diff options
authorWael El-Essawy <>2017-06-19 14:07:22 -0500
committerWael El-Essawy <>2017-06-30 15:46:41 -0400
commitcfb296e1b662022f9f0f86a0a566eae67196f414 (patch)
parent6a00709c2078f7c788d1c9051adb35f34e004a90 (diff)
RESTful API interface to the OCC pass through interface. -h gives the following output: usage: [-h] [-H HOST_IP] [-i] [-d] [-c] {p,s,q} ... Amester Script utilizing OpenBMC OCC Pass Thru positional arguments: {p,s,q} p get parameter list from OCC s get sensor list from OCC q quit optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -H HOST_IP, --host_ip HOST_IP hostname or IP of BMC, default is w56 -i, --interactive Run Amester Script in interactive mode -d, --debug print debugging/trace information -c, --csv display sensor/parameter readings in compact csv format Change-Id: Ia203bd91e45f261209db5dc9599a427d193ef828 RTC: 172524 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: FSP CI Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Wael El-Essawy <>
1 files changed, 793 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/bmc_rest_interface/ b/src/tools/bmc_rest_interface/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b27d007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/bmc_rest_interface/
@@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2017
+# Wael El-Essawy
+from __future__ import print_function
+import pandas as pd
+import numpy as np
+import re
+import argparse
+import requests
+import struct
+import ctypes
+import codecs
+import sys
+import os.path
+from datetime import datetime
+import time
+import requests
+import requests
+from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
+# Global variables
+global debug_mode # display debug information in the script output. Enabled by --debug, -d switch
+global csv_format # display output in csv format. Enabled by --csv, -c switch
+debug_mode = False
+csv_format = False
+# Maximum number of sensors to be fetched from the OCC in one call
+# BMC class: manages logging in and out
+class BMC:
+ def __init__(self, server):
+ self.url = "https://{0}/".format(server)
+ self.session = requests.Session()
+ self.login()
+ def login(self):
+ r = + 'login',
+ json={'data': ['root', '0penBmc']},
+ verify=False)
+ j = r.json()
+ if j['status'] != 'ok':
+ raise Exception("Failed to login: \n" + r.text)
+ def logout(self):
+ r = + 'logout',
+ json={'data': []},
+ verify=False)
+ j = r.json()
+ if j['status'] != 'ok':
+ raise Exception("Failed to logout: \n" + r.text)
+# Amester Class
+class AMESTER:
+ def __init__(self, bmc):
+ # Get session and url from the BMC object
+ self.session = bmc.session
+ self.url = bmc.url
+ # Ideltify the OCCs list, and exit if there are no Active OCCs in the system
+ self.identify_occs()
+ # Probe AME for constants: Determine the number of OCC sensors, AME version, etc
+ self.get_ame_constants()
+ # Probe AME for number of OCC Parameters
+ self.get_num_parameters()
+ def identify_occs(self):
+ r = self.session.get(self.url + '/xyz/openbmc_project/occ/pass_through/enumerate',
+ verify=False)
+ j = r.json()
+ if j['status'] != 'ok':
+ raise Exception("Failed to identify OCCs \n" + r.text)
+ self.occ_list = list(j['data'].keys())
+ self.occ_list.sort()
+ if not self.occ_list: # No OCC Objects identified on the DBUS, OCCs may not be active
+ raise Exception("No Active OCCs found! \n")
+ # Get number of OCC Sensors
+ def get_ame_constants(self, occ=0):
+ if occ > len(self.occ_list):
+ raise Exception("Invalid occ ID")
+ r = + self.occ_list[occ] + '/action/Send',
+ json={'data': [[0x41, 0, 3, 0x3C, 0, 0x1C]]}, # 0x1c:
+ verify=False)
+ if(debug_mode):
+ print("AME API", str(AME_API_MAJ) + '.' + str(AME_API_MIN),
+ "AME Version", str(AME_VERSION_MAJ) + '.' + str(AME_VERSION_MIN))
+ ame_year = r.json()['data'][9] * 256 + r.json()['data'][10]
+ [ame_month, ame_day] = r.json()['data'][11:13]
+ if(debug_mode):
+ print("AME Date:", str(ame_month) + '/' + str(ame_day) + '/' + str(ame_year))
+ self.number_of_sensors = r.json()['data'][13] * 256 + r.json()['data'][14]
+ if(debug_mode):
+ print("# Sensors:", self.number_of_sensors)
+ # Get number of OCC Parameters
+ def get_num_parameters(self, occ=0):
+ if occ > len(self.occ_list):
+ raise Exception("Invalid occ ID")
+ r = + self.occ_list[occ] +'/action/Send',
+ json={'data': [[0x41, 0, 3, 0x3C, 0, 0x40]]}, # 0x40:
+ verify=False)
+ self.number_of_parameters = r.json()['data'][5] * 256 + r.json()['data'][6]
+ if(debug_mode):
+ print("# Parameters:", self.number_of_parameters)
+class Sensor:
+ def __init__(self, amester, occ=0, fname="sensors_info.csv"):
+ if occ > len(amester.occ_list):
+ raise Exception("Invalid occ ID")
+ self.session = amester.session
+ self.url = amester.url
+ self.number_of_sensors = amester.number_of_sensors
+ self.occ = occ
+ self.occ_list = amester.occ_list
+ self.occ_path = self.occ_list[occ]
+ # populate the Sensor Info DataFrame
+ if os.path.isfile(fname):
+ self.Info = pd.read_csv(fname)
+ if (debug_mode):
+ print("Loading OCC Sensors from", fname)
+ else:
+ self.get_info()
+ self.Info.to_csv(fname, index_label='GSID')
+ if (debug_mode):
+ print("Saving OCC Sensors Info to", fname)
+ def is_valid(self, sensor):
+ return (sensor in self.Info.values[:, 0])
+ # reads a list of sensors from an OCC
+ def get_sensor_list(self, sensor_ids, occ):
+ # confirm that all sensor IDs are valid
+ # and convert IDs to bytes
+ sensor_ids_bytes = []
+ for sensor_id in sensor_ids:
+ if not self.is_valid_id(sensor_id):
+ raise Exception("Invalid Sensor ID!", sensor_id)
+ sensor_ids_bytes = sensor_ids_bytes + [sensor_id>>8, sensor_id%256]
+ r = + self.occ_list[occ] + '/action/Send',
+ json={'data': [
+ [0x41, (3 + len(sensor_ids_bytes))>>8, 3 + len(sensor_ids_bytes), 0x3C, 0, 0x7]
+ + sensor_ids_bytes]},
+ verify=False)
+ if r.json()['status'] != 'ok':
+ raise Exception("Failed to get OCC Sensors" ,
+ ','.join(str(e) for e in sensor_ids) + ": \n" + r.text)
+ return r
+ # read a list of sensors from the OCC.
+ def get(self, sensor_ids, occ):
+ # number of sensors requested in the sensor_ids list
+ num_sensors = len(sensor_ids)
+ # list must be less than or equal to the MAX_SENSORS constant
+ assert num_sensors <= MAX_SENSORS
+ # get sensor list from the OCC
+ r = self.get_sensor_list(sensor_ids, occ)
+ packet_length = int.from_bytes(r.json()['data'][3:5], byteorder='big')
+ sensors_array = bytearray(r.json()['data'][5:packet_length + 5])
+ sensor_tuples = struct.unpack('>' + 'IIQHHHH' * num_sensors, bytes(sensors_array))
+ field_names = ["timestamp", "updates", "accumulator", "value", "min", "max", "status"]
+ sensor_list = [sensor_tuples[i: i+len(field_names)]
+ for i in range(0, len(sensor_tuples), len(field_names))]
+ Sensors = pd.DataFrame(sensor_list, columns=field_names, index = sensor_ids)
+ return Sensors
+ def get_id(self, snsor):
+ if self.is_valid(snsor):
+ sensor_id = self.Info.loc[ == snsor].index[0]
+ return(sensor_id)
+ # Is "sensor" a valid sensor name?
+ def is_valid(self, snsor):
+ return (snsor in self.Info.values[:, 1])
+ def is_valid_id(self, sensor_id):
+ return(sensor_id in self.Info.index)
+ # OCC Pass through command to get sensors info starting at parameter_id
+ def get_sensor_info(self, sensor_id):
+ r = + self.occ_path + '/action/Send',
+ json={'data': [
+ [0x41, 0, 6, 0x3C, 0, 0x25,
+ sensor_id / 256, sensor_id % 256, 5]]},
+ verify=False)
+ if debug_mode:
+ print("data: [0x41, 0, 6, 0x3C, 0, 0x25,", int(sensor_id / 256), ",", int(sensor_id) % 256, "5]",
+ self.url + self.occ_path + '/action/Send')
+ if r.json()['status'] != 'ok':
+ raise Exception("Failed to get OCC sensor " + str(sensor_id) + ": \n" + r.text)
+ return(r)
+ # Get Sensors Inf List
+ def get_info(self):
+ sensors_array = bytearray()
+ start_sensor = 0
+ start_time =
+ if(debug_mode):
+ print("Collecting Sensors Info from OCC:\n", start_sensor)
+ while start_sensor < self.number_of_sensors:
+ r = self.get_sensor_info(start_sensor)
+ # print(r.text)
+ packet_length = r.json()['data'][3] * 256 + r.json()['data'][4]
+# names = str(bytearray(r.json()['data'][5:packet_length + 5]),'utf8', errors='ignore')
+ names = bytearray(r.json()['data'][5:packet_length + 5])
+ sensors_array.extend(names)
+ start_sensor = start_sensor + \
+ len(re.findall(r'\w+\0[\\ \/ \% \# A-z]+\0',
+ str(names,'utf8', errors='ignore')))
+ if (debug_mode):
+ print(start_sensor)
+ # workaround for the OCC pass through commands timeout issue
+ #
+ time.sleep(1)
+ if(debug_mode):
+ print(start_sensor)
+# sensors_array.extend(bytearray(b'\x00'))
+ delta = - start_time
+# print("elapsed time in microseconds", delta.microseconds)
+# sensors_array = sensors_array[:-2]
+ sensor_tuples = zunpack('>' + 'zzII' * (self.number_of_sensors),
+ str(sensors_array,'windows-1252'))
+ fields_names = ["name", "unit", "frequency", "scale"]
+ sensor_list = [sensor_tuples[i:i + len(fields_names)]
+ for i in range(0, len(sensor_tuples), len(fields_names))]
+ self.Info = pd.DataFrame(sensor_list, columns=fields_names)
+ # convert Amester's NeM format into numerical samples/sec rate
+ self.Info.frequency =
+ lambda x: ((x >> 8) * (10.0 ** ctypes.c_int8(x & 0xff).value)))
+ self.Info.scale =
+ lambda x: ((x >> 8) * (10.0 ** ctypes.c_int8(x & 0xff).value)))
+ # Cleanup Sensor Info Strings
+ self.Info['name'] = self.Info['name'].str.decode("utf-8")
+ self.Info['unit'] = self.Info['unit'].str.decode("utf-8")
+class Parameter:
+ def __init__(self, amester, occ=0, fname="parameters_info.csv"):
+ if occ > len(amester.occ_list):
+ raise Exception("Invalid occ ID")
+ self.session = amester.session
+ self.url = amester.url
+ self.number_of_parameters = amester.number_of_parameters
+ self.occ = occ
+ self.occ_list = amester.occ_list
+ self.occ_path = self.occ_list[occ]
+ self.type_length = np.array([1, 2, 4, 8, 1, 2, 4, 8, 1, 1])
+ self.special_param_lengths = dict()
+ if os.path.isfile(fname):
+ self.Info = pd.read_csv(fname)
+ if(debug_mode):
+ print("Loading OCC parameters from", fname)
+ else:
+ self.get_info(amester.occ_list[self.occ])
+ self.Info.to_csv(fname, index_label='PARM ID')
+ if (debug_mode):
+ print("Saving OCC Parametets Info to", fname)
+ # read parameter_id
+ def get(self, param_id, occ):
+ r = + self.occ_list[occ] + '/action/Send',
+ json={'data': [
+ [0x41, 0, 9, 0x3C, 0, 0x42, 0, 0, 0, 0, param_id / 256, param_id % 256]]},
+ verify=False)
+ if r.json()['status'] != 'ok':
+ raise Exception("Failed to get OCC parameter " + str(param_id) + ": \n" + r.text)
+ if not self.is_valid_id(param_id):
+ raise Exception("Invalid Parameter ID!")
+ packet_length = r.json()['data'][3] * 256 + r.json()['data'][4]
+ param_name = self.Info['name'][param_id]
+ param_length = self.Info['vlength'][param_id]
+ param_type = self.Info['type'][param_id]
+ if packet_length != (param_length * self.type_length[param_type]):
+ print(r.json())
+ print("Invalid Packet Parameter Size: parameter:", param_name,
+ "parameter size", param_length, "packet size:", packet_length)
+ raise Exception("Parameter Info and actual parameter packet Mismatch. \nHint: detele parameters_info.csv")
+ # Fix Packet Length Bug
+ #
+ r.json()['data'] = r.json()['data'][:5 + packet_length]
+ value_str = ""
+ # parameter values position identifiers (based on parameter type)
+ for i in range(0, param_length):
+ offset = i * self.type_length[param_type]
+ start = 5 + offset
+ end = 5 + offset + self.type_length[param_type]
+ if self.Info['type'][param_id] <4: # Unsigned Value
+ value = int.from_bytes(r.json()['data'][start:end],
+ byteorder='big', signed=False)
+ elif self.Info['type'][param_id] < 8: # Signed Value
+ value = int.from_bytes(r.json()['data'][start:end],
+ byteorder='big', signed=True)
+ elif self.Info['type'][param_id] == 8: # String
+ value = str(r.json()['data'][start:end], "utf8")
+ print(param_name + ":", string_value, end='')
+ else: # Raw
+ value = int.from_bytes(r.json()['data'][start:end],
+ byteorder='big', signed=False)
+ value_str = value_str + str(value) + '|'
+ return value_str[:-1]
+ def get_id(self, param):
+ if self.is_valid(param):
+ param_id = self.Info.loc[ == param].index[0]
+ return(param_id)
+ # Is "param" a valid parameter name string?
+ def is_valid(self, param):
+ return (param in self.Info.values[:, 1])
+ # Is "param_id" a valid parameter ID number?
+ def is_valid_id(self, param_id):
+ return(param_id in self.Info.index)
+ # OCC Pass through command to get parameters info starting at parameter_id
+ def get_parameter_info(self, parameter_id):
+ r = + self.occ_path + '/action/Send',
+ json={'data': [
+ [0x41, 0, 5, 0x3C, 0, 0x41,
+ parameter_id / 256,
+ parameter_id % 256]]},
+ verify=False)
+ if debug_mode:
+ print("data: [0x41, 0, 5, 0x3C, 0, 65,", int(parameter_id / 256), ",", int(parameter_id) % 256, "]",
+ self.url + self.occ_path + '/action/Send')
+ if r.json()['status'] != 'ok':
+ raise Exception("Failed to get OCC parameter " + str(parameter_id) + ": \n" + r.text)
+ return(r)
+ # Get Parameters Inf List
+ def get_info(self, occ_path):
+ parameters_array = bytearray()
+ start_parameter = 0
+ if(debug_mode):
+ print("Collecting Parameters Info from OCC:\n", start_parameter)
+ while start_parameter < self.number_of_parameters:
+ r = self.get_parameter_info(start_parameter)
+ packet_length = r.json()['data'][3] * 256 + r.json()['data'][4]
+ names = bytearray(r.json()['data'][5:packet_length + 5])
+ match ='(\w+)\x00\x09', str(names, "utf8")) # Raw Sensor
+ if match:
+ length_pos = match.end() + 5
+ (length,) = struct.unpack(">I", names[length_pos:length_pos + 4])
+ self.special_param_lengths[[:-2]] = length
+ names = names[:match.end()] + names[match.end()+4:]
+ parameters_array.extend(names)
+# print (names, parameters_array)
+ start_parameter = start_parameter + len(re.findall(r'\w+', str(names,'utf8', errors='ignore')))
+ if(debug_mode):
+ print (start_parameter)
+ # Delay inserted to overcome occ DBUS controller bug
+ #
+ time.sleep(1)
+ if(debug_mode):
+ print (start_parameter)
+# delta = - start
+# print ("elapsed time in microseconds", delta.microseconds)
+ parameter_tuples = zunpack('>'+'zBBI'*(self.number_of_parameters),
+ str(parameters_array,'windows-1252'))
+ parameter_fields = ["name", "type", "Mode", "vlength"]
+ parameter_list = [parameter_tuples[i:i + len(parameter_fields)]
+ for i in range(0, len(parameter_tuples), len(parameter_fields))]
+ self.Info = pd.DataFrame(parameter_list, columns=parameter_fields)
+ # Cleanup Parameter Info Strings
+ self.Info['name'] = self.Info['name'].str.decode("utf-8")
+ self.Info['length'] = ""
+ for special_param in self.special_param_lengths.keys():
+ param_id = self.Info.loc[ == special_param].index[0]
+ self.Info.loc[param_id,'length'] = self.special_param_lengths[special_param]
+# self.Info['length'][param_id] = self.special_param_lengths[special_param]
+def zunpack (format, buffer) :
+ while True :
+ pos = format.find ('z')
+ if pos < 0:
+ break
+ start = struct.calcsize(format[:pos])
+ str_len = buffer[start:].find('\0')
+ if str_len < 0 :
+ print (pos, start, str_len)
+ str_len = str_len + 16
+ format = '%s%dsx%s' % (format[:pos], str_len, format[pos+1:])
+# print (pos, format, codecs.encode(bytes(buffer), 'hex'), codecs.encode(bytes(buffer), "utf8"))
+ if (debug_mode):
+ print("parameters hex string length:", len(buffer),
+ "parameters format length:", len(format))
+ return struct.unpack (bytes(format, "windows-1252"), bytes(buffer, "windows-1252"))
+# Get Parameters, associated with p command
+def get_parameter(args):
+ field_names = ["occ", "parameter", "parameter_id", "value"]
+ parameter_measurement = pd.DataFrame(columns=field_names)
+ compact_parameter_measurement = dict()
+ # if no parameters list provided, get all parameters
+ if not args.param:
+ args.param = parameter.Info['name']
+ parameters_chunk = [args]
+ for parameter_item in args.param:
+ # Paramter ID requested
+ if parameter_item.isdigit():
+ parameter_id = int(parameter_item)
+ # if Parameter ID is not a valid one print an error and return
+ if not parameter.is_valid_id(parameter_id):
+ print("Invalid OCC Parameter ID")
+ return
+ parameter_name = parameter.Info['name'][parameter_id]
+ # Parameter name requested, is it a valid parameter name?
+ elif parameter.is_valid(parameter_item):
+ parameter_id = np.asscalar(parameter.get_id(parameter_item))
+ parameter_name = parameter_item
+ # An invalid parameter string. print error and return
+ else:
+ print("Invalid OCC Parameter String")
+ return
+ # get parameter measurement from the specified OCC
+ value = parameter.get(parameter_id, args.occ)
+ # Check if the parameter contains an address,
+ # and if so store it in hexadecimal format
+ address ='addr', parameter_name, re.IGNORECASE)
+ if address:
+ value = hex(int(value))
+ # csv format requested, store parameters data
+ # (both in conventional table and compact formats)
+ if csv_format:
+ parameter_measurement = parameter_measurement.append(
+ pd.Series([args.occ, parameter_name, parameter_id, value],
+ index=field_names), ignore_index=True)
+ compact_name = 'OCC' + str(args.occ) + '|' + \
+ parameter_name + '|' + str(parameter_id)
+ compact_parameter_measurement[compact_name] = str(value)
+ # csv format is not requested, print parameters one by one
+ else:
+ print(parameter_name + "(OCC" + str(args.occ) + ":",
+ parameter_id, ")" + ": [", value, "]")
+ # workaround for the OCC pass through commands timeout issue
+ #
+ time.sleep(1)
+ # CSV format requested, print stored parameters measurement and data
+ if csv_format:
+ # uncomment next LOC if you prefer printing conventional (non compact) table
+ #sensor_measurement.to_csv("/dev/stdout")
+ keys_str = ','.join(compact_parameter_measurement.keys())
+ values_str = ','.join(compact_parameter_measurement.values())
+ print(keys_str)
+ print(values_str)
+# Get Sensors, associated with s command
+def get_sensor(args):
+ field_names = ["occ", "sensor", "sensor_id", "value", "unit"]
+ sensor_measurement = pd.DataFrame(columns=field_names)
+ compact_sensor_measurement = dict()
+ # if no sensor list provided, get all sensors
+ if not args.sensor:
+ args.sensor = sensor.Info['name']
+ for sensor_item in args.sensor:
+ # Sensor ID requested
+ if sensor_item.isdigit():
+ sensor_id = int(sensor_item)
+ # if ID is not a valid GSID, print an error and return
+ if not sensor.is_valid_id(sensor_id):
+ print("Invalid OCC Sensor ID")
+ return
+ sensor_name = sensor.Info['name'][sensor_id]
+ # Sensor name requested, is it a valid sensor name?
+ elif sensor.is_valid(sensor_item):
+ sensor_id = np.asscalar(sensor.get_id(sensor_item))
+ sensor_name = sensor_item
+ # sensor string specified in command line is invalid.
+ else:
+ print("Invalid OCC Sensor name string")
+ return
+ # get sensor measurement from the specified OCC
+ value = sensor.get(sensor_id, args.occ)
+ # csv format requested, store sensors data
+ # (both in conventional table and compact formats)
+ if csv_format:
+ sensor_measurement = sensor_measurement.append(
+ pd.Series([args.occ, sensor_name,
+ sensor_id, value, sensor.Info['unit'][sensor_id]],
+ index=field_names), ignore_index=True)
+ compact_name = 'OCC' + str(args.occ) + '|' + \
+ sensor.Info['name'][sensor_id] + '|' + \
+ str(sensor_id) + '|' + sensor.Info['unit'][sensor_id]
+ compact_sensor_measurement[compact_name] = str(value)
+ # csv format is not requested, print sensors one by one
+ else:
+ print(sensor_name + "(OCC" + str(args.occ) + ":", sensor_id, ")" \
+ + ": [ ", value, sensor.Info['unit'][sensor_id], "]")
+ # workaround for the OCC pass through commands timeout issue
+ #
+ time.sleep(1)
+ if csv_format:
+ # uncomment next LOC if you prefer printing conventional (non compact) table
+# sensor_measurement.to_csv("/dev/stdout") # Print conventional table
+ keys_str = ','.join(compact_sensor_measurement.keys())
+ values_str = ','.join(compact_sensor_measurement.values())
+ print(keys_str)
+ print(values_str)
+def compact_names(x):
+ return 'OCC' + str(x['occ']) + '|' + x['name'] + '|' + str(x['id']) + '|' + x['unit']
+# Get Sensors, associated with s command
+def get_sensor_list(args):
+ # if no sensor list provided, get all sensors
+ if not args.sensor:
+ args.sensor = sensor.Info['name']
+ measurements = pd.DataFrame()
+ all_sensor_ids = []
+ # split the requested sensor list into
+ # chunks of at most MAX_SENSORS sensors
+ for i in range(0, len(args.sensor), MAX_SENSORS):
+ chunk = args.sensor[i: i + MAX_SENSORS]
+ # verify sensor names/IDs, and arrange produce a tuple of names and IDs
+ sensor_tuples = get_ids(sensor, chunk)
+ sensor_ids = list( x[0] for x in sensor_tuples)
+ all_sensor_ids = all_sensor_ids, sensor_ids
+ sensor_names = list( x[1] for x in sensor_tuples)
+ sensor_units = pd.Series(sensor.Info.loc[sensor_ids,'unit'], index = sensor_ids)
+ # Get the sensor list from the specified OCC
+ Sensors = sensor.get(sensor_ids, args.occ)
+ # Add Sensor meta data from Sensors Info dataframe. and
+ Sensors['name'] = pd.Series(data=sensor_names, index = sensor_ids)
+ Sensors['occ'] = pd.Series(int(args.occ), index = sensor_ids)
+ Sensors['id'] = pd.Series(data=sensor_ids, index = sensor_ids)
+ Sensors['unit'] = sensor_units
+ # append read sensor chunk to measurements
+ if measurements.empty:
+ measurements = Sensors
+ else:
+ measurements = pd.concat([measurements, Sensors])
+ time.sleep(1)
+ # csv format requested, store sensors data in compact formats
+ if csv_format:
+ measurements['compact'] = measurements.apply(lambda x: compact_names(x), axis=1)
+ # csv format is not requested, print sensors one by one
+ else:
+ measurements.to_csv('/dev/stdout')
+ if csv_format:
+ # uncomment next LOC if you prefer printing conventional (non compact) table
+ # Sensors.to_csv("/dev/stdout") # Print conventional table format, with much more data
+ keys_str = ','.join(measurements['compact'].astype(str))
+ values_str = ','.join(measurements['value'].astype(str))
+ print(keys_str)
+ print(values_str)
+# takes a mixed list of sensors/parameters IDs or names
+# returns an ordered list of tuples of sensors/parameters IDs and names
+# First tuple element is the sensor/parameter ID, second element is sensor/parameter name
+def get_ids (obj_instance, element_list):
+ # initialize list of tuples
+ result = []
+ for element in element_list:
+ # Sensor ID requested
+ if element.isdigit():
+ id = int(element)
+ # if ID is not a valid GSID/Parameter ID, print an error and return
+ if not obj_instance.is_valid_id(id):
+ raise Exception("Invalid OCC", obj_instance.__name__, "ID: ", element)
+ # Sensor or Parameter name
+ name = obj_instance.Info['name'][id]
+ # Sensor name requested, is it a valid sensor name?
+ elif obj_instance.is_valid(element):
+ id = np.asscalar(obj_instance.get_id(element))
+ name = element
+ # sensor/parameter string specified in command line is invalid.
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Invalid OCC", obj_instance.__name__, "name string", element)
+ # append the ID and name to the results list of tuples
+ result = result + [(id, name)]
+ return result
+# q to quit interactive mode
+def quit_script(args):
+ quit()
+# Interactive command processor
+def interactive():
+ while True:
+ command = input('AMESTER$: ')
+ try:
+ argstr = parser.parse_args(command.split())
+ except SystemExit:
+ # trap argparse error message
+ print('error')
+ break
+ if 'func' in argstr:
+ argstr.func(argstr)
+ else:
+ print ('done')
+ break
+# Command Line Parser Setup
+# Note: the help/description fields offer a
+# brief description for each parameter
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Amester Script utilizing OpenBMC OCC Pass Thru')
+parser.add_argument('-H', '--host_ip', help='hostname or IP of BMC, default is w56', type=str, default='w56',
+ required=False) #optional parameter
+parser.add_argument( '-i', '--interactive', action="store_true",
+ help='Run Amester Script in interactive mode')
+parser.add_argument( '-d', '--debug', action="store_true",
+ help='print debugging/trace information')
+parser.add_argument( '-c', '--csv', action="store_true",
+ help='display sensor/parameter readings in compact csv format')
+subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
+parm = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'p', help='get parameter list from OCC')
+parm.add_argument('param', nargs="*", help='The parameter IDs/Names to view: 0 args to get all parameters')
+snsr = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 's', help='get sensor list from OCC')
+snsr.add_argument('sensor', nargs="*", help='The Sensor ID/Name to view: 0 args to get all sensors')
+quit_cmd = subparsers.add_parser( 'q', help='quit')
+for occ_parser in [parm, snsr]:
+ occ_parser.add_argument('-o', '--occ', help='target OCC, default is 0 (OCC0)', type=int, default='0',
+ required=False) # optional OCC target id for sensors and parameters commands
+args = parser.parse_args()
+ debug_mode = True
+ csv_format = True
+# Initialze system Objects
+System = BMC(server=args.host_ip)
+Amester = AMESTER(System)
+parameter = Parameter(Amester)
+sensor = Sensor(Amester)
+# Excute commands passed through the command line
+if 'func' in args:
+ args.func(args)
+ parser.print_help()
+# run script in interactive mode
+ interactive()
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud