/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/targeting/test/testattrtank.H $ */ /* */ /* IBM CONFIDENTIAL */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2013 */ /* */ /* p1 */ /* */ /* Object Code Only (OCO) source materials */ /* Licensed Internal Code Source Materials */ /* IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code */ /* */ /* The source code for this program is not published or otherwise */ /* divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been */ /* deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. */ /* */ /* Origin: 30 */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ #ifndef TESTATTRTANK_H #define TESTATTRTANK_H /** * @file testattrtank.H * * @brief Test case for AttributeTank */ #include #include using namespace TARGETING; class AttrTankTest: public CxxTest::TestSuite { public: //************************************************************************** // tankTest1. Test AttributeTank functions with empty tank //************************************************************************** void tankTest1(void) { do { // Create a local AttributeTank AttributeTank l_tank; // Check that tank is empty if (l_tank.attributesExist()) { TS_FAIL("tankTest1: Error. AttributeTank is not empty (1)"); break; } if (l_tank.attributeExists(5)) { TS_FAIL("tankTest1: Error. AttributeTank is not empty (2)"); break; } // Clear all attributes from empty tank l_tank.clearAllAttributes(); // Clear a non-const attribute from empty tank l_tank.clearNonConstAttribute(ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT64_1, TYPE_SYS, AttributeTank::ATTR_POS_NA, AttributeTank::ATTR_UNIT_POS_NA); // Try to get an attribute from empty tank uint64_t l_val = 0; if (l_tank.getAttribute(ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT64_1, TYPE_SYS, AttributeTank::ATTR_POS_NA, AttributeTank::ATTR_UNIT_POS_NA, &l_val)) { TS_FAIL("tankTest1: Error. Got attr from empty tank (3)"); break; } // Try to serialize all attributes from empty tank std::vector l_attributes; l_tank.serializeAttributes(AttributeTank::ALLOC_TYPE_MALLOC, 4096, l_attributes); if (l_attributes.size()) { TS_FAIL("tankTest1: Error. Got attrs from empty tank (4)"); break; } } while (0); TS_TRACE("tankTest1 complete" ); } //************************************************************************** // tankTest2. Test AttributeTank functions with single attribute in tank //************************************************************************** void test2(void) { do { // Create a local AttributeTank AttributeTank l_tank; // Add ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT64_1 to the tank uint64_t l_val = 4; l_tank.setAttribute(ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT64_1, TYPE_SYS, AttributeTank::ATTR_POS_NA, AttributeTank::ATTR_UNIT_POS_NA, 0, sizeof(l_val), &l_val); // Check that attributes exist in the tank if (!l_tank.attributesExist()) { TS_FAIL("tankTest2: Error. AttributeTank is empty (1)"); break; } if (!l_tank.attributeExists(ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT64_1)) { TS_FAIL("tankTest2: Error. Attribute not in tank (2)"); break; } if (l_tank.attributeExists(1)) { TS_FAIL("tankTest2: Error. Wrong attribute in tank (3)"); break; } // Try to get the wrong attribute from the tank (wrong att ID) l_val = 0; if (l_tank.getAttribute(ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT64_2, TYPE_SYS, AttributeTank::ATTR_POS_NA, AttributeTank::ATTR_UNIT_POS_NA, &l_val)) { TS_FAIL("tankTest2: Error. Got wrong attr from tank (4)"); break; } // Try to get the wrong attribute from the tank (wrong target type) l_val = 0; if (l_tank.getAttribute(ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT64_1, TYPE_PROC, AttributeTank::ATTR_POS_NA, AttributeTank::ATTR_UNIT_POS_NA, &l_val)) { TS_FAIL("tankTest2: Error. Got wrong attr from tank (5)"); break; } // Get the attribute from the tank l_val = 0; if (!(l_tank.getAttribute(ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT64_1, TYPE_SYS, AttributeTank::ATTR_POS_NA, AttributeTank::ATTR_UNIT_POS_NA, &l_val))) { TS_FAIL("tankTest2: Error. Did not get attr from tank (6)"); break; } if (l_val != 4) { TS_FAIL( "tankTest2: Error. Got bad value (0x%llx) from tank (7)", l_val); break; } // Get the attribute from the tank using a real position // This should succeed because attribute in tank matches all positions l_val = 0; if (!(l_tank.getAttribute(ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT64_1, TYPE_SYS, 1, AttributeTank::ATTR_UNIT_POS_NA, &l_val))) { TS_FAIL("tankTest2: Error. Did not get attr from tank (8)"); break; } if (l_val != 4) { TS_FAIL("tankTest2: Error. Got bad value (0x%llx) from tank (9)", l_val); break; } // Get the attribute from the tank using a real unit-position // This should succeed because attribute in tank matches all unit // positions l_val = 0; if (!(l_tank.getAttribute(ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT64_1, TYPE_SYS, AttributeTank::ATTR_POS_NA, 2, &l_val))) { TS_FAIL("tankTest2: Error. Did not get attr from tank (10)"); break; } if (l_val != 4) { TS_FAIL("tankTest2: Error. Got bad value (0x%llx) from tank (11)", l_val); break; } // Serialize all attributes from the tank std::vector l_attributes; l_tank.serializeAttributes(AttributeTank::ALLOC_TYPE_NEW, 4096, l_attributes); if (l_attributes.size() != 1) { TS_FAIL( "tankTest2: Error. Got wrong number of chunks (%d) from tank (12)", l_attributes.size()); break; } if (l_attributes[0].iv_size != (sizeof(AttributeTank::AttributeHeader) + sizeof(l_val))) { TS_FAIL( "tankTest2: Error. Got wrong size (%d) of attrs from tank (13)", l_attributes[0].iv_size); break; } uint64_t * l_pVal = reinterpret_cast (l_attributes[0].iv_pAttributes + sizeof(AttributeTank::AttributeHeader)); if (*l_pVal != 4) { TS_FAIL( "tankTest2: Error. Got bad value (0x%016llx) from tank (14)", *l_pVal); break; } // Clear the tank and check it was cleared l_tank.clearAllAttributes(); l_val = 0; if (l_tank.getAttribute(ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT64_1, TYPE_SYS, AttributeTank::ATTR_POS_NA, AttributeTank::ATTR_UNIT_POS_NA, &l_val)) { TS_FAIL("tankTest2: Error. Got value from empty tank (15)"); break; } // Deserialize the attribute back into the tank l_tank.deserializeAttributes(l_attributes[0]); // Check the attribute made it back into the tank l_val = 0; if (!(l_tank.getAttribute(ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT64_1, TYPE_SYS, AttributeTank::ATTR_POS_NA, AttributeTank::ATTR_UNIT_POS_NA, &l_val))) { TS_FAIL("tankTest2: Error. Did not get attr from tank (16)"); break; } if (l_val != 4) { TS_FAIL( "tankTest2: Error. Got bad value (0x%llx) from tank (17)", l_val); break; } // Free the memory in the attribute chunk delete [] l_attributes[0].iv_pAttributes; l_attributes[0].iv_pAttributes = NULL; } while (0); TS_TRACE("tankTest2 complete" ); } //************************************************************************** // tankTest3. Test AttributeTank functions with multiple attributes in tank //************************************************************************** void test3(void) { do { // Create a local AttributeTank AttributeTank l_tank; // Add ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT64_1 as a proc chip attribute to the tank uint64_t l_val = 4; l_tank.setAttribute(ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT64_1, TYPE_PROC, 1, AttributeTank::ATTR_UNIT_POS_NA, 0, sizeof(l_val), &l_val); // Add ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT32_1 as an MBA attribute to the tank uint32_t l_val2 = 5; l_tank.setAttribute(ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT32_1, TYPE_MBA, 1, 2, 0, sizeof(l_val2), &l_val2); // Get the first attribute from the tank l_val = 0; if (!(l_tank.getAttribute(ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT64_1, TYPE_PROC, 1, AttributeTank::ATTR_UNIT_POS_NA, &l_val))) { TS_FAIL("tankTest3: Error. Did not get attr from tank (1)"); break; } if (l_val != 4) { TS_FAIL( "tankTest3: Error. Got bad value (0x%016llx) from tank (2)", l_val); break; } // Try to get the first attribute from the tank with the wrong pos l_val = 0; if (l_tank.getAttribute(ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT64_1, TYPE_PROC, 2, AttributeTank::ATTR_UNIT_POS_NA, &l_val)) { TS_FAIL("tankTest3: Error. Got wrong attr from tank (3)"); break; } // Get the second attribute from the tank l_val2 = 0; if (!(l_tank.getAttribute(ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT32_1, TYPE_MBA, 1, 2, &l_val2))) { TS_FAIL("tankTest3: Error. Did not get attr from tank (4)"); break; } if (l_val2 != 5) { TS_FAIL( "tankTest3: Error. Got bad value (0x%llx) from tank (5)", l_val); break; } // Try to get the second attribute from the tank with the wrong // unit position l_val2 = 0; if (l_tank.getAttribute(ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT32_1, TYPE_MBA, 1, 3, &l_val2)) { TS_FAIL("tankTest3: Error. Got wrong attr from tank (6)"); break; } // Serialize all attributes from the tank into a single chunk std::vector l_attributes; l_tank.serializeAttributes(AttributeTank::ALLOC_TYPE_MALLOC, 4096, l_attributes); if (l_attributes.size() != 1) { TS_FAIL( "tankTest3: Error. Got wrong number of chunks (%d) from tank (7)", l_attributes.size()); break; } if (l_attributes[0].iv_size != (sizeof(AttributeTank::AttributeHeader) + sizeof(l_val) + sizeof(AttributeTank::AttributeHeader) + sizeof(l_val2)) ) { TS_FAIL( "tankTest3: Error. Got wrong size (%d) of attrs from tank (8)", l_attributes[0].iv_size); break; } uint64_t * l_pVal = reinterpret_cast (l_attributes[0].iv_pAttributes + sizeof(AttributeTank::AttributeHeader)); if (*l_pVal != 4) { TS_FAIL( "tankTest3: Error. Got bad value (0x%016llx) from tank (9)", *l_pVal); break; } uint32_t * l_pVal2 = reinterpret_cast (l_attributes[0].iv_pAttributes + sizeof(AttributeTank::AttributeHeader) + sizeof(l_val) + sizeof(AttributeTank::AttributeHeader)); if (*l_pVal2 != 5) { TS_FAIL( "tankTest3: Error. Got bad value (0x%08x) from tank (10)", *l_pVal2); break; } // Clear the tank l_tank.clearAllAttributes(); // Deserialize the attribute back into the tank l_tank.deserializeAttributes(l_attributes[0]); // Check the first attribute made it back into the tank l_val = 0; if (!(l_tank.getAttribute(ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT64_1, TYPE_PROC, 1, AttributeTank::ATTR_UNIT_POS_NA, &l_val))) { TS_FAIL("tankTest3: Error. Did not get attr from tank (11)"); break; } if (l_val != 4) { TS_FAIL( "tankTest3: Error. Got bad value (0x%016llx) from tank (12)", l_val); break; } // Check the second attribute made it back into the tank l_val2 = 0; if (!(l_tank.getAttribute(ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT32_1, TYPE_MBA, 1, 2, &l_val2))) { TS_FAIL("tankTest3: Error. Did not get attr from tank (13)"); break; } if (l_val2 != 5) { TS_FAIL( "tankTest3: Error. Got bad value (0x%llx) from tank (14)", l_val); break; } // Free the memory in the attribute chunk free (l_attributes[0].iv_pAttributes); l_attributes[0].iv_pAttributes = NULL; l_attributes.clear(); // Serialize all attributes from the tank into a two chunks // Use a chunk size small enough to only fit a single attribute l_tank.serializeAttributes(AttributeTank::ALLOC_TYPE_MALLOC, sizeof(AttributeTank::AttributeHeader) + sizeof(l_val) + 8, l_attributes); if (l_attributes.size() != 2) { TS_FAIL( "tankTest3: Error. Got wrong number of chunks (%d) from tank (15)", l_attributes.size()); break; } if (l_attributes[0].iv_size != (sizeof(AttributeTank::AttributeHeader) + sizeof(l_val))) { TS_FAIL( "tankTest3: Error. Got wrong size (%d) of attrs from tank (16)", l_attributes[0].iv_size); break; } l_pVal = reinterpret_cast (l_attributes[0].iv_pAttributes + sizeof(AttributeTank::AttributeHeader)); if (*l_pVal != 4) { TS_FAIL( "tankTest3: Error. Got bad value (0x%016llx) from tank (17)", *l_pVal); break; } if (l_attributes[1].iv_size != (sizeof(AttributeTank::AttributeHeader) + sizeof(l_val2))) { TS_FAIL( "tankTest3: Error. Got wrong size (%d) of attrs from tank (18)", l_attributes[1].iv_size); break; } l_pVal2 = reinterpret_cast (l_attributes[1].iv_pAttributes + sizeof(AttributeTank::AttributeHeader)); if (*l_pVal2 != 5) { TS_FAIL( "tankTest3: Error. Got bad value (0x%016llx) from tank (19)", *l_pVal); break; } // Clear the tank l_tank.clearAllAttributes(); // Deserialize the attributes back into the tank l_tank.deserializeAttributes(l_attributes[0]); l_tank.deserializeAttributes(l_attributes[1]); // Check the first attribute made it back into the tank l_val = 0; if (!(l_tank.getAttribute(ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT64_1, TYPE_PROC, 1, AttributeTank::ATTR_UNIT_POS_NA, &l_val))) { TS_FAIL("tankTest3: Error. Did not get attr from tank (20)"); break; } if (l_val != 4) { TS_FAIL( "tankTest3: Error. Got bad value (0x%016llx) from tank (21)", l_val); break; } // Check the second attribute made it back into the tank l_val2 = 0; if (!(l_tank.getAttribute(ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT32_1, TYPE_MBA, 1, 2, &l_val2))) { TS_FAIL("tankTest3: Error. Did not get attr from tank (22)"); break; } if (l_val2 != 5) { TS_FAIL( "tankTest3: Error. Got bad value (0x%llx) from tank (23)", l_val); break; } // Free the memory in the attribute chunks free (l_attributes[0].iv_pAttributes); l_attributes[0].iv_pAttributes = NULL; free (l_attributes[1].iv_pAttributes); l_attributes[1].iv_pAttributes = NULL; } while (0); TS_TRACE("tankTest3 complete" ); } //************************************************************************** // tankTest4. Test AttributeTank functions with a constant attribute //************************************************************************** void test4(void) { do { // Create a local AttributeTank (this is not the singleton) AttributeTank l_tank; // Set const attribute uint8_t l_val = 4; l_tank.setAttribute(ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT8_1, TYPE_SYS, AttributeTank::ATTR_POS_NA, AttributeTank::ATTR_UNIT_POS_NA, AttributeTank::ATTR_FLAG_CONST, sizeof(l_val), &l_val); // Try to clear the attribute, it should not be cleared l_tank.clearNonConstAttribute(ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT8_1, TYPE_SYS, AttributeTank::ATTR_POS_NA, AttributeTank::ATTR_UNIT_POS_NA); // Check that tank is not-empty if (!l_tank.attributesExist()) { TS_FAIL("tankTest4: Error. AttributeTank is empty (1)"); break; } // Clear all attribute l_tank.clearAllAttributes(); // Check that tank is empty if (l_tank.attributesExist()) { TS_FAIL("tankTest4: Error. AttributeTank is not empty (2)"); break; } } while (0); TS_TRACE("tankTest4 complete" ); } //************************************************************************** // tankTest5. Test adding the same attribute twice to a tank //************************************************************************** void test5(void) { do { // Create a local AttributeTank (this is not the singleton) AttributeTank l_tank; // Add ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT64_1 to the tank twice (the second one // should replace the first uint64_t l_val = 4; l_tank.setAttribute(ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT64_1, TYPE_SYS, AttributeTank::ATTR_POS_NA, AttributeTank::ATTR_UNIT_POS_NA, 0, sizeof(l_val), &l_val); l_val = 5; l_tank.setAttribute(ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT64_1, TYPE_SYS, AttributeTank::ATTR_POS_NA, AttributeTank::ATTR_UNIT_POS_NA, 0, sizeof(l_val), &l_val); // Get the attribute from the tank l_val = 0; if (!(l_tank.getAttribute(ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT64_1, TYPE_SYS, AttributeTank::ATTR_POS_NA, AttributeTank::ATTR_UNIT_POS_NA, &l_val))) { TS_FAIL("tankTest5: Error. Did not get attr from tank (1)"); break; } if (l_val != 5) { TS_FAIL( "tankTest5: Error. Got bad value (0x%llx) from tank (2)", l_val); break; } // Serialize all attributes from the tank std::vector l_attributes; l_tank.serializeAttributes(AttributeTank::ALLOC_TYPE_NEW, 4096, l_attributes); if (l_attributes.size() != 1) { TS_FAIL( "tankTest5: Error. Got wrong number of chunks (%d) from tank (3)", l_attributes.size()); break; } if (l_attributes[0].iv_size != (sizeof(AttributeTank::AttributeHeader) + sizeof(l_val))) { TS_FAIL( "tankTest5: Error. Got wrong size (%d) of attrs from tank (4)", l_attributes[0].iv_size); break; } uint64_t * l_pVal = reinterpret_cast (l_attributes[0].iv_pAttributes + sizeof(AttributeTank::AttributeHeader)); if (*l_pVal != 5) { TS_FAIL( "tankTest5: Error. Got bad value (0x%016llx) from tank (5)", *l_pVal); break; } delete [] l_attributes[0].iv_pAttributes; l_attributes[0].iv_pAttributes = NULL; } while (0); TS_TRACE("tankTest5 complete" ); } }; #endif