/** * @file IxNpeMhReceive.c * * @author Intel Corporation * @date 18 Jan 2002 * * @brief This file contains the implementation of the private API for the * Receive module. * * * @par * IXP400 SW Release version 2.0 * * -- Copyright Notice -- * * @par * Copyright 2001-2005, Intel Corporation. * All rights reserved. * * @par * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * @par * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @par * -- End of Copyright Notice -- */ /* * Put the system defined include files required. */ /* * Put the user defined include files required. */ #include "IxOsal.h" #include "IxNpeMhMacros_p.h" #include "IxNpeMhConfig_p.h" #include "IxNpeMhReceive_p.h" #include "IxNpeMhSolicitedCbMgr_p.h" #include "IxNpeMhUnsolicitedCbMgr_p.h" /* * #defines and macros used in this file. */ /* * Typedefs whose scope is limited to this file. */ /** * @struct IxNpeMhReceiveStats * * @brief This structure is used to maintain statistics for the Receive * module. */ typedef struct { UINT32 isrs; /**< receive ISR invocations */ UINT32 receives; /**< receive messages invocations */ UINT32 messages; /**< messages received */ UINT32 solicited; /**< solicited messages received */ UINT32 unsolicited; /**< unsolicited messages received */ UINT32 callbacks; /**< callbacks invoked */ } IxNpeMhReceiveStats; /* * Variable declarations global to this file only. Externs are followed by * static variables. */ PRIVATE IxNpeMhReceiveStats ixNpeMhReceiveStats[IX_NPEMH_NUM_NPES]; /* * Extern function prototypes. */ /* * Static function prototypes. */ PRIVATE void ixNpeMhReceiveIsr (int npeId); PRIVATE void ixNpeMhReceiveIsr (int npeId) { int lockKey; IX_NPEMH_TRACE0 (IX_NPEMH_FN_ENTRY_EXIT, "Entering " "ixNpeMhReceiveIsr\n"); lockKey = ixOsalIrqLock (); /* invoke the message receive routine to get messages from the NPE */ ixNpeMhReceiveMessagesReceive (npeId); /* update statistical info */ ixNpeMhReceiveStats[npeId].isrs++; ixOsalIrqUnlock (lockKey); IX_NPEMH_TRACE0 (IX_NPEMH_FN_ENTRY_EXIT, "Exiting " "ixNpeMhReceiveIsr\n"); } /* * Function definition: ixNpeMhReceiveInitialize */ void ixNpeMhReceiveInitialize (void) { IxNpeMhNpeId npeId = 0; IX_NPEMH_TRACE0 (IX_NPEMH_FN_ENTRY_EXIT, "Entering " "ixNpeMhReceiveInitialize\n"); /* for each NPE ... */ for (npeId = 0; npeId < IX_NPEMH_NUM_NPES; npeId++) { /* register our internal ISR for the NPE to handle "outFIFO not */ /* empty" interrupts */ ixNpeMhConfigIsrRegister (npeId, ixNpeMhReceiveIsr); } IX_NPEMH_TRACE0 (IX_NPEMH_FN_ENTRY_EXIT, "Exiting " "ixNpeMhReceiveInitialize\n"); } /* * Function definition: ixNpeMhReceiveMessagesReceive */ IX_STATUS ixNpeMhReceiveMessagesReceive ( IxNpeMhNpeId npeId) { IxNpeMhMessage message = { { 0, 0 } }; IxNpeMhMessageId messageId = 0; IxNpeMhCallback callback = NULL; IX_STATUS status; IX_NPEMH_TRACE0 (IX_NPEMH_FN_ENTRY_EXIT, "Entering " "ixNpeMhReceiveMessagesReceive\n"); /* update statistical info */ ixNpeMhReceiveStats[npeId].receives++; /* while the NPE has messages in its outFIFO */ while (!ixNpeMhConfigOutFifoIsEmpty (npeId)) { /* read a message from the NPE's outFIFO */ status = ixNpeMhConfigOutFifoRead (npeId, &message); if (IX_SUCCESS != status) { return status; } /* get the ID of the message */ messageId = ixNpeMhConfigMessageIdGet (message); IX_NPEMH_TRACE2 (IX_NPEMH_DEBUG, "Received message from NPE %d with ID 0x%02X\n", npeId, messageId); /* update statistical info */ ixNpeMhReceiveStats[npeId].messages++; /* try to find a matching unsolicited callback for this message. */ /* we assume the message is unsolicited. only if there is no */ /* unsolicited callback for this message type do we assume the */ /* message is solicited. it is much faster to check for an */ /* unsolicited callback, so doing this check first should result */ /* in better performance. */ ixNpeMhUnsolicitedCbMgrCallbackRetrieve ( npeId, messageId, &callback); if (callback != NULL) { IX_NPEMH_TRACE0 (IX_NPEMH_DEBUG, "Found matching unsolicited callback\n"); /* update statistical info */ ixNpeMhReceiveStats[npeId].unsolicited++; } /* if no unsolicited callback was found try to find a matching */ /* solicited callback for this message */ if (callback == NULL) { ixNpeMhSolicitedCbMgrCallbackRetrieve ( npeId, messageId, &callback); if (callback != NULL) { IX_NPEMH_TRACE0 (IX_NPEMH_DEBUG, "Found matching solicited callback\n"); /* update statistical info */ ixNpeMhReceiveStats[npeId].solicited++; } } /* if a callback (either unsolicited or solicited) was found */ if (callback != NULL) { /* invoke the callback to pass the message back to the client */ callback (npeId, message); /* update statistical info */ ixNpeMhReceiveStats[npeId].callbacks++; } else /* no callback (neither unsolicited nor solicited) was found */ { IX_NPEMH_TRACE2 (IX_NPEMH_WARNING, "No matching callback for NPE %d" " and ID 0x%02X, discarding message\n", npeId, messageId); /* the message will be discarded. this is normal behaviour */ /* if the client passes a NULL solicited callback when */ /* sending a message. this indicates that the client is not */ /* interested in receiving the response. alternatively a */ /* NULL callback here may signify an unsolicited message */ /* with no appropriate registered callback. */ } } IX_NPEMH_TRACE0 (IX_NPEMH_FN_ENTRY_EXIT, "Exiting " "ixNpeMhReceiveMessagesReceive\n"); return IX_SUCCESS; } /* * Function definition: ixNpeMhReceiveShow */ void ixNpeMhReceiveShow ( IxNpeMhNpeId npeId) { /* show the ISR invocation counter */ IX_NPEMH_SHOW ("Receive ISR invocations", ixNpeMhReceiveStats[npeId].isrs); /* show the receive message invocation counter */ IX_NPEMH_SHOW ("Receive messages invocations", ixNpeMhReceiveStats[npeId].receives); /* show the message received counter */ IX_NPEMH_SHOW ("Messages received", ixNpeMhReceiveStats[npeId].messages); /* show the solicited message counter */ IX_NPEMH_SHOW ("Solicited messages received", ixNpeMhReceiveStats[npeId].solicited); /* show the unsolicited message counter */ IX_NPEMH_SHOW ("Unsolicited messages received", ixNpeMhReceiveStats[npeId].unsolicited); /* show the callback invoked counter */ IX_NPEMH_SHOW ("Callbacks invoked", ixNpeMhReceiveStats[npeId].callbacks); /* show the message discarded counter */ IX_NPEMH_SHOW ("Received messages discarded", (ixNpeMhReceiveStats[npeId].messages - ixNpeMhReceiveStats[npeId].callbacks)); } /* * Function definition: ixNpeMhReceiveShowReset */ void ixNpeMhReceiveShowReset ( IxNpeMhNpeId npeId) { /* reset the ISR invocation counter */ ixNpeMhReceiveStats[npeId].isrs = 0; /* reset the receive message invocation counter */ ixNpeMhReceiveStats[npeId].receives = 0; /* reset the message received counter */ ixNpeMhReceiveStats[npeId].messages = 0; /* reset the solicited message counter */ ixNpeMhReceiveStats[npeId].solicited = 0; /* reset the unsolicited message counter */ ixNpeMhReceiveStats[npeId].unsolicited = 0; /* reset the callback invoked counter */ ixNpeMhReceiveStats[npeId].callbacks = 0; }