SUMMARY = "To merge the Host and BMC config files generated from MRW " DESCRIPTION = "Merge host provided FRU info config file, fru info config, \ which is not sent by host config, and BMC accessible FRU info config \ files generated by into a single config file. \ fru-gen parser parses the merged config file and generates cpp file" PR = "r1" inherit native inherit phosphor-ipmi-host inherit obmc-phosphor-license DEPENDS += "virtual/phosphor-ipmi-fru-read-inventory" DEPENDS += "virtual/phosphor-ipmi-fru-read-bmc-inventory" DEPENDS += "virtual/phosphor-ipmi-fru-read-not-sent-by-host-inventory" PROVIDES += "virtual/phosphor-ipmi-fru-merge-config" do_install_append() { SRC=${config_datadir} DEST=${D}${config_datadir} install -d ${DEST} cat ${SRC}/config.yaml ${SRC}/bmc-fru-config.yaml > ${DEST}/fru_config.yaml cat ${SRC}/fru-config-not-sent-by-host.yaml >> ${DEST}/fru_config.yaml }