path: root/src/ssx/pgp/pgp_pba.c
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diff --git a/src/ssx/pgp/pgp_pba.c b/src/ssx/pgp/pgp_pba.c
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+// $Id: pgp_pba.c,v 1.2 2014/02/03 01:30:35 daviddu Exp $
+// $Source: /afs/awd/projects/eclipz/KnowledgeBase/.cvsroot/eclipz/chips/p8/working/procedures/ssx/pgp/pgp_pba.c,v $
+// *! (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 2013
+// *! All Rights Reserved -- Property of IBM
+// *! *** IBM Confidential ***
+/// \file pgp_pba.c
+/// \brief procedures for pba setup and operation.
+#include "ssx.h"
+#include "pgp_pba.h"
+#include "pgp_pmc.h"
+#include "pgp_common.h"
+#include "polling.h"
+// Internal API to set up a PBA BAR
+static int
+pba_bar_set(int idx, uint64_t pb_base, uint8_t pb_scope)
+ int rc ;
+ pba_barn_t bar ;
+ bar.fields.cmd_scope = pb_scope ;
+ bar.fields.addr = pb_base >> PBA_LOG_SIZE_MIN ;
+ rc = putscom(PBA_BARN(idx), bar.value);
+ return rc ;
+// Internal API to set up a PBA BAR Mask. The mask covers bits 23:43, address
+// bits 44:63 are always allowed.
+static int
+pba_barmask_set(int idx, uint64_t mask)
+ int rc ;
+ pba_barmskn_t barmask ;
+ barmask.value = mask & 0x000001FFFFF00000ull;
+ rc = putscom(PBA_BARMSKN(idx), barmask.value);
+ return rc ;
+/// Procedure to allocate a PowerBus address block using the bridge.
+/// \param idx The BAR set to use, in the range 0..3.
+/// \param base The 50-bit PowerBus base address where the block starts. This
+/// address must be aligned to the \a log_size.
+/// \param log_size The base 2 logarithm of the block size, in bytes. The
+/// minimum size is 1MB (2**20), the maximum size is 2TB (2**41)
+/// This is a validation/test procedure only, since setting up the PBA BARs is
+/// normally reserved to pHyp and FSP. If the MMU is enabled and the PBA
+/// mapping will be referenced by the 405, then an MMU mapping will also have
+/// to be created (separately) for the block.
+/// This procedure is not the complete setup for large memory areas. Memory
+/// areas that require the extended address will have to set that up
+/// separately.
+/// \retval 0 Success
+/// \retval PBA_INVALID_ARGUMENT_BARSET One or more of the parameter
+/// restrictions were violated.
+/// \retval PBA_SCOM_ERROR1 or PBA_SCOM_ERROR2 An attempt to write a PBA SCOM
+/// register to set up the BARs produced a non-zero return code.
+pba_barset_initialize(int idx, uint64_t base, int log_size)
+ uint64_t mask ;
+ mask = (0x1ull << log_size) - 1;
+ SSX_ERROR_IF((idx < 0) ||
+ (idx > 3) ||
+ (log_size < PBA_LOG_SIZE_MIN) ||
+ (log_size > PBA_LOG_SIZE_MAX) ||
+ ((base & mask) != 0),
+ }
+ if (pba_bar_set(idx, base, PBA_POWERBUS_COMMAND_SCOPE_DEFAULT)) {
+ }
+ if (pba_barmask_set(idx, mask)) {
+ }
+ return 0 ;
+// polling() function for PBA Slave reset
+// Slave reset for PBA is a complex issue, especially in cases where the
+// entity requesting the reset may be executing from main memory, i.e.
+// continuing to read to or write from the slave being reset. To work around
+// potential issues if the 405 is attempting to reset its own slave, the code
+// that polls for reset is PowerBus cache-line aligned, and we re-hit the
+// reset button each time we get an unsuccessful poll for the reset being
+// done. This should guarantee that the slave will go to reset status as soon
+// as any PowerBus blockages (if any) clear and the master stops either
+// reading or writing the slave port. For details see HW228485.
+_pba_slave_reset_poll(void* arg, int* done) ALIGNED_ATTRIBUTE(128);
+_pba_slave_reset_poll(void* arg, int* done)
+ int id;
+ pba_slvrst_t psr;
+ id = (int)arg;
+ psr.value = 0;
+ psr.fields.set = PBA_SLVRST_SET(id);
+ out64(PBA_SLVRST, psr.value);
+ psr.value = in64(PBA_SLVRST);
+ *done = !(psr.fields.in_prog & PBA_SLVRST_IN_PROG(id));
+ return 0;
+/// Reset a PBA slave with explicit timeout.
+/// \param id A PBA slave id in the range 0..3
+/// \param timeout A value of SsxInterval type. The special value
+/// SSX_WAIT_FOREVER indicates no timeout.
+/// \param sleep A value of SsxInterval type. Callers using the explicit
+/// timeout form can request that the thread sleeps between polls; See
+/// documentation for the polling() API.
+/// This form of pba_slave_reset() gives the caller control over timeouts,
+/// sleeping and error handling.
+/// \retval 0 Success
+/// \retval -PBA_INVALID_ARGUMENT_RESET The slave \a id parameter
+/// is invalid.
+/// \retval -PBA_SLVRST_TIMED_OUT1 The procedure timed out waiting for the PBA
+/// to reset the slave.
+_pba_slave_reset(int id, SsxInterval timeout, SsxInterval sleep)
+ int rc, closureRc;
+ SSX_ERROR_IF((id < 0) || (id >= PBA_SLAVES),
+ }
+ rc = polling(&closureRc, _pba_slave_reset_poll, (void*)id, timeout, sleep);
+ if (rc == POLLING_TIMEOUT) {
+ }
+ return rc;
+/// Reset a PBA slave with a default timeout
+/// \param id A PBA slave id in the range 0..3
+/// PBA slaves must be reset before being reprogrammed. Resetting a slave
+/// also flushes any write buffers and invalidates any read buffers associated
+/// with the slave. This procedure is for initialization/bringup/test only;
+/// it has a non-deterministic run time due to the PowerBus so should not be
+/// run as part of a hard real-time loop.
+/// \retval 0 Success
+/// \retval -SSX_INVALID_ARGUMENT_PBA_RESET The slave \a id parameter is
+/// invalid.
+/// \retval -PBA_SLVRST_TIMED_OUT2 The procedure timed out waiting for the PBA
+/// to reset the slave.
+pba_slave_reset(int id)
+ int rc;
+ rc = _pba_slave_reset(id, PBA_SLAVE_RESET_TIMEOUT, 0);
+ if (rc) {
+ }
+ return rc;
+/// Configure the PBAX mechanism
+/// \param master If non-0, then this OCC will assume the role of the PBAX
+/// master processor in the power domain. To avoid PBAX livelock there can
+/// only be a single master in any power domain, and only the master is
+/// allowed to issue PBAX broadcast transactions.
+/// \param node The PBAX Node Id of this OCC
+/// \param chip The PBAX Chip Id of this OCC
+/// \param group_mask A bit mask indicating the broadcast group(s) (power
+/// domain(s)) that this OCC belongs to.
+/// This API sets up certain fields of the PBA_XCFG register according to the
+/// parameters. Other fields in the register controlling hardware timeouts and
+/// performance monitoring are unchanged.
+/// \retval 0 Success
+/// \retval -PBAX_INVALID_ARGUMENT_CONFIG One of the arguments is
+/// not valid for some reason.
+pbax_configure(int master, int node, int chip, int group_mask)
+ pba_xcfg_t pxc;
+ SSX_ERROR_IF((node < 0) ||
+ (node >= PBAX_NODES) ||
+ (chip < 0) ||
+ (chip >= PBAX_CHIPS) ||
+ (group_mask < 0) ||
+ (group_mask > PBAX_GROUP_MASK_MAX),
+ }
+ pxc.value = in64(PBA_XCFG);
+ pxc.fields.reservation_en = (master != 0);
+ pxc.fields.rcv_nodeid = node;
+ pxc.fields.rcv_chipid = chip;
+ pxc.fields.rcv_brdcst_group = group_mask;
+ out64(PBA_XCFG, pxc.value);
+ return 0;
+/// Create a PBAX abstract target
+/// \param target An uninitialized or otherwise idle PbaxTarget object
+/// \param type The transmission type, either PBAX_UNICAST or PBAX_BROADCAST
+/// \param scope The PowerBus scope, either PBAX_GROUP or PBAX_SYSTEM
+/// \param queue The receive queue index on the target, either 0 or 1
+/// \param node The PBAX Node Id of the target
+/// \param chip_or_group Either the PBAX Chip Id of the target (for unicast),
+/// or the PBAX Group Id of the target (for broadcast)
+/// Create an abstraction of a communication target for PBAX send operations,
+/// for use with the _pbax_send() and _pbax_send() APIs. This API has no
+/// knowledge of how the PBAX is configured, and therefore accepts all node,
+/// chip and broadcast group ids as valid. However this API does assume that
+/// all broadcast transactions are "real-time" and require a reservation.
+/// \retval 0 Success
+/// \retval -PBAX_INVALID_OBJECT The \a target parameter is NULL (0) or
+/// otherwise invalid.
+/// \retval -PBAX_INVALID_ARGUMENT_TARGET One or more of the arguments
+/// is invalid.
+pbax_target_create(PbaxTarget* target,
+ int type, int scope, int queue,
+ int node, int chip_or_group)
+ SSX_ERROR_IF(((type != PBAX_UNICAST) && (type != PBAX_BROADCAST)) ||
+ ((scope != PBAX_GROUP) && (scope != PBAX_SYSTEM)) ||
+ ((queue < 0) || (queue >= PBAX_QUEUES)),
+ }
+ target->target.value = 0;
+ target->target.fields.snd_scope = scope;
+ target->target.fields.snd_qid = queue;
+ target->target.fields.snd_type = type;
+ target->target.fields.snd_reservation = (type == PBAX_BROADCAST);
+ target->target.fields.snd_nodeid = node;
+ target->target.fields.snd_chipid = chip_or_group;
+ return 0;
+/// Use PBAX to send 64 bits to a target with a caller-specified timeout
+/// \param target An abstract PBAX target object
+/// \param data The data to send
+/// \param timeout The caller's timeout represented as an
+/// SsxInterval. Use SSX_WAIT_FOREVER to indicate the caller is willing to
+/// wait forever. A \a timeout of 0 indicates that the caller is not
+/// willing to wait at all, and the call will either succeed immediately or
+/// immediately return -PBAX_TIMEOUT.
+/// The PBAX mechanism has a single outgoing channel that must be shared by
+/// all processes that need to send messages using PBAX. Since messages sent
+/// over PBAX may require an unknown amount of time to complete (due to
+/// PowerBus traffic and blockages), this driver implements an agressive
+/// policy that allows a sender to initiate a send transaction without waiting
+/// for the final completion status. However this opens a window where a
+/// subsequent writer may find the PBAX send mechanism already in use. Here
+/// the new sender is obligated to busy-wait until the send mechanism is free,
+/// as the PBAX send does not include an interrupt notification.
+/// This form of the PBAX send operation accepts an explicit \a timeout value
+/// as previously described. The timeout represents the amount of time that
+/// the caller is willing to wait for a busy PBAX send mechanism to become
+/// free. The PBAX hardware also includes mechanisms to time out the hardware
+/// and modeably interrupt OCC in the event of lack of progress.
+/// <em> This API does not operate in a critical section or enforce any
+/// synchronization protocol. Synchronization and software timeout management
+/// in the case of multiple senders is the responsibility of the
+/// application. </em>
+/// Unlike most other driver APIs this API can not be configured to "panic",
+/// but instead always terminates with a 0 return code or an error status.
+/// \retval 0 Success. Success only means that a transaction was sucessfully
+/// initiated on an idle PBAX send machine.
+/// \retval -PBAX_TIMEOUT The caller-specified timeout expired before the PBAX
+/// send machine became free, but the PBAX send machine does not show error
+/// status.
+/// \retval -PBAX_SEND_ERROR The PBAXSNDSTAT.snd_error bit is asserted. It
+/// is expected that this error will cause the PBA error interrupt to fire -
+/// FFDC is collected by the interrupt handler.
+_pbax_send(PbaxTarget* target, uint64_t data, SsxInterval timeout)
+ pba_xsndstat_t pss;
+ SsxTimebase start;
+ int rc, timed_out;
+ // The PBAX is always polled at least twice to guarantee that we always
+ // poll once after a timeout - unless the caller explicitly requested a 0
+ // timeout.
+ start = 0;
+ timed_out = 0;
+ do {
+ pss.words.high_order = in32(PBA_XSNDSTAT);
+ if (pss.fields.snd_error) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!pss.fields.snd_in_progress) {
+ rc = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (start == 0) {
+ start = ssx_timebase_get();
+ }
+ if ((timeout == 0) || timed_out) {
+ break;
+ }
+ timed_out =
+ ((timeout != SSX_WAIT_FOREVER) &&
+ ((ssx_timebase_get() - start) > timeout));
+ } while (1);
+ // Configure the send engine and initiate the write, which is kicked off
+ // by writing the high-order word of the send data register.
+ if (!rc) {
+ out32(PBA_XSNDTX, target->target.words.high_order);
+ out32(PBA_XSNDDAT + 4, data & 0xffffffff);
+ out32(PBA_XSNDDAT, data >> 32);
+ }
+ return rc;
+/// Use PBAX to send 64 bits to a target with a default timeout
+/// \param target An abstract PBAX target object
+/// \param data The data to send
+/// This form of the PBAX send operation uses a default timeout, and may be
+/// configured to panic in the event of timeouts or send errors. See
+/// _pbax_send() for the specification of the underlying API.
+/// <em> This API does not operate in a critical section or enforce any
+/// synchronization protocol. Synchronization and software timeout management
+/// in the case of multiple senders is the responsibility of the
+/// application. </em>
+/// \retval 0 Success. Success only means that a transaction was sucessfully
+/// initiated on an idle PBAX send machine.
+/// \retval -PBAX_TIMEOUT The caller-specified timeout expired before the PBAX
+/// send machine became free.
+/// \retval -PBAX_SEND_ERROR The PBAXSNDSTAT.snd_error bit is asserted.
+pbax_send(PbaxTarget* target, uint64_t data)
+ int rc;
+ rc = _pbax_send(target, data, PBAX_SEND_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
+ if (rc) {
+ if (rc == -PBAX_SEND_TIMEOUT) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
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