/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/trace/runtime/rt_rsvdtracebuffer.C $ */ /* */ /* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */ /* */ /* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2017,2019 */ /* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */ /* */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */ /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or */ /* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */ /* permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ #include "rt_rsvdtracebuffer.H" #include // memset namespace TRACE { /// Some constants to help keep track of the structure of the buffer /// Have these build on each other // A pointer of where the reserved memory points to itself. Helps to determine // if the buffer has been relocated const uint32_t RESERVED_MEMORY_POINTER_OFFSET = 0; // The location of the buffer for Entries. const uint32_t BUFFER_BEGINNINIG_BOUNDARY_OFFSET = sizeof(uintptr_t) + RESERVED_MEMORY_POINTER_OFFSET; // Minimum size of the buffer, based on the buffers needs to be functional const uint32_t MINIMUM_SIZE_OF_BUFFER_IN_BYTES = BUFFER_BEGINNINIG_BOUNDARY_OFFSET; /** * ctor */ RsvdTraceBuffer::RsvdTraceBuffer() { // The buffer is not valid - there is no actual/real buffer to point to. // With no actual/real buffer to point to, all internal data is NULL/0. setBufferValidity(false); clearPtrToHead(); setBeginningBoundary(nullptr); setEndingBoundary(nullptr); } /** * init */ void RsvdTraceBuffer::init(uint32_t i_bufferSize, uintptr_t i_addressToBuffer, uintptr_t* i_addressToHead) { // If buffer is not already initialized and incoming data is legit if ( (false == isBufferValid()) && (i_bufferSize > MINIMUM_SIZE_OF_BUFFER_IN_BYTES ) && (i_addressToBuffer > 0) && (nullptr != i_addressToHead) ) { // Set the list head pointer. This needs to be set first. setListHeadPtr(i_addressToHead); // Set the reserved memory pointer iv_ptrToRsvdMem = reinterpret_cast (i_addressToBuffer + RESERVED_MEMORY_POINTER_OFFSET); setBeginningBoundary(convertToCharPointer (i_addressToBuffer + BUFFER_BEGINNINIG_BOUNDARY_OFFSET)); setEndingBoundary(convertToCharPointer (i_addressToBuffer + i_bufferSize - 1)); // Check if buffer has moved and if so, realign the pointers checkBuffer(); // Now that there is an actual/real buffer to point to, the buffer is // valid, although it may/may not have any entries associated with it. setBufferValidity(true); } } /** * checkBuffer */ void RsvdTraceBuffer::checkBuffer() { intptr_t l_offset(0); // If the reserved memory data is not zero, meaning that buffer is being // revisited again, and the memory does not match the current pointer of // the reserved memory data, then the buffer has been relocated and the // pointer info in the buffer needs to be realigned/corrected. // The buffer gets revisited to pull data when a crash happens. Please // see the details section for the class in the .H file. if ((0 != iv_ptrToRsvdMem[0]) && (reinterpret_cast(iv_ptrToRsvdMem) != iv_ptrToRsvdMem[0])) { // Get the difference in memory location l_offset = reinterpret_cast (iv_ptrToRsvdMem) - iv_ptrToRsvdMem[0]; realignListPointers(l_offset); } // Persist the current buffer location iv_ptrToRsvdMem[0] = reinterpret_cast(iv_ptrToRsvdMem); } /** * realignListPointers */ void RsvdTraceBuffer::realignListPointers(intptr_t l_offset) { // Verify that there is actual data to realign Entry* l_head = getListHead(); if (l_head) { // Update the pointer to the list *iv_ptrToHead = *iv_ptrToHead + l_offset; // Get the the head of list to traverse over and correct pointers Entry* l_entry = l_head = getListHead(); do { // Update the pointers of Entry item l_entry->next = reinterpret_cast( reinterpret_cast(l_entry->next) + l_offset); l_entry->prev = reinterpret_cast( reinterpret_cast(l_entry->prev) + l_offset); l_entry = l_entry->next; } while (l_entry != l_head); } } /** * insertEntry */ Entry* RsvdTraceBuffer::insertEntry(uint32_t i_dataSize) { // Create a handle to an Entry Entry* l_entry(nullptr); // Before continuing, make sure the buffer is valid if (isBufferValid()) { char* l_availableAddress(nullptr); // Bump up the needed size to include the entry itself and // necessary alignment. // (Alignment is needed so that Entry's members can be atomically // updated). uint32_t l_entrySize = getAlignedSizeOfEntry(i_dataSize); if (makeSpaceForEntry(l_entrySize, l_availableAddress) && l_availableAddress) { // Set entry if space was created and an available address // is returned l_entry = reinterpret_cast(l_availableAddress); setListTail(l_entry); } } return l_entry; } /** * makeSpaceForEntry */ uint32_t RsvdTraceBuffer::makeSpaceForEntry(uint32_t i_spaceNeeded, char* &o_availableAddress) { o_availableAddress = nullptr; uint32_t l_spaceAvailable = 0; // Only look for space if requested space is less than // or equal to buffer size if (i_spaceNeeded <= getBufferSize()) { l_spaceAvailable = getAvailableSpace(i_spaceNeeded, o_availableAddress); // Keep requesting for space until we get the space that is asked for while (l_spaceAvailable < i_spaceNeeded) { // If we can't remove any entries, then we exhausted all efforts. // Should not happen, because the space requested should be less // than or equal to buffer size if (!removeOldestEntry()) { l_spaceAvailable = 0; break; } l_spaceAvailable = getAvailableSpace(i_spaceNeeded, o_availableAddress); } } return l_spaceAvailable; } /** * getAvailableSpace */ uint32_t RsvdTraceBuffer::getAvailableSpace(uint32_t i_spaceNeeded, char* &o_availableAddress) { o_availableAddress = nullptr; uint32_t l_availableSpace(0); // If the list is empty, then the full buffer is available if (isListEmpty()) { l_availableSpace = getBufferSize(); o_availableAddress = iv_bufferBeginningBoundary; } // The list is not empty; must find available space else { // Cache some useful data for easy calculations later on uintptr_t l_bufferBeginningBoundary = getAddressOfPtr(iv_bufferBeginningBoundary); uintptr_t l_bufferEndingBoundary = getAddressOfPtr(iv_bufferEndingBoundary); Entry* l_head = getListHead(); uintptr_t l_headAddr = getAddressOfPtr(l_head); uintptr_t l_tailAddrEnd = getEndingAddressOfEntry(l_head->prev); // If address of the tail is greater or equal to the head then the tail // will be at the end of the buffer or, in other words, ahead of the head. if (l_tailAddrEnd >= l_headAddr) { // Get available space between the tail and buffer ending boundary size_t l_spaceAtEnd = l_bufferEndingBoundary - l_tailAddrEnd; // Get available space between the buffer beginning boundary and head size_t l_spaceAtBeginning = l_headAddr - l_bufferBeginningBoundary; // If the space available at end of buffer is enough to satisfy the // space needed, then return that value else return the space // available at the beginning of the buffer. If the space at the // end does not have enough of the needed space, then space will // ultimately be made at the beginning of the buffer. // // Right now, you are probably thinking, what if I only need 5 free // spaces and if the end has 10 available and the beginning has 7 // available, why not return the space at the beginning, the // minimum needed to satisfy our needs. I believe we still would // want to "fill out" the end, before starting with beginning. // // Side note: We want to return contiguous memory only. Although // l_spaceAtEnd + l_spaceAtBeginning may satisfy the space needed, // it is not contiguous. if (l_spaceAtEnd >= i_spaceNeeded) { // There is more available space at the end of the buffer l_availableSpace = l_spaceAtEnd; o_availableAddress = convertToCharPointer(l_tailAddrEnd + 1); } // Just return the space available at beginning and hopefully // that will satisfy our needs else { // There is more available space at the beginning of the buffer l_availableSpace = l_spaceAtBeginning; o_availableAddress = iv_bufferBeginningBoundary; } } // The tail is behind the head in the buffer else { // Get available space between the head and tail l_availableSpace = l_headAddr - l_tailAddrEnd + 1; o_availableAddress = convertToCharPointer(l_tailAddrEnd + 1); } } return l_availableSpace; } /** * removeOldestEntry */ bool RsvdTraceBuffer::removeOldestEntry() { bool l_oldestEntryRemoved(false); // If the list is not empty, then remove oldest entry - the head if (!isListEmpty()) { // Get a handle to the head Entry* l_head(getListHead()); // Is there only one entry? if (l_head->next == l_head) { // Yes, just set the head to nullptr and we are done l_head = nullptr; } // There is more than one entry, so remove head (the oldest entry) else { // Point head's next entry to head's previous entry l_head->next->prev = l_head->prev; // Point head's previous entry to head's next entry l_head->prev->next = l_head->next; // Now set head to the next entry l_head = l_head->next; } // Update the head of the list setListHead(l_head); l_oldestEntryRemoved = true; } return l_oldestEntryRemoved; } /** * getTrace */ uint32_t RsvdTraceBuffer::getTrace(void* o_data, uint32_t i_dataSize) const { uint32_t l_sizeOfBufferExtracted(0); // Before continuing, make sure the buffer is valid if (isBufferValid()) { // If caller passed in a nullptr for the data or zero for the data size, // then that signals the user only wants to ascertain the size // requirement to hold all the data associated with the entries. if ((nullptr == o_data) || (0 == i_dataSize)) { // Caller wants to ascertain size requirements for data l_sizeOfBufferExtracted = getAggregateSizeOfEntries(); } else { // Caller wants to collect data - enough data to fill data size l_sizeOfBufferExtracted = getTraceEntries(o_data, i_dataSize); } } return l_sizeOfBufferExtracted; } /** * aggregateSizeOfEntries */ uint32_t RsvdTraceBuffer::getAggregateSizeOfEntries() const { uint32_t l_aggregatedSize(0); // Get a handle to the head Entry* l_head(getListHead()); // Make sure the list is not null if (l_head) { Entry* l_entry = l_head; do { // Need to add to the size, the size of an uint32_t. The uint32_t // will hold the size of the data that is to be returned along // with the returned data. l_aggregatedSize += ALIGN_8(l_entry->size) + sizeof(uint32_t); l_entry = l_entry->next; } while (l_entry != l_head); } // Add size of trace_buf_head_t to get the true size requirements return (l_aggregatedSize + sizeof(trace_buf_head_t)); } /** * getTraceEntries */ uint32_t RsvdTraceBuffer::getTraceEntries(void* o_data, uint32_t i_dataSize) const { uint32_t l_sizeOfEntries(0); // Before proceeding, make sure the incoming data is valid if ((nullptr != o_data) && (i_dataSize >= sizeof(trace_buf_head_t)) ) { // Clear the outgoing data before populating it memset(o_data, 0, i_dataSize); // Get a useful "trace buffer head" handle to the data buffer passed in trace_buf_head_t* l_header =reinterpret_cast(o_data); // Now populate the trace buffer header with some useful info l_header->ver = TRACE_BUF_VERSION; l_header->hdr_len = l_header->size = sizeof(trace_buf_head_t); l_header->time_flg = TRACE_TIME_REAL; strncpy(l_header->comp, "RSVD_MEM_TRACE", TRAC_COMP_SIZE); l_header->endian_flg = 'B'; // Big Endian. // Get a handle to the head Entry* l_head(getListHead()); // Extract the trace info from this class' internal buffer // If the list is not empty and have data then extract the trace info if (l_head) { // Keep a tally of the size of the data that can be copied over. // Also account for the trace_buf_head_t that is at the beginning // of buffer o_data. uint32_t l_totalSize(sizeof(trace_buf_head_t)); // Keep a tally of the number of entries that can be extracted uint32_t l_entriesToExtract(0); // The entry size as data type uint32_t; for code up keep uint32_t l_entrySize(0); // Get a handle on the last entry on the list Entry* l_entry(l_head->prev); // Calculate the number of entries that can be stuffed into the data // buffer - starting with newest entry (tail) to oldest entry (head) do { // Calculate the size: add the size of the data (that will be // copied over) plus the size of the type of the entry size // (that will hold the size of the data being copied over). if ((l_totalSize + ALIGN_8(l_entry->size) + sizeof(l_entrySize)) <= i_dataSize) { l_totalSize += ALIGN_8(l_entry->size) + sizeof(l_entrySize); ++l_entriesToExtract; } else // Can't retrieve this entry; it breaks the size limitation { // Although we are done here, we still need to point to // the previous item. The continuation of this algorithm // depends on it (expects to be one behind the needed data) l_entry = l_entry->prev; break; } l_entry = l_entry->prev; } while (l_entry != l_head->prev); // Get a useful "char *" handle to the data buffer passed in, // for easy data injection char* l_data = reinterpret_cast(o_data); // Retrieve the data, going forwards in the list: Want to retrieve // the entries in chronological order // Currently pointing one entry behind the starting entry (starting // entry, meaning the first entry to start gathering data from) while (l_entriesToExtract) { // Get next entry l_entry = l_entry->next; // Copy entry data. memcpy(&l_data[l_header->size], l_entry->data, l_entry->size); l_header->size += ALIGN_8(l_entry->size); // Copy entry size. l_entrySize = l_entry->size + sizeof(l_entrySize); memcpy(&l_data[l_header->size], &l_entrySize, sizeof(l_entrySize)); l_header->size += sizeof(l_entrySize); // increment/decrements our counters ++l_header->te_count; --l_entriesToExtract; } // end while (l_entriesToExtract) } // end if (l_head) // Update the size of the entries retrieved and the // next free memory location in header trace buffer l_sizeOfEntries = l_header->next_free = l_header->size; } return l_sizeOfEntries; } /** * getNumberOfEntries */ uint32_t RsvdTraceBuffer::RsvdTraceBuffer::getNumberOfEntries() const { uint32_t l_numberOfEntries(0); // If the list is not empty, count the entries if (!isListEmpty()) { // Get a handle to the head Entry* l_head = getListHead(); do { ++l_numberOfEntries; l_head = l_head->next; } while (l_head != getListHead()); } return l_numberOfEntries; } } // end namespace TRACE