/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/occ_405/mem/memory.c $ */ /* */ /* OpenPOWER OnChipController Project */ /* */ /* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2014,2017 */ /* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */ /* */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */ /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or */ /* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */ /* permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ #include #include #include "memory.h" #include "memory_power_control.h" #include "dimm_control.h" #include "centaur_control.h" #include "centaur_data.h" #include "memory_service_codes.h" #include // for SSX_GENERIC_FAILURE extern bool G_mem_monitoring_allowed; extern dimm_control_args_t G_dimm_control_args; extern task_t G_task_table[TASK_END]; // TODO: RTC 163359 - uncomment when Centaur code is enabled //extern GpeScomParms G_centaur_control_reg_parms; // This array identifies dimm throttle limits for both Centaurs (Cumulus) and // rdimms (Nimbus) based systems. // // For Nimbus systems, only the first two rows (corresponding to memory controller // pairs M01 and M23) are used. // // For Cumulus systems, only the first two columns (corresponding to the two mba // pairs mba01 and mba23) are used. memory_throttle_t G_memoryThrottleLimits[MAX_NUM_MEM_CONTROLLERS][MAX_NUM_MCU_PORTS] = { {{0}, {0}, {0}, {0}}, {{0}, {0}, {0}, {0}}, {{0}, {0}, {0}, {0}}, {{0}, {0}, {0}, {0}}, {{0}, {0}, {0}, {0}}, {{0}, {0}, {0}, {0}}, {{0}, {0}, {0}, {0}}, {{0}, {0}, {0}, {0}} }; //Memory structure used for task data pointers in both Cumulus (Centaur) //and Nimbus (RDIMM) systems. memory_control_task_t G_memory_control_task = { .startMemIndex = 0, // First Memory Control Index (Centaur/MC_pair|port) .prevMemIndex = 7, // Previous Memory Control Index written to .curMemIndex = 0, // Current Memory Control Index .endMemIndex = 7, // Last Memory Control Index .traceThresholdFlags = 0, // Trace Throttle Flags }; // Function Specification // // Name: task_memory_control // // Description: Performs system memory control: // - for Nimbus: calls dimm_control() to control dimms power // - for Cumulus: calls centaur_control() to control centaur power // // End Function Specification // wait up to 16 ticks before logging timeout failure #define MEMORY_CONTROL_SCOM_TIMEOUT 16 void task_memory_control( task_t * i_task ) { //track # of consecutive failures on a specific Centaur/RDIMM static uint8_t L_scom_timeout[MAX_NUM_MEM_CONTROLLERS] = {0}; errlHndl_t l_err = NULL; // Error handler int rc = 0; // Return code uint8_t memIndex; static bool L_gpe_scheduled = FALSE; static uint8_t L_gpe_fail_logged = 0; static bool L_gpe_idle_traced = FALSE; static bool L_gpe_had_1_tick = FALSE; uint32_t gpe_rc = 0; // Pointer to the task data structure memory_control_task_t* memControlTask = (memory_control_task_t*) i_task->data_ptr; if (MEM_TYPE_NIMBUS == G_sysConfigData.mem_type) { gpe_rc = G_dimm_control_args.error.rc; } else if (MEM_TYPE_CUMULUS == G_sysConfigData.mem_type) { // TODO: RTC 163359 - uncomment when Centaur code is enabled // gpe_rc = G_centaur_control_reg_parms.rc; } do { memIndex = memControlTask->curMemIndex; //First, check to see if the previous GPE request still running //A request is considered idle if it is not attached to any of the //asynchronous request queues if( !(async_request_is_idle(&memControlTask->gpe_req.request)) ) { L_scom_timeout[memIndex]++; //This can happen due to variability in when the task runs if(!L_gpe_idle_traced && L_gpe_had_1_tick) { TRAC_INFO("task_memory_control: GPE is still running. memIndex[%d]", memIndex); memControlTask->traceThresholdFlags |= MEMORY_CONTROL_GPE_STILL_RUNNING; L_gpe_idle_traced = TRUE; } L_gpe_had_1_tick = TRUE; break; } else { //Request is idle L_gpe_had_1_tick = FALSE; if(L_gpe_idle_traced) { TRAC_INFO("task_memory_control: GPE completed. memIndex[%d]", memIndex); L_gpe_idle_traced = FALSE; } } //check scom status if(L_gpe_scheduled) { if(!async_request_completed(&memControlTask->gpe_req.request) || gpe_rc) { if (MEM_TYPE_CUMULUS == G_sysConfigData.mem_type) { if(!(L_gpe_fail_logged & (CENTAUR0_PRESENT_MASK >> memIndex))) { // TODO: RTC 163359 - uncomment when Centaur code is enabled /* if (!check_centaur_checkstop(memIndex)) { L_gpe_fail_logged |= CENTAUR0_PRESENT_MASK >> memIndex; } */ } } //Request failed. Keep count of failures and request a reset if we reach a //max retry count L_scom_timeout[memIndex]++; if(L_scom_timeout[memIndex] == MEMORY_CONTROL_SCOM_TIMEOUT) { break; } }//if(!async_request_completed(&memControlTask->gpe_req.request) || l_parms->rc) else { //request completed successfully. reset the timeout. L_scom_timeout[memIndex] = 0; } }//if(L_gpe_scheduled) //The previous GPE job completed. Now get ready for the next job. L_gpe_scheduled = FALSE; //Update current dimm/centaur index if we didn't fail memControlTask->prevMemIndex = memIndex; if ( memIndex >= memControlTask->endMemIndex ) { memIndex = memControlTask->startMemIndex; } else { memIndex++; } memControlTask->curMemIndex = memIndex; if (MEM_TYPE_NIMBUS == G_sysConfigData.mem_type) { if(!NIMBUS_DIMM_INDEX_THROTTLING_CONFIGURED(memIndex)) { break; } // control dimm specified by mc,port uint8_t mc = memIndex>>2; uint8_t port = memIndex&3; // Do the update_nlimit, calculate new N values, check whether throttle values // were updated, then Schedule GPE request, rc if problem, else L_gpe_schedule rc = dimm_control(mc, port); MEM_DBG("memIndex=%d, mc|port=0x%%04X, rc=%d", memIndex, mc<<8| port, rc); } else if (MEM_TYPE_CUMULUS == G_sysConfigData.mem_type) { //If centaur is not present or neither MBA is configured then skip it. if(!CENTAUR_PRESENT(memIndex) || (!MBA_CONFIGURED(memIndex, 0) && !MBA_CONFIGURED(memIndex, 1))) { break; } // TODO RTC: 163359 - centaur code not ready yet // rc = centaur_control(memIndex); // Control one centaur } if(rc) { rc = gpe_request_schedule(&G_memory_control_task.gpe_req); if( rc ) { if (MEM_TYPE_NIMBUS == G_sysConfigData.mem_type) { gpe_rc = G_dimm_control_args.error.rc; } else if (MEM_TYPE_CUMULUS == G_sysConfigData.mem_type) { // TODO RTC: 163359 - uncomment when Centaur code is enabled // gpe_rc = G_centaur_control_reg_parms.rc; } //Error in schedule gpe memory (dimm/centaur) control TRAC_ERR("task_memory_control: Failed to schedule memory control gpe rc=%x", rc); /* @ * @errortype * @moduleid MEM_MID_TASK_MEMORY_CONTROL * @reasoncode SSX_GENERIC_FAILURE * @userdata1 rc - Return code of failing function * @userdata2 0 * @userdata4 ERC_MEM_CONTROL_SCHEDULE_FAILURE * @devdesc OCC Failed to schedule a GPE job for memory control */ l_err = createErrl( MEM_MID_TASK_MEMORY_CONTROL, // modId SSX_GENERIC_FAILURE, // reasoncode ERC_MEM_CONTROL_SCHEDULE_FAILURE, // Extended reason code ERRL_SEV_UNRECOVERABLE, // Severity NULL, // Trace Buf DEFAULT_TRACE_SIZE, // Trace Size rc, // userdata1 gpe_rc // userdata2 ); addUsrDtlsToErrl( l_err, //io_err (uint8_t *) &(memControlTask->gpe_req.ffdc), //i_dataPtr, sizeof(memControlTask->gpe_req.ffdc), //i_size ERRL_USR_DTL_STRUCT_VERSION_1, //version ERRL_USR_DTL_BINARY_DATA); //type REQUEST_RESET(l_err); //This will add a firmware callout for us break; } L_gpe_scheduled = TRUE; } } while(0); //Global centaur structures used for task data pointers if(L_scom_timeout[memIndex] == MEMORY_CONTROL_SCOM_TIMEOUT) { if (MEM_TYPE_NIMBUS == G_sysConfigData.mem_type) { if(memIndex>>2) { TRAC_ERR("task_memory_control: Timeout scomming MC23:port[%d]", memIndex&3); } else { TRAC_ERR("task_memory_control: Timeout scomming MC01:port[%d]", memIndex&3); } } else if (MEM_TYPE_CUMULUS == G_sysConfigData.mem_type) { TRAC_ERR("task_memory_control: Timeout scomming centaur[%d]", memIndex); } /* @ * @errortype * @moduleid MEM_MID_TASK_MEMORY_CONTROL * @reasoncode INTERNAL_FAILURE * @userdata1 centaur/memIndex number * @userdata2 0 * @userdata4 OCC_NO_EXTENDED_RC * @devdesc Timed out trying to set the memory throttle settings * throttle settings. */ l_err = createErrl( MEM_MID_TASK_MEMORY_CONTROL, // modId INTERNAL_FAILURE, // reasoncode OCC_NO_EXTENDED_RC, // Extended reason code ERRL_SEV_PREDICTIVE, // Severity NULL, // Trace Buf DEFAULT_TRACE_SIZE, // Trace Size memIndex, // userdata1 0 // userdata2 ); addUsrDtlsToErrl(l_err, //io_err (uint8_t *) &(memControlTask->gpe_req.ffdc), //i_dataPtr, sizeof(memControlTask->gpe_req.ffdc), //i_size ERRL_USR_DTL_STRUCT_VERSION_1, //version ERRL_USR_DTL_BINARY_DATA); //type //callout the centaur addCalloutToErrl(l_err, ERRL_CALLOUT_TYPE_HUID, G_sysConfigData.centaur_huids[memIndex], ERRL_CALLOUT_PRIORITY_MED); //callout the processor addCalloutToErrl(l_err, ERRL_CALLOUT_TYPE_HUID, G_sysConfigData.proc_huid, ERRL_CALLOUT_PRIORITY_MED); REQUEST_RESET(l_err); } return; } // Initialize the memory task data void memory_init() { if(G_mem_monitoring_allowed) { // Check if memory task is running (default task is for NIMBUS) const task_id_t mem_task = TASK_ID_DIMM_SM; if(!rtl_task_is_runnable(mem_task)) { if (MEM_TYPE_NIMBUS == G_sysConfigData.mem_type) { // Init DIMM state manager IPC request memory_nimbus_init(); } else { // TODO RTC: 163359 - CUMULUS NOT SUPPORTED YET IN PHASE1 #if 0 TRAC_INFO("memory_init: calling centaur_init()"); centaur_init(); //no rc, handles errors internally #endif TRAC_ERR("memory_init: invalid memory type 0x%02X", G_sysConfigData.mem_type); /* * @errortype * @moduleid MEM_MID_MEMORY_INIT * @reasoncode MEMORY_INIT_FAILED * @userdata1 memory type * @userdata2 0 * @devdesc Invalid memory type detected */ errlHndl_t err = createErrl(MEM_MID_MEMORY_INIT, MEMORY_INIT_FAILED, OCC_NO_EXTENDED_RC, ERRL_SEV_PREDICTIVE, NULL, DEFAULT_TRACE_SIZE, G_sysConfigData.mem_type, 0); REQUEST_RESET(err); } // check if the init resulted in a reset if(isSafeStateRequested()) { TRAC_ERR("memory_init: OCC is being reset, memory init failed (type=0x%02X)", G_sysConfigData.mem_type); } else { // Initialization was successful. Set task flags to allow memory // tasks to run and also prevent from doing initialization again. G_task_table[mem_task].flags = MEMORY_DATA_RTL_FLAGS; G_task_table[TASK_ID_MEMORY_CONTROL].flags = MEMORY_CONTROL_RTL_FLAGS; } } } // if memory power control is enabled (version 21 memory configurtion // command is received), create GPE1 memory power control IPC task if((G_sysConfigData.ips_mem_pwr_ctl != MEM_PWR_CTL_NO_SUPPORT ) && (G_sysConfigData.default_mem_pwr_ctl != MEM_PWR_CTL_NO_SUPPORT )) { gpe_init_mem_power_control(); } } // end memory_init()