/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/occ_gpe0/firdata/ecc.c $ */ /* */ /* OpenPOWER OnChipController Project */ /* */ /* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015,2017 */ /* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */ /* */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */ /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or */ /* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */ /* permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ #include #include /** Matrix used for ECC calculation. * * Each row of this is the set of data word bits that are used for * the calculation of the corresponding ECC bit. The parity of the * bitset is the value of the ECC bit. * * ie. ECC[n] = eccMatrix[n] & data * * Note: To make the math easier (and less shifts in resulting code), * row0 = ECC7. HW numbering is MSB, order here is LSB. * * These values come from the HW design of the ECC algorithm. */ static uint64_t eccMatrix[] = { /*0000000000000000111010000100001000111100000011111001100111111111 */ 0x0000e8423c0f99ff, /*0000000011101000010000100011110000001111100110011111111100000000 */ 0x00e8423c0f99ff00, /*1110100001000010001111000000111110011001111111110000000000000000 */ 0xe8423c0f99ff0000, /*0100001000111100000011111001100111111111000000000000000011101000 */ 0x423c0f99ff0000e8, /*0011110000001111100110011111111100000000000000001110100001000010 */ 0x3c0f99ff0000e842, /*0000111110011001111111110000000000000000111010000100001000111100 */ 0x0f99ff0000e8423c, /*1001100111111111000000000000000011101000010000100011110000001111 */ 0x99ff0000e8423c0f, /*1111111100000000000000001110100001000010001111000000111110011001 */ 0xff0000e8423c0f99 }; /** Syndrome calculation matrix. * * Maps syndrome to flipped bit. * * To perform ECC correction, this matrix is a look-up of the bit * that is bad based on the binary difference of the good and bad * ECC. This difference is called the "syndrome". * * When a particular bit is on in the data, it cause a column from * eccMatrix being XOR'd into the ECC field. This column is the * "effect" of each bit. If a bit is flipped in the data then its * "effect" is missing from the ECC. You can calculate ECC on unknown * quality data and compare the ECC field between the calculated * value and the stored value. If the difference is zero, then the * data is clean. If the difference is non-zero, you look up the * difference in the syndrome table to identify the "effect" that * is missing, which is the bit that is flipped. * * Notice that ECC bit flips are recorded by a single "effect" * bit (ie. 0x1, 0x2, 0x4, 0x8 ...) and double bit flips are identified * by the UE status in the table. * * Bits are in MSB order. */ static uint8_t syndromeMatrix[] = { ECC_GD, ECC_E7, ECC_E6, ECC_UE, ECC_E5, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 47, ECC_E4, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 37, ECC_UE, 35, 39, ECC_UE, ECC_E3, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 48, ECC_UE, 30, 29, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 57, 27, ECC_UE, 31, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_E2, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 17, ECC_UE, 18, 40, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 58, 22, ECC_UE, 21, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 16, 49, ECC_UE, 19, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 23, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 20, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_E1, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 51, ECC_UE, 46, 9, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 34, 10, ECC_UE, 32, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 36, ECC_UE, 62, 50, ECC_UE, 14, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 13, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 61, 8, ECC_UE, 41, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 11, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 15, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 12, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_E0, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 55, ECC_UE, 45, 43, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 56, 38, ECC_UE, 1, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 25, 26, ECC_UE, 2, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 24, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 28, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 59, 54, ECC_UE, 42, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 44, 6, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 5, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 63, 53, ECC_UE, 0, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 33, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 3, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 52, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 7, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 60, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, 4, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, ECC_UE, }; /** Returns the parity of x, i.e. the number of 1-bits in x modulo 2. * Replacement for __builtin_parityl */ uint8_t parity_check( uint64_t i_data ) { int ones = 0; uint32_t x; for( x=0; x<(sizeof(i_data)*8); x++ ) { if( i_data & (0x8000000000000000ull >> x) ) { ones++; } } return ones%2; } /** Create the ECC field corresponding to a 8-byte data field * * @param[in] i_data - The 8 byte data to generate ECC for. * @return The 1 byte ECC corresponding to the data. */ uint8_t generateECC(uint64_t i_data) { uint8_t result = 0; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { result |= (parity_check(eccMatrix[i] & i_data) << i); } return result; } /** Verify the data and ECC match or indicate how they are wrong. * * @param[in] i_data - The data to check ECC on. * @param[in] i_ecc - The [supposed] ECC for the data. * * @return eccBitfield or 0-64. * * @retval GD - Indicates the data is good (matches ECC). * @retval UE - Indicates the data is uncorrectable. * @retval all others - Indication of which bit is incorrect. */ uint8_t verifyECC(uint64_t i_data, uint8_t i_ecc) { return syndromeMatrix[generateECC(i_data) ^ i_ecc]; } /** Correct the data and/or ECC. * * @param[in,out] io_data - Data to check / correct. * @param[in,out] io_ecc - ECC to check / correct. * * @return eccBitfield or 0-64. * * @retval GD - Data is good. * @retval UE - Data is uncorrectable. * @retval all others - which bit was corrected. */ uint8_t correctECC(uint64_t* io_data, uint8_t* io_ecc) { uint8_t badBit = verifyECC(*io_data, *io_ecc); if ((badBit != ECC_GD) && (badBit != ECC_UE)) /* Good is done, UE is hopeless. */ { /* Determine if the ECC or data part is bad, do bit flip. */ if (badBit >= ECC_E7) { *io_ecc ^= (1 << (badBit - ECC_E7)); } else { *io_data ^= (1ul << (63 - badBit)); } } return badBit; } void injectECC(const uint8_t* i_src, uint32_t i_srcSz, uint8_t* o_dst) { if (0 != (i_srcSz % sizeof(uint64_t))) { return; } uint32_t i = 0; uint32_t o = 0; for(i = 0, o = 0; i < i_srcSz; i += sizeof(uint64_t), o += sizeof(uint64_t) + sizeof(uint8_t)) { /* Read data word, copy to destination. */ uint64_t data = *((const uint64_t*)(&i_src[i])); *((uint64_t*)(&o_dst[o])) = data; data = be64toh(data); /* Calculate ECC, copy to destination. */ uint8_t ecc = generateECC(data); o_dst[o + sizeof(uint64_t)] = ecc; } } eccStatus removeECC(uint8_t* io_src, uint8_t* o_dst, uint32_t i_dstSz) { if (0 != (i_dstSz % sizeof(uint64_t))) { return -1; } eccStatus rc = ECC_CLEAN; uint32_t i = 0, o = 0; for(i = 0, o = 0; o < i_dstSz; i += sizeof(uint64_t) + sizeof(uint8_t), o += sizeof(uint64_t)) { /* Read data and ECC parts. */ uint64_t data = *((uint64_t*)(&io_src[i])); data = be64toh(data); uint8_t ecc = io_src[i + sizeof(uint64_t)]; /* Calculate failing bit and fix data. */ uint8_t badBit = correctECC(&data, &ecc); /* Return data to big endian. */ data = htobe64(data); /* Perform correction and status update. */ if (badBit == ECC_UE) { rc = ECC_UNCORRECTABLE; } else if (badBit != ECC_GD) { if (rc != ECC_UNCORRECTABLE) { rc = ECC_CORRECTED; } *((uint64_t*)(&io_src[i])) = data; io_src[i + sizeof(uint64_t)] = ecc; } /* Copy fixed data to destination buffer. */ *((uint64_t*)(&o_dst[o])) = data; } return rc; }