/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/testcore/kernel/vmmbasetest.H $ */ /* */ /* IBM CONFIDENTIAL */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011,2013 */ /* */ /* p1 */ /* */ /* Object Code Only (OCO) source materials */ /* Licensed Internal Code Source Materials */ /* IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code */ /* */ /* The source code for this program is not published or otherwise */ /* divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been */ /* deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. */ /* */ /* Origin: 30 */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ /** @file vmmbasetest.H * @brief Test cases for permission settings on the base block of the VMM. */ #ifndef __KERNEL_VMMBASETEST_H #define __KERNEL_VMMBASETEST_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class VmmBaseTest : public CxxTest::TestSuite { public: static msg_q_t iv_mq; void testNullAccess() { int status; printk("Test case: Expect to see uncaught exception! "); tid_t child = task_create(readFromNULL, NULL); if ((child != task_wait_tid(child, &status, NULL)) || (status != TASK_STATUS_CRASHED)) { TS_FAIL("Write to NULL not caught."); } printk("Test case: Expect to see uncaught exception! "); child = task_create(writeToNULL, NULL); if ((child != task_wait_tid(child, &status, NULL)) || (status != TASK_STATUS_CRASHED)) { TS_FAIL("Write to NULL not caught."); } } void testWriteToKernelCode() { int status; printk("Test case: Expect to see uncaught exception! "); tid_t child = task_create(writeToKernelCode, NULL); if ((child != task_wait_tid(child, &status, NULL)) || (status != TASK_STATUS_CRASHED)) { TS_FAIL("Write to kernel code not caught."); } } void testExecuteKernelDataSpace() { // @TODO. VMM not ready. } void testWriteModuleText() { // @TODO. VMM not ready. } void testExecuteModuleDataSpace() { // @TODO. VMM not ready. } // Do not run this test by default since we now have a lot of // mainstore to fill up. We know that this function gets // tested during the IPL so the unit test isn't required. // However, leaving it here in case we want to run some // targeted tests at a later date. void skipme_testCastOutPages() { uint64_t l_testAddr = VMM_VADDR_RMVPAGE_TEST; uint64_t l_testSize = VMM_SIZE_RMVPAGE_TEST; uint64_t vaddr = l_testAddr+l_testSize; uint64_t vsize = PageManager::availPages()*PAGESIZE; int rc = mm_alloc_block(iv_mq,reinterpret_cast(vaddr),vsize); if (rc != 0) { TS_FAIL("Unable to allocate block.\n"); } //TODO - Mix READ_ONLY and WRITE_TRACKED pages to cast out test rc = mm_set_permission(reinterpret_cast(vaddr),vsize, (uint64_t)(READ_ONLY)); if (rc != 0) { TS_FAIL("Failed to set block permissions to READ_ONLY.\n"); } task_create(msgDaemon, NULL); //Touch each page until less than 10% free pages remain //printk("Page Percent Avail: 0x%lX\n",PageManager::queryAvail()); for(uint64_t i = vaddr; i < (vaddr + vsize); i += PAGESIZE) { if (PageManager::queryAvail() < 10) { printkd("Less than 10 percent pages remain\n"); break; } (*(volatile uint64_t *)i); sync(); } // Don't delay in VPO because it will take VERY long to // run the simulator if( !TARGETING::is_vpo() ) { nanosleep(1,0); } } private: static void* readFromNULL(void* unused) { printk("%lx", (*(uint64_t*)NULL)); return NULL; } static void* writeToNULL(void* unused) { (*(uint64_t*)NULL) = 0x12345678; return NULL; } static void* writeToKernelCode(void* unused) { uint64_t value = 0x12345678; union fn_ptr { void (*opd)(const char*, ...); uint64_t** data; }; fn_ptr function = { printk }; memcpy(*function.data, &value, sizeof(value)); return NULL; } static void* msgDaemon(void* unused) { msg_t* message = NULL; while (1) { message = msg_wait(iv_mq); if (message) { /*printkd("Effective Addr: 0x%lX, %s\n",message->data[0], message->type==MSG_MM_RP_READ?"READ":"WRITE");*/ message->data[1] = 0; msg_respond(iv_mq, message); } } return NULL; } }; msg_q_t VmmBaseTest::iv_mq = msg_q_create(); #endif