/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/targeting/targetservicestart.C $ */ /* */ /* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */ /* */ /* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2012,2014 */ /* [+] Google Inc. */ /* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */ /* */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */ /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or */ /* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */ /* permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ /** * @file targeting/targetservicestart.C * * @brief Hostboot entry point for target service */ //****************************************************************************** // Includes //****************************************************************************** // STD #include #include // Other components #include #include #include #include #include // This component #include #include // Others #include #include #include #include //****************************************************************************** // targetService //****************************************************************************** namespace TARGETING { #define TARG_NAMESPACE "TARGETING::" #define TARG_LOC TARG_NAMESPACE TARG_CLASS TARG_FN ": " //****************************************************************************** // _start //****************************************************************************** #define TARG_CLASS "" /* * @brief Initialize any attributes that need to be set early on */ static void initializeAttributes(TargetService& i_targetService); /** * @brief Check that at least one processor of our cpu type is being targeted */ static void checkProcessorTargeting(TargetService& i_targetService); /** * @brief Entry point for initialization service to initialize the targeting * code * * @param[in] io_pError * Error log handle; returns NULL on success, !NULL otherwise * * @note: Link register is configured to automatically invoke task_end() when * this routine returns */ static void initTargeting(errlHndl_t& io_pError) { #define TARG_FN "initTargeting(errlHndl_t& io_pError)" TARG_ENTER(); AttrRP::init(io_pError); if (io_pError == NULL) { TargetService& l_targetService = targetService(); (void)l_targetService.init(); initializeAttributes(l_targetService); checkProcessorTargeting(l_targetService); // Print out top-level model value from loaded targeting values. // @TODO RTC:88056 Make the model printed more meaniful Target* l_pTopLevel = NULL; l_targetService.getTopLevelTarget(l_pTopLevel); ATTR_MODEL_type l_model = MODEL_NA; if (l_pTopLevel->tryGetAttr(l_model)) { TARG_INF("Initialized targeting for model: %s", l_pTopLevel->getAttrAsString()); } // No error module loaded in VPO to save load time #ifndef CONFIG_VPO_COMPILE // call ErrlManager function - tell him that TARG is ready! ERRORLOG::ErrlManager::errlResourceReady(ERRORLOG::TARG); #endif } TARG_EXIT(); #undef TARG_FN } /** * @brief Create _start entry point using task entry macro and vector to * initTargeting function */ TASK_ENTRY_MACRO(initTargeting); /** * @brief Check that at least one processor of our cpu type is being targeted */ static void checkProcessorTargeting(TargetService& i_targetService) { #define TARG_FN "checkProcessorTargeting()" TARG_ENTER(); PredicateCTM l_procChip(CLASS_CHIP,TYPE_PROC); ProcessorCoreType l_coreType = cpu_core_type(); bool l_haveOneCorrectProcessor = false; TargetRangeFilter l_filter( i_targetService.begin(), i_targetService.end(), &l_procChip); for(;l_filter && (l_haveOneCorrectProcessor != true);++l_filter) { switch(l_filter->getAttr()) { case MODEL_VENICE: if(l_coreType == CORE_POWER8_VENICE) { l_haveOneCorrectProcessor = true; } break; case MODEL_MURANO: if(l_coreType == CORE_POWER8_MURANO) { l_haveOneCorrectProcessor = true; } break; case MODEL_NAPLES: if(l_coreType == CORE_POWER8_NAPLES) { l_haveOneCorrectProcessor = true; } break; default: break; }; } TARG_ASSERT((l_haveOneCorrectProcessor == true), TARG_ERR_LOC "FATAL: No " "targeted processors are of the correct type"); TARG_EXIT(); #undef TARG_FN } /* * @brief Initialize any attributes that need to be set early on */ static void initializeAttributes(TargetService& i_targetService) { #define TARG_FN "initializeAttributes()...)" TARG_ENTER(); bool l_isMpipl = false; Target* l_pTopLevel = NULL; i_targetService.getTopLevelTarget(l_pTopLevel); if(l_pTopLevel) { Target* l_pMasterProcChip = NULL; i_targetService.masterProcChipTargetHandle(l_pMasterProcChip); if(l_pMasterProcChip) { // Master uses xscom by default, needs to be set before // doing any other scom accesses ScomSwitches l_switches = l_pMasterProcChip->getAttr(); l_switches.useXscom = 1; l_switches.useFsiScom = 0; l_pMasterProcChip->setAttr(l_switches); // Master can only use Host I2C so needs to be set before // doing any I2C accesses I2cSwitches l_i2c_switches = l_pMasterProcChip->getAttr(); l_i2c_switches.useHostI2C = 1; l_i2c_switches.useFsiI2C = 0; l_pMasterProcChip->setAttr(l_i2c_switches); errlHndl_t l_errl = NULL; size_t l_size = sizeof(uint64_t); uint64_t l_data; // Scratch register 2 is defined as 0x00050039.. accessing // directly to avoid confusion as the Literals set have // 0x00050039 mapped to MBOX_SCRATCH1 which is confusing. l_errl = DeviceFW::deviceRead(l_pMasterProcChip, &(l_data), l_size, DEVICE_SCOM_ADDRESS(0x00050039)); if(l_errl) { TARG_INF("Read of scratch register failed"); errlCommit(l_errl,TARG_COMP_ID); } else { // bit 0 on indicates MPIPL if(l_data & 0x8000000000000000ull) { l_isMpipl = true; } } } if(l_isMpipl) { l_pTopLevel->setAttr(1); } else { l_pTopLevel->setAttr(0); } } else // top level is NULL - never expected { TARG_INF("Top level target is NULL"); } TARG_EXIT(); #undef TARG_FN } #undef TARG_CLASS #undef TARG_NAMESPACE } // End namespace TARGETING