/** * @file IxEthDBAPI.c * * @brief Implementation of the public API * * @par * IXP400 SW Release version 2.0 * * -- Copyright Notice -- * * @par * Copyright 2001-2005, Intel Corporation. * All rights reserved. * * @par * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * @par * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @par * -- End of Copyright Notice -- */ #include "IxEthDB_p.h" /* forward prototypes */ IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC MacTreeNode *ixEthDBGatewaySelect(MacTreeNode *stations); /** * @brief sets the BBSID value for the WiFi header conversion feature * * @param portID ID of the port * @param bbsid pointer to the 6-byte BBSID value * * Note that this function is documented in the main component * header file, IxEthDB.h. * * @return IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS if the operation completed successfully * or an appropriate error message otherwise */ IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBWiFiBBSIDSet(IxEthDBPortId portID, IxEthDBMacAddr *bbsid) { IxNpeMhMessage message; IX_STATUS result; IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_PORT(portID); IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_SINGLE_NPE(portID); IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_FEATURE(portID, IX_ETH_DB_WIFI_HEADER_CONVERSION); IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_REFERENCE(bbsid); memcpy(ixEthDBPortInfo[portID].bbsid, bbsid, sizeof (IxEthDBMacAddr)); FILL_SETBBSID_MSG(message, portID, bbsid); IX_ETHDB_SEND_NPE_MSG(IX_ETH_DB_PORT_ID_TO_NPE(portID), message, result); return result; } /** * @brief updates the Frame Control and Duration/ID WiFi header * conversion parameters in an NPE * * @param portID ID of the port * * This function will send a message to the NPE updating the * frame conversion parameters for 802.3 => 802.11 header conversion. * * @return IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS if the operation completed successfully * or IX_ETH_DB_FAIL otherwise * * @internal */ IX_ETH_DB_PRIVATE IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBWiFiFrameControlDurationIDUpdate(IxEthDBPortId portID) { IxNpeMhMessage message; IX_STATUS result; FILL_SETFRAMECONTROLDURATIONID(message, portID, ixEthDBPortInfo[portID].frameControlDurationID); IX_ETHDB_SEND_NPE_MSG(IX_ETH_DB_PORT_ID_TO_NPE(portID), message, result); return result; } /** * @brief sets the Duration/ID WiFi frame header conversion parameter * * @param portID ID of the port * @param durationID 16-bit value containing the new Duration/ID parameter * * Note that this function is documented in the main component * header file, IxEthDB.h. * * @return IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS if the operation completed successfully * or an appropriate error message otherwise */ IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBWiFiDurationIDSet(IxEthDBPortId portID, UINT16 durationID) { IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_PORT(portID); IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_SINGLE_NPE(portID); IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_FEATURE(portID, IX_ETH_DB_WIFI_HEADER_CONVERSION); ixEthDBPortInfo[portID].frameControlDurationID = (ixEthDBPortInfo[portID].frameControlDurationID & 0xFFFF0000) | durationID; return ixEthDBWiFiFrameControlDurationIDUpdate(portID); } /** * @brief sets the Frame Control WiFi frame header conversion parameter * * @param portID ID of the port * @param durationID 16-bit value containing the new Frame Control parameter * * Note that this function is documented in the main component * header file, IxEthDB.h. * * @return IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS if the operation completed successfully * or an appropriate error message otherwise */ IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBWiFiFrameControlSet(IxEthDBPortId portID, UINT16 frameControl) { IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_PORT(portID); IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_SINGLE_NPE(portID); IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_FEATURE(portID, IX_ETH_DB_WIFI_HEADER_CONVERSION); ixEthDBPortInfo[portID].frameControlDurationID = (ixEthDBPortInfo[portID].frameControlDurationID & 0xFFFF) | (frameControl << 16); return ixEthDBWiFiFrameControlDurationIDUpdate(portID); } /** * @brief removes a WiFi header conversion record * * @param portID ID of the port * @param macAddr MAC address of the record to remove * * Note that this function is documented in the main * component header file, IxEthDB.h. * * @return IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS if the operation completed * successfully or an appropriate error message otherwise */ IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBWiFiEntryRemove(IxEthDBPortId portID, IxEthDBMacAddr *macAddr) { MacDescriptor recordTemplate; IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_PORT(portID); IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_SINGLE_NPE(portID); IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_REFERENCE(macAddr); IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_FEATURE(portID, IX_ETH_DB_WIFI_HEADER_CONVERSION); memcpy(recordTemplate.macAddress, macAddr, sizeof (IxEthDBMacAddr)); recordTemplate.type = IX_ETH_DB_WIFI_RECORD; recordTemplate.portID = portID; return ixEthDBRemove(&recordTemplate, NULL); } /** * @brief adds a WiFi header conversion record * * @param portID ID of the port * @param macAddr MAC address of the record to add * @param gatewayMacAddr address of the gateway (or * NULL if this is a station record) * * This function adds a record of type AP_TO_AP (gateway is not NULL) * or AP_TO_STA (gateway is NULL) in the main database as a * WiFi header conversion record. * * @return IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS if the operation completed * successfully or an appropriate error message otherwise * * @internal */ IX_ETH_DB_PRIVATE IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBWiFiEntryAdd(IxEthDBPortId portID, IxEthDBMacAddr *macAddr, IxEthDBMacAddr *gatewayMacAddr) { MacDescriptor recordTemplate; IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_PORT(portID); IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_SINGLE_NPE(portID); IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_REFERENCE(macAddr); IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_FEATURE(portID, IX_ETH_DB_WIFI_HEADER_CONVERSION); memcpy(recordTemplate.macAddress, macAddr, sizeof (IxEthDBMacAddr)); recordTemplate.type = IX_ETH_DB_WIFI_RECORD; recordTemplate.portID = portID; if (gatewayMacAddr != NULL) { memcpy(recordTemplate.recordData.wifiData.gwMacAddress, gatewayMacAddr, sizeof (IxEthDBMacAddr)); recordTemplate.recordData.wifiData.type = IX_ETH_DB_WIFI_AP_TO_AP; } else { memset(recordTemplate.recordData.wifiData.gwMacAddress, 0, sizeof (IxEthDBMacAddr)); recordTemplate.recordData.wifiData.type = IX_ETH_DB_WIFI_AP_TO_STA; } return ixEthDBAdd(&recordTemplate, NULL); } /** * @brief adds a WiFi header conversion record * * @param portID ID of the port * @param macAddr MAC address of the record to add * @param gatewayMacAddr address of the gateway * * This function adds a record of type AP_TO_AP * in the main database as a WiFi header conversion record. * * This is simply a wrapper over @ref ixEthDBWiFiEntryAdd(). * * Note that this function is documented in the main * component header file, IxEthDB.h. * * @return IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS if the operation completed * successfully or an appropriate error message otherwise */ IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBWiFiAccessPointEntryAdd(IxEthDBPortId portID, IxEthDBMacAddr *macAddr, IxEthDBMacAddr *gatewayMacAddr) { IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_REFERENCE(gatewayMacAddr); return ixEthDBWiFiEntryAdd(portID, macAddr, gatewayMacAddr); } /** * @brief adds a WiFi header conversion record * * @param portID ID of the port * @param macAddr MAC address of the record to add * * This function adds a record of type AP_TO_STA * in the main database as a WiFi header conversion record. * * This is simply a wrapper over @ref ixEthDBWiFiEntryAdd(). * * Note that this function is documented in the main * component header file, IxEthDB.h. * * @return IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS if the operation completed * successfully or an appropriate error message otherwise */ IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBWiFiStationEntryAdd(IxEthDBPortId portID, IxEthDBMacAddr *macAddr) { return ixEthDBWiFiEntryAdd(portID, macAddr, NULL); } /** * @brief selects a set of gateways from a tree of * WiFi header conversion records * * @param stations binary tree containing pointers to WiFi header * conversion records * * This function browses through the input binary tree, identifies * records of type AP_TO_AP, clones these records and appends them * to a vine (a single right-branch binary tree) which is returned * as result. A maximum of MAX_GW_SIZE entries containing gateways * will be cloned from the original tree. * * @return vine (linear binary tree) containing record * clones of AP_TO_AP type, which have a gateway field * * @internal */ IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC MacTreeNode *ixEthDBGatewaySelect(MacTreeNode *stations) { MacTreeNodeStack *stack; MacTreeNode *gateways, *insertionPlace; UINT32 gwIndex = 1; /* skip the empty root */ if (stations == NULL) { return NULL; } stack = ixOsalCacheDmaMalloc(sizeof (MacTreeNodeStack)); if (stack == NULL) { ERROR_LOG("DB: (WiFi) failed to allocate the node stack for gateway tree linearization, out of memory?\n"); return NULL; } /* initialize root node */ gateways = insertionPlace = NULL; /* start browsing the station tree */ NODE_STACK_INIT(stack); /* initialize stack by pushing the tree root at offset 0 */ NODE_STACK_PUSH(stack, stations, 0); while (NODE_STACK_NONEMPTY(stack)) { MacTreeNode *node; UINT32 offset; NODE_STACK_POP(stack, node, offset); /* we can store maximum 31 (32 total, 1 empty root) entries in the gateway tree */ if (offset > (MAX_GW_SIZE - 1)) break; /* check if this record has a gateway address */ if (node->descriptor != NULL && node->descriptor->recordData.wifiData.type == IX_ETH_DB_WIFI_AP_TO_AP) { /* found a record, create an insertion place */ if (insertionPlace != NULL) { insertionPlace->right = ixEthDBAllocMacTreeNode(); insertionPlace = insertionPlace->right; } else { gateways = ixEthDBAllocMacTreeNode(); insertionPlace = gateways; } if (insertionPlace == NULL) { /* no nodes left, bail out with what we have */ ixOsalCacheDmaFree(stack); return gateways; } /* clone the original record for the gateway tree */ insertionPlace->descriptor = ixEthDBCloneMacDescriptor(node->descriptor); /* insert and update the offset in the original record */ node->descriptor->recordData.wifiData.gwAddressIndex = gwIndex++; } /* browse the tree */ if (node->left != NULL) { NODE_STACK_PUSH(stack, node->left, LEFT_CHILD_OFFSET(offset)); } if (node->right != NULL) { NODE_STACK_PUSH(stack, node->right, RIGHT_CHILD_OFFSET(offset)); } } ixOsalCacheDmaFree(stack); return gateways; } /** * @brief downloads the WiFi header conversion table to an NPE * * @param portID ID of the port * * This function prepares the WiFi header conversion tables and * downloads them to the specified NPE port. * * The header conversion tables consist in the main table of * addresses and the secondary table of gateways. AP_TO_AP records * from the first table contain index fields into the second table * for gateway selection. * * Note that this function is documented in the main component * header file, IxEthDB.h. * * @return IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS if the operation completed successfully * or an appropriate error message otherwise */ IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBWiFiConversionTableDownload(IxEthDBPortId portID) { IxEthDBPortMap query; MacTreeNode *stations = NULL, *gateways = NULL, *gateway = NULL; IxNpeMhMessage message; PortInfo *portInfo; IX_STATUS result; IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_PORT(portID); IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_SINGLE_NPE(portID); IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_FEATURE(portID, IX_ETH_DB_WIFI_HEADER_CONVERSION); portInfo = &ixEthDBPortInfo[portID]; SET_DEPENDENCY_MAP(query, portID); ixEthDBUpdateLock(); stations = ixEthDBQuery(NULL, query, IX_ETH_DB_WIFI_RECORD, MAX_ELT_SIZE); gateways = ixEthDBGatewaySelect(stations); /* clean up gw area */ memset((void *) portInfo->updateMethod.npeGwUpdateZone, FULL_GW_BYTE_SIZE, 0); /* write all gateways */ gateway = gateways; while (gateway != NULL) { ixEthDBNPEGatewayNodeWrite((void *) (((UINT32) portInfo->updateMethod.npeGwUpdateZone) + gateway->descriptor->recordData.wifiData.gwAddressIndex * ELT_ENTRY_SIZE), gateway); gateway = gateway->right; } /* free the gateway tree */ if (gateways != NULL) { ixEthDBFreeMacTreeNode(gateways); } FILL_SETAPMACTABLE_MSG(message, IX_OSAL_MMU_VIRT_TO_PHYS(portInfo->updateMethod.npeGwUpdateZone)); IX_ETHDB_SEND_NPE_MSG(IX_ETH_DB_PORT_ID_TO_NPE(portID), message, result); if (result == IX_SUCCESS) { /* update the main tree (the stations tree) */ portInfo->updateMethod.searchTree = stations; result = ixEthDBNPEUpdateHandler(portID, IX_ETH_DB_WIFI_RECORD); } ixEthDBUpdateUnlock(); return result; }