/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/occ_405/wof/wof.h $ */ /* */ /* OpenPOWER OnChipController Project */ /* */ /* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2016,2017 */ /* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */ /* */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */ /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or */ /* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */ /* permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ #ifndef _WOF_H #define _WOF_H //****************************************************************************** // Define //****************************************************************************** #define ACTIVE_QUAD_SZ_MIN 1 #define ACTIVE_QUAD_SZ_MAX 6 #define MIN_BCE_REQ_SIZE 128 #define WOF_HEADER_SIZE 32 #define CORE_IDDQ_MEASUREMENTS 6 #define QUAD_POWERED_OFF 0xFF #define PGPE_WOF_OFF 0 #define PGPE_WOF_ON 1 #define NUM_CORES_PER_QUAD 4 //****************************************************************************** // Bit Vector Masks //****************************************************************************** #define IVRM_STATE_QUAD_MASK 0x80 //****************************************************************************** // WOF Reason Code Masks //****************************************************************************** #define WOF_RC_NO_WOF_HEADER_MASK 0x0001 #define WOF_RC_INVALID_ACTIVE_QUADS 0x0002 #define WOF_RC_INVALID_VDD_VDN 0x0004 #define WOF_RC_PGPE_REQ_NOT_IDLE 0x0008 #define WOF_RC_PGPE_WOF_DISABLED 0x0010 #define WOF_RC_PSTATE_PROTOCOL_OFF 0x0020 #define WOF_RC_VFRT_REQ_TIMEOUT 0x0040 #define WOF_RC_CONTROL_REQ_TIMEOUT 0x0080 #define WOF_RC_STATE_CHANGE 0x0100 #define WOF_RC_MODE_CHANGE 0x0200 #define WOF_RC_MODE_NO_SUPPORT_MASK 0x0400 #define WOF_RC_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO 0x0800 #define WOF_RC_VFRT_REQ_FAILURE 0x1000 #define WOF_RC_CONTROL_REQ_FAILURE 0x2000 #define WOF_RC_VFRT_ALIGNMENT_ERROR 0x4000 #define WOF_RC_DRIVER_WOF_DISABLED 0x8000 // Reason codes which should NOT create an error log should be added here #define ERRL_RETURN_CODES ~(WOF_RC_MODE_CHANGE | \ WOF_RC_STATE_CHANGE | \ WOF_RC_MODE_NO_SUPPORT_MASK) // Enumeration to define the WOF initialization steps enum wof_init_states { WOF_DISABLED, INITIAL_VFRT_SENT_WAITING, INITIAL_VFRT_SUCCESS, WOF_CONTROL_ON_SENT_WAITING, PGPE_WOF_ENABLED_NO_PREV_DATA, WOF_ENABLED, }; // Enumeration enum wof_disabled_actions { CLEAR, SET, }; #define WOF_MAGIC_NUMBER 0x57465448 // "WFTH" // Structure to hold relevant data from the WOF header in Mainstore typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { uint32_t magic_number; //4 uint8_t reserved_1[7]; //11 uint8_t version; //12 uint16_t vfrt_block_size; //14 uint16_t vfrt_blck_hdr_sz; //16 uint16_t vfrt_data_size; //18 uint8_t active_quads_size; //19 uint8_t core_count; //20 uint16_t vdn_start; //22 uint16_t vdn_step; //24 uint16_t vdn_size; //26 uint16_t vdd_start; //28 uint16_t vdd_step; //30 uint16_t vdd_size; //32 uint16_t vratio_start; //34 uint16_t vratio_step; //36 uint16_t vratio_size; //38 uint16_t fratio_start; //40 uint16_t fratio_step; //42 uint16_t fratio_size; //44 uint16_t vdn_percent[8]; //60 uint16_t socket_power_w; //62 uint16_t nest_freq_mhz; //64 uint16_t nom_freq_mhz; //66 uint16_t rdp_capacity; //68 uint64_t wof_tbls_src_tag; //76 uint64_t package_name_hi; //84 uint64_t package_name_lo; //88 uint8_t reserved_2[40]; //128 } wof_header_data_t; // Structure used in g_amec typedef struct { // Bit vector where each bit signifies a different failure case uint16_t wof_disabled; // Data from wof header for debug uint8_t version; //12 uint16_t vfrt_block_size; //14 uint16_t vfrt_blck_hdr_sz; //16 uint16_t vfrt_data_size; //18 uint8_t active_quads_size; //19 uint8_t core_count; //20 uint16_t vdn_start; //22 uint16_t vdn_step; //24 uint16_t vdn_size; //26 uint16_t vdd_start; //28 uint16_t vdd_step; //30 uint16_t vdd_size; //32 uint16_t vratio_start; //34 uint16_t vratio_step; //36 uint16_t vratio_size; //38 uint16_t fratio_start; //40 uint16_t fratio_step; //42 uint16_t fratio_size; //44 uint16_t vdn_percent[8]; //60 uint16_t socket_power_w; //62 uint16_t nest_freq_mhz; //64 uint16_t nom_freq_mhz; //66 uint16_t rdp_capacity; //68 uint64_t wof_tbls_src_tag; //76 uint64_t package_name_hi; //84 uint64_t package_name_lo; //88 // Calculated step from start for VDD uint16_t vdd_step_from_start; // Calculated step from start for VDN uint16_t vdn_step_from_start; // Calculated step from start for quads uint8_t quad_step_from_start; // Array to hold the core voltages per quad (in 100uV) uint32_t v_core_100uV[MAXIMUM_QUADS]; // Bit vector to hold the power on status of all 24 cores uint32_t core_pwr_on; // Number of cores on per quad uint8_t cores_on_per_quad[MAXIMUM_QUADS]; // The most recently read value in the sensor VOLTVDDSENSE uint32_t voltvddsense_sensor; // The most recently read value in the sensor TEMPPROCTHRMCy where y is core num uint16_t tempprocthrmc[MAX_NUM_CORES]; // The most recently read value in the sensor TEMPNEST uint16_t tempnest_sensor; // The most recently read value in the sensor TEMPQx where x is the quad num uint16_t tempq[MAXIMUM_QUADS]; // The most recently read value in the sensor CURVDD uint16_t curvdd_sensor; // The most recently read value in the sensor CURVDN uint16_t curvdn_sensor; // The most recently read value in the sensor VOLTVDN uint16_t voltvdn_sensor; // Array to hold the current 1-byte pstate values read from SRAM. 0xFF=off uint8_t quad_x_pstates[MAXIMUM_QUADS]; // Array to hold the voltage index for the quads based on their voltage uint8_t quad_v_idx[MAXIMUM_QUADS]; // Bit vector to hold the ivrm states of the quads. 0=BYPASS, 1=REGULATION uint8_t quad_ivrm_states; // Contains the estimated core leakage based on temp, voltage, and vpd-leak uint32_t idc_vdd; // Contains the estimated nest leakage based on temp, voltage and vpd-leak uint32_t idc_vdn; // Contains the leakage current for quads uint32_t idc_quad; // Contains the AC component of the workload for the core uint32_t iac_vdd; // Contains the AC component of the workload for the nest uint32_t iac_vdn; // Contains iac_tdp_vdd(@turbo) read from the pstate parameter block uint32_t iac_tdp_vdd; // Contains Vratio, read from OCC-PGPE shared SRAM uint32_t v_ratio; // Contains Fratio, read from OCC-PGPE shared SRAM uint32_t f_ratio; // Contains Vclip, read from OCC-PGPE shared SRAM uint32_t v_clip; // Contains Fclip, read from OCC-PGPE shared SRAM uint32_t f_clip; // Contains the calculated effective capacitance for tdp_vdd uint32_t ceff_tdp_vdd; // Contains the calculated effective capacitance for vdd uint32_t ceff_vdd; // Contains the calculated effective capacitance ratio for vdd uint32_t ceff_ratio_vdd; // Contains the calculated effective capacitance for tdp_vdn uint32_t ceff_tdp_vdn; // Contains the calculated effective capacitance for vdn uint32_t ceff_vdn; // Contains the calculated effective capacitance ratio for vdn uint32_t ceff_ratio_vdn; // Contains the index used for interpolation in the ALL_CORES_OFF_ISO calc uint8_t chip_volt_idx; // Contains the final calculated value of ALL_CORES_OFF_ISO uint32_t all_cores_off_iso; // Contains the final calculated value of ALL_GOOD_CACHES_ON_ISO uint32_t all_good_caches_on_iso; // Contains the final calculated value of ALL_CACHES_OFF_ISO uint32_t all_caches_off_iso; // Contains good_cores_only (per_quad) uint32_t quad_good_cores_only[MAXIMUM_QUADS]; // Contains on_cores uint16_t quad_on_cores[MAXIMUM_QUADS]; // Contains BAD_OFF_cores uint16_t quad_bad_off_cores[MAXIMUM_QUADS]; // Contains the most recently read value from SRAM for Requested active quads // Value represents a bit vector denoting which quads are active uint8_t req_active_quad_update; // Contains the previous value read from shared SRAM for requested active quads uint8_t prev_req_active_quads; // Contains the number of active quads i.e. the number of 1 bits in req_active_quads_update uint8_t num_active_quads; // The current ping pong buffer SRAM address being used by PGPE uint32_t curr_ping_pong_buf; // The next ping pong buffer SRAM address to be used by PGPE if IPC request succeeds uint32_t next_ping_pong_buf; // The current vfrt address in Main Memory that WOF pulled to give to PGPE uint32_t curr_vfrt_main_mem_addr; // The most recently calculated vfrt Main Memory address based off recently computed // data. This is not what the PGPE is using. It is the candidate addr for the next // vfrt uint32_t next_vfrt_main_mem_addr; // Main Memory address where the WOF VFRT tables are located uint32_t vfrt_tbls_main_mem_addr; // The length of the WOF VFRT data in main memory uint32_t vfrt_tbls_len; // The state of the wof routine during initialization. states defined above uint8_t wof_init_state; // The address in shared OCC-PGPE SRAM of Quad State 0 uint32_t quad_state_0_addr; // The address in shared OCC-PGPE SRAM of Quad State 1 uint32_t quad_state_1_addr; // The address in shared OCC-PGPE SRAM of the PGPE WOF state uint32_t pgpe_wof_state_addr; // The address in shared OCC-PGPE SRAM of the Requested Active quads uint32_t req_active_quads_addr; // The core leakage percent portion of VDD uint16_t core_leakage_percent; // The SRAM address of the pstates for the quads. uint32_t pstate_tbl_sram_addr; // Return code of IPC request called from callback func uint32_t gpe_req_rc; // Return code of failed control message uint32_t control_ipc_rc; // Keeps track of whether we got an error in wof_vfrt_callback to be // logged later uint8_t vfrt_callback_error; // Keeps track of whether or not we just turned off wof on the PGPE uint8_t pgpe_wof_off; } amec_wof_t; typedef struct { uint8_t data[MIN_BCE_REQ_SIZE]; } temp_bce_request_buffer_t __attribute ((aligned(128))); // Parameter structure used to pass information to the copy_vfrt_to_sram // call back function. typedef struct { temp_bce_request_buffer_t * vfrt_table; } copy_vfrt_to_sram_parms_t; //****************************************************************************** // Function Prototypes //****************************************************************************** void call_wof_main( void ); void wof_main( void ); uint16_t calculate_step_from_start( uint16_t i_ceff_vdx, uint16_t i_step_size, uint16_t i_min_step, uint16_t i_max_step ); uint8_t calc_quad_step_from_start( void ); uint32_t calc_vfrt_mainstore_addr( void ); void copy_vfrt_to_sram( copy_vfrt_to_sram_parms_t * i_parms ); void wof_vfrt_callback( void ); void send_vfrt_to_pgpe( uint32_t i_vfrt_address ); void read_shared_sram( void ); void calculate_core_voltage( void ); void calculate_core_leakage( void ); void calculate_nest_leakage( void ); void calculate_ceff_ratio_vdn( void ); void calculate_ceff_ratio_vdd( void ); inline void calculate_AC_currents( void ); inline bool core_powered_on( uint8_t i_core_num ); uint8_t num_cores_on_in_quad( uint8_t i_quad_num ); inline int32_t interpolate_linear( int32_t i_X, int32_t i_x1, int32_t i_x2, int32_t i_y1, int32_t i_y2 ); uint32_t calculate_multiplier( int32_t i_temp ); uint32_t calculate_effective_capacitance( uint32_t i_iAC, uint32_t i_voltage, uint32_t i_frequency ); void read_sensor_data( void ); void set_clear_wof_disabled( uint8_t i_action, uint32_t i_bit_mask ); void disable_wof( void ); bool enable_wof( void ); void wof_control_callback( void ); void send_initial_vfrt_to_pgpe( void ); void read_req_active_quads( void ); int get_voltage_index( uint32_t i_voltage ); uint32_t scale( uint16_t i_current, int16_t i_delta_temp ); uint32_t scale_and_interpolate( uint16_t * i_leak_arr, uint8_t * i_avgtemp_arr, int i_idx, uint16_t i_base_temp, uint16_t i_voltage ); #endif