#!/bin/bash # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/tools/occtoolp9 $ # # OpenPOWER OnChipController Project # # Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2017 # [+] International Business Machines Corp. # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG blue="" red="" green="" bold="" normal="" if [ $TERM == "xterm-color" ] || [ $TERM == "xterm" ]; then blue="\033[34;1m"; red="\033[31;1m"; green="\033[32;1m"; bold="\033[1m"; normal="\033[0m"; fi binfile="binary.bin" inputfile="" G_powerArch="p9"; cmd_sram_addr="fffbe000" doorbell_addr="6d035" rsp_sram_addr="fffbf000" poll_version="20" occ_cmd="" occ_cmd_data="" action="" newFlags="" interface="cronus" if [ -z "$BMCIP" ]; then if [ -n "$BMC_IP_ADDRESS" ]; then BMCIP=$BMC_IP_ADDRESS interface="bmc" fi else interface="bmc" fi sudo="" if [ -e /usr/sbin/opal-prd ]; then if [ "$USER" != "root" ]; then sudo="sudo" fi interface="opal" fi function convertToBinary { infile=$1 outfile=$2 hexStringBuffer="" if [ -n "$outfile" ]; then if [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then echo "convertToBinary: Reading ${infile}..." fi let skipped_bytes=0 while IFS= read -r line do if [ ${#line} -ge 2 ]; then if [[ "${line}" =~ "~[" ]]; then # Strip off header data #~[0x0000] 07000002 09801003 14010000 00000000 *................* #echo "LINE : $line" strippedLine=`echo $line | sed 's/.*~\[//'` #echo "LINE2: $strippedLine" # strip off offset and only keep hex data strippedLine=`echo ${strippedLine:8:36} | sed 's#\s##g'` #echo "LINE3: $strippedLine" #strippedLine=`echo ${strippedLine:10:36} | sed 's#\s##g'` if [ $skipped_bytes == 0 ]; then # Skip response header let rsp_length=0x${strippedLine:6:4} #echo "Rsp Length: $rsp_length" strippedLine="${strippedLine:10}"; let skipped_bytes=5 fi else strippedLine=`echo $line | sed 's#\s##g'` fi #if [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then # echo "READ: $line / $strippedLine" #fi hexStringBuffer="${hexStringBuffer}$strippedLine" fi done < $infile if [ -e "$outfile" ]; then rm $outfile fi for ((i = 0; i < ${#hexStringBuffer}; i+=2)); do byte="${hexStringBuffer:$i:2}" echo -n -e "\x$byte" >> $outfile done if [ -e "$outfile" ]; then echo "Converted $infile to binary: $outfile"; fi else echo "ERROR: No output file name specified for convertToBinary" fi } # end convertToBinary() function usage { echo "Usage: occtoolp9 " echo " OCC Debug Tool (via opal-prd or CRONUS)" echo "" echo " commands:" echo " -h = help" echo " -p = Send POLL command to the OCC" echo " -X XX XXXXXX... = Send XX command to the OCC with specified cmd data" # echo " -X 53 0500000001LLLLTTTT = list first 50 OCC sensors (LLLL=Location,TTTT=Type)" # echo " -X 53 0600003d = get sensor details for GUID 0x003d" echo " -S type=0xTT,loc=0xLL = List specified sensors" echo " -S guid=0xGGGG = Get sensor details for specified GUID" echo " -SL = List all OCC sensors" echo " -SL0 = List all OCC sensors (including sensors with 0 readings)" echo " -trace Collect OCC Trace hex trace data" echo "" echo " OPAL-PRD Only Commands:" echo " -I = HTMGT info" echo " -IF = Read/Set HTMGT internalFlags" echo " -ES = Attempt to Exit Safe mode" echo "" echo " CRONUS Only Commands:" echo " -P = Send POLL command to the OCC and collect/purge any elog, if found" echo " -CMDRSP = Dump OCC Command/Response buffers from SRAM" echo "" echo " options:" # echo " -b = send poll via IPMI/BMC" # echo " address is optional if BMCIP is set" echo " -o # = send command to OCC# (default 0)" echo " -v = verbose (dump raw data)" # echo " -f = parse response from specified filename" # echo " -A = force IPMI userid of admin (vs ADMIN)" # echo " -SM = use ADMIN/ADMIN (SuperMicro default)" # echo " -pw BMC_PW = specified BMC password" echo " -pt = parse OCC response w/o seq/cmd/rsp/len/csum (from opal-prd passthru or syslog)" # echo " -oldbmc = send IPMI cmds without OCC instance number (prior to Aug 2015)" echo " -nocolor = skip highlighting" echo " -ch # = which cronus channel to use (default is 3)" echo "" # echo " TODO:" # echo " -OF OCC FFDC" # echo " -S type=TT,loc=LL = List all OCC sensors" # echo " Sensor Types: 0xFFFF=All, 0x1=Generic, 0x2=Current, 0x4=Voltage, 0x8=Temperature," # echo " 0x10=Utilization, 0x20=Time, 0x40=Frequency, 0x80=Power, 0x200=Performance" # echo " Sensor Locations: 0xFFFF=All, 0x1=System, 0x2=Processor, 0x4=Partition, 0x8=Memory," # echo " 0x10=VRM, 0x20=OCC 0x40=Core" exit 0 } bmc=""; let verbose=0 quiet="-quiet" let purge=0 # Default OCC/Processor let occ=0 let node=0 let bmcFound=0 number=$RANDOM let "number %= 126" let number=$number+1 sequence=$(printf "%02x" $number) let seqMismatch=0 let channel=3 let non_zero_sensors=1 let skip_header=0 if [ -n "$bmcId" ]; then bmcId="$bmcId" elif [ -n "$adminId" ]; then bmcId="$adminId" else bmcId="ADMIN" fi if [ -n "$bmcPw" ]; then bmcPw="$bmcPw" else bmcPw="admin" fi let sendOccInstance=1 let sensor_type=0xFFFF # all types let sensor_loc=0xFFFF # all locations let sensor_guid=0xFFFF let passThru=0 while [ -n "$(echo $1 | grep '-')" ]; do case $1 in #### COMMANDS: -h ) usage; exit 0;; -p ) occ_cmd="00" occ_cmd_data=$poll_version ;; -S ) shift if [[ "$1" =~ "type=" ]] || [[ "$1" =~ "loc=" ]]; then action="SensorList" if [[ "$1" =~ "type=" ]]; then let sensor_type=${1#*type=}; fi if [[ "$1" =~ "loc=" ]]; then let sensor_loc=${1##*loc=}; fi elif [[ "$1" =~ "guid=" ]]; then action="SensorDump" let sensor_guid=${1#*guid=}; else echo "ERROR: -S option requires Type/Location (-S type=0xFF,loc=0xFF)" echo " Types: 0xffff=All, 0x1=Generic, 0x2=Current, 0x4=Voltage, 0x8=Temperature, 0x10=Utilization," echo " 0x20=Time, 0x40=Frequency, 0x80=Power, 0x200=Performance"; echo " Location: 0xffff=All, 0x1=System, 0x2=Processor, 0x4=Partition, 0x8=Memory, 0x10=VRM, 0x20=OCC 0x40=Core" exit 13 fi ;; -SL ) action="SensorList" ;; -SL0 ) action="SensorList" let non_zero_sensors=0 ;; -trace ) action="trace" ;; -X ) if [ -n "$2" ] && [ "${2:0:1}" != "-" ] && ( [ ${#2} -eq 2 ] || [ ${#2} -eq 4 ] ); then shift if [ "${1:0:2}" == "0x" ]; then occ_cmd="${1:2:2}" else occ_cmd="$1" fi if [ -n "$2" ] && [ "${2:0:1}" != "-" ]; then # Command Data shift let odd_length="${#1} & 1" if [ $odd_length -eq 0 ]; then if [ "${1:0:2}" == "0x" ]; then occ_cmd_data="${1:2}" else occ_cmd_data="$1" fi else echo -e "${red}ERROR: OCC command data must be even number of HEX digits${normal}" exit 12 fi fi else echo -e "${red}ERROR: -X requires 2 byte command (in HEX)${normal}" exit 12 fi ;; #### OPAL-PRD ONLY COMMANDS/OPTIONS: -ES ) action="ExitSafe" ;; -I ) action="TMGTInfo" ;; -IF ) action="TMGTFlags" if [ -n "$2" ]; then let newFlags=$2 fi ;; #### CRONUS ONLY COMMANDS/OPTIONS: -ch ) if [ -n "$2" ]; then let channel=$2 else echo -e "${red}ERROR: -ch requires channel number${normal}" exit 13 fi ;; -CMDRSP ) if [ "$interface" == "cronus" ]; then action="CmdRspBuffer" else echo "ERROR: -CMDRSP only supported via CRONUS" exit 1 fi ;; -P ) occ_cmd="00" occ_cmd_data=$poll_version let purge=1 ;; ### OPTIONS: -A ) bmcId="admin" ;; -b ) if [ -z "$2" ] || [ "`echo $2 | cut -c1`" == "-" ]; then if [ "$BMCIP" != "" ]; then bmc=$BMCIP interface="bmc" else echo -e "${red}ERROR: -b requires BMCIP${normal}" exit 12 fi else bmc=$2 interface="bmc" shift fi if [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then echo "BMC: $bmc"; fi ;; -f ) if [ -n "$2" ] && [ -e "$2" ]; then inputfile="$2" else echo -e "${red}ERROR: -f requires a input filename${normal}" exit -2; fi;; -nocolor ) blue=""; red=""; green=""; bold=""; normal="" ;; -o ) if [ -z "$2" ] || [ "`echo $2 | cut -c1`" == "-" ]; then echo -e "${red}ERROR: -o requires OCC instance number${normal}" exit 13 else let occ=$2 shift fi;; -oldbmc ) let sendOccInstance=0 ;; -pt ) let passThru=1 ;; -pw ) if [ -n "$2" ]; then bmcPw="$2" else echo -e "${red}ERROR: -pw requires BMC password${normal}" exit 13 fi ;; -SM ) bmcPw="ADMIN" ;; -v ) let verbose=1; quiet="" ;; * ) echo -e "${red}ERROR: unknown option $1${normal}"; exit 1 ;; esac shift done #echo "OCC${occ}, BMC: ${bmc}, purge=$purge, verbose=$verbose" # Force Call Home: ipmitool -H -I lanplus -U admin -P admin raw 0x3a 0x0d 0x40 0x24 # For Error w/Reset (pmc failure): putscom pu 1010842 1000000000180000 -p0 function sendOccCmdBmc { let bmcOccInstance=$occ+1 outName="/tmp/occ_cmd.txt" if [ -z "$inputfile" ]; then if [ -e "${outName}" ]; then if [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then echo "--> removing ${outName}" fi rm ${outName} fi if [ $sendOccInstance -ne 0 ]; then occInstance=$(printf "0x%02x" $bmcOccInstance) else occInstance="" fi #if [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${bold}==> ipmitool -H $bmc -I lanplus -U $bmcId -P $bmcPw raw 0x3a 0x0d ${occInstance} 0x00 0x10${normal}" #fi ipmitool -H $bmc -I lanplus -U $bmcId -P $bmcPw raw 0x3a 0x0d ${occInstance} 0x00 0x10 > ${outName} let rc=$? else outName="$inputfile" echo "grep -q 'opal-prd: HBRT: HTMGT:' $inputfile" grep -q 'opal-prd: HBRT: HTMGT:' $inputfile if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Converting $inputfile" # Convert opal-prd poll rsp to "XX XX XX XX" format cat $inputfile | sed 's/.*HBRT: HTMGT:.*\] //' | sed 's/ .*//' | sed 's/ //g' | sed 's/\(..\)/\1 /g' > ${inputfile}.filtered else cat $inputfile | sed 's/ //g' | sed 's/\(..\)/\1 /g' > ${inputfile}.filtered fi if [ -s "${inputfile}.filtered" ]; then outName="${inputfile}.filtered" fi echo -e "${bold}==> Reading data from ${outName}${normal}" let rc=0; fi if [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then echo "--> cat ${outName}" cat ${outName} #let occRspLength=`wc -w ${outName} | awk '{print $1}'` #echo "<-- $occRspLength bytes" fi if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${red}ERROR: failed sending POLL to OCC via IPMI/BMC (rc=$rc)${normal}" exit 8 fi if [ -e "${outName}" ]; then options="" if [ $verbose -eq 0 ]; then options="-q" else echo -e "${bold}==> /afs/rch/usr2/cjcain/bin/asm2bin.new -s:1 $options ${outName}${normal}" fi /afs/rch/usr2/cjcain/bin/asm2bin.new -s:1 $options ${outName} if [ -e "${outName}.bin" ]; then binfile="${outName}.bin" else echo -e "${red}ERROR: ${outName}.bin not found...${normal}" exit 7 fi else echo -e "${red}ERROR: ${outName} not found...${normal}" exit 9 fi } # end sendOccCmdBmc() function sendOccCmd { cmd=$1 data=$2 let dataLength=${#data}/2 dataLenStr=$(printf "%04x" $dataLength) # Checksum Calculation let csum=0x"$sequence"+0x"$cmd"; let csum="$csum + ( $dataLength >> 8 ) + ( $dataLength & 0xFF )" let index=0 while [ $index -lt ${#data} ]; do echo "adding $csum+${data:$index:2}" let csum=$csum+0x${data:$index:2} let index=$index+2 done csumStr=$(printf "%04x" $csum) # First, store the command in command buffer in SRAM if [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${bold}==> putsram $cmd_sram_addr ${sequence}${cmd}${dataLenStr}${data}${csumStr} -p${occ} -ch $channel $quiet (write $cmd command to OCC SRAM)${normal}" fi putsram $cmd_sram_addr ${sequence}${cmd}${dataLenStr}${data}${csumStr} -p${occ} -ch $channel $quiet let rc=$? if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${red}ERROR: failed writing $cmd command to OCC SRAM (rc=$rc)${normal}" exit 1; fi # Second, send a doorbell to OCC if [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${bold}==> putscom pu $doorbell_addr 0101000000000000 -p${occ} $quiet (send doorbell to OCC)${normal}" fi putscom pu $doorbell_addr 0101000000000000 -p${occ} $quiet let rc=$? if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${red}ERROR: failed sendingn doorbell to OCC (rc=$rc)${normal}" fi # Third, collect response from response buffer in SRAM if [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${bold}==> getsram $rsp_sram_addr 4096 -p${occ} -ch $channel $quiet (read $cmd response from SRAM)${normal}" fi if [ -e "${binfile}" ]; then rm ${binfile} fi getsram $rsp_sram_addr 4096 -p${occ} -ch $channel $quiet -fb ${binfile} let rc=$? if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${red}ERROR: failed reading $cmd response from SRAM (rc=$rc)${normal}" exit 2; fi ### Response Header let offset=0 let rspSeq=0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '"%02X"' ${binfile}` let expSeq=0x"${sequence}" if [ $rspSeq -eq $expSeq ]; then printf "Rsp Sequence: 0x%02X\n" $rspSeq; else echo -e "${red}" printf "Rsp Sequence: 0x%02X MISMATCH - expected 0x%02X\n" $rspSeq $sequence; echo -e "${normal}" let seqMismatch=1 fi let offset=$offset+1 let rspCmd=0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '"%02X"' ${binfile}` printf " Command: 0x%02X\n" $rspCmd; let offset=$offset+1 let rspStatus=0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '"%02X"' ${binfile}` printf " Status: 0x%02X\n" $rspStatus; let offset=$offset+1 let rspLength=0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 2 -e '2/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}` printf " Length: 0x%04X\n" $rspLength; let offset=$offset+2 echo " Data:" hexdump -C -s $offset ${binfile} } # end sendOccCmd() function send_occ_cmd { #if [ -z "$bmc" ] && [ -z "$inputfile" ] && [ -n "$occ_cmd" ]; then # Clean up rsp file if still exists if [ -e "${binfile}" ]; then rm -f ${binfile} fi if [ "$interface" == "cronus" ]; then echo -e "${blue}Sending 0x$occ_cmd command to OCC${occ} (via cronus)...${normal}" # First, store the command in command buffer in SRAM let cmd_data_length=${#occ_cmd_data}/2 let csum=0x"$sequence"+0x$occ_cmd+$cmd_data_length; # seq# + cmd + length #TODO: Checksums for lengths > 255 bytes!! if [ $cmd_data_length -gt 0 ]; then for ((i = 0; i < ${#occ_cmd_data}; i+=2)); do let byte=0x${occ_cmd_data:$i:2} let csum=$csum+$byte done fi cmdString=`printf "%s%s%04X${occ_cmd_data}%04X" $sequence $occ_cmd $cmd_data_length $csum` if [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${bold}==> putsram $cmd_sram_addr ${cmdString} -p${occ} -ch $channel $quiet (write $occ_cmd command to OCC SRAM)${normal}" fi putsram $cmd_sram_addr ${cmdString} -p${occ} -ch $channel $quiet let rc=$? if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${red}ERROR: failed writing $occ_cmd command to OCC SRAM (rc=$rc)${normal}" echo -e "${bold}==> getsram $rsp_sram_addr 128 -all -ch $channel $quiet (read OCC rsp buffer from SRAM)${normal}" getsram $rsp_sram_addr -ch 3 128 -all exit 1; fi # Second, send a doorbell to OCC if [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${bold}==> putscom pu $doorbell_addr 0101000000000000 -p${occ} $quiet (send doorbell to OCC)${normal}" fi putscom pu $doorbell_addr 0101000000000000 -p${occ} $quiet let rc=$? if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${red}ERROR: failed sending doorbell to OCC (rc=$rc)${normal}" fi # Third, collect response from response buffer in SRAa if [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${bold}==> getsram $rsp_sram_addr 1024 -p${occ} -ch $channel $quiet (read POLL response from SRAM)${normal}" fi getsram $rsp_sram_addr 1024 -p${occ} -ch $channel $quiet -fb ${binfile} let rc=$? if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${red}ERROR: failed reading POLL response from SRAM (rc=$rc)${normal}" exit 2; fi elif [ "$interface" == "opal" ]; then echo -e "${blue}Sending 0x$occ_cmd command to OCC${occ} (via opal-prd)...${normal}" # First, store the command in command buffer in SRAM let cmd_data_length=${#occ_cmd_data}/2 let csum=0x"$sequence"+0x$occ_cmd+$cmd_data_length; # seq# + cmd + length opal_occ_cmd_data=`printf "0x%02X 0x%s" $occ $occ_cmd` if [ $cmd_data_length -gt 0 ]; then for ((i = 0; i < ${#occ_cmd_data}; i+=2)); do let byte=0x${occ_cmd_data:$i:2} opal_occ_cmd_data=`printf "%s 0x%02X" "$opal_occ_cmd_data" $byte` done fi if [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${bold}==> $sudo opal-prd --expert-mode htmgt-passthru 0x03 $opal_occ_cmd_data${normal}" fi rsp_file="/tmp/occtoolp9_rsp.txt" $sudo opal-prd --expert-mode htmgt-passthru 0x03 $opal_occ_cmd_data | sed 's/\s//g' > $rsp_file # get status of first cmd in piped cmdline let rc=${PIPESTATUS[0]} #let rc=$? if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${red}ERROR: opal-prd passthrough failed sending $occ_cmd command to OCC$occ (rc=$rc)${normal}" if [ -e /var/log/syslog ]; then echo "==> tail /var/log/syslog" $sudo tail /var/log/syslog fi exit 30 else #echo "Parsing poll data:" #./occ_poll -pt -f /tmp/htmgt.bin echo "Converting $rsp_file to $binfile..." convertToBinary $rsp_file $binfile fi else if [ -z "$inputfile" ]; then echo -e "${blue}Polling OCC${occ} (via BMC)...${normal}" sendOccCmdBmc fi fi } # end send_occ_cmd() function parse_rsp_poll { # Response Data let rstatus="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '"%02X"' ${binfile}`" flags=""; let bitset="$rstatus & 0x80"; if [ $bitset -ne 0 ]; then flags=" Master"; fi let bitset="$rstatus & 0x40"; if [ $bitset -ne 0 ]; then flags="$flags FIRMaster"; fi let bitset="$rstatus & 0x10"; if [ $bitset -ne 0 ]; then flags="$flags OCCPmcrOwner"; fi let bitset="$rstatus & 0x08"; if [ $bitset -ne 0 ]; then flags="$flags AttnEnabled"; fi let bitset="$rstatus & 0x02"; if [ $bitset -ne 0 ]; then flags="$flags ObsReady"; fi let bitset="$rstatus & 0x01"; if [ $bitset -ne 0 ]; then flags="$flags ActReady"; fi if [ -n "$flags" ]; then flags="($flags)"; fi printf " Status: 0x%02X $flags\n" $rstatus let offset=$offset+1 let xstatus="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '"%02X"' ${binfile}`" flags="" let bitset="$xstatus & 0x80"; if [ $bitset -ne 0 ]; then flags=" DVS-OT"; fi let bitset="$xstatus & 0x40"; if [ $bitset -ne 0 ]; then flags="$flags DVS-power"; fi let bitset="$xstatus & 0x20"; if [ $bitset -ne 0 ]; then flags="$flags MemThrottle-OT"; fi let bitset="$xstatus & 0x10"; if [ $bitset -ne 0 ]; then flags="$flags QckPwrDrop"; fi if [ -n "$flags" ]; then flags="($flags )"; echo -en "$bold"; fi printf " ExtStatus: 0x%02X $flags\n" $xstatus echo -en "$normal"; let offset=$offset+1 hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '" OCCs: 0x%02X\n"' ${binfile} let offset=$offset+1 hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '" CfgNeed: 0x%02X\n"' ${binfile} let offset=$offset+1 let state="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '"%02X"' ${binfile}`" flags="UNKNOWN"; if [ $state -eq 1 ]; then flags="STANDBY"; elif [ $state -eq 2 ]; then flags="OBSERVATION"; elif [ $state -eq 3 ]; then flags="ACTIVE"; elif [ $state -eq 4 ]; then flags="SAFE"; echo -en "$red"; elif [ $state -eq 5 ]; then flags="CHARACTERIZATION"; fi printf " State: 0x%02X ($flags)\n" $state echo -en "$normal"; let offset=$offset+1 hexdump -s $offset -n 2 -e '" reserved: 0x" 2/1 "%02X" "\n"' ${binfile} let offset=$offset+2 let elogId=0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '1/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}` if [ $elogId -ne 0 ]; then echo -en "$red"; fi printf " ElogID: 0x%02X\n" $elogId let offset=$offset+1 let elogAddr="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 4 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`" printf " ElogAddr: 0x%08X\n" $elogAddr let offset=$offset+4 let elogLen="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 2 -e '2/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`" printf " Elog Len: 0x%04X\n" $elogLen let offset=$offset+2 echo -en "$normal"; hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '" reserved: 0x%02X\n"' ${binfile} let offset=$offset+1 hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '" GPU config: 0x%02X\n"' ${binfile} let offset=$offset+1 if [ $occRspLength -gt 17 ]; then hexdump -s $offset -n 16 -e '" Code Level: " 16 "%_p" "\n"' ${binfile} let offset=$offset+16 hexdump -s $offset -n 6 -e '" Sensor Tag: " 6 "%_p" "\n"' ${binfile} let offset=$offset+6 if [ $occRspLength -gt 39 ]; then #let offset=43 let numSensorBlocks="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`" echo "Sensor Blocks: $numSensorBlocks" let offset=$offset+1 let sensorVers="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`" echo " Sensor Vers: $sensorVers" let offset=$offset+1 if [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then echo "Raw Sensor Data:" hexdump -C -s $offset ${binfile} fi while [ $numSensorBlocks -gt 0 ]; do sensor="`hexdump -s $offset -n 4 -e '4/1 "%_u"' ${binfile}`" let offset=$offset+5 let sensorFormat="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`" let offset=$offset+1 let sensorLength="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`" let offset=$offset+1 let numSensors="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`" let offset=$offset+1 # TEMP: degrees C, FREQ: MHz, POWR: 4Byte tag, 4Byte accumulator, 2Byte current reading echo -e " ${bold}Sensor: $sensor - format:$sensorFormat / $numSensors sensors ($sensorLength bytes/sensor)${normal}" indent=" "; if [ $G_powerArch == "p9" ]; then if [ "$sensor" == "TEMP" ]; then echo "$indent SSSSSSSS FF TT (SSSS = Sensor ID, FF is FRU type, TT is temp in C)"; elif [ "$sensor" == "FREQ" ]; then echo "$indent SSSSSSSS FFFF (SSSS = Sensor ID, FFFF is freq in MHz)"; elif [ "$sensor" == "POWR" ]; then if [ $sensorFormat -ne $((0xA0)) ]; then echo "$indent SSSSSSSS FF CH rrrr TTTTTTTT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA CCCC (SS=Sensor ID, FF=Function ID," echo " CH=APSS Channel, TT=Update Tag, AA=Accumulator, CC=current reading (W)" else echo "$indent SSSSSSSS UUUU CCCC TTTTTTTT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (SS=Sensor ID," echo " UU=Update Time (us), CC=current reading (W), TT=Update Tag, AA=Accumulator)" fi elif [ "$sensor" == "EXTN" ]; then echo "$indent NNNNNNNN FF 00 DDDDDDDDDDDD (NNNN = Name/Sensor ID, FF is flags, DDDD is value)"; fi else #p8 if [ "$sensor" == "TEMP" ]; then echo "$indent SSSS TTTT (SSSS = Sensor ID, TTTT is temp in C)"; elif [ "$sensor" == "FREQ" ]; then echo "$indent SSSS FFFF (SSSS = Sensor ID, FFFF is freq in MHz)"; elif [ "$sensor" == "POWR" ]; then echo "$indent SSSS TTTTTTTT AAAAAAAA CCCC (SS = Sensor ID, TT = Update Tag"; echo " AA = Accumulator, CC = current reading in Watts)"; fi fi while [ $numSensors -gt 0 ]; do if [ $G_powerArch == "p9" ]; then #hexdump -s $offset -n $sensorLength -e '" " 16/1 "%02X" "\n"' ${binfile} if [ "$sensor" == "TEMP" ]; then hexdump -s $offset -n $sensorLength -e '" " 4/1 "%02X" " " 1/1 "%02X" " " 1/1 "%02X""\n"' ${binfile} #hexdump -s $offset -n $sensorLength -e '"=0x" 2/1 "%02X" " "1/2 "%d" "\n"' ${binfile} elif [ "$sensor" == "FREQ" ]; then hexdump -s $offset -n $sensorLength -e '" " 4/1 "%02X" " " 2/1 "%02X" "\n"' ${binfile} elif [ "$sensor" == "POWR" ]; then if [ $sensorFormat -ne $((0xA0)) ]; then #hexdump -s $offset -n $sensorLength -e '" " 4/1 "%02X" " " 1/1 "%02X" " " 1/1 "%02X" " " 2/1 "%02X" " " 4/1 "%02X" " " 8/1 "%02X" " " 2/1 "%02X" "\n"' ${binfile} pwr="`hexdump -s $offset -n 22 -e '4/1 "%02X" " " 1/1 "%02X" " " 1/1 "%02X" " " 2/1 "%02X" " " 4/1 "%02X" " " 8/1 "%02X" " " 2/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`" let func=0x${pwr:9:2} get_function_id $func printf " $pwr $funcid_name\n"; else # APSS-less let reading_offset=$offset+6 let power="0x`hexdump -s $reading_offset -n 2 -e '2/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`"; hexdump -s $offset -n 20 -e '" System: " 4/1 "%02X" " " 2/1 "%02X" " " 2/1 "%02X" " " 4/1 "%02X" " " 8/1 "%02X" " ('$power' W)\n"' ${binfile} let power_offset=$offset+20 let reading_offset=$power_offset+6 let power="0x`hexdump -s $reading_offset -n 2 -e '2/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`"; hexdump -s $power_offset -n 20 -e '" Processor: " 4/1 "%02X" " " 2/1 "%02X" " " 2/1 "%02X" " " 4/1 "%02X" " " 8/1 "%02X" " ('$power' W)\n"' ${binfile} let power_offset=$power_offset+20 let power="0x`hexdump -s $power_offset -n 2 -e '2/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`"; hexdump -s $power_offset -n 14 -e '" Vdd: " 2/1 "%02X" " " 4/1 "%02X" " " 8/1 "%02X" " ('$power' W)\n"' ${binfile} let power_offset=$power_offset+14 let power="0x`hexdump -s $power_offset -n 2 -e '2/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`"; hexdump -s $power_offset -n 14 -e '" Vdn: " 2/1 "%02X" " " 4/1 "%02X" " " 8/1 "%02X" " ('$power' W)\n"' ${binfile} fi elif [ "$sensor" == "CAPS" ]; then let capoffset=$offset let pcap="0x`hexdump -s $capoffset -n 2 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`"; let capoffset+=2 printf "$indent Current Power Cap: %6d Watts\n" $pcap; let pcap="0x`hexdump -s $capoffset -n 2 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`"; let capoffset+=2 printf "$indent Current Power: %6d Watts (output power)\n" $pcap; let pcap="0x`hexdump -s $capoffset -n 2 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`"; let capoffset+=2 printf "$indent N Power Cap: %6d Watts (cap without redundant power)\n" $pcap; let pcap="0x`hexdump -s $capoffset -n 2 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`"; let capoffset+=2 printf "$indent Max Power Cap: %6d Watts\n" $pcap; let pcap="0x`hexdump -s $capoffset -n 2 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`"; let capoffset+=2 printf "$indent Hard Min Power Cap: %6d Watts\n" $pcap; let pcap="0x`hexdump -s $capoffset -n 2 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`"; let capoffset+=2 if [ $sensorFormat -gt 2 ]; then printf "$indent Soft Min Power Cap: %6d Watts\n" $pcap; let pcap="0x`hexdump -s $capoffset -n 2 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`"; let capoffset+=2 fi printf "$indent User Power Cap: %6d Watts\n" $pcap; let pcap="0x`hexdump -s $capoffset -n 1 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`"; let capoffset+=1 printf "$indent User Power Limit Source: %d\n" $pcap; elif [ "$sensor" == "EXTN" ]; then let flag_offset=$offset+4 let flags="0x`hexdump -s $flag_offset -n 1 -e '"%02X"' ${binfile}`"; let is_sensor="$flags & 0x80"; if [ $is_sensor == 0 ]; then # Dump name as ASCII hexdump -s $offset -n $sensorLength -e '" " 4/1 "%_p" " " 1/1 "%02X" " " 1/1 "%02X" " " 6/1 "%02X""\n"' ${binfile} else # Dump sensor number in hex hexdump -s $offset -n $sensorLength -e '" " 4/1 "%02X" " " 1/1 "%02X" " " 1/1 "%02X" " " 6/1 "%02X""\n"' ${binfile} fi else echo -e "${red}ERROR: Unknown sensor eye catcher: $sensor${normal}"; fi else #p8 #hexdump -s $offset -n $sensorLength -e '" " 16/1 "%02X" "\n"' ${binfile} if [ "$sensor" == "TEMP" ]; then hexdump -s $offset -n $sensorLength -e '" " 2/1 "%02X" " " 2/1 "%02X" "\n"' ${binfile} #hexdump -s $offset -n $sensorLength -e '"=0x" 2/1 "%02X" " "1/2 "%d" "\n"' ${binfile} elif [ "$sensor" == "FREQ" ]; then hexdump -s $offset -n $sensorLength -e '" " 2/1 "%02X" " " 2/1 "%02X" "\n"' ${binfile} elif [ "$sensor" == "POWR" ]; then hexdump -s $offset -n $sensorLength -e '" " 2/1 "%02X" " " 4/1 "%02X" " " 4/1 "%02X" " " 2/1 "%02X" "\n"' ${binfile} elif [ "$sensor" == "CAPS" ]; then let capoffset=$offset let pcap="0x`hexdump -s $capoffset -n 2 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`"; let capoffset+=2 printf "$indent Current Power Cap: %6d Watts\n" $pcap; let pcap="0x`hexdump -s $capoffset -n 2 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`"; let capoffset+=2 printf "$indent Current Power: %6d Watts (output power)\n" $pcap; let pcap="0x`hexdump -s $capoffset -n 2 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`"; let capoffset+=2 printf "$indent N Power Cap: %6d Watts (cap without redundant power)\n" $pcap; let pcap="0x`hexdump -s $capoffset -n 2 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`"; let capoffset+=2 printf "$indent Max Power Cap: %6d Watts\n" $pcap; let pcap="0x`hexdump -s $capoffset -n 2 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`"; let capoffset+=2 printf "$indent Min Power Cap: %6d Watts\n" $pcap; let pcap="0x`hexdump -s $capoffset -n 2 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`"; let capoffset+=2 printf "$indent User Power Cap: %6d Watts\n" $pcap; else echo -e "${red}ERROR: Unknown sensor eye catcher: $sensor${normal}"; fi fi let offset=$offset+$sensorLength let numSensors=$numSensors-1 done let numSensorBlocks=$numSensorBlocks-1 done # end sensors else echo "...rsp truncated (only read $occRspLength bytes)" fi else echo "...rsp truncated (only read $occRspLength bytes)" fi } # end parse_rsp_poll() # Determine name/description associated with APSS Function IDs function get_function_id { let funcid=$1 case $funcid in 1 ) funcid_name="Mem Proc 0" ;; 2 ) funcid_name="Mem Proc 1" ;; 3 ) funcid_name="Mem Proc 2" ;; 4 ) funcid_name="Mem Proc 3" ;; 5 ) funcid_name="Proc 0" ;; 6 ) funcid_name="Proc 1" ;; 7 ) funcid_name="Proc 2" ;; 8 ) funcid_name="Proc 3" ;; 9 ) funcid_name="Proc 0 cache/io/pcie" ;; 10 ) funcid_name="Proc 1 cache/io/pcie" ;; 11 ) funcid_name="Proc 2 cache/io/pcie" ;; 12 ) funcid_name="Proc 3 cache/io/pcie" ;; 13 ) funcid_name="IO A" ;; 14 ) funcid_name="IO B" ;; 15 ) funcid_name="IO C" ;; 16 ) funcid_name="Fans A" ;; 17 ) funcid_name="Fans B" ;; 18 ) funcid_name="Storage A" ;; 19 ) funcid_name="Storage B" ;; 20 ) funcid_name="(12V voltage sense)" ;; 21 ) funcid_name="(ground remote sense)" ;; 22 ) funcid_name="Total System Power" ;; 23 ) funcid_name="Memory Cache (Centaur)" ;; 24 ) funcid_name="Proc 0 GPU 0" ;; 25 ) funcid_name="Mem Proc 0-0" ;; 26 ) funcid_name="Mem Proc 0-1" ;; 27 ) funcid_name="Mem Proc 0-2" ;; 28 ) funcid_name="(12V standby current)" ;; 29 ) funcid_name="Proc 0 GPU 1" ;; 30 ) funcid_name="Proc 0 GPU 2" ;; 31 ) funcid_name="Proc 1 GPU 0" ;; 32 ) funcid_name="Proc 1 GPU 1" ;; 33 ) funcid_name="Proc 1 GPU 2" ;; * ) funcid_name="" ;; esac #printf "$funcid => $funcid_name\n"; } function parse_rsp_mfg { # Response Data let subcmd="0x${occ_cmd_data:0:2}" if [ $subcmd -eq 5 ]; then # LIST SENSORS printf " MFG Sub Cmd: 0x%02X (List Sensors)\n" $subcmd let more_sensors="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`" if [ $skip_header -eq 0 ] || [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then printf " truncated?: %d (1 = list was truncated due to space)\n" $more_sensors fi let offset=$offset+1 let count="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`" printf " Num Sensors: %d\n" $count let offset=$offset+1 let index=0 while [ $index -lt $count ]; do let index=$index+1 let guid="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 2 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`" #printf " GUID[%2d]: 0x%04X\n" $index $guid let offset=$offset+2 name="`hexdump -s $offset -n 16 -v -e '"%_p"' ${binfile}`" #printf " Sensor Name[%2d]: %s\n" $index $name let offset=$offset+16 let sample="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 2 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`" #printf "Latest Sample[%2d]: %6d $units (0x%04X)\n" $index $sample $sample printf " [%2d] GUID: 0x%04X / %s Sample: %6d $units (0x%04X)\n" $index $guid $name $sample $sample let offset=$offset+2 let last_sensor=$guid done elif [ $subcmd -eq 6 ]; then # GET SENSOR INFO printf " MFG Sub Cmd: 0x%02X (Get Sensor Info)\n" $subcmd let unit_offset=$offset+29 units="`hexdump -s $unit_offset -n 4 -v -e '"%_p"' ${binfile} | sed 's/\\.//g'`" let guid="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 2 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`" printf " GUID: 0x%04X\n" $guid let offset=$offset+2 let sample="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 2 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`" printf "Latest Sample: %6d $units (0x%04X)\n" $sample $sample let offset=$offset+2 let sensStatus="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '"%02X"' ${binfile}`" printf " Status: 0x%02X\n" $sensStatus let offset=$offset+1 let sample="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 4 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`" printf " Accumulator: %d (0x%08X)\n" $sample $sample let offset=$offset+4 let sample="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 2 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`" printf " Min Sample: %6d $units (0x%04X)\n" $sample $sample let offset=$offset+2 let sample="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 2 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`" printf " Max Sample: %6d $units (0x%04X)\n" $sample $sample let offset=$offset+2 name="`hexdump -s $offset -n 16 -v -e '"%_p"' ${binfile}`" echo " Sensor Name: $name" let offset=$offset+16 #units="`hexdump -s $offset -n 4 -v -e '"%_p"' ${binfile}`" echo " Units: $units" let offset=$offset+4 let sample="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 4 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`" printf " Update Freq: 0x%08X\n" $sample let offset=$offset+4 let sample="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 4 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`" printf " Scale Factor: 0x%08X\n" $sample let offset=$offset+4 let sample="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 2 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`" printf " Sen Location: 0x%04X\n" $sample let offset=$offset+2 let sample="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 2 -e '4/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`" printf " Sensor Type: 0x%04X\n" $sample let offset=$offset+2 else printf " MFG Sub Cmd: 0x%02X\n" $subcmd let remaining_bytes=$end_of_rsp_data-$offset #hexdump -C -s $offset ${binfile} hexdump -C -s $offset -n $remaining_bytes ${binfile} let offset=$offset+$remaining_bytes fi let remaining_bytes=$end_of_rsp_data-$offset if [ $remaining_bytes -gt 0 ]; then echo "Remaining data:" hexdump -C -s $offset -n $remaining_bytes ${binfile} fi } # end parse_rsp_mfg() function parse_rsp_debugpt { # Response Data let subcmd="0x${occ_cmd_data:0:2}" if [ $subcmd -eq 3 ]; then # Trace Buffer printf " DEBUG Sub Cmd: 0x%02X (Trace Buffer)\n" $subcmd printf " Trace Buffer: $ascii (0x%s)\n" ${occ_cmd_data:6:8} echo -e $(echo "${occ_cmd_data:6:6}" | sed -e 's/\(..\)/\\x\1/g') #if [ "${occ_cmd_data:6:4}" == "4750" ]; then # echo "==> ppe2fsp ${binfile} ${binfile}.bin" # ppe2fsp ${binfile} ${binfile}.bin # echo "==> xxd ${bindfile}.bin" # xxd ${bindfile}.bin #else if [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then # -v to display all repeated data (like remaining 00s) hexdump -C -v ${binfile} else hexdump -C ${binfile} fi #fi fi } function handle_occ_rsp { if [ -e "$binfile" ]; then let occRspLength=`wc -c ${binfile} | awk '{print $1}'` else let occRspLength=0 fi if [ "$interface" == "cronus" ]; then if [ $skip_header -eq 0 ] || [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then echo "" if [ "$occ_cmd" == "00" ]; then echo -e "${blue}POLL Response:${normal}" else echo -e "${blue}$occ_cmd Command Response:${normal}" fi if [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then #echo "==> wc -c ${binfile} | awk '{print $1}'" echo "... $occRspLength bytes" fi fi if [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then echo "--> $binfile is $occRspLength bytes long" echo "Raw Rsp Header: (32 bytes)" hexdump -C -n 32 ${binfile} fi fi ### Response Header let offset=0 let rspStatus=0 if [ "$interface" == "opal" ]; then let offset=0 let end_of_rsp_data=$occRspLength let length=$end_of_rsp_data elif [ -z $bmc ] && [ -z "$inputfile" ]; then let expSeq=0x"${sequence}" let rspSeq=0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '"%02X"' ${binfile}` if [ $rspSeq -eq $expSeq ]; then if [ $skip_header -eq 0 ] || [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then printf " Rsp Sequence: 0x%02X\n" $rspSeq; fi else echo -e -n "${red}" printf " Rsp Sequence: 0x%02X MISMATCH - expected 0x%02X\n" $rspSeq $expSeq; echo -e -n "${normal}" let seqMismatch=1 fi let offset=$offset+1 if [ $skip_header -eq 0 ] || [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '" Command: 0x%02X\n"' ${binfile} fi let offset=$offset+1 if [ $skip_header -eq 0 ] || [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '" RSP Status: 0x%02X\n"' ${binfile} fi let rspStatus=0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '"%02X"' ${binfile}`; let offset=$offset+1 let length="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 2 -e '2/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`" let offset=$offset+2 let end_of_rsp_data=$offset+$length elif [ -n "$inputfile" ]; then if [ $passThru -eq 0 ]; then # USED TO PARSE POLL RESPONSES FROM syslog file (must be formated as just hex with spaces between each byte) let rspSeq=0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '"%02X"' ${binfile}` printf " Rsp Sequence: 0x%02X\n" $rspSeq; let offset=$offset+1 hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '" Command: 0x%02X\n"' ${binfile} let offset=$offset+1 hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '" RSP Status: 0x%02X\n"' ${binfile} let rspStatus=0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '"%02X"' ${binfile}`; let offset=$offset+1 let length="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 2 -e '2/1 "%02X"' ${binfile}`" printf " Length: 0x%04X\n" $length let offset=$offset+2 else let offset=0 let end_of_rsp_data=$occRspLength fi elif [ $sendOccInstance -ne 0 ]; then let compCode=0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '"%02X"' ${binfile}` compCodeString="(Success)" if [ $compCode -ne 0 ]; then compCodeString="(Failure)" fi printf "AMI Comp Code: 0x%02X $compCodeString\n" $compCode let offset=$offset+1 printf "AMI Rsp Length: %d bytes\n" $occRspLength else hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '" RSP Status: 0x%02X\n"' ${binfile} let rspStatus=0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '"%02X"' ${binfile}`; let offset=$offset+1 fi if [ $skip_header -eq 0 ] || [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then printf " Data Length: 0x%04X\n" $length fi # Check for exception let key="$rspStatus & 0xF0" let elogId=0 if [ $key -eq 224 ]; then printf "${red}OCC EXCEPTION STATUS FOUND: 0x%02X ${normal}\n" $rspStatus; echo "Exception Data:" #hexdump -s $offset -n $length -e '" " 2/1 "%02X" " " 2/1 "%02X" "\n"' ${binfile} hexdump -C -v -s $offset -n $length ${binfile} echo "" let seqMismatch=0 else if [ "$occ_cmd" == "00" ]; then # POLL COMMAND parse_rsp_poll if [ $elogId -ne 0 ] && [ $elogAddr -ne 0 ] ; then process_elog fi elif [ "$occ_cmd" == "40" ]; then # DEBUG PASSTHRU COMMAND parse_rsp_debugpt elif [ "$occ_cmd" == "53" ]; then # MFG COMMAND parse_rsp_mfg else # Dump response as hex data echo "Response Data:" let remaining_bytes=$end_of_rsp_data-$offset if [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then # -v to display all repeated data (like remaining 00s) hexdump -C -v -s $offset -n $remaining_bytes ${binfile} else hexdump -C -s $offset -n $remaining_bytes ${binfile} fi fi fi } # end handle_occ_rsp() function process_elog { if [ -z $bmc ] && [ -z "$inputfile" ]; then echo "" printf "${bold}==> Retrieving elog from POLL (id 0x%02X, addr 0x%08X, len 0x%04X)${normal}\n" $elogId $elogAddr $elogLen; if [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then printf "${bold}==> getsram %08X %d -p${occ} -ch $channel $quiet (read ELOG data from SRAM)${normal}" $elogAddr $elogLen fi sramAddr=`printf "%08X" $elogAddr` echo "getsram $sramAddr $elogLen -p${occ} -ch $channel $quiet -fb elog.bin" getsram $sramAddr $elogLen -p${occ} -ch $channel $quiet -fb elog.bin let rc=$? if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${red}ERROR: failed reading Elog data from SRAM (rc=$rc)${normal}" exit 3; fi if [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then echo "Raw Elog:" hexdump -C -s 0 elog.bin else echo "" fi echo "" let offset=4 hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '" Return Code: 0x2A%02X\n"' elog.bin let offset=$offset+1 let sev="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '"%02X"' elog.bin`" flags="Unknown" if [ $sev -eq 0 ]; then flags="Informational"; elif [ $sev -eq 1 ]; then flags="Recoverable"; elif [ $sev -eq 2 ]; then flags="Unrecoverable"; fi printf " Severity: 0x%02X ($flags)\n" $sev let offset=$offset+1 flags="" let actions="0x`hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '"%02X"' elog.bin`" let bitset="$actions & 0x80"; if [ $bitset -ne 0 ]; then flags="ResetRqd"; fi let bitset="$actions & 0x40"; if [ $bitset -ne 0 ]; then flags="$flags SafeModeRqd"; fi if [ -n "$flags" ]; then flags="($flags)"; fi printf " Actions: 0x%02X $flags\n" $actions let offset=$offset+5 hexdump -s $offset -n 1 -e '" MaxCallouts: 0x%02X\n"' elog.bin let offset=$offset+1 echo " Callouts: tt cccccccccccccccc pp rrrr (type, callout, priority, rsvd)" hexdump -v -s $offset -n 72 -e '" " 1/1 "%02X" " " 8/1 "%02X" " " 1/1 "%02X" " " 2/1 "%02X" "\n"' elog.bin let offset=$offset+72 if [ $verbose -ne 0 ] || [ $purge -ne 0 ]; then echo "Remaining Elog Data:" # hexdump -C -s $offset -n 64 -e '"%06.6_ax: " 4/1 "%02X" " " 4/1 "%02X" " " 4/1 "%02X" " " 4/1 "%02X" "\n"' elog.bin hexdump -C -s $offset elog.bin # hexdump -C -s $offset -n 64 -x elog.bin else echo " (add -v parm to display full elog data OR -p to dump then purge elog)" fi rm elog.bin if [ $purge -ne 0 ]; then printf "${bold}==> Sending CLEAR ELOG command (id 0x%02X)${normal}\n" $elogId; if [ -z $bmc ] && [ -z "$inputfile" ]; then # First, store the clear elog command in command buffer in SRAM let csum=0xCC+0x12+0x01+$elogId clearElogCmd=`printf "cc120001%02X%04X" $elogId $csum` if [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${bold}==> putsram $cmd_sram_addr $clearElogCmd -p${occ} -ch $channel $quiet (write CLEAR_ELOG command to OCC SRAM)${normal}" fi putsram $cmd_sram_addr $clearElogCmd -p${occ} -ch $channel $quiet let rc=$? if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${red}ERROR: failed writing CLEAR_ELOG command to OCC SRAM (rc=$rc)${normal}" exit 1; fi # Second, send a doorbell to OCC if [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${bold}==> putscom pu $doorbell_addr 0101000000000000 -p${occ} $quiet (send doorbell to OCC)${normal}" fi putscom pu $doorbell_addr 0101000000000000 -p${occ} $quiet let rc=$? if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${red}ERROR: failed sendingn doorbell to OCC (rc=$rc)${normal}" fi # Third, collect response from response buffer in SRAa if [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${bold}==> getsram $rsp_sram_addr 16 -p${occ} -ch $channel $quiet (read CLEAR_ELOG response from SRAM)${normal}" fi getsram $rsp_sram_addr 16 -p${occ} -ch $channel $quiet let rc=$? if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${red}ERROR: failed reading CLEAR_ELOG response from SRAM (rc=$rc)${normal}" exit 2; fi else if [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${bold}==> ipmitool -H $bmc -I lanplus -U $bmcId -P $bmcPw raw 0x3a 0x0d 0x12 $elogId${normal}" fi ipmitool -H $bmc -I lanplus -U $bmcId -P $bmcPw raw 0x3a 0x0d 0x12 $elogId let rc=$? if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${red}ERROR: failed sending CLEAR_ELOG $elogId to OCC via IPMI/BMC (rc=$rc)${normal}" exit 8 fi fi else printf "${bold}==> Ignoring elog from POLL (id 0x%02X, addr 0x%08X, len 0x%04X)${normal}\n" $elogId $elogAddr $elogLen; fi else printf "${red}Note: Unable to read elog data via IPMI, use cronus (id 0x%02X, addr 0x%08X, len 0x%04X)${normal}\n" $elogId $elogAddr $elogLen; fi } # end process_elog() function tmgt_info { ### Dump HTMGT and OCC states and status echo "==> opal-prd --expert-mode htmgt-passthru 0x01" $sudo opal-prd --expert-mode htmgt-passthru 0x01 | sed 's/\s//g' > /tmp/htmgt.bin # get status of first cmd in piped cmdline let rc=${PIPESTATUS[0]} let inSafe=0 let numOccs=0 if [ $rc -eq 0 ]; then let lineno=0 while read line; do if [ ${#line} -gt 2 ]; then let lineno=$lineno+1 if [ ${lineno} -eq 1 ]; then let numOccs=0x${line:0:2} let master=0x${line:2:2} let state=0x${line:4:2} let targState=0x${line:6:2} let count=0x${line:8:2} let pstype=0x${line:10:2} # 1 byte reserved let safe=0x${line:14:2} safeRc=${line:20:4} let safeInst=0x${line:24:8} if [ $state -eq 1 ]; then stateText="STANDBY" elif [ $state -eq 2 ]; then stateText="OBSERV " elif [ $state -eq 3 ]; then stateText="ACTIVE " elif [ $state -eq 4 ]; then stateText="SAFE " elif [ $state -eq 5 ]; then stateText="CHARACT" elif [ $state -eq $((0x85)) ]; then stateText="RESET " elif [ $state -eq $((0x87)) ]; then stateText="TRANSIT" elif [ $state -eq $((0x88)) ]; then stateText="LOADING" elif [ $state -eq $((0x89)) ]; then stateText="" else stateText="UNDEFIN" fi if [ $safe -ne 0 ]; then let inSafe=1 echo "HTMGT State: $stateText($(printf "0x%02X" $state)), $numOccs OCC (master:OCC$master), resetCount:$count, (SAFE MODE: rc=0x${safeRc} / OCC$safeInst)" else echo "HTMGT State: $stateText($(printf "0x%02X" $state)), $numOccs OCC (master:OCC$master), resetCount:$count" fi else let inst=0x${line:0:2} let state=0x${line:2:2} let role=0x${line:4:2} # let capab=0x${line:6:2} # let occComm=0x${line:8:2} # 3 bytes reserved let failed=0x${line:16:2} let needReset=0x${line:18:2} let resetReason=0x${line:20:2} # let count=0x${line:22:2} pollRsp=${line:24:8} type="Slave " if [ $master -eq $inst ]; then type="Master" fi if [ $state -eq 1 ]; then stateText="STANDBY" elif [ $state -eq 2 ]; then stateText="OBSERV " elif [ $state -eq 3 ]; then stateText="ACTIVE " elif [ $state -eq 4 ]; then stateText="SAFE " elif [ $state -eq 5 ]; then stateText="CHARACT" elif [ $state -eq $((0x85)) ]; then stateText="RESET " elif [ $state -eq $((0x87)) ]; then stateText="TRANSIT" elif [ $state -eq $((0x88)) ]; then stateText="LOADING" elif [ $state -eq $((0x89)) ]; then stateText="" else stateText="UNDEFIN" fi flags="" if [ $occComm -eq 0 ]; then flags="${flags}NOCOMM " elif [ $failed -ne 0 ]; then flags="${flags}FAILED " elif [ $needReset -ne 0 ]; then flags="${flags}NEEDSRESET " fi echo "OCC${inst}: $type $stateText($(printf "0x%02X" $state)) resetCount:$count $flags pollRsp:0x${pollRsp}..." fi fi done < /tmp/htmgt.bin else echo "ERROR: opal-prd occ passthru command failed with rc=$rc" fi #01000903 00000000 00000000 00000000 #00030101 01000000 00000000 c3000100 if [ $rc -eq 0 ] && [ $inSafe -ne 0 ]; then let rc=4 fi } # end tmgt_info() function tmgt_flags { ### Dump HTMGT Internal Flags echo "==> opal-prd --expert-mode htmgt-passthru 0x02" $sudo opal-prd --expert-mode htmgt-passthru 0x02 let flagvalue=0x`$sudo opal-prd --expert-mode htmgt-passthru 0x02 | tr -d '\r\n' | sed 's/\s//g1'` flags=""; let bitset="$flagvalue & 0x00800000"; if [ $bitset -ne 0 ]; then flags="$flags HaltOnSrc"; fi let bitset="$flagvalue & 0x00000800"; if [ $bitset -ne 0 ]; then flags="$flags DisableMemConfig"; fi let bitset="$flagvalue & 0x00000100"; if [ $bitset -ne 0 ]; then flags="$flags HaltOnResetFail"; fi let bitset="$flagvalue & 0x00000080"; if [ $bitset -ne 0 ]; then flags="$flags ExtResetDisable"; fi let bitset="$flagvalue & 0x00000040"; if [ $bitset -ne 0 ]; then flags="$flags DisableMemThrot"; fi let bitset="$flagvalue & 0x00000020"; if [ $bitset -ne 0 ]; then flags="$flags IgnoreOccState"; fi let bitset="$flagvalue & 0x00000010"; if [ $bitset -ne 0 ]; then flags="$flags HoldOccsInReset"; fi let bitset="$flagvalue & 0x00000008"; if [ $bitset -ne 0 ]; then flags="$flags LoadDisabled"; fi let bitset="$flagvalue & 0x00000004"; if [ $bitset -ne 0 ]; then flags="$flags TerminateOnErr"; fi let bitset="$flagvalue & 0x00000002"; if [ $bitset -ne 0 ]; then flags="$flags ResetDisabled"; fi let bitset="$flagvalue & 0x00000001"; if [ $bitset -ne 0 ]; then flags="$flags ExternalOverride"; fi let bitset="$flagvalue & 0x007FF600"; if [ $bitset -ne 0 ]; then flags="$flags UnknownBit"; fi printf "Flags: 0x%08X $flags\n" $flagvalue if [ -n "$newFlags" ]; then newFlagValue=`printf "%08X" $newFlags` echo "Updating internalFlags to: $newFlagValue" ### Set HTMGT Internal Flags echo "==> opal-prd --expert-mode htmgt-passthru 0x02 0x${newFlagValue:0:2} 0x${newFlagValue:2:2} 0x${newFlagValue:4:2} 0x${newFlagValue:6:2}" $sudo opal-prd --expert-mode htmgt-passthru 0x02 0x${newFlagValue:0:2} 0x${newFlagValue:2:2} 0x${newFlagValue:4:2} 0x${newFlagValue:6:2} fi } function occ_ffdc { echo "" let numOccs=1 while [ $numOccs -gt 0 ]; do echo "`hostname` OCC$occ FFDC Data: (`date`)" echo "==> opal-prd --expert-mode htmgt-passthru 0x03 $occ 0x42 0x00" $sudo opal-prd --expert-mode htmgt-passthru 0x03 $occ 0x42 0x00 let rc=${PIPESTATUS[0]} echo "" let occ=$occ+1 let numOccs=$numOccs-1 done } # end occ_ffdc() function occ_trace { echo "" let numOccs=1 while [ $numOccs -gt 0 ]; do echo "`hostname` OCC$occ Trace: (`date`)" occ_cmd="40" occ_cmd_data="03010045525200" # ERR traces send_occ_cmd handle_occ_rsp occ_cmd_data="030100494D5000" # IMP traces send_occ_cmd handle_occ_rsp occ_cmd_data="030100494E4600" # INF traces send_occ_cmd handle_occ_rsp occ_cmd_data="03010047503000" # GP0 traces send_occ_cmd handle_occ_rsp # Need to run: ppe2fsp infile outfile occ_cmd_data="03010047503100" # GP1 traces send_occ_cmd handle_occ_rsp # Need to run: ppe2fsp infile outfile let occ=$occ+1 let numOccs=$numOccs-1 done } # end occ_trace() function occ_trace_cronus { echo "" let numOccs=1 if [ -e "./occStringFile" ]; then string_file="./occStringFile" elif [ -e "/tmp/occStringFile" ]; then string_file="/tmp/occStringFile" elif [ -e "/nfs/occStringFile" ]; then string_file="/nfs/occStringFile" else echo "WARNING: unable to find occStringFile" fi while [ $numOccs -gt 0 ]; do echo -e "${bold}Collecting OCC$occ Trace via cronus: (`date`)${normal}" # Confirm eyecatcher is correct getsram fffb4003 -ch $channel 4 -p$occ -n$node getsram fffb4003 -ch $channel 4 -p$occ -n$node -exp 42455252 # "BERR" let foundERR=$? if [ $foundERR -eq 0 ]; then # Remove old files rm -f ./occTrace*.bin ./occTrace.ppe echo -e "${bold}==> getsram fffb4000 8192 -p$occ -n$node -fb ./occTraceERR.bin -ch $channel ${normal}" getsram fffb4000 8192 -p$occ -n$node -fb ./occTraceERR.bin -ch $channel echo -e "${bold}==> getsram fffb6000 8192 -p$occ -n$node -fb ./occTraceINF.bin -ch $channel ${normal}" getsram fffb6000 8192 -p$occ -n$node -fb ./occTraceINF.bin -ch $channel echo -e "${bold}==> getsram fffb8000 8192 -p$occ -n$node -fb ./occTraceIMP.bin -ch $channel ${normal}" getsram fffb8000 8192 -p$occ -n$node -fb ./occTraceIMP.bin -ch $channel if [ -e "./ppe2fsp" ]; then ppe2fsp_cmd="./ppe2fsp" else echo -e "${red}Unable to find ppe2fsp to convert GPE traces to FSP trace format${normal}" echo "NOTE: Command is available in occ/obj/ppetools/ppe2fsp" ppe2fsp_cmd=""; fi GPE0ADDR=`getsram fffb3c10 4 -ch $channel | grep 00000000 | awk '{print $2}'` GPE0SIZEHEX=`getsram fffb3c14 4 -ch $channel | grep 00000000 | awk '{print $2}'` #echo "gpe0 $GPE0ADDR $GPE0SIZEHEX $GPE0SIZE" #GPE0SIZE=`echo \$((16#$GPE0SIZEHEX))` let GPE0SIZE=0x${GPE0SIZEHEX} echo "gpe0 $GPE0ADDR $GPE0SIZEHEX $GPE0SIZE" let gpe_addr=0x$GPE0ADDR if [ $gpe_addr -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${bold}==> getsram $GPE0ADDR $GPE0SIZE -ch $channel -p$occ -n$node -fb ./occTraceGPE0.ppe ${normal}" getsram $GPE0ADDR $GPE0SIZE -ch $channel -p$occ -n$node -fb ./occTraceGPE0.ppe if [ -n "$ppe2fsp_cmd" ]; then echo -e "${bold}==> $ppe2fsp_cmd ./occTraceGPE0.ppe ./occTraceGPE0.bin ${normal}" $ppe2fsp_cmd ./occTraceGPE0.ppe ./occTraceGPE0.bin if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then rm -f ./occTraceGPE0.ppe else echo -e "${red}ERROR: Unable to convert occTraceGPE0.ppe to FSP trace format${normal}" rm -f ./occTraceGPE0.bin fi else echo -e "${red}ERROR: unable to find ppe2fsp to convert GPE traces to FSP trace format${normal}" fi fi GPE1ADDR=`getsram fffb3c18 4 -ch $channel | grep 00000000 | awk '{print $2}'` GPE1SIZEHEX=`getsram fffb3c1c 4 -ch $channel | grep 00000000 | awk '{print $2}'` #GPE1SIZE=`echo \$((16#$GPE1SIZEHEX))` let GPE1SIZE=0x${GPE1SIZEHEX} echo "gpe1 $GPE1ADDR $GPE1SIZEHEX $GPE1SIZE" if [ $gpe_addr -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${bold}==> getsram $GPE1ADDR $GPE1SIZE -ch $channel -p$occ -n$node -fb ./occTraceGPE1.ppe ${normal}" getsram $GPE1ADDR $GPE1SIZE -ch $channel -p$occ -n$node -fb ./occTraceGPE1.ppe if [ -n "$ppe2fsp_cmd" ]; then echo -e "${bold}==> $ppe2fsp_cmd ./occTraceGPE1.ppe ./occTraceGPE1.bin ${normal}" $ppe2fsp_cmd ./occTraceGPE1.ppe ./occTraceGPE1.bin if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then rm -f ./occTraceGPE1.ppe else echo -e "${red}ERROR: Unable to convert occTraceGPE1.ppe to FSP trace format${normal}" rm -f ./occTraceGPE1.bin fi fi fi if [ -n "$string_file" ]; then if [ -e "./fsp-trace" ]; then fsptrace_cmd="./fsp-trace" else #echo -e "${red}Unable to find fsp-trace to parse FSP traces${normal}" fsptrace_cmd="fsp-trace"; fi if [ -n "$fsptrace_cmd" ]; then echo -e "${bold}==> $fsptrace_cmd -s $string_file ./*.bin ${normal}" $fsptrace_cmd -s $string_file ./*.bin fi else echo "To parse: fsp-trace -s OCC_STRING_FILENAME ./occTrace*.bin" fi else echo "ERROR: ERR eyecatcher was not found! ABORTING TRACE COLLECTION" fi let occ=$occ+1 let numOccs=$numOccs-1 done } # end occ_trace() if [ $passThru -eq 1 ] && [ -z "$inputfile" ]; then # No input file specified, check clipboard for hex data to parse inputfile="/tmp/occtool.temp.txt" echo "Extracting copy buffer into ${inputfile}..." xselection PRIMARY > $inputfile fi if [ $passThru -eq 1 ] && [ -n "$inputfile" ]; then convertToBinary $inputfile $binfile fi #sendOccCmd 00 10 #exit if [ -n "$action" ]; then if [ "$action" == "SensorDump" ]; then # -X 53 0600003d = get sensor details for GUID 0x003d" occ_cmd="53" occ_cmd_data=`printf "0600%04X" $sensor_guid` #echo "==> $occ_cmd $occ_cmd_data" send_occ_cmd handle_occ_rsp elif [ "$action" == "SensorList" ]; then printf " Sensor Type: 0x%04X\n" $sensor_type printf "Sensor Location: 0x%04X\n" $sensor_loc let more_sensors=1 let first_sensor=0 let skip_header=1 while [ $more_sensors -ne 0 ]; do # -X 53 0500000001LLLLTTTT = list first 50 OCC sensors (LLLL=Location,TTTT=Type)" occ_cmd="53" occ_cmd_data=`printf "0500%04X%02X%04X%04X" $first_sensor $non_zero_sensors $sensor_type $sensor_loc` #echo "==> $occ_cmd $occ_cmd_data" send_occ_cmd handle_occ_rsp # will update more_sensors and last_sensor let first_sensor=$last_sensor+1 done; elif [ "$action" == "OCCFFDC" ]; then occ_ffdc elif [ "$action" == "ExitSafe" ]; then if [ "$interface" == "opal" ]; then ### Dump HTMGT and OCC states and status tmgt_info ### Attempt to exit safe mode echo "==> opal-prd --expert-mode htmgt-passthru 0x05" $sudo opal-prd --expert-mode htmgt-passthru 0x05 let rc=$? echo "return status: $rc" else echo -e "${red}ERROR: Command only supported with opal-prd${normal} (not $interface)" fi elif [ "$action" == "TMGTInfo" ]; then if [ "$interface" == "opal" ]; then tmgt_info else echo -e "${red}ERROR: Command only supported with opal-prd${normal} (not $interface)" fi elif [ "$action" == "TMGTFlags" ]; then if [ "$interface" == "opal" ]; then tmgt_flags else echo -e "${red}ERROR: Command only supported with opal-prd${normal} (not $interface)" fi elif [ "$action" == "trace" ]; then if [ "$interface" == "opal" ]; then occ_trace $occ elif [ "$interface" == "cronus" ]; then occ_trace_cronus fi elif [ "$action" == "CmdRspBuffer" ]; then let buffer_size=128 echo "OCC Command Buffers from SRAM ($cmd_sram_addr):" if [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${bold}==> getsram $cmd_sram_addr $buffer_size -pall -ch $channel $quiet (read $cmd response from SRAM)${normal}" fi if [ -e "${binfile}" ]; then rm ${binfile} fi getsram $cmd_sram_addr $buffer_size -pall -ch $channel $quiet let rc=$? if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${red}ERROR: failed reading response buffer from SRAM (rc=$rc)${normal}" exit 2; fi echo "OCC Response Buffers from SRAM ($rsp_sram_addr):" if [ $verbose -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${bold}==> getsram $rsp_sram_addr $buffer_size -pall -ch $channel $quiet (read $cmd response from SRAM)${normal}" fi if [ -e "${binfile}" ]; then rm ${binfile} fi getsram $rsp_sram_addr $buffer_size -pall -ch $channel $quiet let rc=$? if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${red}ERROR: failed reading response buffer from SRAM (rc=$rc)${normal}" exit 2; fi else echo -e "${red}ERROR: internal action of $action is not implemented by occtoolp9 script${normal}"; fi else if [ $passThru -eq 1 ]; then occ_cmd="00" handle_occ_rsp elif [ -n "$occ_cmd" ]; then # Send user specified command send_occ_cmd handle_occ_rsp else usage exit 0 fi fi #cleanup if [ -e "${binfile}" ]; then rm ${binfile} fi if [ $seqMismatch -ne 0 ]; then echo "" echo -e "${red}Warning: sequence number mismatch!${normal} (Response data is stale!)" exit 9 fi