path: root/import-layers/yocto-poky/bitbake/bin/bitbake-layers
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'import-layers/yocto-poky/bitbake/bin/bitbake-layers')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 1008 deletions
diff --git a/import-layers/yocto-poky/bitbake/bin/bitbake-layers b/import-layers/yocto-poky/bitbake/bin/bitbake-layers
index d47a6690e..946def220 100755
--- a/import-layers/yocto-poky/bitbake/bin/bitbake-layers
+++ b/import-layers/yocto-poky/bitbake/bin/bitbake-layers
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This script has subcommands which operate against your bitbake layers, either
# displaying useful information, or acting against them.
@@ -23,1048 +23,105 @@
import logging
import os
import sys
-import fnmatch
-from collections import defaultdict
import argparse
-import re
-import httplib, urlparse, json
-import subprocess
bindir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
topdir = os.path.dirname(bindir)
sys.path[0:0] = [os.path.join(topdir, 'lib')]
-import bb.cache
-import bb.cooker
-import bb.providers
-import bb.utils
import bb.tinfoil
+def tinfoil_init(parserecipes):
+ import bb.tinfoil
+ tinfoil = bb.tinfoil.Tinfoil(tracking=True)
+ tinfoil.prepare(not parserecipes)
+ tinfoil.logger.setLevel(logger.getEffectiveLevel())
+ return tinfoil
def logger_create(name, output=sys.stderr):
logger = logging.getLogger(name)
- console = logging.StreamHandler(output)
- format = bb.msg.BBLogFormatter("%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
- if output.isatty():
- format.enable_color()
- console.setFormatter(format)
- logger.addHandler(console)
+ loggerhandler = logging.StreamHandler(output)
+ loggerhandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s: %(message)s"))
+ logger.addHandler(loggerhandler)
return logger
-logger = logger_create('bitbake-layers', sys.stdout)
-class UserError(Exception):
- pass
-class Commands():
- def __init__(self):
- self.bbhandler = None
- self.bblayers = []
- def init_bbhandler(self, config_only = False):
- if not self.bbhandler:
- self.bbhandler = bb.tinfoil.Tinfoil(tracking=True)
- self.bblayers = (self.bbhandler.config_data.getVar('BBLAYERS', True) or "").split()
- self.bbhandler.prepare(config_only)
- layerconfs = self.bbhandler.config_data.varhistory.get_variable_items_files('BBFILE_COLLECTIONS', self.bbhandler.config_data)
- self.bbfile_collections = {layer: os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(path)) for layer, path in layerconfs.iteritems()}
- def do_show_layers(self, args):
- """show current configured layers"""
- self.init_bbhandler(config_only = True)
- logger.plain("%s %s %s" % ("layer".ljust(20), "path".ljust(40), "priority"))
- logger.plain('=' * 74)
- for layer, _, regex, pri in self.bbhandler.cooker.recipecache.bbfile_config_priorities:
- layerdir = self.bbfile_collections.get(layer, None)
- layername = self.get_layer_name(layerdir)
- logger.plain("%s %s %d" % (layername.ljust(20), layerdir.ljust(40), pri))
- def do_add_layer(self, args):
- """Add a layer to bblayers.conf
-Adds the specified layer to bblayers.conf
- layerdir = os.path.abspath(args.layerdir)
- if not os.path.exists(layerdir):
- sys.stderr.write("Specified layer directory doesn't exist\n")
- return 1
- layer_conf = os.path.join(layerdir, 'conf', 'layer.conf')
- if not os.path.exists(layer_conf):
- sys.stderr.write("Specified layer directory doesn't contain a conf/layer.conf file\n")
- return 1
- bblayers_conf = os.path.join('conf', 'bblayers.conf')
- if not os.path.exists(bblayers_conf):
- sys.stderr.write("Unable to find bblayers.conf\n")
- return 1
- (notadded, _) = bb.utils.edit_bblayers_conf(bblayers_conf, layerdir, None)
- if notadded:
- for item in notadded:
- sys.stderr.write("Specified layer %s is already in BBLAYERS\n" % item)
- def do_remove_layer(self, args):
- """Remove a layer from bblayers.conf
-Removes the specified layer from bblayers.conf
- bblayers_conf = os.path.join('conf', 'bblayers.conf')
- if not os.path.exists(bblayers_conf):
- sys.stderr.write("Unable to find bblayers.conf\n")
- return 1
- if args.layerdir.startswith('*'):
- layerdir = args.layerdir
- elif not '/' in args.layerdir:
- layerdir = '*/%s' % args.layerdir
- else:
- layerdir = os.path.abspath(args.layerdir)
- (_, notremoved) = bb.utils.edit_bblayers_conf(bblayers_conf, None, layerdir)
- if notremoved:
- for item in notremoved:
- sys.stderr.write("No layers matching %s found in BBLAYERS\n" % item)
- return 1
- def get_json_data(self, apiurl):
- proxy_settings = os.environ.get("http_proxy", None)
- conn = None
- _parsedurl = urlparse.urlparse(apiurl)
- path = _parsedurl.path
- query = _parsedurl.query
- def parse_url(url):
- parsedurl = urlparse.urlparse(url)
- if parsedurl.netloc[0] == '[':
- host, port = parsedurl.netloc[1:].split(']', 1)
- if ':' in port:
- port = port.rsplit(':', 1)[1]
- else:
- port = None
- else:
- if parsedurl.netloc.count(':') == 1:
- (host, port) = parsedurl.netloc.split(":")
- else:
- host = parsedurl.netloc
- port = None
- return (host, 80 if port is None else int(port))
- if proxy_settings is None:
- host, port = parse_url(apiurl)
- conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, port)
- conn.request("GET", path + "?" + query)
- else:
- host, port = parse_url(proxy_settings)
- conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, port)
- conn.request("GET", apiurl)
- r = conn.getresponse()
- if r.status != 200:
- raise Exception("Failed to read " + path + ": %d %s" % (r.status, r.reason))
- return json.loads(
- def get_layer_deps(self, layername, layeritems, layerbranches, layerdependencies, branchnum, selfname=False):
- def layeritems_info_id(items_name, layeritems):
- litems_id = None
- for li in layeritems:
- if li['name'] == items_name:
- litems_id = li['id']
- break
- return litems_id
- def layerbranches_info(items_id, layerbranches):
- lbranch = {}
- for lb in layerbranches:
- if lb['layer'] == items_id and lb['branch'] == branchnum:
- lbranch['id'] = lb['id']
- lbranch['vcs_subdir'] = lb['vcs_subdir']
- break
- return lbranch
- def layerdependencies_info(lb_id, layerdependencies):
- ld_deps = []
- for ld in layerdependencies:
- if ld['layerbranch'] == lb_id and not ld['dependency'] in ld_deps:
- ld_deps.append(ld['dependency'])
- if not ld_deps:
- logger.error("The dependency of layerDependencies is not found.")
- return ld_deps
- def layeritems_info_name_subdir(items_id, layeritems):
- litems = {}
- for li in layeritems:
- if li['id'] == items_id:
- litems['vcs_url'] = li['vcs_url']
- litems['name'] = li['name']
- break
- return litems
- if selfname:
- selfid = layeritems_info_id(layername, layeritems)
- lbinfo = layerbranches_info(selfid, layerbranches)
- if lbinfo:
- selfsubdir = lbinfo['vcs_subdir']
- else:
- logger.error("%s is not found in the specified branch" % layername)
- return
- selfurl = layeritems_info_name_subdir(selfid, layeritems)['vcs_url']
- if selfurl:
- return selfurl, selfsubdir
- else:
- logger.error("Cannot get layer %s git repo and subdir" % layername)
- return
- ldict = {}
- itemsid = layeritems_info_id(layername, layeritems)
- if not itemsid:
- return layername, None
- lbid = layerbranches_info(itemsid, layerbranches)
- if lbid:
- lbid = layerbranches_info(itemsid, layerbranches)['id']
- else:
- logger.error("%s is not found in the specified branch" % layername)
- return None, None
- for dependency in layerdependencies_info(lbid, layerdependencies):
- lname = layeritems_info_name_subdir(dependency, layeritems)['name']
- lurl = layeritems_info_name_subdir(dependency, layeritems)['vcs_url']
- lsubdir = layerbranches_info(dependency, layerbranches)['vcs_subdir']
- ldict[lname] = lurl, lsubdir
- return None, ldict
- def get_fetch_layer(self, fetchdir, url, subdir, fetch_layer):
- layername = self.get_layer_name(url)
- if os.path.splitext(layername)[1] == '.git':
- layername = os.path.splitext(layername)[0]
- repodir = os.path.join(fetchdir, layername)
- layerdir = os.path.join(repodir, subdir)
- if not os.path.exists(repodir):
- if fetch_layer:
- result ='git clone %s %s' % (url, repodir), shell = True)
- if result:
- logger.error("Failed to download %s" % url)
- return None, None
- else:
- return layername, layerdir
- else:
- logger.plain("Repository %s needs to be fetched" % url)
- return layername, layerdir
- elif os.path.exists(layerdir):
- return layername, layerdir
- else:
- logger.error("%s is not in %s" % (url, subdir))
- return None, None
- def do_layerindex_fetch(self, args):
- """Fetches a layer from a layer index along with its dependent layers, and adds them to conf/bblayers.conf.
- self.init_bbhandler(config_only = True)
- apiurl = self.bbhandler.config_data.getVar('BBLAYERS_LAYERINDEX_URL', True)
- if not apiurl:
- logger.error("Cannot get BBLAYERS_LAYERINDEX_URL")
- return 1
- else:
- if apiurl[-1] != '/':
- apiurl += '/'
- apiurl += "api/"
- apilinks = self.get_json_data(apiurl)
- branches = self.get_json_data(apilinks['branches'])
- branchnum = 0
- for branch in branches:
- if branch['name'] == args.branch:
- branchnum = branch['id']
- break
- if branchnum == 0:
- validbranches = ', '.join([branch['name'] for branch in branches])
- logger.error('Invalid layer branch name "%s". Valid branches: %s' % (args.branch, validbranches))
- return 1
- ignore_layers = []
- for collection in self.bbhandler.config_data.getVar('BBFILE_COLLECTIONS', True).split():
- lname = self.bbhandler.config_data.getVar('BBLAYERS_LAYERINDEX_NAME_%s' % collection, True)
- if lname:
- ignore_layers.append(lname)
- if args.ignore:
- ignore_layers.extend(args.ignore.split(','))
- layeritems = self.get_json_data(apilinks['layerItems'])
- layerbranches = self.get_json_data(apilinks['layerBranches'])
- layerdependencies = self.get_json_data(apilinks['layerDependencies'])
- invaluenames = []
- repourls = {}
- printlayers = []
- def query_dependencies(layers, layeritems, layerbranches, layerdependencies, branchnum):
- depslayer = []
- for layername in layers:
- invaluename, layerdict = self.get_layer_deps(layername, layeritems, layerbranches, layerdependencies, branchnum)
- if layerdict:
- repourls[layername] = self.get_layer_deps(layername, layeritems, layerbranches, layerdependencies, branchnum, selfname=True)
- for layer in layerdict:
- if not layer in ignore_layers:
- depslayer.append(layer)
- printlayers.append((layername, layer, layerdict[layer][0], layerdict[layer][1]))
- if not layer in ignore_layers and not layer in repourls:
- repourls[layer] = (layerdict[layer][0], layerdict[layer][1])
- if invaluename and not invaluename in invaluenames:
- invaluenames.append(invaluename)
- return depslayer
- depslayers = query_dependencies(args.layername, layeritems, layerbranches, layerdependencies, branchnum)
- while depslayers:
- depslayer = query_dependencies(depslayers, layeritems, layerbranches, layerdependencies, branchnum)
- depslayers = depslayer
- if invaluenames:
- for invaluename in invaluenames:
- logger.error('Layer "%s" not found in layer index' % invaluename)
- return 1
- logger.plain("%s %s %s %s" % ("Layer".ljust(19), "Required by".ljust(19), "Git repository".ljust(54), "Subdirectory"))
- logger.plain('=' * 115)
- for layername in args.layername:
- layerurl = repourls[layername]
- logger.plain("%s %s %s %s" % (layername.ljust(20), '-'.ljust(20), layerurl[0].ljust(55), layerurl[1]))
- printedlayers = []
- for layer, dependency, gitrepo, subdirectory in printlayers:
- if dependency in printedlayers:
- continue
- logger.plain("%s %s %s %s" % (dependency.ljust(20), layer.ljust(20), gitrepo.ljust(55), subdirectory))
- printedlayers.append(dependency)
- if repourls:
- fetchdir = self.bbhandler.config_data.getVar('BBLAYERS_FETCH_DIR', True)
- if not fetchdir:
- logger.error("Cannot get BBLAYERS_FETCH_DIR")
- return 1
- if not os.path.exists(fetchdir):
- os.makedirs(fetchdir)
- addlayers = []
- for repourl, subdir in repourls.values():
- name, layerdir = self.get_fetch_layer(fetchdir, repourl, subdir, not args.show_only)
- if not name:
- # Error already shown
- return 1
- addlayers.append((subdir, name, layerdir))
- if not args.show_only:
- for subdir, name, layerdir in set(addlayers):
- if os.path.exists(layerdir):
- if subdir:
- logger.plain("Adding layer \"%s\" to conf/bblayers.conf" % subdir)
- else:
- logger.plain("Adding layer \"%s\" to conf/bblayers.conf" % name)
- localargs = argparse.Namespace()
- localargs.layerdir = layerdir
- self.do_add_layer(localargs)
- else:
- break
- def do_layerindex_show_depends(self, args):
- """Find layer dependencies from layer index.
- args.show_only = True
- args.ignore = []
- self.do_layerindex_fetch(args)
- def version_str(self, pe, pv, pr = None):
- verstr = "%s" % pv
- if pr:
- verstr = "%s-%s" % (verstr, pr)
- if pe:
- verstr = "%s:%s" % (pe, verstr)
- return verstr
- def do_show_overlayed(self, args):
- """list overlayed recipes (where the same recipe exists in another layer)
-Lists the names of overlayed recipes and the available versions in each
-layer, with the preferred version first. Note that skipped recipes that
-are overlayed will also be listed, with a " (skipped)" suffix.
- self.init_bbhandler()
- items_listed = self.list_recipes('Overlayed recipes', None, True, args.same_version, args.filenames, True, None)
- # Check for overlayed .bbclass files
- classes = defaultdict(list)
- for layerdir in self.bblayers:
- classdir = os.path.join(layerdir, 'classes')
- if os.path.exists(classdir):
- for classfile in os.listdir(classdir):
- if os.path.splitext(classfile)[1] == '.bbclass':
- classes[classfile].append(classdir)
- # Locating classes and other files is a bit more complicated than recipes -
- # layer priority is not a factor; instead BitBake uses the first matching
- # file in BBPATH, which is manipulated directly by each layer's
- # conf/layer.conf in turn, thus the order of layers in bblayers.conf is a
- # factor - however, each layer.conf is free to either prepend or append to
- # BBPATH (or indeed do crazy stuff with it). Thus the order in BBPATH might
- # not be exactly the order present in bblayers.conf either.
- bbpath = str(self.bbhandler.config_data.getVar('BBPATH', True))
- overlayed_class_found = False
- for (classfile, classdirs) in classes.items():
- if len(classdirs) > 1:
- if not overlayed_class_found:
- logger.plain('=== Overlayed classes ===')
- overlayed_class_found = True
- mainfile = bb.utils.which(bbpath, os.path.join('classes', classfile))
- if args.filenames:
- logger.plain('%s' % mainfile)
- else:
- # We effectively have to guess the layer here
- logger.plain('%s:' % classfile)
- mainlayername = '?'
- for layerdir in self.bblayers:
- classdir = os.path.join(layerdir, 'classes')
- if mainfile.startswith(classdir):
- mainlayername = self.get_layer_name(layerdir)
- logger.plain(' %s' % mainlayername)
- for classdir in classdirs:
- fullpath = os.path.join(classdir, classfile)
- if fullpath != mainfile:
- if args.filenames:
- print(' %s' % fullpath)
- else:
- print(' %s' % self.get_layer_name(os.path.dirname(classdir)))
- if overlayed_class_found:
- items_listed = True;
- if not items_listed:
- logger.plain('No overlayed files found.')
- def do_show_recipes(self, args):
- """list available recipes, showing the layer they are provided by
-Lists the names of recipes and the available versions in each
-layer, with the preferred version first. Optionally you may specify
-pnspec to match a specified recipe name (supports wildcards). Note that
-skipped recipes will also be listed, with a " (skipped)" suffix.
- self.init_bbhandler()
- inheritlist = args.inherits.split(',') if args.inherits else []
- if inheritlist or args.pnspec or args.multiple:
- title = 'Matching recipes:'
- else:
- title = 'Available recipes:'
- self.list_recipes(title, args.pnspec, False, False, args.filenames, args.multiple, inheritlist)
- def list_recipes(self, title, pnspec, show_overlayed_only, show_same_ver_only, show_filenames, show_multi_provider_only, inherits):
- if inherits:
- bbpath = str(self.bbhandler.config_data.getVar('BBPATH', True))
- for classname in inherits:
- classfile = 'classes/%s.bbclass' % classname
- if not bb.utils.which(bbpath, classfile, history=False):
- raise UserError('No class named %s found in BBPATH' % classfile)
- pkg_pn = self.bbhandler.cooker.recipecache.pkg_pn
- (latest_versions, preferred_versions) = bb.providers.findProviders(self.bbhandler.config_data, self.bbhandler.cooker.recipecache, pkg_pn)
- allproviders = bb.providers.allProviders(self.bbhandler.cooker.recipecache)
- # Ensure we list skipped recipes
- # We are largely guessing about PN, PV and the preferred version here,
- # but we have no choice since skipped recipes are not fully parsed
- skiplist = self.bbhandler.cooker.skiplist.keys()
- skiplist.sort( key=lambda fileitem: self.bbhandler.cooker.collection.calc_bbfile_priority(fileitem) )
- skiplist.reverse()
- for fn in skiplist:
- recipe_parts = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn))[0].split('_')
- p = recipe_parts[0]
- if len(recipe_parts) > 1:
- ver = (None, recipe_parts[1], None)
- else:
- ver = (None, 'unknown', None)
- allproviders[p].append((ver, fn))
- if not p in pkg_pn:
- pkg_pn[p] = 'dummy'
- preferred_versions[p] = (ver, fn)
- def print_item(f, pn, ver, layer, ispref):
- if f in skiplist:
- skipped = ' (skipped)'
- else:
- skipped = ''
- if show_filenames:
- if ispref:
- logger.plain("%s%s", f, skipped)
- else:
- logger.plain(" %s%s", f, skipped)
- else:
- if ispref:
- logger.plain("%s:", pn)
- logger.plain(" %s %s%s", layer.ljust(20), ver, skipped)
- global_inherit = (self.bbhandler.config_data.getVar('INHERIT', True) or "").split()
- cls_re = re.compile('classes/')
- preffiles = []
- items_listed = False
- for p in sorted(pkg_pn):
- if pnspec:
- if not fnmatch.fnmatch(p, pnspec):
- continue
- if len(allproviders[p]) > 1 or not show_multi_provider_only:
- pref = preferred_versions[p]
- realfn = bb.cache.Cache.virtualfn2realfn(pref[1])
- preffile = realfn[0]
- # We only display once per recipe, we should prefer non extended versions of the
- # recipe if present (so e.g. in OpenEmbedded, openssl rather than nativesdk-openssl
- # which would otherwise sort first).
- if realfn[1] and realfn[0] in self.bbhandler.cooker.recipecache.pkg_fn:
- continue
- if inherits:
- matchcount = 0
- recipe_inherits = self.bbhandler.cooker_data.inherits.get(preffile, [])
- for cls in recipe_inherits:
- if cls_re.match(cls):
- continue
- classname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(cls))[0]
- if classname in global_inherit:
- continue
- elif classname in inherits:
- matchcount += 1
- if matchcount != len(inherits):
- # No match - skip this recipe
- continue
- if preffile not in preffiles:
- preflayer = self.get_file_layer(preffile)
- multilayer = False
- same_ver = True
- provs = []
- for prov in allproviders[p]:
- provfile = bb.cache.Cache.virtualfn2realfn(prov[1])[0]
- provlayer = self.get_file_layer(provfile)
- provs.append((provfile, provlayer, prov[0]))
- if provlayer != preflayer:
- multilayer = True
- if prov[0] != pref[0]:
- same_ver = False
- if (multilayer or not show_overlayed_only) and (same_ver or not show_same_ver_only):
- if not items_listed:
- logger.plain('=== %s ===' % title)
- items_listed = True
- print_item(preffile, p, self.version_str(pref[0][0], pref[0][1]), preflayer, True)
- for (provfile, provlayer, provver) in provs:
- if provfile != preffile:
- print_item(provfile, p, self.version_str(provver[0], provver[1]), provlayer, False)
- # Ensure we don't show two entries for BBCLASSEXTENDed recipes
- preffiles.append(preffile)
- return items_listed
+def logger_setup_color(logger, color='auto'):
+ from bb.msg import BBLogFormatter
+ console = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
+ formatter = BBLogFormatter("%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
+ console.setFormatter(formatter)
+ logger.handlers = [console]
+ if color == 'always' or (color == 'auto' and
+ formatter.enable_color()
- def do_flatten(self, args):
- """flatten layer configuration into a separate output directory.
-Takes the specified layers (or all layers in the current layer
-configuration if none are specified) and builds a "flattened" directory
-containing the contents of all layers, with any overlayed recipes removed
-and bbappends appended to the corresponding recipes. Note that some manual
-cleanup may still be necessary afterwards, in particular:
-* where non-recipe files (such as patches) are overwritten (the flatten
- command will show a warning for these)
-* where anything beyond the normal layer setup has been added to
- layer.conf (only the lowest priority number layer's layer.conf is used)
-* overridden/appended items from bbappends will need to be tidied up
-* when the flattened layers do not have the same directory structure (the
- flatten command should show a warning when this will cause a problem)
-Warning: if you flatten several layers where another layer is intended to
-be used "inbetween" them (in layer priority order) such that recipes /
-bbappends in the layers interact, and then attempt to use the new output
-layer together with that other layer, you may no longer get the same
-build results (as the layer priority order has effectively changed).
- if len(args.layer) == 1:
- logger.error('If you specify layers to flatten you must specify at least two')
- return 1
- outputdir = args.outputdir
- if os.path.exists(outputdir) and os.listdir(outputdir):
- logger.error('Directory %s exists and is non-empty, please clear it out first' % outputdir)
- return 1
- self.init_bbhandler()
- layers = self.bblayers
- if len(args.layer) > 2:
- layernames = args.layer
- found_layernames = []
- found_layerdirs = []
- for layerdir in layers:
- layername = self.get_layer_name(layerdir)
- if layername in layernames:
- found_layerdirs.append(layerdir)
- found_layernames.append(layername)
- for layername in layernames:
- if not layername in found_layernames:
- logger.error('Unable to find layer %s in current configuration, please run "%s show-layers" to list configured layers' % (layername, os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])))
- return
- layers = found_layerdirs
- else:
- layernames = []
- # Ensure a specified path matches our list of layers
- def layer_path_match(path):
- for layerdir in layers:
- if path.startswith(os.path.join(layerdir, '')):
- return layerdir
- return None
- applied_appends = []
- for layer in layers:
- overlayed = []
- for f in self.bbhandler.cooker.collection.overlayed.iterkeys():
- for of in self.bbhandler.cooker.collection.overlayed[f]:
- if of.startswith(layer):
- overlayed.append(of)
- logger.plain('Copying files from %s...' % layer )
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(layer):
- for f1 in files:
- f1full = os.sep.join([root, f1])
- if f1full in overlayed:
- logger.plain(' Skipping overlayed file %s' % f1full )
- else:
- ext = os.path.splitext(f1)[1]
- if ext != '.bbappend':
- fdest = f1full[len(layer):]
- fdest = os.path.normpath(os.sep.join([outputdir,fdest]))
- bb.utils.mkdirhier(os.path.dirname(fdest))
- if os.path.exists(fdest):
- if f1 == 'layer.conf' and root.endswith('/conf'):
- logger.plain(' Skipping layer config file %s' % f1full )
- continue
- else:
- logger.warn('Overwriting file %s', fdest)
- bb.utils.copyfile(f1full, fdest)
- if ext == '.bb':
- for append in self.bbhandler.cooker.collection.get_file_appends(f1full):
- if layer_path_match(append):
- logger.plain(' Applying append %s to %s' % (append, fdest))
- self.apply_append(append, fdest)
- applied_appends.append(append)
- # Take care of when some layers are excluded and yet we have included bbappends for those recipes
- for b in self.bbhandler.cooker.collection.bbappends:
- (recipename, appendname) = b
- if appendname not in applied_appends:
- first_append = None
- layer = layer_path_match(appendname)
- if layer:
- if first_append:
- self.apply_append(appendname, first_append)
- else:
- fdest = appendname[len(layer):]
- fdest = os.path.normpath(os.sep.join([outputdir,fdest]))
- bb.utils.mkdirhier(os.path.dirname(fdest))
- bb.utils.copyfile(appendname, fdest)
- first_append = fdest
- # Get the regex for the first layer in our list (which is where the conf/layer.conf file will
- # have come from)
- first_regex = None
- layerdir = layers[0]
- for layername, pattern, regex, _ in self.bbhandler.cooker.recipecache.bbfile_config_priorities:
- if regex.match(os.path.join(layerdir, 'test')):
- first_regex = regex
- break
- if first_regex:
- # Find the BBFILES entries that match (which will have come from this conf/layer.conf file)
- bbfiles = str(self.bbhandler.config_data.getVar('BBFILES', True)).split()
- bbfiles_layer = []
- for item in bbfiles:
- if first_regex.match(item):
- newpath = os.path.join(outputdir, item[len(layerdir)+1:])
- bbfiles_layer.append(newpath)
- if bbfiles_layer:
- # Check that all important layer files match BBFILES
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(outputdir):
- for f1 in files:
- ext = os.path.splitext(f1)[1]
- if ext in ['.bb', '.bbappend']:
- f1full = os.sep.join([root, f1])
- entry_found = False
- for item in bbfiles_layer:
- if fnmatch.fnmatch(f1full, item):
- entry_found = True
- break
- if not entry_found:
- logger.warning("File %s does not match the flattened layer's BBFILES setting, you may need to edit conf/layer.conf or move the file elsewhere" % f1full)
- def get_file_layer(self, filename):
- layerdir = self.get_file_layerdir(filename)
- if layerdir:
- return self.get_layer_name(layerdir)
- else:
- return '?'
- def get_file_layerdir(self, filename):
- layer = bb.utils.get_file_layer(filename, self.bbhandler.config_data)
- return self.bbfile_collections.get(layer, None)
- def remove_layer_prefix(self, f):
- """Remove the layer_dir prefix, e.g., f = /path/to/layer_dir/foo/blah, the
- return value will be: layer_dir/foo/blah"""
- f_layerdir = self.get_file_layerdir(f)
- if not f_layerdir:
- return f
- prefix = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(f_layerdir), '')
- return f[len(prefix):] if f.startswith(prefix) else f
- def get_layer_name(self, layerdir):
- return os.path.basename(layerdir.rstrip(os.sep))
- def apply_append(self, appendname, recipename):
- with open(appendname, 'r') as appendfile:
- with open(recipename, 'a') as recipefile:
- recipefile.write('\n')
- recipefile.write('##### bbappended from %s #####\n' % self.get_file_layer(appendname))
- recipefile.writelines(appendfile.readlines())
- def do_show_appends(self, args):
- """list bbappend files and recipe files they apply to
-Lists recipes with the bbappends that apply to them as subitems.
- self.init_bbhandler()
- logger.plain('=== Appended recipes ===')
- pnlist = list(self.bbhandler.cooker_data.pkg_pn.keys())
- pnlist.sort()
- appends = False
- for pn in pnlist:
- if self.show_appends_for_pn(pn):
- appends = True
- if self.show_appends_for_skipped():
- appends = True
- if not appends:
- logger.plain('No append files found')
- def show_appends_for_pn(self, pn):
- filenames = self.bbhandler.cooker_data.pkg_pn[pn]
- best = bb.providers.findBestProvider(pn,
- self.bbhandler.config_data,
- self.bbhandler.cooker_data,
- self.bbhandler.cooker_data.pkg_pn)
- best_filename = os.path.basename(best[3])
- return self.show_appends_output(filenames, best_filename)
- def show_appends_for_skipped(self):
- filenames = [os.path.basename(f)
- for f in self.bbhandler.cooker.skiplist.iterkeys()]
- return self.show_appends_output(filenames, None, " (skipped)")
- def show_appends_output(self, filenames, best_filename, name_suffix = ''):
- appended, missing = self.get_appends_for_files(filenames)
- if appended:
- for basename, appends in appended:
- logger.plain('%s%s:', basename, name_suffix)
- for append in appends:
- logger.plain(' %s', append)
- if best_filename:
- if best_filename in missing:
- logger.warn('%s: missing append for preferred version',
- best_filename)
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def get_appends_for_files(self, filenames):
- appended, notappended = [], []
- for filename in filenames:
- _, cls = bb.cache.Cache.virtualfn2realfn(filename)
- if cls:
- continue
- basename = os.path.basename(filename)
- appends = self.bbhandler.cooker.collection.get_file_appends(basename)
- if appends:
- appended.append((basename, list(appends)))
- else:
- notappended.append(basename)
- return appended, notappended
- def do_show_cross_depends(self, args):
- """Show dependencies between recipes that cross layer boundaries.
-Figure out the dependencies between recipes that cross layer boundaries.
-NOTE: .bbappend files can impact the dependencies.
- ignore_layers = (args.ignore or '').split(',')
- self.init_bbhandler()
- pkg_fn = self.bbhandler.cooker_data.pkg_fn
- bbpath = str(self.bbhandler.config_data.getVar('BBPATH', True))
- self.require_re = re.compile(r"require\s+(.+)")
- self.include_re = re.compile(r"include\s+(.+)")
- self.inherit_re = re.compile(r"inherit\s+(.+)")
- global_inherit = (self.bbhandler.config_data.getVar('INHERIT', True) or "").split()
- # The bb's DEPENDS and RDEPENDS
- for f in pkg_fn:
- f = bb.cache.Cache.virtualfn2realfn(f)[0]
- # Get the layername that the file is in
- layername = self.get_file_layer(f)
- deps = self.bbhandler.cooker_data.deps[f]
- for pn in deps:
- if pn in self.bbhandler.cooker_data.pkg_pn:
- best = bb.providers.findBestProvider(pn,
- self.bbhandler.config_data,
- self.bbhandler.cooker_data,
- self.bbhandler.cooker_data.pkg_pn)
- self.check_cross_depends("DEPENDS", layername, f, best[3], args.filenames, ignore_layers)
- all_rdeps = self.bbhandler.cooker_data.rundeps[f].values()
- # Remove the duplicated or null one.
- sorted_rdeps = {}
- # The all_rdeps is the list in list, so we need two for loops
- for k1 in all_rdeps:
- for k2 in k1:
- sorted_rdeps[k2] = 1
- all_rdeps = sorted_rdeps.keys()
- for rdep in all_rdeps:
- all_p = bb.providers.getRuntimeProviders(self.bbhandler.cooker_data, rdep)
- if all_p:
- if f in all_p:
- # The recipe provides this one itself, ignore
- continue
- best = bb.providers.filterProvidersRunTime(all_p, rdep,
- self.bbhandler.config_data,
- self.bbhandler.cooker_data)[0][0]
- self.check_cross_depends("RDEPENDS", layername, f, best, args.filenames, ignore_layers)
- all_rrecs = self.bbhandler.cooker_data.runrecs[f].values()
- # Remove the duplicated or null one.
- sorted_rrecs = {}
- # The all_rrecs is the list in list, so we need two for loops
- for k1 in all_rrecs:
- for k2 in k1:
- sorted_rrecs[k2] = 1
- all_rrecs = sorted_rrecs.keys()
- for rrec in all_rrecs:
- all_p = bb.providers.getRuntimeProviders(self.bbhandler.cooker_data, rrec)
- if all_p:
- if f in all_p:
- # The recipe provides this one itself, ignore
- continue
- best = bb.providers.filterProvidersRunTime(all_p, rrec,
- self.bbhandler.config_data,
- self.bbhandler.cooker_data)[0][0]
- self.check_cross_depends("RRECOMMENDS", layername, f, best, args.filenames, ignore_layers)
- # The inherit class
- cls_re = re.compile('classes/')
- if f in self.bbhandler.cooker_data.inherits:
- inherits = self.bbhandler.cooker_data.inherits[f]
- for cls in inherits:
- # The inherits' format is [classes/cls, /path/to/classes/cls]
- # ignore the classes/cls.
- if not cls_re.match(cls):
- classname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(cls))[0]
- if classname in global_inherit:
- continue
- inherit_layername = self.get_file_layer(cls)
- if inherit_layername != layername and not inherit_layername in ignore_layers:
- if not args.filenames:
- f_short = self.remove_layer_prefix(f)
- cls = self.remove_layer_prefix(cls)
- else:
- f_short = f
- logger.plain("%s inherits %s" % (f_short, cls))
- # The 'require/include xxx' in the bb file
- pv_re = re.compile(r"\${PV}")
- with open(f, 'r') as fnfile:
- line = fnfile.readline()
- while line:
- m, keyword = self.match_require_include(line)
- # Found the 'require/include xxxx'
- if m:
- needed_file =
- # Replace the ${PV} with the real PV
- if and f in self.bbhandler.cooker_data.pkg_pepvpr:
- pv = self.bbhandler.cooker_data.pkg_pepvpr[f][1]
- needed_file = re.sub(r"\${PV}", pv, needed_file)
- self.print_cross_files(bbpath, keyword, layername, f, needed_file, args.filenames, ignore_layers)
- line = fnfile.readline()
- # The "require/include xxx" in conf/machine/*.conf, .inc and .bbclass
- conf_re = re.compile(".*/conf/machine/[^\/]*\.conf$")
- inc_re = re.compile(".*\.inc$")
- # The "inherit xxx" in .bbclass
- bbclass_re = re.compile(".*\.bbclass$")
- for layerdir in self.bblayers:
- layername = self.get_layer_name(layerdir)
- for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(layerdir):
- for name in filenames:
- f = os.path.join(dirpath, name)
- s = conf_re.match(f) or inc_re.match(f) or bbclass_re.match(f)
- if s:
- with open(f, 'r') as ffile:
- line = ffile.readline()
- while line:
- m, keyword = self.match_require_include(line)
- # Only bbclass has the "inherit xxx" here.
- bbclass=""
- if not m and f.endswith(".bbclass"):
- m, keyword = self.match_inherit(line)
- bbclass=".bbclass"
- # Find a 'require/include xxxx'
- if m:
- self.print_cross_files(bbpath, keyword, layername, f, + bbclass, args.filenames, ignore_layers)
- line = ffile.readline()
- def print_cross_files(self, bbpath, keyword, layername, f, needed_filename, show_filenames, ignore_layers):
- """Print the depends that crosses a layer boundary"""
- needed_file = bb.utils.which(bbpath, needed_filename)
- if needed_file:
- # Which layer is this file from
- needed_layername = self.get_file_layer(needed_file)
- if needed_layername != layername and not needed_layername in ignore_layers:
- if not show_filenames:
- f = self.remove_layer_prefix(f)
- needed_file = self.remove_layer_prefix(needed_file)
- logger.plain("%s %s %s" %(f, keyword, needed_file))
- def match_inherit(self, line):
- """Match the inherit xxx line"""
- return (self.inherit_re.match(line), "inherits")
- def match_require_include(self, line):
- """Match the require/include xxx line"""
- m = self.require_re.match(line)
- keyword = "requires"
- if not m:
- m = self.include_re.match(line)
- keyword = "includes"
- return (m, keyword)
- def check_cross_depends(self, keyword, layername, f, needed_file, show_filenames, ignore_layers):
- """Print the DEPENDS/RDEPENDS file that crosses a layer boundary"""
- best_realfn = bb.cache.Cache.virtualfn2realfn(needed_file)[0]
- needed_layername = self.get_file_layer(best_realfn)
- if needed_layername != layername and not needed_layername in ignore_layers:
- if not show_filenames:
- f = self.remove_layer_prefix(f)
- best_realfn = self.remove_layer_prefix(best_realfn)
- logger.plain("%s %s %s" % (f, keyword, best_realfn))
+logger = logger_create('bitbake-layers', sys.stdout)
def main():
- cmds = Commands()
- def add_command(cmdname, function, *args, **kwargs):
- # Convert docstring for function to help (one-liner shown in main --help) and description (shown in subcommand --help)
- docsplit = function.__doc__.splitlines()
- help = docsplit[0]
- if len(docsplit) > 1:
- desc = '\n'.join(docsplit[1:])
- else:
- desc = help
- subparser = subparsers.add_parser(cmdname, *args, help=help, description=desc, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, **kwargs)
- subparser.set_defaults(func=function)
- return subparser
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="BitBake layers utility",
- epilog="Use %(prog)s <subcommand> --help to get help on a specific command")
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description="BitBake layers utility",
+ epilog="Use %(prog)s <subcommand> --help to get help on a specific command",
+ add_help=False)
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', help='Enable debug output', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', help='Print only errors', action='store_true')
- subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', metavar='<subcommand>')
- parser_show_layers = add_command('show-layers', cmds.do_show_layers)
+ parser.add_argument('--color', choices=['auto', 'always', 'never'], default='auto', help='Colorize output (where %(metavar)s is %(choices)s)', metavar='COLOR')
- parser_add_layer = add_command('add-layer', cmds.do_add_layer)
- parser_add_layer.add_argument('layerdir', help='Layer directory to add')
+ global_args, unparsed_args = parser.parse_known_args()
- parser_remove_layer = add_command('remove-layer', cmds.do_remove_layer)
- parser_remove_layer.add_argument('layerdir', help='Layer directory to remove (wildcards allowed, enclose in quotes to avoid shell expansion)')
- parser_remove_layer.set_defaults(func=cmds.do_remove_layer)
- parser_show_overlayed = add_command('show-overlayed', cmds.do_show_overlayed)
- parser_show_overlayed.add_argument('-f', '--filenames', help='instead of the default formatting, list filenames of higher priority recipes with the ones they overlay indented underneath', action='store_true')
- parser_show_overlayed.add_argument('-s', '--same-version', help='only list overlayed recipes where the version is the same', action='store_true')
- parser_show_recipes = add_command('show-recipes', cmds.do_show_recipes)
- parser_show_recipes.add_argument('-f', '--filenames', help='instead of the default formatting, list filenames of higher priority recipes with the ones they overlay indented underneath', action='store_true')
- parser_show_recipes.add_argument('-m', '--multiple', help='only list where multiple recipes (in the same layer or different layers) exist for the same recipe name', action='store_true')
- parser_show_recipes.add_argument('-i', '--inherits', help='only list recipes that inherit the named class', metavar='CLASS', default='')
- parser_show_recipes.add_argument('pnspec', nargs='?', help='optional recipe name specification (wildcards allowed, enclose in quotes to avoid shell expansion)')
- parser_show_appends = add_command('show-appends', cmds.do_show_appends)
+ # Help is added here rather than via add_help=True, as we don't want it to
+ # be handled by parse_known_args()
+ parser.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', default=argparse.SUPPRESS,
+ help='show this help message and exit')
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', metavar='<subcommand>')
+ subparsers.required = True
- parser_flatten = add_command('flatten', cmds.do_flatten)
- parser_flatten.add_argument('layer', nargs='*', help='Optional layer(s) to flatten (otherwise all are flattened)')
- parser_flatten.add_argument('outputdir', help='Output directory')
+ if global_args.debug:
+ logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ elif global_args.quiet:
+ logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR)
- parser_show_cross_depends = add_command('show-cross-depends', cmds.do_show_cross_depends)
- parser_show_cross_depends.add_argument('-f', '--filenames', help='show full file path', action='store_true')
- parser_show_cross_depends.add_argument('-i', '--ignore', help='ignore dependencies on items in the specified layer(s) (split multiple layer names with commas, no spaces)', metavar='LAYERNAME')
+ logger_setup_color(logger, global_args.color)
- parser_layerindex_fetch = add_command('layerindex-fetch', cmds.do_layerindex_fetch)
- parser_layerindex_fetch.add_argument('-n', '--show-only', help='show dependencies and do nothing else', action='store_true')
- parser_layerindex_fetch.add_argument('-b', '--branch', help='branch name to fetch (default %(default)s)', default='master')
- parser_layerindex_fetch.add_argument('-i', '--ignore', help='assume the specified layers do not need to be fetched/added (separate multiple layers with commas, no spaces)', metavar='LAYER')
- parser_layerindex_fetch.add_argument('layername', nargs='+', help='layer to fetch')
+ plugins = []
+ tinfoil = tinfoil_init(False)
+ try:
+ for path in ([topdir] +
+ tinfoil.config_data.getVar('BBPATH', True).split(':')):
+ pluginpath = os.path.join(path, 'lib', 'bblayers')
+ bb.utils.load_plugins(logger, plugins, pluginpath)
- parser_layerindex_show_depends = add_command('layerindex-show-depends', cmds.do_layerindex_show_depends)
- parser_layerindex_show_depends.add_argument('-b', '--branch', help='branch name to fetch (default %(default)s)', default='master')
- parser_layerindex_show_depends.add_argument('layername', nargs='+', help='layer to query')
+ registered = False
+ for plugin in plugins:
+ if hasattr(plugin, 'register_commands'):
+ registered = True
+ plugin.register_commands(subparsers)
+ if hasattr(plugin, 'tinfoil_init'):
+ plugin.tinfoil_init(tinfoil)
- args = parser.parse_args()
+ if not registered:
+ logger.error("No commands registered - missing plugins?")
+ sys.exit(1)
- if args.debug:
- logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- elif args.quiet:
- logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR)
+ args = parser.parse_args(unparsed_args, namespace=global_args)
- try:
- ret = args.func(args)
- except UserError as err:
- logger.error(str(err))
- ret = 1
+ if getattr(args, 'parserecipes', False):
+ tinfoil.config_data.disableTracking()
+ tinfoil.parseRecipes()
+ tinfoil.config_data.enableTracking()
- return ret
+ return args.func(args)
+ finally:
+ tinfoil.shutdown()
if __name__ == "__main__":
ret = main()
+ except bb.BBHandledException:
+ ret = 1
except Exception:
ret = 1
import traceback
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud