#define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "platform.h" void *platform_ctx; static struct platform *platform; static struct config *config; static const char *kernel_cmdline_debug = "petitboot.debug"; static void dump_config(struct config *config) { unsigned int i; pb_log("configuration:\n"); if (config->autoboot_enabled) pb_log(" autoboot: enabled, %d sec\n", config->autoboot_timeout_sec); else pb_log(" autoboot: disabled\n"); if (config->network.n_interfaces || config->network.n_dns_servers) pb_log(" network configuration:\n"); if (config->safe_mode) pb_log(" safe mode: active\n"); for (i = 0; i < config->network.n_interfaces; i++) { struct interface_config *ifconf = config->network.interfaces[i]; pb_log(" interface %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", ifconf->hwaddr[0], ifconf->hwaddr[1], ifconf->hwaddr[2], ifconf->hwaddr[3], ifconf->hwaddr[4], ifconf->hwaddr[5]); if (ifconf->ignore) { pb_log(" ignore\n"); continue; } if (ifconf->method == CONFIG_METHOD_DHCP) { pb_log(" dhcp\n"); } else if (ifconf->method == CONFIG_METHOD_STATIC) { pb_log(" static:\n"); pb_log(" ip: %s\n", ifconf->static_config.address); pb_log(" gw: %s\n", ifconf->static_config.gateway); } } for (i = 0; i < config->network.n_dns_servers; i++) pb_log(" dns server %s\n", config->network.dns_servers[i]); for (i = 0; i < config->n_autoboot_opts; i++) { if (config->autoboot_opts[i].boot_type == BOOT_DEVICE_TYPE) pb_log(" boot device %d: %s\n", i, device_type_name(config->autoboot_opts[i].type)); else pb_log(" boot device %d: uuid: %s\n", i, config->autoboot_opts[i].uuid); } pb_log(" IPMI boot device 0x%02x%s\n", config->ipmi_bootdev, config->ipmi_bootdev_persistent ? " (persistent)" : ""); pb_log(" language: %s\n", config->lang ?: ""); } static bool config_debug_on_cmdline(void) { char buf[600]; int rc, fd; fd = open("/proc/cmdline", O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) return false; rc = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); close(fd); if (rc <= 0) return false; return memmem(buf, rc, kernel_cmdline_debug, strlen(kernel_cmdline_debug)) != NULL; } void config_set_defaults(struct config *config) { config->autoboot_enabled = true; config->autoboot_timeout_sec = 10; config->autoboot_enabled = true; config->network.interfaces = NULL; config->network.n_interfaces = 0; config->network.dns_servers = NULL; config->network.n_dns_servers = 0; config->safe_mode = false; config->lang = NULL; config->allow_writes = true; config->n_autoboot_opts = 2; config->autoboot_opts = talloc_array(config, struct autoboot_option, config->n_autoboot_opts); config->autoboot_opts[0].boot_type = BOOT_DEVICE_TYPE; config->autoboot_opts[0].type = DEVICE_TYPE_NETWORK; config->autoboot_opts[1].boot_type = BOOT_DEVICE_TYPE; config->autoboot_opts[1].type = DEVICE_TYPE_ANY; config->ipmi_bootdev = 0; config->ipmi_bootdev_persistent = false; config->debug = config_debug_on_cmdline(); } int platform_init(void *ctx) { extern struct platform *__start_platforms, *__stop_platforms; struct platform **p; platform_ctx = talloc_new(ctx); for (p = &__start_platforms; p < &__stop_platforms; p++) { if (!(*p)->probe(*p, platform_ctx)) continue; platform = *p; break; } config = talloc(platform_ctx, struct config); config_set_defaults(config); if (platform) { pb_log("Detected platform type: %s\n", platform->name); if (platform->load_config) platform->load_config(platform, config); } else { pb_log("No platform type detected, some platform-specific " "functionality will be disabled\n"); } dump_config(config); return 0; } const struct platform *platform_get(void) { return platform; } void platform_pre_boot(void) { const struct config *config = config_get(); if (platform && config && platform->pre_boot) platform->pre_boot(platform, config); } int platform_get_sysinfo(struct system_info *info) { if (platform && platform->get_sysinfo) return platform->get_sysinfo(platform, info); return -1; } int config_set(struct config *newconfig) { int rc; if (!platform || !platform->save_config) return -1; if (newconfig == config) return 0; pb_log("new configuration data received\n"); dump_config(newconfig); rc = platform->save_config(platform, newconfig); if (!rc) config = talloc_steal(platform_ctx, newconfig); else pb_log("error saving new configuration; changes lost\n"); return rc; } /* A non-exported function to allow the test infrastructure to initialise * (and change) the configuration variables */ struct parser_test; struct config __attribute__((unused)) *test_config_init( struct parser_test *test); struct config *test_config_init(struct parser_test *test) { config = talloc(test, struct config); config_set_defaults(config); return config; } const struct config *config_get(void) { return config; } void config_set_autoboot(bool autoboot_enabled) { config->autoboot_enabled = autoboot_enabled; pb_log("set autoboot: %s\n", config->autoboot_enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"); } int platform_fini(void) { talloc_free(platform_ctx); return 0; }