path: root/drivers
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'drivers')
30 files changed, 2425 insertions, 2548 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/acorn/char/Makefile b/drivers/acorn/char/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index d006c9f168d2..000000000000
--- a/drivers/acorn/char/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for the acorn character device drivers.
-obj-$(CONFIG_L7200_KEYB) += defkeymap-l7200.o keyb_l7200.o
diff --git a/drivers/acorn/char/defkeymap-l7200.c b/drivers/acorn/char/defkeymap-l7200.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 93d80a1c36f9..000000000000
--- a/drivers/acorn/char/defkeymap-l7200.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,386 +0,0 @@
- * linux/drivers/acorn/char/defkeymap-l7200.c
- *
- * Default keyboard maps for LinkUp Systems L7200 board
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Steve Hill (
- *
- * Changelog:
- * 08-04-2000 SJH Created file
- */
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <linux/keyboard.h>
-#include <linux/kd.h>
-/* Normal (maps 1:1 with no processing) */
-#define KTn 0xF0
-/* Function keys */
-#define KTf 0xF1
-/* Special (Performs special house-keeping funcs) */
-#define KTs 0xF2
-#define KIGNORE K(KTs, 0) /* Ignore */
-#define KENTER K(KTs, 1) /* Enter */
-#define KREGS K(KTs, 2) /* Regs */
-#define KMEM K(KTs, 3) /* Mem */
-#define KSTAT K(KTs, 4) /* State */
-#define KINTR K(KTs, 5) /* Intr */
-#define Ksl 6 /* Last console */
-#define KCAPSLK K(KTs, 7) /* Caps lock */
-#define KNUMLK K(KTs, 8) /* Num-lock */
-#define KSCRLLK K(KTs, 9) /* Scroll-lock */
-#define KSCRLFOR K(KTs,10) /* Scroll forward */
-#define KSCRLBAK K(KTs,11) /* Scroll back */
-#define KREBOOT K(KTs,12) /* Reboot */
-#define KCAPSON K(KTs,13) /* Caps on */
-#define KCOMPOSE K(KTs,14) /* Compose */
-#define KSAK K(KTs,15) /* SAK */
-#define CONS_DEC K(KTs,16) /* Dec console */
-#define CONS_INC K(KTs,17) /* Incr console */
-#define KFLOPPY K(KTs,18) /* Floppy */
-/* Key pad (0-9 = digits, 10=+, 11=-, 12=*, 13=/, 14=enter, 16=., 17=# */
-#define KTp 0xF3
-#define KPAD_0 K(KTp, 0 )
-#define KPAD_1 K(KTp, 1 )
-#define KPAD_2 K(KTp, 2 )
-#define KPAD_3 K(KTp, 3 )
-#define KPAD_4 K(KTp, 4 )
-#define KPAD_5 K(KTp, 5 )
-#define KPAD_6 K(KTp, 6 )
-#define KPAD_7 K(KTp, 7 )
-#define KPAD_8 K(KTp, 8 )
-#define KPAD_9 K(KTp, 9 )
-#define KPAD_PL K(KTp,10 )
-#define KPAD_MI K(KTp,11 )
-#define KPAD_ML K(KTp,12 )
-#define KPAD_DV K(KTp,13 )
-#define KPAD_EN K(KTp,14 )
-#define KPAD_DT K(KTp,16 )
-#define KPAD_HS K(KTp,20 )
-/* Console switching */
-#define KCn 0xF5
-/* Cursor */
-#define KTc 0xF6
-#define Kcd 0 /* Cursor down */
-#define Kcl 1 /* Cursor left */
-#define Kcr 2 /* Cursor right */
-#define Kcu 3 /* Cursor up */
-/* Shift/alt modifiers etc */
-#define KMd 0xF7
-#define KSHIFT K(KMd, 0 )
-#define KALTGR K(KMd, 1 )
-#define KCTRL K(KMd, 2 )
-#define KALT K(KMd, 3 )
-/* Meta */
-#define KMt 0xF8
-#define KAs 0xF9
-#define KPADA_0 K(KAs, 0 )
-#define KPADA_1 K(KAs, 1 )
-#define KPADA_2 K(KAs, 2 )
-#define KPADA_3 K(KAs, 3 )
-#define KPADA_4 K(KAs, 4 )
-#define KPADA_5 K(KAs, 5 )
-#define KPADA_6 K(KAs, 6 )
-#define KPADA_7 K(KAs, 7 )
-#define KPADA_8 K(KAs, 8 )
-#define KPADA_9 K(KAs, 9 )
-#define KPADB_0 K(KAs,10 )
-#define KPADB_1 K(KAs,11 )
-#define KPADB_2 K(KAs,12 )
-#define KPADB_3 K(KAs,13 )
-#define KPADB_4 K(KAs,14 )
-#define KPADB_5 K(KAs,15 )
-#define KPADB_6 K(KAs,16 )
-#define KPADB_7 K(KAs,17 )
-#define KPADB_8 K(KAs,18 )
-#define KPADB_9 K(KAs,19 )
-/* Locking keys */
-#define KLk 0xFA
-/* Letters */
-#define KTl 0xFB
- * Here is the layout of the keys for the Fujitsu QWERTY
- * style keyboard:
- *
- * static char Fujitsu_Key_Table[] =
- * {
- * KALT, '`' , KNUL, KCTL, KFUN, KESC, '1' , '2' ,
- * '9' , '0' , '-' , '=' , KNUL, KBSP, KNUL, KNUL,
- * 'y' , 'u' , 'i' , KRET, KSHF, KPGD, KNUL, KNUL,
- * KNUL, KTAB, KNUL, KNUL, KNUL, 'q' , 'w' , 'e' ,
- * 'r' , 'o' , 'p' , '[' , KNUL, ']' , KNUL, KNUL,
- * 'k' , 'l' , ';' , KSQT, KNUL, KPGU, KNUL, KNUL,
- * KNUL, 'a' , KNUL, KNUL, KNUL, 's' , 'd' , 'f' ,
- * 'g' , 'h' , 'j' , '/' , KNUL, KHME, KNUL, KNUL,
- * KNUL, 'x' , KNUL, KNUL, KNUL, 'c' , 'v' , 'b' ,
- * 'n' , 'm' , ',' , '.' , KNUL, ' ' , KNUL, KNUL,
- * KNUL, KNUL, KNUL, KNUL, KNUL, '3' , '4' , '5' ,
- * '6' , '7' , '8' , KNUL, KPRG, KNUL, KEND, KNUL,
- * };
- */
-u_short plain_map[NR_KEYS]=
- 0xf703, 0xf060, 0xf200, 0xf702, 0xf200, 0xf01b, 0xf031, 0xf032,
- 0xf039, 0xf030, 0xf02d, 0xf03d, 0xf200, 0xf07f, 0xf200, 0xf200,
- 0xf200, 0xf05c, 0xf700, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf116, 0xf000, 0xfb74,
- 0xfb79, 0xfb75, 0xfb69, 0xf201, 0xf700, 0xf600, 0xf200, 0xf200,
- 0xf200, 0xf009, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xfb71, 0xfb77, 0xfb65,
- 0xfb72, 0xfb6f, 0xfb70, 0xf05b, 0xf200, 0xf05d, 0xf200, 0xf200,
- 0xf200, 0xfb7a, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf207, 0xf200, 0xf200,
- 0xfb6b, 0xfb6c, 0xf03b, 0xf027, 0xf200, 0xf603, 0xf200, 0xf200,
- 0xf200, 0xfb61, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xfb73, 0xfb64, 0xfb66,
- 0xfb67, 0xfb68, 0xfb6a, 0xf02f, 0xf200, 0xf601, 0xf200, 0xf200,
- 0xf200, 0xfb78, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xfb63, 0xfb76, 0xfb62,
- 0xfb6e, 0xfb6d, 0xf02c, 0xf02e, 0xf200, 0xf020, 0xf200, 0xf200,
- 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf033, 0xf034, 0xf035,
- 0xf036, 0xf037, 0xf038, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf602, 0xf200,
- 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200,
- 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200,
-u_short shift_map[NR_KEYS]=
- 0xf703, 0xf07e, 0xf200, 0xf702, 0xf200, 0xf01b, 0xf021, 0xf040,
- 0xf028, 0xf029, 0xf05f, 0xf02b, 0xf200, 0xf07f, 0xf200, 0xf200,
- 0xf200, 0xf07c, 0xf700, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf116, 0xf000, 0xfb54,
- 0xfb59, 0xfb55, 0xfb49, 0xf201, 0xf700, 0xf600, 0xf200, 0xf200,
- 0xf200, 0xf009, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xfb51, 0xfb57, 0xfb45,
- 0xfb52, 0xfb4f, 0xfb50, 0xf07b, 0xf200, 0xf07d, 0xf200, 0xf200,
- 0xf200, 0xfb5a, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf207, 0xf200, 0xf200,
- 0xfb4b, 0xfb4c, 0xf03a, 0xf022, 0xf200, 0xf603, 0xf200, 0xf200,
- 0xf200, 0xfb41, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xfb53, 0xfb44, 0xfb46,
- 0xfb47, 0xfb48, 0xfb4a, 0xf03f, 0xf200, 0xf601, 0xf200, 0xf200,
- 0xf200, 0xfb58, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xfb43, 0xfb56, 0xfb42,
- 0xfb4e, 0xfb4d, 0xf03c, 0xf03e, 0xf200, 0xf020, 0xf200, 0xf200,
- 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf023, 0xf024, 0xf025,
- 0xf05e, 0xf026, 0xf02a, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf602, 0xf200,
- 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200,
- 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200,
-u_short altgr_map[NR_KEYS]=
- KIGNORE ,K(KCn,12 ),K(KCn,13 ),K(KCn,14 ),K(KCn,15 ),K(KCn,16 ),K(KCn,17 ),K(KCn, 18),
- K(KCn, 19),K(KCn,20 ),K(KCn,21 ),K(KCn,22 ),K(KCn,23 ),KIGNORE ,KREGS ,KINTR ,
- K(KTn,'['),K(KTn,']'),K(KTn,'}'),K(KTn,'\\'),KIGNORE ,KIGNORE ,KIGNORE ,K(KTf,21 ),
- K(KTl,'w'),K(KTl,'e'),K(KTl,'r'),K(KTl,'t' ),K(KTl,'y'),K(KTl,'u'),K(KTl,'i' ),K(KTl,'o'),
- K(KTl,'p'),KIGNORE ,K(KTn,'~'),KIGNORE ,K(KTf,22 ),K(KTf,23 ),K(KTf,25 ),KPADB_7 ,
- KPADB_8 ,KPADB_9 ,KPAD_MI ,KCTRL ,K(KAs,20 ),K(KTl,'s'),K(KAs,23 ),K(KAs,25 ),
- K(KTl,'g'),K(KTl,'h'),K(KTl,'j'),K(KTl,'k' ),K(KTl,'l'),KIGNORE ,KIGNORE ,KENTER ,
- K(KAs,22 ),K(KTl,'v'),K(KTl,21 ),K(KTl,'n' ),K(KTl,'m'),KIGNORE ,KIGNORE ,KIGNORE ,
-u_short ctrl_map[NR_KEYS]=
- 0xf703, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf702, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf001, 0xf002,
- 0xf009, 0xf000, 0xf031, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf07f, 0xf200, 0xf200,
- 0xf200, 0xf01c, 0xf700, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf116, 0xf000, 0xf020,
- 0xf019, 0xf015, 0xf009, 0xf201, 0xf700, 0xf600, 0xf200, 0xf200,
- 0xf200, 0xf009, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf011, 0xf017, 0xf005,
- 0xf012, 0xf00f, 0xf010, 0xf01b, 0xf200, 0xf01d, 0xf200, 0xf200,
- 0xf200, 0xf01a, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf207, 0xf200, 0xf200,
- 0xf00b, 0xf00c, 0xf200, 0xf007, 0xf200, 0xf603, 0xf200, 0xf200,
- 0xf200, 0xf001, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf001, 0xf013, 0xf006,
- 0xf007, 0xf008, 0xf00a, 0xf07f, 0xf200, 0xf601, 0xf200, 0xf200,
- 0xf200, 0xf018, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf003, 0xf016, 0xf002,
- 0xf00e, 0xf00d, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf000, 0xf200, 0xf200,
- 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf01b, 0xf01c, 0xf01d,
- 0xf036, 0xf037, 0xf038, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf602, 0xf200,
- 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200,
- 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf200, 0xf602, 0xf200,
-u_short shift_ctrl_map[NR_KEYS]=
- K(KTn,23 ),K(KTn, 5 ),K(KTn,18 ),K(KTn,20 ),K(KTn,25 ),K(KTn,21 ),K(KTn, 9 ),K(KTn,15 ),
- K(KTn,16 ),KIGNORE ,KIGNORE ,KIGNORE ,K(KTf,22 ),K(KTf,23 ),K(KTf,25 ),KPAD_7 ,
- KPAD_8 ,KPAD_9 ,KPAD_MI ,KCTRL ,K(KTn, 1 ),K(KTn,19 ),K(KTn, 4 ),K(KTn, 6 ),
- K(KTn, 7 ),K(KTn, 8 ),K(KTn,10 ),K(KTn,11 ),K(KTn,12 ),KIGNORE ,K(KTn, 7 ),KENTER ,
- KPAD_4 ,KPAD_5 ,KPAD_6 ,KPAD_PL ,KSHIFT ,KIGNORE ,K(KTn,26 ),K(KTn,24 ),
- K(KTn, 3 ),K(KTn,22 ),K(KTn, 2 ),K(KTn,14 ),K(KTn,13 ),KIGNORE ,KIGNORE ,KIGNORE ,
-u_short alt_map[NR_KEYS]=
- K(KMt,27 ),K(KCn, 0 ),K(KCn, 1 ),K(KCn, 2 ),K(KCn, 3 ),K(KCn, 4 ),K(KCn, 5 ),K(KCn, 6 ),
- K(KCn, 7 ),K(KCn, 8 ),K(KCn, 9 ),K(KCn,10 ),K(KCn,11 ),KIGNORE ,KSCRLLK ,KINTR ,
- K(KMt,'`'),K(KMt,'1'),K(KMt,'2'),K(KMt,'3' ),K(KMt,'4'),K(KMt,'5'),K(KMt,'6' ),K(KMt,'7'),
- K(KMt,'8'),K(KMt,'9'),K(KMt,'0'),K(KMt,'-' ),K(KMt,'='),K(KMt,'£'),K(KMt,127 ),K(KTf,21 ),
- K(KTf,20 ),K(KTf,24 ),KNUMLK ,KPAD_DV ,KPAD_ML ,KPAD_HS ,K(KMt, 9 ),K(KMt,'q'),
- K(KMt,'w'),K(KMt,'e'),K(KMt,'r'),K(KMt,'t' ),K(KMt,'y'),K(KMt,'u'),K(KMt,'i' ),K(KMt,'o'),
- K(KMt,'p'),K(KMt,'['),K(KMt,']'),K(KMt,'\\'),K(KTf,22 ),K(KTf,23 ),K(KTf,25 ),KPADA_7 ,
- KPADA_8 ,KPADA_9 ,KPAD_MI ,KCTRL ,K(KMt,'a'),K(KMt,'s'),K(KMt,'d' ),K(KMt,'f'),
- K(KMt,'g'),K(KMt,'h'),K(KMt,'j'),K(KMt,'k' ),K(KMt,'l'),K(KMt,';'),K(KMt,'\''),K(KMt,13 ),
- K(KMt,'c'),K(KMt,'v'),K(KMt,'b'),K(KMt,'n' ),K(KMt,'m'),K(KMt,','),K(KMt,'.' ),KIGNORE ,
-u_short ctrl_alt_map[NR_KEYS]=
- KIGNORE ,K(KCn, 0 ),K(KCn, 1 ),K(KCn, 2 ),K(KCn, 3 ),K(KCn, 4 ),K(KCn, 5 ),K(KCn, 6 ),
- K(KCn, 7 ),K(KCn, 8 ),K(KCn, 9 ),K(KCn,10 ),K(KCn,11 ),KIGNORE ,KIGNORE ,KINTR ,
- K(KMt,23 ),K(KMt, 5 ),K(KMt,18 ),K(KMt,20 ),K(KMt,25 ),K(KMt,21 ),K(KMt, 9 ),K(KMt,15 ),
- KPAD_8 ,KPAD_9 ,KPAD_MI ,KCTRL ,K(KMt, 1 ),K(KMt,19 ),K(KMt, 4 ),K(KMt, 6 ),
- K(KMt, 7 ),K(KMt, 8 ),K(KMt,10 ),K(KMt,11 ),K(KMt,12 ),KIGNORE ,KIGNORE ,KENTER ,
- KPAD_4 ,KPAD_5 ,KPAD_6 ,KPAD_PL ,KSHIFT ,KIGNORE ,K(KMt,26 ),K(KMt,24 ),
- K(KMt, 3 ),K(KMt,22 ),K(KMt, 2 ),K(KMt,14 ),K(KMt,13 ),KIGNORE ,KIGNORE ,KIGNORE ,
-ushort *key_maps[MAX_NR_KEYMAPS] = {
- plain_map, shift_map, altgr_map, 0,
- ctrl_map, shift_ctrl_map, 0, 0,
- alt_map, 0, 0, 0,
- ctrl_alt_map, 0
-unsigned int keymap_count = 7;
- * Philosophy: most people do not define more strings, but they who do
- * often want quite a lot of string space. So, we statically allocate
- * the default and allocate dynamically in chunks of 512 bytes.
- */
-char func_buf[] = {
- '\033', '[', '[', 'A', 0,
- '\033', '[', '[', 'B', 0,
- '\033', '[', '[', 'C', 0,
- '\033', '[', '[', 'D', 0,
- '\033', '[', '[', 'E', 0,
- '\033', '[', '1', '7', '~', 0,
- '\033', '[', '1', '8', '~', 0,
- '\033', '[', '1', '9', '~', 0,
- '\033', '[', '2', '0', '~', 0,
- '\033', '[', '2', '1', '~', 0,
- '\033', '[', '2', '3', '~', 0,
- '\033', '[', '2', '4', '~', 0,
- '\033', '[', '2', '5', '~', 0,
- '\033', '[', '2', '6', '~', 0,
- '\033', '[', '2', '8', '~', 0,
- '\033', '[', '2', '9', '~', 0,
- '\033', '[', '3', '1', '~', 0,
- '\033', '[', '3', '2', '~', 0,
- '\033', '[', '3', '3', '~', 0,
- '\033', '[', '3', '4', '~', 0,
- '\033', '[', '1', '~', 0,
- '\033', '[', '2', '~', 0,
- '\033', '[', '3', '~', 0,
- '\033', '[', '4', '~', 0,
- '\033', '[', '5', '~', 0,
- '\033', '[', '6', '~', 0,
- '\033', '[', 'M', 0,
- '\033', '[', 'P', 0,
-char *funcbufptr = func_buf;
-int funcbufsize = sizeof(func_buf);
-int funcbufleft = 0; /* space left */
-char *func_table[MAX_NR_FUNC] = {
- func_buf + 0,
- func_buf + 5,
- func_buf + 10,
- func_buf + 15,
- func_buf + 20,
- func_buf + 25,
- func_buf + 31,
- func_buf + 37,
- func_buf + 43,
- func_buf + 49,
- func_buf + 55,
- func_buf + 61,
- func_buf + 67,
- func_buf + 73,
- func_buf + 79,
- func_buf + 85,
- func_buf + 91,
- func_buf + 97,
- func_buf + 103,
- func_buf + 109,
- func_buf + 115,
- func_buf + 120,
- func_buf + 125,
- func_buf + 130,
- func_buf + 135,
- func_buf + 140,
- func_buf + 145,
- 0,
- 0,
- func_buf + 149,
- 0,
-struct kbdiacruc accent_table[MAX_DIACR] = {
- {'`', 'A', 0300}, {'`', 'a', 0340},
- {'\'', 'A', 0301}, {'\'', 'a', 0341},
- {'^', 'A', 0302}, {'^', 'a', 0342},
- {'~', 'A', 0303}, {'~', 'a', 0343},
- {'"', 'A', 0304}, {'"', 'a', 0344},
- {'O', 'A', 0305}, {'o', 'a', 0345},
- {'0', 'A', 0305}, {'0', 'a', 0345},
- {'A', 'A', 0305}, {'a', 'a', 0345},
- {'A', 'E', 0306}, {'a', 'e', 0346},
- {',', 'C', 0307}, {',', 'c', 0347},
- {'`', 'E', 0310}, {'`', 'e', 0350},
- {'\'', 'E', 0311}, {'\'', 'e', 0351},
- {'^', 'E', 0312}, {'^', 'e', 0352},
- {'"', 'E', 0313}, {'"', 'e', 0353},
- {'`', 'I', 0314}, {'`', 'i', 0354},
- {'\'', 'I', 0315}, {'\'', 'i', 0355},
- {'^', 'I', 0316}, {'^', 'i', 0356},
- {'"', 'I', 0317}, {'"', 'i', 0357},
- {'-', 'D', 0320}, {'-', 'd', 0360},
- {'~', 'N', 0321}, {'~', 'n', 0361},
- {'`', 'O', 0322}, {'`', 'o', 0362},
- {'\'', 'O', 0323}, {'\'', 'o', 0363},
- {'^', 'O', 0324}, {'^', 'o', 0364},
- {'~', 'O', 0325}, {'~', 'o', 0365},
- {'"', 'O', 0326}, {'"', 'o', 0366},
- {'/', 'O', 0330}, {'/', 'o', 0370},
- {'`', 'U', 0331}, {'`', 'u', 0371},
- {'\'', 'U', 0332}, {'\'', 'u', 0372},
- {'^', 'U', 0333}, {'^', 'u', 0373},
- {'"', 'U', 0334}, {'"', 'u', 0374},
- {'\'', 'Y', 0335}, {'\'', 'y', 0375},
- {'T', 'H', 0336}, {'t', 'h', 0376},
- {'s', 's', 0337}, {'"', 'y', 0377},
- {'s', 'z', 0337}, {'i', 'j', 0377},
-unsigned int accent_table_size = 68;
diff --git a/drivers/mmc/host/imxmmc.c b/drivers/mmc/host/imxmmc.c
index 95f33e87a99c..c4349c746cb3 100644
--- a/drivers/mmc/host/imxmmc.c
+++ b/drivers/mmc/host/imxmmc.c
@@ -1017,8 +1017,8 @@ static int imxmci_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
MMC_INT_MASK = host->imask;
- if(imx_dma_request_by_prio(&host->dma, DRIVER_NAME, DMA_PRIO_LOW)<0){
+ host->dma = imx_dma_request_by_prio(DRIVER_NAME, DMA_PRIO_LOW);
+ if(host->dma < 0) {
dev_err(mmc_dev(host->mmc), "imx_dma_request_by_prio failed\n");
ret = -EBUSY;
goto out;
diff --git a/drivers/mtd/nand/orion_nand.c b/drivers/mtd/nand/orion_nand.c
index 59e05a1c50cf..ee2ac3948cd8 100644
--- a/drivers/mtd/nand/orion_nand.c
+++ b/drivers/mtd/nand/orion_nand.c
@@ -85,6 +85,9 @@ static int __init orion_nand_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
nc->cmd_ctrl = orion_nand_cmd_ctrl;
nc->ecc.mode = NAND_ECC_SOFT;
+ if (board->chip_delay)
+ nc->chip_delay = board->chip_delay;
if (board->width == 16)
nc->options |= NAND_BUSWIDTH_16;
diff --git a/drivers/net/Kconfig b/drivers/net/Kconfig
index f4182cfffe9d..45a41b597da9 100644
--- a/drivers/net/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/net/Kconfig
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ config MII
config MACB
tristate "Atmel MACB support"
- depends on AVR32 || ARCH_AT91SAM9260 || ARCH_AT91SAM9263 || ARCH_AT91CAP9
+ depends on AVR32 || ARCH_AT91SAM9260 || ARCH_AT91SAM9263 || ARCH_AT91SAM9G20 || ARCH_AT91CAP9
select PHYLIB
The Atmel MACB ethernet interface is found on many AT32 and AT91
diff --git a/drivers/net/arm/etherh.c b/drivers/net/arm/etherh.c
index 00081d2b9cd5..e9d15eccad08 100644
--- a/drivers/net/arm/etherh.c
+++ b/drivers/net/arm/etherh.c
@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ etherh_probe(struct expansion_card *ec, const struct ecard_id *id)
struct ei_device *ei_local;
struct net_device *dev;
struct etherh_priv *eh;
- int i, ret;
+ int ret;
diff --git a/drivers/rtc/Kconfig b/drivers/rtc/Kconfig
index 4949dc4859be..fc85bf2e4a97 100644
--- a/drivers/rtc/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/rtc/Kconfig
@@ -469,6 +469,16 @@ config RTC_DRV_VR41XX
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the
module will be called rtc-vr41xx.
+config RTC_DRV_PL030
+ tristate "ARM AMBA PL030 RTC"
+ depends on ARM_AMBA
+ help
+ If you say Y here you will get access to ARM AMBA
+ PrimeCell PL030 RTC found on certain ARM SOCs.
+ To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the
+ module will be called rtc-pl030.
config RTC_DRV_PL031
tristate "ARM AMBA PL031 RTC"
depends on ARM_AMBA
@@ -495,12 +505,13 @@ config RTC_DRV_AT91RM9200
this is powered by the backup power supply.
config RTC_DRV_AT91SAM9
- tristate "AT91SAM9x"
+ tristate "AT91SAM9x/AT91CAP9"
depends on ARCH_AT91 && !(ARCH_AT91RM9200 || ARCH_AT91X40)
- RTC driver for the Atmel AT91SAM9x internal RTT (Real Time Timer).
- These timers are powered by the backup power supply (such as a
- small coin cell battery), but do not need to be used as RTCs.
+ RTC driver for the Atmel AT91SAM9x and AT91CAP9 internal RTT
+ (Real Time Timer). These timers are powered by the backup power
+ supply (such as a small coin cell battery), but do not need to
+ be used as RTCs.
(On AT91SAM9rl chips you probably want to use the dedicated RTC
module and leave the RTT available for other uses.)
diff --git a/drivers/rtc/Makefile b/drivers/rtc/Makefile
index b6e14d51670b..b5d9d67df887 100644
--- a/drivers/rtc/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/rtc/Makefile
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_RTC_DRV_MAX6902) += rtc-max6902.o
obj-$(CONFIG_RTC_DRV_OMAP) += rtc-omap.o
obj-$(CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PCF8563) += rtc-pcf8563.o
obj-$(CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PCF8583) += rtc-pcf8583.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PL030) += rtc-pl030.o
obj-$(CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PL031) += rtc-pl031.o
obj-$(CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PPC) += rtc-ppc.o
obj-$(CONFIG_RTC_DRV_R9701) += rtc-r9701.o
diff --git a/drivers/rtc/rtc-at91rm9200.c b/drivers/rtc/rtc-at91rm9200.c
index 39e64ab1ecb7..9c3db934cc24 100644
--- a/drivers/rtc/rtc-at91rm9200.c
+++ b/drivers/rtc/rtc-at91rm9200.c
@@ -29,10 +29,6 @@
#include <linux/completion.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
-#include <asm/rtc.h>
-#include <asm/mach/time.h>
#include <asm/arch/at91_rtc.h>
diff --git a/drivers/rtc/rtc-at91sam9.c b/drivers/rtc/rtc-at91sam9.c
index 38d8742a4bdf..f0246ef413a4 100644
--- a/drivers/rtc/rtc-at91sam9.c
+++ b/drivers/rtc/rtc-at91sam9.c
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/ioctl.h>
-#include <asm/mach/time.h>
#include <asm/arch/board.h>
#include <asm/arch/at91_rtt.h>
diff --git a/drivers/rtc/rtc-omap.c b/drivers/rtc/rtc-omap.c
index 58f81c774943..eb23d8423f42 100644
--- a/drivers/rtc/rtc-omap.c
+++ b/drivers/rtc/rtc-omap.c
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
#include <linux/platform_device.h>
#include <asm/io.h>
-#include <asm/mach/time.h>
/* The OMAP1 RTC is a year/month/day/hours/minutes/seconds BCD clock
diff --git a/drivers/rtc/rtc-pl030.c b/drivers/rtc/rtc-pl030.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8448eeb9d675
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/rtc/rtc-pl030.c
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+ * linux/drivers/rtc/rtc-pl030.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Deep Blue Solutions Ltd.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/rtc.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/amba/bus.h>
+#include <linux/io.h>
+#define RTC_DR (0)
+#define RTC_MR (4)
+#define RTC_STAT (8)
+#define RTC_EOI (8)
+#define RTC_LR (12)
+#define RTC_CR (16)
+#define RTC_CR_MIE (1 << 0)
+struct pl030_rtc {
+ struct rtc_device *rtc;
+ void __iomem *base;
+static irqreturn_t pl030_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id)
+ struct pl030_rtc *rtc = dev_id;
+ writel(0, rtc->base + RTC_EOI);
+ return IRQ_HANDLED;
+static int pl030_open(struct device *dev)
+ return 0;
+static void pl030_release(struct device *dev)
+static int pl030_ioctl(struct device *dev, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
+ return -ENOIOCTLCMD;
+static int pl030_read_alarm(struct device *dev, struct rtc_wkalrm *alrm)
+ struct pl030_rtc *rtc = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+ rtc_time_to_tm(readl(rtc->base + RTC_MR), &alrm->time);
+ return 0;
+static int pl030_set_alarm(struct device *dev, struct rtc_wkalrm *alrm)
+ struct pl030_rtc *rtc = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+ unsigned long time;
+ int ret;
+ /*
+ * At the moment, we can only deal with non-wildcarded alarm times.
+ */
+ ret = rtc_valid_tm(&alrm->time);
+ if (ret == 0)
+ ret = rtc_tm_to_time(&alrm->time, &time);
+ if (ret == 0)
+ writel(time, rtc->base + RTC_MR);
+ return ret;
+static int pl030_read_time(struct device *dev, struct rtc_time *tm)
+ struct pl030_rtc *rtc = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+ rtc_time_to_tm(readl(rtc->base + RTC_DR), tm);
+ return 0;
+ * Set the RTC time. Unfortunately, we can't accurately set
+ * the point at which the counter updates.
+ *
+ * Also, since RTC_LR is transferred to RTC_CR on next rising
+ * edge of the 1Hz clock, we must write the time one second
+ * in advance.
+ */
+static int pl030_set_time(struct device *dev, struct rtc_time *tm)
+ struct pl030_rtc *rtc = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+ unsigned long time;
+ int ret;
+ ret = rtc_tm_to_time(tm, &time);
+ if (ret == 0)
+ writel(time + 1, rtc->base + RTC_LR);
+ return ret;
+static const struct rtc_class_ops pl030_ops = {
+ .open = pl030_open,
+ .release = pl030_release,
+ .ioctl = pl030_ioctl,
+ .read_time = pl030_read_time,
+ .set_time = pl030_set_time,
+ .read_alarm = pl030_read_alarm,
+ .set_alarm = pl030_set_alarm,
+static int pl030_probe(struct amba_device *dev, void *id)
+ struct pl030_rtc *rtc;
+ int ret;
+ ret = amba_request_regions(dev, NULL);
+ if (ret)
+ goto err_req;
+ rtc = kmalloc(sizeof(*rtc), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!rtc) {
+ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ goto err_rtc;
+ }
+ rtc->base = ioremap(dev->res.start, SZ_4K);
+ if (!rtc->base) {
+ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ goto err_map;
+ }
+ __raw_writel(0, rtc->base + RTC_CR);
+ __raw_writel(0, rtc->base + RTC_EOI);
+ amba_set_drvdata(dev, rtc);
+ ret = request_irq(dev->irq[0], pl030_interrupt, IRQF_DISABLED,
+ "rtc-pl030", rtc);
+ if (ret)
+ goto err_irq;
+ rtc->rtc = rtc_device_register("pl030", &dev->dev, &pl030_ops,
+ if (IS_ERR(rtc->rtc)) {
+ ret = PTR_ERR(rtc->rtc);
+ goto err_reg;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ err_reg:
+ free_irq(dev->irq[0], rtc);
+ err_irq:
+ iounmap(rtc->base);
+ err_map:
+ kfree(rtc);
+ err_rtc:
+ amba_release_regions(dev);
+ err_req:
+ return ret;
+static int pl030_remove(struct amba_device *dev)
+ struct pl030_rtc *rtc = amba_get_drvdata(dev);
+ amba_set_drvdata(dev, NULL);
+ writel(0, rtc->base + RTC_CR);
+ free_irq(dev->irq[0], rtc);
+ rtc_device_unregister(rtc->rtc);
+ iounmap(rtc->base);
+ kfree(rtc);
+ amba_release_regions(dev);
+ return 0;
+static struct amba_id pl030_ids[] = {
+ {
+ .id = 0x00041030,
+ .mask = 0x000fffff,
+ },
+ { 0, 0 },
+static struct amba_driver pl030_driver = {
+ .drv = {
+ .name = "rtc-pl030",
+ },
+ .probe = pl030_probe,
+ .remove = pl030_remove,
+ .id_table = pl030_ids,
+static int __init pl030_init(void)
+ return amba_driver_register(&pl030_driver);
+static void __exit pl030_exit(void)
+ amba_driver_unregister(&pl030_driver);
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Russell King <>");
diff --git a/drivers/rtc/rtc-pl031.c b/drivers/rtc/rtc-pl031.c
index 2fd49edcc712..08b4610ec5a6 100644
--- a/drivers/rtc/rtc-pl031.c
+++ b/drivers/rtc/rtc-pl031.c
@@ -12,23 +12,12 @@
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
* 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-#include <linux/platform_device.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/rtc.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
-#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-#include <linux/string.h>
-#include <linux/pm.h>
-#include <linux/bitops.h>
#include <linux/amba/bus.h>
-#include <asm/io.h>
-#include <asm/hardware.h>
-#include <asm/irq.h>
-#include <asm/rtc.h>
+#include <linux/io.h>
* Register definitions
@@ -142,13 +131,12 @@ static int pl031_remove(struct amba_device *adev)
struct pl031_local *ldata = dev_get_drvdata(&adev->dev);
- if (ldata) {
- dev_set_drvdata(&adev->dev, NULL);
- free_irq(adev->irq[0], ldata->rtc);
- rtc_device_unregister(ldata->rtc);
- iounmap(ldata->base);
- kfree(ldata);
- }
+ amba_set_drvdata(adev, NULL);
+ free_irq(adev->irq[0], ldata->rtc);
+ rtc_device_unregister(ldata->rtc);
+ iounmap(ldata->base);
+ kfree(ldata);
+ amba_release_regions(adev);
return 0;
@@ -158,13 +146,15 @@ static int pl031_probe(struct amba_device *adev, void *id)
int ret;
struct pl031_local *ldata;
+ ret = amba_request_regions(adev, NULL);
+ if (ret)
+ goto err_req;
ldata = kmalloc(sizeof(struct pl031_local), GFP_KERNEL);
if (!ldata) {
ret = -ENOMEM;
goto out;
- dev_set_drvdata(&adev->dev, ldata);
ldata->base = ioremap(adev->res.start,
adev->res.end - adev->res.start + 1);
@@ -173,6 +163,8 @@ static int pl031_probe(struct amba_device *adev, void *id)
goto out_no_remap;
+ amba_set_drvdata(adev, ldata);
if (request_irq(adev->irq[0], pl031_interrupt, IRQF_DISABLED,
"rtc-pl031", ldata->rtc)) {
ret = -EIO;
@@ -192,10 +184,12 @@ out_no_rtc:
free_irq(adev->irq[0], ldata->rtc);
+ amba_set_drvdata(adev, NULL);
- dev_set_drvdata(&adev->dev, NULL);
+ amba_release_regions(adev);
return ret;
diff --git a/drivers/rtc/rtc-s3c.c b/drivers/rtc/rtc-s3c.c
index f26e0cad8f16..fed86e507fdf 100644
--- a/drivers/rtc/rtc-s3c.c
+++ b/drivers/rtc/rtc-s3c.c
@@ -26,10 +26,6 @@
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include <asm/io.h>
#include <asm/irq.h>
-#include <asm/rtc.h>
-#include <asm/mach/time.h>
#include <asm/plat-s3c/regs-rtc.h>
/* I have yet to find an S3C implementation with more than one
diff --git a/drivers/rtc/rtc-sa1100.c b/drivers/rtc/rtc-sa1100.c
index 67421b0d3a7b..f47294c60148 100644
--- a/drivers/rtc/rtc-sa1100.c
+++ b/drivers/rtc/rtc-sa1100.c
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
#include <asm/hardware.h>
#include <asm/irq.h>
-#include <asm/rtc.h>
#include <asm/arch/pxa-regs.h>
@@ -47,6 +46,42 @@ static unsigned long rtc_freq = 1024;
static struct rtc_time rtc_alarm;
static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(sa1100_rtc_lock);
+static inline int rtc_periodic_alarm(struct rtc_time *tm)
+ return (tm->tm_year == -1) ||
+ ((unsigned)tm->tm_mon >= 12) ||
+ ((unsigned)(tm->tm_mday - 1) >= 31) ||
+ ((unsigned)tm->tm_hour > 23) ||
+ ((unsigned)tm->tm_min > 59) ||
+ ((unsigned)tm->tm_sec > 59);
+ * Calculate the next alarm time given the requested alarm time mask
+ * and the current time.
+ */
+static void rtc_next_alarm_time(struct rtc_time *next, struct rtc_time *now, struct rtc_time *alrm)
+ unsigned long next_time;
+ unsigned long now_time;
+ next->tm_year = now->tm_year;
+ next->tm_mon = now->tm_mon;
+ next->tm_mday = now->tm_mday;
+ next->tm_hour = alrm->tm_hour;
+ next->tm_min = alrm->tm_min;
+ next->tm_sec = alrm->tm_sec;
+ rtc_tm_to_time(now, &now_time);
+ rtc_tm_to_time(next, &next_time);
+ if (next_time < now_time) {
+ /* Advance one day */
+ next_time += 60 * 60 * 24;
+ rtc_time_to_tm(next_time, next);
+ }
static int rtc_update_alarm(struct rtc_time *alrm)
struct rtc_time alarm_tm, now_tm;
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/arm/Kconfig b/drivers/scsi/arm/Kconfig
index 7236143941f3..a8587f1f5e7e 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/arm/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/scsi/arm/Kconfig
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
tristate "Acorn SCSI card (aka30) support"
- depends on ARCH_ACORN && SCSI && BROKEN
+ depends on ARCH_ACORN && SCSI
This enables support for the Acorn SCSI card (aka30). If you have an
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/arm/acornscsi-io.S b/drivers/scsi/arm/acornscsi-io.S
index 93467e6ac923..5cebe3105260 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/arm/acornscsi-io.S
+++ b/drivers/scsi/arm/acornscsi-io.S
@@ -10,17 +10,10 @@
#include <asm/assembler.h>
#include <asm/hardware.h>
-#if (IO_BASE == (PCIO_BASE & 0xff000000))
-#define ADDR(off,reg) \
- tst off, $0x80000000 ;\
- mov reg, $IO_BASE ;\
- orreq reg, reg, $(PCIO_BASE & 0x00ff0000)
-#define ADDR(off,reg) \
- tst off, $0x80000000 ;\
- movne reg, $IO_BASE ;\
- moveq reg, $(PCIO_BASE & 0xff000000) ;\
- orreq reg, reg, $(PCIO_BASE & 0x00ff0000)
+#if defined(__APCS_32__)
+#define LOADREGS(t,r,l...) ldm##t r, l
+#elif defined(__APCS_26__)
+#define LOADREGS(t,r,l...) ldm##t r, l##^
@ Purpose: transfer a block of data from the acorn scsi card to memory
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/arm/acornscsi.c b/drivers/scsi/arm/acornscsi.c
index 8e53f02cc311..918ccf818757 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/arm/acornscsi.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/arm/acornscsi.c
@@ -123,12 +123,6 @@
#define DBG(cmd,xxx...) xxx
-#ifndef STRINGIFY
-#define STRINGIFY(x) #x
-#define STRx(x) STRINGIFY(x)
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/string.h>
@@ -141,9 +135,10 @@
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/bitops.h>
+#include <linux/stringify.h>
+#include <linux/io.h>
#include <asm/system.h>
-#include <asm/io.h>
#include <asm/ecard.h>
#include "../scsi.h"
@@ -203,44 +198,46 @@ static void acornscsi_abortcmd(AS_Host *host, unsigned char tag);
* Miscellaneous
-static inline void
-sbic_arm_write(unsigned int io_port, int reg, int value)
+/* Offsets from MEMC base */
+#define SBIC_REGIDX 0x2000
+#define SBIC_REGVAL 0x2004
+#define DMAC_OFFSET 0x3000
+/* Offsets from FAST IOC base */
+#define INT_REG 0x2000
+#define PAGE_REG 0x3000
+static inline void sbic_arm_write(AS_Host *host, unsigned int reg, unsigned int value)
- __raw_writeb(reg, io_port);
- __raw_writeb(value, io_port + 4);
+ writeb(reg, host->base + SBIC_REGIDX);
+ writeb(value, host->base + SBIC_REGVAL);
-#define sbic_arm_writenext(io,val) \
- __raw_writeb((val), (io) + 4)
-static inline
-int sbic_arm_read(unsigned int io_port, int reg)
+static inline int sbic_arm_read(AS_Host *host, unsigned int reg)
if(reg == SBIC_ASR)
- return __raw_readl(io_port) & 255;
- __raw_writeb(reg, io_port);
- return __raw_readl(io_port + 4) & 255;
+ return readl(host->base + SBIC_REGIDX) & 255;
+ writeb(reg, host->base + SBIC_REGIDX);
+ return readl(host->base + SBIC_REGVAL) & 255;
-#define sbic_arm_readnext(io) \
- __raw_readb((io) + 4)
+#define sbic_arm_writenext(host, val) writeb((val), (host)->base + SBIC_REGVAL)
+#define sbic_arm_readnext(host) readb((host)->base + SBIC_REGVAL)
#ifdef USE_DMAC
-#define dmac_read(io_port,reg) \
- inb((io_port) + (reg))
+#define dmac_read(host,reg) \
+ readb((host)->base + DMAC_OFFSET + ((reg) << 2))
-#define dmac_write(io_port,reg,value) \
- ({ outb((value), (io_port) + (reg)); })
+#define dmac_write(host,reg,value) \
+ ({ writeb((value), (host)->base + DMAC_OFFSET + ((reg) << 2)); })
-#define dmac_clearintr(io_port) \
- ({ outb(0, (io_port)); })
+#define dmac_clearintr(host) writeb(0, (host)->fast + INT_REG)
-static inline
-unsigned int dmac_address(unsigned int io_port)
+static inline unsigned int dmac_address(AS_Host *host)
- return dmac_read(io_port, DMAC_TXADRHI) << 16 |
- dmac_read(io_port, DMAC_TXADRMD) << 8 |
- dmac_read(io_port, DMAC_TXADRLO);
+ return dmac_read(host, DMAC_TXADRHI) << 16 |
+ dmac_read(host, DMAC_TXADRMD) << 8 |
+ dmac_read(host, DMAC_TXADRLO);
@@ -248,15 +245,15 @@ void acornscsi_dumpdma(AS_Host *host, char *where)
unsigned int mode, addr, len;
- mode = dmac_read(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_MODECON);
- addr = dmac_address(host->dma.io_port);
- len = dmac_read(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_TXCNTHI) << 8 |
- dmac_read(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_TXCNTLO);
+ mode = dmac_read(host, DMAC_MODECON);
+ addr = dmac_address(host);
+ len = dmac_read(host, DMAC_TXCNTHI) << 8 |
+ dmac_read(host, DMAC_TXCNTLO);
printk("scsi%d: %s: DMAC %02x @%06x+%04x msk %02x, ",
host->host->host_no, where,
mode, addr, (len + 1) & 0xffff,
- dmac_read(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_MASKREG));
+ dmac_read(host, DMAC_MASKREG));
printk("DMA @%06x, ", host->dma.start_addr);
printk("BH @%p +%04x, ", host->scsi.SCp.ptr,
@@ -272,9 +269,9 @@ unsigned long acornscsi_sbic_xfcount(AS_Host *host)
unsigned long length;
- length = sbic_arm_read(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_TRANSCNTH) << 16;
- length |= sbic_arm_readnext(host->scsi.io_port) << 8;
- length |= sbic_arm_readnext(host->scsi.io_port);
+ length = sbic_arm_read(host, SBIC_TRANSCNTH) << 16;
+ length |= sbic_arm_readnext(host) << 8;
+ length |= sbic_arm_readnext(host);
return length;
@@ -285,7 +282,7 @@ acornscsi_sbic_wait(AS_Host *host, int stat_mask, int stat, int timeout, char *m
int asr;
do {
- asr = sbic_arm_read(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_ASR);
+ asr = sbic_arm_read(host, SBIC_ASR);
if ((asr & stat_mask) == stat)
return 0;
@@ -304,7 +301,7 @@ int acornscsi_sbic_issuecmd(AS_Host *host, int command)
if (acornscsi_sbic_wait(host, ASR_CIP, 0, 1000, "issuing command"))
return -1;
- sbic_arm_write(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_CMND, command);
+ sbic_arm_write(host, SBIC_CMND, command);
return 0;
@@ -331,20 +328,20 @@ void acornscsi_resetcard(AS_Host *host)
/* assert reset line */
host->card.page_reg = 0x80;
- outb(host->card.page_reg, host->card.io_page);
+ writeb(host->card.page_reg, host->fast + PAGE_REG);
/* wait 3 cs. SCSI standard says 25ms. */
host->card.page_reg = 0;
- outb(host->card.page_reg, host->card.io_page);
+ writeb(host->card.page_reg, host->fast + PAGE_REG);
* Should get a reset from the card
timeout = 1000;
do {
- if (inb(host->card.io_intr) & 8)
+ if (readb(host->fast + INT_REG) & 8)
} while (--timeout);
@@ -353,19 +350,19 @@ void acornscsi_resetcard(AS_Host *host)
printk("scsi%d: timeout while resetting card\n",
- sbic_arm_read(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_ASR);
- sbic_arm_read(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_SSR);
+ sbic_arm_read(host, SBIC_ASR);
+ sbic_arm_read(host, SBIC_SSR);
/* setup sbic - WD33C93A */
- sbic_arm_write(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_OWNID, OWNID_EAF | host->host->this_id);
- sbic_arm_write(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_CMND, CMND_RESET);
+ sbic_arm_write(host, SBIC_OWNID, OWNID_EAF | host->host->this_id);
+ sbic_arm_write(host, SBIC_CMND, CMND_RESET);
* Command should cause a reset interrupt
timeout = 1000;
do {
- if (inb(host->card.io_intr) & 8)
+ if (readb(host->fast + INT_REG) & 8)
} while (--timeout);
@@ -374,26 +371,26 @@ void acornscsi_resetcard(AS_Host *host)
printk("scsi%d: timeout while resetting card\n",
- sbic_arm_read(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_ASR);
- if (sbic_arm_read(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_SSR) != 0x01)
+ sbic_arm_read(host, SBIC_ASR);
+ if (sbic_arm_read(host, SBIC_SSR) != 0x01)
printk(KERN_CRIT "scsi%d: WD33C93A didn't give enhanced reset interrupt\n",
- sbic_arm_write(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_CTRL, INIT_SBICDMA | CTRL_IDI);
- sbic_arm_write(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_TIMEOUT, TIMEOUT_TIME);
- sbic_arm_write(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_SYNCHTRANSFER, SYNCHTRANSFER_2DBA);
- sbic_arm_write(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_SOURCEID, SOURCEID_ER | SOURCEID_DSP);
+ sbic_arm_write(host, SBIC_CTRL, INIT_SBICDMA | CTRL_IDI);
+ sbic_arm_write(host, SBIC_TIMEOUT, TIMEOUT_TIME);
+ sbic_arm_write(host, SBIC_SOURCEID, SOURCEID_ER | SOURCEID_DSP);
host->card.page_reg = 0x40;
- outb(host->card.page_reg, host->card.io_page);
+ writeb(host->card.page_reg, host->fast + PAGE_REG);
/* setup dmac - uPC71071 */
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_INIT, 0);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_INIT, 0);
#ifdef USE_DMAC
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_INIT, INIT_8BIT);
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_CHANNEL, CHANNEL_0);
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_DEVCON0, INIT_DEVCON0);
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_DEVCON1, INIT_DEVCON1);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_INIT, INIT_8BIT);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_CHANNEL, CHANNEL_0);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_DEVCON0, INIT_DEVCON0);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_DEVCON1, INIT_DEVCON1);
host->SCpnt = NULL;
@@ -741,9 +738,9 @@ intr_ret_t acornscsi_kick(AS_Host *host)
* If we have an interrupt pending, then we may have been reselected.
* In this case, we don't want to write to the registers
- if (!(sbic_arm_read(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_ASR) & (ASR_INT|ASR_BSY|ASR_CIP))) {
- sbic_arm_write(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_DESTID, SCpnt->device->id);
- sbic_arm_write(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_CMND, CMND_SELWITHATN);
+ if (!(sbic_arm_read(host, SBIC_ASR) & (ASR_INT|ASR_BSY|ASR_CIP))) {
+ sbic_arm_write(host, SBIC_DESTID, SCpnt->device->id);
+ sbic_arm_write(host, SBIC_CMND, CMND_SELWITHATN);
@@ -807,7 +804,7 @@ static void acornscsi_done(AS_Host *host, struct scsi_cmnd **SCpntp,
struct scsi_cmnd *SCpnt = *SCpntp;
/* clean up */
- sbic_arm_write(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_SOURCEID, SOURCEID_ER | SOURCEID_DSP);
+ sbic_arm_write(host, SBIC_SOURCEID, SOURCEID_ER | SOURCEID_DSP);
host->stats.fins += 1;
@@ -918,13 +915,13 @@ static
void acornscsi_data_read(AS_Host *host, char *ptr,
unsigned int start_addr, unsigned int length)
- extern void __acornscsi_in(int port, char *buf, int len);
+ extern void __acornscsi_in(void __iomem *, char *buf, int len);
unsigned int page, offset, len = length;
page = (start_addr >> 12);
offset = start_addr & ((1 << 12) - 1);
- outb((page & 0x3f) | host->card.page_reg, host->card.io_page);
+ writeb((page & 0x3f) | host->card.page_reg, host->fast + PAGE_REG);
while (len > 0) {
unsigned int this_len;
@@ -934,7 +931,7 @@ void acornscsi_data_read(AS_Host *host, char *ptr,
this_len = len;
- __acornscsi_in(host->card.io_ram + (offset << 1), ptr, this_len);
+ __acornscsi_in(host->base + (offset << 1), ptr, this_len);
offset += this_len;
ptr += this_len;
@@ -943,10 +940,10 @@ void acornscsi_data_read(AS_Host *host, char *ptr,
if (offset == (1 << 12)) {
offset = 0;
page ++;
- outb((page & 0x3f) | host->card.page_reg, host->card.io_page);
+ writeb((page & 0x3f) | host->card.page_reg, host->fast + PAGE_REG);
- outb(host->card.page_reg, host->card.io_page);
+ writeb(host->card.page_reg, host->fast + PAGE_REG);
@@ -963,13 +960,13 @@ static
void acornscsi_data_write(AS_Host *host, char *ptr,
unsigned int start_addr, unsigned int length)
- extern void __acornscsi_out(int port, char *buf, int len);
+ extern void __acornscsi_out(void __iomem *, char *buf, int len);
unsigned int page, offset, len = length;
page = (start_addr >> 12);
offset = start_addr & ((1 << 12) - 1);
- outb((page & 0x3f) | host->card.page_reg, host->card.io_page);
+ writeb((page & 0x3f) | host->card.page_reg, host->fast + PAGE_REG);
while (len > 0) {
unsigned int this_len;
@@ -979,7 +976,7 @@ void acornscsi_data_write(AS_Host *host, char *ptr,
this_len = len;
- __acornscsi_out(host->card.io_ram + (offset << 1), ptr, this_len);
+ __acornscsi_out(host->base + (offset << 1), ptr, this_len);
offset += this_len;
ptr += this_len;
@@ -988,10 +985,10 @@ void acornscsi_data_write(AS_Host *host, char *ptr,
if (offset == (1 << 12)) {
offset = 0;
page ++;
- outb((page & 0x3f) | host->card.page_reg, host->card.io_page);
+ writeb((page & 0x3f) | host->card.page_reg, host->fast + PAGE_REG);
- outb(host->card.page_reg, host->card.io_page);
+ writeb(host->card.page_reg, host->fast + PAGE_REG);
/* =========================================================================================
@@ -1008,8 +1005,8 @@ void acornscsi_data_write(AS_Host *host, char *ptr,
static inline
void acornscsi_dma_stop(AS_Host *host)
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_MASKREG, MASK_ON);
- dmac_clearintr(host->dma.io_intr_clear);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_MASKREG, MASK_ON);
+ dmac_clearintr(host);
DBG(host->SCpnt, acornscsi_dumpdma(host, "stop"));
@@ -1031,7 +1028,7 @@ void acornscsi_dma_setup(AS_Host *host, dmadir_t direction)
host->dma.direction = direction;
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_MASKREG, MASK_ON);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_MASKREG, MASK_ON);
if (direction == DMA_OUT) {
@@ -1062,13 +1059,13 @@ void acornscsi_dma_setup(AS_Host *host, dmadir_t direction)
length -= 1;
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_TXCNTLO, length);
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_TXCNTHI, length >> 8);
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_TXADRLO, address);
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_TXADRMD, address >> 8);
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_TXADRHI, 0);
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_MODECON, mode);
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_MASKREG, MASK_OFF);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_TXCNTLO, length);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_TXCNTHI, length >> 8);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_TXADRLO, address);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_TXADRMD, address >> 8);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_TXADRHI, 0);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_MODECON, mode);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_MASKREG, MASK_OFF);
DBG(host->SCpnt, acornscsi_dumpdma(host, "strt"));
@@ -1088,8 +1085,8 @@ void acornscsi_dma_setup(AS_Host *host, dmadir_t direction)
void acornscsi_dma_cleanup(AS_Host *host)
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_MASKREG, MASK_ON);
- dmac_clearintr(host->dma.io_intr_clear);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_MASKREG, MASK_ON);
+ dmac_clearintr(host);
* Check for a pending transfer
@@ -1116,7 +1113,7 @@ void acornscsi_dma_cleanup(AS_Host *host)
* Calculate number of bytes transferred from DMA.
- transferred = dmac_address(host->dma.io_port) - host->dma.start_addr;
+ transferred = dmac_address(host) - host->dma.start_addr;
host->dma.transferred += transferred;
if (host->dma.direction == DMA_IN)
@@ -1152,13 +1149,13 @@ void acornscsi_dma_intr(AS_Host *host)
DBG(host->SCpnt, acornscsi_dumpdma(host, "inti"));
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_MASKREG, MASK_ON);
- dmac_clearintr(host->dma.io_intr_clear);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_MASKREG, MASK_ON);
+ dmac_clearintr(host);
* Calculate amount transferred via DMA
- transferred = dmac_address(host->dma.io_port) - host->dma.start_addr;
+ transferred = dmac_address(host) - host->dma.start_addr;
host->dma.transferred += transferred;
@@ -1190,12 +1187,12 @@ void acornscsi_dma_intr(AS_Host *host)
length -= 1;
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_TXCNTLO, length);
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_TXCNTHI, length >> 8);
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_TXADRLO, address);
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_TXADRMD, address >> 8);
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_TXADRHI, 0);
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_MASKREG, MASK_OFF);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_TXCNTLO, length);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_TXCNTHI, length >> 8);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_TXADRLO, address);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_TXADRMD, address >> 8);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_TXADRHI, 0);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_MASKREG, MASK_OFF);
DBG(host->SCpnt, acornscsi_dumpdma(host, "into"));
@@ -1209,15 +1206,15 @@ void acornscsi_dma_intr(AS_Host *host)
* attention condition. We continue giving one byte until
* the device recognises the attention.
- if (dmac_read(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_STATUS) & STATUS_RQ0) {
+ if (dmac_read(host, DMAC_STATUS) & STATUS_RQ0) {
acornscsi_abortcmd(host, host->SCpnt->tag);
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_TXCNTLO, 0);
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_TXCNTHI, 0);
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_TXADRLO, 0);
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_TXADRMD, 0);
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_TXADRHI, 0);
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_MASKREG, MASK_OFF);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_TXCNTLO, 0);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_TXCNTHI, 0);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_TXADRLO, 0);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_TXADRMD, 0);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_TXADRHI, 0);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_MASKREG, MASK_OFF);
@@ -1271,9 +1268,9 @@ void acornscsi_dma_adjust(AS_Host *host)
host->dma.xfer_setup = 0;
else {
transferred += host->dma.start_addr;
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_TXADRLO, transferred);
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_TXADRMD, transferred >> 8);
- dmac_write(host->dma.io_port, DMAC_TXADRHI, transferred >> 16);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_TXADRLO, transferred);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_TXADRMD, transferred >> 8);
+ dmac_write(host, DMAC_TXADRHI, transferred >> 16);
DBG(host->SCpnt, acornscsi_dumpdma(host, "adjo"));
@@ -1292,12 +1289,12 @@ acornscsi_write_pio(AS_Host *host, char *bytes, int *ptr, int len, unsigned int
int my_ptr = *ptr;
while (my_ptr < len) {
- asr = sbic_arm_read(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_ASR);
+ asr = sbic_arm_read(host, SBIC_ASR);
if (asr & ASR_DBR) {
timeout = max_timeout;
- sbic_arm_write(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_DATA, bytes[my_ptr++]);
+ sbic_arm_write(host, SBIC_DATA, bytes[my_ptr++]);
} else if (asr & ASR_INT)
else if (--timeout == 0)
@@ -1320,9 +1317,9 @@ acornscsi_sendcommand(AS_Host *host)
struct scsi_cmnd *SCpnt = host->SCpnt;
- sbic_arm_write(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_TRANSCNTH, 0);
- sbic_arm_writenext(host->scsi.io_port, 0);
- sbic_arm_writenext(host->scsi.io_port, SCpnt->cmd_len - host->scsi.SCp.sent_command);
+ sbic_arm_write(host, SBIC_TRANSCNTH, 0);
+ sbic_arm_writenext(host, 0);
+ sbic_arm_writenext(host, SCpnt->cmd_len - host->scsi.SCp.sent_command);
acornscsi_sbic_issuecmd(host, CMND_XFERINFO);
@@ -1351,7 +1348,7 @@ void acornscsi_sendmessage(AS_Host *host)
acornscsi_sbic_wait(host, ASR_DBR, ASR_DBR, 1000, "sending message 1");
- sbic_arm_write(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_DATA, NOP);
+ sbic_arm_write(host, SBIC_DATA, NOP);
host->scsi.last_message = NOP;
@@ -1365,7 +1362,7 @@ void acornscsi_sendmessage(AS_Host *host)
acornscsi_sbic_wait(host, ASR_DBR, ASR_DBR, 1000, "sending message 2");
- sbic_arm_write(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_DATA, msg->msg[0]);
+ sbic_arm_write(host, SBIC_DATA, msg->msg[0]);
host->scsi.last_message = msg->msg[0];
@@ -1382,9 +1379,9 @@ void acornscsi_sendmessage(AS_Host *host)
* initiator. This provides an interlock so that the
* initiator can determine which message byte is rejected.
- sbic_arm_write(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_TRANSCNTH, 0);
- sbic_arm_writenext(host->scsi.io_port, 0);
- sbic_arm_writenext(host->scsi.io_port, message_length);
+ sbic_arm_write(host, SBIC_TRANSCNTH, 0);
+ sbic_arm_writenext(host, 0);
+ sbic_arm_writenext(host, message_length);
acornscsi_sbic_issuecmd(host, CMND_XFERINFO);
msgnr = 0;
@@ -1421,7 +1418,7 @@ void acornscsi_readstatusbyte(AS_Host *host)
acornscsi_sbic_issuecmd(host, CMND_XFERINFO|CMND_SBT);
acornscsi_sbic_wait(host, ASR_DBR, ASR_DBR, 1000, "reading status byte");
- host->scsi.SCp.Status = sbic_arm_read(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_DATA);
+ host->scsi.SCp.Status = sbic_arm_read(host, SBIC_DATA);
@@ -1438,12 +1435,12 @@ unsigned char acornscsi_readmessagebyte(AS_Host *host)
acornscsi_sbic_wait(host, ASR_DBR, ASR_DBR, 1000, "for message byte");
- message = sbic_arm_read(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_DATA);
+ message = sbic_arm_read(host, SBIC_DATA);
/* wait for MSGIN-XFER-PAUSED */
acornscsi_sbic_wait(host, ASR_INT, ASR_INT, 1000, "for interrupt after message byte");
- sbic_arm_read(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_SSR);
+ sbic_arm_read(host, SBIC_SSR);
return message;
@@ -1480,7 +1477,7 @@ void acornscsi_message(AS_Host *host)
/* wait for next msg-in */
acornscsi_sbic_wait(host, ASR_INT, ASR_INT, 1000, "for interrupt after negate ack");
- sbic_arm_read(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_SSR);
+ sbic_arm_read(host, SBIC_SSR);
} while (msgidx < msglen);
@@ -1602,7 +1599,7 @@ void acornscsi_message(AS_Host *host)
host->host->host_no, acornscsi_target(host));
host->device[host->SCpnt->device->id].sync_xfer = SYNCHTRANSFER_2DBA;
host->device[host->SCpnt->device->id].sync_state = SYNC_ASYNCHRONOUS;
- sbic_arm_write(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_SYNCHTRANSFER, host->device[host->SCpnt->device->id].sync_xfer);
+ sbic_arm_write(host, SBIC_SYNCHTRANSFER, host->device[host->SCpnt->device->id].sync_xfer);
@@ -1652,7 +1649,7 @@ void acornscsi_message(AS_Host *host)
host->device[host->SCpnt->device->id].sync_xfer =
calc_sync_xfer(period * 4, length);
- sbic_arm_write(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_SYNCHTRANSFER, host->device[host->SCpnt->device->id].sync_xfer);
+ sbic_arm_write(host, SBIC_SYNCHTRANSFER, host->device[host->SCpnt->device->id].sync_xfer);
/* We do not accept synchronous transfers. Respond with a
@@ -1792,10 +1789,10 @@ int acornscsi_starttransfer(AS_Host *host)
residual = scsi_bufflen(host->SCpnt) - host->scsi.SCp.scsi_xferred;
- sbic_arm_write(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_SYNCHTRANSFER, host->device[host->SCpnt->device->id].sync_xfer);
- sbic_arm_writenext(host->scsi.io_port, residual >> 16);
- sbic_arm_writenext(host->scsi.io_port, residual >> 8);
- sbic_arm_writenext(host->scsi.io_port, residual);
+ sbic_arm_write(host, SBIC_SYNCHTRANSFER, host->device[host->SCpnt->device->id].sync_xfer);
+ sbic_arm_writenext(host, residual >> 16);
+ sbic_arm_writenext(host, residual >> 8);
+ sbic_arm_writenext(host, residual);
acornscsi_sbic_issuecmd(host, CMND_XFERINFO);
return 1;
@@ -1816,7 +1813,7 @@ int acornscsi_reconnect(AS_Host *host)
unsigned int target, lun, ok = 0;
- target = sbic_arm_read(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_SOURCEID);
+ target = sbic_arm_read(host, SBIC_SOURCEID);
if (!(target & 8))
printk(KERN_ERR "scsi%d: invalid source id after reselection "
@@ -1832,7 +1829,7 @@ int acornscsi_reconnect(AS_Host *host)
host->SCpnt = NULL;
- lun = sbic_arm_read(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_DATA) & 7;
+ lun = sbic_arm_read(host, SBIC_DATA) & 7;
host-> = target;
host->scsi.reconnected.lun = lun;
@@ -1952,7 +1949,7 @@ static
void acornscsi_abortcmd(AS_Host *host, unsigned char tag)
host->scsi.phase = PHASE_ABORTED;
- sbic_arm_write(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_CMND, CMND_ASSERTATN);
+ sbic_arm_write(host, SBIC_CMND, CMND_ASSERTATN);
@@ -1979,11 +1976,11 @@ intr_ret_t acornscsi_sbicintr(AS_Host *host, int in_irq)
unsigned int asr, ssr;
- asr = sbic_arm_read(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_ASR);
+ asr = sbic_arm_read(host, SBIC_ASR);
if (!(asr & ASR_INT))
return INTR_IDLE;
- ssr = sbic_arm_read(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_SSR);
+ ssr = sbic_arm_read(host, SBIC_SSR);
print_sbic_status(asr, ssr, host->scsi.phase);
@@ -1999,15 +1996,15 @@ intr_ret_t acornscsi_sbicintr(AS_Host *host, int in_irq)
printk(KERN_ERR "scsi%d: reset in standard mode but wanted advanced mode.\n",
/* setup sbic - WD33C93A */
- sbic_arm_write(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_OWNID, OWNID_EAF | host->host->this_id);
- sbic_arm_write(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_CMND, CMND_RESET);
+ sbic_arm_write(host, SBIC_OWNID, OWNID_EAF | host->host->this_id);
+ sbic_arm_write(host, SBIC_CMND, CMND_RESET);
return INTR_IDLE;
case 0x01: /* reset state - advanced */
- sbic_arm_write(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_CTRL, INIT_SBICDMA | CTRL_IDI);
- sbic_arm_write(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_TIMEOUT, TIMEOUT_TIME);
- sbic_arm_write(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_SYNCHTRANSFER, SYNCHTRANSFER_2DBA);
- sbic_arm_write(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_SOURCEID, SOURCEID_ER | SOURCEID_DSP);
+ sbic_arm_write(host, SBIC_CTRL, INIT_SBICDMA | CTRL_IDI);
+ sbic_arm_write(host, SBIC_TIMEOUT, TIMEOUT_TIME);
+ sbic_arm_write(host, SBIC_SOURCEID, SOURCEID_ER | SOURCEID_DSP);
return INTR_IDLE;
@@ -2025,10 +2022,10 @@ intr_ret_t acornscsi_sbicintr(AS_Host *host, int in_irq)
host->dma.transferred = host->scsi.SCp.scsi_xferred;
/* 33C93 gives next interrupt indicating bus phase */
- asr = sbic_arm_read(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_ASR);
+ asr = sbic_arm_read(host, SBIC_ASR);
if (!(asr & ASR_INT))
- ssr = sbic_arm_read(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_SSR);
+ ssr = sbic_arm_read(host, SBIC_SSR);
ADD_STATUS(8, ssr, host->scsi.phase, 1);
ADD_STATUS(host->SCpnt->device->id, ssr, host->scsi.phase, 1);
goto connected;
@@ -2476,11 +2473,11 @@ acornscsi_intr(int irq, void *dev_id)
do {
ret = INTR_IDLE;
- iostatus = inb(host->card.io_intr);
+ iostatus = readb(host->fast + INT_REG);
if (iostatus & 2) {
- iostatus = inb(host->card.io_intr);
+ iostatus = readb(host->fast + INT_REG);
if (iostatus & 8)
@@ -2655,7 +2652,7 @@ static enum res_abort acornscsi_do_abort(AS_Host *host, struct scsi_cmnd *SCpnt)
* busylun bit.
- sbic_arm_write(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_CMND, CMND_DISCONNECT);
+ sbic_arm_write(host, SBIC_CMND, CMND_DISCONNECT);
host->SCpnt = NULL;
res = res_success_clear;
@@ -2699,8 +2696,8 @@ int acornscsi_abort(struct scsi_cmnd *SCpnt)
int asr, ssr;
- asr = sbic_arm_read(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_ASR);
- ssr = sbic_arm_read(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_SSR);
+ asr = sbic_arm_read(host, SBIC_ASR);
+ ssr = sbic_arm_read(host, SBIC_SSR);
printk(KERN_WARNING "acornscsi_abort: ");
print_sbic_status(asr, ssr, host->scsi.phase);
@@ -2731,9 +2728,7 @@ int acornscsi_abort(struct scsi_cmnd *SCpnt)
- SCpnt->result = DID_ABORT << 16;
- SCpnt->scsi_done(SCpnt);
+ result = SUCCESS;
@@ -2745,7 +2740,7 @@ int acornscsi_abort(struct scsi_cmnd *SCpnt)
+ result = FAILED;
@@ -2755,11 +2750,7 @@ int acornscsi_abort(struct scsi_cmnd *SCpnt)
case res_not_running:
acornscsi_dumplog(host, SCpnt->device->id);
+ result = FAILED;
printk("not running\n");
@@ -2770,13 +2761,12 @@ int acornscsi_abort(struct scsi_cmnd *SCpnt)
- * Prototype: int acornscsi_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *SCpnt, unsigned int reset_flags)
+ * Prototype: int acornscsi_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *SCpnt)
* Purpose : reset a command on this host/reset this host
* Params : SCpnt - command causing reset
- * result - what type of reset to perform
* Returns : one of SCSI_RESET_ macros
-int acornscsi_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *SCpnt, unsigned int reset_flags)
+int acornscsi_bus_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *SCpnt)
AS_Host *host = (AS_Host *)SCpnt->device->host->hostdata;
struct scsi_cmnd *SCptr;
@@ -2787,8 +2777,8 @@ int acornscsi_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *SCpnt, unsigned int reset_flags)
int asr, ssr;
- asr = sbic_arm_read(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_ASR);
- ssr = sbic_arm_read(host->scsi.io_port, SBIC_SSR);
+ asr = sbic_arm_read(host, SBIC_ASR);
+ ssr = sbic_arm_read(host, SBIC_SSR);
printk(KERN_WARNING "acornscsi_reset: ");
print_sbic_status(asr, ssr, host->scsi.phase);
@@ -2798,28 +2788,16 @@ int acornscsi_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *SCpnt, unsigned int reset_flags)
- SCptr = host->SCpnt;
* do hard reset. This resets all devices on this host, and so we
* must set the reset status on all commands.
- /*
- * report reset on commands current connected/disconnected
- */
- acornscsi_reportstatus(&host->SCpnt, &SCptr, DID_RESET);
while ((SCptr = queue_remove(&host->queues.disconnected)) != NULL)
- acornscsi_reportstatus(&SCptr, &SCpnt, DID_RESET);
- if (SCpnt) {
- SCpnt->result = DID_RESET << 16;
- SCpnt->scsi_done(SCpnt);
- }
+ ;
+ return SUCCESS;
@@ -2850,7 +2828,7 @@ char *acornscsi_info(struct Scsi_Host *host)
+ " NOWRITE (" __stringify(NO_WRITE) ")"
, host->hostt->name, host->io_port, host->irq,
@@ -2881,15 +2859,15 @@ int acornscsi_proc_info(struct Scsi_Host *instance, char *buffer, char **start,
+ " NOWRITE (" __stringify(NO_WRITE) ")"
- p += sprintf(p, "SBIC: WD33C93A Address: %08X IRQ : %d\n",
- host->scsi.io_port, host->scsi.irq);
+ p += sprintf(p, "SBIC: WD33C93A Address: %p IRQ : %d\n",
+ host->base + SBIC_REGIDX, host->scsi.irq);
#ifdef USE_DMAC
- p += sprintf(p, "DMAC: uPC71071 Address: %08X IRQ : %d\n\n",
- host->dma.io_port, host->scsi.irq);
+ p += sprintf(p, "DMAC: uPC71071 Address: %p IRQ : %d\n\n",
+ host->base + DMAC_OFFSET, host->scsi.irq);
p += sprintf(p, "Statistics:\n"
@@ -2976,9 +2954,8 @@ static struct scsi_host_template acornscsi_template = {
.name = "AcornSCSI",
.info = acornscsi_info,
.queuecommand = acornscsi_queuecmd,
-#warning fixme
- .abort = acornscsi_abort,
- .reset = acornscsi_reset,
+ .eh_abort_handler = acornscsi_abort,
+ .eh_bus_reset_handler = acornscsi_bus_reset,
.can_queue = 16,
.this_id = 7,
.sg_tablesize = SG_ALL,
@@ -2992,48 +2969,37 @@ acornscsi_probe(struct expansion_card *ec, const struct ecard_id *id)
struct Scsi_Host *host;
AS_Host *ashost;
- int ret = -ENOMEM;
+ int ret;
- host = scsi_host_alloc(&acornscsi_template, sizeof(AS_Host));
- if (!host)
+ ret = ecard_request_resources(ec);
+ if (ret)
goto out;
+ host = scsi_host_alloc(&acornscsi_template, sizeof(AS_Host));
+ if (!host) {
+ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ goto out_release;
+ }
ashost = (AS_Host *)host->hostdata;
- host->io_port = ecard_address(ec, ECARD_MEMC, 0);
- host->irq = ec->irq;
+ ashost->base = ecardm_iomap(ec, ECARD_RES_MEMC, 0, 0);
+ ashost->fast = ecardm_iomap(ec, ECARD_RES_IOCFAST, 0, 0);
+ if (!ashost->base || !ashost->fast)
+ goto out_put;
- ashost->host = host;
- ashost->scsi.io_port = ioaddr(host->io_port + 0x800);
- ashost->scsi.irq = host->irq;
- ashost->card.io_intr = POD_SPACE(host->io_port) + 0x800;
- ashost->card.io_page = POD_SPACE(host->io_port) + 0xc00;
- ashost->card.io_ram = ioaddr(host->io_port);
- ashost->dma.io_port = host->io_port + 0xc00;
- ashost->dma.io_intr_clear = POD_SPACE(host->io_port) + 0x800;
+ host->irq = ec->irq;
+ ashost->host = host;
+ ashost->scsi.irq = host->irq;
- ec->irqaddr = (char *)ioaddr(ashost->card.io_intr);
+ ec->irqaddr = ashost->fast + INT_REG;
ec->irqmask = 0x0a;
- ret = -EBUSY;
- if (!request_region(host->io_port + 0x800, 2, "acornscsi(sbic)"))
- goto err_1;
- if (!request_region(ashost->card.io_intr, 1, "acornscsi(intr)"))
- goto err_2;
- if (!request_region(ashost->card.io_page, 1, "acornscsi(page)"))
- goto err_3;
-#ifdef USE_DMAC
- if (!request_region(ashost->dma.io_port, 256, "acornscsi(dmac)"))
- goto err_4;
- if (!request_region(host->io_port, 2048, "acornscsi(ram)"))
- goto err_5;
ret = request_irq(host->irq, acornscsi_intr, IRQF_DISABLED, "acornscsi", ashost);
if (ret) {
printk(KERN_CRIT "scsi%d: IRQ%d not free: %d\n",
host->host_no, ashost->scsi.irq, ret);
- goto err_6;
+ goto out_put;
memset(&ashost->stats, 0, sizeof (ashost->stats));
@@ -3045,27 +3011,22 @@ acornscsi_probe(struct expansion_card *ec, const struct ecard_id *id)
ret = scsi_add_host(host, &ec->dev);
if (ret)
- goto err_7;
+ goto out_irq;
goto out;
- err_7:
+ out_irq:
free_irq(host->irq, ashost);
- err_6:
- release_region(host->io_port, 2048);
- err_5:
-#ifdef USE_DMAC
- release_region(ashost->dma.io_port, 256);
- err_4:
- release_region(ashost->card.io_page, 1);
- err_3:
- release_region(ashost->card.io_intr, 1);
- err_2:
- release_region(host->io_port + 0x800, 2);
- err_1:
+ msgqueue_free(&ashost->scsi.msgs);
+ queue_free(&ashost->queues.disconnected);
+ queue_free(&ashost->queues.issue);
+ out_put:
+ ecardm_iounmap(ec, ashost->fast);
+ ecardm_iounmap(ec, ashost->base);
+ out_release:
+ ecard_release_resources(ec);
return ret;
@@ -3081,20 +3042,17 @@ static void __devexit acornscsi_remove(struct expansion_card *ec)
* Put card into RESET state
- outb(0x80, ashost->card.io_page);
+ writeb(0x80, ashost->fast + PAGE_REG);
free_irq(host->irq, ashost);
- release_region(host->io_port + 0x800, 2);
- release_region(ashost->card.io_intr, 1);
- release_region(ashost->card.io_page, 1);
- release_region(ashost->dma.io_port, 256);
- release_region(host->io_port, 2048);
+ ecardm_iounmap(ec, ashost->fast);
+ ecardm_iounmap(ec, ashost->base);
+ ecard_release_resources(ec);
static const struct ecard_id acornscsi_cids[] = {
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/arm/acornscsi.h b/drivers/scsi/arm/acornscsi.h
index d11424b89f42..8d2172a0b351 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/arm/acornscsi.h
+++ b/drivers/scsi/arm/acornscsi.h
@@ -179,7 +179,6 @@
/* miscellaneous internal variables */
-#define POD_SPACE(x) ((x) + 0xd0000)
@@ -279,10 +278,11 @@ typedef struct acornscsi_hostdata {
struct Scsi_Host *host; /* host */
struct scsi_cmnd *SCpnt; /* currently processing command */
struct scsi_cmnd *origSCpnt; /* original connecting command */
+ void __iomem *base; /* memc base address */
+ void __iomem *fast; /* fast ioc base address */
/* driver information */
struct {
- unsigned int io_port; /* base address of WD33C93 */
unsigned int irq; /* interrupt */
phase_t phase; /* current phase */
@@ -329,8 +329,6 @@ typedef struct acornscsi_hostdata {
/* DMA info */
struct {
- unsigned int io_port; /* base address of DMA controller */
- unsigned int io_intr_clear; /* address of DMA interrupt clear */
unsigned int free_addr; /* next free address */
unsigned int start_addr; /* start address of current transfer */
dmadir_t direction; /* dma direction */
@@ -345,9 +343,6 @@ typedef struct acornscsi_hostdata {
/* card info */
struct {
- unsigned int io_intr; /* base address of interrupt id reg */
- unsigned int io_page; /* base address of page reg */
- unsigned int io_ram; /* base address of RAM access */
unsigned char page_reg; /* current setting of page reg */
} card;
diff --git a/drivers/serial/Kconfig b/drivers/serial/Kconfig
index 9bc42763623c..5a9754455eed 100644
--- a/drivers/serial/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/serial/Kconfig
@@ -448,22 +448,27 @@ config SERIAL_CLPS711X_CONSOLE
your boot loader (lilo or loadlin) about how to pass options to the
kernel at boot time.)
-config SERIAL_S3C2410
- tristate "Samsung S3C2410/S3C2440/S3C2442/S3C2412 Serial port support"
- depends on ARM && ARCH_S3C2410
- select SERIAL_CORE
+ tristate "Samsung SoC serial support"
+ depends on ARM && PLAT_S3C24XX
Support for the on-chip UARTs on the Samsung S3C24XX series CPUs,
providing /dev/ttySAC0, 1 and 2 (note, some machines may not
provide all of these ports, depending on how the serial port
pins are configured.
- Currently this driver supports the UARTS on the S3C2410, S3C2440,
- S3C2442, S3C2412 and S3C2413 CPUs.
+ bool "Samsung SoC serial debug"
+ depends on SERIAL_SAMSUNG
+ help
+ Add support for debugging the serial driver. Since this is
+ generally being used as a console, we use our own output
+ routines that go via the low-level debug printascii()
+ function.
-config SERIAL_S3C2410_CONSOLE
- bool "Support for console on S3C2410 serial port"
- depends on SERIAL_S3C2410=y
+ bool "Support for console on Samsung SoC serial port"
+ depends on SERIAL_SAMSUNG=y
Allow selection of the S3C24XX on-board serial ports for use as
@@ -476,6 +481,37 @@ config SERIAL_S3C2410_CONSOLE
your boot loader about how to pass options to the kernel at
boot time.)
+config SERIAL_S3C2400
+ tristate "Samsung S3C2410 Serial port support"
+ depends on ARM && SERIAL_SAMSUNG && CPU_S3C2400
+ default y if CPU_S3C2400
+ help
+ Serial port support for the Samsung S3C2400 SoC
+config SERIAL_S3C2410
+ tristate "Samsung S3C2410 Serial port support"
+ depends on SERIAL_SAMSUNG && CPU_S3C2410
+ default y if CPU_S3C2410
+ help
+ Serial port support for the Samsung S3C2410 SoC
+config SERIAL_S3C2412
+ tristate "Samsung S3C2412/S3C2413 Serial port support"
+ depends on SERIAL_SAMSUNG && CPU_S3C2412
+ default y if CPU_S3C2412
+ help
+ Serial port support for the Samsung S3C2412 and S3C2413 SoC
+config SERIAL_S3C2440
+ tristate "Samsung S3C2440/S3C2442 Serial port support"
+ depends on SERIAL_SAMSUNG && (CPU_S3C2440 || CPU_S3C2442)
+ default y if CPU_S3C2440
+ default y if CPU_S3C2442
+ help
+ Serial port support for the Samsung S3C2440 and S3C2442 SoC
config SERIAL_DZ
bool "DECstation DZ serial driver"
depends on MACH_DECSTATION && 32BIT
diff --git a/drivers/serial/Makefile b/drivers/serial/Makefile
index 0d9c09b1e836..7d85c1fbe7e0 100644
--- a/drivers/serial/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/serial/Makefile
@@ -28,7 +28,11 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_SERIAL_PNX8XXX) += pnx8xxx_uart.o
obj-$(CONFIG_SERIAL_SA1100) += sa1100.o
obj-$(CONFIG_SERIAL_BFIN) += bfin_5xx.o
obj-$(CONFIG_SERIAL_BFIN_SPORT) += bfin_sport_uart.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_SERIAL_SAMSUNG) += samsung.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_SERIAL_S3C2400) += s3c2400.o
obj-$(CONFIG_SERIAL_S3C2410) += s3c2410.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_SERIAL_S3C2412) += s3c2412.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_SERIAL_S3C2440) += s3c2440.o
obj-$(CONFIG_SERIAL_SUNCORE) += suncore.o
obj-$(CONFIG_SERIAL_SUNHV) += sunhv.o
obj-$(CONFIG_SERIAL_SUNZILOG) += sunzilog.o
diff --git a/drivers/serial/s3c2400.c b/drivers/serial/s3c2400.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a1102053e553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/serial/s3c2400.c
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+/* linux/drivers/serial/s3c240.c
+ *
+ * Driver for Samsung SoC onboard UARTs.
+ *
+ * Ben Dooks, Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Simtec Electronics
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/ioport.h>
+#include <linux/io.h>
+#include <linux/platform_device.h>
+#include <asm/irq.h>
+#include <asm/hardware.h>
+#include <asm/plat-s3c/regs-serial.h>
+#include <asm/arch/regs-gpio.h>
+#include "samsung.h"
+static int s3c2400_serial_getsource(struct uart_port *port,
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clk)
+ clk->divisor = 1;
+ clk->name = "pclk";
+ return 0;
+static int s3c2400_serial_setsource(struct uart_port *port,
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clk)
+ return 0;
+static int s3c2400_serial_resetport(struct uart_port *port,
+ struct s3c2410_uartcfg *cfg)
+ dbg("s3c2400_serial_resetport: port=%p (%08lx), cfg=%p\n",
+ port, port->mapbase, cfg);
+ wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON, cfg->ucon);
+ wr_regl(port, S3C2410_ULCON, cfg->ulcon);
+ /* reset both fifos */
+ wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UFCON, cfg->ufcon | S3C2410_UFCON_RESETBOTH);
+ wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UFCON, cfg->ufcon);
+ return 0;
+static struct s3c24xx_uart_info s3c2400_uart_inf = {
+ .name = "Samsung S3C2400 UART",
+ .type = PORT_S3C2400,
+ .fifosize = 16,
+ .rx_fifomask = S3C2410_UFSTAT_RXMASK,
+ .rx_fifoshift = S3C2410_UFSTAT_RXSHIFT,
+ .rx_fifofull = S3C2410_UFSTAT_RXFULL,
+ .tx_fifofull = S3C2410_UFSTAT_TXFULL,
+ .tx_fifomask = S3C2410_UFSTAT_TXMASK,
+ .tx_fifoshift = S3C2410_UFSTAT_TXSHIFT,
+ .get_clksrc = s3c2400_serial_getsource,
+ .set_clksrc = s3c2400_serial_setsource,
+ .reset_port = s3c2400_serial_resetport,
+static int s3c2400_serial_probe(struct platform_device *dev)
+ return s3c24xx_serial_probe(dev, &s3c2400_uart_inf);
+static struct platform_driver s3c2400_serial_drv = {
+ .probe = s3c2400_serial_probe,
+ .remove = s3c24xx_serial_remove,
+ .driver = {
+ .name = "s3c2400-uart",
+ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
+ },
+s3c24xx_console_init(&s3c2400_serial_drv, &s3c2400_uart_inf);
+static inline int s3c2400_serial_init(void)
+ return s3c24xx_serial_init(&s3c2400_serial_drv, &s3c2400_uart_inf);
+static inline void s3c2400_serial_exit(void)
+ platform_driver_unregister(&s3c2400_serial_drv);
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Ben Dooks <>");
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Samsung S3C2400 SoC Serial port driver");
diff --git a/drivers/serial/s3c2410.c b/drivers/serial/s3c2410.c
index 2b6a013639e6..c5f03f41686f 100644
--- a/drivers/serial/s3c2410.c
+++ b/drivers/serial/s3c2410.c
@@ -1,1270 +1,30 @@
- * linux/drivers/serial/s3c2410.c
+/* linux/drivers/serial/s3c2410.c
- * Driver for onboard UARTs on the Samsung S3C24XX
+ * Driver for Samsung S3C2410 SoC onboard UARTs.
- * Based on drivers/char/serial.c and drivers/char/21285.c
+ * Ben Dooks, Copyright (c) 2003-2005,2008 Simtec Electronics
+ *
- * Ben Dooks, (c) 2003-2005 Simtec Electronics
- *
- *
- * Changelog:
- *
- * 22-Jul-2004 BJD Finished off device rewrite
- *
- * 21-Jul-2004 BJD Thanks to <> for pointing out
- * problems with baud rate and loss of IR settings. Update
- * to add configuration via platform_device structure
- *
- * 28-Sep-2004 BJD Re-write for the following items
- * - S3C2410 and S3C2440 serial support
- * - Power Management support
- * - Fix console via IrDA devices
- * - SysReq (Herbert Pötzl)
- * - Break character handling (Herbert Pötzl)
- * - spin-lock initialisation (Dimitry Andric)
- * - added clock control
- * - updated init code to use platform_device info
- *
- * 06-Mar-2005 BJD Add s3c2440 fclk clock source
- *
- * 09-Mar-2005 BJD Add s3c2400 support
- *
- * 10-Mar-2005 LCVR Changed S3C2410_VA_UART to S3C24XX_VA_UART
-/* Note on 2440 fclk clock source handling
- *
- * Whilst it is possible to use the fclk as clock source, the method
- * of properly switching too/from this is currently un-implemented, so
- * whichever way is configured at startup is the one that will be used.
-/* Hote on 2410 error handling
- *
- * The s3c2410 manual has a love/hate affair with the contents of the
- * UERSTAT register in the UART blocks, and keeps marking some of the
- * error bits as reserved. Having checked with the s3c2410x01,
- * it copes with BREAKs properly, so I am happy to ignore the RESERVED
- * feature from the latter versions of the manual.
- *
- * If it becomes aparrent that latter versions of the 2410 remove these
- * bits, then action will have to be taken to differentiate the versions
- * and change the policy on BREAK
- *
- * BJD, 04-Nov-2004
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
-#if defined(CONFIG_SERIAL_S3C2410_CONSOLE) && defined(CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ)
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/ioport.h>
+#include <linux/io.h>
#include <linux/platform_device.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
-#include <linux/sysrq.h>
-#include <linux/console.h>
-#include <linux/tty.h>
-#include <linux/tty_flip.h>
#include <linux/serial_core.h>
#include <linux/serial.h>
-#include <linux/delay.h>
-#include <linux/clk.h>
-#include <asm/io.h>
#include <asm/irq.h>
#include <asm/hardware.h>
#include <asm/plat-s3c/regs-serial.h>
#include <asm/arch/regs-gpio.h>
-/* structures */
-struct s3c24xx_uart_info {
- char *name;
- unsigned int type;
- unsigned int fifosize;
- unsigned long rx_fifomask;
- unsigned long rx_fifoshift;
- unsigned long rx_fifofull;
- unsigned long tx_fifomask;
- unsigned long tx_fifoshift;
- unsigned long tx_fifofull;
- /* clock source control */
- int (*get_clksrc)(struct uart_port *, struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clk);
- int (*set_clksrc)(struct uart_port *, struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clk);
- /* uart controls */
- int (*reset_port)(struct uart_port *, struct s3c2410_uartcfg *);
-struct s3c24xx_uart_port {
- unsigned char rx_claimed;
- unsigned char tx_claimed;
- struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info;
- struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clksrc;
- struct clk *clk;
- struct clk *baudclk;
- struct uart_port port;
-/* configuration defines */
-#if 0
-#if 1
-/* send debug to the low-level output routines */
-extern void printascii(const char *);
-static void
-s3c24xx_serial_dbg(const char *fmt, ...)
- va_list va;
- char buff[256];
- va_start(va, fmt);
- vsprintf(buff, fmt, va);
- va_end(va);
- printascii(buff);
-#define dbg(x...) s3c24xx_serial_dbg(x)
-#define dbg(x...) printk(KERN_DEBUG "s3c24xx: ");
-#else /* no debug */
-#define dbg(x...) do {} while(0)
-/* UART name and device definitions */
-#define S3C24XX_SERIAL_NAME "ttySAC"
-#define S3C24XX_SERIAL_MAJOR 204
-#define S3C24XX_SERIAL_MINOR 64
-/* conversion functions */
-#define s3c24xx_dev_to_port(__dev) (struct uart_port *)dev_get_drvdata(__dev)
-#define s3c24xx_dev_to_cfg(__dev) (struct s3c2410_uartcfg *)((__dev)->platform_data)
-/* we can support 3 uarts, but not always use them */
-#ifdef CONFIG_CPU_S3C2400
-#define NR_PORTS (2)
-#define NR_PORTS (3)
-/* port irq numbers */
-#define TX_IRQ(port) ((port)->irq + 1)
-#define RX_IRQ(port) ((port)->irq)
-/* register access controls */
-#define portaddr(port, reg) ((port)->membase + (reg))
-#define rd_regb(port, reg) (__raw_readb(portaddr(port, reg)))
-#define rd_regl(port, reg) (__raw_readl(portaddr(port, reg)))
-#define wr_regb(port, reg, val) \
- do { __raw_writeb(val, portaddr(port, reg)); } while(0)
-#define wr_regl(port, reg, val) \
- do { __raw_writel(val, portaddr(port, reg)); } while(0)
-/* macros to change one thing to another */
-#define tx_enabled(port) ((port)->unused[0])
-#define rx_enabled(port) ((port)->unused[1])
-/* flag to ignore all characters comming in */
-#define RXSTAT_DUMMY_READ (0x10000000)
-static inline struct s3c24xx_uart_port *to_ourport(struct uart_port *port)
- return container_of(port, struct s3c24xx_uart_port, port);
-/* translate a port to the device name */
-static inline const char *s3c24xx_serial_portname(struct uart_port *port)
- return to_platform_device(port->dev)->name;
-static int s3c24xx_serial_txempty_nofifo(struct uart_port *port)
- return (rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UTRSTAT) & S3C2410_UTRSTAT_TXE);
-static void s3c24xx_serial_rx_enable(struct uart_port *port)
- unsigned long flags;
- unsigned int ucon, ufcon;
- int count = 10000;
- spin_lock_irqsave(&port->lock, flags);
- while (--count && !s3c24xx_serial_txempty_nofifo(port))
- udelay(100);
- ufcon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UFCON);
- ufcon |= S3C2410_UFCON_RESETRX;
- wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UFCON, ufcon);
- ucon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON);
- ucon |= S3C2410_UCON_RXIRQMODE;
- wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON, ucon);
- rx_enabled(port) = 1;
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&port->lock, flags);
-static void s3c24xx_serial_rx_disable(struct uart_port *port)
- unsigned long flags;
- unsigned int ucon;
- spin_lock_irqsave(&port->lock, flags);
- ucon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON);
- ucon &= ~S3C2410_UCON_RXIRQMODE;
- wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON, ucon);
- rx_enabled(port) = 0;
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&port->lock, flags);
-static void s3c24xx_serial_stop_tx(struct uart_port *port)
- if (tx_enabled(port)) {
- disable_irq(TX_IRQ(port));
- tx_enabled(port) = 0;
- if (port->flags & UPF_CONS_FLOW)
- s3c24xx_serial_rx_enable(port);
- }
-static void s3c24xx_serial_start_tx(struct uart_port *port)
- if (!tx_enabled(port)) {
- if (port->flags & UPF_CONS_FLOW)
- s3c24xx_serial_rx_disable(port);
- enable_irq(TX_IRQ(port));
- tx_enabled(port) = 1;
- }
-static void s3c24xx_serial_stop_rx(struct uart_port *port)
- if (rx_enabled(port)) {
- dbg("s3c24xx_serial_stop_rx: port=%p\n", port);
- disable_irq(RX_IRQ(port));
- rx_enabled(port) = 0;
- }
-static void s3c24xx_serial_enable_ms(struct uart_port *port)
-static inline struct s3c24xx_uart_info *s3c24xx_port_to_info(struct uart_port *port)
- return to_ourport(port)->info;
-static inline struct s3c2410_uartcfg *s3c24xx_port_to_cfg(struct uart_port *port)
- if (port->dev == NULL)
- return NULL;
- return (struct s3c2410_uartcfg *)port->dev->platform_data;
-static int s3c24xx_serial_rx_fifocnt(struct s3c24xx_uart_port *ourport,
- unsigned long ufstat)
- struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info = ourport->info;
- if (ufstat & info->rx_fifofull)
- return info->fifosize;
- return (ufstat & info->rx_fifomask) >> info->rx_fifoshift;
-/* ? - where has parity gone?? */
-#define S3C2410_UERSTAT_PARITY (0x1000)
-static irqreturn_t
-s3c24xx_serial_rx_chars(int irq, void *dev_id)
- struct s3c24xx_uart_port *ourport = dev_id;
- struct uart_port *port = &ourport->port;
- struct tty_struct *tty = port->info->tty;
- unsigned int ufcon, ch, flag, ufstat, uerstat;
- int max_count = 64;
- while (max_count-- > 0) {
- ufcon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UFCON);
- ufstat = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UFSTAT);
- if (s3c24xx_serial_rx_fifocnt(ourport, ufstat) == 0)
- break;
- uerstat = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UERSTAT);
- ch = rd_regb(port, S3C2410_URXH);
- if (port->flags & UPF_CONS_FLOW) {
- int txe = s3c24xx_serial_txempty_nofifo(port);
- if (rx_enabled(port)) {
- if (!txe) {
- rx_enabled(port) = 0;
- continue;
- }
- } else {
- if (txe) {
- ufcon |= S3C2410_UFCON_RESETRX;
- wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UFCON, ufcon);
- rx_enabled(port) = 1;
- goto out;
- }
- continue;
- }
- }
- /* insert the character into the buffer */
- flag = TTY_NORMAL;
- port->icount.rx++;
- if (unlikely(uerstat & S3C2410_UERSTAT_ANY)) {
- dbg("rxerr: port ch=0x%02x, rxs=0x%08x\n",
- ch, uerstat);
- /* check for break */
- if (uerstat & S3C2410_UERSTAT_BREAK) {
- dbg("break!\n");
- port->icount.brk++;
- if (uart_handle_break(port))
- goto ignore_char;
- }
- if (uerstat & S3C2410_UERSTAT_FRAME)
- port->icount.frame++;
- if (uerstat & S3C2410_UERSTAT_OVERRUN)
- port->icount.overrun++;
- uerstat &= port->read_status_mask;
- if (uerstat & S3C2410_UERSTAT_BREAK)
- flag = TTY_BREAK;
- else if (uerstat & S3C2410_UERSTAT_PARITY)
- flag = TTY_PARITY;
- else if (uerstat & ( S3C2410_UERSTAT_FRAME | S3C2410_UERSTAT_OVERRUN))
- flag = TTY_FRAME;
- }
- if (uart_handle_sysrq_char(port, ch))
- goto ignore_char;
- uart_insert_char(port, uerstat, S3C2410_UERSTAT_OVERRUN, ch, flag);
- ignore_char:
- continue;
- }
- tty_flip_buffer_push(tty);
- out:
- return IRQ_HANDLED;
-static irqreturn_t s3c24xx_serial_tx_chars(int irq, void *id)
- struct s3c24xx_uart_port *ourport = id;
- struct uart_port *port = &ourport->port;
- struct circ_buf *xmit = &port->info->xmit;
- int count = 256;
- if (port->x_char) {
- wr_regb(port, S3C2410_UTXH, port->x_char);
- port->icount.tx++;
- port->x_char = 0;
- goto out;
- }
- /* if there isnt anything more to transmit, or the uart is now
- * stopped, disable the uart and exit
- */
- if (uart_circ_empty(xmit) || uart_tx_stopped(port)) {
- s3c24xx_serial_stop_tx(port);
- goto out;
- }
- /* try and drain the buffer... */
- while (!uart_circ_empty(xmit) && count-- > 0) {
- if (rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UFSTAT) & ourport->info->tx_fifofull)
- break;
- wr_regb(port, S3C2410_UTXH, xmit->buf[xmit->tail]);
- xmit->tail = (xmit->tail + 1) & (UART_XMIT_SIZE - 1);
- port->icount.tx++;
- }
- if (uart_circ_chars_pending(xmit) < WAKEUP_CHARS)
- uart_write_wakeup(port);
- if (uart_circ_empty(xmit))
- s3c24xx_serial_stop_tx(port);
- out:
- return IRQ_HANDLED;
-static unsigned int s3c24xx_serial_tx_empty(struct uart_port *port)
- struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info = s3c24xx_port_to_info(port);
- unsigned long ufstat = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UFSTAT);
- unsigned long ufcon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UFCON);
- if (ufcon & S3C2410_UFCON_FIFOMODE) {
- if ((ufstat & info->tx_fifomask) != 0 ||
- (ufstat & info->tx_fifofull))
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- return s3c24xx_serial_txempty_nofifo(port);
-/* no modem control lines */
-static unsigned int s3c24xx_serial_get_mctrl(struct uart_port *port)
- unsigned int umstat = rd_regb(port,S3C2410_UMSTAT);
- if (umstat & S3C2410_UMSTAT_CTS)
- else
-static void s3c24xx_serial_set_mctrl(struct uart_port *port, unsigned int mctrl)
- /* todo - possibly remove AFC and do manual CTS */
-static void s3c24xx_serial_break_ctl(struct uart_port *port, int break_state)
- unsigned long flags;
- unsigned int ucon;
- spin_lock_irqsave(&port->lock, flags);
- ucon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON);
- if (break_state)
- ucon |= S3C2410_UCON_SBREAK;
- else
- ucon &= ~S3C2410_UCON_SBREAK;
- wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON, ucon);
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&port->lock, flags);
-static void s3c24xx_serial_shutdown(struct uart_port *port)
- struct s3c24xx_uart_port *ourport = to_ourport(port);
- if (ourport->tx_claimed) {
- free_irq(TX_IRQ(port), ourport);
- tx_enabled(port) = 0;
- ourport->tx_claimed = 0;
- }
- if (ourport->rx_claimed) {
- free_irq(RX_IRQ(port), ourport);
- ourport->rx_claimed = 0;
- rx_enabled(port) = 0;
- }
-static int s3c24xx_serial_startup(struct uart_port *port)
- struct s3c24xx_uart_port *ourport = to_ourport(port);
- int ret;
- dbg("s3c24xx_serial_startup: port=%p (%08lx,%p)\n",
- port->mapbase, port->membase);
- rx_enabled(port) = 1;
- ret = request_irq(RX_IRQ(port),
- s3c24xx_serial_rx_chars, 0,
- s3c24xx_serial_portname(port), ourport);
- if (ret != 0) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "cannot get irq %d\n", RX_IRQ(port));
- return ret;
- }
- ourport->rx_claimed = 1;
- dbg("requesting tx irq...\n");
- tx_enabled(port) = 1;
- ret = request_irq(TX_IRQ(port),
- s3c24xx_serial_tx_chars, 0,
- s3c24xx_serial_portname(port), ourport);
- if (ret) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "cannot get irq %d\n", TX_IRQ(port));
- goto err;
- }
- ourport->tx_claimed = 1;
- dbg("s3c24xx_serial_startup ok\n");
- /* the port reset code should have done the correct
- * register setup for the port controls */
- return ret;
- err:
- s3c24xx_serial_shutdown(port);
- return ret;
-/* power power management control */
-static void s3c24xx_serial_pm(struct uart_port *port, unsigned int level,
- unsigned int old)
- struct s3c24xx_uart_port *ourport = to_ourport(port);
- switch (level) {
- case 3:
- if (!IS_ERR(ourport->baudclk) && ourport->baudclk != NULL)
- clk_disable(ourport->baudclk);
- clk_disable(ourport->clk);
- break;
- case 0:
- clk_enable(ourport->clk);
- if (!IS_ERR(ourport->baudclk) && ourport->baudclk != NULL)
- clk_enable(ourport->baudclk);
- break;
- default:
- printk(KERN_ERR "s3c24xx_serial: unknown pm %d\n", level);
- }
-/* baud rate calculation
- *
- * The UARTs on the S3C2410/S3C2440 can take their clocks from a number
- * of different sources, including the peripheral clock ("pclk") and an
- * external clock ("uclk"). The S3C2440 also adds the core clock ("fclk")
- * with a programmable extra divisor.
- *
- * The following code goes through the clock sources, and calculates the
- * baud clocks (and the resultant actual baud rates) and then tries to
- * pick the closest one and select that.
- *
-#define MAX_CLKS (8)
-static struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc tmp_clksrc = {
- .name = "pclk",
- .min_baud = 0,
- .max_baud = 0,
- .divisor = 1,
-static inline int
-s3c24xx_serial_getsource(struct uart_port *port, struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *c)
- struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info = s3c24xx_port_to_info(port);
- return (info->get_clksrc)(port, c);
-static inline int
-s3c24xx_serial_setsource(struct uart_port *port, struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *c)
- struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info = s3c24xx_port_to_info(port);
- return (info->set_clksrc)(port, c);
-struct baud_calc {
- struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clksrc;
- unsigned int calc;
- unsigned int quot;
- struct clk *src;
-static int s3c24xx_serial_calcbaud(struct baud_calc *calc,
- struct uart_port *port,
- struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clksrc,
- unsigned int baud)
- unsigned long rate;
- calc->src = clk_get(port->dev, clksrc->name);
- if (calc->src == NULL || IS_ERR(calc->src))
- return 0;
- rate = clk_get_rate(calc->src);
- rate /= clksrc->divisor;
- calc->clksrc = clksrc;
- calc->quot = (rate + (8 * baud)) / (16 * baud);
- calc->calc = (rate / (calc->quot * 16));
- calc->quot--;
- return 1;
-static unsigned int s3c24xx_serial_getclk(struct uart_port *port,
- struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc **clksrc,
- struct clk **clk,
- unsigned int baud)
- struct s3c2410_uartcfg *cfg = s3c24xx_port_to_cfg(port);
- struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clkp;
- struct baud_calc res[MAX_CLKS];
- struct baud_calc *resptr, *best, *sptr;
- int i;
- clkp = cfg->clocks;
- best = NULL;
- if (cfg->clocks_size < 2) {
- if (cfg->clocks_size == 0)
- clkp = &tmp_clksrc;
- /* check to see if we're sourcing fclk, and if so we're
- * going to have to update the clock source
- */
- if (strcmp(clkp->name, "fclk") == 0) {
- struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc src;
- s3c24xx_serial_getsource(port, &src);
- /* check that the port already using fclk, and if
- * not, then re-select fclk
- */
- if (strcmp(, clkp->name) == 0) {
- s3c24xx_serial_setsource(port, clkp);
- s3c24xx_serial_getsource(port, &src);
- }
- clkp->divisor = src.divisor;
- }
- s3c24xx_serial_calcbaud(res, port, clkp, baud);
- best = res;
- resptr = best + 1;
- } else {
- resptr = res;
- for (i = 0; i < cfg->clocks_size; i++, clkp++) {
- if (s3c24xx_serial_calcbaud(resptr, port, clkp, baud))
- resptr++;
- }
- }
- /* ok, we now need to select the best clock we found */
- if (!best) {
- unsigned int deviation = (1<<30)|((1<<30)-1);
- int calc_deviation;
- for (sptr = res; sptr < resptr; sptr++) {
- printk(KERN_DEBUG
- "found clk %p (%s) quot %d, calc %d\n",
- sptr->clksrc, sptr->clksrc->name,
- sptr->quot, sptr->calc);
- calc_deviation = baud - sptr->calc;
- if (calc_deviation < 0)
- calc_deviation = -calc_deviation;
- if (calc_deviation < deviation) {
- best = sptr;
- deviation = calc_deviation;
- }
- }
- printk(KERN_DEBUG "best %p (deviation %d)\n", best, deviation);
- }
- printk(KERN_DEBUG "selected clock %p (%s) quot %d, calc %d\n",
- best->clksrc, best->clksrc->name, best->quot, best->calc);
- /* store results to pass back */
- *clksrc = best->clksrc;
- *clk = best->src;
- return best->quot;
-static void s3c24xx_serial_set_termios(struct uart_port *port,
- struct ktermios *termios,
- struct ktermios *old)
- struct s3c2410_uartcfg *cfg = s3c24xx_port_to_cfg(port);
- struct s3c24xx_uart_port *ourport = to_ourport(port);
- struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clksrc = NULL;
- struct clk *clk = NULL;
- unsigned long flags;
- unsigned int baud, quot;
- unsigned int ulcon;
- unsigned int umcon;
- /*
- * We don't support modem control lines.
- */
- termios->c_cflag &= ~(HUPCL | CMSPAR);
- termios->c_cflag |= CLOCAL;
- /*
- * Ask the core to calculate the divisor for us.
- */
- baud = uart_get_baud_rate(port, termios, old, 0, 115200*8);
- if (baud == 38400 && (port->flags & UPF_SPD_MASK) == UPF_SPD_CUST)
- quot = port->custom_divisor;
- else
- quot = s3c24xx_serial_getclk(port, &clksrc, &clk, baud);
- /* check to see if we need to change clock source */
- if (ourport->clksrc != clksrc || ourport->baudclk != clk) {
- s3c24xx_serial_setsource(port, clksrc);
- if (ourport->baudclk != NULL && !IS_ERR(ourport->baudclk)) {
- clk_disable(ourport->baudclk);
- ourport->baudclk = NULL;
- }
- clk_enable(clk);
- ourport->clksrc = clksrc;
- ourport->baudclk = clk;
- }
- switch (termios->c_cflag & CSIZE) {
- case CS5:
- dbg("config: 5bits/char\n");
- ulcon = S3C2410_LCON_CS5;
- break;
- case CS6:
- dbg("config: 6bits/char\n");
- ulcon = S3C2410_LCON_CS6;
- break;
- case CS7:
- dbg("config: 7bits/char\n");
- ulcon = S3C2410_LCON_CS7;
- break;
- case CS8:
- default:
- dbg("config: 8bits/char\n");
- ulcon = S3C2410_LCON_CS8;
- break;
- }
- /* preserve original lcon IR settings */
- ulcon |= (cfg->ulcon & S3C2410_LCON_IRM);
- if (termios->c_cflag & CSTOPB)
- ulcon |= S3C2410_LCON_STOPB;
- umcon = (termios->c_cflag & CRTSCTS) ? S3C2410_UMCOM_AFC : 0;
- if (termios->c_cflag & PARENB) {
- if (termios->c_cflag & PARODD)
- ulcon |= S3C2410_LCON_PODD;
- else
- ulcon |= S3C2410_LCON_PEVEN;
- } else {
- ulcon |= S3C2410_LCON_PNONE;
- }
- spin_lock_irqsave(&port->lock, flags);
- dbg("setting ulcon to %08x, brddiv to %d\n", ulcon, quot);
- wr_regl(port, S3C2410_ULCON, ulcon);
- wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UBRDIV, quot);
- wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UMCON, umcon);
- dbg("uart: ulcon = 0x%08x, ucon = 0x%08x, ufcon = 0x%08x\n",
- rd_regl(port, S3C2410_ULCON),
- rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON),
- rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UFCON));
- /*
- * Update the per-port timeout.
- */
- uart_update_timeout(port, termios->c_cflag, baud);
- /*
- * Which character status flags are we interested in?
- */
- port->read_status_mask = S3C2410_UERSTAT_OVERRUN;
- if (termios->c_iflag & INPCK)
- port->read_status_mask |= S3C2410_UERSTAT_FRAME | S3C2410_UERSTAT_PARITY;
- /*
- * Which character status flags should we ignore?
- */
- port->ignore_status_mask = 0;
- if (termios->c_iflag & IGNPAR)
- port->ignore_status_mask |= S3C2410_UERSTAT_OVERRUN;
- if (termios->c_iflag & IGNBRK && termios->c_iflag & IGNPAR)
- port->ignore_status_mask |= S3C2410_UERSTAT_FRAME;
- /*
- * Ignore all characters if CREAD is not set.
- */
- if ((termios->c_cflag & CREAD) == 0)
- port->ignore_status_mask |= RXSTAT_DUMMY_READ;
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&port->lock, flags);
-static const char *s3c24xx_serial_type(struct uart_port *port)
- switch (port->type) {
- case PORT_S3C2410:
- return "S3C2410";
- case PORT_S3C2440:
- return "S3C2440";
- case PORT_S3C2412:
- return "S3C2412";
- default:
- return NULL;
- }
-#define MAP_SIZE (0x100)
-static void s3c24xx_serial_release_port(struct uart_port *port)
- release_mem_region(port->mapbase, MAP_SIZE);
-static int s3c24xx_serial_request_port(struct uart_port *port)
- const char *name = s3c24xx_serial_portname(port);
- return request_mem_region(port->mapbase, MAP_SIZE, name) ? 0 : -EBUSY;
-static void s3c24xx_serial_config_port(struct uart_port *port, int flags)
- struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info = s3c24xx_port_to_info(port);
- if (flags & UART_CONFIG_TYPE &&
- s3c24xx_serial_request_port(port) == 0)
- port->type = info->type;
- * verify the new serial_struct (for TIOCSSERIAL).
- */
-static int
-s3c24xx_serial_verify_port(struct uart_port *port, struct serial_struct *ser)
- struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info = s3c24xx_port_to_info(port);
- if (ser->type != PORT_UNKNOWN && ser->type != info->type)
- return -EINVAL;
- return 0;
-static struct console s3c24xx_serial_console;
-#define S3C24XX_SERIAL_CONSOLE &s3c24xx_serial_console
-static struct uart_ops s3c24xx_serial_ops = {
- .pm = s3c24xx_serial_pm,
- .tx_empty = s3c24xx_serial_tx_empty,
- .get_mctrl = s3c24xx_serial_get_mctrl,
- .set_mctrl = s3c24xx_serial_set_mctrl,
- .stop_tx = s3c24xx_serial_stop_tx,
- .start_tx = s3c24xx_serial_start_tx,
- .stop_rx = s3c24xx_serial_stop_rx,
- .enable_ms = s3c24xx_serial_enable_ms,
- .break_ctl = s3c24xx_serial_break_ctl,
- .startup = s3c24xx_serial_startup,
- .shutdown = s3c24xx_serial_shutdown,
- .set_termios = s3c24xx_serial_set_termios,
- .type = s3c24xx_serial_type,
- .release_port = s3c24xx_serial_release_port,
- .request_port = s3c24xx_serial_request_port,
- .config_port = s3c24xx_serial_config_port,
- .verify_port = s3c24xx_serial_verify_port,
-static struct uart_driver s3c24xx_uart_drv = {
- .owner = THIS_MODULE,
- .dev_name = "s3c2410_serial",
- .nr = 3,
- .driver_name = S3C24XX_SERIAL_NAME,
- .major = S3C24XX_SERIAL_MAJOR,
- .minor = S3C24XX_SERIAL_MINOR,
-static struct s3c24xx_uart_port s3c24xx_serial_ports[NR_PORTS] = {
- [0] = {
- .port = {
- .lock = __SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED(s3c24xx_serial_ports[0].port.lock),
- .iotype = UPIO_MEM,
- .irq = IRQ_S3CUART_RX0,
- .uartclk = 0,
- .fifosize = 16,
- .ops = &s3c24xx_serial_ops,
- .line = 0,
- }
- },
- [1] = {
- .port = {
- .lock = __SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED(s3c24xx_serial_ports[1].port.lock),
- .iotype = UPIO_MEM,
- .irq = IRQ_S3CUART_RX1,
- .uartclk = 0,
- .fifosize = 16,
- .ops = &s3c24xx_serial_ops,
- .line = 1,
- }
- },
-#if NR_PORTS > 2
- [2] = {
- .port = {
- .lock = __SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED(s3c24xx_serial_ports[2].port.lock),
- .iotype = UPIO_MEM,
- .irq = IRQ_S3CUART_RX2,
- .uartclk = 0,
- .fifosize = 16,
- .ops = &s3c24xx_serial_ops,
- .line = 2,
- }
- }
-/* s3c24xx_serial_resetport
- *
- * wrapper to call the specific reset for this port (reset the fifos
- * and the settings)
-static inline int s3c24xx_serial_resetport(struct uart_port * port,
- struct s3c2410_uartcfg *cfg)
- struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info = s3c24xx_port_to_info(port);
- return (info->reset_port)(port, cfg);
-/* s3c24xx_serial_init_port
- *
- * initialise a single serial port from the platform device given
- */
-static int s3c24xx_serial_init_port(struct s3c24xx_uart_port *ourport,
- struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info,
- struct platform_device *platdev)
- struct uart_port *port = &ourport->port;
- struct s3c2410_uartcfg *cfg;
- struct resource *res;
- int ret;
- dbg("s3c24xx_serial_init_port: port=%p, platdev=%p\n", port, platdev);
- if (platdev == NULL)
- return -ENODEV;
- cfg = s3c24xx_dev_to_cfg(&platdev->dev);
- if (port->mapbase != 0)
- return 0;
- if (cfg->hwport > 3)
- return -EINVAL;
- /* setup info for port */
- port->dev = &platdev->dev;
- ourport->info = info;
- /* copy the info in from provided structure */
- ourport->port.fifosize = info->fifosize;
- dbg("s3c24xx_serial_init_port: %p (hw %d)...\n", port, cfg->hwport);
- port->uartclk = 1;
- if (cfg->uart_flags & UPF_CONS_FLOW) {
- dbg("s3c24xx_serial_init_port: enabling flow control\n");
- port->flags |= UPF_CONS_FLOW;
- }
- /* sort our the physical and virtual addresses for each UART */
- res = platform_get_resource(platdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0);
- if (res == NULL) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "failed to find memory resource for uart\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- dbg("resource %p (%lx..%lx)\n", res, res->start, res->end);
- port->mapbase = res->start;
- port->membase = S3C24XX_VA_UART + (res->start - S3C24XX_PA_UART);
- ret = platform_get_irq(platdev, 0);
- if (ret < 0)
- port->irq = 0;
- else
- port->irq = ret;
- ourport->clk = clk_get(&platdev->dev, "uart");
- dbg("port: map=%08x, mem=%08x, irq=%d, clock=%ld\n",
- port->mapbase, port->membase, port->irq, port->uartclk);
- /* reset the fifos (and setup the uart) */
- s3c24xx_serial_resetport(port, cfg);
- return 0;
-/* Device driver serial port probe */
-static int probe_index = 0;
-static int s3c24xx_serial_probe(struct platform_device *dev,
- struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info)
- struct s3c24xx_uart_port *ourport;
- int ret;
- dbg("s3c24xx_serial_probe(%p, %p) %d\n", dev, info, probe_index);
- ourport = &s3c24xx_serial_ports[probe_index];
- probe_index++;
- dbg("%s: initialising port %p...\n", __func__, ourport);
- ret = s3c24xx_serial_init_port(ourport, info, dev);
- if (ret < 0)
- goto probe_err;
- dbg("%s: adding port\n", __func__);
- uart_add_one_port(&s3c24xx_uart_drv, &ourport->port);
- platform_set_drvdata(dev, &ourport->port);
- return 0;
- probe_err:
- return ret;
-static int s3c24xx_serial_remove(struct platform_device *dev)
- struct uart_port *port = s3c24xx_dev_to_port(&dev->dev);
- if (port)
- uart_remove_one_port(&s3c24xx_uart_drv, port);
- return 0;
-/* UART power management code */
-#ifdef CONFIG_PM
-static int s3c24xx_serial_suspend(struct platform_device *dev, pm_message_t state)
- struct uart_port *port = s3c24xx_dev_to_port(&dev->dev);
- if (port)
- uart_suspend_port(&s3c24xx_uart_drv, port);
- return 0;
-static int s3c24xx_serial_resume(struct platform_device *dev)
- struct uart_port *port = s3c24xx_dev_to_port(&dev->dev);
- struct s3c24xx_uart_port *ourport = to_ourport(port);
- if (port) {
- clk_enable(ourport->clk);
- s3c24xx_serial_resetport(port, s3c24xx_port_to_cfg(port));
- clk_disable(ourport->clk);
- uart_resume_port(&s3c24xx_uart_drv, port);
- }
- return 0;
-#define s3c24xx_serial_suspend NULL
-#define s3c24xx_serial_resume NULL
-static int s3c24xx_serial_init(struct platform_driver *drv,
- struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info)
- dbg("s3c24xx_serial_init(%p,%p)\n", drv, info);
- return platform_driver_register(drv);
-/* now comes the code to initialise either the s3c2410 or s3c2440 serial
- * port information
-/* cpu specific variations on the serial port support */
-#ifdef CONFIG_CPU_S3C2400
-static int s3c2400_serial_getsource(struct uart_port *port,
- struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clk)
- clk->divisor = 1;
- clk->name = "pclk";
- return 0;
-static int s3c2400_serial_setsource(struct uart_port *port,
- struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clk)
- return 0;
-static int s3c2400_serial_resetport(struct uart_port *port,
- struct s3c2410_uartcfg *cfg)
- dbg("s3c2400_serial_resetport: port=%p (%08lx), cfg=%p\n",
- port, port->mapbase, cfg);
- wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON, cfg->ucon);
- wr_regl(port, S3C2410_ULCON, cfg->ulcon);
- /* reset both fifos */
- wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UFCON, cfg->ufcon | S3C2410_UFCON_RESETBOTH);
- wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UFCON, cfg->ufcon);
- return 0;
-static struct s3c24xx_uart_info s3c2400_uart_inf = {
- .name = "Samsung S3C2400 UART",
- .type = PORT_S3C2400,
- .fifosize = 16,
- .rx_fifomask = S3C2410_UFSTAT_RXMASK,
- .rx_fifoshift = S3C2410_UFSTAT_RXSHIFT,
- .rx_fifofull = S3C2410_UFSTAT_RXFULL,
- .tx_fifofull = S3C2410_UFSTAT_TXFULL,
- .tx_fifomask = S3C2410_UFSTAT_TXMASK,
- .tx_fifoshift = S3C2410_UFSTAT_TXSHIFT,
- .get_clksrc = s3c2400_serial_getsource,
- .set_clksrc = s3c2400_serial_setsource,
- .reset_port = s3c2400_serial_resetport,
-static int s3c2400_serial_probe(struct platform_device *dev)
- return s3c24xx_serial_probe(dev, &s3c2400_uart_inf);
-static struct platform_driver s3c2400_serial_drv = {
- .probe = s3c2400_serial_probe,
- .remove = s3c24xx_serial_remove,
- .suspend = s3c24xx_serial_suspend,
- .resume = s3c24xx_serial_resume,
- .driver = {
- .name = "s3c2400-uart",
- .owner = THIS_MODULE,
- },
-static inline int s3c2400_serial_init(void)
- return s3c24xx_serial_init(&s3c2400_serial_drv, &s3c2400_uart_inf);
-static inline void s3c2400_serial_exit(void)
- platform_driver_unregister(&s3c2400_serial_drv);
-#define s3c2400_uart_inf_at &s3c2400_uart_inf
-static inline int s3c2400_serial_init(void)
- return 0;
-static inline void s3c2400_serial_exit(void)
-#define s3c2400_uart_inf_at NULL
-#endif /* CONFIG_CPU_S3C2400 */
-/* S3C2410 support */
-#ifdef CONFIG_CPU_S3C2410
+#include "samsung.h"
static int s3c2410_serial_setsource(struct uart_port *port,
struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clk)
@@ -1323,8 +83,6 @@ static struct s3c24xx_uart_info s3c2410_uart_inf = {
.reset_port = s3c2410_serial_resetport,
-/* device management */
static int s3c2410_serial_probe(struct platform_device *dev)
return s3c24xx_serial_probe(dev, &s3c2410_uart_inf);
@@ -1333,612 +91,28 @@ static int s3c2410_serial_probe(struct platform_device *dev)
static struct platform_driver s3c2410_serial_drv = {
.probe = s3c2410_serial_probe,
.remove = s3c24xx_serial_remove,
- .suspend = s3c24xx_serial_suspend,
- .resume = s3c24xx_serial_resume,
.driver = {
.name = "s3c2410-uart",
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
-static inline int s3c2410_serial_init(void)
+s3c24xx_console_init(&s3c2410_serial_drv, &s3c2410_uart_inf);
+static int __init s3c2410_serial_init(void)
return s3c24xx_serial_init(&s3c2410_serial_drv, &s3c2410_uart_inf);
-static inline void s3c2410_serial_exit(void)
+static void __exit s3c2410_serial_exit(void)
-#define s3c2410_uart_inf_at &s3c2410_uart_inf
-static inline int s3c2410_serial_init(void)
- return 0;
-static inline void s3c2410_serial_exit(void)
-#define s3c2410_uart_inf_at NULL
-#endif /* CONFIG_CPU_S3C2410 */
-#if defined(CONFIG_CPU_S3C2440) || defined(CONFIG_CPU_S3C2442)
-static int s3c2440_serial_setsource(struct uart_port *port,
- struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clk)
- unsigned long ucon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON);
- // todo - proper fclk<>nonfclk switch //
- ucon &= ~S3C2440_UCON_CLKMASK;
- if (strcmp(clk->name, "uclk") == 0)
- ucon |= S3C2440_UCON_UCLK;
- else if (strcmp(clk->name, "pclk") == 0)
- ucon |= S3C2440_UCON_PCLK;
- else if (strcmp(clk->name, "fclk") == 0)
- ucon |= S3C2440_UCON_FCLK;
- else {
- printk(KERN_ERR "unknown clock source %s\n", clk->name);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON, ucon);
- return 0;
-static int s3c2440_serial_getsource(struct uart_port *port,
- struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clk)
- unsigned long ucon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON);
- unsigned long ucon0, ucon1, ucon2;
- switch (ucon & S3C2440_UCON_CLKMASK) {
- case S3C2440_UCON_UCLK:
- clk->divisor = 1;
- clk->name = "uclk";
- break;
- case S3C2440_UCON_PCLK:
- case S3C2440_UCON_PCLK2:
- clk->divisor = 1;
- clk->name = "pclk";
- break;
- case S3C2440_UCON_FCLK:
- /* the fun of calculating the uart divisors on
- * the s3c2440 */
- ucon0 = __raw_readl(S3C24XX_VA_UART0 + S3C2410_UCON);
- ucon1 = __raw_readl(S3C24XX_VA_UART1 + S3C2410_UCON);
- ucon2 = __raw_readl(S3C24XX_VA_UART2 + S3C2410_UCON);
- printk("ucons: %08lx, %08lx, %08lx\n", ucon0, ucon1, ucon2);
- ucon0 &= S3C2440_UCON0_DIVMASK;
- ucon1 &= S3C2440_UCON1_DIVMASK;
- ucon2 &= S3C2440_UCON2_DIVMASK;
- if (ucon0 != 0) {
- clk->divisor = ucon0 >> S3C2440_UCON_DIVSHIFT;
- clk->divisor += 6;
- } else if (ucon1 != 0) {
- clk->divisor = ucon1 >> S3C2440_UCON_DIVSHIFT;
- clk->divisor += 21;
- } else if (ucon2 != 0) {
- clk->divisor = ucon2 >> S3C2440_UCON_DIVSHIFT;
- clk->divisor += 36;
- } else {
- /* manual calims 44, seems to be 9 */
- clk->divisor = 9;
- }
- clk->name = "fclk";
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-static int s3c2440_serial_resetport(struct uart_port *port,
- struct s3c2410_uartcfg *cfg)
- unsigned long ucon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON);
- dbg("s3c2440_serial_resetport: port=%p (%08lx), cfg=%p\n",
- port, port->mapbase, cfg);
- /* ensure we don't change the clock settings... */
- ucon &= (S3C2440_UCON0_DIVMASK | (3<<10));
- wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON, ucon | cfg->ucon);
- wr_regl(port, S3C2410_ULCON, cfg->ulcon);
- /* reset both fifos */
- wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UFCON, cfg->ufcon | S3C2410_UFCON_RESETBOTH);
- wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UFCON, cfg->ufcon);
- return 0;
-static struct s3c24xx_uart_info s3c2440_uart_inf = {
- .name = "Samsung S3C2440 UART",
- .type = PORT_S3C2440,
- .fifosize = 64,
- .rx_fifomask = S3C2440_UFSTAT_RXMASK,
- .rx_fifoshift = S3C2440_UFSTAT_RXSHIFT,
- .rx_fifofull = S3C2440_UFSTAT_RXFULL,
- .tx_fifofull = S3C2440_UFSTAT_TXFULL,
- .tx_fifomask = S3C2440_UFSTAT_TXMASK,
- .tx_fifoshift = S3C2440_UFSTAT_TXSHIFT,
- .get_clksrc = s3c2440_serial_getsource,
- .set_clksrc = s3c2440_serial_setsource,
- .reset_port = s3c2440_serial_resetport,
-/* device management */
-static int s3c2440_serial_probe(struct platform_device *dev)
- dbg("s3c2440_serial_probe: dev=%p\n", dev);
- return s3c24xx_serial_probe(dev, &s3c2440_uart_inf);
-static struct platform_driver s3c2440_serial_drv = {
- .probe = s3c2440_serial_probe,
- .remove = s3c24xx_serial_remove,
- .suspend = s3c24xx_serial_suspend,
- .resume = s3c24xx_serial_resume,
- .driver = {
- .name = "s3c2440-uart",
- .owner = THIS_MODULE,
- },
-static inline int s3c2440_serial_init(void)
- return s3c24xx_serial_init(&s3c2440_serial_drv, &s3c2440_uart_inf);
-static inline void s3c2440_serial_exit(void)
- platform_driver_unregister(&s3c2440_serial_drv);
-#define s3c2440_uart_inf_at &s3c2440_uart_inf
-static inline int s3c2440_serial_init(void)
- return 0;
-static inline void s3c2440_serial_exit(void)
-#define s3c2440_uart_inf_at NULL
-#endif /* CONFIG_CPU_S3C2440 */
-#if defined(CONFIG_CPU_S3C2412)
-static int s3c2412_serial_setsource(struct uart_port *port,
- struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clk)
- unsigned long ucon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON);
- ucon &= ~S3C2412_UCON_CLKMASK;
- if (strcmp(clk->name, "uclk") == 0)
- ucon |= S3C2440_UCON_UCLK;
- else if (strcmp(clk->name, "pclk") == 0)
- ucon |= S3C2440_UCON_PCLK;
- else if (strcmp(clk->name, "usysclk") == 0)
- ucon |= S3C2412_UCON_USYSCLK;
- else {
- printk(KERN_ERR "unknown clock source %s\n", clk->name);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON, ucon);
- return 0;
-static int s3c2412_serial_getsource(struct uart_port *port,
- struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clk)
- unsigned long ucon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON);
- switch (ucon & S3C2412_UCON_CLKMASK) {
- case S3C2412_UCON_UCLK:
- clk->divisor = 1;
- clk->name = "uclk";
- break;
- case S3C2412_UCON_PCLK:
- case S3C2412_UCON_PCLK2:
- clk->divisor = 1;
- clk->name = "pclk";
- break;
- case S3C2412_UCON_USYSCLK:
- clk->divisor = 1;
- clk->name = "usysclk";
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-static int s3c2412_serial_resetport(struct uart_port *port,
- struct s3c2410_uartcfg *cfg)
- unsigned long ucon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON);
- dbg("%s: port=%p (%08lx), cfg=%p\n",
- __func__, port, port->mapbase, cfg);
- /* ensure we don't change the clock settings... */
- ucon &= S3C2412_UCON_CLKMASK;
- wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON, ucon | cfg->ucon);
- wr_regl(port, S3C2410_ULCON, cfg->ulcon);
- /* reset both fifos */
- wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UFCON, cfg->ufcon | S3C2410_UFCON_RESETBOTH);
- wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UFCON, cfg->ufcon);
- return 0;
-static struct s3c24xx_uart_info s3c2412_uart_inf = {
- .name = "Samsung S3C2412 UART",
- .type = PORT_S3C2412,
- .fifosize = 64,
- .rx_fifomask = S3C2440_UFSTAT_RXMASK,
- .rx_fifoshift = S3C2440_UFSTAT_RXSHIFT,
- .rx_fifofull = S3C2440_UFSTAT_RXFULL,
- .tx_fifofull = S3C2440_UFSTAT_TXFULL,
- .tx_fifomask = S3C2440_UFSTAT_TXMASK,
- .tx_fifoshift = S3C2440_UFSTAT_TXSHIFT,
- .get_clksrc = s3c2412_serial_getsource,
- .set_clksrc = s3c2412_serial_setsource,
- .reset_port = s3c2412_serial_resetport,
-/* device management */
-static int s3c2412_serial_probe(struct platform_device *dev)
- dbg("s3c2440_serial_probe: dev=%p\n", dev);
- return s3c24xx_serial_probe(dev, &s3c2412_uart_inf);
-static struct platform_driver s3c2412_serial_drv = {
- .probe = s3c2412_serial_probe,
- .remove = s3c24xx_serial_remove,
- .suspend = s3c24xx_serial_suspend,
- .resume = s3c24xx_serial_resume,
- .driver = {
- .name = "s3c2412-uart",
- .owner = THIS_MODULE,
- },
-static inline int s3c2412_serial_init(void)
- return s3c24xx_serial_init(&s3c2412_serial_drv, &s3c2412_uart_inf);
-static inline void s3c2412_serial_exit(void)
- platform_driver_unregister(&s3c2412_serial_drv);
-#define s3c2412_uart_inf_at &s3c2412_uart_inf
-static inline int s3c2412_serial_init(void)
- return 0;
-static inline void s3c2412_serial_exit(void)
-#define s3c2412_uart_inf_at NULL
-#endif /* CONFIG_CPU_S3C2440 */
-/* module initialisation code */
-static int __init s3c24xx_serial_modinit(void)
- int ret;
- ret = uart_register_driver(&s3c24xx_uart_drv);
- if (ret < 0) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "failed to register UART driver\n");
- return -1;
- }
- s3c2400_serial_init();
- s3c2410_serial_init();
- s3c2412_serial_init();
- s3c2440_serial_init();
- return 0;
-static void __exit s3c24xx_serial_modexit(void)
- s3c2400_serial_exit();
- s3c2410_serial_exit();
- s3c2412_serial_exit();
- s3c2440_serial_exit();
- uart_unregister_driver(&s3c24xx_uart_drv);
-/* Console code */
-static struct uart_port *cons_uart;
-static int
-s3c24xx_serial_console_txrdy(struct uart_port *port, unsigned int ufcon)
- struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info = s3c24xx_port_to_info(port);
- unsigned long ufstat, utrstat;
- if (ufcon & S3C2410_UFCON_FIFOMODE) {
- /* fifo mode - check ammount of data in fifo registers... */
- ufstat = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UFSTAT);
- return (ufstat & info->tx_fifofull) ? 0 : 1;
- }
- /* in non-fifo mode, we go and use the tx buffer empty */
- utrstat = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UTRSTAT);
- return (utrstat & S3C2410_UTRSTAT_TXE) ? 1 : 0;
-static void
-s3c24xx_serial_console_putchar(struct uart_port *port, int ch)
- unsigned int ufcon = rd_regl(cons_uart, S3C2410_UFCON);
- while (!s3c24xx_serial_console_txrdy(port, ufcon))
- barrier();
- wr_regb(cons_uart, S3C2410_UTXH, ch);
-static void
-s3c24xx_serial_console_write(struct console *co, const char *s,
- unsigned int count)
- uart_console_write(cons_uart, s, count, s3c24xx_serial_console_putchar);
-static void __init
-s3c24xx_serial_get_options(struct uart_port *port, int *baud,
- int *parity, int *bits)
- struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc clksrc;
- struct clk *clk;
- unsigned int ulcon;
- unsigned int ucon;
- unsigned int ubrdiv;
- unsigned long rate;
- ulcon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_ULCON);
- ucon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON);
- ubrdiv = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UBRDIV);
- dbg("s3c24xx_serial_get_options: port=%p\n"
- "registers: ulcon=%08x, ucon=%08x, ubdriv=%08x\n",
- port, ulcon, ucon, ubrdiv);
- if ((ucon & 0xf) != 0) {
- /* consider the serial port configured if the tx/rx mode set */
- switch (ulcon & S3C2410_LCON_CSMASK) {
- case S3C2410_LCON_CS5:
- *bits = 5;
- break;
- case S3C2410_LCON_CS6:
- *bits = 6;
- break;
- case S3C2410_LCON_CS7:
- *bits = 7;
- break;
- default:
- case S3C2410_LCON_CS8:
- *bits = 8;
- break;
- }
- switch (ulcon & S3C2410_LCON_PMASK) {
- case S3C2410_LCON_PEVEN:
- *parity = 'e';
- break;
- case S3C2410_LCON_PODD:
- *parity = 'o';
- break;
- case S3C2410_LCON_PNONE:
- default:
- *parity = 'n';
- }
- /* now calculate the baud rate */
- s3c24xx_serial_getsource(port, &clksrc);
- clk = clk_get(port->dev,;
- if (!IS_ERR(clk) && clk != NULL)
- rate = clk_get_rate(clk) / clksrc.divisor;
- else
- rate = 1;
- *baud = rate / ( 16 * (ubrdiv + 1));
- dbg("calculated baud %d\n", *baud);
- }
-/* s3c24xx_serial_init_ports
- *
- * initialise the serial ports from the machine provided initialisation
- * data.
-static int s3c24xx_serial_init_ports(struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info)
- struct s3c24xx_uart_port *ptr = s3c24xx_serial_ports;
- struct platform_device **platdev_ptr;
- int i;
- dbg("s3c24xx_serial_init_ports: initialising ports...\n");
- platdev_ptr = s3c24xx_uart_devs;
- for (i = 0; i < NR_PORTS; i++, ptr++, platdev_ptr++) {
- s3c24xx_serial_init_port(ptr, info, *platdev_ptr);
- }
- return 0;
-static int __init
-s3c24xx_serial_console_setup(struct console *co, char *options)
- struct uart_port *port;
- int baud = 9600;
- int bits = 8;
- int parity = 'n';
- int flow = 'n';
- dbg("s3c24xx_serial_console_setup: co=%p (%d), %s\n",
- co, co->index, options);
- /* is this a valid port */
- if (co->index == -1 || co->index >= NR_PORTS)
- co->index = 0;
- port = &s3c24xx_serial_ports[co->index].port;
- /* is the port configured? */
- if (port->mapbase == 0x0) {
- co->index = 0;
- port = &s3c24xx_serial_ports[co->index].port;
- }
- cons_uart = port;
- dbg("s3c24xx_serial_console_setup: port=%p (%d)\n", port, co->index);
- /*
- * Check whether an invalid uart number has been specified, and
- * if so, search for the first available port that does have
- * console support.
- */
- if (options)
- uart_parse_options(options, &baud, &parity, &bits, &flow);
- else
- s3c24xx_serial_get_options(port, &baud, &parity, &bits);
- dbg("s3c24xx_serial_console_setup: baud %d\n", baud);
- return uart_set_options(port, co, baud, parity, bits, flow);
-/* s3c24xx_serial_initconsole
- *
- * initialise the console from one of the uart drivers
-static struct console s3c24xx_serial_console =
- .name = S3C24XX_SERIAL_NAME,
- .device = uart_console_device,
- .index = -1,
- .write = s3c24xx_serial_console_write,
- .setup = s3c24xx_serial_console_setup
-static int s3c24xx_serial_initconsole(void)
- struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info;
- struct platform_device *dev = s3c24xx_uart_devs[0];
- dbg("s3c24xx_serial_initconsole\n");
- /* select driver based on the cpu */
- if (dev == NULL) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "s3c24xx: no devices for console init\n");
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(dev->name, "s3c2400-uart") == 0) {
- info = s3c2400_uart_inf_at;
- } else if (strcmp(dev->name, "s3c2410-uart") == 0) {
- info = s3c2410_uart_inf_at;
- } else if (strcmp(dev->name, "s3c2440-uart") == 0) {
- info = s3c2440_uart_inf_at;
- } else if (strcmp(dev->name, "s3c2412-uart") == 0) {
- info = s3c2412_uart_inf_at;
- } else {
- printk(KERN_ERR "s3c24xx: no driver for %s\n", dev->name);
- return 0;
- }
- if (info == NULL) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "s3c24xx: no driver for console\n");
- return 0;
- }
- = &s3c24xx_uart_drv;
- s3c24xx_serial_init_ports(info);
- register_console(&s3c24xx_serial_console);
- return 0;
-#endif /* CONFIG_SERIAL_S3C2410_CONSOLE */
MODULE_AUTHOR("Ben Dooks <>");
-MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Samsung S3C2410/S3C2440/S3C2412 Serial port driver");
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Samsung S3C2410 SoC Serial port driver");
diff --git a/drivers/serial/s3c2412.c b/drivers/serial/s3c2412.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ce0c220e3e92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/serial/s3c2412.c
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+/* linux/drivers/serial/s3c2412.c
+ *
+ * Driver for Samsung S3C2412 and S3C2413 SoC onboard UARTs.
+ *
+ * Ben Dooks, Copyright (c) 2003-2005,2008 Simtec Electronics
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/ioport.h>
+#include <linux/io.h>
+#include <linux/platform_device.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/serial_core.h>
+#include <linux/serial.h>
+#include <asm/irq.h>
+#include <asm/hardware.h>
+#include <asm/plat-s3c/regs-serial.h>
+#include <asm/arch/regs-gpio.h>
+#include "samsung.h"
+static int s3c2412_serial_setsource(struct uart_port *port,
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clk)
+ unsigned long ucon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON);
+ ucon &= ~S3C2412_UCON_CLKMASK;
+ if (strcmp(clk->name, "uclk") == 0)
+ ucon |= S3C2440_UCON_UCLK;
+ else if (strcmp(clk->name, "pclk") == 0)
+ ucon |= S3C2440_UCON_PCLK;
+ else if (strcmp(clk->name, "usysclk") == 0)
+ ucon |= S3C2412_UCON_USYSCLK;
+ else {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "unknown clock source %s\n", clk->name);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON, ucon);
+ return 0;
+static int s3c2412_serial_getsource(struct uart_port *port,
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clk)
+ unsigned long ucon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON);
+ switch (ucon & S3C2412_UCON_CLKMASK) {
+ case S3C2412_UCON_UCLK:
+ clk->divisor = 1;
+ clk->name = "uclk";
+ break;
+ case S3C2412_UCON_PCLK:
+ case S3C2412_UCON_PCLK2:
+ clk->divisor = 1;
+ clk->name = "pclk";
+ break;
+ case S3C2412_UCON_USYSCLK:
+ clk->divisor = 1;
+ clk->name = "usysclk";
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int s3c2412_serial_resetport(struct uart_port *port,
+ struct s3c2410_uartcfg *cfg)
+ unsigned long ucon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON);
+ dbg("%s: port=%p (%08lx), cfg=%p\n",
+ __func__, port, port->mapbase, cfg);
+ /* ensure we don't change the clock settings... */
+ ucon &= S3C2412_UCON_CLKMASK;
+ wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON, ucon | cfg->ucon);
+ wr_regl(port, S3C2410_ULCON, cfg->ulcon);
+ /* reset both fifos */
+ wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UFCON, cfg->ufcon | S3C2410_UFCON_RESETBOTH);
+ wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UFCON, cfg->ufcon);
+ return 0;
+static struct s3c24xx_uart_info s3c2412_uart_inf = {
+ .name = "Samsung S3C2412 UART",
+ .type = PORT_S3C2412,
+ .fifosize = 64,
+ .rx_fifomask = S3C2440_UFSTAT_RXMASK,
+ .rx_fifoshift = S3C2440_UFSTAT_RXSHIFT,
+ .rx_fifofull = S3C2440_UFSTAT_RXFULL,
+ .tx_fifofull = S3C2440_UFSTAT_TXFULL,
+ .tx_fifomask = S3C2440_UFSTAT_TXMASK,
+ .tx_fifoshift = S3C2440_UFSTAT_TXSHIFT,
+ .get_clksrc = s3c2412_serial_getsource,
+ .set_clksrc = s3c2412_serial_setsource,
+ .reset_port = s3c2412_serial_resetport,
+/* device management */
+static int s3c2412_serial_probe(struct platform_device *dev)
+ dbg("s3c2440_serial_probe: dev=%p\n", dev);
+ return s3c24xx_serial_probe(dev, &s3c2412_uart_inf);
+static struct platform_driver s3c2412_serial_drv = {
+ .probe = s3c2412_serial_probe,
+ .remove = s3c24xx_serial_remove,
+ .driver = {
+ .name = "s3c2412-uart",
+ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
+ },
+s3c24xx_console_init(&s3c2412_serial_drv, &s3c2412_uart_inf);
+static inline int s3c2412_serial_init(void)
+ return s3c24xx_serial_init(&s3c2412_serial_drv, &s3c2412_uart_inf);
+static inline void s3c2412_serial_exit(void)
+ platform_driver_unregister(&s3c2412_serial_drv);
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Samsung S3C2412,S3C2413 SoC Serial port driver");
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Ben Dooks <>");
diff --git a/drivers/serial/s3c2440.c b/drivers/serial/s3c2440.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..38f954bd39c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/serial/s3c2440.c
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+/* linux/drivers/serial/s3c2440.c
+ *
+ * Driver for Samsung S3C2440 and S3C2442 SoC onboard UARTs.
+ *
+ * Ben Dooks, Copyright (c) 2003-2005,2008 Simtec Electronics
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/ioport.h>
+#include <linux/io.h>
+#include <linux/platform_device.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/serial_core.h>
+#include <linux/serial.h>
+#include <asm/irq.h>
+#include <asm/hardware.h>
+#include <asm/plat-s3c/regs-serial.h>
+#include <asm/arch/regs-gpio.h>
+#include "samsung.h"
+static int s3c2440_serial_setsource(struct uart_port *port,
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clk)
+ unsigned long ucon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON);
+ /* todo - proper fclk<>nonfclk switch. */
+ ucon &= ~S3C2440_UCON_CLKMASK;
+ if (strcmp(clk->name, "uclk") == 0)
+ ucon |= S3C2440_UCON_UCLK;
+ else if (strcmp(clk->name, "pclk") == 0)
+ ucon |= S3C2440_UCON_PCLK;
+ else if (strcmp(clk->name, "fclk") == 0)
+ ucon |= S3C2440_UCON_FCLK;
+ else {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "unknown clock source %s\n", clk->name);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON, ucon);
+ return 0;
+static int s3c2440_serial_getsource(struct uart_port *port,
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clk)
+ unsigned long ucon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON);
+ unsigned long ucon0, ucon1, ucon2;
+ switch (ucon & S3C2440_UCON_CLKMASK) {
+ case S3C2440_UCON_UCLK:
+ clk->divisor = 1;
+ clk->name = "uclk";
+ break;
+ case S3C2440_UCON_PCLK:
+ case S3C2440_UCON_PCLK2:
+ clk->divisor = 1;
+ clk->name = "pclk";
+ break;
+ case S3C2440_UCON_FCLK:
+ /* the fun of calculating the uart divisors on
+ * the s3c2440 */
+ ucon0 = __raw_readl(S3C24XX_VA_UART0 + S3C2410_UCON);
+ ucon1 = __raw_readl(S3C24XX_VA_UART1 + S3C2410_UCON);
+ ucon2 = __raw_readl(S3C24XX_VA_UART2 + S3C2410_UCON);
+ printk("ucons: %08lx, %08lx, %08lx\n", ucon0, ucon1, ucon2);
+ ucon0 &= S3C2440_UCON0_DIVMASK;
+ ucon1 &= S3C2440_UCON1_DIVMASK;
+ ucon2 &= S3C2440_UCON2_DIVMASK;
+ if (ucon0 != 0) {
+ clk->divisor = ucon0 >> S3C2440_UCON_DIVSHIFT;
+ clk->divisor += 6;
+ } else if (ucon1 != 0) {
+ clk->divisor = ucon1 >> S3C2440_UCON_DIVSHIFT;
+ clk->divisor += 21;
+ } else if (ucon2 != 0) {
+ clk->divisor = ucon2 >> S3C2440_UCON_DIVSHIFT;
+ clk->divisor += 36;
+ } else {
+ /* manual calims 44, seems to be 9 */
+ clk->divisor = 9;
+ }
+ clk->name = "fclk";
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int s3c2440_serial_resetport(struct uart_port *port,
+ struct s3c2410_uartcfg *cfg)
+ unsigned long ucon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON);
+ dbg("s3c2440_serial_resetport: port=%p (%08lx), cfg=%p\n",
+ port, port->mapbase, cfg);
+ /* ensure we don't change the clock settings... */
+ ucon &= (S3C2440_UCON0_DIVMASK | (3<<10));
+ wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON, ucon | cfg->ucon);
+ wr_regl(port, S3C2410_ULCON, cfg->ulcon);
+ /* reset both fifos */
+ wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UFCON, cfg->ufcon | S3C2410_UFCON_RESETBOTH);
+ wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UFCON, cfg->ufcon);
+ return 0;
+static struct s3c24xx_uart_info s3c2440_uart_inf = {
+ .name = "Samsung S3C2440 UART",
+ .type = PORT_S3C2440,
+ .fifosize = 64,
+ .rx_fifomask = S3C2440_UFSTAT_RXMASK,
+ .rx_fifoshift = S3C2440_UFSTAT_RXSHIFT,
+ .rx_fifofull = S3C2440_UFSTAT_RXFULL,
+ .tx_fifofull = S3C2440_UFSTAT_TXFULL,
+ .tx_fifomask = S3C2440_UFSTAT_TXMASK,
+ .tx_fifoshift = S3C2440_UFSTAT_TXSHIFT,
+ .get_clksrc = s3c2440_serial_getsource,
+ .set_clksrc = s3c2440_serial_setsource,
+ .reset_port = s3c2440_serial_resetport,
+/* device management */
+static int s3c2440_serial_probe(struct platform_device *dev)
+ dbg("s3c2440_serial_probe: dev=%p\n", dev);
+ return s3c24xx_serial_probe(dev, &s3c2440_uart_inf);
+static struct platform_driver s3c2440_serial_drv = {
+ .probe = s3c2440_serial_probe,
+ .remove = s3c24xx_serial_remove,
+ .driver = {
+ .name = "s3c2440-uart",
+ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
+ },
+s3c24xx_console_init(&s3c2440_serial_drv, &s3c2440_uart_inf);
+static int __init s3c2440_serial_init(void)
+ return s3c24xx_serial_init(&s3c2440_serial_drv, &s3c2440_uart_inf);
+static void __exit s3c2440_serial_exit(void)
+ platform_driver_unregister(&s3c2440_serial_drv);
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Samsung S3C2440,S3C2442 SoC Serial port driver");
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Ben Dooks <>");
diff --git a/drivers/serial/samsung.c b/drivers/serial/samsung.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4a3ecaa629e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/serial/samsung.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1317 @@
+/* linux/drivers/serial/samsuing.c
+ *
+ * Driver core for Samsung SoC onboard UARTs.
+ *
+ * Ben Dooks, Copyright (c) 2003-2005,2008 Simtec Electronics
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+/* Hote on 2410 error handling
+ *
+ * The s3c2410 manual has a love/hate affair with the contents of the
+ * UERSTAT register in the UART blocks, and keeps marking some of the
+ * error bits as reserved. Having checked with the s3c2410x01,
+ * it copes with BREAKs properly, so I am happy to ignore the RESERVED
+ * feature from the latter versions of the manual.
+ *
+ * If it becomes aparrent that latter versions of the 2410 remove these
+ * bits, then action will have to be taken to differentiate the versions
+ * and change the policy on BREAK
+ *
+ * BJD, 04-Nov-2004
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/ioport.h>
+#include <linux/io.h>
+#include <linux/platform_device.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/sysrq.h>
+#include <linux/console.h>
+#include <linux/tty.h>
+#include <linux/tty_flip.h>
+#include <linux/serial_core.h>
+#include <linux/serial.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/clk.h>
+#include <asm/irq.h>
+#include <asm/hardware.h>
+#include <asm/plat-s3c/regs-serial.h>
+#include <asm/arch/regs-gpio.h>
+#include "samsung.h"
+/* UART name and device definitions */
+#define S3C24XX_SERIAL_NAME "ttySAC"
+#define S3C24XX_SERIAL_MAJOR 204
+#define S3C24XX_SERIAL_MINOR 64
+/* we can support 3 uarts, but not always use them */
+#ifdef CONFIG_CPU_S3C2400
+#define NR_PORTS (2)
+#define NR_PORTS (3)
+/* port irq numbers */
+#define TX_IRQ(port) ((port)->irq + 1)
+#define RX_IRQ(port) ((port)->irq)
+/* macros to change one thing to another */
+#define tx_enabled(port) ((port)->unused[0])
+#define rx_enabled(port) ((port)->unused[1])
+/* flag to ignore all characters comming in */
+#define RXSTAT_DUMMY_READ (0x10000000)
+static inline struct s3c24xx_uart_port *to_ourport(struct uart_port *port)
+ return container_of(port, struct s3c24xx_uart_port, port);
+/* translate a port to the device name */
+static inline const char *s3c24xx_serial_portname(struct uart_port *port)
+ return to_platform_device(port->dev)->name;
+static int s3c24xx_serial_txempty_nofifo(struct uart_port *port)
+ return (rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UTRSTAT) & S3C2410_UTRSTAT_TXE);
+static void s3c24xx_serial_rx_enable(struct uart_port *port)
+ unsigned long flags;
+ unsigned int ucon, ufcon;
+ int count = 10000;
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&port->lock, flags);
+ while (--count && !s3c24xx_serial_txempty_nofifo(port))
+ udelay(100);
+ ufcon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UFCON);
+ ufcon |= S3C2410_UFCON_RESETRX;
+ wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UFCON, ufcon);
+ ucon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON);
+ ucon |= S3C2410_UCON_RXIRQMODE;
+ wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON, ucon);
+ rx_enabled(port) = 1;
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&port->lock, flags);
+static void s3c24xx_serial_rx_disable(struct uart_port *port)
+ unsigned long flags;
+ unsigned int ucon;
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&port->lock, flags);
+ ucon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON);
+ ucon &= ~S3C2410_UCON_RXIRQMODE;
+ wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON, ucon);
+ rx_enabled(port) = 0;
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&port->lock, flags);
+static void s3c24xx_serial_stop_tx(struct uart_port *port)
+ if (tx_enabled(port)) {
+ disable_irq(TX_IRQ(port));
+ tx_enabled(port) = 0;
+ if (port->flags & UPF_CONS_FLOW)
+ s3c24xx_serial_rx_enable(port);
+ }
+static void s3c24xx_serial_start_tx(struct uart_port *port)
+ if (!tx_enabled(port)) {
+ if (port->flags & UPF_CONS_FLOW)
+ s3c24xx_serial_rx_disable(port);
+ enable_irq(TX_IRQ(port));
+ tx_enabled(port) = 1;
+ }
+static void s3c24xx_serial_stop_rx(struct uart_port *port)
+ if (rx_enabled(port)) {
+ dbg("s3c24xx_serial_stop_rx: port=%p\n", port);
+ disable_irq(RX_IRQ(port));
+ rx_enabled(port) = 0;
+ }
+static void s3c24xx_serial_enable_ms(struct uart_port *port)
+static inline struct s3c24xx_uart_info *s3c24xx_port_to_info(struct uart_port *port)
+ return to_ourport(port)->info;
+static inline struct s3c2410_uartcfg *s3c24xx_port_to_cfg(struct uart_port *port)
+ if (port->dev == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ return (struct s3c2410_uartcfg *)port->dev->platform_data;
+static int s3c24xx_serial_rx_fifocnt(struct s3c24xx_uart_port *ourport,
+ unsigned long ufstat)
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info = ourport->info;
+ if (ufstat & info->rx_fifofull)
+ return info->fifosize;
+ return (ufstat & info->rx_fifomask) >> info->rx_fifoshift;
+/* ? - where has parity gone?? */
+#define S3C2410_UERSTAT_PARITY (0x1000)
+static irqreturn_t
+s3c24xx_serial_rx_chars(int irq, void *dev_id)
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_port *ourport = dev_id;
+ struct uart_port *port = &ourport->port;
+ struct tty_struct *tty = port->info->tty;
+ unsigned int ufcon, ch, flag, ufstat, uerstat;
+ int max_count = 64;
+ while (max_count-- > 0) {
+ ufcon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UFCON);
+ ufstat = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UFSTAT);
+ if (s3c24xx_serial_rx_fifocnt(ourport, ufstat) == 0)
+ break;
+ uerstat = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UERSTAT);
+ ch = rd_regb(port, S3C2410_URXH);
+ if (port->flags & UPF_CONS_FLOW) {
+ int txe = s3c24xx_serial_txempty_nofifo(port);
+ if (rx_enabled(port)) {
+ if (!txe) {
+ rx_enabled(port) = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (txe) {
+ ufcon |= S3C2410_UFCON_RESETRX;
+ wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UFCON, ufcon);
+ rx_enabled(port) = 1;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ /* insert the character into the buffer */
+ flag = TTY_NORMAL;
+ port->icount.rx++;
+ if (unlikely(uerstat & S3C2410_UERSTAT_ANY)) {
+ dbg("rxerr: port ch=0x%02x, rxs=0x%08x\n",
+ ch, uerstat);
+ /* check for break */
+ if (uerstat & S3C2410_UERSTAT_BREAK) {
+ dbg("break!\n");
+ port->icount.brk++;
+ if (uart_handle_break(port))
+ goto ignore_char;
+ }
+ if (uerstat & S3C2410_UERSTAT_FRAME)
+ port->icount.frame++;
+ if (uerstat & S3C2410_UERSTAT_OVERRUN)
+ port->icount.overrun++;
+ uerstat &= port->read_status_mask;
+ if (uerstat & S3C2410_UERSTAT_BREAK)
+ flag = TTY_BREAK;
+ else if (uerstat & S3C2410_UERSTAT_PARITY)
+ flag = TTY_PARITY;
+ else if (uerstat & (S3C2410_UERSTAT_FRAME |
+ flag = TTY_FRAME;
+ }
+ if (uart_handle_sysrq_char(port, ch))
+ goto ignore_char;
+ uart_insert_char(port, uerstat, S3C2410_UERSTAT_OVERRUN,
+ ch, flag);
+ ignore_char:
+ continue;
+ }
+ tty_flip_buffer_push(tty);
+ out:
+ return IRQ_HANDLED;
+static irqreturn_t s3c24xx_serial_tx_chars(int irq, void *id)
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_port *ourport = id;
+ struct uart_port *port = &ourport->port;
+ struct circ_buf *xmit = &port->info->xmit;
+ int count = 256;
+ if (port->x_char) {
+ wr_regb(port, S3C2410_UTXH, port->x_char);
+ port->icount.tx++;
+ port->x_char = 0;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /* if there isnt anything more to transmit, or the uart is now
+ * stopped, disable the uart and exit
+ */
+ if (uart_circ_empty(xmit) || uart_tx_stopped(port)) {
+ s3c24xx_serial_stop_tx(port);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /* try and drain the buffer... */
+ while (!uart_circ_empty(xmit) && count-- > 0) {
+ if (rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UFSTAT) & ourport->info->tx_fifofull)
+ break;
+ wr_regb(port, S3C2410_UTXH, xmit->buf[xmit->tail]);
+ xmit->tail = (xmit->tail + 1) & (UART_XMIT_SIZE - 1);
+ port->icount.tx++;
+ }
+ if (uart_circ_chars_pending(xmit) < WAKEUP_CHARS)
+ uart_write_wakeup(port);
+ if (uart_circ_empty(xmit))
+ s3c24xx_serial_stop_tx(port);
+ out:
+ return IRQ_HANDLED;
+static unsigned int s3c24xx_serial_tx_empty(struct uart_port *port)
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info = s3c24xx_port_to_info(port);
+ unsigned long ufstat = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UFSTAT);
+ unsigned long ufcon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UFCON);
+ if (ufcon & S3C2410_UFCON_FIFOMODE) {
+ if ((ufstat & info->tx_fifomask) != 0 ||
+ (ufstat & info->tx_fifofull))
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return s3c24xx_serial_txempty_nofifo(port);
+/* no modem control lines */
+static unsigned int s3c24xx_serial_get_mctrl(struct uart_port *port)
+ unsigned int umstat = rd_regb(port, S3C2410_UMSTAT);
+ if (umstat & S3C2410_UMSTAT_CTS)
+ else
+static void s3c24xx_serial_set_mctrl(struct uart_port *port, unsigned int mctrl)
+ /* todo - possibly remove AFC and do manual CTS */
+static void s3c24xx_serial_break_ctl(struct uart_port *port, int break_state)
+ unsigned long flags;
+ unsigned int ucon;
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&port->lock, flags);
+ ucon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON);
+ if (break_state)
+ ucon |= S3C2410_UCON_SBREAK;
+ else
+ ucon &= ~S3C2410_UCON_SBREAK;
+ wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON, ucon);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&port->lock, flags);
+static void s3c24xx_serial_shutdown(struct uart_port *port)
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_port *ourport = to_ourport(port);
+ if (ourport->tx_claimed) {
+ free_irq(TX_IRQ(port), ourport);
+ tx_enabled(port) = 0;
+ ourport->tx_claimed = 0;
+ }
+ if (ourport->rx_claimed) {
+ free_irq(RX_IRQ(port), ourport);
+ ourport->rx_claimed = 0;
+ rx_enabled(port) = 0;
+ }
+static int s3c24xx_serial_startup(struct uart_port *port)
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_port *ourport = to_ourport(port);
+ int ret;
+ dbg("s3c24xx_serial_startup: port=%p (%08lx,%p)\n",
+ port->mapbase, port->membase);
+ rx_enabled(port) = 1;
+ ret = request_irq(RX_IRQ(port),
+ s3c24xx_serial_rx_chars, 0,
+ s3c24xx_serial_portname(port), ourport);
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "cannot get irq %d\n", RX_IRQ(port));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ ourport->rx_claimed = 1;
+ dbg("requesting tx irq...\n");
+ tx_enabled(port) = 1;
+ ret = request_irq(TX_IRQ(port),
+ s3c24xx_serial_tx_chars, 0,
+ s3c24xx_serial_portname(port), ourport);
+ if (ret) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "cannot get irq %d\n", TX_IRQ(port));
+ goto err;
+ }
+ ourport->tx_claimed = 1;
+ dbg("s3c24xx_serial_startup ok\n");
+ /* the port reset code should have done the correct
+ * register setup for the port controls */
+ return ret;
+ err:
+ s3c24xx_serial_shutdown(port);
+ return ret;
+/* power power management control */
+static void s3c24xx_serial_pm(struct uart_port *port, unsigned int level,
+ unsigned int old)
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_port *ourport = to_ourport(port);
+ switch (level) {
+ case 3:
+ if (!IS_ERR(ourport->baudclk) && ourport->baudclk != NULL)
+ clk_disable(ourport->baudclk);
+ clk_disable(ourport->clk);
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ clk_enable(ourport->clk);
+ if (!IS_ERR(ourport->baudclk) && ourport->baudclk != NULL)
+ clk_enable(ourport->baudclk);
+ break;
+ default:
+ printk(KERN_ERR "s3c24xx_serial: unknown pm %d\n", level);
+ }
+/* baud rate calculation
+ *
+ * The UARTs on the S3C2410/S3C2440 can take their clocks from a number
+ * of different sources, including the peripheral clock ("pclk") and an
+ * external clock ("uclk"). The S3C2440 also adds the core clock ("fclk")
+ * with a programmable extra divisor.
+ *
+ * The following code goes through the clock sources, and calculates the
+ * baud clocks (and the resultant actual baud rates) and then tries to
+ * pick the closest one and select that.
+ *
+#define MAX_CLKS (8)
+static struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc tmp_clksrc = {
+ .name = "pclk",
+ .min_baud = 0,
+ .max_baud = 0,
+ .divisor = 1,
+static inline int
+s3c24xx_serial_getsource(struct uart_port *port, struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *c)
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info = s3c24xx_port_to_info(port);
+ return (info->get_clksrc)(port, c);
+static inline int
+s3c24xx_serial_setsource(struct uart_port *port, struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *c)
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info = s3c24xx_port_to_info(port);
+ return (info->set_clksrc)(port, c);
+struct baud_calc {
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clksrc;
+ unsigned int calc;
+ unsigned int quot;
+ struct clk *src;
+static int s3c24xx_serial_calcbaud(struct baud_calc *calc,
+ struct uart_port *port,
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clksrc,
+ unsigned int baud)
+ unsigned long rate;
+ calc->src = clk_get(port->dev, clksrc->name);
+ if (calc->src == NULL || IS_ERR(calc->src))
+ return 0;
+ rate = clk_get_rate(calc->src);
+ rate /= clksrc->divisor;
+ calc->clksrc = clksrc;
+ calc->quot = (rate + (8 * baud)) / (16 * baud);
+ calc->calc = (rate / (calc->quot * 16));
+ calc->quot--;
+ return 1;
+static unsigned int s3c24xx_serial_getclk(struct uart_port *port,
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc **clksrc,
+ struct clk **clk,
+ unsigned int baud)
+ struct s3c2410_uartcfg *cfg = s3c24xx_port_to_cfg(port);
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clkp;
+ struct baud_calc res[MAX_CLKS];
+ struct baud_calc *resptr, *best, *sptr;
+ int i;
+ clkp = cfg->clocks;
+ best = NULL;
+ if (cfg->clocks_size < 2) {
+ if (cfg->clocks_size == 0)
+ clkp = &tmp_clksrc;
+ /* check to see if we're sourcing fclk, and if so we're
+ * going to have to update the clock source
+ */
+ if (strcmp(clkp->name, "fclk") == 0) {
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc src;
+ s3c24xx_serial_getsource(port, &src);
+ /* check that the port already using fclk, and if
+ * not, then re-select fclk
+ */
+ if (strcmp(, clkp->name) == 0) {
+ s3c24xx_serial_setsource(port, clkp);
+ s3c24xx_serial_getsource(port, &src);
+ }
+ clkp->divisor = src.divisor;
+ }
+ s3c24xx_serial_calcbaud(res, port, clkp, baud);
+ best = res;
+ resptr = best + 1;
+ } else {
+ resptr = res;
+ for (i = 0; i < cfg->clocks_size; i++, clkp++) {
+ if (s3c24xx_serial_calcbaud(resptr, port, clkp, baud))
+ resptr++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ok, we now need to select the best clock we found */
+ if (!best) {
+ unsigned int deviation = (1<<30)|((1<<30)-1);
+ int calc_deviation;
+ for (sptr = res; sptr < resptr; sptr++) {
+ calc_deviation = baud - sptr->calc;
+ if (calc_deviation < 0)
+ calc_deviation = -calc_deviation;
+ if (calc_deviation < deviation) {
+ best = sptr;
+ deviation = calc_deviation;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* store results to pass back */
+ *clksrc = best->clksrc;
+ *clk = best->src;
+ return best->quot;
+static void s3c24xx_serial_set_termios(struct uart_port *port,
+ struct ktermios *termios,
+ struct ktermios *old)
+ struct s3c2410_uartcfg *cfg = s3c24xx_port_to_cfg(port);
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_port *ourport = to_ourport(port);
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clksrc = NULL;
+ struct clk *clk = NULL;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ unsigned int baud, quot;
+ unsigned int ulcon;
+ unsigned int umcon;
+ /*
+ * We don't support modem control lines.
+ */
+ termios->c_cflag &= ~(HUPCL | CMSPAR);
+ termios->c_cflag |= CLOCAL;
+ /*
+ * Ask the core to calculate the divisor for us.
+ */
+ baud = uart_get_baud_rate(port, termios, old, 0, 115200*8);
+ if (baud == 38400 && (port->flags & UPF_SPD_MASK) == UPF_SPD_CUST)
+ quot = port->custom_divisor;
+ else
+ quot = s3c24xx_serial_getclk(port, &clksrc, &clk, baud);
+ /* check to see if we need to change clock source */
+ if (ourport->clksrc != clksrc || ourport->baudclk != clk) {
+ s3c24xx_serial_setsource(port, clksrc);
+ if (ourport->baudclk != NULL && !IS_ERR(ourport->baudclk)) {
+ clk_disable(ourport->baudclk);
+ ourport->baudclk = NULL;
+ }
+ clk_enable(clk);
+ ourport->clksrc = clksrc;
+ ourport->baudclk = clk;
+ }
+ switch (termios->c_cflag & CSIZE) {
+ case CS5:
+ dbg("config: 5bits/char\n");
+ ulcon = S3C2410_LCON_CS5;
+ break;
+ case CS6:
+ dbg("config: 6bits/char\n");
+ ulcon = S3C2410_LCON_CS6;
+ break;
+ case CS7:
+ dbg("config: 7bits/char\n");
+ ulcon = S3C2410_LCON_CS7;
+ break;
+ case CS8:
+ default:
+ dbg("config: 8bits/char\n");
+ ulcon = S3C2410_LCON_CS8;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* preserve original lcon IR settings */
+ ulcon |= (cfg->ulcon & S3C2410_LCON_IRM);
+ if (termios->c_cflag & CSTOPB)
+ ulcon |= S3C2410_LCON_STOPB;
+ umcon = (termios->c_cflag & CRTSCTS) ? S3C2410_UMCOM_AFC : 0;
+ if (termios->c_cflag & PARENB) {
+ if (termios->c_cflag & PARODD)
+ ulcon |= S3C2410_LCON_PODD;
+ else
+ ulcon |= S3C2410_LCON_PEVEN;
+ } else {
+ ulcon |= S3C2410_LCON_PNONE;
+ }
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&port->lock, flags);
+ dbg("setting ulcon to %08x, brddiv to %d\n", ulcon, quot);
+ wr_regl(port, S3C2410_ULCON, ulcon);
+ wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UBRDIV, quot);
+ wr_regl(port, S3C2410_UMCON, umcon);
+ dbg("uart: ulcon = 0x%08x, ucon = 0x%08x, ufcon = 0x%08x\n",
+ rd_regl(port, S3C2410_ULCON),
+ rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON),
+ rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UFCON));
+ /*
+ * Update the per-port timeout.
+ */
+ uart_update_timeout(port, termios->c_cflag, baud);
+ /*
+ * Which character status flags are we interested in?
+ */
+ port->read_status_mask = S3C2410_UERSTAT_OVERRUN;
+ if (termios->c_iflag & INPCK)
+ port->read_status_mask |= S3C2410_UERSTAT_FRAME | S3C2410_UERSTAT_PARITY;
+ /*
+ * Which character status flags should we ignore?
+ */
+ port->ignore_status_mask = 0;
+ if (termios->c_iflag & IGNPAR)
+ port->ignore_status_mask |= S3C2410_UERSTAT_OVERRUN;
+ if (termios->c_iflag & IGNBRK && termios->c_iflag & IGNPAR)
+ port->ignore_status_mask |= S3C2410_UERSTAT_FRAME;
+ /*
+ * Ignore all characters if CREAD is not set.
+ */
+ if ((termios->c_cflag & CREAD) == 0)
+ port->ignore_status_mask |= RXSTAT_DUMMY_READ;
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&port->lock, flags);
+static const char *s3c24xx_serial_type(struct uart_port *port)
+ switch (port->type) {
+ case PORT_S3C2410:
+ return "S3C2410";
+ case PORT_S3C2440:
+ return "S3C2440";
+ case PORT_S3C2412:
+ return "S3C2412";
+ default:
+ return NULL;
+ }
+#define MAP_SIZE (0x100)
+static void s3c24xx_serial_release_port(struct uart_port *port)
+ release_mem_region(port->mapbase, MAP_SIZE);
+static int s3c24xx_serial_request_port(struct uart_port *port)
+ const char *name = s3c24xx_serial_portname(port);
+ return request_mem_region(port->mapbase, MAP_SIZE, name) ? 0 : -EBUSY;
+static void s3c24xx_serial_config_port(struct uart_port *port, int flags)
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info = s3c24xx_port_to_info(port);
+ if (flags & UART_CONFIG_TYPE &&
+ s3c24xx_serial_request_port(port) == 0)
+ port->type = info->type;
+ * verify the new serial_struct (for TIOCSSERIAL).
+ */
+static int
+s3c24xx_serial_verify_port(struct uart_port *port, struct serial_struct *ser)
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info = s3c24xx_port_to_info(port);
+ if (ser->type != PORT_UNKNOWN && ser->type != info->type)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ return 0;
+static struct console s3c24xx_serial_console;
+#define S3C24XX_SERIAL_CONSOLE &s3c24xx_serial_console
+static struct uart_ops s3c24xx_serial_ops = {
+ .pm = s3c24xx_serial_pm,
+ .tx_empty = s3c24xx_serial_tx_empty,
+ .get_mctrl = s3c24xx_serial_get_mctrl,
+ .set_mctrl = s3c24xx_serial_set_mctrl,
+ .stop_tx = s3c24xx_serial_stop_tx,
+ .start_tx = s3c24xx_serial_start_tx,
+ .stop_rx = s3c24xx_serial_stop_rx,
+ .enable_ms = s3c24xx_serial_enable_ms,
+ .break_ctl = s3c24xx_serial_break_ctl,
+ .startup = s3c24xx_serial_startup,
+ .shutdown = s3c24xx_serial_shutdown,
+ .set_termios = s3c24xx_serial_set_termios,
+ .type = s3c24xx_serial_type,
+ .release_port = s3c24xx_serial_release_port,
+ .request_port = s3c24xx_serial_request_port,
+ .config_port = s3c24xx_serial_config_port,
+ .verify_port = s3c24xx_serial_verify_port,
+static struct uart_driver s3c24xx_uart_drv = {
+ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
+ .dev_name = "s3c2410_serial",
+ .nr = 3,
+ .driver_name = S3C24XX_SERIAL_NAME,
+ .major = S3C24XX_SERIAL_MAJOR,
+ .minor = S3C24XX_SERIAL_MINOR,
+static struct s3c24xx_uart_port s3c24xx_serial_ports[NR_PORTS] = {
+ [0] = {
+ .port = {
+ .lock = __SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED(s3c24xx_serial_ports[0].port.lock),
+ .iotype = UPIO_MEM,
+ .irq = IRQ_S3CUART_RX0,
+ .uartclk = 0,
+ .fifosize = 16,
+ .ops = &s3c24xx_serial_ops,
+ .line = 0,
+ }
+ },
+ [1] = {
+ .port = {
+ .lock = __SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED(s3c24xx_serial_ports[1].port.lock),
+ .iotype = UPIO_MEM,
+ .irq = IRQ_S3CUART_RX1,
+ .uartclk = 0,
+ .fifosize = 16,
+ .ops = &s3c24xx_serial_ops,
+ .line = 1,
+ }
+ },
+#if NR_PORTS > 2
+ [2] = {
+ .port = {
+ .lock = __SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED(s3c24xx_serial_ports[2].port.lock),
+ .iotype = UPIO_MEM,
+ .irq = IRQ_S3CUART_RX2,
+ .uartclk = 0,
+ .fifosize = 16,
+ .ops = &s3c24xx_serial_ops,
+ .line = 2,
+ }
+ }
+/* s3c24xx_serial_resetport
+ *
+ * wrapper to call the specific reset for this port (reset the fifos
+ * and the settings)
+static inline int s3c24xx_serial_resetport(struct uart_port *port,
+ struct s3c2410_uartcfg *cfg)
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info = s3c24xx_port_to_info(port);
+ return (info->reset_port)(port, cfg);
+/* s3c24xx_serial_init_port
+ *
+ * initialise a single serial port from the platform device given
+ */
+static int s3c24xx_serial_init_port(struct s3c24xx_uart_port *ourport,
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info,
+ struct platform_device *platdev)
+ struct uart_port *port = &ourport->port;
+ struct s3c2410_uartcfg *cfg;
+ struct resource *res;
+ int ret;
+ dbg("s3c24xx_serial_init_port: port=%p, platdev=%p\n", port, platdev);
+ if (platdev == NULL)
+ return -ENODEV;
+ cfg = s3c24xx_dev_to_cfg(&platdev->dev);
+ if (port->mapbase != 0)
+ return 0;
+ if (cfg->hwport > 3)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ /* setup info for port */
+ port->dev = &platdev->dev;
+ ourport->info = info;
+ /* copy the info in from provided structure */
+ ourport->port.fifosize = info->fifosize;
+ dbg("s3c24xx_serial_init_port: %p (hw %d)...\n", port, cfg->hwport);
+ port->uartclk = 1;
+ if (cfg->uart_flags & UPF_CONS_FLOW) {
+ dbg("s3c24xx_serial_init_port: enabling flow control\n");
+ port->flags |= UPF_CONS_FLOW;
+ }
+ /* sort our the physical and virtual addresses for each UART */
+ res = platform_get_resource(platdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0);
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "failed to find memory resource for uart\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ dbg("resource %p (%lx..%lx)\n", res, res->start, res->end);
+ port->mapbase = res->start;
+ port->membase = S3C24XX_VA_UART + (res->start - S3C24XX_PA_UART);
+ ret = platform_get_irq(platdev, 0);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ port->irq = 0;
+ else
+ port->irq = ret;
+ ourport->clk = clk_get(&platdev->dev, "uart");
+ dbg("port: map=%08x, mem=%08x, irq=%d, clock=%ld\n",
+ port->mapbase, port->membase, port->irq, port->uartclk);
+ /* reset the fifos (and setup the uart) */
+ s3c24xx_serial_resetport(port, cfg);
+ return 0;
+static ssize_t s3c24xx_serial_show_clksrc(struct device *dev,
+ struct device_attribute *attr,
+ char *buf)
+ struct uart_port *port = s3c24xx_dev_to_port(dev);
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_port *ourport = to_ourport(port);
+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "* %s\n", ourport->clksrc->name);
+static DEVICE_ATTR(clock_source, S_IRUGO, s3c24xx_serial_show_clksrc, NULL);
+/* Device driver serial port probe */
+static int probe_index;
+int s3c24xx_serial_probe(struct platform_device *dev,
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info)
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_port *ourport;
+ int ret;
+ dbg("s3c24xx_serial_probe(%p, %p) %d\n", dev, info, probe_index);
+ ourport = &s3c24xx_serial_ports[probe_index];
+ probe_index++;
+ dbg("%s: initialising port %p...\n", __func__, ourport);
+ ret = s3c24xx_serial_init_port(ourport, info, dev);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ goto probe_err;
+ dbg("%s: adding port\n", __func__);
+ uart_add_one_port(&s3c24xx_uart_drv, &ourport->port);
+ platform_set_drvdata(dev, &ourport->port);
+ ret = device_create_file(&dev->dev, &dev_attr_clock_source);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ printk(KERN_ERR "%s: failed to add clksrc attr.\n", __func__);
+ return 0;
+ probe_err:
+ return ret;
+int s3c24xx_serial_remove(struct platform_device *dev)
+ struct uart_port *port = s3c24xx_dev_to_port(&dev->dev);
+ if (port) {
+ device_remove_file(&dev->dev, &dev_attr_clock_source);
+ uart_remove_one_port(&s3c24xx_uart_drv, port);
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* UART power management code */
+#ifdef CONFIG_PM
+static int s3c24xx_serial_suspend(struct platform_device *dev, pm_message_t state)
+ struct uart_port *port = s3c24xx_dev_to_port(&dev->dev);
+ if (port)
+ uart_suspend_port(&s3c24xx_uart_drv, port);
+ return 0;
+static int s3c24xx_serial_resume(struct platform_device *dev)
+ struct uart_port *port = s3c24xx_dev_to_port(&dev->dev);
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_port *ourport = to_ourport(port);
+ if (port) {
+ clk_enable(ourport->clk);
+ s3c24xx_serial_resetport(port, s3c24xx_port_to_cfg(port));
+ clk_disable(ourport->clk);
+ uart_resume_port(&s3c24xx_uart_drv, port);
+ }
+ return 0;
+int s3c24xx_serial_init(struct platform_driver *drv,
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info)
+ dbg("s3c24xx_serial_init(%p,%p)\n", drv, info);
+#ifdef CONFIG_PM
+ drv->suspend = s3c24xx_serial_suspend;
+ drv->resume = s3c24xx_serial_resume;
+ return platform_driver_register(drv);
+/* module initialisation code */
+static int __init s3c24xx_serial_modinit(void)
+ int ret;
+ ret = uart_register_driver(&s3c24xx_uart_drv);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "failed to register UART driver\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static void __exit s3c24xx_serial_modexit(void)
+ uart_unregister_driver(&s3c24xx_uart_drv);
+/* Console code */
+static struct uart_port *cons_uart;
+static int
+s3c24xx_serial_console_txrdy(struct uart_port *port, unsigned int ufcon)
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info = s3c24xx_port_to_info(port);
+ unsigned long ufstat, utrstat;
+ if (ufcon & S3C2410_UFCON_FIFOMODE) {
+ /* fifo mode - check ammount of data in fifo registers... */
+ ufstat = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UFSTAT);
+ return (ufstat & info->tx_fifofull) ? 0 : 1;
+ }
+ /* in non-fifo mode, we go and use the tx buffer empty */
+ utrstat = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UTRSTAT);
+ return (utrstat & S3C2410_UTRSTAT_TXE) ? 1 : 0;
+static void
+s3c24xx_serial_console_putchar(struct uart_port *port, int ch)
+ unsigned int ufcon = rd_regl(cons_uart, S3C2410_UFCON);
+ while (!s3c24xx_serial_console_txrdy(port, ufcon))
+ barrier();
+ wr_regb(cons_uart, S3C2410_UTXH, ch);
+static void
+s3c24xx_serial_console_write(struct console *co, const char *s,
+ unsigned int count)
+ uart_console_write(cons_uart, s, count, s3c24xx_serial_console_putchar);
+static void __init
+s3c24xx_serial_get_options(struct uart_port *port, int *baud,
+ int *parity, int *bits)
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc clksrc;
+ struct clk *clk;
+ unsigned int ulcon;
+ unsigned int ucon;
+ unsigned int ubrdiv;
+ unsigned long rate;
+ ulcon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_ULCON);
+ ucon = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UCON);
+ ubrdiv = rd_regl(port, S3C2410_UBRDIV);
+ dbg("s3c24xx_serial_get_options: port=%p\n"
+ "registers: ulcon=%08x, ucon=%08x, ubdriv=%08x\n",
+ port, ulcon, ucon, ubrdiv);
+ if ((ucon & 0xf) != 0) {
+ /* consider the serial port configured if the tx/rx mode set */
+ switch (ulcon & S3C2410_LCON_CSMASK) {
+ case S3C2410_LCON_CS5:
+ *bits = 5;
+ break;
+ case S3C2410_LCON_CS6:
+ *bits = 6;
+ break;
+ case S3C2410_LCON_CS7:
+ *bits = 7;
+ break;
+ default:
+ case S3C2410_LCON_CS8:
+ *bits = 8;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (ulcon & S3C2410_LCON_PMASK) {
+ case S3C2410_LCON_PEVEN:
+ *parity = 'e';
+ break;
+ case S3C2410_LCON_PODD:
+ *parity = 'o';
+ break;
+ case S3C2410_LCON_PNONE:
+ default:
+ *parity = 'n';
+ }
+ /* now calculate the baud rate */
+ s3c24xx_serial_getsource(port, &clksrc);
+ clk = clk_get(port->dev,;
+ if (!IS_ERR(clk) && clk != NULL)
+ rate = clk_get_rate(clk) / clksrc.divisor;
+ else
+ rate = 1;
+ *baud = rate / (16 * (ubrdiv + 1));
+ dbg("calculated baud %d\n", *baud);
+ }
+/* s3c24xx_serial_init_ports
+ *
+ * initialise the serial ports from the machine provided initialisation
+ * data.
+static int s3c24xx_serial_init_ports(struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info)
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_port *ptr = s3c24xx_serial_ports;
+ struct platform_device **platdev_ptr;
+ int i;
+ dbg("s3c24xx_serial_init_ports: initialising ports...\n");
+ platdev_ptr = s3c24xx_uart_devs;
+ for (i = 0; i < NR_PORTS; i++, ptr++, platdev_ptr++) {
+ s3c24xx_serial_init_port(ptr, info, *platdev_ptr);
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int __init
+s3c24xx_serial_console_setup(struct console *co, char *options)
+ struct uart_port *port;
+ int baud = 9600;
+ int bits = 8;
+ int parity = 'n';
+ int flow = 'n';
+ dbg("s3c24xx_serial_console_setup: co=%p (%d), %s\n",
+ co, co->index, options);
+ /* is this a valid port */
+ if (co->index == -1 || co->index >= NR_PORTS)
+ co->index = 0;
+ port = &s3c24xx_serial_ports[co->index].port;
+ /* is the port configured? */
+ if (port->mapbase == 0x0) {
+ co->index = 0;
+ port = &s3c24xx_serial_ports[co->index].port;
+ }
+ cons_uart = port;
+ dbg("s3c24xx_serial_console_setup: port=%p (%d)\n", port, co->index);
+ /*
+ * Check whether an invalid uart number has been specified, and
+ * if so, search for the first available port that does have
+ * console support.
+ */
+ if (options)
+ uart_parse_options(options, &baud, &parity, &bits, &flow);
+ else
+ s3c24xx_serial_get_options(port, &baud, &parity, &bits);
+ dbg("s3c24xx_serial_console_setup: baud %d\n", baud);
+ return uart_set_options(port, co, baud, parity, bits, flow);
+/* s3c24xx_serial_initconsole
+ *
+ * initialise the console from one of the uart drivers
+static struct console s3c24xx_serial_console = {
+ .name = S3C24XX_SERIAL_NAME,
+ .device = uart_console_device,
+ .index = -1,
+ .write = s3c24xx_serial_console_write,
+ .setup = s3c24xx_serial_console_setup
+int s3c24xx_serial_initconsole(struct platform_driver *drv,
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info)
+ struct platform_device *dev = s3c24xx_uart_devs[0];
+ dbg("s3c24xx_serial_initconsole\n");
+ /* select driver based on the cpu */
+ if (dev == NULL) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "s3c24xx: no devices for console init\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(dev->name, drv-> != 0)
+ return 0;
+ = &s3c24xx_uart_drv;
+ s3c24xx_serial_init_ports(info);
+ register_console(&s3c24xx_serial_console);
+ return 0;
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Samsung SoC Serial port driver");
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Ben Dooks <>");
diff --git a/drivers/serial/samsung.h b/drivers/serial/samsung.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5c92ebbe7d9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/serial/samsung.h
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+/* linux/drivers/serial/samsung.h
+ *
+ * Driver for Samsung SoC onboard UARTs.
+ *
+ * Ben Dooks, Copyright (c) 2003-2005,2008 Simtec Electronics
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+struct s3c24xx_uart_info {
+ char *name;
+ unsigned int type;
+ unsigned int fifosize;
+ unsigned long rx_fifomask;
+ unsigned long rx_fifoshift;
+ unsigned long rx_fifofull;
+ unsigned long tx_fifomask;
+ unsigned long tx_fifoshift;
+ unsigned long tx_fifofull;
+ /* clock source control */
+ int (*get_clksrc)(struct uart_port *, struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clk);
+ int (*set_clksrc)(struct uart_port *, struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clk);
+ /* uart controls */
+ int (*reset_port)(struct uart_port *, struct s3c2410_uartcfg *);
+struct s3c24xx_uart_port {
+ unsigned char rx_claimed;
+ unsigned char tx_claimed;
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info;
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_clksrc *clksrc;
+ struct clk *clk;
+ struct clk *baudclk;
+ struct uart_port port;
+/* conversion functions */
+#define s3c24xx_dev_to_port(__dev) (struct uart_port *)dev_get_drvdata(__dev)
+#define s3c24xx_dev_to_cfg(__dev) (struct s3c2410_uartcfg *)((__dev)->platform_data)
+/* register access controls */
+#define portaddr(port, reg) ((port)->membase + (reg))
+#define rd_regb(port, reg) (__raw_readb(portaddr(port, reg)))
+#define rd_regl(port, reg) (__raw_readl(portaddr(port, reg)))
+#define wr_regb(port, reg, val) __raw_writeb(val, portaddr(port, reg))
+#define wr_regl(port, reg, val) __raw_writel(val, portaddr(port, reg))
+extern int s3c24xx_serial_probe(struct platform_device *dev,
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_info *uart);
+extern int s3c24xx_serial_remove(struct platform_device *dev);
+extern int s3c24xx_serial_initconsole(struct platform_driver *drv,
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_info *uart);
+extern int s3c24xx_serial_init(struct platform_driver *drv,
+ struct s3c24xx_uart_info *info);
+#define s3c24xx_console_init(__drv, __inf) \
+static int __init s3c_serial_console_init(void) \
+{ \
+ return s3c24xx_serial_initconsole(__drv, __inf); \
+} \
+ \
+#define s3c24xx_console_init(drv, inf) extern void no_console(void)
+extern void printascii(const char *);
+static void dbg(const char *fmt, ...)
+ va_list va;
+ char buff[256];
+ va_start(va, fmt);
+ vsprintf(buff, fmt, va);
+ va_end(va);
+ printascii(buff);
+#define dbg(x...) do { } while (0)
diff --git a/drivers/spi/spi_imx.c b/drivers/spi/spi_imx.c
index c730d05bfeb6..547e30298278 100644
--- a/drivers/spi/spi_imx.c
+++ b/drivers/spi/spi_imx.c
@@ -1526,24 +1526,24 @@ static int __init spi_imx_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
drv_data->rx_channel = -1;
if (platform_info->enable_dma) {
/* Get rx DMA channel */
- status = imx_dma_request_by_prio(&drv_data->rx_channel,
- "spi_imx_rx", DMA_PRIO_HIGH);
- if (status < 0) {
+ drv_data->rx_channel = imx_dma_request_by_prio("spi_imx_rx",
+ if (drv_data->rx_channel < 0) {
"probe - problem (%d) requesting rx channel\n",
- status);
+ drv_data->rx_channel);
goto err_no_rxdma;
} else
imx_dma_setup_handlers(drv_data->rx_channel, NULL,
dma_err_handler, drv_data);
/* Get tx DMA channel */
- status = imx_dma_request_by_prio(&drv_data->tx_channel,
- "spi_imx_tx", DMA_PRIO_MEDIUM);
- if (status < 0) {
+ drv_data->tx_channel = imx_dma_request_by_prio("spi_imx_tx",
+ if (drv_data->tx_channel < 0) {
"probe - problem (%d) requesting tx channel\n",
- status);
+ drv_data->tx_channel);
goto err_no_txdma;
} else
diff --git a/drivers/usb/gadget/Kconfig b/drivers/usb/gadget/Kconfig
index 6e784d2db423..3565d4352826 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/gadget/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/usb/gadget/Kconfig
@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@ config USB_AMD5536UDC
boolean "Atmel USBA"
- depends on AVR32 || ARCH_AT91CAP9
+ depends on AVR32 || ARCH_AT91CAP9 || ARCH_AT91SAM9RL
USBA is the integrated high-speed USB Device controller on
- the AT32AP700x and AT91CAP9 processors from Atmel.
+ the AT32AP700x, some AT91SAM9 and AT91CAP9 processors from Atmel.
diff --git a/drivers/usb/gadget/at91_udc.c b/drivers/usb/gadget/at91_udc.c
index 274c60a970cd..b6b2a0a5ba37 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/gadget/at91_udc.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/gadget/at91_udc.c
@@ -888,7 +888,7 @@ static void pullup(struct at91_udc *udc, int is_on)
at91_udp_write(udc, AT91_UDP_TXVC, 0);
if (cpu_is_at91rm9200())
gpio_set_value(udc->board.pullup_pin, active);
- else if (cpu_is_at91sam9260() || cpu_is_at91sam9263()) {
+ else if (cpu_is_at91sam9260() || cpu_is_at91sam9263() || cpu_is_at91sam9g20()) {
u32 txvc = at91_udp_read(udc, AT91_UDP_TXVC);
txvc |= AT91_UDP_TXVC_PUON;
@@ -906,7 +906,7 @@ static void pullup(struct at91_udc *udc, int is_on)
at91_udp_write(udc, AT91_UDP_TXVC, AT91_UDP_TXVC_TXVDIS);
if (cpu_is_at91rm9200())
gpio_set_value(udc->board.pullup_pin, !active);
- else if (cpu_is_at91sam9260() || cpu_is_at91sam9263()) {
+ else if (cpu_is_at91sam9260() || cpu_is_at91sam9263() || cpu_is_at91sam9g20()) {
u32 txvc = at91_udp_read(udc, AT91_UDP_TXVC);
txvc &= ~AT91_UDP_TXVC_PUON;
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