#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/usr/targeting/xmltohb/fapi_utils.pl $ # # OpenPOWER HostBoot Project # # Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2017 # [+] International Business Machines Corp. # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # A collection of utility functions to convert fapi attributes to targeting attributes use XML::Simple; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use strict; $XML::Simple::PREFERRED_PARSER = 'XML::Parser'; my $xml = new XML::Simple (KeyAttr=>[]); # Convert a FAPI2 target type to the equivalent TARGETING type # Input: fapi2 type # Output: targeting type sub convertTargetFapi2Targ { my $fapitype = shift; my $targtype; $targtype =~ s/\s//g; $targtype =~ s/TARGET_TYPE_//; $targtype =~ s/_ENDPOINT//; $targtype =~ s/_CHIPLET//; $targtype =~ s/_CHIP//; $targtype =~ s/^SYSTEM$/SYS/; #todo - check result against list of types from target_types? return $targtype; } # Convert a FAPI2 value type to the equivalent TARGETING type # Input: fapi2 type # Output: targeting type sub convertValueFapi2Targ { my $fapitype = shift; my $targtype = $fapitype; $targtype =~ s/(uint\d+)/$1_t/ if($fapitype =~ /^uint\d+$/); $targtype =~ s/(int\d+)/$1_t/ if($fapitype =~ /^int\d+$/); #todo - check result against list of types from target_types? return $targtype; } # Create a TARGETING style enumeration based on the enum tag from # a FAPI2 attribute definition # Input: fapi2 attribute # Output: targeting enumeration sub createEnumFromAttr(\%) { my($fapiattr) = @_; my @enums; if (exists $fapiattr->{enum}) { # description: passed as-is my $fapiattr_id = $fapiattr->{id}; my $id = $fapiattr_id; $id =~ s/ATTR_//; my $description = $fapiattr->{description}; $description =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; my $enum = $fapiattr->{enum}; my @enumerators = split( /,/, $enum); my @enumeratorHashArray; foreach my $enumerator (@enumerators) { my %enumeratorHash; chomp($enumerator); $enumerator =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; my @nameVal = split( /=/, $enumerator); my $name = $nameVal[0]; $name =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; my $value = $nameVal[1]; $value =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; my %enumeratorHash = ( name => $name, value => $value ); push @enumeratorHashArray, \%enumeratorHash; } my %enumToAdd = ( id => $id, description => $description, ); $enumToAdd{'enumerator'} = [@enumeratorHashArray]; return \%enumToAdd } } # Create full attribute definition from a fapi2 attribute definition # Input: hashmap of a single fapi attribute # Output: hashmap of a single targeting attribute sub createAttrFromFapi(\%) { my($fapiattr) = @_; my $targattr = {}; # id: passed as-is my $fapiattr_id = $fapiattr->{id}; my $id = $fapiattr_id; $id =~ s/ATTR_//; $targattr->{id} = $id; # description: passed as-is my $description = $fapiattr->{description}; if(ref $fapiattr->{description} && eval {keys %{$fapiattr->{description}} == 0} ) { $targattr->{description} = "place holder description"; } else { $targattr->{description} = $description; } # valueType: convert my $valueType = convertValueFapi2Targ($fapiattr->{valueType}); $targattr->{simpleType}->{$valueType} = {}; # writeable: passed as-is if( exists $fapiattr->{writeable} ) { $targattr->{writeable} = {}; } #default: modifies simpleType if( exists $fapiattr->{default} ) { $targattr->{simpleType}->{$valueType}->{default} = $fapiattr->{default}; } #array: modifies simpleType if( exists $fapiattr->{array} ) { my @dimensions = split(' ',$fapiattr->{array}); my $dimensions_cs = @dimensions[0]; for my $i ( 1 .. $#dimensions ) { $dimensions_cs .= ",$dimensions[$i]"; } $dimensions_cs =~ s/,,/,/g; $targattr->{simpleType}->{array} = $dimensions_cs; } #platInit: influences persistency #initToZero: influences persistency #overrideOnly: influences persistency if( exists $fapiattr->{platInit} ) { if( exists $fapiattr->{overrideOnly} ) { $targattr->{persistency} = "volatile"; } else { $targattr->{persistency} = "non-volatile"; } } elsif( exists $fapiattr->{initToZero} ) { if( exists $fapiattr->{default} ) { print "INVALID - $fapiattr_id has initToZero and a default\n"; } $targattr->{persistency} = "volatile-zeroed"; } elsif( exists $fapiattr->{default} ) { $targattr->{persistency} = "volatile"; } else { $targattr->{persistency} = "volatile-zeroed"; } #mssUnits: ignore #mssAccessorName: ignore #odmVisible: ignore #odmChangeable: ignore #persistent: ignore #persistRuntime: ignore #enum: ignored here #targetType: ignored here #always add these $targattr->{readable} = {}; $targattr->{hwpfToHbAttrMap}->{id} = $fapiattr_id; $targattr->{hwpfToHbAttrMap}->{macro} = "DIRECT"; # print Dumper($targattr); # printTargAttr($targattr); return $targattr; } # Create targetTypeExtensions from a fapi2 attribute definition # Input: hashmap of a single fapi attribute # array of all targetTypeExtensions sub createTargetExtensionFromFapi(\%,\%) { my($fapiattr,$alltargext) = @_; #print "createTargetExtensionFromFapi---\n"; open my $FHSTDOUT, ">&STDOUT"; # Conversions from FAPI2 to TARGETING types my $fapi2targ = { TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM => "sys-sys-power9", TARGET_TYPE_DIMM => "lcard-dimm", TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP => "chip-processor", TARGET_TYPE_MEMBUF_CHIP => "chip-membuf-centaur", TARGET_TYPE_EX => "unit-ex-power9", TARGET_TYPE_MBA => "unit-mba-centaur", TARGET_TYPE_MCS => "unit-mcs-power9", TARGET_TYPE_XBUS => "unit-xbus-power9", TARGET_TYPE_ABUS => "unit-abus-power9", TARGET_TYPE_L4 => "unit-l4-power9", TARGET_TYPE_CORE => "unit-core-power9", TARGET_TYPE_EQ => "unit-eq-power9", TARGET_TYPE_MCA => "unit-mca-power9", TARGET_TYPE_MCBIST => "unit-mcbist-power9", TARGET_TYPE_MI => "unit-mi-power9", TARGET_TYPE_CAPP => "unit-capp-power9", TARGET_TYPE_DMI => "unit-dmi-power9", TARGET_TYPE_OBUS => "unit-obus-power9", TARGET_TYPE_OBUS_BRICK => "unit-obus-brick-power9", TARGET_TYPE_SBE => "unit-sbe-power9", TARGET_TYPE_PPE => "unit-ppe-power9", TARGET_TYPE_PERV => "unit-perv-power9", TARGET_TYPE_PEC => "unit-pec-power9", TARGET_TYPE_PHB => "unit-phb-power9", TARGET_TYPE_MC => "unit-mc-power9", }; # Loop through all of the targets that this attribute # is needed on (per fapi xml) my @types = split(',',$fapiattr->{targetType}); foreach my $type(@types) { my $foundmatch = 0; $type =~ s/\s//g; my $targtype = $fapi2targ->{$type}; #print "type = $type -> $targtype\n"; my $attrid = $fapiattr->{id}; $attrid =~ s/ATTR_//; # create new attribute element my $newattr = {}; $newattr->{id} = $attrid; # look for an existing targetTypeExtension entry # to modify with new attribute foreach my $targ (@{$alltargext->{targetTypeExtension}}) { if( $targ->{id} =~ $targtype ) { #print "-Found it\n"; $foundmatch = 1; #printTargExt($FHSTDOUT,$targ); my $attrlist = $targ->{attribute}; push @$attrlist, $newattr; #printTargExt($FHSTDOUT,$targ); last; } } # no existing entry for this kind of target, make a new one if( $foundmatch == 0 ) { #print "-No entry found for $targtype, creating new entry\n"; my $newext = {}; $newext->{id} = $targtype; my $newarray = []; push @$newarray, $newattr; $newext->{attribute} = $newarray; my $allext = $alltargext->{targetTypeExtension}; push @$allext, $newext; #printTargExt($FHSTDOUT,$newext); } } #print Dumper($alltargets); # print "---\n"; # printTargTarg($targtarg); # print "---done\n"; } # Print string representation of a targeting attribute # Input: hashmap of a single targeting attribute # Output: string of xml tags sub printTargAttr { my($FH1,$targattr) = @_; print $FH1 $xml->XMLout( $targattr, RootName => 'attribute', NoAttr => 1 ); } # Print string representation of a targeting enumeration # Input: hashmap of a single targeting enumeration # Output: string of xml tags sub printTargEnum { my($FH1,$targattr) = @_; print $FH1 $xml->XMLout( $targattr, RootName => 'enumerationType', NoAttr => 1 ); } # Print string representation of a targeting target # Input: hashmap of a single targeting target # Output: string of xml tags sub printTargTarg { my($FH1,$targtarg) = @_; print $FH1 $xml->XMLout( $targtarg, RootName => 'targetType', NoAttr => 1 ); } # Print string representation of a targeting targetExtension # Input: hashmap of a single targeting target # Output: string of xml tags sub printTargExt { my($FH1,$targtarg) = @_; print $FH1 $xml->XMLout( $targtarg, RootName => 'targetTypeExtension', NoAttr => 1 ); } # getArrayDimmensions # Description: for a given attribute hashMap , return the array dimmensions # if the attribute type is an array # input : hashMap of attribute xml # return : String of CSV list that lists the array dimmensions sub getArrayDimmensions{ my (%attrHash) = @_; my $retValue = ""; my $simpleType = $attrHash{simpleType}; my @keys = keys (%$simpleType); for my $key (@keys) { if( $key eq "array") { $retValue .= $attrHash{simpleType}->{$key}; } } #eat whitespace $retValue =~ s/\s+//g; return $retValue; } # getFuncionBackedAttrs # Description: Lookup all of the attributes that HB is backing with functions # input : full path to attribute_service.H # return : array of attribute IDs that are function backed sub getFuncionBackedAttrs { my ($headerFile) = @_; my @attrIdArray; open(my $attr_service_fh, '<', $headerFile) || die "unable to open $headerFile"; foreach my $row (<$attr_service_fh>) { my $attrIndex = index($row, "ATTR_"); my $getMacroIndex = index($row, "_GETMACRO(ID"); if($getMacroIndex != -1) { my $attrToAdd = substr $row, $attrIndex, $getMacroIndex - $attrIndex; push @attrIdArray, $attrToAdd; print " $0> FOUND $attrToAdd GETMACRO\n"; } } return @attrIdArray; } # getAttrType # Description: for a given attribute hashMap , return the attribute type # input : hashMap of attribute xml # return : string represention attribute type sub getAttrType { my (%attrHash) = @_; my $retValue = ""; my $simpleType = $attrHash{simpleType}; my @keys = keys (%$simpleType); for my $key (@keys) { if( $key ne "array") { $retValue .= $key; } } return $retValue; } # need to return 1 for other modules to include this 1;