# # (C) Copyright 2000-2011 # Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering, wd@denx.de. # # (C) Copyright 2011 # Daniel Schwierzeck, daniel.schwierzeck@googlemail.com. # # (C) Copyright 2011 # Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/ # Aneesh V # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ # # Based on top-level Makefile. # src := $(obj) # Create output directory if not already present _dummy := $(shell [ -d $(obj) ] || mkdir -p $(obj)) include $(srctree)/scripts/Kbuild.include CONFIG_SPL_BUILD := y export CONFIG_SPL_BUILD KBUILD_CPPFLAGS += -DCONFIG_SPL_BUILD ifeq ($(CONFIG_TPL_BUILD),y) KBUILD_CPPFLAGS += -DCONFIG_TPL_BUILD endif # Enable garbage collection of un-used sections for SPL KBUILD_CFLAGS += -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections LDFLAGS_FINAL += --gc-sections ifeq ($(CONFIG_TPL_BUILD),y) export CONFIG_TPL_BUILD SPL_BIN := u-boot-tpl else SPL_BIN := u-boot-spl endif include include/config.mk ifeq ($(CONFIG_TPL_BUILD),y) -include include/tpl-autoconf.mk else -include include/spl-autoconf.mk endif include $(TOPDIR)/config.mk # FIX ME c_flags := $(KBUILD_CFLAGS) $(KBUILD_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(UBOOTINCLUDE) $(NOSTDINC_FLAGS) # Auto-generate the spl-autoconf.mk file (which is included by all makefiles for SPL) quiet_cmd_autoconf = GEN $@ cmd_autoconf = \ $(CPP) $(c_flags) -DDO_DEPS_ONLY -dM $(srctree)/include/common.h > $@.tmp && \ sed -n -f $(srctree)/tools/scripts/define2mk.sed $@.tmp > $@; \ rm $@.tmp include/tpl-autoconf.mk: include/config.h $(call cmd,autoconf) include/spl-autoconf.mk: include/config.h $(call cmd,autoconf) HAVE_VENDOR_COMMON_LIB = $(if $(wildcard $(SRCTREE)/board/$(VENDOR)/common/Makefile),y,n) ifdef CONFIG_SPL_START_S_PATH START_PATH := $(CONFIG_SPL_START_S_PATH:"%"=%) else START_PATH := $(CPUDIR) endif head-y := $(START_PATH)/start.o head-$(CONFIG_X86) += $(START_PATH)/start16.o $(START_PATH)/resetvec.o head-$(CONFIG_4xx) += $(START_PATH)/resetvec.o head-$(CONFIG_MPC85xx) += $(START_PATH)/resetvec.o libs-y += arch/$(ARCH)/lib/ libs-y += $(CPUDIR)/ ifdef SOC libs-y += $(CPUDIR)/$(SOC)/ endif libs-y += board/$(BOARDDIR)/ libs-$(HAVE_VENDOR_COMMON_LIB) += board/$(VENDOR)/common/ libs-$(CONFIG_SPL_FRAMEWORK) += common/spl/ libs-$(CONFIG_SPL_LIBCOMMON_SUPPORT) += common/ libs-$(CONFIG_SPL_LIBDISK_SUPPORT) += disk/ libs-$(CONFIG_SPL_I2C_SUPPORT) += drivers/i2c/ libs-$(CONFIG_SPL_GPIO_SUPPORT) += drivers/gpio/ libs-$(CONFIG_SPL_MMC_SUPPORT) += drivers/mmc/ libs-$(CONFIG_SPL_MPC8XXX_INIT_DDR_SUPPORT) += drivers/ddr/fsl/ libs-$(CONFIG_SPL_SERIAL_SUPPORT) += drivers/serial/ libs-$(CONFIG_SPL_SPI_FLASH_SUPPORT) += drivers/mtd/spi/ libs-$(CONFIG_SPL_SPI_SUPPORT) += drivers/spi/ libs-y += fs/ libs-$(CONFIG_SPL_LIBGENERIC_SUPPORT) += lib/ libs-$(CONFIG_SPL_POWER_SUPPORT) += drivers/power/ drivers/power/pmic/ libs-$(if $(CONFIG_CMD_NAND),$(CONFIG_SPL_NAND_SUPPORT)) += drivers/mtd/nand/ libs-$(CONFIG_SPL_DRIVERS_MISC_SUPPORT) += drivers/misc/ libs-$(CONFIG_SPL_ONENAND_SUPPORT) += drivers/mtd/onenand/ libs-$(CONFIG_SPL_DMA_SUPPORT) += drivers/dma/ libs-$(CONFIG_SPL_POST_MEM_SUPPORT) += post/drivers/ libs-$(CONFIG_SPL_NET_SUPPORT) += net/ libs-$(CONFIG_SPL_ETH_SUPPORT) += drivers/net/ libs-$(CONFIG_SPL_ETH_SUPPORT) += drivers/net/phy/ libs-$(CONFIG_SPL_USBETH_SUPPORT) += drivers/net/phy/ libs-$(CONFIG_SPL_MUSB_NEW_SUPPORT) += drivers/usb/musb-new/ libs-$(CONFIG_SPL_USBETH_SUPPORT) += drivers/usb/gadget/ libs-$(CONFIG_SPL_WATCHDOG_SUPPORT) += drivers/watchdog/ libs-$(CONFIG_SPL_USB_HOST_SUPPORT) += drivers/usb/host/ libs-$(CONFIG_OMAP_USB_PHY) += drivers/usb/phy/ libs-$(CONFIG_SPL_SATA_SUPPORT) += drivers/block/ ifneq (,$(CONFIG_MX23)$(CONFIG_MX35)$(filter $(SOC), mx25 mx27 mx5 mx6 mx31 mx35)) libs-y += arch/$(ARCH)/imx-common/ endif libs-$(CONFIG_ARM) += arch/arm/cpu/ libs-$(CONFIG_PPC) += arch/powerpc/cpu/ head-y := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(head-y)) libs-y := $(addprefix $(obj)/,$(libs-y)) u-boot-spl-dirs := $(patsubst %/,%,$(filter %/, $(libs-y))) libs-y := $(patsubst %/, %/built-in.o, $(libs-y)) # Add GCC lib ifeq ("$(USE_PRIVATE_LIBGCC)", "yes") PLATFORM_LIBGCC = $(SPLTREE)/arch/$(ARCH)/lib/lib.a PLATFORM_LIBS := $(filter-out %/lib.a, $(filter-out -lgcc, $(PLATFORM_LIBS))) $(PLATFORM_LIBGCC) endif u-boot-spl-init := $(head-y) u-boot-spl-main := $(libs-y) # Linker Script ifdef CONFIG_SPL_LDSCRIPT # need to strip off double quotes LDSCRIPT := $(addprefix $(SRCTREE)/,$(CONFIG_SPL_LDSCRIPT:"%"=%)) endif ifeq ($(wildcard $(LDSCRIPT)),) LDSCRIPT := $(TOPDIR)/board/$(BOARDDIR)/u-boot-spl.lds endif ifeq ($(wildcard $(LDSCRIPT)),) LDSCRIPT := $(TOPDIR)/$(CPUDIR)/u-boot-spl.lds endif ifeq ($(wildcard $(LDSCRIPT)),) LDSCRIPT := $(TOPDIR)/arch/$(ARCH)/cpu/u-boot-spl.lds endif ifeq ($(wildcard $(LDSCRIPT)),) $(error could not find linker script) endif # Special flags for CPP when processing the linker script. # Pass the version down so we can handle backwards compatibility # on the fly. LDPPFLAGS += \ -include $(TOPDIR)/include/u-boot/u-boot.lds.h \ -include $(OBJTREE)/include/config.h \ -DCPUDIR=$(CPUDIR) \ $(shell $(LD) --version | \ sed -ne 's/GNU ld version \([0-9][0-9]*\)\.\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/-DLD_MAJOR=\1 -DLD_MINOR=\2/p') $(OBJTREE)/MLO: $(obj)/u-boot-spl.bin $(OBJTREE)/tools/mkimage -T omapimage \ -a $(CONFIG_SPL_TEXT_BASE) -d $< $@ $(OBJTREE)/MLO.byteswap: $(obj)/u-boot-spl.bin $(OBJTREE)/tools/mkimage -T omapimage -n byteswap \ -a $(CONFIG_SPL_TEXT_BASE) -d $< $@ $(objtree)/SPL : $(obj)/u-boot-spl.bin $(MAKE) $(build)=spl/arch/arm/imx-common $@ ALL-y += $(obj)/$(SPL_BIN).bin ifdef CONFIG_SAMSUNG ALL-y += $(obj)/$(BOARD)-spl.bin endif all: $(ALL-y) ifdef CONFIG_SAMSUNG ifdef CONFIG_VAR_SIZE_SPL VAR_SIZE_PARAM = --vs else VAR_SIZE_PARAM = endif $(obj)/$(BOARD)-spl.bin: $(obj)/u-boot-spl.bin $(if $(wildcard $(OBJTREE)/spl/board/samsung/$(BOARD)/tools/mk$(BOARD)spl),\ $(OBJTREE)/spl/board/samsung/$(BOARD)/tools/mk$(BOARD)spl,\ $(OBJTREE)/tools/mkexynosspl) $(VAR_SIZE_PARAM) $< $@ endif $(obj)/$(SPL_BIN).bin: $(obj)/$(SPL_BIN) $(OBJCOPY) $(OBJCOPYFLAGS) $(SPL_OBJCFLAGS) -O binary $< $@ LDFLAGS_$(SPL_BIN) += -T u-boot-spl.lds $(LDFLAGS_FINAL) ifneq ($(CONFIG_SPL_TEXT_BASE),) LDFLAGS_$(SPL_BIN) += -Ttext $(CONFIG_SPL_TEXT_BASE) endif quiet_cmd_u-boot-spl = LD $@ cmd_u-boot-spl = cd $(obj) && $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_$(@F)) \ $(patsubst $(obj)/%,%,$(u-boot-spl-init)) --start-group \ $(patsubst $(obj)/%,%,$(u-boot-spl-main)) --end-group \ $(PLATFORM_LIBS) -Map $(SPL_BIN).map -o $(SPL_BIN) $(obj)/$(SPL_BIN): $(u-boot-spl-init) $(u-boot-spl-main) $(obj)/u-boot-spl.lds $(call cmd,u-boot-spl) $(sort $(u-boot-spl-init) $(u-boot-spl-main)): $(u-boot-spl-dirs) ; PHONY += $(u-boot-spl-dirs) $(u-boot-spl-dirs): $(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=$@ # FIX ME cpp_flags := $(KBUILD_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(UBOOTINCLUDE) $(NOSTDINC_FLAGS) $(obj)/u-boot-spl.lds: $(LDSCRIPT) FORCE $(CPP) $(cpp_flags) $(LDPPFLAGS) -I$(obj). -ansi -D__ASSEMBLY__ -P - < $< > $@ PHONY += FORCE FORCE: # Declare the contents of the .PHONY variable as phony. We keep that # information in a variable so we can use it in if_changed and friends. .PHONY: $(PHONY)