/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/occ_405/cmdh/cmdh_fsp_cmds.h $ */ /* */ /* OpenPOWER OnChipController Project */ /* */ /* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2011,2018 */ /* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */ /* */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */ /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or */ /* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */ /* permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ #ifndef _CMDH_FSP_CMDS_H #define _CMDH_FSP_CMDS_H #include "ssx.h" #include "cmdh_service_codes.h" #include "errl.h" #include "trac.h" #include "rtls.h" #include "occ_common.h" #include "state.h" #include "cmdh_fsp.h" #include "cmdh_fsp_cmds_datacnfg.h" #include "sensor.h" #include "apss.h" // Enum of the various commands that may be sent to OCC typedef enum { CMDH_POLL = 0x00, CMDH_CLEARERRL = 0x12, CMDH_SETMODESTATE = 0x20, CMDH_SETCONFIGDATA = 0x21, CMDH_SET_USER_PCAP = 0x22, CMDH_RESET_PREP = 0x25, CMDH_SNAPSHOT_SYNC = 0x26, CMDH_GET_SNAPSHOT_BUFFER = 0x35, CMDH_DEBUGPT = 0x40, CMDH_AME_PASS_THROUGH = 0x41, CMDH_GET_FIELD_DEBUG_DATA = 0x42, CMDH_MFG_TEST_CMD = 0x53, CMDH_TUNABLE_PARMS = 0x60, CMDH_CLEAR_SENSOR_DATA = 0xD0, CMDH_SET_PCAP_INBAND = 0xD1, CMDH_WRITE_PSR = 0xD2, CMDH_SELECT_SENSOR_GROUPS = 0xD3, } eCmdhCommands; #define SENSOR_TEMP "TEMP" #define SENSOR_FREQ "FREQ" #define SENSOR_POWR "POWR" #define SENSOR_CAPS "CAPS" #define SENSOR_EXTN "EXTN" #define EXTN_NAME_FMIN 0x464D494E // "FMIN" #define EXTN_NAME_FNOM 0x464E4F4D // "FNOM" #define EXTN_NAME_FTURBO 0x46540000 // "FT" #define EXTN_NAME_FUTURBO 0x46555400 // "FUT" #define EXTN_NAME_CLIP 0x434C4950 // "CLIP" #define EXTN_NAME_WOFC 0x574F4643 // "WOFC" #define EXTN_NAME_ERRHIST 0x45525248 // "ERRH" #define MAX_EXTN_SENSORS 32 //--------------------------------------------------------- // Poll Command //--------------------------------------------------------- // Length of Poll Response #define CMDH_POLL_RESP_LEN_V20 40 // version 0x20 has at least 40 bytes. // Poll Version 0x20 #define CMDH_POLL_VERSION20 0x20 // Struct used to parse Poll Cmd typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) cmdh_poll_query { // Standard TMGT struct cmdh_fsp_cmd_header; // Poll Version uint8_t version; }cmdh_poll_query_t; // Response packet used for Poll Cmd typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) cmdh_poll_resp_v20 { // Standard TMGT/HTMGT struct cmdh_fsp_rsp_header; // BYTE 1: Status union { struct { uint8_t master_occ : 1; // 1 => master, 0 => slave uint8_t fir_master : 1; // 1 => fir master. uint8_t _reserved_5 : 1; uint8_t _reserved_4 : 1; uint8_t simics : 1; // 1 => running in SIMICS environment uint8_t _reserved_2 : 1; uint8_t obs_ready : 1; // 1 => OCC received all data to support obs state. uint8_t active_ready : 1; // 1 => OCC received all data to support active state. }; uint8_t word; } status; // BYTE 2: Extended Status union { struct { uint8_t dvfs_due_to_ot : 1; // 1 => OCC clipped max Pstate due to a processor over temp. uint8_t dvfs_due_to_pwr : 1; // 1 => OCC clipped max Psate due to reaching pcap limit. uint8_t mthrot_due_to_ot : 1; // 1 => OCC throttled memory due to an over temp. uint8_t n_power : 1; // 1 => Server running without redundant power. uint8_t dvfs_due_to_vdd_ot : 1; // 1 => OCC clipped max Pstate due to VRM Vdd over temp. uint8_t _reserved_2 : 1; uint8_t _reserved_1 : 1; uint8_t _reserved_0 : 1; }; uint8_t word; } ext_status; // BYTE 3: OCCs Present uint8_t occ_pres_mask; // BYTE 4: Config Data Requested uint8_t config_data; // BYTE 5: Current OCC State uint8_t state; // BYTE 6: Current OCC Mode uint8_t mode; // BYTE 7: Current Idle Power Saver Status union { struct { uint8_t _reserved_7 : 1; uint8_t _reserved_6 : 1; uint8_t _reserved_5 : 1; uint8_t _reserved_4 : 1; uint8_t _reserved_3 : 1; uint8_t _reserved_2 : 1; uint8_t ips_active : 1; uint8_t ips_enabled : 1; }; uint8_t word; } ips_status; // BYTE 8: Error Log ID uint8_t errl_id; // BYTES 9 - 12: Error Log Start Address uint32_t errl_address; // BYTES 13 - 14: Error Log Length uint16_t errl_length; // BYTE 15: Reserved uint8_t _reserved_15; // BYTE 16: GPU Configuration uint8_t gpu_presence; // BYTES 17 - 32 (16 bytes): OCC Code Level - ASCII string of OCC build level currently running. uint8_t occ_level[16]; // BYTES 33 - 38 (6 bytes): ASCII eye catcher "SENSOR" uint8_t sensor_ec[6]; // BYTE 39: Number of sensor data blocks uint8_t sensor_dblock_count; // BYTE 40: Sensor Data Block Header Version uint8_t sensor_dblock_version; // No need to include the 2 bytes for checksum since they get added prior to sending // data back to tmgt. }cmdh_poll_resp_v20_fixed_t; typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) cmdh_poll_sensor_datablock { uint8_t eyecatcher[4]; uint8_t reserved; uint8_t format; uint8_t length; uint8_t count; } cmdh_poll_sensor_db_t; typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) cmdh_poll_temp_sensor { uint32_t id; // Sensor id. uint8_t fru_type; uint8_t value; // current temperature sensor reading in degrees C } cmdh_poll_temp_sensor_t; typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) cmdh_poll_freq_sensor { uint32_t id; // Id to represent the frequency. uint16_t value; // current frequency in MHZ } cmdh_poll_freq_sensor_t; // Only available from master occ. typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) cmdh_poll_powr_sensor { uint32_t id; // Sensor id - to represent the power. uint8_t function_id; // Identify what the reading is for (ADC_CHANNEL_ID in xml file) uint8_t apss_channel; // APSS channel that the power was read from uint16_t reserved; uint32_t update_tag; // Count of number of 250us samples represented by accumulator. uint64_t accumul; // Accumulation of 250us power readings uint16_t current; // Most recent 250us reading in watts. } cmdh_poll_power_sensor_t; typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) cmdh_poll_powr_no_apss_sensor { uint32_t sys_pwr_id; // Sensor id - to represent total system power. uint16_t sys_pwr_update_time; // Time in us that system power is read uint16_t sys_pwr_current; // Most recent system power reading in watts uint32_t sys_pwr_update_tag; // Count of number of samples represented by sys pwr accumulator uint64_t sys_pwr_accumul; // Accumulation of system power readings uint32_t reserved; uint16_t proc_pwr_update_time; // Time in us that processor power is updated uint16_t proc_pwr_current; // Most recent processor power reading in watts uint32_t proc_pwr_update_tag; // Count of number of samples represented by proc accumulator uint64_t proc_pwr_accumul; // Accumulation of processor power readings uint16_t vdd_pwr_current; // Most recent processor Vdd power reading in watts uint32_t vdd_pwr_update_tag; // Count of number of samples represented by Vdd accumulator uint64_t vdd_pwr_accumul; // Accumulation of processor Vdd power readings uint16_t vdn_pwr_current; // Most recent processor Vdn power reading in watts uint32_t vdn_pwr_update_tag; // Count of number of samples represented by Vdn accumulator uint64_t vdn_pwr_accumul; // Accumulation of processor Vdn power readings } cmdh_poll_power_no_apss_sensor_t; // Only available from master occ. typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) cmdh_poll_caps_sensor { uint16_t current; // Current power cap in 1W units. uint16_t system; // Current system power in 1W units. uint16_t n; // Oversubscription; output pcap limit when theres no redundant power. uint16_t max; // Maximum power cap in 1W units. uint16_t hard_min; // Minimum hard power cap in 1W units. uint16_t soft_min; // Minimum soft power cap in 1W units. uint16_t user; // Power cap set by user in 1W units. uint8_t source; // User Power Limit Source } cmdh_poll_pcaps_sensor_t; typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) cmdh_poll_extn_sensor { uint32_t name; // Sensor name or id uint8_t flags; // Flags indicating any special processing uint8_t reserved; uint8_t data[6]; // Data associated with sensor } cmdh_poll_extn_sensor_t; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Query FW Level Command //--------------------------------------------------------- // Response packet used for Query Firmware Level Cmd #define CMDH_FW_QUERY_RESP_LEN 16 typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) cmdh_fw_resp { // Standard TMGT struct cmdh_fsp_rsp_header; // Firmware Level (4 bytes) uint8_t fw_level[CMDH_FW_QUERY_RESP_LEN]; // Checksum uint8_t checksum[2]; }cmdh_fw_resp_t; extern uint8_t G_apss_ch_to_function[MAX_APSS_ADC_CHANNELS]; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Set Mode And State Command //--------------------------------------------------------- // Query packet used by the FSP for setting the TPMF state, version 0. struct smgr_setmodestate_v0_query { // Standard TMGT struct cmdh_fsp_cmd_header; // Version uint8_t version; // New state from OCC_STATE_* uint8_t occ_state; // New mode from OCC_MODE_* uint8_t occ_mode; } __attribute__ ((__packed__)); typedef struct smgr_setmodestate_v0_query smgr_setmodestate_v0_query_t; #define SMGR_SETMODESTATE_CMD_LEN 3 // Complete Response packet for a set mode / state command #define SMGR_SETMODESTATE_RESP_LEN 0 typedef cmdh_fsp_rsp_t smgr_setmodestate_resp_t; // Set-mode-state TMGT command version #define SMGR_SMS_CMD_VERSION 0 //--------------------------------------------------------- // Clear Elog Command //--------------------------------------------------------- // Used by TMGT to clear elog data state, version 0. typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { struct cmdh_fsp_cmd_header; uint8_t elog_id; }cmdh_clear_elog_query_t; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Get Elog Command //--------------------------------------------------------- // Used by TMGT to response occ elog data, version 0. typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { struct cmdh_fsp_rsp_header; uint32_t oci_address; uint8_t elog_id; }cmdh_get_elog_resp_t; #define CMDH_GET_ELOG_RESP_LEN 5 //--------------------------------------------------------- // Reset Prep //--------------------------------------------------------- // Minimum Data Length for Reset Prep Command #define CMDH_RESET_PREP_MIN_DATALEN 1 // Version 0 #define CMDH_RESET_PREP_VERSION 0 // Reason typedef enum { // Non-failure. Code update, external user request (i.e. to load // new pState table). No FFDC error logs should be generated. CMDH_PREP_NONFAILURE = 0x00, // Failure detected on this OCC. FFDC error log should be generated. CMDH_PREP_FAILON_THISOCC = 0x01, // Failure detected on a different OCC within same node. // FFDC log is optional, if this OCC is master OCC it may want to // generate FFDC log. CMDH_PREP_FAILON_OTHEROCC = 0x02, // Failure detected on a different OCC in different node. No // FFDC error log should be generated. Current assumption is that an // OCC in a different node should never be reason for an OCC failure. CMDH_PREP_FAILON_OTHERNODE = 0x03, // System is powering off, stop RTL tasks CMDH_PREP_POWER_OFF = 0xFF, } eCmdhResetPrepReason; #define CMDH_RESET_PREP_TRACE_SIZE 3072 // Struct used to parse Reset Prep Command typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) cmdh_reset_prep { // Standard TMGT struct cmdh_fsp_cmd_header; // Poll Version uint8_t version; // Reason uint8_t reason; }cmdh_reset_prep_t; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Debug Command //--------------------------------------------------------- ///Max string length of trace component name #define OCC_TRACE_NAME_SIZE 4 // Enum of the various Debug commands that may be sent to OCC // over the TMGT<->OCC interface. typedef enum { DBUG_DUMP_WOF_DATA = 0x01, // free = 0x02 DBUG_GET_TRACE = 0x03, DBUG_CLEAR_TRACE = 0x04, DBUG_ALLOW_TRACE = 0x05, DBUG_SET_PEXE_EVENT = 0x06, DBUG_GET_AME_SENSOR = 0x07, DBUG_DUMP_GPU_TIMINGS = 0x08, DBUG_PEEK = 0x09, DBUG_POKE = 0x0A, DBUG_DUMP_THEMAL = 0x0B, DBUG_DUMP_POWER = 0x0C, DBUG_DUMP_RAW_AD = 0x0D, DBUG_DVFS_SLEW = 0x0E, DBUG_MEM_PWR_CTL = 0x0F, DBUG_PERFCOUNT = 0x10, DBUG_TEST_INTF = 0x11, // free = 0x12 // free = 0x13 DBUG_INJECT_ERRL = 0x14, // free = 0x15 // free = 0x16 DBUG_GPIO_READ = 0x17, DBUG_FSP_ATTN = 0x18, DBUG_CALCULATE_MAX_DIFF = 0x19, DBUG_FORCE_ELOG = 0x1A, DBUG_SWITCH_PHASE = 0x1B, DBUG_INJECT_ERR = 0x1C, DBUG_VERIFY_V_F = 0x1D, DBUG_DUMP_PPM_DATA = 0x1E, // free = 0x1F DBUG_FLUSH_DCACHE = 0x20, DBUG_INVALIDATE_DCACHE = 0x21, DBUG_CENTAUR_SENSOR_CACHE = 0x22, DBUG_DUMP_PROC_DATA = 0x23, DBUG_GEN_CHOM_LOG = 0x24, DBUG_DUMP_APSS_DATA = 0x25, DBUG_DUMP_AME_SENSOR = 0x26, DBUG_CLEAR_AME_SENSOR = 0x27, DBUG_WOF_CONTROL = 0x28 } DBUG_CMD; // Used by OCC tool to get trace, version 0. typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { struct cmdh_fsp_cmd_header; int8_t sub_cmd; int16_t size_request; int8_t comp[OCC_TRACE_NAME_SIZE]; }cmdh_dbug_get_trace_query_t; // Used by OCC to response "get trace" cmd, version 0. typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { struct cmdh_fsp_rsp_header; uint8_t data[0]; }cmdh_dbug_get_trace_resp_t; #define CMDH_DBUG_GET_TRACE_RESP_LEN 6 // size_request(2) and occ_comp_sram_offset(4) // Used by occtool to get AME sensor data typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { struct cmdh_fsp_cmd_header; uint8_t sub_cmd; uint16_t type; uint16_t location; }cmdh_dbug_get_sensor_query_t; typedef struct cmdh_dbug_sensor_list { char name[MAX_SENSOR_NAME_SZ]; uint16_t gsid; uint16_t sample; uint16_t sample_min; uint16_t sample_max; uint32_t ipmi_sid; }cmdh_dbug_sensor_list_t; // Max number of sensors that can be returned with cmdh_dbug_get_ame_sensor command #define CMDH_DBUG_MAX_NUM_SENSORS 50 // Size of standard response header (5 bytes) plus checksum (2 bytes) #define CMDH_DBUG_FSP_RESP_LEN 7 // Used by OCC firmware to respond "cmdh_dbug_get_ame_sensor" debug command typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { struct cmdh_fsp_rsp_header; uint16_t num_sensors; cmdh_dbug_sensor_list_t sensor[CMDH_DBUG_MAX_NUM_SENSORS]; uint8_t filler; uint16_t checksum; }cmdh_dbug_get_sensor_resp_t; // Size of trace data for a trace buffer #define CMDH_FIELD_TRACE_DATA_SIZE 1024 // Max number of sensors for field debug data #define CMDH_FIELD_MAX_NUM_SENSORS 50 // Used by OCC to response "GET_FIELD_DEBUG_DATA" cmd typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { struct cmdh_fsp_rsp_header; // OCC node uint8_t occ_node; // OCC id uint8_t occ_id; // OCC role uint8_t occ_role; // ERR trace char trace_err[CMDH_FIELD_TRACE_DATA_SIZE]; // INF trace char trace_inf[CMDH_FIELD_TRACE_DATA_SIZE]; // Number of Sensors uint16_t num_sensors; // Sensors list cmdh_dbug_sensor_list_t sensor[CMDH_FIELD_MAX_NUM_SENSORS]; // Checksum uint8_t checksum[2]; }cmdh_get_field_debug_data_resp_t; // Used by TMGT to get field debug data typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { struct cmdh_fsp_cmd_header; uint8_t version; }cmdh_get_field_debug_data_query_t; // Used by OCC to debug on real hardware typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { struct cmdh_fsp_cmd_header; uint8_t sub_cmd; uint8_t type; uint16_t size; uint32_t oci_address; }cmdh_dbug_peek_t; typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { uint8_t func; uint16_t raw; uint16_t calculated; uint32_t ipmi_sid; uint32_t offset; uint32_t gain; }cmdh_dbug_apss_data_t; // Used to get the APSS raw values typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { struct cmdh_fsp_rsp_header; cmdh_dbug_apss_data_t ApssCh[MAX_APSS_ADC_CHANNELS]; uint8_t checksum[2]; } cmdh_dbug_apss_data_resp_t; // DBUG_DUMP_AME_SENSOR command struct typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { struct cmdh_fsp_cmd_header; // Standard command header uint8_t sub_cmd; // Debug sub-command uint16_t gsid; // Global Sensor ID } cmdh_dbug_dump_ame_sensor_cmd_t; // DBUG_DUMP_AME_SENSOR response struct typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { struct cmdh_fsp_rsp_header; // Standard response header sensor_info_t sensor_info; // Static sensor fields sensor_t sensor; // Dynamic sensor fields uint8_t checksum[CMDH_FSP_CHECKSUM_SIZE]; // Checksum } cmdh_dbug_dump_ame_sensor_rsp_t; // DBUG_CLEAR_AME_SENSOR command struct typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { struct cmdh_fsp_cmd_header; // Standard command header uint8_t sub_cmd; // Debug sub-command uint16_t gsid; // Global Sensor ID uint16_t clear_type; // Fields to clear (AMEC_SENSOR_CLEAR_TYPE) } cmdh_dbug_clear_ame_sensor_cmd_t; // DBUG_CLEAR_AME_SENSOR response struct typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { struct cmdh_fsp_rsp_header; // Standard response header sensor_t sensor; // Dynamic sensor fields uint8_t checksum[CMDH_FSP_CHECKSUM_SIZE]; // Checksum } cmdh_dbug_clear_ame_sensor_rsp_t; // DBUG_WOF_CONTROL command struct typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { struct cmdh_fsp_cmd_header; // Standard command header uint8_t sub_cmd; // Debug sub-command uint8_t action; // CLEAR(0) or SET(1) uint32_t wof_rc; // Bit to set } cmdh_dbug_wof_control_cmd_t; // DBUG_WOF_CONTROL response struct typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { struct cmdh_fsp_rsp_header; uint32_t wof_disabled; uint8_t checksum[CMDH_FSP_CHECKSUM_SIZE]; } cmdh_dbug_wof_control_rsp_t; // DBUG_ALLOW_TRACE command struct typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { struct cmdh_fsp_cmd_header; uint8_t sub_cmd; uint8_t action; uint16_t trace_flags; }cmdh_dbug_allow_trace_cmd_t; // DBUG_ALLOW_TRACE response struct typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { struct cmdh_fsp_rsp_header; uint16_t trace_flags; uint8_t checksum[CMDH_FSP_CHECKSUM_SIZE]; }cmdh_dbug_allow_trace_rsp_t; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Tunable Parameter Command //--------------------------------------------------------- // Default number of tunable parameters available // NOTE: update this value if any new tunable parameter is added into the table #define CMDH_DEFAULT_TUNABLE_PARAM_NUM 10 // Max size for string containing the tunable parameter name #define CMDH_TUNABLE_PARAM_NAME_MAX_SIZE 60 typedef struct cmdh_tunable_param_table { uint8_t id; char name[CMDH_TUNABLE_PARAM_NAME_MAX_SIZE]; uint8_t unit_type; uint16_t flag; uint16_t value; uint16_t min; uint16_t max; }cmdh_tunable_param_table_t; typedef struct cmdh_tunable_param_table_ext { // Default value for this parameter uint16_t def_value; // Multiplier to convert the input value to correct internal resolution uint16_t multiplier; // Adjusted value for this parameter (adjusted for internal resolution) uint16_t adj_value; }cmdh_tunable_param_table_ext_t; extern uint8_t G_mst_tunable_parameter_overwrite; extern cmdh_tunable_param_table_ext_t G_mst_tunable_parameter_table_ext[CMDH_DEFAULT_TUNABLE_PARAM_NUM]; extern cmdh_tunable_param_table_t G_mst_tunable_parameter_table[CMDH_DEFAULT_TUNABLE_PARAM_NUM]; #define CMDH_SET_USER_PCAP_DATALEN 2 //--------------------------------------------------------- // Clear Sensor Data Command //--------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { uint8_t sensor_owner_id; uint8_t reserved[3]; }cmdh_clear_sensor_cmd_data_t; typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { uint8_t sensor_owner_id; uint8_t reserved[3]; }cmdh_clear_sensor_rsp_data_t; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Set Power Cap In-band Command //--------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { uint8_t power_cap[2]; }cmdh_set_inband_pcap_cmd_data_t; typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { uint8_t power_cap[2]; }cmdh_set_inband_pcap_rsp_data_t; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Write Power Shifting Ratio Command //--------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { uint8_t psr; }cmdh_write_psr_cmd_data_t; typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { uint8_t psr; }cmdh_write_psr_rsp_data_t; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Select Sensor Groups Command //--------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { uint8_t sensor_groups[2]; }cmdh_select_sensor_groups_cmd_data_t; typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { uint8_t sensor_groups[2]; }cmdh_select_sensor_groups_rsp_data_t; errlHndl_t cmdh_tmgt_setmodestate(const cmdh_fsp_cmd_t * i_cmd_ptr, cmdh_fsp_rsp_t * i_rsp_ptr); void cmdh_dbug_cmd (const cmdh_fsp_cmd_t * i_cmd_ptr, cmdh_fsp_rsp_t * i_rsp_ptr); errlHndl_t cmdh_tmgt_poll (const cmdh_fsp_cmd_t * i_cmd_ptr, cmdh_fsp_rsp_t * i_rsp_ptr); errlHndl_t cmdh_clear_elog (const cmdh_fsp_cmd_t * i_cmd_ptr, cmdh_fsp_rsp_t * i_rsp_ptr); errlHndl_t cmdh_amec_pass_through(const cmdh_fsp_cmd_t * i_cmd_ptr, cmdh_fsp_rsp_t * i_rsp_ptr); errlHndl_t cmdh_reset_prep(const cmdh_fsp_cmd_t * i_cmd_ptr, cmdh_fsp_rsp_t * i_rsp_ptr); errlHndl_t cmdh_tmgt_get_field_debug_data(const cmdh_fsp_cmd_t * i_cmd_ptr, cmdh_fsp_rsp_t * i_rsp_ptr); errlHndl_t cmdh_set_user_pcap(const cmdh_fsp_cmd_t * i_cmd_ptr, cmdh_fsp_rsp_t * o_rsp_ptr); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Commands supported via in-band interface must have additional inputs/output/return // Any out of band commands that are to be supported in-band should change to this // common format to allow calling by either i.e. AMESTER pass thru is supported on both //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ uint8_t cmdh_clear_sensor_data(const uint16_t i_cmd_data_length, const uint8_t* i_cmd_data_ptr, const uint16_t i_max_rsp_data_length, uint16_t* o_rsp_data_length, uint8_t* o_rsp_data_ptr); uint8_t cmdh_set_pcap_inband(const uint16_t i_cmd_data_length, const uint8_t* i_cmd_data_ptr, const uint16_t i_max_rsp_data_length, uint16_t* o_rsp_data_length, uint8_t* o_rsp_data_ptr); uint8_t cmdh_write_psr(const uint16_t i_cmd_data_length, const uint8_t* i_cmd_data_ptr, const uint16_t i_max_rsp_data_length, uint16_t* o_rsp_data_length, uint8_t* o_rsp_data_ptr); uint8_t cmdh_select_sensor_groups(const uint16_t i_cmd_data_length, const uint8_t* i_cmd_data_ptr, const uint16_t i_max_rsp_data_length, uint16_t* o_rsp_data_length, uint8_t* o_rsp_data_ptr); #endif