/** * @file IxEthDBDBCore.c * * @brief Database support functions * * @par * IXP400 SW Release version 2.0 * * -- Copyright Notice -- * * @par * Copyright 2001-2005, Intel Corporation. * All rights reserved. * * @par * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * @par * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @par * -- End of Copyright Notice -- */ #include "IxEthDB_p.h" /* list of database hashtables */ IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC HashTable dbHashtable; IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC MatchFunction matchFunctions[IX_ETH_DB_MAX_KEY_INDEX + 1]; IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC BOOL ixEthDBPortUpdateRequired[IX_ETH_DB_MAX_RECORD_TYPE_INDEX + 1]; IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC UINT32 ixEthDBKeyType[IX_ETH_DB_MAX_RECORD_TYPE_INDEX + 1]; /* private initialization flag */ IX_ETH_DB_PRIVATE BOOL ethDBInitializationComplete = false; /** * @brief initializes EthDB * * This function must be called to initialize the component. * * It does the following things: * - checks the port definition structure * - scans the capabilities of the NPE images and sets the * capabilities of the ports accordingly * - initializes the memory pools internally used in EthDB * for storing database records and handling data * - registers automatic update handlers for add and remove * operations * - registers hashing match functions, depending on key sets * - initializes the main database hashtable * - allocates contiguous memory zones to be used for NPE * updates * - registers the serialize methods used to convert data * into NPE-readable format * - starts the event processor * * Note that this function is documented in the public * component header file, IxEthDB.h. * * @return IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS or an appropriate error if the * component failed to initialize correctly */ IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBInit(void) { IxEthDBStatus result; if (ethDBInitializationComplete) { /* redundant */ return IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS; } /* trap an invalid port definition structure */ IX_ETH_DB_PORTS_ASSERTION; /* memory management */ ixEthDBInitMemoryPools(); /* register hashing search methods */ ixEthDBMatchMethodsRegister(matchFunctions); /* register type-based automatic port updates */ ixEthDBUpdateTypeRegister(ixEthDBPortUpdateRequired); /* register record to key type mappings */ ixEthDBKeyTypeRegister(ixEthDBKeyType); /* hash table */ ixEthDBInitHash(&dbHashtable, NUM_BUCKETS, ixEthDBEntryXORHash, matchFunctions, (FreeFunction) ixEthDBFreeMacDescriptor); /* NPE update zones */ ixEthDBNPEUpdateAreasInit(); /* register record serialization methods */ ixEthDBRecordSerializeMethodsRegister(); /* start the event processor */ result = ixEthDBEventProcessorInit(); /* scan NPE features */ if (result == IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS) { ixEthDBFeatureCapabilityScan(); } ethDBInitializationComplete = true; return result; } /** * @brief prepares EthDB for unloading * * This function must be called before removing the * EthDB component from memory (e.g. doing rmmod in * Linux) if the component is to be re-initialized again * without rebooting the platform. * * All the EthDB ports must be disabled before this * function is to be called. Failure to disable all * the ports will return the IX_ETH_DB_BUSY error. * * This function will destroy mutexes, deallocate * memory and stop the event processor. * * Note that this function is fully documented in the * main component header file, IxEthDB.h. * * @return IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS if de-initialization * completed successfully or an appropriate error * message otherwise */ IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBUnload(void) { IxEthDBPortId portIndex; if (!ethDBInitializationComplete) { /* redundant */ return IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS; } /* check if any ports are enabled */ for (portIndex = 0 ; portIndex < IX_ETH_DB_NUMBER_OF_PORTS ; portIndex++) { if (ixEthDBPortInfo[portIndex].enabled) { return IX_ETH_DB_BUSY; } } /* free port resources */ for (portIndex = 0 ; portIndex < IX_ETH_DB_NUMBER_OF_PORTS ; portIndex++) { if (ixEthDBPortDefinitions[portIndex].type == IX_ETH_NPE) { ixOsalMutexDestroy(&ixEthDBPortInfo[portIndex].npeAckLock); } ixEthDBPortInfo[portIndex].initialized = false; } /* shutdown event processor */ ixEthDBStopLearningFunction(); /* deallocate NPE update zones */ ixEthDBNPEUpdateAreasUnload(); ethDBInitializationComplete = false; return IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief adds a new entry to the Ethernet database * * @param newRecordTemplate address of the record template to use * @param updateTrigger port map containing the update triggers * resulting from this update operation * * Creates a new database entry, populates it with the data * copied from the given template and adds the record to the * database hash table. * It also checks whether the new record type is registered to trigger * automatic updates; if it is, the update trigger will contain the * port on which the record insertion was performed, as well as the * old port in case the addition was a record migration (from one port * to the other). The caller can use the updateTrigger to trigger * automatic updates on the ports changed as a result of this addition. * * @retval IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS addition successful * @retval IX_ETH_DB_NOMEM insertion failed, no memory left in the mac descriptor memory pool * @retval IX_ETH_DB_BUSY database busy, cannot insert due to locking * * @internal */ IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBAdd(MacDescriptor *newRecordTemplate, IxEthDBPortMap updateTrigger) { IxEthDBStatus result; MacDescriptor *newDescriptor; IxEthDBPortId originalPortID; HashNode *node = NULL; BUSY_RETRY(ixEthDBSearchHashEntry(&dbHashtable, ixEthDBKeyType[newRecordTemplate->type], newRecordTemplate, &node)); TEST_FIXTURE_INCREMENT_DB_CORE_ACCESS_COUNTER; if (node == NULL) { /* not found, create a new one */ newDescriptor = ixEthDBAllocMacDescriptor(); if (newDescriptor == NULL) { return IX_ETH_DB_NOMEM; /* no memory */ } /* old port does not exist, avoid unnecessary updates */ originalPortID = newRecordTemplate->portID; } else { /* a node with the same key exists, will update node */ newDescriptor = (MacDescriptor *) node->data; /* save original port id */ originalPortID = newDescriptor->portID; } /* copy/update fields into new record */ memcpy(newDescriptor->macAddress, newRecordTemplate->macAddress, sizeof (IxEthDBMacAddr)); memcpy(&newDescriptor->recordData, &newRecordTemplate->recordData, sizeof (IxEthDBRecordData)); newDescriptor->type = newRecordTemplate->type; newDescriptor->portID = newRecordTemplate->portID; newDescriptor->user = newRecordTemplate->user; if (node == NULL) { /* new record, insert into hashtable */ BUSY_RETRY_WITH_RESULT(ixEthDBAddHashEntry(&dbHashtable, newDescriptor), result); if (result != IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS) { ixEthDBFreeMacDescriptor(newDescriptor); return result; /* insertion failed */ } } if (node != NULL) { /* release access */ ixEthDBReleaseHashNode(node); } /* trigger add/remove update if required by type */ if (updateTrigger != NULL && ixEthDBPortUpdateRequired[newRecordTemplate->type]) { /* add new port to update list */ JOIN_PORT_TO_MAP(updateTrigger, newRecordTemplate->portID); /* check if record has moved, we'll need to update the old port as well */ if (originalPortID != newDescriptor->portID) { JOIN_PORT_TO_MAP(updateTrigger, originalPortID); } } return IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief remove a record from the Ethernet database * * @param templateRecord template record used to determine * what record is to be removed * @param updateTrigger port map containing the update triggers * resulting from this update operation * * This function will examine the template record it receives * and attempts to delete a record of the same type and containing * the same keys as the template record. If deletion is successful * and the record type is registered for automatic port updates the * port will also be set in the updateTrigger port map, so that the * client can perform an update of the port. * * @retval IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS removal was successful * @retval IX_ETH_DB_NO_SUCH_ADDR the record with the given MAC address was not found * @retval IX_ETH_DB_BUSY database busy, cannot remove due to locking * * @internal */ IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBRemove(MacDescriptor *templateRecord, IxEthDBPortMap updateTrigger) { IxEthDBStatus result; TEST_FIXTURE_INCREMENT_DB_CORE_ACCESS_COUNTER; BUSY_RETRY_WITH_RESULT(ixEthDBRemoveHashEntry(&dbHashtable, ixEthDBKeyType[templateRecord->type], templateRecord), result); if (result != IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS) { return IX_ETH_DB_NO_SUCH_ADDR; /* not found */ } /* trigger add/remove update if required by type */ if (updateTrigger != NULL &&ixEthDBPortUpdateRequired[templateRecord->type]) { /* add new port to update list */ JOIN_PORT_TO_MAP(updateTrigger, templateRecord->portID); } return IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief register record key types * * This function registers the appropriate key types, * depending on record types. * * All filtering records use the MAC address as the key. * WiFi and Firewall records use a compound key consisting * in both the MAC address and the port ID. * * @return the number of registered record types */ IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC UINT32 ixEthDBKeyTypeRegister(UINT32 *keyType) { /* safety */ memset(keyType, 0, sizeof (keyType)); /* register all known record types */ keyType[IX_ETH_DB_FILTERING_RECORD] = IX_ETH_DB_MAC_KEY; keyType[IX_ETH_DB_FILTERING_VLAN_RECORD] = IX_ETH_DB_MAC_KEY; keyType[IX_ETH_DB_ALL_FILTERING_RECORDS] = IX_ETH_DB_MAC_KEY; keyType[IX_ETH_DB_WIFI_RECORD] = IX_ETH_DB_MAC_PORT_KEY; keyType[IX_ETH_DB_FIREWALL_RECORD] = IX_ETH_DB_MAC_PORT_KEY; return 5; } /** * @brief Sets a user-defined field into a database record * * Note that this function is fully documented in the main component * header file. */ IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBUserFieldSet(IxEthDBRecordType recordType, IxEthDBMacAddr *macAddr, IxEthDBPortId portID, IxEthDBVlanId vlanID, void *field) { HashNode *result = NULL; if (macAddr == NULL) { return IX_ETH_DB_INVALID_ARG; } if (recordType == IX_ETH_DB_FILTERING_RECORD) { result = ixEthDBSearch(macAddr, recordType); } else if (recordType == IX_ETH_DB_FILTERING_VLAN_RECORD) { result = ixEthDBVlanSearch(macAddr, vlanID, recordType); } else if (recordType == IX_ETH_DB_WIFI_RECORD || recordType == IX_ETH_DB_FIREWALL_RECORD) { IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_PORT_EXISTS(portID); result = ixEthDBPortSearch(macAddr, portID, recordType); } else { return IX_ETH_DB_INVALID_ARG; } if (result == NULL) { return IX_ETH_DB_NO_SUCH_ADDR; } ((MacDescriptor *) result->data)->user = field; ixEthDBReleaseHashNode(result); return IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief Retrieves a user-defined field from a database record * * Note that this function is fully documented in the main component * header file. */ IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBUserFieldGet(IxEthDBRecordType recordType, IxEthDBMacAddr *macAddr, IxEthDBPortId portID, IxEthDBVlanId vlanID, void **field) { HashNode *result = NULL; if (macAddr == NULL || field == NULL) { return IX_ETH_DB_INVALID_ARG; } if (recordType == IX_ETH_DB_FILTERING_RECORD) { result = ixEthDBSearch(macAddr, recordType); } else if (recordType == IX_ETH_DB_FILTERING_VLAN_RECORD) { result = ixEthDBVlanSearch(macAddr, vlanID, recordType); } else if (recordType == IX_ETH_DB_WIFI_RECORD || recordType == IX_ETH_DB_FIREWALL_RECORD) { IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_PORT_EXISTS(portID); result = ixEthDBPortSearch(macAddr, portID, recordType); } else { return IX_ETH_DB_INVALID_ARG; } if (result == NULL) { return IX_ETH_DB_NO_SUCH_ADDR; } *field = ((MacDescriptor *) result->data)->user; ixEthDBReleaseHashNode(result); return IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS; }