// IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG // This is an automatically generated prolog. // // $Source: src/usr/targeting/trace.H $ // // IBM CONFIDENTIAL // // COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 // // p1 // // Object Code Only (OCO) source materials // Licensed Internal Code Source Materials // IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code // // The source code for this program is not published or other- // wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has // been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. // // Origin: 30 // // IBM_PROLOG_END #ifndef TARG_TRACE_H #define TARG_TRACE_H /** * @file trace.H * * @brief Targeting related trace macros. Callers of these macros must * define TARG_NAMESPACE, TARG_CLASS, and TARG_FN as appropriate */ //****************************************************************************** // Includes //****************************************************************************** // Other Components #include // Give callers access to the trace buffer namespace TARGETING { extern trace_desc_t* g_trac_targeting; } #define TARG_LOC TARG_NAMESPACE TARG_CLASS TARG_FN ": " #define TARG_TAG "[TARG]" #define TARG_ENTER(args...) \ TRACFCOMP(TARGETING::g_trac_targeting,TARG_TAG " " ENTER_MRK " " TARG_NAMESPACE \ TARG_CLASS TARG_FN " " args) #define TARG_EXIT(args...) \ TRACFCOMP(TARGETING::g_trac_targeting,TARG_TAG " " EXIT_MRK " " TARG_NAMESPACE \ TARG_CLASS TARG_FN " " args) #define TARG_ERR(args...) \ TRACFCOMP(TARGETING::g_trac_targeting,TARG_TAG " " ERR_MRK " " args) #define TARG_INF(args...) \ TRACFCOMP(TARGETING::g_trac_targeting,TARG_TAG " " INFO_MRK " " args) #define TARG_BIN(args...) \ TRACFBIN(TARGETING::g_trac_targeting,TARG_TAG " " args) #endif // TARG_TRACE_H