path: root/src/occ_gpe0/firdata/scom_util.c
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1 files changed, 607 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/occ_gpe0/firdata/scom_util.c b/src/occ_gpe0/firdata/scom_util.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7709017
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/occ_gpe0/firdata/scom_util.c
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog. */
+/* */
+/* $Source: src/occ_405/firdata/scom_util.c $ */
+/* */
+/* OpenPOWER OnChipController Project */
+/* */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015,2017 */
+/* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License. */
+/* */
+/* Support for SCOM operations */
+#include <fsi.h>
+#include <native.h>
+#include <occhw_async.h>
+#include "occ_common.h"
+#include "gpe_export.h"
+#include <scom_util.h>
+#include "scom_addr_util.h"
+#include <sbe_fifo.h>
+bool G_request_created = FALSE;
+GPE_BUFFER(ipc_scom_op_t G_scom_op);
+GpeRequest G_request;
+enum {
+ /*FSI addresses are byte offsets, so need to multiply by 4
+ since each register is 4 bytes long.
+ prefix with 0x10xx for FSI2PIB engine offset */
+ DATA0_REG = 0x1000, /* SCOM Data Register 0 (0x00) */
+ DATA1_REG = 0x1004, /* SCOM Data Register 1 (0x01) */
+ COMMAND_REG = 0x1008, /* SCOM Command Register (0x02) */
+ ENGINE_RESET_REG = 0x1018, /* Engine Reset Register (0x06) */
+ STATUS_REG = 0x101C, /* STATUS Register (0x07) */
+ PIB_RESET_REG = 0x101C, /* PIB Reset Register (0x07) */
+ PIB_ABORT_BIT = 0x00100000, /* 12= PIB Abort */
+ PIB_ERROR_BITS = 0x00007000, /* 17:19= PCB/PIB Errors */
+ * @brief Indirect SCOM Status
+ */
+typedef union
+ uint64_t data64;
+ struct
+ {
+ uint64_t :12; /*0:11*/
+ uint64_t addr:20; /*12:31*/
+ uint64_t done:1; /*32*/
+ uint64_t piberr:3; /*33:35*/
+ uint64_t userstat:4; /*36:39*/
+ uint64_t :8; /*40:47*/
+ uint64_t data:16; /*48:63*/
+ };
+} IndirectScom_t;
+enum {
+ MCS_BASEADDR = 0x0000000002011800,
+ MCS_DMI_BASEADDR = 0x0000000002011A00,
+ IND_MCS_BASEADDR = 0x8000006002011A00,
+ IND_MCS_DMI_BASEADDR = 0x8000006002011A3F,
+ MBA_BASEADDR = 0x0000000003010400,
+ TCM_MBA_BASEADDR = 0x0000000003010800,
+ IND_MBA_BASEADDR = 0x800000000301143f,
+ * @brief Translates a relative unit address to a real physical address
+ * @param i_trgt Chip/unit to SCOM.
+ * @param i_addr Address to SCOM (the unit's 0th address for unit SCOMs).
+ * @param o_addr Return address.
+ * @return Non-SUCCESS if an internal function fails. SUCCESS otherwise.
+ */
+int32_t translate_addr( SCOM_Trgt_t i_trgt, uint64_t i_addr, uint64_t * o_addr )
+ #define FUNC "[translate_addr] "
+ int32_t rc = SUCCESS;
+ uint8_t l_chip_unit_num = SCOM_Trgt_getChipUnitPos(i_trgt);
+ *o_addr = i_addr;
+ //The following translation logic is a copy of p9_scominfo_createChipUnitScomAddr
+ //function from EKB (chips/p9/common/scominfo/p9_scominfo.C)
+ if(i_trgt.type == TRGT_PROC || i_trgt.type == TRGT_MEMBUF)
+ {
+ //No need to translate here.
+ //We already assigned i_addr to o_addr above, so just return SUCCESS.
+ return rc;
+ }
+ else if(i_trgt.type == TRGT_CAPP) //CAPP
+ {
+ set_chiplet_id(N0_CHIPLET_ID + (l_chip_unit_num * 2), o_addr);
+ }
+ else if(i_trgt.type == TRGT_XBUS) //XBUS
+ {
+ uint8_t l_ring_id = get_ring(i_addr) & 0xF;
+ if(l_ring_id <= XB_IOX_2_RING_ID && l_ring_id >= XB_IOX_0_RING_ID)
+ {
+ set_ring((XB_IOX_0_RING_ID + l_chip_unit_num) & 0xF, o_addr);
+ }
+ else if(l_ring_id <= XB_PBIOX_2_RING_ID &&
+ l_ring_id >= XB_PBIOX_0_RING_ID)
+ {
+ set_ring((XB_PBIOX_0_RING_ID + l_chip_unit_num) & 0xF, o_addr);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(i_trgt.type == TRGT_OBUS) //OBUS
+ {
+ set_chiplet_id(OB0_CHIPLET_ID + l_chip_unit_num, o_addr);
+ }
+ else if(i_trgt.type == TRGT_PEC) //PEC
+ {
+ if(get_chiplet_id(i_addr) == N2_CHIPLET_ID)
+ {
+ // nest
+ set_ring((N2_PCIS0_0_RING_ID + l_chip_unit_num) & 0xF, o_addr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // iopci / pci
+ set_chiplet_id(PCI0_CHIPLET_ID + l_chip_unit_num, o_addr);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (i_trgt.type == TRGT_PHB) //PHB
+ {
+ if(get_chiplet_id(i_addr) == N2_CHIPLET_ID)
+ {
+ // nest
+ if(l_chip_unit_num == 0)
+ {
+ set_ring(N2_PCIS0_0_RING_ID & 0xF, o_addr);
+ set_sat_id((get_sat_id(i_addr) < 4) ? 1 : 4, o_addr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ set_ring((N2_PCIS0_0_RING_ID + (l_chip_unit_num / 3) + 1) & 0xF,
+ o_addr);
+ set_sat_id(((get_sat_id(i_addr) < 4) ? 1 : 4) +
+ ((l_chip_unit_num % 2) ? 0 : 1) +
+ (2 * l_chip_unit_num / 5), o_addr);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // pci
+ if(l_chip_unit_num == 0)
+ {
+ set_chiplet_id(PCI0_CHIPLET_ID, o_addr);
+ set_sat_id(((get_sat_id(i_addr) < 4) ? 1 : 4), o_addr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ set_chiplet_id(PCI0_CHIPLET_ID + (l_chip_unit_num / 3) + 1, o_addr);
+ set_sat_id(((get_sat_id(i_addr) < 4) ? 1 : 4) +
+ ((l_chip_unit_num % 2) ? 0 : 1) +
+ 2 * l_chip_unit_num / 5, o_addr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(i_trgt.type == TRGT_EX) //EX
+ {
+ if(get_chiplet_id(i_addr) <= EP05_CHIPLET_ID &&
+ get_chiplet_id(i_addr) >= EP00_CHIPLET_ID)
+ {
+ set_chiplet_id(EP00_CHIPLET_ID + (l_chip_unit_num / 2), o_addr);
+ uint8_t l_ring_id = get_ring(i_addr) & 0xF;
+ l_ring_id = (l_ring_id - (l_ring_id % 2)) + (l_chip_unit_num % 2);
+ set_ring(l_ring_id & 0xF, o_addr);
+ }
+ else if(get_chiplet_id(i_addr) <= EC23_CHIPLET_ID &&
+ get_chiplet_id(i_addr) >= EC00_CHIPLET_ID)
+ {
+ set_chiplet_id(EC00_CHIPLET_ID +
+ (get_chiplet_id(i_addr) % 2) +
+ (l_chip_unit_num * 2), o_addr);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(i_trgt.type == TRGT_EQ) //EQ
+ {
+ set_chiplet_id(EP00_CHIPLET_ID + l_chip_unit_num, o_addr);
+ }
+ else if(i_trgt.type == TRGT_EC) //EC
+ {
+ set_chiplet_id(EC00_CHIPLET_ID + l_chip_unit_num, o_addr);
+ }
+ else if(i_trgt.type == TRGT_MBA) //MBA
+ {
+ if( (i_addr & MBA_MASK) == MBA_BASEADDR )
+ {
+ /* 0x00000000_03010400 MBA 0 # MBA01 */
+ /* 0x00000000_03010C00 MBA 1 # MBA23 */
+ if( l_chip_unit_num == 1 )
+ {
+ *o_addr |= 0x00000800;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( (i_addr & MBA_MASK) == TCM_MBA_BASEADDR )
+ {
+ /* 0x00000000_03010880 MBA 0 # Trace for MBA01 */
+ /* 0x00000000_030110C0 MBA 1 # Trace for MBA23 */
+ *o_addr |= (l_chip_unit_num * 0x840);
+ }
+ else if( (i_addr & MBA_MASK) == IND_MBA_BASEADDR )
+ {
+ /* 0x00000000_03011400 MBA 0 # DPHY01 (indirect addressing) */
+ /* 0x00000000_03011800 MBA 1 # DPHY23 (indirect addressing) */
+ /* 0x80000000_0301143f MBA 0 # DPHY01 (indirect addressing) */
+ /* 0x80000000_0301183f MBA 1 # DPHY23 (indirect addressing) */
+ /* 0x80000000_0701143f MBA 0 # DPHY01 (indirect addressing) */
+ /* 0x80000000_0701183f MBA 1 # DPHY23 (indirect addressing) */
+ if( l_chip_unit_num == 1 )
+ {
+ /* 030114zz->030118zz */
+ *o_addr &= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFBFF;
+ *o_addr |= 0x0000000000000800;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(i_trgt.type == TRGT_MCS || //MCS
+ i_trgt.type == TRGT_MI) //MI TODO RTC 175488
+ {
+ set_chiplet_id(N3_CHIPLET_ID - (2 * (l_chip_unit_num / 2)), o_addr);
+ set_sat_id(2 * (l_chip_unit_num % 2), o_addr);
+ }
+ else if(i_trgt.type == TRGT_MCBIST || //MCBIST
+ i_trgt.type == TRGT_MC) //MC TODO RTC 175488
+ {
+ set_chiplet_id(MC01_CHIPLET_ID + l_chip_unit_num, o_addr);
+ }
+ else if(i_trgt.type == TRGT_MCA) //MCA
+ {
+ if(get_chiplet_id(i_addr) == MC01_CHIPLET_ID ||
+ get_chiplet_id(i_addr) == MC23_CHIPLET_ID)
+ {
+ set_chiplet_id(MC01_CHIPLET_ID + (l_chip_unit_num / 4), o_addr);
+ if((get_ring(i_addr) & 0xf) == MC_MC01_0_RING_ID)
+ {
+ // mc
+ uint8_t l_sat_id = get_sat_id(i_addr);
+ set_sat_id((l_sat_id - (l_sat_id % 4)) + (l_chip_unit_num % 4)
+ , o_addr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // iomc
+ set_ring((MC_IOM01_0_RING_ID + (l_chip_unit_num % 4)) & 0xF
+ , o_addr);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // mcs->mca registers
+ uint8_t l_mcs_unitnum = l_chip_unit_num / 2;
+ set_chiplet_id(N3_CHIPLET_ID - (2 * (l_mcs_unitnum / 2)) , o_addr);
+ set_sat_id(2 * (l_chip_unit_num % 2), o_addr);
+ uint8_t l_mcs_sat_offset = 0x2F & get_sat_offset(i_addr);
+ l_mcs_sat_offset |= (l_chip_unit_num % 2) << 4;
+ set_sat_offset(l_mcs_sat_offset, o_addr);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(i_trgt.type == TRGT_DMI) //DMI TODO RTC 175488
+ {
+ if(get_chiplet_id(i_addr) == N3_CHIPLET_ID || get_chiplet_id(i_addr) == N1_CHIPLET_ID)
+ {
+ set_chiplet_id(N3_CHIPLET_ID - 2 * (l_chip_unit_num / 4), o_addr);
+ set_sat_id(2 * ((l_chip_unit_num / 2) % 2), o_addr);
+ uint8_t l_sat_offset = get_sat_offset(i_addr);
+ l_sat_offset = (l_sat_offset & 0xF) + ((2 + (l_chip_unit_num % 2)) << 4);
+ set_sat_offset(l_sat_offset, o_addr);
+ }
+ else if(get_chiplet_id(i_addr) == MC01_CHIPLET_ID || get_chiplet_id(i_addr) == MC23_CHIPLET_ID)
+ {
+ if(get_ring(i_addr) == P9C_MC_CHAN_RING_ID)
+ {
+ set_chiplet_id(MC01_CHIPLET_ID + l_chip_unit_num / 4, o_addr);
+ uint8_t l_sat_id = get_sat_id(i_addr);
+ l_sat_id = l_sat_id & 0xC;
+ set_sat_id(l_sat_id + l_chip_unit_num % 4, o_addr);
+ }
+ else if(get_ring(i_addr) == P9C_MC_BIST_RING_ID)
+ {
+ set_chiplet_id(MC01_CHIPLET_ID + l_chip_unit_num / 4, o_addr);
+ uint8_t l_sat_offset = get_sat_offset(i_addr);
+ l_sat_offset = (l_sat_offset & 0xF) + ((l_chip_unit_num % 2) << 4);
+ set_sat_offset(l_sat_offset, o_addr);
+ }
+ else if(get_ring(i_addr) == P9C_MC_IO_RING_ID)
+ {
+ set_chiplet_id(MC01_CHIPLET_ID + l_chip_unit_num / 4, o_addr);
+ uint8_t l_rxtx_group = get_rxtx_group_id(i_addr);
+ l_rxtx_group = l_rxtx_group & 0xF0;
+ switch(l_chip_unit_num % 4)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ l_rxtx_group += 3;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ l_rxtx_group += 2;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ l_rxtx_group += 0;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ l_rxtx_group += 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ set_rxtx_group_id(l_rxtx_group, o_addr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRAC_ERR( FUNC"unsupported unit type %d", i_trgt.type );
+ rc = FAIL;
+ }
+ return rc;
+ #undef FUNC
+ * @brief Performs a getscom operation with no address translation.
+ * @param i_chip Chip to SCOM.
+ * @param i_addr Address to SCOM.
+ * @param o_val Returned value.
+ * @return Non-SUCCESS if an internal function fails. SUCCESS otherwise.
+ */
+int32_t getscomraw( SCOM_Trgt_t i_chip, uint32_t i_addr, uint64_t * o_val )
+ int32_t l_rc = SUCCESS;
+ //Use SBE FIFO if it's a slave proc
+ if(!i_chip.isMaster)
+ {
+ return getFifoScom(&i_chip, i_addr, o_val);
+ }
+ if(!G_request_created) //Only need to create request once
+ {
+ l_rc = gpe_request_create(&G_request, //Request
+ &G_async_gpe_queue0, //Queue
+ &G_scom_op, //GPE arguments
+ SSX_SECONDS(5), //Timeout
+ NULL, //Callback function
+ NULL, //Callback args
+ if(l_rc)
+ {
+ TRAC_ERR("getscomraw: failed to create gpe request, rc=0x%08X", l_rc);
+ return l_rc;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ G_request_created = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ //Pack in the request data
+ = TRUE;
+ G_scom_op.addr = i_addr;
+ l_rc = gpe_request_schedule(&G_request);
+ if(l_rc)
+ {
+ TRAC_ERR("getscomraw: failed to schedule gpe request, rc=0x%08X", l_rc);
+ return l_rc;
+ }
+ //Since it's a blocking request, it should be completed by the time we
+ //get here. If it's not, then a timeout has occurred.
+ if(G_request.request.completion_state == ASYNC_REQUEST_STATE_COMPLETE)
+ {
+ *o_val =;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *o_val = 0;
+ l_rc = FAIL;
+ }
+ return l_rc;
+ * @brief Perform a putscom operation with no address translation.
+ * @param i_chip Chip to SCOM.
+ * @param i_addr Address to SCOM.
+ * @param i_val Value to write.
+ * @return Non-SUCCESS if an internal function fails. SUCCESS otherwise.
+ */
+int32_t putscomraw( SCOM_Trgt_t i_chip, uint32_t i_addr, uint64_t i_val )
+ int32_t l_rc = SUCCESS;
+ //Use SBE FIFO if it's a slave proc
+ if(!i_chip.isMaster)
+ {
+ return putFifoScom(&i_chip, i_addr, i_val);
+ }
+ if(!G_request_created) //Only need to create request once
+ {
+ l_rc = gpe_request_create(&G_request, //Request
+ &G_async_gpe_queue0, //Queue
+ &G_scom_op, //GPE arguments
+ SSX_SECONDS(5), //Timeout
+ NULL, //Callback function
+ NULL, //Callback args
+ if(l_rc)
+ {
+ TRAC_ERR("putscomraw gpe request create failed, rc = 0x%08x", l_rc);
+ return l_rc;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ G_request_created = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ //Pack in the request data
+ = FALSE;
+ G_scom_op.addr = i_addr;
+ = i_val;
+ l_rc = gpe_request_schedule(&G_request);
+ if(l_rc)
+ {
+ TRAC_ERR("putscomraw gpe request schedule failed, rc=0x%08X", l_rc);
+ return l_rc;
+ }
+ //It's a blocking request, so if the request hasn't been completed by this
+ //time, then a timeout has occurred.
+ if(G_request.request.completion_state != ASYNC_REQUEST_STATE_COMPLETE)
+ {
+ TRAC_ERR("putscomraw gpe request failed to complete, rc = 0x%08x", l_rc);
+ l_rc = FAIL;
+ }
+ return l_rc;
+ * @brief Executes standard getscom.
+ * @param i_trgt Chip to SCOM.
+ * @param i_addr Address to SCOM.
+ * @param o_val Returned value.
+ * @return Non-SUCCESS if an internal function fails. SUCCESS otherwise.
+ */
+int32_t SCOM_getScom( SCOM_Trgt_t i_trgt, uint32_t i_addr, uint64_t * o_val )
+ int32_t rc = SUCCESS;
+ /* Get the parent chip. */
+ SCOM_Trgt_t chip_targ = SCOM_Trgt_getParentChip(i_trgt);
+ /* Get the address relative to the parent chip. */
+ uint64_t trans_addr;
+ rc = translate_addr( i_trgt, i_addr, &trans_addr );
+ if ( SUCCESS == rc )
+ {
+ /* Do the SCOM. */
+ rc = getscomraw( chip_targ, trans_addr, o_val );
+ }
+ return rc;
+ * @brief Execute indirect getscom.
+ * @param i_trgt Chip to SCOM.
+ * @param i_addr Address to SCOM.
+ * @param o_val Returned value.
+ * @return Non-SUCCESS if an internal function fails. SUCCESS otherwise.
+ */
+int32_t SCOM_getIdScom( SCOM_Trgt_t i_trgt, uint64_t i_addr, uint32_t * o_val )
+ #define FUNC "[SCOM_getIdScom] "
+ int32_t rc = SUCCESS;
+ *o_val = 0;
+ /* Get the parent chip */
+ SCOM_Trgt_t chip_targ = SCOM_Trgt_getParentChip(i_trgt);
+ /* Get the address relative to the parent chip. */
+ uint64_t trans_addr;
+ rc = translate_addr( i_trgt, i_addr, &trans_addr );
+ if ( SUCCESS != rc ) return rc;
+ /* An indirect SCOM is performed by putting the top of the 64-bit address
+ * into the first data word of the SCOM */
+ /* Zero out the indirect address from the buffer. */
+ /* bit 0-31 - indirect area. */
+ /* bit 32 - always 0 */
+ /* bit 33-47 - bcast/chipletID/port */
+ /* bit 48-63 - local addr */
+ uint32_t phys_addr = trans_addr & 0x000000007FFFFFFF;
+ /* To do a read we need to do a write first. */
+ /* Start with the 20bit indirect address */
+ uint64_t data_buffer = trans_addr & 0x001FFFFF00000000;
+ /* Turn the read bit on. */
+ data_buffer |= 0x8000000000000000;
+ /* perform write before the read with the new */
+ rc = putscomraw( i_trgt, phys_addr, data_buffer );
+ if ( SUCCESS != rc ) return rc;
+ // Loop on read until we see done, error, or we timeout
+ IndirectScom_t scomout;
+ uint64_t elapsed_indScom_time_ns = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ /* Now perform the op requested using the passed in */
+ /* IO_Buffer to pass the read data back to caller. */
+ rc = getscomraw( chip_targ, phys_addr, &(scomout.data64) );
+ if ( SUCCESS != rc ) return rc;
+ /* Check for PIB error. */
+ if ( scomout.piberr )
+ {
+ TRAC_ERR( FUNC"ID SCOM PIB error: phys_addr=0x%08x "
+ "trans_addr=0x%08x%08x", phys_addr,
+ (uint32_t)(trans_addr >> 32), (uint32_t)trans_addr );
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ /* Jump out when done. */
+ if ( scomout.done ) break;
+ sleep( 10000 ); /* sleep for 10,000 ns */
+ elapsed_indScom_time_ns += 10000;
+ } while ( elapsed_indScom_time_ns <= 100000 ); /* wait for .1ms */
+ if ( !scomout.done )
+ {
+ TRAC_ERR( FUNC"ID SCOM loop timeout exceeded: phys_addr=0x%08x "
+ "trans_addr=0x%08x%08x", phys_addr,
+ (uint32_t)(trans_addr >> 32), (uint32_t)trans_addr );
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ *o_val =;
+ return rc;
+ #undef FUNC
+ * @brief Executes standard putscom.
+ * @param i_trgt Chip to SCOM.
+ * @param i_addr Address to SCOM.
+ * @param i_val Value to put.
+ * @return Non-SUCCESS if an internal function fails. SUCCESS otherwise.
+int32_t SCOM_putScom( SCOM_Trgt_t i_trgt, uint32_t i_addr, uint64_t i_val )
+ int32_t l_rc = SUCCESS;
+ /* Get the parent chip. */
+ SCOM_Trgt_t l_chip_targ = SCOM_Trgt_getParentChip(i_trgt);
+ /* Get the address relative to the parent chip. */
+ uint64_t l_trans_addr;
+ l_rc = translate_addr( i_trgt, i_addr, &l_trans_addr );
+ if ( SUCCESS == l_rc )
+ {
+ /* Do the SCOM. */
+ l_rc = putscomraw( l_chip_targ, l_trans_addr, i_val );
+ }
+ return l_rc;
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