#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/usr/targeting/xmltohb/xmltohb.pl $ # # IBM CONFIDENTIAL # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # # p1 # # Object Code Only (OCO) source materials # Licensed Internal Code Source Materials # IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code # # The source code for this program is not published or other- # wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has # been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. # # Origin: 30 # # IBM_PROLOG_END # # Purpose: # Author: Nick Bofferding # Last Updated: 09/09/2011 # # Version: 1.0 # # Change Log ********************************************************** # # End Change Log ****************************************************** use strict; ################################################################################ # Use of the following packages ################################################################################ use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use XML::Simple; use Text::Wrap; use Data::Dumper; use POSIX; ################################################################################ # Set PREFERRED_PARSER to XML::Parser. Otherwise it uses XML::SAX which contains # bugs that result in XML parse errors that can be fixed by adjusting white- # space (i.e. parse errors that do not make sense). ################################################################################ $XML::Simple::PREFERRED_PARSER = 'XML::Parser'; ################################################################################ # Process command line parameters, issue help text if needed ################################################################################ sub main{ } my $cfgSrcOutputDir = "."; my $cfgImgOutputDir = "."; my $cfgHbXmlFile = "./hb.xml"; my $cfgVmmConstsFile = "../../../include/usr/vmmconst.h"; my $cfgFapiAttributesXmlFile = ""; my $cfgImgOutputFile = "./targeting.bin"; my $cfgHelp = 0; my $cfgMan = 0; my $cfgVerbose = 0; GetOptions("hb-xml-file:s" => \$cfgHbXmlFile, "src-output-dir:s" => \$cfgSrcOutputDir, "img-output-dir:s" => \$cfgImgOutputDir, "fapi-attributes-xml-file:s" => \$cfgFapiAttributesXmlFile, "img-output-file:s" => \$cfgImgOutputFile, "vmm-consts-file:s" => \$cfgVmmConstsFile, "help" => \$cfgHelp, "man" => \$cfgMan, "verbose" => \$cfgVerbose ) || pod2usage(-verbose => 0); pod2usage(-verbose => 1) if $cfgHelp; pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $cfgMan; # Remove extraneous '/' from end of path names; use temporary version of $/ for # the chomp { local $/ = '/'; chomp($cfgSrcOutputDir); $cfgSrcOutputDir .= "/"; chomp($cfgImgOutputDir); $cfgImgOutputDir .= "/"; } if($cfgVerbose) { print STDOUT "Host boot intemediate XML model = $cfgHbXmlFile\n"; print STDOUT "Fapi attributes XML file = $cfgFapiAttributesXmlFile\n"; print STDOUT "Source output dir = $cfgSrcOutputDir\n"; print STDOUT "Image output dir = $cfgImgOutputDir\n"; print STDOUT "VMM constants file = $cfgVmmConstsFile\n"; } ################################################################################ # Initialize some globals ################################################################################ my $xml = new XML::Simple (KeyAttr=>[]); # Until full machine parseable workbook parsing splits out all the input files, # use the intermediate representation containing the full host boot model. # Aborts application if file name not found. my $attributes = $xml->XMLin($cfgHbXmlFile, forcearray => ['enumerationType','attribute','hwpfToHbAttrMap']); my $fapiAttributes = $xml->XMLin($cfgFapiAttributesXmlFile, forcearray => ['attribute']); # Perform some sanity validation of the model (so we don't have to later) validateAttributes($attributes); validateTargetInstances($attributes); validateTargetTypes($attributes); # Open the output files and write them if( !($cfgSrcOutputDir =~ "none") ) { open(TRAIT_FILE,">$cfgSrcOutputDir"."attributetraits.H") or fatal ("Trait file: \"$cfgSrcOutputDir" . "attributetraits.H\" could not be opened."); my $traitFile = *TRAIT_FILE; writeTraitFileHeader($traitFile); writeTraitFileTraits($attributes,$traitFile); writeTraitFileFooter($traitFile); close $traitFile; open(ATTR_FILE,">$cfgSrcOutputDir"."attributeenums.H") or fatal ("Attribute enum file: \"$cfgSrcOutputDir" . "attributeenums.H\" could not be opened."); my $enumFile = *ATTR_FILE; writeEnumFileHeader($enumFile); writeEnumFileAttrIdEnum($attributes,$enumFile); writeEnumFileAttrEnums($attributes,$enumFile); writeEnumFileFooter($enumFile); close $enumFile; open(STRING_HEADER_FILE,">$cfgSrcOutputDir"."attributestrings.H") or fatal ("Attribute string header file: \"$cfgSrcOutputDir" . "attributestrings.H\" could not be opened."); my $stringHeaderFile = *STRING_HEADER_FILE; writeStringHeaderFileHeader($stringHeaderFile); writeStringHeaderFileStrings($attributes,$stringHeaderFile); writeStringHeaderFileFooter($stringHeaderFile); close $stringHeaderFile; open(STRING_IMPLEMENTATION_FILE,">$cfgSrcOutputDir"."attributestrings.C") or fatal ("Attribute string source file: \"$cfgSrcOutputDir" . "attributestrings.C\" could not be opened."); my $stringImplementationFile = *STRING_IMPLEMENTATION_FILE; writeStringImplementationFileHeader($stringImplementationFile); writeStringImplementationFileStrings($attributes,$stringImplementationFile); writeStringImplementationFileFooter($stringImplementationFile); close $stringImplementationFile; open(STRUCTS_HEADER_FILE,">$cfgSrcOutputDir"."attributestructs.H") or fatal ("Attribute struct file: \"$cfgSrcOutputDir" . "attributestructs.H\" could not be opened."); my $structFile = *STRUCTS_HEADER_FILE; writeStructFileHeader($structFile); writeStructFileStructs($attributes,$structFile); writeStructFileFooter($structFile); close $structFile; open(PNOR_HEADER_DEF_FILE,">$cfgSrcOutputDir"."pnortargeting.H") or fatal ("Targeting header definition header file: \"$cfgSrcOutputDir" . "pnortargeting.H\" could not be opened."); my $pnorHeaderDefFile = *PNOR_HEADER_DEF_FILE; writeHeaderFormatHeaderFile($pnorHeaderDefFile); close $pnorHeaderDefFile; open(FAPI_PLAT_ATTR_MACROS_FILE,">$cfgSrcOutputDir"."fapiplatattrmacros.H") or fatal ("FAPI platform attribute macro header file: \"$cfgSrcOutputDir" . "fapiplatattrmacros.H\" could not be opened."); my $fapiPlatAttrMacrosHeaderFile = *FAPI_PLAT_ATTR_MACROS_FILE; writeFapiPlatAttrMacrosHeaderFileHeader ($fapiPlatAttrMacrosHeaderFile); writeFapiPlatAttrMacrosHeaderFileContent($attributes,$fapiAttributes,$fapiPlatAttrMacrosHeaderFile); writeFapiPlatAttrMacrosHeaderFileFooter ($fapiPlatAttrMacrosHeaderFile); close $fapiPlatAttrMacrosHeaderFile; } if( !($cfgImgOutputDir =~ "none") ) { open(PNOR_TARGETING_FILE,">$cfgImgOutputDir".$cfgImgOutputFile) or fatal ("Targeting image file: \"$cfgImgOutputDir" . "$cfgImgOutputFile\" could not be opened."); my $pnorFile = *PNOR_TARGETING_FILE; writeTargetingImage($pnorFile,$cfgVmmConstsFile,$attributes); close $pnorFile; } exit(0); ################################################################################ # Report a fatal error and quit ################################################################################ sub DEBUG_FUNCTIONS { } sub fatal { my($msg) = @_; print STDERR "[FATAL!] $msg\n"; for(my $caller = 1; ; $caller++) { my ($package, $filename, $callerLine, $subr, $has_args, $wantarray )= caller($caller); my $line = (caller($caller-1))[2]; if(!$line) { last; } print STDERR " $caller: $subr" . "(". $line . ")\n"; } exit(1); } sub VALIDATION_FUNCTIONS { } ################################################################################ # Validates sub-elements of an element against criteria ################################################################################ sub validateSubElements { my($name,$mustBeHash,$element,$criteria) = @_; if($mustBeHash && (ref($element) ne "HASH")) { fatal("$name must be in the form of a hash."); } # print keys %{$element} . "\n"; for my $subElementName (sort(keys %{$element})) { if(!exists $criteria->{$subElementName}) { fatal("$name element cannot have child element of type " . "\"$subElementName\"."); } } for my $subElementName (sort(keys %{$criteria})) { if( ($criteria->{$subElementName}{required} == 1) && (!exists $element->{$subElementName})) { fatal("$name element missing required child element " . "\"$subElementName\"."); } if(exists $element->{$subElementName} && ($criteria->{$subElementName}{isscalar} == 1) && (ref ($element->{$subElementName}) eq "HASH")) { fatal("$name element child element \"$subElementName\" should be " . "scalar, but is a hash."); } } } ################################################################################ # Validates attribute element for correctness ################################################################################ sub validateAttributes { my($attributes) = @_; my %elements = ( ); $elements{"id"} = { required => 1, isscalar => 1}; $elements{"description"} = { required => 1, isscalar => 1}; $elements{"persistency"} = { required => 1, isscalar => 1}; $elements{"readable"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 0}; $elements{"simpleType"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 0}; $elements{"complexType"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 0}; $elements{"nativeType"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 0}; $elements{"writeable"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 0}; $elements{"hasStringConversion"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 0}; $elements{"hwpfToHbAttrMap"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 0}; foreach my $attribute (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { validateSubElements("attribute",1,$attribute,\%elements); } } ################################################################################ # Validates field element for correctness ################################################################################ sub validateFieldElement { my($field) = @_; my %elements = ( ); $elements{"type"} = { required => 1, isscalar => 1}; $elements{"name"} = { required => 1, isscalar => 1}; $elements{"description"} = { required => 1, isscalar => 1}; $elements{"default"} = { required => 1, isscalar => 1}; $elements{"bits"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 1}; validateSubElements("field",1,$field,\%elements); } ################################################################################ # Validates target type elements for correctness ################################################################################ sub validateTargetTypes { my($attributes) = @_; my %elements = ( ); $elements{"id"} = { required => 1, isscalar => 1}; $elements{"parent"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 1}; $elements{"attribute"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 0}; foreach my $targetType (@{$attributes->{targetType}}) { validateSubElements("targetType",1,$targetType,\%elements); } } ################################################################################ # Validates target instance elements for correctness ################################################################################ sub validateTargetInstances{ my($attributes) = @_; my %elements = ( ); $elements{"id"} = { required => 1, isscalar => 1}; $elements{"type"} = { required => 1, isscalar => 1}; $elements{"attribute"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 0}; foreach my $targetInstance (@{$attributes->{targetInstance}}) { validateSubElements("targetInstance",1,$targetInstance,\%elements); } } sub SOURCE_FILE_GENERATION_FUNCTIONS { } ################################################################################ # Writes the plat attribute macros header file header ################################################################################ sub writeFapiPlatAttrMacrosHeaderFileHeader { my($outFile) = @_; print $outFile < HB attribute mappings. This file is autogenerated and * should not be altered. */ //****************************************************************************** // Includes //****************************************************************************** // STD #include //****************************************************************************** // Macros //****************************************************************************** namespace fapi { namespace platAttrSvc { VERBATIM } ################################################################################ # Writes the plat attribute macros ################################################################################ sub writeFapiPlatAttrMacrosHeaderFileContent { my($attributes,$fapiAttributes,$outFile) = @_; my $macroSection = ""; my $attrSection = ""; foreach my $attribute (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { foreach my $hwpfToHbAttrMap (@{$attribute->{hwpfToHbAttrMap}}) { if( !exists $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{id} || !exists $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{macro}) { fatal("id,macro fields required\n"); } my $fapiReadable = 0; my $fapiWriteable = 0; my $instantiated = 0; foreach my $fapiAttr (@{$fapiAttributes->{attribute}}) { if( (exists $fapiAttr->{id}) && ($fapiAttr->{id} eq $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{id}) ) { # Check that non-platInit attributes are in the # volatile-zeroed section and have a direct mapping if (! exists $fapiAttr->{platInit}) { if ($hwpfToHbAttrMap->{macro} ne "DIRECT") { fatal("FAPI non-platInit attr '$hwpfToHbAttrMap->{id}' is '$hwpfToHbAttrMap->{macro}', it must be DIRECT"); } if ($attribute->{persistency} ne "volatile-zeroed") { fatal("FAPI non-platInit attr '$hwpfToHbAttrMap->{id}' is '$attribute->{persistency}', it must be volatile-zeroed"); } } # All FAPI attributes are readable $fapiReadable = 1; if(exists $fapiAttr->{writeable}) { $fapiWriteable = 1; } last; } } if($fapiReadable) { if(exists $attribute->{readable}) { $macroSection .= ' #define ' . $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{id} . "_GETMACRO(ID,PTARGET,VAL) \\\n" . " FAPI_PLAT_ATTR_SVC_GETMACRO_" . $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{macro} . "(ID,PTARGET,VAL)\n"; $instantiated = 1; } else { fatal("FAPI attribute $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{id} requires " . "platform supply readable attribute."); } } if($fapiWriteable) { if(exists $attribute->{writeable}) { $macroSection .= ' #define ' . $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{id} . "_SETMACRO(ID,PTARGET,VAL) \\\n" . " FAPI_PLAT_ATTR_SVC_SETMACRO_" . $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{macro} . "(ID,PTARGET,VAL)\n"; $instantiated = 1; } else { fatal("FAPI attribute $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{id} requires " . "platform supply writeable attribute."); } } if($instantiated) { $attrSection .= ' #define FAPI_PLAT_ATTR_SVC_MACRO_' . $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{macro} . "_FAPI_" . $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{id} . " \\\n" . " TARGETING::ATTR_" . $attribute->{id} . "\n"; } } } print $outFile $attrSection; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile $macroSection; print $outFile "\n"; } ################################################################################ # Writes the plat attribute macros header file footer ################################################################################ sub writeFapiPlatAttrMacrosHeaderFileFooter { my($outFile) = @_; print $outFile < #include // Targeting component //****************************************************************************** // Complex Types //****************************************************************************** namespace TARGETING { const uint32_t PNOR_TARG_EYE_CATCHER = 0x54415247; enum SECTION_TYPE { // Targeting read-only section backed to PNOR. Always the 0th section. SECTION_TYPE_PNOR_RO = 0x00, // Targeting read-write section backed to PNOR SECTION_TYPE_PNOR_RW = 0x01, // Targeting heap section initialized out of PNOR SECTION_TYPE_HEAP_PNOR_INIT = 0x02, // Targeting heap section intialized to zero SECTION_TYPE_HEAP_ZERO_INIT = 0x03, }; struct TargetingSection { // Type of targeting section const SECTION_TYPE sectionType; // Offset of the section within the PNOR targeting image from byte zero // of the targeting header const uint32_t sectionOffset; // Size of the section within the PNOR targeting image const uint32_t sectionSize; } PACKED; struct TargetingHeader { // Eyecatcher to quickly verify correct population of targeting PNOR // data const uint32_t eyeCatcher; // Major version of the PNOR targeting image const uint16_t majorVersion; // Minor version of the PNOR targeting image const uint16_t minorVersion; // Total size of the targeting header (from beginning of header). The // PNOR RO targeting data is located immediately following the header const uint32_t headerSize; // Virtual memory offset from the virtual memory address of the previous // section where the attribute resource provider must load the next // section. If there is no previous section, it will represent the // offset from the virtual memory base address (typically 0) const uint32_t vmmSectionOffset; // Virtual memory base address where the attribute resource provider // must load the 0th (PNOR RO) section void* const vmmBaseAddress; // Size of each TargetingSection record const uint32_t sizeOfSection; // Number of TargetingSection records const uint32_t numSections; // Offset to the first TargetingSection record, from the end of this // field const uint32_t offsetToSections; // Pad, in bytes, given by "offsetToSections" // const TargetingSection sections[numSections]; } PACKED; } // End namespace TARGETING #endif // TARG_PNORHEADER_H VERBATIM } ################################################################################ # Writes the string implementation file header ################################################################################ sub writeStringImplementationFileHeader { my($outFile) = @_; print $outFile < #include // Targeting component #include namespace TARGETING { VERBATIM } ################################################################################ # Writes string implementation ################################################################################ sub writeStringImplementationFileStrings { my($attributes,$outFile) = @_; foreach my $attribute (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { if(exists $attribute->{simpleType}) { my $simpleType = $attribute->{simpleType}; if(exists $simpleType->{enumeration}) { my $enumeration = $simpleType->{enumeration}; print $outFile "//*********************************************" . "*********************************\n"; print $outFile "// attrToString{id}, ">\n"; print $outFile "//*********************************************" . "*********************************\n\n"; print $outFile "template<>\n"; print $outFile "const char* attrToString{id},"> (\n"; print $outFile " AttributeTraits{id}, ">::Type const& i_attrValue)\n"; print $outFile "{\n"; print $outFile " switch(i_attrValue)\n"; print $outFile " {\n"; my $enumerationType = getEnumerationType($attributes,$enumeration->{id}); foreach my $enumerator (@{$enumerationType->{enumerator}}) { print $outFile " case ", $attribute->{id}, "_", $enumerator->{name},":\n"; print $outFile " return \"", $enumerator->{name},"\";\n"; } print $outFile " default:\n"; print $outFile " return \"Cannot decode ", $attribute->{id}, "\";\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile "}\n\n"; } } } } ################################################################################ # Locate generic attribute definition, given an enumeration ID ################################################################################ sub getEnumerationType { my($attributes,$id) = @_; my $matchingEnumeration; foreach my $enumerationType (@{$attributes->{enumerationType}}) { if($id eq $enumerationType->{id}) { $matchingEnumeration = $enumerationType; last; } } if(!exists $matchingEnumeration->{id}) { fatal("Could not find enumeration with ID of " . $id . "\n"); } return $matchingEnumeration; } ################################################################################ # Writes the string implementation file footer ################################################################################ sub writeStringImplementationFileFooter { my($outFile) = @_; print $outFile < #include // Targeting component #include //****************************************************************************** // Complex Types //****************************************************************************** namespace TARGETING { VERBATIM } ################################################################################ # Writes struct header file structs ################################################################################ sub writeStructFileStructs { my($attributes,$outFile) = @_; foreach my $attribute (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { if(exists $attribute->{complexType}) { my $complexType = $attribute->{complexType}; if(!exists $complexType->{description}) { fatal("ERROR: Complex type requires a 'description'."); } print $outFile "/**\n"; print $outFile wrapBrief($complexType->{description}); print $outFile " */\n"; print $outFile "struct ", calculateStructName($attribute->{id}), "\n"; print $outFile "{\n"; my $complex = $attribute->{complexType}; foreach my $field (@{$complex->{field}}) { validateFieldElement($field); my $bits = ""; if($field->{bits}) { $bits = " : " . $field->{bits}; } print $outFile wrapComment($field->{description}); print $outFile " ", $field->{type}, " ", $field->{name}, $bits, "; \n\n"; } print $outFile "} PACKED;\n\n"; } } } ################################################################################ # Writes the struct file footer ################################################################################ sub writeStructFileFooter { my($outFile) = @_; print $outFile < #include namespace TARGETING { /** * \@brief Class used to clarify compiler error when caller attempts to * stringify an unsupported attribute */ class InvalidAttributeForStringification; /** * \@brief Return attribute as a string * * \@param[in] i_attrValue Value of the attribute * * \@return String which decodes the attribute value */ template const char* attrToString( typename AttributeTraits::Type const& i_attrValue) { // Default behavior is to fail the compile if caller attempt to print an // unsupported string return InvalidAttributeForStringification(); } VERBATIM } ################################################################################ # Writes string interfaces ################################################################################ sub writeStringHeaderFileStrings { my($attributes,$outFile) = @_; foreach my $attribute (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { if(exists $attribute->{simpleType}) { my $simpleType = $attribute->{simpleType}; if(exists $simpleType->{enumeration}) { my $enumeration = $simpleType->{enumeration}; print $outFile "/**\n"; print $outFile " * \@brief See " . "attrToString\n"; print $outFile " */\n"; print $outFile "template<>\n"; print $outFile "const char* attrToString{id},">(\n"; print $outFile " AttributeTraits{id}, ">::Type const& i_attrValue);\n"; print $outFile "\n"; } } } } ################################################################################ # Writes the string header file footer ################################################################################ sub writeStringHeaderFileFooter { my($outFile) = @_; print $outFile < #include //****************************************************************************** // Enumerations //****************************************************************************** namespace TARGETING { VERBATIM } ################################################################################ # Writes the enum file attribute enumeration ################################################################################ sub writeEnumFileAttrIdEnum { my($attributes,$outFile) = @_; print $outFile <{enumerator}}) { $hexVal = sprintf "0x%08X", $enumerator->{value}; $attrId = $enumerator->{name}; write; } print $outFile "};\n\n"; } ################################################################################ # Writes other enumerations to enumeration file ################################################################################ sub writeEnumFileAttrEnums { my($attributes,$outFile) = @_; my $enumName = ""; my $enumHex = ""; format ENUMFORMAT = @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< = @<<<<<<<<<< $enumName, $enumHex ."," . select($outFile); $~ = 'ENUMFORMAT'; foreach my $enumerationType (@{$attributes->{enumerationType}}) { print $outFile "/**\n"; print $outFile wrapBrief( $enumerationType->{description} ); print $outFile " */\n"; print $outFile "enum ", $enumerationType->{id}, "\n"; print $outFile "{\n"; foreach my $enumerator (@{$enumerationType->{enumerator}}) { $enumHex = sprintf "0x%08X", enumNameToValue($enumerationType,$enumerator->{name}); $enumName = $enumerationType->{id} . "_" . $enumerator->{name}; write; } print $outFile "};\n\n"; } } ################################################################################ # Writes the enum file footer ################################################################################ sub writeEnumFileFooter { my($outFile) = @_; print $outFile < #include namespace TARGETING { //****************************************************************************** // Attribute Property Mappings //****************************************************************************** /** * \@brief Template associating a specific attribute with a type and other * properties, such as whether it is readable/writable * * This is automatically generated * * enum { * disabled = Special value for the basic, unused wildcard attribute * readable = Attribute is readable * writable = Attribute is writable * hasStringConversion = Attribute has debug string conversion * } * * typedef TYPE // is the Attribute's valid type */ template class AttributeTraits { private: enum { disabled }; typedef void* Type; }; VERBATIM } ################################################################################ # Writes computed traits to trait file ################################################################################ sub writeTraitFileTraits { my($attributes,$outFile) = @_; my $typedefs = ""; foreach my $attribute (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { # Build boolean traits my $traits = ""; foreach my $trait ("writeable","readable","hasStringConversion") { if(exists $attribute->{$trait}) { $traits .= " $trait,"; } } # Mark the attribute as being a host boot mutex or non-host boot mutex if( (exists $attribute->{simpleType}) && (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{hbmutex}) ) { $traits .= " hbMutex,"; } else { $traits .= " notHbMutex,"; } chop($traits); # Build value type my $type = ""; my $dimensions = ""; if(exists $attribute->{simpleType}) { my $simpleType = $attribute->{simpleType}; my $simpleTypeProperties = simpleTypeProperties(); for my $typeName (sort(keys %{$simpleType})) { if(exists $simpleTypeProperties->{$typeName}) { if( $simpleTypeProperties->{$typeName}{typeName} eq "XMLTOHB_USE_PARENT_ATTR_ID") { $type = $attribute->{id}; } else { $type = $simpleTypeProperties->{$typeName}{typeName}; } if( (exists $simpleType->{array}) && ($simpleTypeProperties->{$typeName}{supportsArray}) ) { my @bounds = split(/,/,$simpleType->{array}); foreach my $bound (@bounds) { $dimensions .= "[$bound]"; } } last; } } if($type eq "") { fatal("Unsupported simpleType child element for " . "attribute $attribute->{id}. Keys are (" . join(',',sort(keys %{$simpleType})) . ")"); } } elsif(exists $attribute->{nativeType}) { $type = $attribute->{nativeType}->{name}; } elsif(exists $attribute->{complexType}) { $type = calculateStructName($attribute->{id}); } else { fatal("Could not determine attribute data type for attribute " . "$attribute->{id}."); } # Add traits definition to output print $outFile "template<>\n"; print $outFile "class AttributeTraits{id},">\n"; print $outFile "{\n"; print $outFile " public:\n"; print $outFile " enum {",$traits," };\n"; print $outFile " typedef ", $type, " Type$dimensions;\n"; print $outFile "};\n\n"; $typedefs .= "typedef " . $type . " $attribute->{id}" . "_ATTR" . $dimensions . ";\n"; }; print $outFile "/**\n"; print $outFile wrapBrief("Mapping of alias type name to underlying type"); print $outFile " */\n"; print $outFile $typedefs ."\n"; } ################################################################################ # Writes the trait file footer ################################################################################ sub writeTraitFileFooter { my($outFile) = @_; print $outFile <{description} = "Internal enum for attribute IDs\n"; $enumeration->{default} = "NA"; $enumeration->{enumerator}->[0]->{name} = "NA"; $enumeration->{enumerator}->[0]->{value} = 0; foreach my $attribute (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { $attributeValue++; $enumeration->{enumerator}->[$attributeValue]->{name} = $attribute->{id}; $enumeration->{enumerator}->[$attributeValue]->{value} = sprintf "%u",$attributeValue; } return $enumeration; } ################################################################################ # If value is hex, convert to regular number ############################################################################### sub unhexify { my($val) = @_; if($val =~ m/^0[xX][01234567890A-Fa-f]+$/) { $val = hex($val); } return $val; } ################################################################################ # Pack uint64_t into a buffer in big-endian format ################################################################################ sub packQuad{ my($quad) = @_; my $value = unhexify($quad); return pack("NN" , (($value >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF), ($value & 0xFFFFFFFF)); } ################################################################################ # Get space required to store an enum, based on the max value ################################################################################ sub enumSpace { my($maxEnumVal) = @_; if($maxEnumVal == 0) { # Enum needs at least one byte $maxEnumVal++; } my $space = ceil(log($maxEnumVal+1) / (8 * log(2))); return $space; } ################################################################################ # Get mininum # of bytes, in block size chunks, able to contain the input data ################################################################################ sub sizeBlockAligned { my ($size,$blockSize,$oneBlockMinimum) = @_; if( (!defined $size) || (!defined $blockSize) || (!defined $oneBlockMinimum) ) { fatal("Caller must specify 'size', 'blockSize', 'oneBlockMinimum' " . "args."); } if(!$blockSize) { fatal("'blockSize' arg must be > 0."); } if(($size % $blockSize) || (($size==0) && $oneBlockMinimum) ) { $size += ($blockSize - ($size % $blockSize)); } return $size; } ################################################################################ # Optimize white space for C++/doxygen documentation ################################################################################ sub optWhiteSpace { my($text) = @_; # Remove leading, trailing white space, then collapse excess internal # whitespace $text =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $text =~ s/\s+/ /g; return $text; } ################################################################################ # Wrap text into a C++/doxygen brief description ################################################################################ sub wrapBrief { my($text) = @_; my $brief_start = " * \@brief "; my $brief_continue = " * "; return wrap($brief_start,$brief_continue, optWhiteSpace($text))."\n"; } ################################################################################ # Wrap text into a C++ style comment ################################################################################ sub wrapComment { my($text) = @_; my $comment_start = " // "; my $comment_continue = " // "; return wrap($comment_start,$comment_continue,optWhiteSpace($text))."\n"; } ################################################################################ # Calculate struct type name for a header file, based on its ID ################################################################################ sub calculateStructName { my($id) = @_; my $type = ""; # Struct name is original ID with underscores removed and first letter of # each word capitalized my @words = split(/_/,$id); foreach my $word (@words) { $type .= ucfirst( lc($word) ); } return $type; } ################################################################################ # Return array containing only distinct target types that are actally in use ################################################################################ sub getInstantiatedTargetTypes { my($attributes) = @_; my %seen = (); my @uniqueTargetTypes = (); foreach my $targetInstance (@{$attributes->{targetInstance}}) { push (@uniqueTargetTypes, $targetInstance->{type}) unless $seen{$targetInstance->{type}}++; } return @uniqueTargetTypes; } ################################################################################ # Return default value of zero for an attribute which is a POD numerical type ################################################################################ sub defaultZero { my($attributes,$typeInstance) = @_; # print STDOUT "Attribute's default value is 0\n"; return 0; } ################################################################################ # Return default value for an attribute whose type is 'enumeration' ################################################################################ sub defaultEnum { my($attributes,$enumerationInstance) = @_; my $enumerationType = getEnumerationType( $attributes,$enumerationInstance->{id}); # print STDOUT "Attribute enumeration's " . # "(\"$enumerationType->{id}\") default is: " . # $enumerationType->{default} . "\n"; return $enumerationType->{default}; } ################################################################################ # Do nothing ################################################################################ sub null { } ################################################################################ # Enforce special host boot mutex restrictions ################################################################################ sub enforceHbMutex { my($attribute,$value) = @_; if($value != 0) { fatal("HB mutex attribute default must always be 0, " . "was $value instead."); } if($attribute->{persistency} ne "volatile-zeroed") { fatal("HB mutex attribute persistency must be volatile-zeroed, " . "was $attribute->{persistency} instead"); } } ################################################################################ # Get hash ref to supported simple types and their properties ################################################################################ sub simpleTypeProperties { my %typesHoH = (); # Intentionally didn't wrap these to 80 columns to keep them lined up and # more readable/editable $typesHoH{"int8_t"} = { supportsArray => 1, canBeHex => 1, complexTypeSupport => 1, typeName => "int8_t" , bytes => 1, bits => 8 , default => \&defaultZero, alignment => 1, specialPolicies =>\&null, packfmt => "C" }; $typesHoH{"int16_t"} = { supportsArray => 1, canBeHex => 1, complexTypeSupport => 1, typeName => "int16_t" , bytes => 2, bits => 16, default => \&defaultZero, alignment => 1, specialPolicies =>\&null, packfmt => "n" }; $typesHoH{"int32_t"} = { supportsArray => 1, canBeHex => 1, complexTypeSupport => 1, typeName => "int32_t" , bytes => 4, bits => 32, default => \&defaultZero, alignment => 1, specialPolicies =>\&null, packfmt => "N" }; $typesHoH{"int64_t"} = { supportsArray => 1, canBeHex => 1, complexTypeSupport => 1, typeName => "int64_t" , bytes => 8, bits => 64, default => \&defaultZero, alignment => 1, specialPolicies =>\&null, packfmt =>\&packQuad}; $typesHoH{"uint8_t"} = { supportsArray => 1, canBeHex => 1, complexTypeSupport => 1, typeName => "uint8_t" , bytes => 1, bits => 8 , default => \&defaultZero, alignment => 1, specialPolicies =>\&null, packfmt => "C" }; $typesHoH{"uint16_t"} = { supportsArray => 1, canBeHex => 1, complexTypeSupport => 1, typeName => "uint16_t" , bytes => 2, bits => 16, default => \&defaultZero, alignment => 1, specialPolicies =>\&null, packfmt => "n" }; $typesHoH{"uint32_t"} = { supportsArray => 1, canBeHex => 1, complexTypeSupport => 1, typeName => "uint32_t" , bytes => 4, bits => 32, default => \&defaultZero, alignment => 1, specialPolicies =>\&null, packfmt => "N" }; $typesHoH{"uint64_t"} = { supportsArray => 1, canBeHex => 1, complexTypeSupport => 1, typeName => "uint64_t" , bytes => 8, bits => 64, default => \&defaultZero, alignment => 1, specialPolicies =>\&null, packfmt =>\&packQuad}; $typesHoH{"enumeration"} = { supportsArray => 1, canBeHex => 1, complexTypeSupport => 0, typeName => "XMLTOHB_USE_PARENT_ATTR_ID" , bytes => 0, bits => 0 , default => \&defaultEnum, alignment => 1, specialPolicies =>\&null, packfmt => "packEnumeration"}; $typesHoH{"hbmutex"} = { supportsArray => 1, canBeHex => 1, complexTypeSupport => 0, typeName => "mutex_t*" , bytes => 8, bits => 64, default => \&defaultZero, alignment => 8, specialPolicies =>\&enforceHbMutex, packfmt =>\&packQuad}; return \%typesHoH; } ################################################################################ # Get attribute default ################################################################################ sub getAttributeDefault { my($attributeId,$attributes) = @_; my $default = ""; my $simpleTypeProperties = simpleTypeProperties(); foreach my $attribute (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { if ($attribute->{id} eq $attributeId) { if(exists $attribute->{simpleType}) { for my $type (sort(keys %{$simpleTypeProperties})) { # Note: must check for 'type' before 'default', otherwise # might add value to the hash if(exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{$type} ) { if(exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{$type}->{default}) { $default = $attribute->{simpleType}->{$type}->{default}; } else { $default = $simpleTypeProperties->{$type}{default}->( $attributes,$attribute->{simpleType}->{$type} ); } last; } } } elsif(exists $attribute->{complexType}) { my $cplxDefault = { } ; my $i = 0; foreach my $field (@{$attribute->{complexType}->{field}}) { $cplxDefault->{field}->[$i]->{id} = $field->{name}; $cplxDefault->{field}->[$i]->{value} = $field->{default}; $i++; } return $cplxDefault; } elsif(exists $attribute->{nativeType}) { if( exists $attribute->{nativeType}->{name} && ($attribute->{nativeType}->{name} eq "EntityPath")) { $default = "MustBeOverriddenByTargetInstance"; } else { fatal("Cannot provide default for unsupported nativeType."); } } else { fatal("Unrecognized value type."); } last; } } return $default; } ################################################################################ # Get target attributes ################################################################################ sub getTargetAttributes { my($type,$attributes,$attrhasha) = @_; foreach my $targetType (@{$attributes->{targetType}}) { if($targetType->{id} eq $type) { if(exists $targetType->{parent}) { getTargetAttributes($targetType->{parent}, $attributes,$attrhasha); } foreach my $attr (@{$targetType->{attribute}}) { $attrhasha->{ $attr->{id} } = $attr; if(!exists $attrhasha->{ $attr->{id}}->{default}) { my $default = getAttributeDefault($attr->{id},$attributes); $attrhasha->{ $attr->{id}}->{default} = $default; } } last; } } } ################################################################################ # Compute maximum enumerator value for a given enumeration ################################################################################ sub maxEnumValue { my($enumeration) = @_; my $max = 0; my $candidateMax = 0; foreach my $enumerator (@{$enumeration->{enumerator}}) { my $candidateMax = unhexify(enumNameToValue( $enumeration,$enumerator->{name})); if($candidateMax > $max) { $max = $candidateMax; } } return $max; } ################################################################################ # Serialize an enumeration to data buffer ################################################################################ sub packEnumeration { my($enumeration,$value) = @_; my $binaryData; # Determine space required for max enum my $bytes = enumSpace( maxEnumValue($enumeration) ); $value = unhexify($value); # Encode the value for (my $count=$bytes-1; $count >= 0; $count--) { $binaryData .= pack("C", (0xFF & ($value >> (8*$count))) ); } if( (length $binaryData) < 1) { fatal("Failed to write binary data for enumeration."); } #print " Enum description: ", $enumeration->{description}, "\n"; #print "Enum storage space required: ", $bytes, "\n"; #print " Value encoded: ", $value, "\n"; #print " Final length of encode: ", (length $binaryData), "\n"; return $binaryData; } ################################################################################ # Convert enumerator name into equivalent enumerator value for given enumeration ################################################################################ sub enumNameToValue { my ($enumeration,$enumeratorName) = @_; my $nextEnumeratorValue = 0; my $found = 0; my $enumeratorValue; foreach my $enumerator (@{$enumeration->{enumerator}}) { my $currentEnumeratorValue; if(exists $enumerator->{value} ) { $nextEnumeratorValue = unhexify($enumerator->{value}) + 1; $currentEnumeratorValue = unhexify($enumerator->{value}); } else { $currentEnumeratorValue = $nextEnumeratorValue; $nextEnumeratorValue += 1; } if($enumerator->{name} eq $enumeratorName) { $found = 1; $enumeratorValue = $currentEnumeratorValue; last; } } if(!$found) { fatal("Could not convert enumerator name \"$enumeratorName\"into " . "enumerator value."); } return $enumeratorValue; } ################################################################################ # Object which accumulates/flushes bit field data ################################################################################ { package Accumulator; ################################################################################ # Constructor; create a new Accumulator object ################################################################################ sub new { my ($class) = @_; my $self = { _currentType => "", _accumulator => "", _bits => 0 }; bless $self, $class; return $self; } ################################################################################ # Accumulate a new bit field ################################################################################ sub accumulate { my($self,$type,$bits,$value) = @_; my $binaryData; my $simpleTypeProperties = main::simpleTypeProperties(); if($bits > $simpleTypeProperties->{$type}{bits}) { main::fatal("Too many bits ($bits) for type ($type)."); } if($self->{_currentType} eq "") { $self->{_currentType} = $type; $self->{_bits} = $bits; } elsif($self->{_currentType} eq $type) { if($self->{_bits} + $bits > $simpleTypeProperties->{$self->{_currentType}}{bits}) { $binaryData = $self->releaseAndClear(); $self->{_currentType} = $type; $self->{_bits} = $bits; } else { $self->{_bits} += $bits; } } else { $binaryData = $self->releaseAndClear(); $self->{_currentType} = $type; $self->{_bits} = $bits; } for(my $count = 0; $count < $bits; $count++) { if( 1 & ($value >> $bits - $count - 1)) { $self->{_accumulator} .= "1"; } else { $self->{_accumulator} .= "0"; } } return $binaryData; } ################################################################################ # Release the accumulator (if non-empty) to the caller and clear ################################################################################ sub releaseAndClear { my($self) = @_; my $binaryData; if($self->{_currentType} ne "") { my $simpleTypeProperties = main::simpleTypeProperties(); $binaryData = pack ("B$simpleTypeProperties->{$self->{_currentType}}{bits}", $self->{_accumulator}); $self->{_accumulator} = ""; $self->{_currentType} = ""; $self->{_bits} = 0; } return $binaryData; } 1; } ################################################################################ # Pack a complex type into a binary data stream ################################################################################ sub packComplexType { my ($attributes,$complexType,$attributeDefault) = @_; my $binaryData; my $simpleTypeProperties = simpleTypeProperties(); my $accumulator = new Accumulator(); # Build using each field foreach my $field (@{$complexType->{field}}) { # print STDERR "Field = ", $field->{name}, "\n"; # print STDERR "Default = ", $field->{default}, "\n"; # print STDERR "Bits = ", $field->{bits}, "\n"; # print STDERR "Type = ", $field->{type}, "\n"; my $found = 0; foreach my $default (@{$attributeDefault->{field}}) { if($default->{id} eq $field->{name}) { $found = 1; if(exists $field->{bits}) { $binaryData .= $accumulator->accumulate( $field->{type},unhexify($field->{bits}), unhexify($default->{value})); } # If non-bitfield else { $binaryData .= $accumulator->releaseAndClear(); # If native "EntityPath" type, process accordingly if($field->{type} eq "EntityPath") { $binaryData .= packEntityPath($attributes,$default->{value}); } # If not a defined simple type, process as an enumeration elsif(!exists $simpleTypeProperties->{$field->{type}}) { my $enumerationType = getEnumerationType( $attributes,$field->{type}); my $enumeratorValue = enumNameToValue($enumerationType,$default->{value}); $binaryData .= packEnumeration($enumerationType,$enumeratorValue); } # Pack easy types using 'pack', otherwise invoke appropriate # (possibly workaround) callback function elsif(exists $simpleTypeProperties->{$field->{type}} && $simpleTypeProperties->{$field->{type}} {complexTypeSupport}) { my $defaultValue = $default->{value}; if($simpleTypeProperties->{$field->{type}}{canBeHex}) { $defaultValue = unhexify($defaultValue); } if(ref ($simpleTypeProperties->{$field->{type}} {packfmt}) eq "CODE") { $binaryData .= $simpleTypeProperties->{$field->{type}} {packfmt}->($defaultValue); } else { $binaryData .= pack( $simpleTypeProperties->{$field->{type}} {packfmt},$defaultValue); } } else { fatal("Field type $field->{type} not supported in " . "complex type."); } } last; } } if(!$found) { fatal("Could not find value for field."); } } $binaryData .= $accumulator->releaseAndClear(); return $binaryData; } ################################################################################ # Pack an entity path into a binary data stream ################################################################################ sub packEntityPath { my($attributes,$value) = @_; my $binaryData; my $maxPathElements = 10; my ($typeStr,$path) = split(/:/,$value); my (@paths) = split(/\//,$path); my $type = 0; # Trim whitespace from the type $typeStr =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; if($typeStr eq "physical") { $type = 2; } elsif($typeStr eq "affinity") { $type = 1; } else { fatal("Unsupported enity path type of [$value], [$typeStr], [$path]."); } if( (scalar @paths) > $maxPathElements) { fatal("Path elements cannot be greater than $maxPathElements."); } $binaryData .= pack("C", (0xF0 & ($type << 4)) + (0x0F & (scalar @paths))); foreach my $pathElement (@paths) { my ($pathType,$pathInstance) = split(/-/,$pathElement); $pathType = uc($pathType); foreach my $attr (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { if($attr->{id} eq "TYPE") { $pathType = enumNameToValue( getEnumerationType($attributes, $attr->{simpleType}->{enumeration}->{id}),$pathType); $binaryData .= pack ("CC", $pathType, $pathInstance); last; } } } if($maxPathElements > (scalar @paths)) { $binaryData .= pack("C".(($maxPathElements - scalar @paths)*2)); } return $binaryData; } ################################################################################ # Pack an attribute into a binary data stream ################################################################################ sub packSingleSimpleTypeAttribute { my($binaryDataRef,$attributesRef,$attributeRef,$typeName,$value) = @_; my $simpleType = $$attributeRef->{simpleType}; my $simpleTypeProperties = simpleTypeProperties(); if($typeName eq "enumeration") { my $enumeration = getEnumerationType($$attributesRef,$simpleType-> {enumeration}->{id}); # Here $value is the enumerator name my $enumeratorValue = enumNameToValue($enumeration,$value); $$binaryDataRef .= packEnumeration($enumeration,$enumeratorValue); } else { if($simpleTypeProperties->{$typeName}{canBeHex}) { $value = unhexify($value); } # Apply special policy enforcement, if any $simpleTypeProperties->{$typeName}{specialPolicies}->($$attributeRef,$value); if(ref ($simpleTypeProperties->{$typeName}{packfmt}) eq "CODE") { $$binaryDataRef .= $simpleTypeProperties->{$typeName}{packfmt}-> ($value); } else { $$binaryDataRef .= pack($simpleTypeProperties->{$typeName}{packfmt}, $value); } } } sub packAttribute { my($attributes,$attribute,$value) = @_; my $binaryData; my $alignment = 1; if(exists $attribute->{simpleType}) { my $simpleType = $attribute->{simpleType}; my $simpleTypeProperties = simpleTypeProperties(); for my $typeName (sort(keys %{$simpleType})) { if(exists $simpleTypeProperties->{$typeName}) { $alignment = $simpleTypeProperties->{$typeName}{alignment}; if (($simpleTypeProperties->{$typeName}{supportsArray}) && (exists $simpleType->{array})) { # This is an array attribute, handle the value parameter as # an array, if there are not enough values for the whole # array then use the last value to fill in the remainder # Figure out the array size (possibly multidimensional) my $arraySize = 1; my @bounds = split(/,/,$simpleType->{array}); foreach my $bound (@bounds) { $arraySize *= $bound; } # Split the values into an array my @values = split(/,/,$value); my $valueArraySize = scalar(@values); # Iterate over the entire array creating values my $val = ""; for (my $i = 0; $i < $arraySize; $i++) { if ($i < $valueArraySize) { # Get the value from the value array $val = $values[$i]; } # else use the last value packSingleSimpleTypeAttribute(\$binaryData, \$attributes, \$attribute, $typeName, $val); } } else { # Not an array attribute packSingleSimpleTypeAttribute(\$binaryData, \$attributes, \$attribute,$typeName, $value); } last; } } if( (length $binaryData) < 1) { fatal("Error requested simple type not supported. Keys are (" . join(',',sort(keys %{$simpleType})) . ")"); } } elsif(exists $attribute->{complexType}) { if(ref ($value) eq "HASH" ) { $binaryData = packComplexType($attributes,$attribute->{complexType},$value); } else { fatal("Warning cannot serialize non-hash complex type."); } } elsif(exists $attribute->{nativeType}) { if($attribute->{nativeType}->{name} eq "EntityPath") { $binaryData = packEntityPath($attributes,$value); } else { fatal("Error nativeType not supported on attribute ID = " . "$attribute->{id}."); } } else { fatal("Unsupported attribute type on attribute ID = $attribute->{id}."); } if( (length $binaryData) < 1) { fatal("Serialization failed for attribute ID = $attribute->{id}."); } return ($binaryData,$alignment); } ################################################################################ # Get the PNOR base address from host boot code ################################################################################ sub getPnorBaseAddress { my($vmmConstsFile) = @_; my $pnorBaseAddress = 0; open(VMM_CONSTS_FILE,"<$vmmConstsFile") or fatal ("VMM Constants file: \"$vmmConstsFile\" could not be opened."); foreach my $line () { chomp($line); if( $line =~ /VMM_VADDR_ATTR_RP/) { $line =~ s/[^0-9\*]//g; $pnorBaseAddress = eval $line; last; } } if($pnorBaseAddress == 0) { fatal("PNOR base address was zero!"); } return $pnorBaseAddress; } ################################################################################ # Write the PNOR targeting image ################################################################################ sub writeTargetingImage { my($outFile, $vmmConstsFile, $attributes) = @_; # 128 MB virtual memory offset between sections #@TODO Need the final value after full host boot support is implemented. my $vmmSectionOffset = 128 * 1024 * 1024; # 128MB # Virtual memory addresses corresponding to the start of the targeting image # PNOR/heap sections my $pnorRoBaseAddress = getPnorBaseAddress($vmmConstsFile); my $pnorRwBaseAddress = $pnorRoBaseAddress + $vmmSectionOffset; my $heapPnorInitBaseAddr = $pnorRwBaseAddress + $vmmSectionOffset; my $heapZeroInitBaseAddr = $heapPnorInitBaseAddr + $vmmSectionOffset; # Reserve 256 bytes for the header, then keep track of PNOR RO offset my $headerSize = 256; my $offset = $headerSize; # Reserve space for the pointer to the # of targets, update later; my $numTargetsPointer = 0; my $numTargetsPointerBinData = packQuad($numTargetsPointer); $offset += (length $numTargetsPointerBinData); ############################################################################ # Build the attribute list for each unique CTM ############################################################################ # Get an array of only the unique types of targets actually used by the # aggregation of target instances. my @targetTypes = getInstantiatedTargetTypes($attributes); my $attributeIdEnumeration = getAttributeIdEnumeration($attributes); my %attributeListTypeHoH = (); my $attributeListBinData; # For each unique type of target modeled, create the attribute list foreach my $targetType (@targetTypes) { # Create the attribute list associated with each target type #@TODO Eventually we'll need criteria to order the attributes # for code update my %attrhash = (); getTargetAttributes($targetType, $attributes,\%attrhash); # Serialize per target type attribute list my $perTargetTypeAttrBinData; for my $attributeId (sort(keys %attrhash)) { $perTargetTypeAttrBinData .= packEnumeration( $attributeIdEnumeration, enumNameToValue($attributeIdEnumeration,$attributeId)); } # Save offset of the attribute list, tied to the type $attributeListTypeHoH{$targetType}{offset} = $offset; $attributeListTypeHoH{$targetType}{elements} = scalar keys %attrhash; $attributeListTypeHoH{$targetType}{size} = (length $perTargetTypeAttrBinData); #print "Target type: $targetType\n"; #print " elements: $attributeListTypeHoH{$targetType}{elements}\n"; #print " offset: $attributeListTypeHoH{$targetType}{offset}\n"; #print " size: $attributeListTypeHoH{$targetType}{size}\n"; # Append attribute data for this part to the attribute list subsection $attributeListBinData .= $perTargetTypeAttrBinData; # Increment the offset $offset += (length $perTargetTypeAttrBinData); } # For each target instance ... #@TODO Eventually we'll need criteria to order the attributes # for code update. At minimum, ensure that we always process at this level # in the given order my @targetsAoH = (); my $numTargets = 0; foreach my $targetInstance (@{$attributes->{targetInstance}}) { push(@targetsAoH, $targetInstance); $numTargets++; } my $numAttributes = 0; foreach my $targetInstance (@targetsAoH) { my %attrhash = (); getTargetAttributes($targetInstance->{type}, $attributes,\%attrhash); $numAttributes += keys %attrhash; } # Reserve # pointers * sizeof(pointer) my $startOfAttributePointers = $offset; # print "Total attributes = $numAttributes\n"; $offset += ($numAttributes * (length packQuad(0) )); # Now we can determine the pointer to the number of targets # Don't increment the offset; already accounted for $numTargetsPointer = $pnorRoBaseAddress + $offset; $numTargetsPointerBinData = packQuad($numTargetsPointer); my $numTargetsBinData = pack("N",$numTargets); $offset += (length $numTargetsBinData); my $roAttrBinData; my $heapZeroInitOffset = 0; my $heapZeroInitBinData; my $heapPnorInitOffset = 0; my $heapPnorInitBinData; my $rwAttrBinData; my $rwOffset = 0; my $attributePointerBinData; my $targetsBinData; # Ensure consistent ordering of target instances my $attrAddr = $pnorRoBaseAddress + $startOfAttributePointers; foreach my $targetInstance (@targetsAoH) { my $data; # print "TargetInstance: $targetInstance->{id}\n"; # print " Attributes: ", # $attributeListTypeHoH{$targetInstance->{type}}{elements}, "\n" ; # print " offset: ", # $attributeListTypeHoH{$targetInstance->{type}}{offset}, "\n" ; # Create target record $data .= pack('N', $attributeListTypeHoH{$targetInstance->{type}}{elements}); $data .= packQuad( $attributeListTypeHoH{$targetInstance->{type}}{offset} + $pnorRoBaseAddress); $data .= packQuad($attrAddr); $attrAddr += $attributeListTypeHoH{$targetInstance->{type}}{elements} * (length packQuad(0)); # Increment the offset $offset += (length $data); # Add it to the target sub-section $targetsBinData .= $data; } my $pnorRoOffset = $offset; my $attributesWritten = 0; foreach my $targetInstance (@targetsAoH) { my $data; my %attrhash = (); my @AoH = (); # Ensure consistent ordering of attributes for each target type # Get the attribute list associated with each target type #@TODO Attributes must eventually be ordered correctly for code update getTargetAttributes($targetInstance->{type}, $attributes,\%attrhash); # Update hash with any per-instance overrides, but only if that # attribute has already been defined foreach my $attr (@{$targetInstance->{attribute}}) { if(exists $attrhash{$attr->{id}}) { $attrhash{ $attr->{id} } = $attr; } else { fatal("Target instance \"$targetInstance->{id}\" cannot " . "override attribute \"$attr->{id}\" unless " . "the attribute has already been defined in the target " . "type inheritance chain."); } } for my $attributeId (sort(keys %attrhash)) { foreach my $attributeDef (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { my $section; if( $attributeDef->{id} eq $attributeId ) { if( exists $attributeDef->{writeable} && $attributeDef->{persistency} eq "non-volatile" ) { $section = "pnor-rw"; } elsif ( !exists $attributeDef->{writeable} && $attributeDef->{persistency} eq "non-volatile") { $section = "pnor-ro"; } elsif ($attributeDef->{persistency} eq "volatile" ) { $section = "heap-pnor-initialized"; } elsif($attributeDef->{persistency} eq "volatile-zeroed") { $section = "heap-zero-initialized"; } else { fatal("Persistency not supported."); } if($section eq "pnor-ro") { my ($rodata,$alignment) = packAttribute($attributes, $attributeDef, $attrhash{$attributeId}->{default}); # Align the data as necessary my $pads = ($alignment - ($offset % $alignment)) % $alignment; $roAttrBinData .= pack ("@".$pads); $offset += $pads; $attributePointerBinData .= packQuad( $offset + $pnorRoBaseAddress); $offset += (length $rodata); $roAttrBinData .= $rodata; } elsif($section eq "pnor-rw") { my ($rwdata,$alignment) = packAttribute($attributes, $attributeDef, $attrhash{$attributeId}->{default}); #print "Wrote to pnor-rw value ",$attributeDef->{id}, ", #", $attrhash{$attributeId}->{default}," \n"; # Align the data as necessary my $pads = ($alignment - ($rwOffset % $alignment)) % $alignment; $rwAttrBinData .= pack ("@".$pads); $rwOffset += $pads; $attributePointerBinData .= packQuad( $rwOffset + $pnorRwBaseAddress); $rwOffset += (length $rwdata); $rwAttrBinData .= $rwdata; } elsif($section eq "heap-zero-initialized") { my ($heapZeroInitData,$alignment) = packAttribute( $attributes, $attributeDef,$attrhash{$attributeId}->{default}); # Align the data as necessary my $pads = ($alignment - ($heapZeroInitOffset % $alignment)) % $alignment; $heapZeroInitBinData .= pack ("@".$pads); $heapZeroInitOffset += $pads; $attributePointerBinData .= packQuad( $heapZeroInitOffset + $heapZeroInitBaseAddr); $heapZeroInitOffset += (length $heapZeroInitData); $heapZeroInitBinData .= $heapZeroInitData; } elsif($section eq "heap-pnor-initialized") { my ($heapPnorInitData,$alignment) = packAttribute( $attributes, $attributeDef,$attrhash{$attributeId}->{default}); # Align the data as necessary my $pads = ($alignment - ($heapPnorInitOffset % $alignment)) % $alignment; $heapPnorInitBinData .= pack ("@".$pads); $heapPnorInitOffset += $pads; $attributePointerBinData .= packQuad( $heapPnorInitOffset + $heapPnorInitBaseAddr); $heapPnorInitOffset += (length $heapPnorInitData); $heapPnorInitBinData .= $heapPnorInitData; } else { fatal("Could not find a suitable section."); } $attributesWritten++; last; } } } # End attribute loop } # End target instance loop if($numAttributes != $attributesWritten) { fatal("Number of attributes expected, $numAttributes, does not match " . "what was written to PNOR, $attributesWritten."); } # Build header data my $headerBinData; my $blockSize = 4*1024; my %sectionHoH = (); $sectionHoH{ pnorRo }{ offset } = 0; $sectionHoH{ pnorRo }{ type } = 0; $sectionHoH{ pnorRo }{ size } = sizeBlockAligned($offset,$blockSize,1); $sectionHoH{ pnorRw }{ offset } = $sectionHoH{pnorRo}{offset} + $sectionHoH{pnorRo}{size}; $sectionHoH{ pnorRw }{ type } = 1; $sectionHoH{ pnorRw }{ size } = sizeBlockAligned($rwOffset,$blockSize,1); $sectionHoH{ heapPnorInit }{ offset } = $sectionHoH{pnorRw}{offset} + $sectionHoH{pnorRw}{size}; $sectionHoH{ heapPnorInit }{ type } = 2; $sectionHoH{ heapPnorInit }{ size } = sizeBlockAligned($heapPnorInitOffset,$blockSize,1); $sectionHoH{ heapZeroInit }{ offset } = $sectionHoH{heapPnorInit}{offset} + $sectionHoH{heapPnorInit}{size}; $sectionHoH{ heapZeroInit }{ type } = 3; $sectionHoH{ heapZeroInit }{ size } = sizeBlockAligned($heapZeroInitOffset,$blockSize,1); my $numSections = keys %sectionHoH; # Version 1.0 to start with my $headerMajorMinorVersion = 0x00010000; my $eyeCatcher = 0x54415247; # TARG my $sizeOfSection = 9; my $offsetToSections = 0; $headerBinData .= pack("N",$eyeCatcher); $headerBinData .= pack("N",$headerMajorMinorVersion); $headerBinData .= pack("N",$headerSize); $headerBinData .= pack("N",$vmmSectionOffset); $headerBinData .= packQuad($pnorRoBaseAddress); $headerBinData .= pack("N",$sizeOfSection); $headerBinData .= pack("N",$numSections); $headerBinData .= pack("N",$offsetToSections); foreach my $section ("pnorRo","pnorRw","heapPnorInit","heapZeroInit") { $headerBinData .= pack("C" , $sectionHoH{$section}{type}); $headerBinData .= pack("N" , $sectionHoH{$section}{offset}); $headerBinData .= pack("N" , $sectionHoH{$section}{size}); } # Serialize PNOR RO section to multiple of 4k page size (pad if necessary) # First 256 bytes is RO header (pad if necessary) if((length $headerBinData) > $headerSize) { fatal("Header data of length " . (length $headerBinData) . " is larger " . "than allocated amount of $headerSize."); } print $outFile $headerBinData; my $padSize = sizeBlockAligned((length $headerBinData),$headerSize,1) - (length $headerBinData); print $outFile pack ("@".$padSize); # Remaining data belongs to targeting print $outFile $numTargetsPointerBinData; print $outFile $attributeListBinData; print $outFile $attributePointerBinData; print $outFile $numTargetsBinData; print $outFile $targetsBinData; print $outFile $roAttrBinData; print $outFile pack ("@".($sectionHoH{pnorRo}{size} - $offset)); # Serialize PNOR RW section to multiple of 4k page size (pad if necessary) print $outFile $rwAttrBinData; print $outFile pack("@".($sectionHoH{pnorRw}{size} - $rwOffset)); # Serialize PNOR initiated heap section to multiple of 4k page size (pad if # necessary) print $outFile $heapPnorInitBinData; print $outFile pack("@".($sectionHoH{heapPnorInit}{size} - $heapPnorInitOffset)); } __END__ =head1 NAME xmltohb.pl =head1 SYNOPSIS xmltohb.pl [options] [file ...] =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<--help> Print a brief help message and exits. =item B<--man> Prints the manual page and exits. =item B<--hb-xml-file> File containing the intermediate representation of the host boot XML just prior to compilation down to images and source files (Default is ./hb.xml) =item B<--fapi-attributes-xml-file> File containing the FAPI HWP attributes, for purposes of configuring the attribute mappings between FAPI and targeting code =item B<--src-output-dir>=DIRECTORY Sets the output directory for generated source files (default is the current directory) =item B<--img-output-dir>=DIRECTORY Sets the output directory for generated binary files (default is the current directory) =item B<--img-output-file>=FILE Sets the file to receive the PNOR targeting image output (default ./targeting.bin). Only used when generating the PNOR targeting image =item B<--vmm-consts-file>=FILE Indicates the file containing the base virtual address of the attributes (default is src/include/usr/vmmconst.h). Only used when generating the PNOR targeting image =item B<--verbose> Prints out some internal workings =back =head1 DESCRIPTION B will process a set of input .xml files and emit source files and a PNOR targeting image binary to facilitate compiling and configuring host boot respectively. =cut