#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef _USE_X11 #include #include #include #include #include #include "petitboot.h" #include "petitboot-paths.h" #ifdef _USE_X11 #include static twin_x11_t *pboot_x11; #else #include static twin_fbdev_t *pboot_fbdev; #endif static twin_screen_t *pboot_screen; #define PBOOT_INITIAL_MESSAGE \ "keys: 0=safe 1=720p 2=1080i 3=1080p del=GameOS" #define PBOOT_LEFT_PANE_SIZE 160 #define PBOOT_LEFT_PANE_COLOR 0x80000000 #define PBOOT_LEFT_LINE_COLOR 0xff000000 #define PBOOT_LEFT_FOCUS_WIDTH 80 #define PBOOT_LEFT_FOCUS_HEIGHT 80 #define PBOOT_LEFT_FOCUS_XOFF 40 #define PBOOT_LEFT_FOCUS_YOFF 40 #define PBOOT_LEFT_FOCUS_XRAD (6 * TWIN_FIXED_ONE) #define PBOOT_LEFT_FOCUS_YRAD (6 * TWIN_FIXED_ONE) #define PBOOT_RIGHT_FOCUS_XOFF 20 #define PBOOT_RIGHT_FOCUS_YOFF 60 #define PBOOT_RIGHT_FOCUS_HEIGHT 80 #define PBOOT_RIGHT_FOCUS_XRAD (6 * TWIN_FIXED_ONE) #define PBOOT_RIGHT_FOCUS_YRAD (6 * TWIN_FIXED_ONE) #define PBOOT_LEFT_ICON_WIDTH 64 #define PBOOT_LEFT_ICON_HEIGHT 64 #define PBOOT_LEFT_ICON_XOFF 50 #define PBOOT_LEFT_ICON_YOFF 50 #define PBOOT_LEFT_ICON_STRIDE 100 #define PBOOT_RIGHT_OPTION_LMARGIN 30 #define PBOOT_RIGHT_OPTION_RMARGIN 30 #define PBOOT_RIGHT_OPTION_TMARGIN 70 #define PBOOT_RIGHT_OPTION_HEIGHT 64 #define PBOOT_RIGHT_OPTION_STRIDE 100 #define PBOOT_RIGHT_TITLE_TEXT_SIZE (30 * TWIN_FIXED_ONE) #define PBOOT_RIGHT_SUBTITLE_TEXT_SIZE (18 * TWIN_FIXED_ONE) #define PBOOT_RIGHT_TITLE_XOFFSET 80 #define PBOOT_RIGHT_TITLE_YOFFSET 30 #define PBOOT_RIGHT_SUBTITLE_XOFFSET 100 #define PBOOT_RIGHT_SUBTITLE_YOFFSET 50 #define PBOOT_RIGHT_BADGE_XOFFSET 2 #define PBOOT_RIGHT_BADGE_YOFFSET 0 #define PBOOT_RIGHT_TITLE_COLOR 0xff000000 #define PBOOT_RIGHT_SUBTITLE_COLOR 0xff400000 #define PBOOT_FOCUS_COLOR 0x10404040 #define PBOOT_STATUS_PANE_COLOR 0x60606060 #define PBOOT_STATUS_PANE_HEIGHT 20 #define PBOOT_STATUS_PANE_XYMARGIN 20 #define PBOOT_STATUS_TEXT_MARGIN 10 #define PBOOT_STATUS_TEXT_SIZE (16 * TWIN_FIXED_ONE) #define PBOOT_STATUS_TEXT_COLOR 0xff000000 typedef struct _pboot_option pboot_option_t; typedef struct _pboot_device pboot_device_t; struct _pboot_option { char *title; char *subtitle; twin_pixmap_t *badge; twin_pixmap_t *cache; twin_rect_t box; void *data; }; struct _pboot_device { char *id; twin_pixmap_t *badge; twin_rect_t box; int option_count; pboot_option_t options[PBOOT_MAX_OPTION]; }; static twin_pixmap_t *pboot_cursor; static int pboot_cursor_hx; static int pboot_cursor_hy; static pboot_device_t *pboot_devices[PBOOT_MAX_DEV]; static int pboot_dev_count; static int pboot_dev_sel = -1; static int pboot_focus_lpane = 1; typedef struct _pboot_lpane { twin_window_t *window; twin_rect_t focus_box; int focus_start; int focus_target; int focus_curindex; int mouse_target; } pboot_lpane_t; typedef struct _pboot_rpane { twin_window_t *window; twin_rect_t focus_box; int focus_start; int focus_target; int focus_curindex; int mouse_target; } pboot_rpane_t; typedef struct _pboot_spane { twin_window_t *window; char *text; } pboot_spane_t; static pboot_lpane_t *pboot_lpane; static pboot_rpane_t *pboot_rpane; static pboot_spane_t *pboot_spane; /* control to keyboard mappings for the sixaxis controller */ uint8_t sixaxis_map[] = { 0, /* 0 Select */ 0, /* 1 L3 */ 0, /* 2 R3 */ 0, /* 3 Start */ KEY_UP, /* 4 Dpad Up */ KEY_RIGHT, /* 5 Dpad Right */ KEY_DOWN, /* 6 Dpad Down */ KEY_LEFT, /* 7 Dpad Left */ 0, /* 8 L2 */ 0, /* 9 R2 */ 0, /* 10 L1 */ 0, /* 11 R1 */ 0, /* 12 Triangle */ KEY_ENTER, /* 13 Circle */ 0, /* 14 Cross */ KEY_DELETE, /* 15 Square */ 0, /* 16 PS Button */ 0, /* 17 nothing */ 0, /* 18 nothing */ }; static int pboot_vmode_change = -1; /* XXX move to twin */ static inline twin_bool_t twin_rect_intersect(twin_rect_t r1, twin_rect_t r2) { return !(r1.left > r2.right || r1.right < r2.left || r1.top > r2.bottom || r1.bottom < r2.top); } static void pboot_draw_option_cache(pboot_device_t *dev, pboot_option_t *opt, int index) { twin_pixmap_t *px; twin_path_t *path; twin_fixed_t tx, ty; /* Create pixmap */ px = twin_pixmap_create(TWIN_ARGB32, opt->box.right - opt->box.left, opt->box.bottom - opt->box.top); assert(px); opt->cache = px; /* Fill background */ twin_fill(px, 0x00000000, TWIN_SOURCE, 0, 0, px->width, px->height); /* Allocate a path for drawing */ path = twin_path_create(); assert(path); #if 0 /* TEST - Bounding rectangle */ twin_path_rectangle(path, 0, 0, twin_int_to_fixed(px->width), twin_int_to_fixed(px->height)); twin_paint_path(px, PBOOT_RIGHT_TITLE_COLOR, path); twin_path_empty(path); twin_fill(px, 0x00000000, TWIN_SOURCE, 2, 2, px->width - 3, px->height - 3); #endif /* Draw texts */ twin_path_set_font_size(path, PBOOT_RIGHT_TITLE_TEXT_SIZE); twin_path_set_font_style(path, TWIN_TEXT_UNHINTED); tx = twin_int_to_fixed(PBOOT_RIGHT_TITLE_XOFFSET); ty = twin_int_to_fixed(PBOOT_RIGHT_TITLE_YOFFSET); twin_path_move (path, tx, ty); twin_path_utf8 (path, opt->title); twin_paint_path (px, PBOOT_RIGHT_TITLE_COLOR, path); twin_path_empty (path); if (opt->subtitle) { twin_path_set_font_size(path, PBOOT_RIGHT_SUBTITLE_TEXT_SIZE); twin_path_set_font_style(path, TWIN_TEXT_UNHINTED); tx = twin_int_to_fixed(PBOOT_RIGHT_SUBTITLE_XOFFSET); ty = twin_int_to_fixed(PBOOT_RIGHT_SUBTITLE_YOFFSET); twin_path_move (path, tx, ty); twin_path_utf8 (path, opt->subtitle); twin_paint_path (px, PBOOT_RIGHT_SUBTITLE_COLOR, path); twin_path_empty (path); } if (opt->badge) { twin_operand_t src; src.source_kind = TWIN_PIXMAP; src.u.pixmap = opt->badge; twin_composite(px, PBOOT_RIGHT_BADGE_XOFFSET, PBOOT_RIGHT_BADGE_YOFFSET, &src, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, TWIN_OVER, opt->badge->width, opt->badge->height); } /* Destroy path */ twin_path_destroy(path); } static void pboot_rpane_draw(twin_window_t *window) { twin_pixmap_t *px = window->pixmap; pboot_rpane_t *rpane = window->client_data; pboot_device_t *dev; twin_path_t *path; twin_fixed_t x, y, w, h; int i; /* Fill background */ twin_fill(px, 0x00000000, TWIN_SOURCE, 0, 0, px->width, px->height); /* Nothing to draw, return */ if (pboot_dev_sel < 0) return; /* Create a path for use later */ path = twin_path_create(); assert(path); /* Draw focus box */ if (rpane->focus_curindex >= 0 && twin_rect_intersect(rpane->focus_box, px->clip)) { x = twin_int_to_fixed(rpane->focus_box.left + 2); y = twin_int_to_fixed(rpane->focus_box.top + 2); w = twin_int_to_fixed(rpane->focus_box.right - rpane->focus_box.left - 4); h = twin_int_to_fixed(rpane->focus_box.bottom - rpane->focus_box.top - 4); twin_path_rounded_rectangle(path, x, y, w, h, PBOOT_RIGHT_FOCUS_XRAD, PBOOT_RIGHT_FOCUS_YRAD); if (!pboot_focus_lpane) twin_paint_path(px, PBOOT_FOCUS_COLOR, path); else twin_paint_stroke(px, PBOOT_FOCUS_COLOR, path, 4 * TWIN_FIXED_ONE); } /* Get device and iterate through options */ dev = pboot_devices[pboot_dev_sel]; for (i = 0; i < dev->option_count; i++) { pboot_option_t *opt = &dev->options[i]; twin_operand_t src; if (opt->title == NULL) continue; if (!twin_rect_intersect(opt->box, px->clip)) continue; if (opt->cache == NULL) pboot_draw_option_cache(dev, opt, i); src.source_kind = TWIN_PIXMAP; src.u.pixmap = opt->cache; twin_composite(px, opt->box.left, opt->box.top, &src, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, TWIN_OVER, opt->box.right - opt->box.left, opt->box.bottom - opt->box.top); } /* Destroy path */ twin_path_destroy(path); } static twin_time_t pboot_rfocus_timeout (twin_time_t now, void *closure) { int dir = 1, dist, pos; const int accel[11] = { 7, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3 }; dist = abs(pboot_rpane->focus_target - pboot_rpane->focus_start); dir = dist > 5 ? 5 : dist; pos = pboot_rpane->focus_target - (int)pboot_rpane->focus_box.top; if (pos == 0) { return -1; } if (pos < 0) { dir = -dir; pos = -pos; } twin_window_damage(pboot_rpane->window, pboot_rpane->focus_box.left, pboot_rpane->focus_box.top, pboot_rpane->focus_box.right, pboot_rpane->focus_box.bottom); pboot_rpane->focus_box.top += dir; pboot_rpane->focus_box.bottom += dir; twin_window_damage(pboot_rpane->window, pboot_rpane->focus_box.left, pboot_rpane->focus_box.top, pboot_rpane->focus_box.right, pboot_rpane->focus_box.bottom); twin_window_queue_paint(pboot_rpane->window); return accel[(pos * 10) / dist]; } static void pboot_set_rfocus(int index) { pboot_device_t *dev; if (pboot_dev_sel < 0 || pboot_dev_sel >= pboot_dev_count) return; dev = pboot_devices[pboot_dev_sel]; if (index < 0 || index >= dev->option_count) return; pboot_rpane->focus_start = pboot_rpane->focus_box.top; pboot_rpane->focus_target = PBOOT_RIGHT_FOCUS_YOFF + PBOOT_RIGHT_OPTION_STRIDE * index; pboot_rpane->focus_curindex = index; twin_set_timeout(pboot_rfocus_timeout, 0, NULL); } static void pboot_select_rpane(void) { if (pboot_focus_lpane == 0) return; pboot_focus_lpane = 0; twin_screen_set_active(pboot_screen, pboot_rpane->window->pixmap); twin_window_damage(pboot_lpane->window, pboot_lpane->focus_box.left, pboot_lpane->focus_box.top, pboot_lpane->focus_box.right, pboot_lpane->focus_box.bottom); twin_window_damage(pboot_rpane->window, pboot_rpane->focus_box.left, pboot_rpane->focus_box.top, pboot_rpane->focus_box.right, pboot_rpane->focus_box.bottom); twin_window_queue_paint(pboot_lpane->window); twin_window_queue_paint(pboot_rpane->window); pboot_set_rfocus(0); } static void pboot_select_lpane(void) { if (pboot_focus_lpane == 1) return; pboot_focus_lpane = 1; twin_screen_set_active(pboot_screen, pboot_lpane->window->pixmap); twin_window_damage(pboot_lpane->window, pboot_lpane->focus_box.left, pboot_lpane->focus_box.top, pboot_lpane->focus_box.right, pboot_lpane->focus_box.bottom); twin_window_damage(pboot_rpane->window, pboot_rpane->focus_box.left, pboot_rpane->focus_box.top, pboot_rpane->focus_box.right, pboot_rpane->focus_box.bottom); twin_window_queue_paint(pboot_lpane->window); twin_window_queue_paint(pboot_rpane->window); } static void pboot_rpane_mousetrack(twin_coord_t x, twin_coord_t y) { pboot_device_t *dev; pboot_option_t *opt; int candidate = -1; if (pboot_dev_sel < 0 || pboot_dev_sel >= pboot_dev_count) return; dev = pboot_devices[pboot_dev_sel]; if (y < PBOOT_RIGHT_OPTION_TMARGIN) goto miss; candidate = (y - PBOOT_RIGHT_OPTION_TMARGIN) / PBOOT_RIGHT_OPTION_STRIDE; if (candidate >= dev->option_count) { candidate = -1; goto miss; } if (candidate == pboot_rpane->mouse_target) return; opt = &dev->options[candidate]; if (x < opt->box.left || x > opt->box.right || y < opt->box.top || y > opt->box.bottom) { candidate = -1; goto miss; } /* Ok, so now, we know the mouse hit an icon that wasn't the same * as the previous one, we trigger a focus change */ pboot_set_rfocus(candidate); miss: pboot_rpane->mouse_target = candidate; } static void pboot_choose_option(void) { pboot_device_t *dev = pboot_devices[pboot_dev_sel]; pboot_option_t *opt = &dev->options[pboot_rpane->focus_curindex]; LOG("Selected device %s\n", opt->title); /* Give user feedback, make sure errors and panics will be seen */ pboot_exec_option(opt->data); } static twin_bool_t pboot_rpane_event (twin_window_t *window, twin_event_t *event) { /* filter out all mouse events */ switch(event->kind) { case TwinEventEnter: case TwinEventMotion: case TwinEventLeave: pboot_select_rpane(); pboot_rpane_mousetrack(event->u.pointer.x, event->u.pointer.y); return TWIN_TRUE; case TwinEventButtonDown: pboot_select_rpane(); pboot_rpane_mousetrack(event->u.pointer.x, event->u.pointer.y); pboot_choose_option(); case TwinEventButtonUp: return TWIN_TRUE; case TwinEventKeyDown: switch(event->u.key.key) { case KEY_UP: pboot_set_rfocus(pboot_rpane->focus_curindex - 1); return TWIN_TRUE; case KEY_DOWN: pboot_set_rfocus(pboot_rpane->focus_curindex + 1); return TWIN_TRUE; case KEY_LEFT: pboot_select_lpane(); return TWIN_TRUE; case KEY_ENTER: pboot_choose_option(); default: break; } break; default: break; } return TWIN_FALSE; } int pboot_add_option(int devindex, const char *title, const char *subtitle, twin_pixmap_t *badge, void *data) { pboot_device_t *dev; pboot_option_t *opt; twin_coord_t width; int index; if (devindex < 0 || devindex >= pboot_dev_count) return -1; dev = pboot_devices[devindex]; if (dev->option_count >= PBOOT_MAX_OPTION) return -1; index = dev->option_count++; opt = &dev->options[index]; opt->title = malloc(strlen(title) + 1); strcpy(opt->title, title); if (subtitle) { opt->subtitle = malloc(strlen(subtitle) + 1); strcpy(opt->subtitle, subtitle); } else opt->subtitle = NULL; opt->badge = badge; opt->cache = NULL; width = pboot_rpane->window->pixmap->width - (PBOOT_RIGHT_OPTION_LMARGIN + PBOOT_RIGHT_OPTION_RMARGIN); opt->box.left = PBOOT_RIGHT_OPTION_LMARGIN; opt->box.right = opt->box.left + width; opt->box.top = PBOOT_RIGHT_OPTION_TMARGIN + index * PBOOT_RIGHT_OPTION_STRIDE; opt->box.bottom = opt->box.top + PBOOT_RIGHT_OPTION_HEIGHT; opt->data = data; return index; } static void pboot_set_device_select(int sel, int force) { LOG("%s: %d -> %d\n", __FUNCTION__, pboot_dev_sel, sel); if (!force && sel == pboot_dev_sel) return; if (sel >= pboot_dev_count) return; pboot_dev_sel = sel; if (force) { pboot_lpane->focus_curindex = sel; if (sel < 0) pboot_lpane->focus_target = 0 - PBOOT_LEFT_FOCUS_HEIGHT; else pboot_lpane->focus_target = PBOOT_LEFT_FOCUS_YOFF + PBOOT_LEFT_ICON_STRIDE * sel; pboot_rpane->focus_box.bottom = pboot_lpane->focus_target; pboot_rpane->focus_box.bottom = pboot_rpane->focus_box.top + PBOOT_RIGHT_FOCUS_HEIGHT; twin_window_damage(pboot_lpane->window, 0, 0, pboot_lpane->window->pixmap->width, pboot_lpane->window->pixmap->height); twin_window_queue_paint(pboot_lpane->window); } pboot_rpane->focus_curindex = -1; pboot_rpane->mouse_target = -1; pboot_rpane->focus_box.top = -2*PBOOT_RIGHT_FOCUS_HEIGHT; pboot_rpane->focus_box.bottom = pboot_rpane->focus_box.top + PBOOT_RIGHT_FOCUS_HEIGHT; twin_window_damage(pboot_rpane->window, 0, 0, pboot_rpane->window->pixmap->width, pboot_rpane->window->pixmap->height); twin_window_queue_paint(pboot_rpane->window); } static void pboot_create_rpane(void) { pboot_rpane = calloc(1, sizeof(pboot_rpane_t)); assert(pboot_rpane); pboot_rpane->window = twin_window_create(pboot_screen, TWIN_ARGB32, TwinWindowPlain, PBOOT_LEFT_PANE_SIZE, 0, pboot_screen->width - PBOOT_LEFT_PANE_SIZE, pboot_screen->height); assert(pboot_rpane->window); pboot_rpane->window->draw = pboot_rpane_draw; pboot_rpane->window->event = pboot_rpane_event; pboot_rpane->window->client_data = pboot_rpane; pboot_rpane->focus_curindex = -1; pboot_rpane->focus_box.left = PBOOT_RIGHT_FOCUS_XOFF; pboot_rpane->focus_box.top = -2*PBOOT_RIGHT_FOCUS_HEIGHT; pboot_rpane->focus_box.right = pboot_rpane->window->pixmap->width - 2 * PBOOT_RIGHT_FOCUS_XOFF; pboot_rpane->focus_box.bottom = pboot_rpane->focus_box.top + PBOOT_RIGHT_FOCUS_HEIGHT; pboot_rpane->mouse_target = -1; twin_window_show(pboot_rpane->window); twin_window_queue_paint(pboot_rpane->window); } static twin_time_t pboot_lfocus_timeout (twin_time_t now, void *closure) { int dir = 1, dist, pos; const int accel[11] = { 7, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3 }; dist = abs(pboot_lpane->focus_target - pboot_lpane->focus_start); dir = dist > 2 ? 2 : dist; pos = pboot_lpane->focus_target - (int)pboot_lpane->focus_box.top; if (pos == 0) { pboot_set_device_select(pboot_lpane->focus_curindex, 0); return -1; } if (pos < 0) { dir = -1; pos = -pos; } twin_window_damage(pboot_lpane->window, pboot_lpane->focus_box.left, pboot_lpane->focus_box.top, pboot_lpane->focus_box.right, pboot_lpane->focus_box.bottom); pboot_lpane->focus_box.top += dir; pboot_lpane->focus_box.bottom += dir; twin_window_damage(pboot_lpane->window, pboot_lpane->focus_box.left, pboot_lpane->focus_box.top, pboot_lpane->focus_box.right, pboot_lpane->focus_box.bottom); twin_window_queue_paint(pboot_lpane->window); return accel[(pos * 10) / dist]; } static void pboot_set_lfocus(int index) { if (index >= pboot_dev_count) return; pboot_lpane->focus_start = pboot_lpane->focus_box.top; if (index < 0) pboot_lpane->focus_target = 0 - PBOOT_LEFT_FOCUS_HEIGHT; else pboot_lpane->focus_target = PBOOT_LEFT_FOCUS_YOFF + PBOOT_LEFT_ICON_STRIDE * index; pboot_lpane->focus_curindex = index; twin_set_timeout(pboot_lfocus_timeout, 0, NULL); } static void pboot_lpane_mousetrack(twin_coord_t x, twin_coord_t y) { int candidate = -1; twin_coord_t icon_top; if (x < PBOOT_LEFT_ICON_XOFF || x > (PBOOT_LEFT_ICON_XOFF + PBOOT_LEFT_ICON_WIDTH)) goto miss; if (y < PBOOT_LEFT_ICON_YOFF) goto miss; candidate = (y - PBOOT_LEFT_ICON_YOFF) / PBOOT_LEFT_ICON_STRIDE; if (candidate >= pboot_dev_count) { candidate = -1; goto miss; } if (candidate == pboot_lpane->mouse_target) return; icon_top = PBOOT_LEFT_ICON_YOFF + candidate * PBOOT_LEFT_ICON_STRIDE; if (y > (icon_top + PBOOT_LEFT_ICON_HEIGHT)) { candidate = -1; goto miss; } /* Ok, so now, we know the mouse hit an icon that wasn't the same * as the previous one, we trigger a focus change */ pboot_set_lfocus(candidate); miss: pboot_lpane->mouse_target = candidate; } static twin_bool_t pboot_lpane_event (twin_window_t *window, twin_event_t *event) { /* filter out all mouse events */ switch(event->kind) { case TwinEventEnter: case TwinEventMotion: case TwinEventLeave: pboot_select_lpane(); pboot_lpane_mousetrack(event->u.pointer.x, event->u.pointer.y); return TWIN_TRUE; case TwinEventButtonDown: case TwinEventButtonUp: return TWIN_TRUE; case TwinEventKeyDown: switch(event->u.key.key) { case KEY_UP: if (pboot_lpane->focus_curindex > 0) pboot_set_lfocus( pboot_lpane->focus_curindex - 1); return TWIN_TRUE; case KEY_DOWN: pboot_set_lfocus(pboot_lpane->focus_curindex + 1); return TWIN_TRUE; case KEY_RIGHT: pboot_select_rpane(); return TWIN_TRUE; default: break; } break; default: break; } return TWIN_FALSE; } static void pboot_quit(void) { kill(0, SIGINT); } twin_bool_t pboot_event_filter(twin_screen_t *screen, twin_event_t *event) { switch(event->kind) { case TwinEventEnter: case TwinEventMotion: case TwinEventLeave: case TwinEventButtonDown: case TwinEventButtonUp: if (pboot_cursor != NULL) twin_screen_set_cursor(pboot_screen, pboot_cursor, pboot_cursor_hx, pboot_cursor_hy); break; case TwinEventJoyButton: /* map joystick events into key events */ if (event->u.js.control >= sizeof(sixaxis_map)) break; event->u.key.key = sixaxis_map[event->u.js.control]; if (event->u.js.value == 0) { event->kind = TwinEventKeyUp; break; } else { event->kind = TwinEventKeyDown; } /* fall through.. */ case TwinEventKeyDown: switch(event->u.key.key) { /* Gross hack for video modes, need something better ! */ case KEY_0: pboot_vmode_change = 0; /* auto */ pboot_quit(); return TWIN_TRUE; case KEY_1: pboot_vmode_change = 3; /* 720p */ pboot_quit(); return TWIN_TRUE; case KEY_2: pboot_vmode_change = 4; /* 1080i */ pboot_quit(); return TWIN_TRUE; case KEY_3: pboot_vmode_change = 5; /* 1080p */ pboot_quit(); return TWIN_TRUE; /* Another gross hack for booting back to gameos */ case KEY_BACKSPACE: case KEY_DELETE: system("boot-game-os"); pboot_quit(); } case TwinEventKeyUp: twin_screen_set_cursor(pboot_screen, NULL, 0, 0); break; default: break; } return TWIN_FALSE; } static void pboot_lpane_draw(twin_window_t *window) { twin_pixmap_t *px = window->pixmap; pboot_lpane_t *lpane = window->client_data; twin_path_t *path; twin_fixed_t x, y, w, h; int i; /* Fill background */ twin_fill(px, PBOOT_LEFT_PANE_COLOR, TWIN_SOURCE, 0, 0, px->width, px->height); /* Create a path for use later */ path = twin_path_create(); assert(path); /* Draw right line if needed */ if (px->clip.right > (PBOOT_LEFT_PANE_SIZE - 4)) { x = twin_int_to_fixed(PBOOT_LEFT_PANE_SIZE - 4); y = twin_int_to_fixed(px->height); twin_path_rectangle(path, x, 0, 0x40000, y); twin_paint_path(px, PBOOT_LEFT_LINE_COLOR, path); twin_path_empty(path); } /* Draw focus box */ if (lpane->focus_curindex >= 0 && twin_rect_intersect(lpane->focus_box, px->clip)) { x = twin_int_to_fixed(lpane->focus_box.left + 2); y = twin_int_to_fixed(lpane->focus_box.top + 2); w = twin_int_to_fixed(lpane->focus_box.right - lpane->focus_box.left - 4); h = twin_int_to_fixed(lpane->focus_box.bottom - lpane->focus_box.top - 4); twin_path_rounded_rectangle(path, x, y, w, h, PBOOT_LEFT_FOCUS_XRAD, PBOOT_LEFT_FOCUS_YRAD); if (pboot_focus_lpane) twin_paint_path(px, PBOOT_FOCUS_COLOR, path); else twin_paint_stroke(px, PBOOT_FOCUS_COLOR, path, 4 * TWIN_FIXED_ONE); } /* Draw icons */ for (i = 0; i < pboot_dev_count; i++) { pboot_device_t *dev = pboot_devices[i]; twin_operand_t src; if (!twin_rect_intersect(dev->box, px->clip)) continue; src.source_kind = TWIN_PIXMAP; src.u.pixmap = dev->badge; twin_composite(px, dev->box.left, dev->box.top, &src, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, TWIN_OVER, dev->box.right - dev->box.left, dev->box.bottom - dev->box.top); } /* Destroy path */ twin_path_destroy(path); } static void pboot_create_lpane(void) { pboot_lpane = calloc(1, sizeof(pboot_lpane_t)); assert(pboot_lpane); pboot_lpane->window = twin_window_create(pboot_screen, TWIN_ARGB32, TwinWindowPlain, 0, 0, PBOOT_LEFT_PANE_SIZE, pboot_screen->height); assert(pboot_lpane->window); pboot_lpane->window->draw = pboot_lpane_draw; pboot_lpane->window->event = pboot_lpane_event; pboot_lpane->window->client_data = pboot_lpane; pboot_lpane->focus_curindex = -1; pboot_lpane->focus_box.left = PBOOT_LEFT_FOCUS_XOFF; pboot_lpane->focus_box.top = -2*PBOOT_LEFT_FOCUS_HEIGHT; pboot_lpane->focus_box.right = pboot_lpane->focus_box.left + PBOOT_LEFT_FOCUS_WIDTH; pboot_lpane->focus_box.bottom = pboot_lpane->focus_box.top + PBOOT_LEFT_FOCUS_HEIGHT; pboot_lpane->mouse_target = -1; twin_window_show(pboot_lpane->window); twin_window_queue_paint(pboot_lpane->window); } static void pboot_spane_draw(twin_window_t *window) { twin_pixmap_t *px = window->pixmap; pboot_spane_t *spane = window->client_data; twin_path_t *path; twin_fixed_t tx, ty; /* Fill background */ twin_fill(px, PBOOT_STATUS_PANE_COLOR, TWIN_SOURCE, 0, 0, px->width, px->height); path = twin_path_create(); assert(path); twin_path_set_font_size(path, PBOOT_STATUS_TEXT_SIZE); twin_path_set_font_style(path, TWIN_TEXT_UNHINTED); tx = twin_int_to_fixed(PBOOT_STATUS_TEXT_MARGIN); ty = twin_int_to_fixed(PBOOT_STATUS_PANE_HEIGHT - 2); twin_path_move (path, tx, ty); twin_path_utf8 (path, spane->text); twin_paint_path (px, PBOOT_STATUS_TEXT_COLOR, path); twin_path_destroy(path); } void pboot_message(const char *message) { if (pboot_spane->text) free(pboot_spane->text); pboot_spane->text = strdup(message); twin_window_damage(pboot_spane->window, 0, 0, pboot_spane->window->pixmap->width, pboot_spane->window->pixmap->height); twin_window_queue_paint(pboot_spane->window); } static void pboot_create_spane(void) { pboot_spane = calloc(1, sizeof(pboot_spane_t)); assert(pboot_spane); pboot_spane->window = twin_window_create(pboot_screen, TWIN_ARGB32, TwinWindowPlain, PBOOT_LEFT_PANE_SIZE + PBOOT_STATUS_PANE_XYMARGIN, pboot_screen->height - PBOOT_STATUS_PANE_HEIGHT, pboot_screen->width - PBOOT_LEFT_PANE_SIZE - 2*PBOOT_STATUS_PANE_XYMARGIN, PBOOT_STATUS_PANE_HEIGHT); assert(pboot_spane->window); pboot_spane->window->draw = pboot_spane_draw; pboot_spane->window->client_data = pboot_spane; pboot_spane->text = strdup(PBOOT_INITIAL_MESSAGE); twin_window_show(pboot_spane->window); twin_window_queue_paint(pboot_spane->window); } int pboot_add_device(const char *dev_id, const char *name, twin_pixmap_t *pixmap) { int index; pboot_device_t *dev; if (pboot_dev_count >= PBOOT_MAX_DEV) return -1; index = pboot_dev_count++; dev = malloc(sizeof(*dev)); memset(dev, 0, sizeof(*dev)); dev->id = malloc(strlen(dev_id) + 1); strcpy(dev->id, dev_id); dev->badge = pixmap; dev->box.left = PBOOT_LEFT_ICON_XOFF; dev->box.right = dev->box.left + PBOOT_LEFT_ICON_WIDTH; dev->box.top = PBOOT_LEFT_ICON_YOFF + PBOOT_LEFT_ICON_STRIDE * index; dev->box.bottom = dev->box.top + PBOOT_LEFT_ICON_HEIGHT; pboot_devices[index] = dev; twin_window_damage(pboot_lpane->window, dev->box.left, dev->box.top, dev->box.right, dev->box.bottom); twin_window_queue_paint(pboot_lpane->window); return index; } int pboot_remove_device(const char *dev_id) { pboot_device_t *dev = NULL; int i, newsel = pboot_dev_sel; /* find the matching device */ for (i = 0; i < pboot_dev_count; i++) { if (!strcmp(pboot_devices[i]->id, dev_id)) { dev = pboot_devices[i]; break; } } if (!dev) return TWIN_FALSE; memmove(pboot_devices + i, pboot_devices + i + 1, sizeof(*pboot_devices) * (pboot_dev_count + i - 1)); pboot_devices[--pboot_dev_count] = NULL; /* select the newly-focussed device */ if (pboot_dev_sel > i) newsel = pboot_dev_sel - 1; else if (pboot_dev_sel == i && i >= pboot_dev_count) newsel = pboot_dev_count - 1; pboot_set_device_select(newsel, 1); /* todo: free device & options */ return TWIN_TRUE; } static void pboot_make_background(void) { twin_pixmap_t *filepic, *scaledpic; const char *background_path; /* Set background pixmap */ LOG("loading background..."); background_path = artwork_pathname("background.jpg"); filepic = twin_jpeg_to_pixmap(background_path, TWIN_ARGB32); LOG("%s\n", filepic ? "ok" : "failed"); if (filepic == NULL) return; if (pboot_screen->height == filepic->height && pboot_screen->width == filepic->width) scaledpic = filepic; else { twin_fixed_t sx, sy; twin_operand_t srcop; scaledpic = twin_pixmap_create(TWIN_ARGB32, pboot_screen->width, pboot_screen->height); if (scaledpic == NULL) { twin_pixmap_destroy(filepic); return; } sx = twin_fixed_div(twin_int_to_fixed(filepic->width), twin_int_to_fixed(pboot_screen->width)); sy = twin_fixed_div(twin_int_to_fixed(filepic->height), twin_int_to_fixed(pboot_screen->height)); twin_matrix_scale(&filepic->transform, sx, sy); srcop.source_kind = TWIN_PIXMAP; srcop.u.pixmap = filepic; twin_composite(scaledpic, 0, 0, &srcop, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, TWIN_SOURCE, pboot_screen->width, pboot_screen->height); twin_pixmap_destroy(filepic); } twin_screen_set_background(pboot_screen, scaledpic); } #define PS3FB_IOCTL_SETMODE _IOW('r', 1, int) #define PS3FB_IOCTL_GETMODE _IOR('r', 2, int) static void exitfunc(void) { #ifndef _USE_X11 if (pboot_fbdev) twin_fbdev_destroy(pboot_fbdev); pboot_fbdev = NULL; if (pboot_vmode_change != -1) { int fd = open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR); if (fd >= 0) ioctl(fd, PS3FB_IOCTL_SETMODE, (unsigned long)&pboot_vmode_change); close(fd); } #endif } static void sigint(int sig) { exitfunc(); syscall(__NR_exit); } static void usage(const char *progname) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-u] [-h]\n", progname); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int c; int udev_trigger = 0; for (;;) { c = getopt(argc, argv, "u::h"); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 'u': udev_trigger = 1; break; case 'h': usage(argv[0]); return EXIT_SUCCESS; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option '%c'\n", c); usage(argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } atexit(exitfunc); signal(SIGINT, sigint); #ifdef _USE_X11 pboot_x11 = twin_x11_create(XOpenDisplay(0), 1024, 768); if (pboot_x11 == NULL) { perror("failed to create x11 screen !\n"); return 1; } pboot_screen = pboot_x11->screen; #else /* Create screen and mouse drivers */ pboot_fbdev = twin_fbdev_create(-1, SIGUSR1); if (pboot_fbdev == NULL) { perror("failed to create fbdev screen !\n"); return 1; } pboot_screen = pboot_fbdev->screen; twin_linux_mouse_create(NULL, pboot_screen); twin_linux_js_create(pboot_screen); if (pboot_fbdev != NULL) { char *cursor_path = artwork_pathname("cursor.gz"); pboot_cursor = twin_load_X_cursor(cursor_path, 2, &pboot_cursor_hx, &pboot_cursor_hy); if (pboot_cursor == NULL) pboot_cursor = twin_get_default_cursor(&pboot_cursor_hx, &pboot_cursor_hy); } #endif /* Set background pixmap */ pboot_make_background(); /* Init more stuffs */ pboot_create_lpane(); pboot_create_rpane(); pboot_create_spane(); if (!pboot_start_device_discovery(udev_trigger)) { LOG("Couldn't start device discovery!\n"); return 1; } pboot_set_lfocus(0); twin_screen_set_active(pboot_screen, pboot_lpane->window->pixmap); pboot_screen->event_filter = pboot_event_filter; /* Console switch */ #ifndef _USE_X11 if (pboot_fbdev) twin_fbdev_activate(pboot_fbdev); #endif /* Process events */ twin_dispatch (); return 0; }