This binding covers the official 7" (800x480) Raspberry Pi touchscreen

This DSI panel contains:

- TC358762 DSI->DPI bridge
- Atmel microcontroller on I2C for power sequencing the DSI bridge and
  controlling backlight
- Touchscreen controller on I2C for touch input

and this binding covers the DSI display parts but not its touch input.

Required properties:
- compatible:	Must be "raspberrypi,7inch-touchscreen-panel"
- reg:		Must be "45"
- port:		See panel-common.txt


dsi1: dsi@7e700000 {
	#address-cells = <1>;
	#size-cells = <0>;

	port {
		dsi_out_port: endpoint {
			remote-endpoint = <&panel_dsi_port>;

i2c_dsi: i2c {
	compatible = "i2c-gpio";
	#address-cells = <1>;
	#size-cells = <0>;
	gpios = <&gpio 28 0
		 &gpio 29 0>;

	lcd@45 {
		compatible = "raspberrypi,7inch-touchscreen-panel";
		reg = <0x45>;

		port {
			panel_dsi_port: endpoint {
				remote-endpoint = <&dsi_out_port>;