/** * @file IxEthDBSpanningTree.c * * @brief Implementation of the STP API * * @par * IXP400 SW Release version 2.0 * * -- Copyright Notice -- * * @par * Copyright 2001-2005, Intel Corporation. * All rights reserved. * * @par * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * @par * -- End of Copyright Notice -- */ #include "IxEthDB_p.h" /** * @brief sets the STP blocking state of a port * * @param portID ID of the port * @param blocked true to block the port or false to unblock it * * Note that this function is documented in the main component * header file, IxEthDB.h. * * @return IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS if the operation completed successfully * or an appropriate error message otherwise */ IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBSpanningTreeBlockingStateSet(IxEthDBPortId portID, BOOL blocked) { IxNpeMhMessage message; IX_STATUS result; IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_PORT(portID); IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_SINGLE_NPE(portID); IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_FEATURE(portID, IX_ETH_DB_SPANNING_TREE_PROTOCOL); ixEthDBPortInfo[portID].stpBlocked = blocked; FILL_SETBLOCKINGSTATE_MSG(message, portID, blocked); IX_ETHDB_SEND_NPE_MSG(IX_ETH_DB_PORT_ID_TO_NPE(portID), message, result); return result; } /** * @brief retrieves the STP blocking state of a port * * @param portID ID of the port * @param blocked address to write the blocked status into * * Note that this function is documented in the main component * header file, IxEthDB.h. * * @return IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS if the operation completed successfully * or an appropriate error message otherwise */ IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBSpanningTreeBlockingStateGet(IxEthDBPortId portID, BOOL *blocked) { IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_PORT(portID); IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_SINGLE_NPE(portID); IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_FEATURE(portID, IX_ETH_DB_SPANNING_TREE_PROTOCOL); IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_REFERENCE(blocked); *blocked = ixEthDBPortInfo[portID].stpBlocked; return IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS; }