/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/occ_405/errl/errl.c $ */ /* */ /* OpenPOWER OnChipController Project */ /* */ /* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2011,2017 */ /* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */ /* */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */ /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or */ /* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */ /* permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ #include "ssx.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include uint32_t G_occErrSlotBits = 0x000000000; uint8_t G_occErrIdCounter= 0x00; uint8_t G_errslot1[MAX_ERRL_ENTRY_SZ] = {0}; uint8_t G_errslot2[MAX_ERRL_ENTRY_SZ] = {0}; uint8_t G_errslot3[MAX_ERRL_ENTRY_SZ] = {0}; uint8_t G_errslot4[MAX_ERRL_ENTRY_SZ] = {0}; uint8_t G_errslot5[MAX_ERRL_ENTRY_SZ] = {0}; uint8_t G_errslot6[MAX_ERRL_ENTRY_SZ] = {0}; uint8_t G_errslot7[MAX_ERRL_ENTRY_SZ] = {0}; uint8_t G_infoslot[MAX_ERRL_ENTRY_SZ] = {0}; uint8_t G_callslot[MAX_ERRL_CALL_HOME_SZ] = {0}; errlHndl_t G_occErrSlots[ERRL_MAX_SLOTS] = { (errlHndl_t) G_errslot1, (errlHndl_t) G_errslot2, (errlHndl_t) G_errslot3, (errlHndl_t) G_errslot4, (errlHndl_t) G_errslot5, (errlHndl_t) G_errslot6, (errlHndl_t) G_errslot7, (errlHndl_t) G_infoslot, (errlHndl_t) G_callslot }; // Array of error counters that are only cleared on OCC reset uint8_t G_error_history[ERR_HISTORY_SIZE] = {0}; extern uint8_t G_occ_interrupt_type; extern bool G_fir_collection_required; // Function Specification // // Name: getErrSlotNumAndErrId // // Description: Get Error Slot Number and Error Id // // End Function Specification uint8_t getErrSlotNumAndErrId( ERRL_SEVERITY i_severity, uint8_t *o_errlId, uint64_t *o_timeStamp ) { uint8_t l_rc = ERRL_INVALID_SLOT; uint32_t l_mask = ERRL_SLOT_MASK_DEFAULT; //Use severity to determine what slots are available for the given //type of errorlog severity. switch ( i_severity ) { case ERRL_SEV_INFORMATIONAL: l_mask = ERRL_SLOT_MASK_INFORMATIONAL; break; case ERRL_SEV_PREDICTIVE: l_mask = ERRL_SLOT_MASK_PREDICTIVE; break; case ERRL_SEV_UNRECOVERABLE: l_mask = ERRL_SLOT_MASK_UNRECOVERABLE; break; case ERRL_SEV_CALLHOME_DATA: l_mask = ERRL_SLOT_MASK_CALL_HOME_DATA; break; }; // we have a valid mask if ( l_mask != ERRL_SLOT_MASK_DEFAULT ) { // 1. Find an available slot // l_slotBitWord represents the available slots given the severity type. uint8_t l_slot = ERRL_INVALID_SLOT; uint32_t l_slotBitWord = ~(G_occErrSlotBits | l_mask); SsxMachineContext l_ctx; // 2. use assembly cntlzw (count leading zeros) to get available slot based on // severity type, and (disable/enable interrupts) ssx_critical_section_enter(SSX_NONCRITICAL, &l_ctx); __asm__ __volatile__ ( "cntlzw %0, %1;" : "=r" (l_slot) : "r" (l_slotBitWord)); ssx_critical_section_exit(&l_ctx); // A slot is available and valid if ( l_slot < ERRL_MAX_SLOTS ) { ssx_critical_section_enter(SSX_NONCRITICAL, &l_ctx); // 3. Get time stamp & save off timestamp // Internal caller so assuming valid pointer *o_timeStamp = ssx_timebase_get(); // save of counter and then increment it // Note: Internal caller so assuming valid pointer //Provide next ErrorId; G_occErrIdCounter should never be 0. *o_errlId = ((++G_occErrIdCounter) == 0) ? ++G_occErrIdCounter : G_occErrIdCounter; //Set slot bit in list of used up slots. G_occErrSlotBits |= (ERRL_SLOT_SHIFT >> l_slot); ssx_critical_section_exit(&l_ctx); l_rc = l_slot; } } // return slot return l_rc; } // Function Specification // // Name: getErrSlotNumByErrId // // Description: Get Error Slot Num By Error Id // // End Function Specification uint8_t getErrSlotNumByErrId(const uint8_t i_errlId) { uint8_t l_SlotNum = ERRL_INVALID_SLOT; uint8_t i = 0; // the errID should starting from 1 to 0xff if (i_errlId != 0) { // search for all slot and try to get slot num for (i = 0; i < ERRL_MAX_SLOTS; i ++) { if (i_errlId == G_occErrSlots[i]->iv_entryId) { // Found, return the array index as slot num l_SlotNum = i; break; } } } // return ERRL_INVALID_SLOT(0xff) if not found return l_SlotNum; } // Function Specification // // Name: getErrSlotOCIAddr // // Description: Get Error Slot OCI address // // End Function Specification uint32_t getErrSlotOCIAddr(const uint8_t i_SlotNum) { void *l_addr = 0; if (i_SlotNum < ERRL_MAX_SLOTS) { l_addr = G_occErrSlots[i_SlotNum]; } return (uint32_t)l_addr; } // Function Specification // // Name: getErrlOCIAddrByID // // Description: Get Error Slot OCI address // // End Function Specification uint32_t getErrlOCIAddrByID(const uint8_t i_id) { // This function verifies the id is valid uint8_t l_slot = getErrSlotNumByErrId(i_id); // This function verifies that slot is valid return getErrSlotOCIAddr(l_slot); } // Function Specification // // Name: getErrlLengthByID // // Description: Get Error Log Length // // End Function Specification uint16_t getErrlLengthByID(const uint8_t i_id) { uint16_t l_length = 0; uint8_t l_slot = getErrSlotNumByErrId(i_id); /// check if error log is committed before returning length /// because after it is committed, length shouldn't change. if(l_slot < ERRL_MAX_SLOTS) { if (G_occErrSlots[l_slot]->iv_userDetails.iv_committed) { l_length = G_occErrSlots[l_slot]->iv_userDetails.iv_entrySize; } } return l_length; } // Function Specification // // Name: getLastGetErrID // // Description: Get the oldest Error ID // // End Function Specification uint8_t getOldestErrlID() { uint8_t l_entryId = 0; uint8_t i = 0; uint64_t l_timestamp = 0; for (i = 0; i < ERRL_MAX_SLOTS; i++) { if (G_occErrSlots[i]->iv_userDetails.iv_committed) { // Get the oldest entry by searching the Mininum Err entry ID if ((l_timestamp == 0) || (G_occErrSlots[i]->iv_userDetails.iv_timeStamp <= l_timestamp) ) { l_timestamp = G_occErrSlots[i]->iv_userDetails.iv_timeStamp; l_entryId = G_occErrSlots[i]->iv_entryId; } } } return l_entryId; } // Function Specification // // Name: createErrl // // Description: Create an Error Log // // End Function Specification errlHndl_t createErrl( const uint16_t i_modId, const uint8_t i_reasonCode, const uint16_t i_extReasonCode, const ERRL_SEVERITY i_sev, const trace_descriptor_array_t* i_trace, const uint16_t i_traceSz, const uint32_t i_userData1, const uint32_t i_userData2 ) { errlHndl_t l_rc = INVALID_ERR_HNDL; uint64_t l_time = 0; uint8_t l_id = 0; uint8_t l_errSlot = getErrSlotNumAndErrId( i_sev, &l_id, &l_time); static uint8_t traceCount = 5; if ( l_errSlot != ERRL_INVALID_SLOT ) { TRAC_INFO("Creating error log in slot [%d]", l_errSlot); // get slot pointer l_rc = G_occErrSlots[ l_errSlot ]; // save off default size l_rc->iv_userDetails.iv_entrySize = sizeof( ErrlEntry_t ); // add trace addTraceToErrl( i_trace, i_traceSz, l_rc ); // add error history addErrHistory( l_rc ); // save off entry Id l_rc->iv_entryId = l_id; //Save off version info l_rc->iv_version = ERRL_STRUCT_VERSION_1; // save off time l_rc->iv_userDetails.iv_timeStamp = l_time; // if its a call home error then set the sev to informational l_rc->iv_severity = (i_sev == ERRL_SEV_CALLHOME_DATA ? (uint8_t)ERRL_SEV_INFORMATIONAL : i_sev); l_rc->iv_extendedRC = i_extReasonCode; // save off user detail section version l_rc->iv_userDetails.iv_version = ERRL_USR_DTL_STRUCT_VERSION_1; // save off rest of input parameters l_rc->iv_userDetails.iv_modId = i_modId; l_rc->iv_reasonCode = i_reasonCode; l_rc->iv_userDetails.iv_userData1 = i_userData1; l_rc->iv_userDetails.iv_userData2 = i_userData2; // set callout count to 0 l_rc->iv_numCallouts = 0; // save off occ fields l_rc->iv_userDetails.iv_fwLevel = 0; l_rc->iv_userDetails.iv_occId = G_pbax_id.chip_id; l_rc->iv_userDetails.iv_occRole = G_occ_role; l_rc->iv_userDetails.iv_operatingState = CURRENT_STATE(); } else { if( traceCount > 0 ) { TRAC_INFO("Error Logs are FULL - Slot [%d]", l_errSlot); traceCount--; } } return l_rc; } // Function Specification // // Name: addTraceToErrl // // Description: Add trace to an error log // // End Function Specification void addTraceToErrl( const trace_descriptor_array_t* i_trace, const uint16_t i_traceSz, errlHndl_t io_err) { UINT l_expectLen = 0, l_rtLen = 0, l_bytes_left; void * l_traceAddr = io_err; uint16_t l_actualSizeOfUsrDtls = 0; ocb_oisr0_t l_oisr0_status; // OCC Interrupt Source 0 Register static bool L_sys_checkstop_traced = FALSE; // Check if there is any system checkstop l_oisr0_status.value = in32(OCB_OISR0); // Level triggered interrupts? if (l_oisr0_status.fields.check_stop_ppc405 && !L_sys_checkstop_traced) { L_sys_checkstop_traced = TRUE; TRAC_IMP("addTraceToErrl: System checkstop detected: ppc405, OISR0[0x%08x]", l_oisr0_status.value); } // 1. Check if error log is not null // 2. error log is not invalid // 3. error log has not been commited // 4. input trace is not zero // 5. free space is enough // 6. input trace descriptor is valid if( (io_err != NULL) && (io_err != INVALID_ERR_HNDL) && (io_err->iv_userDetails.iv_committed == 0) && (i_traceSz != 0) && ((io_err->iv_userDetails.iv_entrySize + sizeof(ErrlUserDetailsEntry_t)) < MAX_ERRL_ENTRY_SZ ) && ((i_trace==&g_des_array[INF_TRACE_DESCRIPTOR]) || (i_trace==&g_des_array[ERR_TRACE_DESCRIPTOR]) || (i_trace==&g_des_array[IMP_TRACE_DESCRIPTOR]) || (i_trace==NULL)) ) { //local copy of the usr details entry ErrlUserDetailsEntry_t l_usrDtlsEntry; uint16_t l_headerSz = sizeof( l_usrDtlsEntry ); //adjust user details entry size to available size (word align ) uint16_t l_availableSize = MAX_ERRL_ENTRY_SZ - (io_err->iv_userDetails.iv_entrySize + l_headerSz ); l_usrDtlsEntry.iv_size = ( i_traceSz < l_availableSize ) ? i_traceSz : l_availableSize; // @jh001c //set type l_usrDtlsEntry.iv_type = (uint8_t) ERRL_USR_DTL_TRACE_DATA; //set version l_usrDtlsEntry.iv_version = ERRL_TRACE_VERSION_1; //copy the data into error the offset is the size of the current errorlog void * l_p = io_err; // Caculate trace data address. Starting from errl address + sizeof(ErrlEntry_t + ErrlUserDetailsEntry_t). l_traceAddr = l_p + io_err->iv_userDetails.iv_entrySize + l_headerSz; // check if user request to add trace from a specific trace buffer if (i_trace != NULL) { // Ensure requested length are larger than one trace info size. if (l_usrDtlsEntry.iv_size >= sizeof (trace_buf_head_t)) { l_rtLen = l_usrDtlsEntry.iv_size; TRAC_get_buffer_partial(i_trace, l_traceAddr, &l_rtLen); // Update data size l_usrDtlsEntry.iv_size = l_rtLen; } else { TRAC_IMP("addTraceToErrl: Not enough buffer size for trace, Avail[%d], Req[%d]\n", l_availableSize, l_usrDtlsEntry.iv_size); //Requested size is not able to fill in any trace info. Clear data length and give up. l_usrDtlsEntry.iv_size = 0; } } else { // User not specify which trace buffer to add. // We have three kinds of trace buffer.(INF/IMP/ERR).Get partial of them to fill in user detail section of this ERR Log. l_bytes_left = l_usrDtlsEntry.iv_size; l_expectLen = l_bytes_left / NUM_OF_TRACE_TYPE; // Ensure the size are able to fill in at least one trace info. if (l_expectLen >= sizeof (trace_buf_head_t)) { l_rtLen = l_expectLen; TRAC_get_buffer_partial(TRAC_get_td("ERR"), l_traceAddr, &l_rtLen); l_actualSizeOfUsrDtls += l_rtLen; l_bytes_left -= l_rtLen; l_rtLen = l_bytes_left / 2; TRAC_get_buffer_partial(TRAC_get_td("IMP"), (l_traceAddr + l_actualSizeOfUsrDtls), &l_rtLen); l_actualSizeOfUsrDtls += l_rtLen; l_bytes_left -= l_rtLen; l_rtLen = l_bytes_left; TRAC_get_buffer_partial(TRAC_get_td("INF"), (l_traceAddr + l_actualSizeOfUsrDtls), &l_rtLen); l_actualSizeOfUsrDtls += l_rtLen; // Update data size l_usrDtlsEntry.iv_size = l_actualSizeOfUsrDtls; } else { // Check to see if we are still able to fill in 1 or 2 traces into this Err log. if (l_usrDtlsEntry.iv_size > sizeof (trace_buf_head_t)) { l_rtLen = l_usrDtlsEntry.iv_size; // Added only ERR trace info TRAC_get_buffer_partial(TRAC_get_td("ERR"), l_traceAddr, &l_rtLen); // Update data size l_usrDtlsEntry.iv_size = l_rtLen; } else { TRAC_IMP("addTraceToErrl: Not enough buffer size for trace, Avail[%d], Req[%d]\n", l_availableSize, l_usrDtlsEntry.iv_size); //We do not have enough size to fill in any trace info. Clear data length. l_usrDtlsEntry.iv_size = 0; } } } if (l_usrDtlsEntry.iv_size) { // Finally, cacluate entire data length including usrDtl header. l_actualSizeOfUsrDtls = l_usrDtlsEntry.iv_size + l_headerSz; // save of user detail header for trace buf section we just added. // Address is starting from "errl address + sizeof(ErrlEntry_t)." // // io_err |----------------------------------------| // | ErrlEntry_t | // | {iv_userDetails.iv_userDetailEntrySize,| <== we may have more usrdtl sections, need to add length // | ... other elements ... }| of new usrdtl section(ErrlUserDetailsEntry_t + trace lens) // |----------------------------------------| // | ErrlUserDetailsEntry_t | <== copy usrdtl header to here (l_usrDtlsEntry) // |----------------------------------------| //trace buf | trace1(ex.INF) | <== trace already filled in at this moment. // | trace2(ex.INF&IMP&ERR) | // | ... | // l_p = memcpy( l_p+((io_err->iv_userDetails.iv_entrySize)),&l_usrDtlsEntry, l_headerSz ); } //update usr data entry size io_err->iv_userDetails.iv_userDetailEntrySize += l_actualSizeOfUsrDtls; //update error log size io_err->iv_userDetails.iv_entrySize += l_actualSizeOfUsrDtls; }//end validation check } // Function Specification // // Name: addErrHistory // // Description: Add error trace history to log // // End Function Specification void addErrHistory(errlHndl_t io_err) { // 1. Check if error log is not null // 2. error log is not invalid // 3. error log has not been commited // 4. free space is enough (to hold new user detail header + data) if( (io_err != NULL) && (io_err != INVALID_ERR_HNDL) && (io_err->iv_userDetails.iv_committed == 0) && ((io_err->iv_userDetails.iv_entrySize + sizeof(ErrlUserDetailsEntry_t) + sizeof(G_error_history)) < MAX_ERRL_ENTRY_SZ ) ) { void * l_errPtr = io_err; ErrlUserDetailsEntry_t l_usrDtlsEntry; const uint16_t l_usrDtlsHeaderSz = sizeof(l_usrDtlsEntry); // io_err |-----------------------------------------| // | ErrlEntry_t | // | {iv_userDetails.iv_userDetailEntrySize, | <== elog header and optional user details sections, need to add length // | ... other elements ... }| of new usrdtl section(ErrlUserDetailsEntry_t + data len) // |-----------------------------------------| // | ErrlUserDetailsEntry_t | <== new user detail header (l_usrDtlsEntry) // |-----------------------------------------| // | data ... | <== new user detail data (G_error_history) // | ... | l_usrDtlsEntry.iv_size = sizeof(G_error_history); l_usrDtlsEntry.iv_type = (uint8_t) ERRL_USR_DTL_HISTORY_DATA; l_usrDtlsEntry.iv_version = 1; // Calculate trace data address (err address + sizeof(ErrlEntry_t + existing usrDtls) + sizeof(ErrlUserDetailsEntry_t)) void * l_dataAddr = l_errPtr + io_err->iv_userDetails.iv_entrySize + l_usrDtlsHeaderSz; memcpy(l_dataAddr, G_error_history, sizeof(G_error_history)); // Calculate entire data length including usrDtl header. const uint16_t l_sizeOfUsrDtls = l_usrDtlsHeaderSz + l_usrDtlsEntry.iv_size; // Copy new user details header into log memcpy(l_errPtr+((io_err->iv_userDetails.iv_entrySize)), &l_usrDtlsEntry, l_usrDtlsHeaderSz); //update master user details size with new data io_err->iv_userDetails.iv_userDetailEntrySize += l_sizeOfUsrDtls; //update error log with new size io_err->iv_userDetails.iv_entrySize += l_sizeOfUsrDtls; } } // end addErrHistory() // Function Specification // // Name: reportErrorLog // // Description: report the log to tmgt // // End Function Specification void reportErrorLog( errlHndl_t i_err, uint16_t i_entrySize ) { // report the log // will need to give them the address and size to read TRAC_INFO("Reporting error @ %p with size %d",i_err, i_entrySize ); TRAC_INFO("ModID: 0x%08X, RC: 0x%08X, UserData1: 0x%08X, UserData2: 0x%08X", i_err->iv_userDetails.iv_modId, i_err->iv_reasonCode, i_err->iv_userDetails.iv_userData1, i_err->iv_userDetails.iv_userData2); // Defer the interrupt if FIR collection is required if (!G_fir_collection_required) { // If this system is using PSIHB complex, send an interrupt to Host so that // Host can inform HTMGT to collect the error log if (G_occ_interrupt_type == PSIHB_INTERRUPT) { notify_host(INTR_REASON_HTMGT_SERVICE_REQUIRED); } } } // Function Specification // // Name: commitErrl // // Description: Commit an Error Log // // End Function Specification void commitErrl( errlHndl_t *io_err ) { ocb_oisr0_t l_oisr0_status; static bool L_log_commits_suspended_by_safe_mode = FALSE; if (!L_log_commits_suspended_by_safe_mode && io_err != NULL) { // check if handle is valid and is NOT empty if ((*io_err != NULL ) && ( *io_err != INVALID_ERR_HNDL )) { // Check if there is a system checkstop l_oisr0_status.value = in32(OCB_OISR0); if (l_oisr0_status.fields.check_stop_ppc405) { TRAC_IMP("commitErrl: System checkstop detected: ppc405, OISR0[0x%08x]", l_oisr0_status.value); //Go to the reset state to minimize errors reset_state_request(RESET_REQUESTED_DUE_TO_ERROR); //clear out all other actions and set the safe mode req'd action (*io_err)->iv_actions.word = ERRL_ACTIONS_SAFE_MODE_REQUIRED; //set severity to informational (*io_err)->iv_severity = ERRL_SEV_INFORMATIONAL; //set callouts to 0 (*io_err)->iv_numCallouts = 0; TRAC_IMP("SAFE mode required, suspending error log commits. FIR capture required."); // Suspend all error log commits L_log_commits_suspended_by_safe_mode = TRUE; // Motivate FIR data collection G_fir_collection_required = TRUE; } // if reset action bit is set force severity to unrecoverable and // make sure there is at least one callout if((*io_err)->iv_actions.reset_required) { (*io_err)->iv_severity = ERRL_SEV_UNRECOVERABLE; if(!(*io_err)->iv_numCallouts) { addCalloutToErrl(*io_err, ERRL_CALLOUT_TYPE_COMPONENT_ID, ERRL_COMPONENT_ID_FIRMWARE, ERRL_CALLOUT_PRIORITY_HIGH); } } // mark the last callout by zeroing out the next one if((*io_err)->iv_numCallouts < ERRL_MAX_CALLOUTS) { memset(&(*io_err)->iv_callouts[(*io_err)->iv_numCallouts], 0, sizeof(ErrlCallout_t)); } // number of callouts must be the max value as defined by the TMGT-OCC spec. (*io_err)->iv_numCallouts = ERRL_MAX_CALLOUTS; // save off committed (*io_err)->iv_userDetails.iv_committed = 1; // calculate checksum & save it off uint32_t l_cnt = 2; // starting point is after checksum field uint32_t l_sum = 0; uint32_t l_size = (*io_err)->iv_userDetails.iv_entrySize; uint8_t * l_p = (uint8_t *)*io_err; for( ; l_cnt < l_size ; l_cnt++ ) { l_sum += *(l_p+l_cnt); } (*io_err)->iv_checkSum = l_sum; // Flush error log out to SRAM since the FSP will directly read it dcache_flush( *io_err, MAX_ERRL_ENTRY_SZ ); // report error to FSP reportErrorLog( *io_err, l_size ); } *io_err = (errlHndl_t) NULL; } } // Function Specification // // Name: getErrlLogId // // Description: Get Log Id from an Error Log // // End Function Specification uint8_t getErrlLogId( errlHndl_t io_err ) { uint8_t l_logId = ERRL_INVALID_SLOT; // check if handle is valid and is NOT empty if ((io_err != NULL ) && ( io_err != INVALID_ERR_HNDL )) { l_logId = (io_err)->iv_entryId; } return l_logId; } // Function Specification // // Name: deleteErrl // // Description: Delete an Error Log // // End Function Specification errlHndl_t deleteErrl( errlHndl_t *io_err) { errlHndl_t l_err = INVALID_ERR_HNDL; if (io_err != NULL) { // check if handle is valid and is NOT empty if ((*io_err != NULL ) && (*io_err != INVALID_ERR_HNDL )) { // find the slot number by traversing the global array uint32_t l_slot = 0; for( ; l_slot < ERRL_MAX_SLOTS; l_slot++ ) { if ( *io_err == G_occErrSlots[ l_slot ] ) { TRAC_INFO("deleting error @%p at slot [%d]", *io_err, l_slot ); // clear out space in that slot memset(*io_err, 0, (*io_err)->iv_userDetails.iv_entrySize ); // Disable interrupts SsxMachineContext l_ctx; ssx_critical_section_enter(SSX_NONCRITICAL, &l_ctx); //clear the error log slot bit for reuse G_occErrSlotBits &= ~(ERRL_SLOT_SHIFT >> l_slot); // Enable interrupts ssx_critical_section_exit(&l_ctx); l_err = NULL; // done doing the work break; } } } // end if valid error log handl //set the handle to null *io_err = (errlHndl_t) NULL; } return l_err; } // Function Specification // // Name: addCalloutToErrl // // Description: Add a callout to an Error Log // // End Function Specification void addCalloutToErrl( errlHndl_t io_err, const ERRL_CALLOUT_TYPE i_type, const uint64_t i_calloutValue, const ERRL_CALLOUT_PRIORITY i_priority) { // 1. check if handle is valid (not null or invalid) // 2. not committed // 3. severity is not informational (unless mfg action flag is set) // 4. callouts still not full if ( (io_err != NULL ) && (io_err != INVALID_ERR_HNDL) && (io_err->iv_userDetails.iv_committed == 0) && (io_err->iv_actions.mfg_error || io_err->iv_severity != ERRL_SEV_INFORMATIONAL) && (io_err->iv_numCallouts < ERRL_MAX_CALLOUTS) ) { //set callout type io_err->iv_callouts[ io_err->iv_numCallouts ].iv_type = (uint8_t)i_type; //set callout value io_err->iv_callouts[ io_err->iv_numCallouts ].iv_calloutValue = i_calloutValue; //set priority io_err->iv_callouts[ io_err->iv_numCallouts].iv_priority = (uint8_t)i_priority; //increment actual number of callout io_err->iv_numCallouts++; } else { TRAC_ERR("Callout type 0x%02X was NOT added to elog", i_type); } } // Function Specification // // Name: addUsrDtlsToErrl // // Description: Add User Details to an Error Log // // End Function Specification void addUsrDtlsToErrl( errlHndl_t io_err, uint8_t *i_dataPtr, const uint16_t i_size, const uint8_t i_version, const ERRL_USR_DETAIL_TYPE i_type) { // Locals uint16_t l_maxSize = (i_type == ERRL_USR_DTL_CALLHOME_DATA) ? MAX_ERRL_CALL_HOME_SZ : MAX_ERRL_ENTRY_SZ; // 1. check if handle is valid // 2. NOT empty // 3. not committed // 4. size being passed in is valid // 5. data pointer is valid // 6. and we have enough size if ((io_err != NULL ) && (io_err != INVALID_ERR_HNDL ) && (io_err->iv_userDetails.iv_committed == 0) && (i_size != 0) && (i_dataPtr != NULL) && ((io_err->iv_userDetails.iv_entrySize) < l_maxSize)) { //local copy of the usr details entry ErrlUserDetailsEntry_t l_usrDtlsEntry; uint16_t l_headerSz = sizeof( l_usrDtlsEntry ); //adjust user details entry size to available size (word align ) uint16_t l_availableSize = l_maxSize - (io_err->iv_userDetails.iv_entrySize + l_headerSz ); l_usrDtlsEntry.iv_size = ( i_size < l_availableSize ) ? i_size : l_availableSize; //set type l_usrDtlsEntry.iv_type = (uint8_t)i_type; //set version l_usrDtlsEntry.iv_version = i_version; //set the data uint16_t l_actualSizeOfUsrDtls = l_headerSz + l_usrDtlsEntry.iv_size; //copy the data into error the offset is the size of the current errorlog void * l_p = io_err; l_p = memcpy( l_p+((io_err->iv_userDetails.iv_entrySize)),&l_usrDtlsEntry, l_headerSz ); memcpy( l_p+l_headerSz, i_dataPtr, l_usrDtlsEntry.iv_size); //update usr data entry size io_err->iv_userDetails.iv_userDetailEntrySize += l_actualSizeOfUsrDtls; //update error log size io_err->iv_userDetails.iv_entrySize += l_actualSizeOfUsrDtls; } } // Function Specification // // Name: setErrlSevToInfo // // Description: Set Error Log Severity to Informational // NOTE: Any callouts in the current error log will be DROPPED! // // End Function Specification void setErrlSevToInfo( errlHndl_t io_err ) { // check if handle is valid // NOT empty // not committed if ( (io_err != NULL ) && ( io_err != INVALID_ERR_HNDL ) && (io_err->iv_userDetails.iv_committed == 0) ) { //set sev to informational io_err->iv_severity = ERRL_SEV_INFORMATIONAL; //clear any callouts uint32_t l_sizeOfcallouts = sizeof(ErrlCallout_t)*(io_err->iv_numCallouts); memset(io_err->iv_callouts, 0,l_sizeOfcallouts ); //clear number of callouts io_err->iv_numCallouts = 0; } } // Function Specification // // Name: setErrlActions // // Description: Set Actions to an Error Log // // End Function Specification // @jh001a void setErrlActions(errlHndl_t io_err, const uint8_t i_mask) { // check if handle is valid // NOT empty // not committed if ( (io_err != NULL ) && ( io_err != INVALID_ERR_HNDL ) && (io_err->iv_userDetails.iv_committed == 0) ) { // set the appropriate action bits$ io_err->iv_actions.word |= i_mask; } }