?> // CSIRO Manufacturing Science and Technology, Preston Lab // list page (hymod_bddb / boards) require("defs.php"); pg_head("$bddb_label - Browse Board Log"); if (!isset($serno) || $serno == 0) die("serial number not specified!"); function print_cell($str) { if ($str == '') $str = ' '; echo "\t$str\n"; } ?> \n"; print_cell("$row[serno]"); print_cell($row['ethaddr']); print_cell($row['date']); print_cell($row['batch']); print_cell($row['type']); print_cell($row['rev']); print_cell($row['location']); echo "\n"; } mysql_free_result($r); ?>
serno / edit ethaddr date batch type rev location

$limit){ $preoffset=max(0,$offset-$limit); $postoffset=$offset+$limit; echo "\n\n"; printf("\n", $offset>0?"":"no", $PHP_SELF, $preoffset); printf("\n", $postoffset<$lrow['n']?"":"no", $PHP_SELF, $postoffset); echo "\n
<%sa href=\"%s?serno=$serno&offset=%d\">\"<\"<%sa href=\"%s?serno=$serno&offset=%d\">\">\"
\n"; } mysql_free_result($lr); ?> \n"; print_cell("$row[logno]"); print_cell($row['date']); print_cell("
" . urldecode($row['details']) . "
"); echo "\n"; } mysql_free_result($r); ?>
logno / edit date details

">Add to Log Back to Start