* Altera Triple-Speed Ethernet MAC driver (TSE) Required properties: - compatible: Should be "altr,tse-1.0" for legacy SGDMA based TSE, and should be "altr,tse-msgdma-1.0" for the preferred MSGDMA based TSE. - reg: Address and length of the register set for the device. It contains the information of registers in the same order as described by reg-names - reg-names: Should contain the reg names "control_port": MAC configuration space region "tx_csr": xDMA Tx dispatcher control and status space region "tx_desc": MSGDMA Tx dispatcher descriptor space region "rx_csr" : xDMA Rx dispatcher control and status space region "rx_desc": MSGDMA Rx dispatcher descriptor space region "rx_resp": MSGDMA Rx dispatcher response space region "s1": SGDMA descriptor memory - interrupts: Should contain the TSE interrupts and it's mode. - interrupt-names: Should contain the interrupt names "rx_irq": xDMA Rx dispatcher interrupt "tx_irq": xDMA Tx dispatcher interrupt - rx-fifo-depth: MAC receive FIFO buffer depth in bytes - tx-fifo-depth: MAC transmit FIFO buffer depth in bytes - phy-mode: See ethernet.txt in the same directory. - phy-handle: See ethernet.txt in the same directory. - phy-addr: See ethernet.txt in the same directory. A configuration should include phy-handle or phy-addr. - altr,has-supplementary-unicast: If present, TSE supports additional unicast addresses. Otherwise additional unicast addresses are not supported. - altr,has-hash-multicast-filter: If present, TSE supports a hash based multicast filter. Otherwise, hash-based multicast filtering is not supported. - mdio device tree subnode: When the TSE has a phy connected to its local mdio, there must be device tree subnode with the following required properties: - compatible: Must be "altr,tse-mdio". - #address-cells: Must be <1>. - #size-cells: Must be <0>. For each phy on the mdio bus, there must be a node with the following fields: - reg: phy id used to communicate to phy. - device_type: Must be "ethernet-phy". Optional properties: - local-mac-address: See ethernet.txt in the same directory. - max-frame-size: See ethernet.txt in the same directory. Example: tse_sub_0_eth_tse_0: ethernet@0x1,00000000 { compatible = "altr,tse-msgdma-1.0"; reg = <0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000400>, <0x00000001 0x00000460 0x00000020>, <0x00000001 0x00000480 0x00000020>, <0x00000001 0x000004A0 0x00000008>, <0x00000001 0x00000400 0x00000020>, <0x00000001 0x00000420 0x00000020>; reg-names = "control_port", "rx_csr", "rx_desc", "rx_resp", "tx_csr", "tx_desc"; interrupt-parent = <&hps_0_arm_gic_0>; interrupts = <0 41 4>, <0 40 4>; interrupt-names = "rx_irq", "tx_irq"; rx-fifo-depth = <2048>; tx-fifo-depth = <2048>; address-bits = <48>; max-frame-size = <1500>; local-mac-address = [ 00 00 00 00 00 00 ]; phy-mode = "gmii"; altr,has-supplementary-unicast; altr,has-hash-multicast-filter; phy-handle = <&phy0>; mdio { compatible = "altr,tse-mdio"; #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <0>; phy0: ethernet-phy@0 { reg = <0x0>; device_type = "ethernet-phy"; }; phy1: ethernet-phy@1 { reg = <0x1>; device_type = "ethernet-phy"; }; }; }; tse_sub_1_eth_tse_0: ethernet@0x1,00001000 { compatible = "altr,tse-msgdma-1.0"; reg = <0x00000001 0x00001000 0x00000400>, <0x00000001 0x00001460 0x00000020>, <0x00000001 0x00001480 0x00000020>, <0x00000001 0x000014A0 0x00000008>, <0x00000001 0x00001400 0x00000020>, <0x00000001 0x00001420 0x00000020>; reg-names = "control_port", "rx_csr", "rx_desc", "rx_resp", "tx_csr", "tx_desc"; interrupt-parent = <&hps_0_arm_gic_0>; interrupts = <0 43 4>, <0 42 4>; interrupt-names = "rx_irq", "tx_irq"; rx-fifo-depth = <2048>; tx-fifo-depth = <2048>; address-bits = <48>; max-frame-size = <1500>; local-mac-address = [ 00 00 00 00 00 00 ]; phy-mode = "gmii"; altr,has-supplementary-unicast; altr,has-hash-multicast-filter; phy-handle = <&phy1>; };