/* * (C) Copyright 2015 Rockchip Electronics Co., Ltd * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ #include #include #include static struct rk_uart *uart_ptr; static void uart_wrtie_byte(char byte) { writel(byte, &uart_ptr->rbr); while (!(readl(&uart_ptr->lsr) & 0x40)) ; } void print(char *s) { while (*s) { if (*s == '\n') uart_wrtie_byte('\r'); uart_wrtie_byte(*s); s++; } } void print_hex(unsigned int n) { int i; int temp; uart_wrtie_byte('0'); uart_wrtie_byte('x'); for (i = 8; i > 0; i--) { temp = (n >> (i - 1) * 4) & 0x0f; if (temp < 10) uart_wrtie_byte((char)(temp + '0')); else uart_wrtie_byte((char)(temp - 10 + 'a')); } uart_wrtie_byte('\n'); uart_wrtie_byte('\r'); } /* * TODO: since rk3036 only 4K sram to use in SPL, for saving space, * we implement uart driver this way, we should convert this to use * ns16550 driver in future, which support DEBUG_UART in the standard way */ void rk_uart_init(void *base) { uart_ptr = (struct rk_uart *)base; writel(0x83, &uart_ptr->lcr); writel(0x0d, &uart_ptr->rbr); writel(0x03, &uart_ptr->lcr); /* fifo enable, sfe is shadow register of FCR[0] */ writel(0x01, &uart_ptr->sfe); }