/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. * Copyright 2009 Sony Corp. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include "log/log.h" #include "talloc/talloc.h" #include "nc-boot-editor.h" static struct boot_editor *boot_editor_from_scr(struct nc_scr *scr) { struct boot_editor *boot_editor; assert(scr->sig == pb_boot_editor_sig); boot_editor = (struct boot_editor *) ((char *)scr - (size_t)&((struct boot_editor *)0)->scr); assert(boot_editor->scr.sig == pb_boot_editor_sig); return boot_editor; } static struct boot_editor *boot_editor_from_arg(void *arg) { struct boot_editor *boot_editor = arg; assert(boot_editor->scr.sig == pb_boot_editor_sig); return boot_editor; } /** * boot_editor_move_cursor - Move the cursor, setting correct attributes. * @req: An ncurses request or char to send to form_driver(). */ static int boot_editor_move_cursor(struct boot_editor *boot_editor, int req) { int result; wchgat(boot_editor->scr.sub_ncw, 1, boot_editor_attr_field_selected, 0, 0); result = form_driver(boot_editor->ncf, req); wchgat(boot_editor->scr.sub_ncw, 1, boot_editor->attr_cursor, 0, 0); wrefresh(boot_editor->scr.main_ncw); return result; } /** * boot_editor_insert_mode_set - Set the insert mode. */ static void boot_editor_insert_mode_set(struct boot_editor *boot_editor, int req) { switch (req) { case REQ_INS_MODE: boot_editor->attr_cursor = boot_editor_attr_cursor_ins; break; case REQ_OVL_MODE: boot_editor->attr_cursor = boot_editor_attr_cursor_ovl; break; default: assert(0 && "bad req"); break; } boot_editor_move_cursor(boot_editor, req); } /** * boot_editor_insert_mode_tog - Toggle the insert mode. */ static void boot_editor_insert_mode_tog(struct boot_editor *boot_editor) { if (boot_editor->attr_cursor == boot_editor_attr_cursor_ins) boot_editor_insert_mode_set(boot_editor, REQ_OVL_MODE); else boot_editor_insert_mode_set(boot_editor, REQ_INS_MODE); } /** * boot_editor_move_field - Move selected field, setting correct attributes. * @req: An ncurses request to send to form_driver(). */ static int boot_editor_move_field(struct boot_editor *boot_editor, int req) { int result; set_field_back(current_field(boot_editor->ncf), boot_editor_attr_field_normal); result = form_driver(boot_editor->ncf, req); set_field_back(current_field(boot_editor->ncf), boot_editor_attr_field_selected); boot_editor_move_cursor(boot_editor, REQ_END_FIELD); return result; } static int boot_editor_post(struct nc_scr *scr) { struct boot_editor *boot_editor = boot_editor_from_scr(scr); post_form(boot_editor->ncf); nc_scr_frame_draw(scr); boot_editor_move_field(boot_editor, REQ_FIRST_FIELD); boot_editor_move_field(boot_editor, REQ_END_FIELD); boot_editor_insert_mode_set(boot_editor, REQ_INS_MODE); redrawwin(boot_editor->scr.main_ncw); wrefresh(boot_editor->scr.main_ncw); return 0; } static int boot_editor_unpost(struct nc_scr *scr) { return unpost_form(boot_editor_from_scr(scr)->ncf); } static void boot_editor_resize(struct nc_scr *scr) { /* FIXME: forms can't be resized, need to recreate here */ boot_editor_unpost(scr); boot_editor_post(scr); } /** * boot_editor_chomp - Eat leading and trailing WS. */ static char *boot_editor_chomp(char *s) { char *start; char *end; char *const s_end = s + strlen(s); for (; s < s_end; s++) if (*s != ' ' && *s != '\t') break; start = end = s; for (; s < s_end; s++) if (*s != ' ' && *s != '\t') end = s; *(end + 1) = 0; return start; } static struct pb_boot_data *boot_editor_prepare_data( struct boot_editor *boot_editor) { struct pb_boot_data *bd; char *s; bd = talloc(boot_editor, struct pb_boot_data); if (!bd) return NULL; s = boot_editor_chomp(field_buffer(boot_editor->fields[0], 0)); bd->image = *s ? talloc_strdup(bd, s) : NULL; s = boot_editor_chomp(field_buffer(boot_editor->fields[1], 0)); bd->initrd = *s ? talloc_strdup(bd, s) : NULL; s = boot_editor_chomp(field_buffer(boot_editor->fields[2], 0)); bd->args = *s ? talloc_strdup(bd, s) : NULL; return bd; } /** * boot_editor_process_key - Process a user keystroke. * * Called from the cui via the scr:process_key method. */ static void boot_editor_process_key(struct nc_scr *scr, int key) { struct boot_editor *boot_editor = boot_editor_from_scr(scr); struct pb_boot_data *bd; switch (key) { default: boot_editor_move_cursor(boot_editor, key); break; /* hot keys */ case 27: /* ESC */ boot_editor->on_exit(boot_editor, boot_editor_cancel, NULL); nc_flush_keys(); return; case '\n': case '\r': form_driver(boot_editor->ncf, REQ_VALIDATION); bd = boot_editor_prepare_data(boot_editor); boot_editor->on_exit(boot_editor, boot_editor_update, bd); nc_flush_keys(); return; /* insert mode */ case KEY_IC: boot_editor_insert_mode_tog(boot_editor); break; /* form nav */ case KEY_PPAGE: boot_editor_move_field(boot_editor, REQ_FIRST_FIELD); break; case KEY_NPAGE: boot_editor_move_field(boot_editor, REQ_LAST_FIELD); break; case KEY_DOWN: boot_editor_move_field(boot_editor, REQ_NEXT_FIELD); break; case KEY_UP: boot_editor_move_field(boot_editor, REQ_PREV_FIELD); break; /* field nav */ case KEY_HOME: boot_editor_move_cursor(boot_editor, REQ_BEG_FIELD); break; case KEY_END: boot_editor_move_cursor(boot_editor, REQ_END_FIELD); break; case KEY_LEFT: boot_editor_move_cursor(boot_editor, REQ_LEFT_CHAR); break; case KEY_RIGHT: boot_editor_move_cursor(boot_editor, REQ_RIGHT_CHAR); break; case KEY_BACKSPACE: if (boot_editor_move_cursor(boot_editor, REQ_LEFT_CHAR) == E_OK) boot_editor_move_cursor(boot_editor, REQ_DEL_CHAR); break; case KEY_DC: boot_editor_move_cursor(boot_editor, REQ_DEL_CHAR); break; } } /** * boot_editor_destructor - The talloc destructor for a boot_editor. */ static int boot_editor_destructor(void *arg) { struct boot_editor *boot_editor = boot_editor_from_arg(arg); FIELD **f; for (f = boot_editor->fields; *f; f++) free_field(*f); free_form(boot_editor->ncf); boot_editor->scr.sig = pb_removed_sig; return 0; } static FIELD *boot_editor_setup_field(unsigned int y, unsigned int x, char *str) { FIELD *f; f = new_field(1, COLS - 1 - x, y, x, 0, 0); field_opts_off(f, O_STATIC | O_WRAP); set_max_field(f, 256); set_field_buffer(f, 0, str); set_field_status(f, 0); return f; } static FIELD *boot_editor_setup_label(unsigned int y, unsigned int x, char *str) { FIELD *f; f = new_field(1, strlen(str), y, x, 0, 0); field_opts_off(f, O_ACTIVE); set_field_buffer(f, 0, str); return f; } struct boot_editor *boot_editor_init(void *ui_ctx, const struct pb_boot_data *bd, void (*on_exit)(struct boot_editor *, enum boot_editor_result, struct pb_boot_data *)) { struct boot_editor *boot_editor; pb_log("%s: image: '%s'\n", __func__, bd->image); pb_log("%s: initrd: '%s'\n", __func__, bd->initrd); pb_log("%s: args: '%s'\n", __func__, bd->args); assert(on_exit); boot_editor = talloc_zero(ui_ctx, struct boot_editor); if (!boot_editor) return NULL; talloc_set_destructor(boot_editor, boot_editor_destructor); nc_scr_init(&boot_editor->scr, pb_boot_editor_sig, 0, ui_ctx, boot_editor_process_key, boot_editor_post, boot_editor_unpost, boot_editor_resize); boot_editor->scr.frame.title = talloc_strdup(boot_editor, "Petitboot Option Editor"); boot_editor->scr.frame.help = talloc_strdup(boot_editor, "ESC=cancel, Enter=accept"); boot_editor->on_exit = on_exit; boot_editor->fields = talloc_array(boot_editor, FIELD *, 7); boot_editor->fields[0] = boot_editor_setup_field(0, 9, bd->image); boot_editor->fields[1] = boot_editor_setup_field(1, 9, bd->initrd); boot_editor->fields[2] = boot_editor_setup_field(2, 9, bd->args); boot_editor->fields[3] = boot_editor_setup_label(0, 1, "image:"); boot_editor->fields[4] = boot_editor_setup_label(1, 1, "initrd:"); boot_editor->fields[5] = boot_editor_setup_label(2, 1, "args:"); boot_editor->fields[6] = NULL; boot_editor->ncf = new_form(boot_editor->fields); set_form_win(boot_editor->ncf, boot_editor->scr.main_ncw); set_form_sub(boot_editor->ncf, boot_editor->scr.sub_ncw); return boot_editor; }