set->form); unpost_form(set->form); free_form(set->form); set->form = NULL; } static void widgetset_add_field(struct nc_widgetset *set, FIELD *field) { if (set->n_fields == set->n_alloc_fields - 1) { set->n_alloc_fields *= 2; set->fields = talloc_realloc(set, set->fields, FIELD *, set->n_alloc_fields); } set->n_fields++; set->fields[set->n_fields - 1] = field; set->fields[set->n_fields] = NULL; } static void widgetset_remove_field(struct nc_widgetset *set, FIELD *field) { int i; for (i = 0; i < set->n_fields; i++) { if (set->fields[i] == field) break; } if (i == set->n_fields) return; memmove(&set->fields[i], &set->fields[i+i], (set->n_fields - i) * sizeof(set->fields[i])); set->n_fields--; } #define DECLARE_BASEFN(type) \ struct nc_widget *widget_ ## type ## _base \ (struct nc_widget_ ## type *w) \ { return &w->widget; } DECLARE_BASEFN(textbox); DECLARE_BASEFN(checkbox); DECLARE_BASEFN(subset); DECLARE_BASEFN(select); DECLARE_BASEFN(label); DECLARE_BASEFN(button); void widget_set_visible(struct nc_widget *widget, bool visible) { if (widget->set_visible) widget->set_visible(widget, visible); else field_set_visible(widget->field, visible); } void widget_move(struct nc_widget *widget, int y, int x) { if (widget->move) widget->move(widget, y, x); else field_move(widget->field, y, x); widget->x = x; widget->y = y; if (x + widget->width > COLS) pb_debug("%s: Widget at %d,%d runs over pad! (%d)", __func__, y, x, x + widget->width); } int widget_height(struct nc_widget *widget) { return widget->height; } int widget_width(struct nc_widget *widget) { return widget->width; } int widget_x(struct nc_widget *widget) { return widget->x; } int widget_y(struct nc_widget *widget) { return widget->y; } int widget_focus_y(struct nc_widget *widget) { return widget->focus_y; }