#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/xmltohb.pl $ # # IBM CONFIDENTIAL # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011,2013 # # p1 # # Object Code Only (OCO) source materials # Licensed Internal Code Source Materials # IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code # # The source code for this program is not published or otherwise # divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been # deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. # # Origin: 30 # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # # Purpose: # Author: Nick Bofferding # Last Updated: 09/09/2011 # # Version: 1.0 # # Change Log ********************************************************** # # End Change Log ****************************************************** use strict; ################################################################################ # Use of the following packages ################################################################################ use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use XML::Simple; use Text::Wrap; use Data::Dumper; use POSIX; ################################################################################ # Set PREFERRED_PARSER to XML::Parser. Otherwise it uses XML::SAX which contains # bugs that result in XML parse errors that can be fixed by adjusting white- # space (i.e. parse errors that do not make sense). ################################################################################ $XML::Simple::PREFERRED_PARSER = 'XML::Parser'; ################################################################################ # Process command line parameters, issue help text if needed ################################################################################ sub main{ } my $cfgSrcOutputDir = "."; my $cfgImgOutputDir = "."; my $cfgHbXmlFile = "./hb.xml"; my $cfgVmmConstsFile = "../../../include/usr/vmmconst.h"; my $cfgFapiAttributesXmlFile = ""; my $cfgImgOutputFile = "./targeting.bin"; my $cfgHelp = 0; my $cfgMan = 0; my $cfgVerbose = 0; my $cfgShortEnums = 0; my $cfgBigEndian = 1; my $cfgIncludeFspAttributes = 0; GetOptions("hb-xml-file:s" => \$cfgHbXmlFile, "src-output-dir:s" => \$cfgSrcOutputDir, "img-output-dir:s" => \$cfgImgOutputDir, "fapi-attributes-xml-file:s" => \$cfgFapiAttributesXmlFile, "img-output-file:s" => \$cfgImgOutputFile, "vmm-consts-file:s" => \$cfgVmmConstsFile, "short-enums!" => \$cfgShortEnums, "big-endian!" => \$cfgBigEndian, "include-fsp-attributes!" => \$cfgIncludeFspAttributes, "help" => \$cfgHelp, "man" => \$cfgMan, "verbose" => \$cfgVerbose ) || pod2usage(-verbose => 0); pod2usage(-verbose => 1) if $cfgHelp; pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $cfgMan; # Remove extraneous '/' from end of path names; use temporary version of $/ for # the chomp { local $/ = '/'; chomp($cfgSrcOutputDir); $cfgSrcOutputDir .= "/"; chomp($cfgImgOutputDir); $cfgImgOutputDir .= "/"; } if($cfgVerbose) { print STDOUT "Host boot intemediate XML model = $cfgHbXmlFile\n"; print STDOUT "Fapi attributes XML file = $cfgFapiAttributesXmlFile\n"; print STDOUT "Source output dir = $cfgSrcOutputDir\n"; print STDOUT "Image output dir = $cfgImgOutputDir\n"; print STDOUT "VMM constants file = $cfgVmmConstsFile\n"; print STDOUT "Short enums = $cfgShortEnums\n"; print STDOUT "Big endian = $cfgBigEndian\n"; print STDOUT "include-fsp-attributes = $cfgIncludeFspAttributes\n", } ################################################################################ # Initialize some globals ################################################################################ use constant INVALID_HUID=>0xffffffff; use constant PEER_HUID_NOT_PRESENT=>0xfffffffe; my $xml = new XML::Simple (KeyAttr=>[]); use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); # Until full machine parseable workbook parsing splits out all the input files, # use the intermediate representation containing the full host boot model. # Aborts application if file name not found. my $attributes = $xml->XMLin($cfgHbXmlFile, forcearray => ['enumerationType','attribute','hwpfToHbAttrMap']); my $fapiAttributes = {}; if ($cfgFapiAttributesXmlFile ne "") { $fapiAttributes = $xml->XMLin($cfgFapiAttributesXmlFile, forcearray => ['attribute']); } # save attributes defined as Target_t type my %Target_t = (); # Perform some sanity validation of the model (so we don't have to later) validateAttributes($attributes); validateTargetInstances($attributes); validateTargetTypes($attributes); validateTargetTypesExtension($attributes); if($cfgIncludeFspAttributes) { handleTgtPtrAttributesFsp(\$attributes, \%Target_t); } else { handleTgtPtrAttributesHb(\$attributes, \%Target_t); } # Open the output files and write them if( !($cfgSrcOutputDir =~ "none") ) { open(TRAIT_FILE,">$cfgSrcOutputDir"."attributetraits.H") or fatal ("Trait file: \"$cfgSrcOutputDir" . "attributetraits.H\" could not be opened."); my $traitFile = *TRAIT_FILE; writeTraitFileHeader($attributes,$traitFile); writeTraitFileTraits($attributes,$traitFile); writeTraitFileFooter($traitFile); close $traitFile; open(ATTR_FILE,">$cfgSrcOutputDir"."attributeenums.H") or fatal ("Attribute enum file: \"$cfgSrcOutputDir" . "attributeenums.H\" could not be opened."); my $enumFile = *ATTR_FILE; writeEnumFileHeader($enumFile); writeEnumFileAttrIdEnum($attributes,$enumFile); writeEnumFileAttrEnums($attributes,$enumFile); writeEnumFileFooter($enumFile); close $enumFile; open(STRING_HEADER_FILE,">$cfgSrcOutputDir"."attributestrings.H") or fatal ("Attribute string header file: \"$cfgSrcOutputDir" . "attributestrings.H\" could not be opened."); my $stringHeaderFile = *STRING_HEADER_FILE; writeStringHeaderFileHeader($stringHeaderFile); writeStringHeaderFileStrings($attributes,$stringHeaderFile); writeStringHeaderFileFooter($stringHeaderFile); close $stringHeaderFile; open(STRING_IMPLEMENTATION_FILE,">$cfgSrcOutputDir"."attributestrings.C") or fatal ("Attribute string source file: \"$cfgSrcOutputDir" . "attributestrings.C\" could not be opened."); my $stringImplementationFile = *STRING_IMPLEMENTATION_FILE; writeStringImplementationFileHeader($stringImplementationFile); writeStringImplementationFileStrings($attributes,$stringImplementationFile); writeStringImplementationFileFooter($stringImplementationFile); writeTestEntityPath($attributes); close $stringImplementationFile; open(STRUCTS_HEADER_FILE,">$cfgSrcOutputDir"."attributestructs.H") or fatal ("Attribute struct file: \"$cfgSrcOutputDir" . "attributestructs.H\" could not be opened."); my $structFile = *STRUCTS_HEADER_FILE; writeStructFileHeader($structFile); writeStructFileStructs($attributes,$structFile); writeStructFileFooter($structFile); close $structFile; open(PNOR_HEADER_DEF_FILE,">$cfgSrcOutputDir"."pnortargeting.H") or fatal ("Targeting header definition header file: \"$cfgSrcOutputDir" . "pnortargeting.H\" could not be opened."); my $pnorHeaderDefFile = *PNOR_HEADER_DEF_FILE; writeHeaderFormatHeaderFile($pnorHeaderDefFile); close $pnorHeaderDefFile; open(FAPI_PLAT_ATTR_MACROS_FILE,">$cfgSrcOutputDir"."fapiplatattrmacros.H") or fatal ("FAPI platform attribute macro header file: \"$cfgSrcOutputDir" . "fapiplatattrmacros.H\" could not be opened."); my $fapiPlatAttrMacrosHeaderFile = *FAPI_PLAT_ATTR_MACROS_FILE; writeFapiPlatAttrMacrosHeaderFileHeader ($fapiPlatAttrMacrosHeaderFile); writeFapiPlatAttrMacrosHeaderFileContent($attributes,$fapiAttributes, $fapiPlatAttrMacrosHeaderFile); writeFapiPlatAttrMacrosHeaderFileFooter ($fapiPlatAttrMacrosHeaderFile); close $fapiPlatAttrMacrosHeaderFile; open(ATTR_ATTRERRL_C_FILE,">$cfgSrcOutputDir"."errludattribute.C") or fatal ("Attribute errlog C file: \"$cfgSrcOutputDir" . "errludattribute.C\" could not be opened."); my $attrErrlCFile = *ATTR_ATTRERRL_C_FILE; writeAttrErrlCFile($attributes,$attrErrlCFile); close $attrErrlCFile; mkdir("$cfgSrcOutputDir/errl"); open(ATTR_ATTRERRL_H_FILE,">$cfgSrcOutputDir"."errl/errludattribute.H") or fatal ("Attribute errlog H file: \"$cfgSrcOutputDir" . "errl/errludattribute.H\" could not be opened."); my $attrErrlHFile = *ATTR_ATTRERRL_H_FILE; writeAttrErrlHFile($attributes,$attrErrlHFile); close $attrErrlHFile; open(ATTR_TARGETERRL_C_FILE,">$cfgSrcOutputDir"."errludtarget.C") or fatal ("Target errlog C file: \"$cfgSrcOutputDir" . "errludtarget.C\" could not be opened."); my $targetErrlCFile = *ATTR_TARGETERRL_C_FILE; writeTargetErrlCFile($attributes,$targetErrlCFile); close $targetErrlCFile; open(ATTR_TARGETERRL_H_FILE,">$cfgSrcOutputDir"."errl/errludtarget.H") or fatal ("Target errlog H file: \"$cfgSrcOutputDir" . "errl/errludtarget.H\" could not be opened."); my $targetErrlHFile = *ATTR_TARGETERRL_H_FILE; writeTargetErrlHFile($attributes,$targetErrlHFile); close $targetErrlHFile; open(ATTR_INFO_CSV_FILE,">$cfgSrcOutputDir"."targAttrInfo.csv") or fatal ("Attribute info csv file: \"$cfgSrcOutputDir" . "targAttrInfo.csv\" could not be opened."); my $attrInfoCsvFile = *ATTR_INFO_CSV_FILE; writeAttrInfoCsvFile($attributes,$attrInfoCsvFile); close $attrInfoCsvFile; open(MAP_ATTR_METADATA_H_FILE,">$cfgSrcOutputDir"."mapattrmetadata.H") or fatal ("Attribute metadata map file Header: \"$cfgSrcOutputDir" . "mapattrmetadata.H\" could not be opened."); my $attrMetadataMapHFile = *MAP_ATTR_METADATA_H_FILE; writeAttrMetadataMapHFile($attrMetadataMapHFile); close $attrMetadataMapHFile; open(MAP_ATTR_METADATA_C_FILE,">$cfgSrcOutputDir"."mapattrmetadata.C") or fatal ("Attribute metadata map C file: \"$cfgSrcOutputDir" . "mapattrmetadata.C\" could not be opened."); my $attrMetadataMapCFile = *MAP_ATTR_METADATA_C_FILE; writeAttrMetadataMapCFileHeader($attrMetadataMapCFile); writeAttrMetadataMapCFile($attributes,$attrMetadataMapCFile); writeAttrMetadataMapCFileFooter($attrMetadataMapCFile); close $attrMetadataMapCFile; open(MAP_ATTR_SIZE_H_FILE,">$cfgSrcOutputDir"."mapsystemattrsize.H") or fatal ("Attribute size map file Header: \"$cfgSrcOutputDir" . "mapsystemattrsize.H\" could not be opened."); my $attrSizeMapHFile = *MAP_ATTR_SIZE_H_FILE; writeAttrSizeMapHFile($attrSizeMapHFile); close $attrSizeMapHFile; open(MAP_ATTR_SIZE_C_FILE,">$cfgSrcOutputDir"."mapsystemattrsize.C") or fatal ("Attribute size map file: \"$cfgSrcOutputDir" . "mapsystemattrsize.C\" could not be opened."); my $attrSizeMapCFile = *MAP_ATTR_SIZE_C_FILE; writeAttrSizeMapCFileHeader($attrSizeMapCFile); writeAttrSizeMapCFile($attributes,$attrSizeMapCFile); writeAttrSizeMapCFileFooter($attrSizeMapCFile); close $attrSizeMapCFile; } if( !($cfgImgOutputDir =~ "none") ) { my $Data = generateTargetingImage($cfgVmmConstsFile,$attributes,\%Target_t); open(PNOR_TARGETING_FILE,">$cfgImgOutputDir".$cfgImgOutputFile) or fatal ("Targeting image file: \"$cfgImgOutputDir" . "$cfgImgOutputFile\" could not be opened."); binmode(PNOR_TARGETING_FILE); print PNOR_TARGETING_FILE "$Data"; close(PNOR_TARGETING_FILE); } exit(0); ################################################################################ # Report a fatal error and quit ################################################################################ sub DEBUG_FUNCTIONS { } sub fatal { my($msg) = @_; print STDERR "[FATAL!] $msg\n"; for(my $caller = 1; ; $caller++) { my ($package, $filename, $callerLine, $subr, $has_args, $wantarray )= caller($caller); my $line = (caller($caller-1))[2]; if(!$line) { last; } print STDERR " $caller: $subr" . "(". $line . ")\n"; } exit(1); } sub VALIDATION_FUNCTIONS { } ################################################################################ # Validates sub-elements of an element against criteria ################################################################################ sub validateSubElements { my($name,$mustBeHash,$element,$criteria) = @_; if($mustBeHash && (ref($element) ne "HASH")) { print "name=$name, mustBeHash=$mustBeHash, element=$element, criteria=$criteria \n"; fatal("$name must be in the form of a hash."); } # print keys %{$element} . "\n"; for my $subElementName (sort(keys %{$element})) { if(!exists $criteria->{$subElementName}) { fatal("$name element cannot have child element of type " . "\"$subElementName\"."); } } for my $subElementName (sort(keys %{$criteria})) { if( ($criteria->{$subElementName}{required} == 1) && (!exists $element->{$subElementName})) { fatal("$name element missing required child element " . "\"$subElementName\"."); } if(exists $element->{$subElementName} && ($criteria->{$subElementName}{isscalar} == 1) && (ref ($element->{$subElementName}) eq "HASH")) { fatal("$name element child element \"$subElementName\" should be " . "scalar, but is a hash."); } } } ################################################################################ # Validates attribute element for correctness ################################################################################ sub validateAttributes { my($attributes) = @_; my %elements = ( ); $elements{"id"} = { required => 1, isscalar => 1}; $elements{"description"} = { required => 1, isscalar => 1}; $elements{"persistency"} = { required => 1, isscalar => 1}; $elements{"fspOnly"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 0}; $elements{"hbOnly"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 0}; $elements{"readable"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 0}; $elements{"simpleType"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 0}; $elements{"complexType"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 0}; $elements{"nativeType"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 0}; $elements{"writeable"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 0}; $elements{"hasStringConversion"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 0}; $elements{"hwpfToHbAttrMap"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 0}; foreach my $attribute (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { validateSubElements("attribute",1,$attribute,\%elements); } } ################################################################################ # Validates field element for correctness ################################################################################ sub validateFieldElement { my($field) = @_; my %elements = ( ); $elements{"type"} = { required => 1, isscalar => 1}; $elements{"name"} = { required => 1, isscalar => 1}; $elements{"description"} = { required => 1, isscalar => 1}; $elements{"default"} = { required => 1, isscalar => 1}; $elements{"bits"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 1}; validateSubElements("field",1,$field,\%elements); } ################################################################################ # Validates target type extension elements for correctness ################################################################################ sub validateTargetTypesExtension { my($attributes) = @_; my %elements = ( ); $elements{"id"} = { required => 1, isscalar => 1}; $elements{"attribute"} = { required => 1, isscalar => 1}; foreach my $targetTypeExtension (@{$attributes->{targetTypeExtension}}) { validateSubElements("targetTypeExtension",1, $targetTypeExtension,\%elements); } } ################################################################################ # Validates target type elements for correctness ################################################################################ sub validateTargetTypes { my($attributes) = @_; my %elements = ( ); $elements{"id"} = { required => 1, isscalar => 1}; $elements{"parent"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 1}; $elements{"attribute"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 0}; $elements{"fspOnly"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 0}; $elements{"compileAttribute"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 0}; foreach my $targetType (@{$attributes->{targetType}}) { validateSubElements("targetType",1,$targetType,\%elements); } } ################################################################################ # Validates target instance elements for correctness ################################################################################ sub validateTargetInstances{ my($attributes) = @_; my %elements = ( ); $elements{"id"} = { required => 1, isscalar => 1}; $elements{"type"} = { required => 1, isscalar => 1}; $elements{"attribute"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 0}; $elements{"compileAttribute"} = { required => 0, isscalar => 0}; foreach my $targetInstance (@{$attributes->{targetInstance}}) { validateSubElements("targetInstance",1,$targetInstance,\%elements); } } ################################################################################ # Convert Target_t PHYS_PATH into Peer target's HUID - FSP Specific ################################################################################ sub handleTgtPtrAttributesFsp { my($attributes) = @_; # replace PEER_TARGET attribute value with PEER's HUID foreach my $targetInstance (@{${$attributes}->{targetInstance}}) { foreach my $attr (@{$targetInstance->{attribute}}) { if (exists $attr->{default}) { if( ($attr->{default} ne "NULL") && ($attr->{id} eq "PEER_TARGET") ) { my $peerHUID = INVALID_HUID; $peerHUID = getPeerHuid($targetInstance); if($peerHUID == INVALID_HUID) { fatal("HUID for Peer Target not found for " . "Peer Target [$attr->{default}]\n"); } elsif($peerHUID == PEER_HUID_NOT_PRESENT) { # Might require this for debug, so keeping it. #print STDOUT "****PEER HUID Attribut not present for " # . "Peer Target [$attr->{default}]... Skip\n"; $attr->{default} = "NULL"; } else { $attr->{default} = sprintf("0x%X",(hex($peerHUID) << 32)); } } } } } } ################################################################################ # Convert PHYS_PATH into index for Target_t attribute's value ################################################################################ sub handleTgtPtrAttributesHb{ my($attributes, $Target_t) = @_; my $aId = 0; ${$Target_t}{'NULL'} = $aId; foreach my $attribute (@{${$attributes}->{attribute}}) { $aId++; if(exists $attribute->{simpleType} && exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{'Target_t'}) { ${$Target_t}{"$attribute->{id}"} = $aId; } } my %TargetList = (); my $index = 1; # Mapping instance's PHYS_PATH to index (1-base) foreach my $targetInstance (@{${$attributes}->{targetInstance}}) { foreach my $attr (@{$targetInstance->{attribute}}) { if ($attr->{id} eq "PHYS_PATH") { $TargetList{$attr->{default}} = $index++; last; } } } # replace Target_t attribute's value with instance's index foreach my $targetInstance (@{${$attributes}->{targetInstance}}) { foreach my $attr (@{$targetInstance->{attribute}}) { # An instance has a Target_t attribute if(exists ${$Target_t}{$attr->{id}}) { if (exists $TargetList{$attr->{default}}) { $attr->{default} = $TargetList{$attr->{default}}; } else { print STDOUT ("$attr->{id} attribute has an unknown value " . "$attr->{default}\n" . "It must be NULL or a valid PHYS_PATH\n"); $attr->{default} = "NULL"; } } } } } sub getPeerHuid { my($targetInstance) = @_; my $peerHUID = INVALID_HUID; if(exists $targetInstance->{compileAttribute}->{id}) { if ($targetInstance->{compileAttribute}->{id} eq "PEER_HUID") { $peerHUID = $targetInstance->{compileAttribute}->{default}; } else { fatal("We should have only PEER_HUID as compileAttribute. " . "Don't know how to handle this Attribute " . "$targetInstance->{compileAttribute}->{id}\n"); } } else { # PEER HUID doesn't exist, Return an pre-defined HUID which is invalid $peerHUID = PEER_HUID_NOT_PRESENT; } return $peerHUID; } sub SOURCE_FILE_GENERATION_FUNCTIONS { } ################################################################################ # Writes the plat attribute macros header file header ################################################################################ sub writeFapiPlatAttrMacrosHeaderFileHeader { my($outFile) = @_; print $outFile < HB attribute mappings. This file is autogenerated and * should not be altered. */ //****************************************************************************** // Includes //****************************************************************************** // STD #include //****************************************************************************** // Macros //****************************************************************************** namespace fapi { namespace platAttrSvc { VERBATIM } ################################################################################ # Writes the plat attribute macros ################################################################################ sub writeFapiPlatAttrMacrosHeaderFileContent { my($attributes,$fapiAttributes,$outFile) = @_; my $macroSection = ""; my $attrSection = ""; foreach my $attribute (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { foreach my $hwpfToHbAttrMap (@{$attribute->{hwpfToHbAttrMap}}) { if( !exists $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{id} || !exists $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{macro}) { fatal("id,macro fields required\n"); } my $fapiReadable = 0; my $fapiWriteable = 0; my $instantiated = 0; if ($cfgFapiAttributesXmlFile eq "") { #No FAPI attributes xml file specified if(exists $attribute->{readable}) { $macroSection .= ' #define ' . $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{id} . "_GETMACRO(ID,PTARGET,VAL) \\\n" . " FAPI_PLAT_ATTR_SVC_GETMACRO_" . $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{macro} . "(ID,PTARGET,VAL)\n"; $instantiated = 1; } if(exists $attribute->{writeable}) { $macroSection .= ' #ifndef ' . $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{id} . "_SETMACRO\n"; $macroSection .= ' #define ' . $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{id} . "_SETMACRO(ID,PTARGET,VAL) \\\n" . " FAPI_PLAT_ATTR_SVC_SETMACRO_" . $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{macro} . "(ID,PTARGET,VAL)\n"; $macroSection .= " #endif\n"; $instantiated = 1; } } else { #FAPI attribute xml file specified - validate against FAPI attrs foreach my $fapiAttr (@{$fapiAttributes->{attribute}}) { if( (exists $fapiAttr->{id}) && ($fapiAttr->{id} eq $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{id}) ) { # Check that non-platInit attributes are in the # volatile-zeroed section and have a direct mapping if (! exists $fapiAttr->{platInit}) { if ($hwpfToHbAttrMap->{macro} ne "DIRECT") { fatal("FAPI non-platInit attr " . "'$hwpfToHbAttrMap->{id}' is " . "'$hwpfToHbAttrMap->{macro}', " . "it must be DIRECT"); } if ( (exists $fapiAttr->{persistent})) { if ($attribute->{persistency} ne "non-volatile") { fatal("FAPI non-platInit attr " . "'$hwpfToHbAttrMap->{id}' is " . "'$attribute->{persistency}', " . "it must be non-volatile"); } } else { # Check that platInit attributes # have a non-volatile persistency if($attribute->{persistency} ne "volatile-zeroed") { fatal("FAPI non-platInit attr " . "'$hwpfToHbAttrMap->{id}' is " . "'$attribute->{persistency}', " . "it must be volatile-zeroed"); } } } # All FAPI attributes are readable $fapiReadable = 1; if(exists $fapiAttr->{writeable}) { $fapiWriteable = 1; } last; } } if($fapiReadable) { if(exists $attribute->{readable}) { $macroSection .= ' #define ' . $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{id} . "_GETMACRO(ID,PTARGET,VAL) \\\n" . " FAPI_PLAT_ATTR_SVC_GETMACRO_" . $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{macro} . "(ID,PTARGET,VAL)\n"; $instantiated = 1; } else { fatal("FAPI attribute $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{id} requires " . "platform supply readable attribute."); } } if($fapiWriteable) { if(exists $attribute->{writeable}) { $macroSection .= ' #define ' . $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{id} . "_SETMACRO(ID,PTARGET,VAL) \\\n" . " FAPI_PLAT_ATTR_SVC_SETMACRO_" . $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{macro} . "(ID,PTARGET,VAL)\n"; $instantiated = 1; } else { fatal("FAPI attribute $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{id} requires " . "platform supply writeable attribute."); } } } if($instantiated) { $attrSection .= ' #define FAPI_PLAT_ATTR_SVC_MACRO_' . $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{macro} . "_FAPI_" . $hwpfToHbAttrMap->{id} . " \\\n" . " TARGETING::ATTR_" . $attribute->{id} . "\n"; } } } print $outFile $attrSection; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile $macroSection; print $outFile "\n"; } ################################################################################ # Writes the plat attribute macros header file footer ################################################################################ sub writeFapiPlatAttrMacrosHeaderFileFooter { my($outFile) = @_; print $outFile < #include #include #include // Targeting component //****************************************************************************** // Complex Types //****************************************************************************** namespace TARGETING { const uint32_t PNOR_TARG_EYE_CATCHER = 0x54415247; enum SECTION_TYPE { // Targeting read-only section backed to PNOR. Always the 0th section. SECTION_TYPE_PNOR_RO = 0x00, // Targeting read-write section backed to PNOR SECTION_TYPE_PNOR_RW = 0x01, // Targeting heap section initialized out of PNOR SECTION_TYPE_HEAP_PNOR_INIT = 0x02, // Targeting heap section intialized to zero SECTION_TYPE_HEAP_ZERO_INIT = 0x03, // FSP section // Initialized to zero on Fsp Reset / Obliterate on Fsp Reset or R/R SECTION_TYPE_FSP_P0_ZERO_INIT = 0x4, // Initialized from Flash / Obliterate on Fsp Reset or R/R SECTION_TYPE_FSP_P0_FLASH_INIT = 0x5, // This section remains across fsp power cycle, fixed, never updates SECTION_TYPE_FSP_P3_RO = 0x6, // This section persist changes across Fsp Power cycle SECTION_TYPE_FSP_P3_RW = 0x7, // Initialized to zero on hard reset, else existing P1 memory // copied on R/R SECTION_TYPE_FSP_P1_ZERO_INIT = 0x8, // Intialized to default from P3 on hard reset, else existing P1 // memory copied on R/R SECTION_TYPE_FSP_P1_FLASH_INIT = 0x9, // HOSTBOOT section // Targeting heap section intialized to zero SECTION_TYPE_HB_HEAP_ZERO_INIT = 0x0A, }; struct TargetingSection { // Type of targeting section const SECTION_TYPE sectionType : 8; // Offset of the section within the PNOR targeting image from byte zero // of the targeting header const uint32_t sectionOffset; // Size of the section within the PNOR targeting image const uint32_t sectionSize; } PACKED; struct TargetingHeader { // Eyecatcher to quickly verify correct population of targeting PNOR // data const uint32_t eyeCatcher; // Major version of the PNOR targeting image const uint16_t majorVersion; // Minor version of the PNOR targeting image const uint16_t minorVersion; // Total size of the targeting header (from beginning of header). The // PNOR RO targeting data is located immediately following the header const uint32_t headerSize; // Virtual memory offset from the virtual memory address of the previous // section where the attribute resource provider must load the next // section. If there is no previous section, it will represent the // offset from the virtual memory base address (typically 0) const uint32_t vmmSectionOffset; // Virtual memory base address where the attribute resource provider // must load the 0th (PNOR RO) section AbstractPointer vmmBaseAddress; // Size of each TargetingSection record const uint32_t sizeOfSection; // Number of TargetingSection records const uint32_t numSections; // Offset to the first TargetingSection record, from the end of this // field const uint32_t offsetToSections; // Pad, in bytes, given by "offsetToSections" // const TargetingSection sections[numSections]; } PACKED; } // End namespace TARGETING #endif // TARG_PNORHEADER_H VERBATIM } ################################################################################ # Writes the string implementation file header ################################################################################ sub writeStringImplementationFileHeader { my($outFile) = @_; print $outFile < #include // Targeting component #include namespace TARGETING { VERBATIM } ################################################################################ # Writes test for toString entity path function ################################################################################ sub writeTestEntityPath { my($attributes) = @_; open EP_TEST_FILE, ">", "$cfgSrcOutputDir"."test_ep.H" or die $!; print EP_TEST_FILE "#include \n"; print EP_TEST_FILE "using namespace TARGETING;\n"; print EP_TEST_FILE "EntityPath l_path;\n"; print EP_TEST_FILE "const char * name = NULL;\n"; print(EP_TEST_FILE "const char * test_string = \"Unknown path" . " type\";\n"); print EP_TEST_FILE "size_t size = strlen( test_string );\n"; foreach my $attribute (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { if(exists $attribute->{simpleType}) { my $simpleType = $attribute->{simpleType}; if(exists $simpleType->{enumeration}) { my $enumeration = $simpleType->{enumeration}; my $enumerationType = getEnumerationType($attributes, $enumeration->{id}); foreach my $enumerator (@{$enumerationType->{enumerator}}) { if( $attribute->{id} eq "TYPE" ) { print(EP_TEST_FILE "name = " . "l_path.pathElementTypeAsString( " . "TYPE_$enumerator->{name} );\n"); print EP_TEST_FILE "size = strlen( name );\n"; if( $enumerator->{name} eq "LAST_IN_RANGE" ) { print(EP_TEST_FILE "if( memcmp( name, " . "test_string, size ))\n{\n"); print(EP_TEST_FILE "TS_FAIL(\"type " . "attribute TYPE_$enumerator->{name}" . " - did not return expected error " . "message. - update entitypath.C\");\n}\n"); } elsif( $enumerator->{name} eq "TEST_FAIL" ) { #TEST_FAIL is not defined in the function #pathElementTypeAsString - validate error string print(EP_TEST_FILE "if( memcmp( name, " . "test_string, size ))\n{\n"); print(EP_TEST_FILE "TS_FAIL(\"type " . "attribute TYPE_$enumerator->{name}" . " - did not return expected error " . "message. - update entitypath.C\");\n}\n"); } else { print(EP_TEST_FILE "if( !memcmp( name, " . "test_string, size ))\n{\n"); print(EP_TEST_FILE "TS_FAIL(\"undefined TYPE " . "attribute TYPE_$enumerator->{name}" . " - update entitypath.C\");\n}\n"); } } } } } } close EP_TEST_FILE; } ################################################################################ # Writes string implementation ################################################################################ sub writeStringImplementationFileStrings { my($attributes,$outFile) = @_; foreach my $attribute (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { if(exists $attribute->{simpleType}) { my $simpleType = $attribute->{simpleType}; if(exists $simpleType->{enumeration}) { my $enumeration = $simpleType->{enumeration}; print $outFile "//*********************************************" . "*********************************\n"; print $outFile "// attrToString{id}, ">\n"; print $outFile "//*********************************************" . "*********************************\n\n"; print $outFile "template<>\n"; print $outFile "const char* attrToString{id},"> (\n"; print $outFile " AttributeTraits{id}, ">::Type const& i_attrValue)\n"; print $outFile "{\n"; print $outFile " switch(i_attrValue)\n"; print $outFile " {\n"; my $enumerationType = getEnumerationType($attributes, $enumeration->{id}); foreach my $enumerator (@{$enumerationType->{enumerator}}) { print $outFile " case ", $attribute->{id}, "_", $enumerator->{name},":\n"; print $outFile " return \"", $enumerator->{name},"\";\n"; } print $outFile " default:\n"; print $outFile " return \"Cannot decode ", $attribute->{id}, "\";\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile "}\n\n"; } } } } ################################################################################ # Locate generic attribute definition, given an enumeration ID ################################################################################ sub getEnumerationType { my($attributes,$id) = @_; my $matchingEnumeration; foreach my $enumerationType (@{$attributes->{enumerationType}}) { if($id eq $enumerationType->{id}) { $matchingEnumeration = $enumerationType; last; } } if(!exists $matchingEnumeration->{id}) { fatal("Could not find enumeration with ID of " . $id . "\n"); } return $matchingEnumeration; } ################################################################################ # Writes the string implementation file footer ################################################################################ sub writeStringImplementationFileFooter { my($outFile) = @_; print $outFile < #include // Targeting component #include #include #include //****************************************************************************** // Complex Types //****************************************************************************** namespace TARGETING { VERBATIM } ################################################################################ # Writes struct header file structs ################################################################################ sub writeStructFileStructs { my($attributes,$outFile) = @_; foreach my $attribute (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { if(exists $attribute->{complexType}) { my $complexType = $attribute->{complexType}; if(!exists $complexType->{description}) { fatal("ERROR: Complex type requires a 'description'."); } print $outFile "/**\n"; print $outFile wrapBrief($complexType->{description}); print $outFile " */\n"; print $outFile "struct ", calculateStructName($attribute->{id}), "\n"; print $outFile "{\n"; my $complex = $attribute->{complexType}; foreach my $field (@{$complex->{field}}) { validateFieldElement($field); my $bits = ""; if($field->{bits}) { $bits = " : " . $field->{bits}; } print $outFile wrapComment($field->{description}); print $outFile " ", $field->{type}, " ", $field->{name}, $bits, "; \n\n"; } print $outFile "} PACKED;\n\n"; } } } ################################################################################ # Writes the struct file footer ################################################################################ sub writeStructFileFooter { my($outFile) = @_; print $outFile < #include namespace TARGETING { /** * \@brief Class used to clarify compiler error when caller attempts to * stringify an unsupported attribute */ class InvalidAttributeForStringification; /** * \@brief Return attribute as a string * * \@param[in] i_attrValue Value of the attribute * * \@return String which decodes the attribute value */ template const char* attrToString( typename AttributeTraits::Type const& i_attrValue) { // Default behavior is to fail the compile if caller attempt to print an // unsupported string return InvalidAttributeForStringification(); } VERBATIM } ################################################################################ # Writes string interfaces ################################################################################ sub writeStringHeaderFileStrings { my($attributes,$outFile) = @_; foreach my $attribute (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { if(exists $attribute->{simpleType}) { my $simpleType = $attribute->{simpleType}; if(exists $simpleType->{enumeration}) { my $enumeration = $simpleType->{enumeration}; print $outFile "/**\n"; print $outFile " * \@brief See " . "attrToString\n"; print $outFile " */\n"; print $outFile "template<>\n"; print $outFile "const char* attrToString{id},">(\n"; print $outFile " AttributeTraits{id}, ">::Type const& i_attrValue);\n"; print $outFile "\n"; } } } } ################################################################################ # Writes the string header file footer ################################################################################ sub writeStringHeaderFileFooter { my($outFile) = @_; print $outFile < #include //****************************************************************************** // Enumerations //****************************************************************************** namespace TARGETING { VERBATIM } ################################################################################ # Writes the enum file attribute enumeration ################################################################################ sub writeEnumFileAttrIdEnum { my($attributes,$outFile) = @_; print $outFile < 80 chars for clarity format ATTRENUMFORMAT = ATTR_@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< = @<<<<<<<<<< $attrId, $hexVal ."," . select($outFile); $~ = 'ATTRENUMFORMAT'; my $attributeIdEnumeration = getAttributeIdEnumeration($attributes); foreach my $enumerator (@{$attributeIdEnumeration->{enumerator}}) { $hexVal = $enumerator->{value}; $attrId = $enumerator->{name}; write; } print $outFile "};\n\n"; } ################################################################################ # Writes other enumerations to enumeration file ################################################################################ sub writeEnumFileAttrEnums { my($attributes,$outFile) = @_; my $enumName = ""; my $enumHex = ""; # Format below intentionally > 80 chars for clarity format ENUMFORMAT = @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< = @<<<<<<<<<< $enumName, $enumHex ."," . select($outFile); $~ = 'ENUMFORMAT'; foreach my $enumerationType (@{$attributes->{enumerationType}}) { print $outFile "/**\n"; print $outFile wrapBrief( $enumerationType->{description} ); print $outFile " */\n"; print $outFile "enum ", $enumerationType->{id}, "\n"; print $outFile "{\n"; foreach my $enumerator (@{$enumerationType->{enumerator}}) { $enumHex = sprintf "0x%08X", enumNameToValue($enumerationType,$enumerator->{name}); $enumName = $enumerationType->{id} . "_" . $enumerator->{name}; write; } print $outFile "};\n\n"; } } ################################################################################ # Writes the enum file footer ################################################################################ sub writeEnumFileFooter { my($outFile) = @_; print $outFile < #include VERBATIM foreach my $attribute (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { #check if fspmutex is present? if( (exists $attribute->{simpleType}) && (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{fspmutex}) ) { print $outFile "#include \n"; last; # don't need to look at any others. } } print $outFile < namespace TARGETING { //****************************************************************************** // Attribute Property Mappings //****************************************************************************** /** * \@brief Template associating a specific attribute with a type and other * properties, such as whether it is readable/writable * * This is automatically generated * * enum { * disabled = Special value for the basic, unused wildcard attribute * readable = Attribute is readable * writable = Attribute is writable * hasStringConversion = Attribute has debug string conversion * } * * typedef TYPE // is the Attribute's valid type */ template class AttributeTraits { private: enum { disabled }; typedef void* Type; }; VERBATIM } ################################################################################ # Writes computed traits to trait file ################################################################################ sub writeTraitFileTraits { my($attributes,$outFile) = @_; my $typedefs = ""; my %attrValHash; foreach my $attribute (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { # Build boolean traits my $traits = ""; foreach my $trait ("writeable","readable","hasStringConversion") { if(exists $attribute->{$trait}) { $traits .= " $trait,"; } } # Mark the attribute as being a host boot mutex or non-host boot mutex if( (exists $attribute->{simpleType}) && (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{hbmutex}) ) { $traits .= " hbMutex,"; } else { $traits .= " notHbMutex,"; } # Mark the attribute as being a fsp mutex or non-fsp mutex if( (exists $attribute->{simpleType}) && (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{fspmutex}) ) { $traits .= " fspMutex,"; } else { $traits .= " notFspMutex,"; } chop($traits); # Build value type my $type = ""; my $dimensions = ""; if(exists $attribute->{simpleType}) { my $simpleType = $attribute->{simpleType}; my $simpleTypeProperties = simpleTypeProperties(); for my $typeName (sort(keys %{$simpleType})) { if(exists $simpleTypeProperties->{$typeName}) { if( $simpleTypeProperties->{$typeName}{typeName} eq "XMLTOHB_USE_PARENT_ATTR_ID") { $type = $attribute->{id}; } else { $type = $simpleTypeProperties->{$typeName}{typeName}; } if( (exists $simpleType->{array}) && ($simpleTypeProperties->{$typeName}{supportsArray}) ) { my @bounds = split(/,/,$simpleType->{array}); foreach my $bound (@bounds) { $dimensions .= "[$bound]"; } } elsif(exists $simpleType->{string}) { # Create the string dimension if(exists $simpleType->{string}->{sizeInclNull}) { $dimensions .= "[$simpleType->{string}->{sizeInclNull}]"; } } last; } } if($type eq "") { fatal("Unsupported simpleType child element for " . "attribute $attribute->{id}. Keys are (" . join(',',sort(keys %{$simpleType})) . ")"); } } elsif(exists $attribute->{nativeType}) { $type = $attribute->{nativeType}->{name}; } elsif(exists $attribute->{complexType}) { $type = calculateStructName($attribute->{id}); } else { fatal("Could not determine attribute data type for attribute " . "$attribute->{id}."); } # if it already exists skip it if( !exists($attrValHash{$attribute->{id}})) { # keep track of the ones we add to our file $attrValHash{$attribute->{id}} = 1; # Add traits definition to output print $outFile "template<>\n"; print $outFile "class AttributeTraits{id},">\n"; print $outFile "{\n"; print $outFile " public:\n"; print $outFile " enum {",$traits," };\n"; print $outFile " typedef ", $type, " Type$dimensions;\n"; print $outFile "};\n\n"; $typedefs .= "// Type aliases and/or sizes for ATTR_" . "$attribute->{id} attribute\n"; $typedefs .= "typedef " . $type . " $attribute->{id}" . "_ATTR" . $dimensions . ";\n"; # Append a more friendly type alias for attribute $typedefs .= "typedef " . $type . " ATTR_" . "$attribute->{id}" . "_type" . $dimensions . ";\n"; # If a string, append max # of characters for the string if( (exists $attribute->{simpleType}) && (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{string})) { my $size = $attribute->{simpleType}->{string}->{sizeInclNull}-1; $typedefs .= "const size_t ATTR_" . "$attribute->{id}" . "_max_chars = " . "$size" . ";\n"; } $typedefs .= "\n"; } }; print $outFile "/**\n"; print $outFile wrapBrief("Mapping of alias type name to underlying type"); print $outFile " */\n"; print $outFile $typedefs ."\n"; } ################################################################################ # Writes the trait file footer ################################################################################ sub writeTraitFileFooter { my($outFile) = @_; print $outFile <\n"; print $outFile "#include \n"; print $outFile "#include \n"; print $outFile "#include \n"; print $outFile "#include \n"; print $outFile "#include \n"; print $outFile "#include \n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile "namespace ERRORLOG\n"; print $outFile "{\n"; print $outFile "using namespace TARGETING;\n"; print $outFile "extern TARG_TD_t g_trac_errl;\n"; # build function that takes adds 1 attribute to the output print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile "void ErrlUserDetailsAttribute::addData(\n"; print $outFile " uint32_t i_attr)\n"; print $outFile "{\n"; print $outFile " char *tmpBuffer = NULL;\n"; print $outFile " uint32_t attrSize = 0;\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile " switch (i_attr) {\n"; # loop through every attribute to make the swith/case foreach my $attribute (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { # things we'll skip: if(!(exists $attribute->{readable}) || # write-only attributes !(exists $attribute->{writeable}) || # read-only attributes (exists $attribute->{simpleType} && ( (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{hbmutex}) || (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{fspmutex}))) # mutex attributes ) { print $outFile " case (ATTR_",$attribute->{id},"): { break; }\n"; next; } # any complicated types just get dumped as raw hex binary elsif(exists $attribute->{complexType}) { print $outFile " case (ATTR_",$attribute->{id},"): {\n"; print $outFile " TRACDCOMP( g_trac_errl, \"ErrlUserDetailsAttribute: ",$attribute->{id}," skipped -- complexType\");\n"; print $outFile " attrSize = 0;\n"; print $outFile " break;\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; } # Enums elsif(exists $attribute->{simpleType} && (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{enumeration}) ) { print $outFile " case (ATTR_",$attribute->{id},"): { // simpleType:enum\n"; print $outFile " //TRACDCOMP( g_trac_errl, \"ErrlUserDetailsAttribute: ",$attribute->{id}," entry\");\n"; print $outFile " AttributeTraits{id},">::Type tmp;\n"; print $outFile " if( iv_pTarget->tryGetAttr{id},">(tmp) ) {\n"; print $outFile " tmpBuffer = new char[sizeof(tmp)];\n"; print $outFile " memcpy(tmpBuffer, &tmp, sizeof(tmp));\n"; print $outFile " attrSize = sizeof(tmp);\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile " break;\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; } # signed and unsigned ints elsif(exists $attribute->{simpleType} && ( (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{uint8_t}) || (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{uint16_t}) || (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{uint32_t}) || (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{uint64_t}) || (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{int8_t}) || (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{int16_t}) || (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{int32_t}) || (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{int64_t}) ) ) { print $outFile " case (ATTR_",$attribute->{id},"): { //simpleType:uint, :int...\n"; print $outFile " //TRACDCOMP( g_trac_errl, \"ErrlUserDetailsAttribute: ",$attribute->{id}," entry\");\n"; print $outFile " AttributeTraits{id},">::Type tmp;\n"; print $outFile " if( iv_pTarget->tryGetAttr{id},">(tmp) ) {\n"; print $outFile " tmpBuffer = new char[sizeof(tmp)];\n"; print $outFile " memcpy(tmpBuffer, &tmp, sizeof(tmp));\n"; print $outFile " attrSize = sizeof(tmp);\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile " break;\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; } # dump the enums for EntityPaths elsif(exists $attribute->{nativeType} && ($attribute->{nativeType}->{name} eq "EntityPath")) { print $outFile " case (ATTR_",$attribute->{id},"): { //nativeType:EntityPath\n"; print $outFile " //TRACDCOMP( g_trac_errl, \"ErrlUserDetailsAttribute: ",$attribute->{id}," entry\");\n"; print $outFile " AttributeTraits{id},">::Type tmp;\n"; print $outFile " if( iv_pTarget->tryGetAttr{id},">(tmp) ) {\n"; print $outFile " // data is PATH_TYPE, Number of elements, [ Element, Instance# ]\n"; print $outFile " EntityPath::PATH_TYPE lPtype = tmp.type();\n"; print $outFile " uint8_t lSize = tmp.size();\n"; print $outFile " tmpBuffer = new char[sizeof(lPtype) + lSize + lSize * sizeof(EntityPath::PathElement)];\n"; print $outFile " memcpy(tmpBuffer + attrSize,&lPtype,sizeof(lPtype));\n"; print $outFile " attrSize += sizeof(lPtype);\n"; print $outFile " memcpy(tmpBuffer + attrSize,&lSize,sizeof(lSize));\n"; print $outFile " attrSize += sizeof(lSize);\n"; print $outFile " for (uint32_t i=0;i{nativeType}) { print $outFile " case (ATTR_",$attribute->{id},"): { nativeType\n"; print $outFile " //TRACDCOMP( g_trac_errl, \"ErrlUserDetailsAttribute: ",$attribute->{id}," entry\");\n"; print $outFile " AttributeTraits{id},">::Type tmp;\n"; print $outFile " if( iv_pTarget->tryGetAttr{id},">(tmp) ) {\n"; print $outFile " tmpBuffer = new char[sizeof(tmp)];\n"; print $outFile " memcpy(tmpBuffer, &tmp, sizeof(tmp));\n"; print $outFile " attrSize = sizeof(tmp);\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile " break;\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; } } print $outFile " default: { //Shouldn't be anything here!!\n"; print $outFile " TRACDCOMP( g_trac_errl, \"ErrlUserDetailsAttribute: UNKNOWN i_attr %x\", i_attr);\n"; print $outFile " break;\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile " } //switch\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile " // if we generated one, copy the string into the buffer\n"; print $outFile " if (attrSize) { // we have something to output\n"; print $outFile " // resize buffer and copy string into it\n"; print $outFile " uint8_t * pBuf;\n"; print $outFile " pBuf = reinterpret_cast(reallocUsrBuf(iv_dataSize + attrSize + sizeof(i_attr) ));\n"; print $outFile " memcpy(pBuf + iv_dataSize, &i_attr, sizeof(i_attr)); // first dump the attr enum\n"; print $outFile " iv_dataSize += sizeof(i_attr);\n"; print $outFile " memcpy(pBuf + iv_dataSize, tmpBuffer, attrSize); // copy into iv_pBuffer\n"; print $outFile " iv_dataSize += attrSize;\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile " delete [] tmpBuffer;\n"; print $outFile "}\n"; print $outFile "\n"; # build constructor that dumps 1 attribute print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile "//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print $outFile "ErrlUserDetailsAttribute::ErrlUserDetailsAttribute(\n"; print $outFile " const Target * i_pTarget, uint32_t i_attr)\n"; print $outFile " : iv_pTarget(i_pTarget), iv_dataSize(0)\n"; print $outFile "{\n"; print $outFile " // Set up ErrlUserDetails instance variables\n"; print $outFile " iv_CompId = ERRL_COMP_ID;\n"; print $outFile " iv_Version = 1;\n"; print $outFile " iv_SubSection = ERRL_UDT_ATTRIBUTE;\n"; print $outFile " // override the default of false\n"; print $outFile " iv_merge = true;\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile " // first, write out the HUID\n"; print $outFile " addData(ATTR_HUID);\n"; print $outFile " if (i_attr != ATTR_HUID) {\n"; print $outFile " addData(i_attr);\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile "}\n"; print $outFile "\n"; # build constructor that dumps all attributes print $outFile "//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print $outFile "ErrlUserDetailsAttribute::ErrlUserDetailsAttribute(\n"; print $outFile " const Target * i_pTarget)\n"; print $outFile " : iv_pTarget(i_pTarget), iv_dataSize(0)\n"; print $outFile "{\n"; print $outFile " // Set up ErrlUserDetails instance variables\n"; print $outFile " iv_CompId = ERRL_COMP_ID;\n"; print $outFile " iv_Version = 1;\n"; print $outFile " iv_SubSection = ERRL_UDT_ATTRIBUTE;\n"; print $outFile " // override the default of false\n"; print $outFile " iv_merge = true;\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile " dumpAll();\n"; print $outFile "}\n"; print $outFile "\n"; # build internal function that dumps all attributes print $outFile "//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print $outFile "void ErrlUserDetailsAttribute::dumpAll()\n"; print $outFile "{\n"; print $outFile " // write out the HUID first and always\n"; print $outFile " addData(ATTR_HUID);\n"; # loop through every attribute to make the swith/case foreach my $attribute (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { # skip the HUID that we already added if( $attribute->{id} =~ /HUID/ ) { next; } # things we'll skip: if(!(exists $attribute->{readable}) || # write-only attributes !(exists $attribute->{writeable}) || # read-only attributes (exists $attribute->{simpleType} && ( (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{hbmutex}) || (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{fspmutex}))) # mutex attributes ) { next; } print $outFile " addData(ATTR_",$attribute->{id},");\n"; } print $outFile "}\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile "//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print $outFile "ErrlUserDetailsAttribute::~ErrlUserDetailsAttribute()\n"; print $outFile "{ }\n"; print $outFile "} // namespace\n"; } # sub writeAttrErrlCFile ###### #Create a .H file to parse attributes out of the errlog ##### sub writeAttrErrlHFile { my($attributes,$outFile) = @_; #First setup the includes and function definition print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile "#ifndef ERRL_UDATTRIBUTE_H\n"; print $outFile "#define ERRL_UDATTRIBUTE_H\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile "#ifndef PARSER\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile "#include \n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile "namespace TARGETING // Forward reference\n"; print $outFile "{ class Target; }\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile "namespace ERRORLOG\n"; print $outFile "{\n"; print $outFile "class ErrlUserDetailsAttribute : public ErrlUserDetails {\n"; print $outFile "public:\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile " ErrlUserDetailsAttribute(const TARGETING::Target * i_pTarget, uint32_t i_attr);\n"; print $outFile " ErrlUserDetailsAttribute(const TARGETING::Target * i_pTarget);\n"; print $outFile " void addData(uint32_t i_attr);\n"; print $outFile " virtual ~ErrlUserDetailsAttribute();\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile "private:\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile " // Disabled\n"; print $outFile " ErrlUserDetailsAttribute(const ErrlUserDetailsAttribute &);\n"; print $outFile " ErrlUserDetailsAttribute & operator=(const ErrlUserDetailsAttribute &);\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile " // internal function\n"; print $outFile " void dumpAll();\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile " const TARGETING::Target * iv_pTarget;\n"; print $outFile " uint32_t iv_dataSize;\n"; print $outFile "};\n"; print $outFile "}\n"; print $outFile "#else // if PARSER defined\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile "#include \"errluserdetails.H\"\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile "namespace ERRORLOG\n"; print $outFile "{\n"; print $outFile "class ErrlUserDetailsParserAttribute : public ErrlUserDetailsParser {\n"; print $outFile "public:\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile " ErrlUserDetailsParserAttribute() {}\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile " virtual ~ErrlUserDetailsParserAttribute() {}\n"; print $outFile " /**\n"; print $outFile " * \@brief Parses Attribute user detail data from an error log\n"; print $outFile " * \@param i_version Version of the data\n"; print $outFile " * \@param i_parse ErrlUsrParser object for outputting information\n"; print $outFile " * \@param i_pBuffer Pointer to buffer containing detail data\n"; print $outFile " * \@param i_buflen Length of the buffer\n"; print $outFile " */\n"; print $outFile " virtual void parse(errlver_t i_version,\n"; print $outFile " ErrlUsrParser & i_parser,\n"; print $outFile " void * i_pBuffer,\n"; print $outFile " const uint32_t i_buflen) const\n"; print $outFile " {\n"; print $outFile " const char *pLabel = NULL;\n"; print $outFile " uint8_t *l_ptr = static_cast(i_pBuffer);\n"; print $outFile " std::vector l_traceEntry(64);\n"; print $outFile " i_parser.PrintString(\"Target Attributes\", NULL);\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile " for (; (l_ptr + sizeof(uint32_t)) <= ((uint8_t*)i_pBuffer + i_buflen); )\n"; print $outFile " {\n"; print $outFile " // first 4 bytes is the attr enum\n"; print $outFile " uint32_t attrEnum = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)l_ptr);\n"; print $outFile " l_ptr += sizeof(attrEnum);\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile " switch (attrEnum) {\n"; my $attributeIdEnum = getAttributeIdEnumeration($attributes); # loop through every attribute to make the swith/case foreach my $attribute (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { my $attrVal; foreach my $enum (@{$attributeIdEnum->{enumerator}}) { if ($enum->{name} eq $attribute->{id}) { $attrVal = $enum->{value}; last; # don't need to look at any others. } } print $outFile " case ",$attrVal,": {\n"; # things we'll skip: if(!(exists $attribute->{readable}) || # write-only attributes !(exists $attribute->{writeable}) || # read-only attributes (exists $attribute->{simpleType} && ( (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{hbmutex}) || (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{fspmutex}))) # mutex attributes ) { print $outFile " //not readable\n"; } # Enums have strings defined already, use them elsif(exists $attribute->{simpleType} && (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{enumeration}) ) { print $outFile " //simpleType:enum\n"; print $outFile " pLabel = \"",$attribute->{id},"\";\n"; foreach my $enumerationType (@{$attributes->{enumerationType}}) { if ($enumerationType->{id} eq $attribute->{id}) { print $outFile " switch (*l_ptr) {\n"; foreach my $enumerator (@{$enumerationType->{enumerator}}) { my $enumName = $attribute->{id} . "_" . $enumerator->{name}; my $enumHex = sprintf "0x%08X", enumNameToValue($enumerationType,$enumerator->{name}); print $outFile " case ",$enumHex,": {\n"; print $outFile " sprintf(&(l_traceEntry[0]), \"",$enumName,"\");\n"; print $outFile " l_ptr += sizeof(uint32_t);\n"; print $outFile " break;\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; } print $outFile " default: break;\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; } } } # makes no sense to dump mutex attributes, so skipping elsif(exists $attribute->{simpleType} && (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{hbmutex}) ) { print $outFile " //Mutex attributes - skipping\n"; } # makes no sense to dump fsp mutex attributes, so skipping elsif( (exists $attribute->{simpleType}) && (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{fspmutex}) ) { print $outFile " //Mutex attributes - skipping\n"; } # any complicated types just get dumped as raw hex binary elsif(exists $attribute->{complexType}) { #print $outFile " //complexType\n"; #print $outFile " uint32_t{id},">::Type tmp;\n"; #print $outFile " if( i_pTarget->tryGetAttr{id},">(tmp) ) {\n"; #print $outFile " sprintf(i_buffer, \" \", &tmp, sizeof(tmp));\n"; #print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile " //complexType - skipping\n"; } # unsigned ints dump as hex, signed as decimals elsif(exists $attribute->{simpleType} && ( (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{uint8_t}) || (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{uint16_t}) || (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{uint32_t}) || (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{uint64_t}) || (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{int8_t}) || (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{int16_t}) || (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{int32_t}) || (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{int64_t}) ) ) { print $outFile " //simpleType:uint\n"; print $outFile " pLabel = \"",$attribute->{id},"\";\n"; my @bounds; if(exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{array}) { @bounds = split(/,/,$attribute->{simpleType}->{array}); } else { $bounds[0] = 1; } my $total_count = 1; foreach my $bound (@bounds) { $total_count *= $bound; } my $size = scalar(@bounds); if (($size == 1) && ( $bounds[0] > 1)) { print $outFile " uint32_t offset = sprintf(&(l_traceEntry[0]), \"[$bounds[0]]:\");\n"; } elsif ($size == 2) { print $outFile " uint32_t offset = sprintf(&(l_traceEntry[0]), \"[$bounds[0]][$bounds[1]]:\");\n"; } elsif ($size == 3) { print $outFile " uint32_t offset = sprintf(&(l_traceEntry[0]), \"[$bounds[0]][$bounds[1]][$bounds[2]]:\");\n"; } else { print $outFile " uint32_t offset = 0;\n"; } if (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{uint8_t}) { print $outFile " l_traceEntry.resize(10+offset + $total_count * 5);\n"; print $outFile " for (uint32_t i = 0;i<$total_count;i++) {\n"; print $outFile " sprintf(&(l_traceEntry[offset+i*5]), \"0x%.2X \", *((uint8_t *)l_ptr)+i);\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile " l_ptr += $total_count * sizeof(uint8_t);\n"; } elsif (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{uint16_t}) { print $outFile " l_traceEntry.resize(10+offset + $total_count * 7);\n"; print $outFile " for (uint32_t i = 0;i<$total_count;i++) {\n"; print $outFile " sprintf(&(l_traceEntry[offset+i*7]), \"0x%.4X \", ntohs(*((uint16_t *)l_ptr)+i));\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile " l_ptr += $total_count * sizeof(uint16_t);\n"; } elsif (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{uint32_t}) { print $outFile " l_traceEntry.resize(10+offset + $total_count * 11);\n"; print $outFile " for (uint32_t i = 0;i<$total_count;i++) {\n"; print $outFile " sprintf(&(l_traceEntry[offset+i*11]), \"0x%.8X \", ntohl(*((uint32_t *)l_ptr)+i));\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile " l_ptr += $total_count * sizeof(uint32_t);\n"; } elsif (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{uint64_t}) { print $outFile " l_traceEntry.resize(10+offset + $total_count * 19);\n"; print $outFile " for (uint32_t i = 0;i<$total_count;i++) {\n"; print $outFile " sprintf(&(l_traceEntry[offset+i*19]), \"0x%.16llX \", ntohll(*((uint64_t *)l_ptr)+i));\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile " l_ptr += $total_count * sizeof(uint64_t);\n"; } elsif (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{int8_t}) { print $outFile " l_traceEntry.resize(10+offset + $total_count * 5);\n"; print $outFile " for (uint32_t i = 0;i<$total_count;i++) {\n"; print $outFile " sprintf(&(l_traceEntry[offset+i*5]), \"0x%.2X \", *((uint8_t *)l_ptr)+i);\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile " l_ptr += $total_count * sizeof(uint8_t);\n"; } elsif (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{int16_t}) { print $outFile " l_traceEntry.resize(10+offset + $total_count * 7);\n"; print $outFile " for (uint32_t i = 0;i<$total_count;i++) {\n"; print $outFile " sprintf(&(l_traceEntry[offset+i*7]), \"0x%.4X \", ntohs(*((int16_t *)l_ptr)+i));\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile " l_ptr += $total_count * sizeof(int16_t);\n"; } elsif (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{int32_t}) { print $outFile " l_traceEntry.resize(10+offset + $total_count * 11);\n"; print $outFile " for (uint32_t i = 0;i<$total_count;i++) {\n"; print $outFile " sprintf(&(l_traceEntry[offset+i*11]), \"0x%.8X \", ntohl(*((int32_t *)l_ptr)+i));\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile " l_ptr += $total_count * sizeof(int32_t);\n"; } elsif (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{int64_t}) { print $outFile " l_traceEntry.resize(10+offset + $total_count * 19);\n"; print $outFile " for (uint32_t i = 0;i<$total_count;i++) {\n"; print $outFile " sprintf(&(l_traceEntry[offset+i*19]), \"0x%.16llX \", ntohll(*((int64_t *)l_ptr)+i));\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile " l_ptr += $total_count * sizeof(int64_t);\n"; } } # EntityPaths elsif(exists $attribute->{nativeType} && ($attribute->{nativeType}->{name} eq "EntityPath")) { print $outFile " //nativeType:EntityPath\n"; print $outFile " pLabel = \"",$attribute->{id},"\";\n"; # data is PATH_TYPE, Number of elements, [ Element, Instance# ] # output is PathType:/ElementInstance/ElementInstance/ElementInstance print $outFile " const char *pathString;\n"; print $outFile " // from targeting/common/entitypath.[CH]\n"; print $outFile " const uint8_t lPtype = *l_ptr; // PATH_TYPE\n"; print $outFile " switch (lPtype) {\n"; print $outFile " case 0x01: pathString = \"Logical:\"; break;\n"; print $outFile " case 0x02: pathString = \"Physical:\"; break;\n"; print $outFile " case 0x03: pathString = \"Device:\"; break;\n"; print $outFile " case 0x04: pathString = \"Power:\"; break;\n"; print $outFile " default: pathString = \"Unknown:\"; break;\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile " l_traceEntry.resize(strlen(pathString) + 128);\n"; print $outFile " uint32_t dataSize = sprintf(&(l_traceEntry[0]), \"%s\",pathString);\n"; print $outFile " const uint8_t lSize = *(l_ptr + 1); // number of elements\n"; print $outFile " uint8_t *lElementInstance = (l_ptr + 2);\n"; print $outFile " for (uint32_t i=0;i{enumerationType}}) { if( $enumerationType->{id} eq "TYPE" ) { foreach my $enumerator (@{$enumerationType->{enumerator}}) { my $enumHex = sprintf "0x%02X", enumNameToValue($enumerationType,$enumerator->{name}); my $enumName = $enumerator->{name}; if ($enumName eq "SYS") { $enumName = "Sys"; } elsif ($enumName eq "PROC") { $enumName = "Proc"; } elsif ($enumName eq "NODE") { $enumName = "Node"; } elsif ($enumName eq "CORE") { $enumName = "Core"; } elsif ($enumName eq "MEMBUF") { $enumName = "Membuf"; } print $outFile " case $enumHex: { pathString = \"/$enumName\"; break; }\n"; } } } # enumerationType print $outFile " default: { pathString = \"/UNKNOWN\"; break; }\n"; print $outFile " } // switch\n"; print $outFile " // copy next part in, overwritting previous terminator\n"; print $outFile " dataSize += sprintf(&(l_traceEntry[0]) + dataSize, \"%s%d\",pathString,lElementInstance[i+1]);\n"; print $outFile " l_ptr += 2 * sizeof(uint8_t);\n"; print $outFile " } // for\n"; } # any other nativeTypes are just decimals... (I never saw one) elsif(exists $attribute->{nativeType}) { print $outFile " //nativeType\n"; print $outFile " pLabel = \"",$attribute->{id},"\";\n"; print $outFile " sprintf(&(l_traceEntry[0]), \"%d\", *((int32_t *)l_ptr));\n"; print $outFile " l_ptr += sizeof(uint32_t);\n"; } # just in case, nothing.. else { #print $outFile " //unknown attributes\n"; } print $outFile " break;\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; } print $outFile " default: {\n"; print $outFile " pLabel = \"unknown Attribute\";\n"; print $outFile " break;\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile " } // switch\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile " // pointing to something - print it.\n"; print $outFile " if (pLabel != NULL) {\n"; print $outFile " i_parser.PrintString(pLabel, &(l_traceEntry[0]));\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile " } // for\n"; print $outFile " } // parse\n\n"; print $outFile "private:\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile "// Disabled\n"; print $outFile "ErrlUserDetailsParserAttribute(const ErrlUserDetailsParserAttribute &);\n"; print $outFile "ErrlUserDetailsParserAttribute & operator=(const ErrlUserDetailsParserAttribute &);\n"; print $outFile "};\n"; print $outFile "} // namespace\n"; print $outFile "#endif\n"; print $outFile "#endif\n"; } # sub writeAttrErrlHFile ###### #Create a .csv file to parse attribute overrides/syncs ##### sub writeAttrInfoCsvFile { my($attributes,$outFile) = @_; # Print the file header print $outFile "# targAttrInfo.cvs\n"; print $outFile "# This file is generated by perl script xmltohb.pl\n"; print $outFile "# It lists information about TARG attributes and is used to\n"; print $outFile "# process FAPI Attribute text files (overrides/syncs)\n"; print $outFile "# Format:\n"; print $outFile "# ,,,\n"; my $attributeIdEnum = getAttributeIdEnumeration($attributes); # loop through every attribute foreach my $attribute (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { # Only (initially) support attributes with simple integer types if ((exists $attribute->{simpleType}) && ((exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{uint8_t}) || (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{uint16_t}) || (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{uint32_t}) || (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{uint64_t}))) { my $fapiId = "NO-FAPI-ID"; if (exists $attribute->{hwpfToHbAttrMap}[0]) { $fapiId = $attribute->{hwpfToHbAttrMap}[0]->{id}; } foreach my $enum (@{$attributeIdEnum->{enumerator}}) { if ($enum->{name} eq $attribute->{id}) { print $outFile "$fapiId,"; print $outFile "ATTR_$attribute->{id}"; print $outFile ",$enum->{value},"; if (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{uint8_t}) { print $outFile "u8"; } elsif (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{uint16_t}) { print $outFile "u16"; } elsif (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{uint32_t}) { print $outFile "u32"; } elsif (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{uint64_t}) { print $outFile "u64"; } if (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{array}) { # Remove leading whitespace my $dimText = $attribute->{simpleType}->{array}; $dimText =~ s/^\s+//; # Split on commas or whitespace my @vals = split(/\s*,\s*|\s+/, $dimText); foreach my $val (@vals) { print $outFile "[$val]"; } } print $outFile "\n"; } } } } } # sub writeAttrInfoCsvFile ################################################################################ # Writes the unordered/Ordered map of all target attribute metadata # C file header ################################################################################ sub writeAttrMetadataMapCFileHeader { my($outFile) = @_; print $outFile < //****************************************************************************** // Macros //****************************************************************************** #undef TARG_NAMESPACE #undef TARG_CLASS #undef TARG_FUNC //****************************************************************************** // Implementation //****************************************************************************** namespace TARGETING { #define TARG_NAMESPACE "TARGETING::" #define TARG_CLASS "MapAttrMetadata::" // Persistency defines static const char * P0_PERSISTENCY = "p0"; static const char * P1_PERSISTENCY = "p1"; static const char * P3_PERSISTENCY = "p3"; //****************************************************************************** // TARGETING::mapAttrMetadata //****************************************************************************** TARGETING::MapAttrMetadata& mapAttrMetadata() { #define TARG_FN "mapAttrMetadata()" return TARG_GET_SINGLETON(TARGETING::theMapAttrMetadata); #undef TARG_FN } //****************************************************************************** // TARGETING::MapAttrMetadata::~MapAttrMetadata //****************************************************************************** MapAttrMetadata::~MapAttrMetadata() { #define TARG_FN "~MapAttrMetadata()" #undef TARG_FN } //****************************************************************************** // TARGETING::MapAttrMetadata::getMapMetadataForAllAttributes //****************************************************************************** const AttrMetadataMapper& MapAttrMetadata::getMapMetadataForAllAttributes() const { #define TARG_FN "getMapMetadataForAllAttributes()" TARG_ENTER(); TARG_EXIT(); return iv_mapAttrMetadata; #undef TARG_FN } //****************************************************************************** // TARGETING::MapAttrMetadata::MapAttrMetadata //****************************************************************************** MapAttrMetadata::MapAttrMetadata() { #define TARG_FN "MapAttrMetadata()" VERBATIM } ################################################################################ # Create a .C file to put All Target Attributes along with there respective # Size and read/write properties in a unordered/ordered map variable ################################################################################ sub writeAttrMetadataMapCFile{ my($attributes,$outFile) = @_; my %finalAttrhash = (); # look for all attributes in the XML foreach my $attribute (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { $finalAttrhash{$attribute->{id}} = $attribute; } print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile " static const Pair_t l_pair[] = {\n"; foreach my $key ( keys %finalAttrhash) { if(!(exists $finalAttrhash{$key}->{hbOnly})) { # Fetch the Size of the attribute my $keySize = "ATTR_"."$key"."_type"; if(exists $finalAttrhash{$key}->{simpleType}) { if(exists $finalAttrhash{$key}->{simpleType}->{string}) { if(exists $finalAttrhash{$key}->{simpleType}->{string}-> {sizeInclNull}) { $keySize = "$keySize"."[". $finalAttrhash{$key}-> {simpleType}->{string}->{sizeInclNull} . "]"; } } } elsif(!(exists $finalAttrhash{$key}->{complexType}) && !(exists $finalAttrhash{$key}->{nativeType})) { print STDOUT "\t// ### Attribute $key is Not Supported\n"; next; } print $outFile " std::make_pair( ATTR_".$key.","; print $outFile " AttrMetadataStr(sizeof($keySize),"; # Fetch Read/Writeable Property if(exists $finalAttrhash{$key}->{writeable}) { print $outFile " true,"; } else { print $outFile " false,"; } if(!(exists $finalAttrhash{$key}->{persistency})) { fatal("Attribute[$key] should have persistency by default"); } if($finalAttrhash{$key}->{persistency} eq "non-volatile") { print $outFile " P3_PERSISTENCY) ),\n"; } elsif(($finalAttrhash{$key}->{persistency} eq "semi-non-volatile-zeroed") || ($finalAttrhash{$key}->{persistency} eq "semi-non-volatile")) { print $outFile " P1_PERSISTENCY) ),\n"; } elsif(($finalAttrhash{$key}->{persistency} eq "volatile") || ($finalAttrhash{$key}->{persistency} eq "volatile-zeroed")) { print $outFile " P0_PERSISTENCY) ),\n"; } else { fatal("Not a defined" . "Persistency[$finalAttrhash{$key}->{persistency}] for" . "attribute [$key]"); } } } print $outFile " };\n"; print $outFile " iv_mapAttrMetadata\.insert( l_pair,\n"; print $outFile " l_pair + (sizeof(l_pair)/sizeof(l_pair[0])) );\n\n"; } ################################################################################ # Writes the map all attr size C file Footer ################################################################################ sub writeAttrMetadataMapCFileFooter { my($outFile) = @_; print $outFile < #else #include #endif // TARG #include #include //****************************************************************************** // Macros //****************************************************************************** #undef TARG_NAMESPACE #undef TARG_CLASS #undef TARG_FUNC //****************************************************************************** // Interface //****************************************************************************** #ifndef __HOSTBOOT_MODULE /* * \@brief Specialized Hash function Template to be inserted with unordered_map */ namespace std { namespace tr1 { template <> struct hash : public unary_function< TARGETING::ATTRIBUTE_ID, size_t> { size_t operator()(const TARGETING::ATTRIBUTE_ID& attrId) const { return attrId; } }; } } #endif namespace TARGETING { /* * \@brief - Data Struct to contain attribute related info * * Field Description * \@field1 - Size: Size of the attribute * \@field2 - readWriteable: true if read and writeable else false only readable * \@field3 - Persistency level of the attribute */ struct attrMetadataStr { uint32_t size; bool readWriteable; const char* persistency; attrMetadataStr() : size(0), readWriteable(false), persistency(NULL) {} attrMetadataStr(uint32_t i_size, bool i_rw, const char* i_persistency) : size(i_size), readWriteable(i_rw), persistency(i_persistency) {} }; /* * \@brief Typedef for struct attrMetadataStr */ typedef struct attrMetadataStr AttrMetadataStr; /* * \@brief Typedef for pair */ typedef std::pair Pair_t; #ifndef __HOSTBOOT_MODULE /* * \@brief Typedef std::tr1::unordered_map */ typedef std::tr1::unordered_map > AttrMetadataMapper; #else /* * \@brief Typedef std::map */ typedef std::map AttrMetadataMapper; #endif class MapAttrMetadata { public: /** * \@brief Destroy the MapAttrMetadata class */ ~MapAttrMetadata(); /** * \@brief Create the MapAttrMetadata class */ MapAttrMetadata(); /* * \@brief returns the unordered/ordered map of all attributes as * key and struct attrMetadataStr as value, which contains the size * of the attribute along with read/writeable properties * * \@return, returns the unordered/ordered map which has the all * attributes as key and struct attrMetadataStr as value pair, * variable */ const AttrMetadataMapper& getMapMetadataForAllAttributes() const; private: /* Unordered/Ordered map variable for All Attribute Ids vs Size & * Read/Write properties */ AttrMetadataMapper iv_mapAttrMetadata; /* Disable Copy constructor and assignment operator */ MapAttrMetadata( const MapAttrMetadata& i_right); MapAttrMetadata& operator = ( const MapAttrMetadata& i_right); }; /** * \@brief Provide singleton access to the MapAttrMetadata */ TARG_DECLARE_SINGLETON(TARGETING::MapAttrMetadata, theMapAttrMetadata); #undef TARG_CLASS #undef TARG_NAMESPACE }// namespace TARGETING #endif // MAPATTRMETADATA_H VERBATIM } ###### #Create a .C file to put target into the errlog ##### sub writeTargetErrlCFile { my($attributes,$outFile) = @_; #First setup the includes and function definition print $outFile "#include \n"; print $outFile "#include \n"; print $outFile "#include \n"; print $outFile "#include \n"; print $outFile "#include \n"; print $outFile "#include \n"; print $outFile "#include \n"; print $outFile "#include \n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile "namespace ERRORLOG\n"; print $outFile "{\n"; print $outFile "using namespace TARGETING;\n"; print $outFile "extern TARG_TD_t g_trac_errl;\n"; print $outFile "//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print $outFile "ErrlUserDetailsTarget::ErrlUserDetailsTarget(\n"; print $outFile " const Target * i_pTarget,\n"; print $outFile " const char* i_label)\n"; print $outFile "{\n"; print $outFile " // Set up ErrlUserDetails instance variables\n"; print $outFile " iv_CompId = ERRL_COMP_ID;\n"; print $outFile " iv_Version = 1;\n"; print $outFile " iv_SubSection = ERRL_UDT_TARGET;\n"; print $outFile " // override the default of false\n"; print $outFile " iv_merge = true;\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile " uint8_t* label_buf = NULL;\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile " if (i_pTarget == TARGETING::MASTER_PROCESSOR_CHIP_TARGET_SENTINEL) {\n"; print $outFile " label_buf = reallocUsrBuf(sizeof(uint32_t)\n"; print $outFile " +sizeof(TargetLabel_t));\n"; print $outFile " uint32_t *pBuffer = reinterpret_cast\n"; print $outFile " (label_buf+sizeof(TargetLabel_t));\n"; print $outFile " // copy 0xFFFFFFFF to indicate MASTER just as gethuid() does\n"; print $outFile " *pBuffer = 0xFFFFFFFF;\n"; print $outFile " } else {\n"; print $outFile " uint32_t bufSize = 0;\n"; print $outFile " uint8_t *pTargetString = i_pTarget->targetFFDC(bufSize);\n"; print $outFile " label_buf = reallocUsrBuf(bufSize+sizeof(TargetLabel_t));\n"; print $outFile " uint8_t* pBuffer = (label_buf+sizeof(TargetLabel_t));\n"; print $outFile " memcpy(pBuffer, pTargetString, bufSize);\n"; print $outFile " free (pTargetString);\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile " // Prepend a label\n"; print $outFile " TargetLabel_t label;\n"; print $outFile " if( i_label )\n"; print $outFile " {\n"; print $outFile " strcpy( label.x, i_label );\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile " else // no label, put a generic one in there\n"; print $outFile " {\n"; print $outFile " strcpy( label.x, \"Target\" );\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile " memcpy( label_buf, &label, sizeof(label) );\n"; print $outFile "}\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile "//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print $outFile "ErrlUserDetailsTarget::~ErrlUserDetailsTarget()\n"; print $outFile "{ }\n"; print $outFile "} // namespace\n"; } # sub writeTargetErrlCFile ###### #Create a .H file to parse attributes out of the errlog ##### sub writeTargetErrlHFile { my($attributes,$outFile) = @_; #First setup the includes and function definition print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile "#ifndef ERRL_UDTARGET_H\n"; print $outFile "#define ERRL_UDTARGET_H\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile "namespace ERRORLOG\n"; print $outFile "{\n"; print $outFile "typedef struct TargetLabel_t\n"; print $outFile "{\n"; print $outFile " static const uint32_t LABEL_TAG = 0xEEEEEEEE;\n"; print $outFile " uint32_t tag;\n"; print $outFile " char x[24]; //space to left of divider\n"; print $outFile " TargetLabel_t() : tag(0xEEEEEEEE)\n"; print $outFile " {\n"; print $outFile " memset(x,'\\0',sizeof(x));\n"; print $outFile " };\n"; print $outFile "} TargetLabel_t;\n"; print $outFile "}\n"; print $outFile "#ifndef PARSER\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile "#include \n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile "namespace TARGETING // Forward reference\n"; print $outFile "{ class Target; }\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile "namespace ERRORLOG\n"; print $outFile "{\n"; print $outFile "class ErrlUserDetailsTarget : public ErrlUserDetails {\n"; print $outFile "public:\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile " ErrlUserDetailsTarget(const TARGETING::Target * i_pTarget,\n"; print $outFile " const char* i_label = NULL);\n"; print $outFile " virtual ~ErrlUserDetailsTarget();\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile "private:\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile " // Disabled\n"; print $outFile " ErrlUserDetailsTarget(const ErrlUserDetailsTarget &);\n"; print $outFile " ErrlUserDetailsTarget & operator=(const ErrlUserDetailsTarget &);\n"; print $outFile "};\n"; print $outFile "}\n"; print $outFile "#else // if PARSER defined\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile "#include \"errluserdetails.H\"\n"; print $outFile "#include \n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile "namespace ERRORLOG\n"; print $outFile "{\n"; # local function used by Target and Callout to print the entity path print $outFile " static uint8_t *errlud_parse_entity_path(uint8_t *i_ptr, char *o_ptr)\n"; print $outFile " {\n"; print $outFile " uint8_t *l_ptr = i_ptr;\n"; print $outFile " // from targeting/common/entitypath.[CH]\n"; print $outFile " // entityPath is PATH_TYPE:4, NumberOfElements:4, \n"; print $outFile " // [Element, Instance#]\n"; print $outFile " // PATH_TYPE\n"; print $outFile " const char *pathString;\n"; print $outFile " const uint8_t pathTypeLength = *l_ptr;\n"; print $outFile " l_ptr++;\n"; print $outFile " const uint8_t pathType = (pathTypeLength & 0xF0) >> 4;\n"; print $outFile " switch (pathType) {\n"; print $outFile " case 0x01: pathString = \"Logical:\"; break;\n"; print $outFile " case 0x02: pathString = \"Physical:\"; break;\n"; print $outFile " case 0x03: pathString = \"Device:\"; break;\n"; print $outFile " case 0x04: pathString = \"Power:\"; break;\n"; print $outFile " default: pathString = \"Unknown:\"; break;\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile " uint32_t dataSize = sprintf(o_ptr, \"%s\",pathString);\n"; print $outFile " const uint8_t pathSize = (pathTypeLength & 0x0F) * 2;\n"; print $outFile " uint8_t *lElementInstance = l_ptr;\n"; print $outFile " l_ptr += pathSize * sizeof(uint8_t);\n"; print $outFile " for (uint32_t j=0;j{enumerationType}}) { if( $enumerationType->{id} eq "TYPE" ) { foreach my $enumerator (@{$enumerationType->{enumerator}}) { my $enumHex = sprintf "0x%02X", enumNameToValue($enumerationType,$enumerator->{name}); #my $enumName = $enumerationType->{id} . "_" . $enumerator->{name}; my $enumName = $enumerator->{name}; if ($enumName eq "SYS") { $enumName = "Sys"; } elsif ($enumName eq "PROC") { $enumName = "Proc"; } elsif ($enumName eq "NODE") { $enumName = "Node"; } elsif ($enumName eq "CORE") { $enumName = "Core"; } elsif ($enumName eq "MEMBUF") { $enumName = "Membuf"; } print $outFile " case $enumHex: { pathString = \"/$enumName\"; break; }\n"; } } } # enumerationType print $outFile " default: { pathString = \"/UKNOWN\"; break; }\n"; print $outFile " } // switch\n"; print $outFile " // copy next part in, overwritting previous terminator\n"; print $outFile " dataSize += sprintf(o_ptr + dataSize,\n"; print $outFile " \"%s%d\", pathString,\n"; print $outFile " lElementInstance[j+1]);\n"; print $outFile " } // for\n"; print $outFile " return l_ptr;\n"; print $outFile "} // errlud_parse_entity_path \n"; print $outFile "class ErrlUserDetailsParserTarget : public ErrlUserDetailsParser {\n"; print $outFile "public:\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile " ErrlUserDetailsParserTarget() {}\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile " virtual ~ErrlUserDetailsParserTarget() {}\n"; print $outFile "/**\n"; print $outFile " * \@brief Parses Target user detail data from an error log\n"; print $outFile " * \@param i_version Version of the data\n"; print $outFile " * \@param i_parse ErrlUsrParser object for outputting information\n"; print $outFile " * \@param i_pBuffer Pointer to buffer containing detail data\n"; print $outFile " * \@param i_buflen Length of the buffer\n"; print $outFile " */\n"; print $outFile " virtual void parse(errlver_t i_version,\n"; print $outFile " ErrlUsrParser & i_parser,\n"; print $outFile " void * i_pBuffer,\n"; print $outFile " const uint32_t i_buflen) const\n"; print $outFile " {\n"; print $outFile " const char *attrData;\n"; print $outFile " char l_label[24];\n"; print $outFile " sprintf(l_label,\"Target\");\n"; print $outFile " uint32_t *l_ptr32 = reinterpret_cast(i_pBuffer);\n"; print $outFile " // while there is still at least 1 word of data left\n"; print $outFile " for (; (l_ptr32 + 1) <= (uint32_t *)((uint8_t*)i_pBuffer + i_buflen); )\n"; print $outFile " {\n"; print $outFile " if (*l_ptr32 == 0xFFFFFFFF) { // special - master\n"; print $outFile " i_parser.PrintString(\"Target\", \"MASTER_PROCESSOR_CHIP_TARGET_SENTINEL\");\n"; print $outFile " l_ptr32++; // past the marker\n"; print $outFile " } else if (*l_ptr32 == TargetLabel_t::LABEL_TAG) {\n"; print $outFile " TargetLabel_t* tmp_label = reinterpret_cast(l_ptr32);\n"; print $outFile " memcpy( l_label, tmp_label->x, sizeof(l_label)-1 );\n"; print $outFile " l_ptr32 += (sizeof(TargetLabel_t)/sizeof(uint32_t));\n"; print $outFile " } else { \n"; print $outFile " // first 4 are always the same\n"; print $outFile " if ((l_ptr32 + 4) <= (uint32_t *)((uint8_t*)i_pBuffer + i_buflen)) {\n"; print $outFile " i_parser.PrintNumber( l_label, \"HUID = 0x%08X\", ntohl(*l_ptr32) );\n"; print $outFile " l_ptr32++;\n"; # find CLASS print $outFile " switch (ntohl(*l_ptr32)) { // CLASS\n"; foreach my $enumerationType (@{$attributes->{enumerationType}}) { if( $enumerationType->{id} eq "CLASS" ) { foreach my $enumerator (@{$enumerationType->{enumerator}}) { my $enumHex = sprintf "0x%02X", enumNameToValue($enumerationType,$enumerator->{name}); my $enumName = $enumerationType->{id} . "_" . $enumerator->{name}; print $outFile " case $enumHex: { attrData = \"$enumName\"; break; }\n"; } } } # enumerationType print $outFile " default: { attrData = \"UNKNOWN_CLASS\"; break; }\n"; print $outFile " } // switch\n"; print $outFile " i_parser.PrintString(\" ATTR_CLASS\", attrData);\n"; print $outFile " l_ptr32++;\n"; # find TYPE print $outFile " switch (ntohl(*l_ptr32)) { // TYPE\n"; foreach my $enumerationType (@{$attributes->{enumerationType}}) { if( $enumerationType->{id} eq "TYPE" ) { foreach my $enumerator (@{$enumerationType->{enumerator}}) { my $enumHex = sprintf "0x%02X", enumNameToValue($enumerationType,$enumerator->{name}); my $enumName = $enumerationType->{id} . "_" . $enumerator->{name}; print $outFile " case $enumHex: { attrData = \"$enumName\"; break; }\n"; } } } # enumerationType print $outFile " default: { attrData = \"UNKNOWN_TYPE\"; break; }\n"; print $outFile " } // switch\n"; print $outFile " i_parser.PrintString(\" ATTR_TYPE\", attrData);\n"; print $outFile " l_ptr32++;\n"; # find MODEL print $outFile " switch (ntohl(*l_ptr32)) { // MODEL\n"; foreach my $enumerationType (@{$attributes->{enumerationType}}) { if( $enumerationType->{id} eq "MODEL" ) { foreach my $enumerator (@{$enumerationType->{enumerator}}) { my $enumHex = sprintf "0x%02X", enumNameToValue($enumerationType,$enumerator->{name}); my $enumName = $enumerationType->{id} . "_" . $enumerator->{name}; print $outFile " case $enumHex: { attrData = \"$enumName\"; break; }\n"; } } } # enumerationType print $outFile " default: { attrData = \"UNKNOWN_MODEL\"; break; }\n"; print $outFile " } // switch\n"; print $outFile " i_parser.PrintString(\" ATTR_MODEL\", attrData);\n"; print $outFile " l_ptr32++;\n"; print $outFile " // 2 Entity Paths next\n"; print $outFile " for (uint32_t k = 0;k < 2; k++)\n"; print $outFile " {\n"; my $attrPhysPath; my $attrAffinityPath; # need the attribute id's for ATTR_PHYS_PATH and ATTR_AFFINITY_PATH: my $attributeIdEnumeration = getAttributeIdEnumeration($attributes); foreach my $enumerator (@{$attributeIdEnumeration->{enumerator}}) { if ($enumerator->{name} eq "PHYS_PATH") { $attrPhysPath = $enumerator->{value}; } elsif ($enumerator->{name} eq "AFFINITY_PATH") { $attrAffinityPath = $enumerator->{value}; } } print $outFile " uint32_t l_pathType = ntohl(*l_ptr32);\n"; print $outFile " if ((l_pathType == $attrPhysPath) || // ATTR_PHYS_PATH\n"; print $outFile " (l_pathType == $attrAffinityPath)) // ATTR_AFFINITY_PATH\n"; print $outFile " {\n"; print $outFile " l_ptr32++;\n"; print $outFile " uint8_t *l_ptr = reinterpret_cast(l_ptr32);\n"; print $outFile " char outString[128];\n"; print $outFile " l_ptr = errlud_parse_entity_path(l_ptr,outString);\n"; print $outFile " if (l_pathType == $attrPhysPath)\n"; print $outFile " {\n"; print $outFile " i_parser.PrintString(\" ATTR_PHYS_PATH\", outString);\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile " if (l_pathType == $attrAffinityPath)\n"; print $outFile " {\n"; print $outFile " i_parser.PrintString(\" ATTR_AFFINITY_PATH\", outString);\n"; print $outFile " } // else don't print anything\n"; print $outFile " l_ptr32 = reinterpret_cast(l_ptr);\n"; print $outFile " } else {\n"; print $outFile " l_ptr32++;\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile " } // for\n"; print $outFile " } // if\n"; print $outFile " }\n"; print $outFile " } // for\n"; print $outFile " } // parse()\n\n"; print $outFile "private:\n"; print $outFile "\n"; print $outFile "// Disabled\n"; print $outFile "ErrlUserDetailsParserTarget(const ErrlUserDetailsParserTarget &);\n"; print $outFile "ErrlUserDetailsParserTarget & operator=(const ErrlUserDetailsParserTarget &);\n"; print $outFile "};\n"; print $outFile "} // namespace\n"; print $outFile "#endif\n"; print $outFile "#endif\n"; } # sub writeTargetErrlHFile ################################################################################ # Writes the map system attr size C file header ################################################################################ sub writeAttrSizeMapCFileHeader { my($outFile) = @_; print $outFile < // TARG #include //****************************************************************************** // Macros //****************************************************************************** #undef TARG_NAMESPACE #undef TARG_CLASS #undef TARG_FUNC //****************************************************************************** // Implementation //****************************************************************************** namespace TARGETING { #define TARG_NAMESPACE "TARGETING::" #define TARG_CLASS "MapSystemAttrSize::" //****************************************************************************** // TARGETING::mapSystemAttrSize //****************************************************************************** TARGETING::MapSystemAttrSize& mapSystemAttrSize() { #define TARG_FN "mapSystemAttrSize()" return TARG_GET_SINGLETON(TARGETING::theMapSystemAttrSize); #undef TARG_FN } //****************************************************************************** // TARGETING::MapSystemAttrSize::~MapSystemAttrSize //****************************************************************************** MapSystemAttrSize::~MapSystemAttrSize() { #define TARG_FN "~MapSystemAttrSize()" #undef TARG_FN } //****************************************************************************** // TARGETING::MapSystemAttrSize::getMapForWriteableSystemAttributes //****************************************************************************** const AttrSizeMapper& MapSystemAttrSize::getMapForWriteableSystemAttributes() const { #define TARG_FN "getMapForWriteableSystemAttributes()" TARG_ENTER(); TARG_EXIT(); return iv_mapSysAttrSize; #undef TARG_FN } //****************************************************************************** // TARGETING::MapSystemAttrSize::MapSystemAttrSize //****************************************************************************** MapSystemAttrSize::MapSystemAttrSize() { #define TARG_FN "MapSystemAttrSize()" VERBATIM } ###### # Create a .C file to put System Target Attributes along with there respective # Size in a map file ###### sub writeAttrSizeMapCFile{ my($attributes,$outFile) = @_; my %finalAttrhash = (); # look for type sys-sys-power8 and store all attributes associated foreach my $targetType (@{$attributes->{targetType}}) { if($targetType->{id} =~ m/^sys-sys-/) { my %attrhash = (); getTargetAttributes($targetType->{id}, $attributes,\%attrhash); foreach my $key ( keys %attrhash ) { foreach my $attr (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { if($attr->{id} eq $key) { if((exists $attr->{writeable}) && (!(exists $attr->{hbOnly}))) { # we have the attr here.. calculate the size my $keyVal = "ATTR_"."$key"."_type"; if(exists $attr->{simpleType}) { if(exists $attr->{simpleType}->{array}) { my @splitArrSize = split(',', $attr->{simpleType}->{array}); foreach my $num (@splitArrSize) { $keyVal = "$keyVal"."[$num]"; } } elsif(exists $attr->{simpleType}->{string}) { if(exists $attr->{simpleType}->{string}-> {sizeInclNull}) { $keyVal = "$keyVal"."[$attr-> {simpleType}->{string}-> {sizeInclNull}]"; } } $finalAttrhash{$key} = $keyVal; } elsif(exists $attr->{complexType}) { $finalAttrhash{$key} = $keyVal; } elsif(exists $attr->{nativeType}) { $finalAttrhash{$key} = $keyVal; } else { print STDOUT "\t// Attribute $key is writable " . "& Not Supported \n"; } } } } } } } print $outFile "\n"; foreach my $key ( keys %finalAttrhash) { print $outFile " iv_mapSysAttrSize[ATTR_" . "$key] = sizeof($finalAttrhash{$key});\n"; } print $outFile "\n"; } ################################################################################ # Writes the map system attr size C file Footer ################################################################################ sub writeAttrSizeMapCFileFooter { my($outFile) = @_; print $outFile < // TARG #include #include //****************************************************************************** // Macros //****************************************************************************** #undef TARG_NAMESPACE #undef TARG_CLASS #undef TARG_FUNC //****************************************************************************** // Interface //****************************************************************************** namespace TARGETING { class MapSystemAttrSize; /** * \@brief Return the MapSystemAttrSize singleton instance * * \@return Reference to the MapSystemAttrSize singleton */ TARGETING::MapSystemAttrSize& mapSystemAttrSize(); #define TARG_NAMESPACE "MAPSYSTEMATTRSIZE::" #define TARG_CLASS "MapSystemAttrSize::" /* * \@brief Typedef map */ typedef map AttrSizeMapper; class MapSystemAttrSize { public: /** * \@brief Destroy the MapSystemAttrSize class */ ~MapSystemAttrSize(); /** * \@brief Create the MapSystemAttrSize class */ MapSystemAttrSize(); /* * \@brief returns the map of Writeable System attributes as Key and * size of the attributes as value. * * \@return, returns the map which has the Writeable Sytem attributes * as key and size as value pair, variable */ const AttrSizeMapper& getMapForWriteableSystemAttributes() const; private: /* Map variable for System Attribute Ids Vs the Size */ AttrSizeMapper iv_mapSysAttrSize; /* Disable Copy constructor and assignment operator */ MapSystemAttrSize( const MapSystemAttrSize& i_right); MapSystemAttrSize& operator = ( const MapSystemAttrSize& i_right); }; /** * \@brief Provide singleton access to the MapSystemAttrSize */ TARG_DECLARE_SINGLETON(TARGETING::MapSystemAttrSize, theMapSystemAttrSize); #undef TARG_CLASS #undef TARG_NAMESPACE }// namespace TARGETING #endif // MAPSYSTEMATTRSIZE_H VERBATIM } sub UTILITY_FUNCTIONS { } ################################################################################ # Get the hash hex string for an attribute name (ID). ################################################################################ sub getAttributeIdHashStr { my ($attrId) = @_; return substr(md5_hex($attrId),0,7); } ################################################################################ # Get generated enumeration describing attribute IDs ################################################################################ sub getAttributeIdEnumeration { my($attributes) = @_; my $attributeValue = 1; my $enumeration = { } ; my %attrValHash; # add the N/A value $enumeration->{description} = "Internal enum for attribute IDs\n"; $enumeration->{default} = "NA"; $enumeration->{enumerator}->[0]->{name} = "NA"; $enumeration->{enumerator}->[0]->{value} = 0; foreach my $attribute (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { my $attributeHexVal28bit = getAttributeIdHashStr($attribute->{id}); if(exists($attrValHash{$attributeHexVal28bit})) { # if the name is the same, skip it if ( $attribute->{id} ne $attrValHash{$attributeHexVal28bit} ) { fatal( "Error:Duplicate AttributeId hashvalue for $attribute->{id} " . "and $attrValHash{$attributeHexVal28bit}"); } } else { # add the name here so we can check for duplicate names $attrValHash{$attributeHexVal28bit}= $attribute->{id}; $enumeration->{enumerator}->[$attributeValue]->{name} = $attribute->{id}; $enumeration->{enumerator}->[$attributeValue]->{value} = sprintf "0x%s",$attributeHexVal28bit; $attribute->{value} = $attributeValue; $attributeValue++; } } return $enumeration; } ################################################################################ # If value is hex, convert to regular number ############################################################################### sub unhexify { my($val) = @_; if($val =~ m/^0[xX][01234567890A-Fa-f]+$/) { $val = hex($val); } return $val; } ################################################################################ # Pack 8 byte value into a buffer using configured endianness ################################################################################ sub pack8byte { my($quad) = @_; my $value = unhexify($quad); my $binaryData; if($cfgBigEndian) { $binaryData = pack("NN" , (($value >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF), ($value & 0xFFFFFFFF)); } else # Little endian { # Invert the words, then reverse them individually $binaryData = pack("VV" , ($value & 0xFFFFFFFF), (($value >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF)); } return $binaryData; } ################################################################################ # Pack 4 byte value into a buffer using configured endianness ################################################################################ sub pack4byte { my($value) = @_; my $binaryData; if($cfgBigEndian) { $binaryData = pack("N",$value); } else # Little endian { $binaryData = pack("V",$value); } return $binaryData; } ################################################################################ # Pack 2 byte value into a buffer using configured endianness ################################################################################ sub pack2byte { my($value) = @_; my $binaryData; if($cfgBigEndian) { $binaryData = pack("n",$value); } else # Little endian { $binaryData = pack("v",$value); } return $binaryData; } ################################################################################ # Pack 1 byte value into a buffer using configured endianness ################################################################################ sub pack1byte { my($value) = @_; my $binaryData = pack("C",$value); return $binaryData; } ################################################################################ # Pack string into buffer ################################################################################ sub packString{ my($value,$attribute) = @_; # Proper attribute tags already verified, no need to do checking again my $sizeInclNull = $attribute->{simpleType}->{string}->{sizeInclNull}; # print "String content (before fixup) is [$value]\n"; # For sanity, remove all white space from front and end of string $value =~ s/^\s+//g; $value =~ s/\s+$//g; my $length = length($value); # print "String content (after fixup) is [$value]\n"; # print "String length is $length\n"; # print "String container size is $sizeInclNull\n"; if(($length + 1) > $sizeInclNull) { fatal("ERROR: Supplied string exceeds allows length"); } return pack("Z$sizeInclNull",$value); } ################################################################################ # Get space required to store an enum, based on the max value ################################################################################ sub enumSpace { my($maxEnumVal) = @_; if($maxEnumVal == 0) { # Enum needs at least one byte $maxEnumVal++; } # NOTE: Pass --noshort-enums command line option to force the code generator # to generate 4-byte enums instead of optimized enums. Note there are a few # enumerations (primarily in PNOR header, etc.) that do not change size. # That is intentional in order to make this the single point of control over # binary compatibility. Note that both FSP and Hostboot should always have # this policy in sync. Also note that when Hostboot and FSP use optimized # enums, they must also be compiled with -fshort-enums compile option my $space = ($cfgShortEnums == 1) ? ceil(log($maxEnumVal+1) / (8 * log(2))) : 4; return $space; } ################################################################################ # Get mininum # of bytes, in block size chunks, able to contain the input data ################################################################################ sub sizeBlockAligned { my ($size,$blockSize,$oneBlockMinimum) = @_; if( (!defined $size) || (!defined $blockSize) || (!defined $oneBlockMinimum) ) { fatal("Caller must specify 'size', 'blockSize', 'oneBlockMinimum' " . "args."); } if(!$blockSize) { fatal("'blockSize' arg must be > 0."); } if(($size % $blockSize) || (($size==0) && $oneBlockMinimum) ) { $size += ($blockSize - ($size % $blockSize)); } return $size; } ################################################################################ # Strips off leading and trailing whitespace from a string and returns it ################################################################################ sub stripLeadingAndTrailingWhitespace { my($string) = @_; $string =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; return $string; } ################################################################################ # Optimize white space for C++/doxygen documentation ################################################################################ sub optWhiteSpace { my($text) = @_; # Remove leading, trailing white space, then collapse excess internal # whitespace $text =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $text =~ s/\s+/ /g; return $text; } ################################################################################ # Wrap text into a C++/doxygen brief description ################################################################################ sub wrapBrief { my($text) = @_; my $brief_start = " * \@brief "; my $brief_continue = " * "; return wrap($brief_start,$brief_continue, optWhiteSpace($text))."\n"; } ################################################################################ # Wrap text into a C++ style comment ################################################################################ sub wrapComment { my($text) = @_; my $comment_start = " // "; my $comment_continue = " // "; return wrap($comment_start,$comment_continue,optWhiteSpace($text))."\n"; } ################################################################################ # Calculate struct type name for a header file, based on its ID ################################################################################ sub calculateStructName { my($id) = @_; my $type = ""; # Struct name is original ID with underscores removed and first letter of # each word capitalized my @words = split(/_/,$id); foreach my $word (@words) { $type .= ucfirst( lc($word) ); } return $type; } ################################################################################ # Return array containing only distinct target types that are actally in use ################################################################################ sub getInstantiatedTargetTypes { my($attributes) = @_; my %seen = (); my @uniqueTargetTypes = (); my $targetCount = 0; my $moveSysTarget = 0; # To simplify the iterator code, always move a system target that appears as # the first target to the next position foreach my $targetInstance (@{$attributes->{targetInstance}}) { if(($targetInstance->{type} =~ m/^sys-sys-/) && ($targetCount == 0)) { $targetCount = $targetCount + 1; $moveSysTarget = 1; } push (@uniqueTargetTypes, $targetInstance->{type}) unless $seen{$targetInstance->{type}}++; } if($moveSysTarget == 1) { @uniqueTargetTypes[0,1] = @uniqueTargetTypes[1,0]; } return @uniqueTargetTypes; } ################################################################################ # Return default value of zero for an attribute which is a POD numerical type ################################################################################ sub defaultZero { my($attributes,$typeInstance) = @_; # print STDOUT "Attribute's default value is 0\n"; return 0; } ################################################################################ # Return string default (empty string) ################################################################################ sub defaultString { my($attributes,$typeInstance) = @_; return ""; } ################################################################################ # Return default value for an attribute whose type is 'enumeration' ################################################################################ sub defaultEnum { my($attributes,$enumerationInstance) = @_; my $enumerationType = getEnumerationType( $attributes,$enumerationInstance->{id}); # print STDOUT "Attribute enumeration's " . # "(\"$enumerationType->{id}\") default is: " . # $enumerationType->{default} . "\n"; return $enumerationType->{default}; } ################################################################################ # Do nothing ################################################################################ sub null { } ################################################################################ # Enforce special fsp mutex restrictions ################################################################################ sub enforceFspMutex { my($attribute,$value) = @_; if($value != 0) { fatal("FSP mutex attribute default must always be 0, " . "was $value instead."); } if($attribute->{persistency} ne "volatile-zeroed") { fatal("FSP mutex attribute persistency must be volatile-zeroed, " . "was $attribute->{persistency} instead"); } } ################################################################################ # Enforce special host boot mutex restrictions ################################################################################ sub enforceHbMutex { my($attribute,$value) = @_; if($value != 0) { fatal("HB mutex attribute default must always be 0, " . "was $value instead."); } if($attribute->{persistency} ne "volatile-zeroed") { fatal("HB mutex attribute persistency must be volatile-zeroed, " . "was $attribute->{persistency} instead"); } } ################################################################################ # Enforce string restrictions ################################################################################ sub enforceString { my($attribute,$value) = @_; if(!exists $attribute->{simpleType}) { fatal("ERROR: Tried to enforce string policies on a non-simple type"); } if(!exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{string}) { fatal("ERROR: Did not find expected string element"); } if(!exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{string}->{sizeInclNull}) { fatal("ERROR: Did not find expected string sizeInclNull element"); } my $size = $attribute->{simpleType}->{string}->{sizeInclNull}; if($size <= 1) { fatal("ERROR: String size must be > 1 (string of size one is " . "only big enough to hold the empty string, which is not " . "useful)"); } } ################################################################################ # Get hash ref to supported simple types and their properties ################################################################################ my $g_simpleTypeProperties_cache = 0; sub simpleTypeProperties { return $g_simpleTypeProperties_cache if ($g_simpleTypeProperties_cache); my %typesHoH = (); # Intentionally didn't wrap these to 80 columns to keep them lined up and # more readable/editable $typesHoH{"string"} = { supportsArray => 0, canBeHex => 0, complexTypeSupport => 0, typeName => "char" , bytes => 1, bits => 8 , default => \&defaultString, alignment => 1, specialPolicies =>\&enforceString, packfmt =>\&packString}; $typesHoH{"int8_t"} = { supportsArray => 1, canBeHex => 1, complexTypeSupport => 1, typeName => "int8_t" , bytes => 1, bits => 8 , default => \&defaultZero , alignment => 1, specialPolicies =>\&null, packfmt => "C" }; $typesHoH{"int16_t"} = { supportsArray => 1, canBeHex => 1, complexTypeSupport => 1, typeName => "int16_t" , bytes => 2, bits => 16, default => \&defaultZero , alignment => 1, specialPolicies =>\&null, packfmt =>\&pack2byte}; $typesHoH{"int32_t"} = { supportsArray => 1, canBeHex => 1, complexTypeSupport => 1, typeName => "int32_t" , bytes => 4, bits => 32, default => \&defaultZero , alignment => 1, specialPolicies =>\&null, packfmt =>\&pack4byte}; $typesHoH{"int64_t"} = { supportsArray => 1, canBeHex => 1, complexTypeSupport => 1, typeName => "int64_t" , bytes => 8, bits => 64, default => \&defaultZero , alignment => 1, specialPolicies =>\&null, packfmt =>\&pack8byte}; $typesHoH{"uint8_t"} = { supportsArray => 1, canBeHex => 1, complexTypeSupport => 1, typeName => "uint8_t" , bytes => 1, bits => 8 , default => \&defaultZero , alignment => 1, specialPolicies =>\&null, packfmt => "C" }; $typesHoH{"uint16_t"} = { supportsArray => 1, canBeHex => 1, complexTypeSupport => 1, typeName => "uint16_t" , bytes => 2, bits => 16, default => \&defaultZero , alignment => 1, specialPolicies =>\&null, packfmt =>\&pack2byte}; $typesHoH{"uint32_t"} = { supportsArray => 1, canBeHex => 1, complexTypeSupport => 1, typeName => "uint32_t" , bytes => 4, bits => 32, default => \&defaultZero , alignment => 1, specialPolicies =>\&null, packfmt =>\&pack4byte}; $typesHoH{"uint64_t"} = { supportsArray => 1, canBeHex => 1, complexTypeSupport => 1, typeName => "uint64_t" , bytes => 8, bits => 64, default => \&defaultZero , alignment => 1, specialPolicies =>\&null, packfmt =>\&pack8byte}; $typesHoH{"enumeration"} = { supportsArray => 1, canBeHex => 1, complexTypeSupport => 0, typeName => "XMLTOHB_USE_PARENT_ATTR_ID" , bytes => 0, bits => 0 , default => \&defaultEnum , alignment => 1, specialPolicies =>\&null, packfmt => "packEnumeration"}; $typesHoH{"hbmutex"} = { supportsArray => 1, canBeHex => 1, complexTypeSupport => 0, typeName => "mutex_t*" , bytes => 8, bits => 64, default => \&defaultZero , alignment => 8, specialPolicies =>\&enforceHbMutex, packfmt =>\&pack8byte}; $typesHoH{"Target_t"} = { supportsArray => 0, canBeHex => 1, complexTypeSupport => 0, typeName => "TARGETING::Target*" , bytes => 8, bits => 64, default => \&defaultZero , alignment => 8, specialPolicies =>\&null, packfmt =>\&pack8byte}; $typesHoH{"fspmutex"} = { supportsArray => 1, canBeHex => 1, complexTypeSupport => 0, typeName => "util::Mutex*" , bytes => 8, bits => 64, default => \&defaultZero , alignment => 8, specialPolicies =>\&enforceFspMutex, packfmt =>\&pack8byte}; $g_simpleTypeProperties_cache = \%typesHoH; return $g_simpleTypeProperties_cache; } ################################################################################ # Get attribute default ################################################################################ sub getAttributeDefault { my($attributeId,$attributes) = @_; my $default = ""; my $simpleTypeProperties = simpleTypeProperties(); foreach my $attribute (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { if ($attribute->{id} eq $attributeId) { if(exists $attribute->{simpleType}) { for my $type (sort(keys %{$simpleTypeProperties})) { # Note: must check for 'type' before 'default', otherwise # might add value to the hash if(exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{$type} ) { # If attribute exists, or is not a HASH val (which can # occur if the default element is omitted), then just # grab the supplied value, otherwise use the default for # the type if( (exists $attribute->{simpleType}->{$type}-> {default}) && (ref ($attribute->{simpleType}->{$type}-> {default}) ne "HASH") ) { $default = $attribute->{simpleType}->{$type}->{default}; } else { $default = $simpleTypeProperties->{$type}{default}->( $attributes,$attribute->{simpleType}->{$type} ); } last; } } } elsif(exists $attribute->{complexType}) { my $cplxDefault = { } ; my $i = 0; foreach my $field (@{$attribute->{complexType}->{field}}) { $cplxDefault->{field}->[$i]->{id} = $field->{name}; $cplxDefault->{field}->[$i]->{value} = $field->{default}; $i++; } return $cplxDefault; } elsif(exists $attribute->{nativeType}) { if( exists $attribute->{nativeType}->{name} && ($attribute->{nativeType}->{name} eq "EntityPath")) { $default = "MustBeOverriddenByTargetInstance"; } else { fatal("Cannot provide default for unsupported nativeType."); } } else { fatal("Unrecognized value type."); } last; } } return $default; } ################################################################################ # Get target attributes ################################################################################ sub getTargetAttributes { my($type,$attributes,$attrhasha) = @_; foreach my $targetType (@{$attributes->{targetType}}) { if($targetType->{id} eq $type) { if(exists $targetType->{parent}) { getTargetAttributes($targetType->{parent}, $attributes,$attrhasha); } foreach my $attr (@{$targetType->{attribute}}) { $attrhasha->{ $attr->{id} } = $attr; if(!exists $attrhasha->{ $attr->{id}}->{default}) { my $default = getAttributeDefault($attr->{id},$attributes); $attrhasha->{ $attr->{id}}->{default} = $default; } } last; } } } ################################################################################ # Compute maximum enumerator value for a given enumeration ################################################################################ sub maxEnumValue { my($enumeration) = @_; my $max = 0; my $candidateMax = 0; foreach my $enumerator (@{$enumeration->{enumerator}}) { my $candidateMax = enumNameToValue($enumeration,$enumerator->{name}); if($candidateMax > $max) { $max = $candidateMax; } } return $max; } ################################################################################ # Serialize an enumeration to data buffer ################################################################################ sub packEnumeration { my($enumeration,$value) = @_; my $binaryData; # Determine space required for max enum my $bytes = enumSpace( maxEnumValue($enumeration) ); $value = unhexify($value); # Encode the value for (my $count=$bytes-1; $count >= 0; $count--) { if($cfgBigEndian) { $binaryData .= pack1byte(0xFF & ($value >> (8*$count))); } else # Little endian { $binaryData .= pack1byte( 0xFF & ($value >> (8*($bytes - 1 - $count)))); } } if( (length $binaryData) < 1) { fatal("Failed to write binary data for enumeration."); } #print " Enum description: ", $enumeration->{description}, "\n"; #print "Enum storage space required: ", $bytes, "\n"; #print " Value encoded: ", $value, "\n"; #print " Final length of encode: ", (length $binaryData), "\n"; return $binaryData; } ################################################################################ # Convert enumerator name into equivalent enumerator value for given enumeration ################################################################################ sub enumNameToValue { my ($enumeration,$enumeratorName) = @_; my $nextEnumeratorValue = 0; my $found = 0; my $enumeratorValue; if (defined $enumeration->{__optimized}) { if (defined $enumeration->{__optimized}->{$enumeratorName}) { $found = 1; $enumeratorValue = $enumeration->{__optimized}->{$enumeratorName}; } } else { foreach my $enumerator (@{$enumeration->{enumerator}}) { my $currentEnumeratorValue; if(exists $enumerator->{value} ) { $currentEnumeratorValue = unhexify($enumerator->{value}); $nextEnumeratorValue = $currentEnumeratorValue + 1; } else { $currentEnumeratorValue = $nextEnumeratorValue; $nextEnumeratorValue += 1; } $enumeration->{__optimized}->{$enumerator->{name}} = $currentEnumeratorValue; if($enumerator->{name} eq $enumeratorName) { $found = 1; $enumeratorValue = $currentEnumeratorValue; } } } if(!$found) { my $enumerationName = $enumeration->{id}; fatal("Could not convert enumerator name \"$enumeratorName\"into " . "enumerator value in \"$enumerationName\"."); } return $enumeratorValue; } ################################################################################ # Query if target instance is an FSP target ################################################################################ my %g_fspTargetTypesCache = (); sub isFspTargetInstance { my($attributes,$targetInstance) = @_; my $fspTargetInstance = 0; if(%g_fspTargetTypesCache) { $fspTargetInstance = $g_fspTargetTypesCache{$targetInstance->{type}}; } else { %g_fspTargetTypesCache = map { $_->{id} => exists $_->{fspOnly} ? 1:0 } @{$attributes->{targetType}}; $fspTargetInstance = $g_fspTargetTypesCache{$targetInstance->{type}}; } return $fspTargetInstance; } ################################################################################ # Object which accumulates/flushes bit field data ################################################################################ { package Accumulator; ################################################################################ # Constructor; create a new Accumulator object ################################################################################ sub new { my ($class) = @_; my $self = { _currentType => "", _accumulator => "", _bits => 0 }; bless $self, $class; return $self; } ################################################################################ # Accumulate a new bit field ################################################################################ sub accumulate { my($self,$type,$bits,$value) = @_; my $binaryData; my $simpleTypeProperties = main::simpleTypeProperties(); if($bits > $simpleTypeProperties->{$type}{bits}) { main::fatal("Too many bits ($bits) for type ($type)."); } if($self->{_currentType} eq "") { $self->{_currentType} = $type; $self->{_bits} = $bits; } elsif($self->{_currentType} eq $type) { if($self->{_bits} + $bits > $simpleTypeProperties->{$self->{_currentType}}{bits}) { $binaryData = $self->releaseAndClear(); $self->{_currentType} = $type; $self->{_bits} = $bits; } else { $self->{_bits} += $bits; } } else { $binaryData = $self->releaseAndClear(); $self->{_currentType} = $type; $self->{_bits} = $bits; } for(my $count = 0; $count < $bits; $count++) { if($cfgBigEndian) { if( 1 & ($value >> $bits - $count - 1)) { $self->{_accumulator} .= "1"; } else { $self->{_accumulator} .= "0"; } } else { if( 1 & ($value >> $count)) { $self->{_accumulator} .= "1"; } else { $self->{_accumulator} .= "0"; } } } return $binaryData; } ################################################################################ # Release the accumulator (if non-empty) to the caller and clear ################################################################################ sub releaseAndClear { my($self) = @_; my $binaryData; if($self->{_currentType} ne "") { my $simpleTypeProperties = main::simpleTypeProperties(); if($cfgBigEndian) { $binaryData = pack ("B$simpleTypeProperties->{$self->{_currentType}}{bits}", $self->{_accumulator}); } else # Little endian, inverse order { $binaryData = pack ("b$simpleTypeProperties->{$self->{_currentType}}{bits}", $self->{_accumulator}); } $self->{_accumulator} = ""; $self->{_currentType} = ""; $self->{_bits} = 0; } return $binaryData; } 1; } ################################################################################ # Pack a complex type into a binary data stream ################################################################################ sub packComplexType { my ($attributes,$complexType,$attributeDefault) = @_; my $binaryData; my $simpleTypeProperties = simpleTypeProperties(); my $accumulator = new Accumulator(); # Build using each field foreach my $field (@{$complexType->{field}}) { # print STDERR "Field = ", $field->{name}, "\n"; # print STDERR "Default = ", $field->{default}, "\n"; # print STDERR "Bits = ", $field->{bits}, "\n"; # print STDERR "Type = ", $field->{type}, "\n"; my $found = 0; foreach my $default (@{$attributeDefault->{field}}) { if($default->{id} eq $field->{name}) { $found = 1; if(exists $field->{bits}) { $binaryData .= $accumulator->accumulate( $field->{type},unhexify($field->{bits}), unhexify($default->{value})); } # If non-bitfield else { $binaryData .= $accumulator->releaseAndClear(); # If native "EntityPath" type, process accordingly if($field->{type} eq "EntityPath") { $binaryData .= packEntityPath($attributes, $default->{value}); } # If not a defined simple type, process as an enumeration elsif(!exists $simpleTypeProperties->{$field->{type}}) { my $enumerationType = getEnumerationType( $attributes,$field->{type}); my $enumeratorValue = enumNameToValue($enumerationType, $default->{value}); $binaryData .= packEnumeration($enumerationType, $enumeratorValue); } # Pack easy types using 'pack', otherwise invoke appropriate # (possibly workaround) callback function elsif(exists $simpleTypeProperties->{$field->{type}} && $simpleTypeProperties->{$field->{type}} {complexTypeSupport}) { my $defaultValue = $default->{value}; if($simpleTypeProperties->{$field->{type}}{canBeHex}) { $defaultValue = unhexify($defaultValue); } if(ref ($simpleTypeProperties->{$field->{type}} {packfmt}) eq "CODE") { $binaryData .= $simpleTypeProperties->{$field->{type}} {packfmt}->($defaultValue); } else { $binaryData .= pack( $simpleTypeProperties->{$field->{type}} {packfmt},$defaultValue); } } else { fatal("Field type $field->{type} not supported in " . "complex type."); } } last; } } if(!$found) { fatal("Could not find value for field $field->{name} of type $field->{type}"); } } $binaryData .= $accumulator->releaseAndClear(); return $binaryData; } ################################################################################ # Pack an entity path into a binary data stream ################################################################################ sub packEntityPath { my($attributes,$value) = @_; my $binaryData; my $maxPathElements = 10; my ($typeStr,$path) = split(/:/,$value); my (@paths) = split(/\//,$path); my $type = 0; # Trim whitespace from the type $typeStr =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; if($typeStr eq "physical") { $type = 2; } elsif($typeStr eq "affinity") { $type = 1; } else { fatal("Unsupported enity path type of [$value], [$typeStr], [$path]."); } if( (scalar @paths) > $maxPathElements) { fatal("Path elements cannot be greater than $maxPathElements."); } if($cfgBigEndian) { $binaryData .= pack1byte((0xF0 & ($type << 4)) + (0x0F & (scalar @paths))); } else # Little endian { $binaryData .= pack1byte((0x0F & ($type)) + (0xF0 & ((scalar @paths) << 4))); } foreach my $pathElement (@paths) { my ($pathType,$pathInstance) = split(/-/,$pathElement); $pathType = uc($pathType); foreach my $attr (@{$attributes->{attribute}}) { if($attr->{id} eq "TYPE") { $pathType = enumNameToValue( getEnumerationType($attributes, $attr->{simpleType}->{enumeration}->{id}),$pathType); $binaryData .= pack1byte($pathType); $binaryData .= pack1byte($pathInstance); last; } } } if($maxPathElements > (scalar @paths)) { $binaryData .= pack("C".(($maxPathElements - scalar @paths)*2)); } return $binaryData; } ################################################################################ # Pack a single, simple attribute into a binary data stream ################################################################################ sub packSingleSimpleTypeAttribute { my($binaryDataRef,$attributesRef,$attributeRef,$typeName,$value) = @_; my $simpleType = $$attributeRef->{simpleType}; my $simpleTypeProperties = simpleTypeProperties(); if($typeName eq "enumeration") { my $enumeration = getEnumerationType($$attributesRef,$simpleType-> {enumeration}->{id}); # Here $value is the enumerator name my $enumeratorValue = enumNameToValue($enumeration,$value); $$binaryDataRef .= packEnumeration($enumeration,$enumeratorValue); } else { if($simpleTypeProperties->{$typeName}{canBeHex}) { $value = unhexify($value); } # Apply special policy enforcement, if any $simpleTypeProperties->{$typeName}{specialPolicies}->($$attributeRef, $value); if(ref ($simpleTypeProperties->{$typeName}{packfmt}) eq "CODE") { $$binaryDataRef .= $simpleTypeProperties->{$typeName}{packfmt}-> ($value,$$attributeRef); } else { $$binaryDataRef .= pack($simpleTypeProperties->{$typeName}{packfmt}, $value); } } } ################################################################################ # Pack generic attribute into a binary data stream ################################################################################ sub packAttribute { my($attributes,$attribute,$value) = @_; $value = stripLeadingAndTrailingWhitespace($value); my $binaryData; my $alignment = 1; if(exists $attribute->{simpleType}) { my $simpleType = $attribute->{simpleType}; my $simpleTypeProperties = simpleTypeProperties(); for my $typeName (sort(keys %{$simpleType})) { if(exists $simpleTypeProperties->{$typeName}) { $alignment = $simpleTypeProperties->{$typeName}{alignment}; if (($simpleTypeProperties->{$typeName}{supportsArray}) && (exists $simpleType->{array})) { # This is an array attribute, handle the value parameter as # an array, if there are not enough values for the whole # array then use the last value to fill in the remainder # Figure out the array size (possibly multidimensional) my $arraySize = 1; my @bounds = split(/,/,$simpleType->{array}); foreach my $bound (@bounds) { $arraySize *= $bound; } # Split the values into an array my @values = split(/,/,$value); my $valueArraySize = scalar(@values); # Iterate over the entire array creating values my $val = ""; for (my $i = 0; $i < $arraySize; $i++) { if ($i < $valueArraySize) { # Get the value from the value array and strip any # remaining leading/trailing whitespace that # surrounded the value after the original split $val = stripLeadingAndTrailingWhitespace($values[$i]); } # else use the last value packSingleSimpleTypeAttribute(\$binaryData, \$attributes, \$attribute, $typeName, $val); } } else { # Not an array attribute packSingleSimpleTypeAttribute(\$binaryData, \$attributes, \$attribute,$typeName, $value); } last; } } if( (length $binaryData) < 1) { fatal("Error requested simple type not supported. Keys are (" . join(',',sort(keys %{$simpleType})) . ")"); } } elsif(exists $attribute->{complexType}) { if(ref ($value) eq "HASH" ) { $binaryData = packComplexType($attributes,$attribute->{complexType}, $value); } else { fatal("Warning cannot serialize non-hash complex type."); } } elsif(exists $attribute->{nativeType}) { if($attribute->{nativeType}->{name} eq "EntityPath") { $binaryData = packEntityPath($attributes,$value); } else { fatal("Error nativeType not supported on attribute ID = " . "$attribute->{id}."); } } else { fatal("Unsupported attribute type on attribute ID = $attribute->{id}."); } if( (length $binaryData) < 1) { fatal("Serialization failed for attribute ID = $attribute->{id}."); } return ($binaryData,$alignment); } ################################################################################ # Get the PNOR base address from host boot code ################################################################################ sub getPnorBaseAddress { my($vmmConstsFile) = @_; my $pnorBaseAddress = 0; open(VMM_CONSTS_FILE,"<$vmmConstsFile") or fatal ("VMM Constants file: \"$vmmConstsFile\" could not be opened."); foreach my $line () { chomp($line); if( $line =~ /VMM_VADDR_ATTR_RP/) { $line =~ s/[^0-9\*]//g; $pnorBaseAddress = eval $line; last; } } if($pnorBaseAddress == 0) { fatal("PNOR base address was zero!"); } return $pnorBaseAddress; } ################################################################################ # Write the PNOR targeting image ################################################################################ sub generateTargetingImage { my($vmmConstsFile, $attributes, $Target_t) = @_; # 128 MB virtual memory offset between sections #@TODO Need the final value after full host boot support is implemented. my $vmmSectionOffset = 128 * 1024 * 1024; # 128MB # Virtual memory addresses corresponding to the start of the targeting image # PNOR/heap sections my $pnorRoBaseAddress = getPnorBaseAddress($vmmConstsFile); my $pnorRwBaseAddress = $pnorRoBaseAddress + $vmmSectionOffset; my $heapPnorInitBaseAddr = $pnorRwBaseAddress + $vmmSectionOffset; my $heapZeroInitBaseAddr = $heapPnorInitBaseAddr + $vmmSectionOffset; my $hbHeapZeroInitBaseAddr = $heapZeroInitBaseAddr + $vmmSectionOffset; # Split "fsp" into additional sections my $fspP0DefaultedFromZeroBaseAddr = $hbHeapZeroInitBaseAddr + $vmmSectionOffset; my $fspP0DefaultedFromP3BaseAddr = $fspP0DefaultedFromZeroBaseAddr + $vmmSectionOffset; my $fspP3RoBaseAddr = $fspP0DefaultedFromP3BaseAddr + $vmmSectionOffset; my $fspP3RwBaseAddr = $fspP3RoBaseAddr + $vmmSectionOffset; my $fspP1DefaultedFromZeroBaseAddr = $fspP3RwBaseAddr + $vmmSectionOffset; my $fspP1DefaultedFromP3BaseAddr = $fspP1DefaultedFromZeroBaseAddr + $vmmSectionOffset; # Reserve 256 bytes for the header, then keep track of PNOR RO offset my $headerSize = 256; my $offset = $headerSize; # Reserve space for the pointer to the # of targets, update later; my $numTargetsPointer = 0; my $numTargetsPointerBinData = pack8byte($numTargetsPointer); $offset += (length $numTargetsPointerBinData); ############################################################################ # Build the attribute list for each unique CTM ############################################################################ # Get an array of only the unique types of targets actually used by the # aggregation of target instances. my @targetTypes = getInstantiatedTargetTypes($attributes); my $attributeIdEnumeration = getAttributeIdEnumeration($attributes); my %attributeListTypeHoH = (); my $attributeListBinData; # For each unique type of target modeled, create the attribute list foreach my $targetType (@targetTypes) { # Create the attribute list associated with each target type #@TODO Eventually we'll need criteria to order the attributes # for code update my %attrhash = (); getTargetAttributes($targetType, $attributes,\%attrhash); # Serialize per target type attribute list # Sort the list by attribute ID (hash value) so that we can do a # binary search at runtime. my $perTargetTypeAttrBinData; for my $attributeId (sort { getAttributeIdHashStr($a) cmp getAttributeIdHashStr($b) } (keys %attrhash) ) { $perTargetTypeAttrBinData .= packEnumeration( $attributeIdEnumeration, enumNameToValue($attributeIdEnumeration,$attributeId)); } # Save offset of the attribute list, tied to the type $attributeListTypeHoH{$targetType}{offset} = $offset; $attributeListTypeHoH{$targetType}{elements} = scalar keys %attrhash; $attributeListTypeHoH{$targetType}{size} = (length $perTargetTypeAttrBinData); #print "Target type: $targetType\n"; #print " elements: $attributeListTypeHoH{$targetType}{elements}\n"; #print " offset: $attributeListTypeHoH{$targetType}{offset}\n"; #print " size: $attributeListTypeHoH{$targetType}{size}\n"; # Append attribute data for this part to the attribute list subsection $attributeListBinData .= $perTargetTypeAttrBinData; # Increment the offset $offset += (length $perTargetTypeAttrBinData); } # For each target instance ... #@TODO Eventually we'll need criteria to order the attributes # for code update. At minimum, ensure that we always process at this level # in the given order my @targetsAoH = (); my $targetCount = 0; my $moveSysTarget = 0; # To support the iterator code, we dont want sys target to be the # first in order. So we have specifically moved system target to second, # if it is in first place. foreach my $targetInstance (@{$attributes->{targetInstance}}) { # for the first Target, check if Sys Target if(($targetCount == 0) && ($targetInstance->{id} eq "sys0")) { # mark a flag here that we need to interchange 1&2 targets, # so as to push system target to second place $moveSysTarget = 1; $targetCount = $targetCount + 1; } push(@targetsAoH, $targetInstance); } if($moveSysTarget == 1) { @targetsAoH[0,1] = @targetsAoH[1,0]; } my $numTargets = @targetsAoH; my $numAttributes = 0; foreach my $targetInstance (@targetsAoH) { my %attrhash = (); getTargetAttributes($targetInstance->{type}, $attributes,\%attrhash); $numAttributes += keys %attrhash; } # Reserve # pointers * sizeof(pointer) my $startOfAttributePointers = $offset; # print "Total attributes = $numAttributes\n"; $offset += ($numAttributes * (length pack8byte(0) )); # Now we can determine the pointer to the number of targets # Don't increment the offset; already accounted for $numTargetsPointer = $pnorRoBaseAddress + $offset; $numTargetsPointerBinData = pack8byte($numTargetsPointer); my $numTargetsBinData = pack4byte($numTargets); $offset += (length $numTargetsBinData); my $firstTgtPtr = $pnorRoBaseAddress + $offset; my $roAttrBinData; my $heapZeroInitOffset = 0; my $heapZeroInitBinData; my $heapPnorInitOffset = 0; my $heapPnorInitBinData; my $rwAttrBinData; my $rwOffset = 0; # Split into more granular sections my $fspP0DefaultedFromZeroOffset = 0; my $fspP0DefaultedFromZeroBinData; my $fspP0DefaultedFromP3Offset = 0; my $fspP0DefaultedFromP3BinData; my $fspP1DefaultedFromZeroOffset = 0; my $fspP1DefaultedFromZeroBinData; my $fspP1DefaultedFromP3Offset = 0; my $fspP1DefaultedFromP3BinData; my $fspP3RoOffset = 0; my $fspP3RoBinData; my $fspP3RwOffset = 0; my $fspP3RwBinData; # Hostboot specific section my $hbHeapZeroInitOffset = 0; my $hbHeapZeroInitBinData; my $attributePointerBinData; my $targetsBinData; # Ensure consistent ordering of target instances my $attrAddr = $pnorRoBaseAddress + $startOfAttributePointers; foreach my $targetInstance (@targetsAoH) { my $data; # print "TargetInstance: $targetInstance->{id}\n"; # print " Attributes: ", # $attributeListTypeHoH{$targetInstance->{type}}{elements}, "\n" ; # print " offset: ", # $attributeListTypeHoH{$targetInstance->{type}}{offset}, "\n" ; # Create target record $data .= pack4byte( $attributeListTypeHoH{$targetInstance->{type}}{elements}); $data .= pack8byte( $attributeListTypeHoH{$targetInstance->{type}}{offset} + $pnorRoBaseAddress); $data .= pack8byte($attrAddr); $attrAddr += $attributeListTypeHoH{$targetInstance->{type}}{elements} * (length pack8byte(0)); # Increment the offset $offset += (length $data); # Add it to the target sub-section $targetsBinData .= $data; } my $pnorRoOffset = $offset; my $attributesWritten = 0; foreach my $targetInstance (@targetsAoH) { my $data; my %attrhash = (); my @AoH = (); # Ensure consistent ordering of attributes for each target type # Get the attribute list associated with each target type #@TODO Attributes must eventually be ordered correctly for code update getTargetAttributes($targetInstance->{type}, $attributes,\%attrhash); # Update hash with any per-instance overrides, but only if that # attribute has already been defined foreach my $attr (@{$targetInstance->{attribute}}) { if(exists $attrhash{$attr->{id}}) { $attrhash{ $attr->{id} } = $attr; } else { fatal("Target instance \"$targetInstance->{id}\" cannot " . "override attribute \"$attr->{id}\" unless " . "the attribute has already been defined in the target " . "type inheritance chain."); } } # Flag if target is FSP specific; in that case store all of its # attributes in the FSP section, regardless of whether they are # themselves FSP specific. Only need to do this 1x per target instance my $fspTarget = isFspTargetInstance($attributes,$targetInstance); my %attributeDefCache = map { $_->{id} => $_} @{$attributes->{attribute}}; # Must have the same order as the attribute list from above. for my $attributeId (sort { getAttributeIdHashStr($a) cmp getAttributeIdHashStr($b) } (keys %attrhash) ) { my $attributeDef = $attributeDefCache{$attributeId}; if (not defined $attributeDef) { fatal("Attribute $attributeId is not found."); } my $section; # Split "fsp" into more sections later if( (exists $attributeDef->{fspOnly}) || ($fspTarget)) { if( $attributeDef->{persistency} eq "volatile-zeroed" ) { $section = "fspP0DefaultedFromZero"; } elsif( $attributeDef->{persistency} eq "volatile" ) { $section = "fspP0DefaultedFromP3"; } elsif( !exists $attributeDef->{writeable} && $attributeDef->{persistency} eq "non-volatile" ) { $section = "fspP3Ro"; } elsif( exists $attributeDef->{writeable} && $attributeDef->{persistency} eq "non-volatile" ) { $section = "fspP3Rw"; } elsif( $attributeDef->{persistency} eq "semi-non-volatile-zeroed" ) { $section = "fspP1DefaultedFromZero"; } elsif( $attributeDef->{persistency} eq "semi-non-volatile" ) { $section = "fspP1DefaultedFromP3"; } else { fatal("Persistency '$attributeDef->{persistency}' is not " . "supported for fspOnly attribute '$attributeId'."); } } elsif( exists $attributeDef->{hbOnly} ) { if( $attributeDef->{persistency} eq "volatile-zeroed" ) { $section = "hb-heap-zero-initialized"; } else { fatal("Persistency '$attributeDef->{persistency}' is not " . "supported for hbOnly attribute '$attributeId'."); } } elsif( exists $attributeDef->{writeable} && $attributeDef->{persistency} eq "non-volatile" ) { $section = "pnor-rw"; } elsif ( !exists $attributeDef->{writeable} && $attributeDef->{persistency} eq "non-volatile") { $section = "pnor-ro"; } elsif ($attributeDef->{persistency} eq "volatile" ) { $section = "heap-pnor-initialized"; } elsif($attributeDef->{persistency} eq "volatile-zeroed") { $section = "heap-zero-initialized"; } else { fatal("Persistency '$attributeDef->{persistency}' is not " . "supported for attribute '$attributeId'."); } if($section eq "pnor-ro") { if ((exists ${$Target_t}{$attributeId}) && ($attrhash{$attributeId}->{default} != 0)) { my $index = $attrhash{$attributeId}->{default} - 1; $index *= 20; # length(N + quad + quad) $attrhash{$attributeId}->{default} = $index + $firstTgtPtr; } my ($rodata,$alignment) = packAttribute($attributes, $attributeDef, $attrhash{$attributeId}->{default}); # Align the data as necessary my $pads = ($alignment - ($offset % $alignment)) % $alignment; $roAttrBinData .= pack ("@".$pads); $offset += $pads; $attributePointerBinData .= pack8byte( $offset + $pnorRoBaseAddress); $offset += (length $rodata); $roAttrBinData .= $rodata; } elsif($section eq "pnor-rw") { my ($rwdata,$alignment) = packAttribute($attributes, $attributeDef, $attrhash{$attributeId}->{default}); #print "Wrote to pnor-rw value ",$attributeDef->{id}, ", #", $attrhash{$attributeId}->{default}," \n"; # Align the data as necessary my $pads = ($alignment - ($rwOffset % $alignment)) % $alignment; $rwAttrBinData .= pack ("@".$pads); $rwOffset += $pads; $attributePointerBinData .= pack8byte( $rwOffset + $pnorRwBaseAddress); $rwOffset += (length $rwdata); $rwAttrBinData .= $rwdata; } elsif($section eq "heap-zero-initialized") { my ($heapZeroInitData,$alignment) = packAttribute( $attributes, $attributeDef,$attrhash{$attributeId}->{default}); # Align the data as necessary my $pads = ($alignment - ($heapZeroInitOffset % $alignment)) % $alignment; $heapZeroInitBinData .= pack ("@".$pads); $heapZeroInitOffset += $pads; $attributePointerBinData .= pack8byte( $heapZeroInitOffset + $heapZeroInitBaseAddr); $heapZeroInitOffset += (length $heapZeroInitData); $heapZeroInitBinData .= $heapZeroInitData; } elsif($section eq "heap-pnor-initialized") { my ($heapPnorInitData,$alignment) = packAttribute( $attributes, $attributeDef,$attrhash{$attributeId}->{default}); # Align the data as necessary my $pads = ($alignment - ($heapPnorInitOffset % $alignment)) % $alignment; $heapPnorInitBinData .= pack ("@".$pads); $heapPnorInitOffset += $pads; $attributePointerBinData .= pack8byte( $heapPnorInitOffset + $heapPnorInitBaseAddr); $heapPnorInitOffset += (length $heapPnorInitData); $heapPnorInitBinData .= $heapPnorInitData; } # Split FSP section into more granular sections elsif($section eq "fspP0DefaultedFromZero") { my ($fspP0ZeroData,$alignment) = packAttribute( $attributes, $attributeDef,$attrhash{$attributeId}->{default}); # Align the data as necessary my $pads = ($alignment - ($fspP0DefaultedFromZeroOffset % $alignment)) % $alignment; $fspP0DefaultedFromZeroBinData .= pack ("@".$pads); $fspP0DefaultedFromZeroOffset += $pads; $attributePointerBinData .= pack8byte( $fspP0DefaultedFromZeroOffset + $fspP0DefaultedFromZeroBaseAddr); $fspP0DefaultedFromZeroOffset += (length $fspP0ZeroData); $fspP0DefaultedFromZeroBinData .= $fspP0ZeroData; } elsif($section eq "fspP0DefaultedFromP3") { my ($fspP0FlashData,$alignment) = packAttribute( $attributes, $attributeDef,$attrhash{$attributeId}->{default}); # Align the data as necessary my $pads = ($alignment - ($fspP0DefaultedFromP3Offset % $alignment)) % $alignment; $fspP0DefaultedFromP3BinData .= pack ("@".$pads); $fspP0DefaultedFromP3Offset += $pads; $attributePointerBinData .= pack8byte( $fspP0DefaultedFromP3Offset + $fspP0DefaultedFromP3BaseAddr); $fspP0DefaultedFromP3Offset += (length $fspP0FlashData); $fspP0DefaultedFromP3BinData .= $fspP0FlashData; } elsif($section eq "fspP3Ro") { my ($fspP3RoData,$alignment) = packAttribute( $attributes, $attributeDef,$attrhash{$attributeId}->{default}); # Align the data as necessary my $pads = ($alignment - ($fspP3RoOffset % $alignment)) % $alignment; $fspP3RoBinData .= pack ("@".$pads); $fspP3RoOffset += $pads; $attributePointerBinData .= pack8byte( $fspP3RoOffset + $fspP3RoBaseAddr); $fspP3RoOffset += (length $fspP3RoData); $fspP3RoBinData .= $fspP3RoData; } elsif($section eq "fspP3Rw") { my ($fspP3RwData,$alignment) = packAttribute( $attributes, $attributeDef,$attrhash{$attributeId}->{default}); # Align the data as necessary my $pads = ($alignment - ($fspP3RwOffset % $alignment)) % $alignment; $fspP3RwBinData .= pack ("@".$pads); $fspP3RwOffset += $pads; $attributePointerBinData .= pack8byte( $fspP3RwOffset + $fspP3RwBaseAddr); $fspP3RwOffset += (length $fspP3RwData); $fspP3RwBinData .= $fspP3RwData; } elsif($section eq "fspP1DefaultedFromZero") { my ($fspP1ZeroData,$alignment) = packAttribute( $attributes, $attributeDef,$attrhash{$attributeId}->{default}); # Align the data as necessary my $pads = ($alignment - ($fspP1DefaultedFromZeroOffset % $alignment)) % $alignment; $fspP1DefaultedFromZeroBinData .= pack ("@".$pads); $fspP1DefaultedFromZeroOffset += $pads; $attributePointerBinData .= pack8byte( $fspP1DefaultedFromZeroOffset + $fspP1DefaultedFromZeroBaseAddr); $fspP1DefaultedFromZeroOffset += (length $fspP1ZeroData); $fspP1DefaultedFromZeroBinData .= $fspP1ZeroData; } elsif($section eq "fspP1DefaultedFromP3") { my ($fspP1FlashData,$alignment) = packAttribute( $attributes, $attributeDef,$attrhash{$attributeId}->{default}); # Align the data as necessary my $pads = ($alignment - ($fspP1DefaultedFromP3Offset % $alignment)) % $alignment; $fspP1DefaultedFromP3BinData .= pack ("@".$pads); $fspP1DefaultedFromP3Offset += $pads; $attributePointerBinData .= pack8byte( $fspP1DefaultedFromP3Offset + $fspP1DefaultedFromP3BaseAddr); $fspP1DefaultedFromP3Offset += (length $fspP1FlashData); $fspP1DefaultedFromP3BinData .= $fspP1FlashData; } # Hostboot specific section elsif($section eq "hb-heap-zero-initialized") { my ($hbHeapZeroInitData,$alignment) = packAttribute( $attributes, $attributeDef,$attrhash{$attributeId}->{default}); # Align the data as necessary my $pads = ($alignment - ($hbHeapZeroInitOffset % $alignment)) % $alignment; $hbHeapZeroInitBinData .= pack ("@".$pads); $hbHeapZeroInitOffset += $pads; $attributePointerBinData .= pack8byte( $hbHeapZeroInitOffset + $hbHeapZeroInitBaseAddr); $hbHeapZeroInitOffset += (length $hbHeapZeroInitData); $hbHeapZeroInitBinData .= $hbHeapZeroInitData; } else { fatal("Could not find a suitable section."); } $attributesWritten++; } # End attribute loop } # End target instance loop if($numAttributes != $attributesWritten) { fatal("Number of attributes expected, $numAttributes, does not match " . "what was written to PNOR, $attributesWritten."); } # Build header data my $headerBinData; my $blockSize = 4*1024; my %sectionHoH = (); $sectionHoH{ pnorRo }{ offset } = 0; $sectionHoH{ pnorRo }{ type } = 0; $sectionHoH{ pnorRo }{ size } = sizeBlockAligned($offset,$blockSize,1); $sectionHoH{ pnorRw }{ offset } = $sectionHoH{pnorRo}{offset} + $sectionHoH{pnorRo}{size}; $sectionHoH{ pnorRw }{ type } = 1; $sectionHoH{ pnorRw }{ size } = sizeBlockAligned($rwOffset,$blockSize,1); $sectionHoH{ heapPnorInit }{ offset } = $sectionHoH{pnorRw}{offset} + $sectionHoH{pnorRw}{size}; $sectionHoH{ heapPnorInit }{ type } = 2; $sectionHoH{ heapPnorInit }{ size } = sizeBlockAligned($heapPnorInitOffset,$blockSize,1); $sectionHoH{ heapZeroInit }{ offset } = $sectionHoH{heapPnorInit}{offset} + $sectionHoH{heapPnorInit}{size}; $sectionHoH{ heapZeroInit }{ type } = 3; $sectionHoH{ heapZeroInit }{ size } = sizeBlockAligned($heapZeroInitOffset,$blockSize,1); # zeroInitSection occupies no space in the binary, so set the # Hostboot section address to that of the zeroInitSection $sectionHoH{ hbHeapZeroInit }{ offset } = $sectionHoH{heapZeroInit}{ offset }; $sectionHoH{ hbHeapZeroInit }{ type } = 10; $sectionHoH{ hbHeapZeroInit }{ size } = sizeBlockAligned($hbHeapZeroInitOffset,$blockSize,1); # Split "fsp" into additional sections if($cfgIncludeFspAttributes) { # zeroInitSection occupies no space in the binary, so set the FSP # section address to that of the zeroInitSection $sectionHoH{ fspP0DefaultedFromZero }{ offset } = $sectionHoH{heapZeroInit}{offset}; $sectionHoH{ fspP0DefaultedFromZero }{ type } = 4; $sectionHoH{ fspP0DefaultedFromZero }{ size } = sizeBlockAligned($fspP0DefaultedFromZeroOffset,$blockSize,1); $sectionHoH{ fspP0DefaultedFromP3 }{ offset } = $sectionHoH{fspP0DefaultedFromZero}{offset} + $sectionHoH{fspP0DefaultedFromZero}{size}; $sectionHoH{ fspP0DefaultedFromP3 }{ type } = 5; $sectionHoH{ fspP0DefaultedFromP3 }{ size } = sizeBlockAligned($fspP0DefaultedFromP3Offset,$blockSize,1); $sectionHoH{ fspP3Ro }{ offset } = $sectionHoH{fspP0DefaultedFromP3}{offset} + $sectionHoH{fspP0DefaultedFromP3}{size}; $sectionHoH{ fspP3Ro }{ type } = 6; $sectionHoH{ fspP3Ro }{ size } = sizeBlockAligned($fspP3RoOffset,$blockSize,1); $sectionHoH{ fspP3Rw }{ offset } = $sectionHoH{fspP3Ro}{offset} + $sectionHoH{fspP3Ro}{size}; $sectionHoH{ fspP3Rw }{ type } = 7; $sectionHoH{ fspP3Rw }{ size } = sizeBlockAligned($fspP3RwOffset,$blockSize,1); $sectionHoH{ fspP1DefaultedFromZero }{ offset } = $sectionHoH{fspP3Rw}{offset} + $sectionHoH{fspP3Rw}{size}; $sectionHoH{ fspP1DefaultedFromZero }{ type } = 8; $sectionHoH{ fspP1DefaultedFromZero }{ size } = sizeBlockAligned($fspP1DefaultedFromZeroOffset,$blockSize,1); $sectionHoH{ fspP1DefaultedFromP3 }{ offset } = $sectionHoH{fspP1DefaultedFromZero}{offset} + $sectionHoH{fspP1DefaultedFromZero}{size}; $sectionHoH{ fspP1DefaultedFromP3 }{ type } = 9; $sectionHoH{ fspP1DefaultedFromP3 }{ size } = sizeBlockAligned($fspP1DefaultedFromP3Offset,$blockSize,1); } my $numSections = keys %sectionHoH; # Version 1.0 to start with my $headerMajorMinorVersion = 0x00010000; my $eyeCatcher = 0x54415247; # TARG my $sizeOfSection = 9; my $offsetToSections = 0; $headerBinData .= pack4byte($eyeCatcher); $headerBinData .= pack4byte($headerMajorMinorVersion); $headerBinData .= pack4byte($headerSize); $headerBinData .= pack4byte($vmmSectionOffset); $headerBinData .= pack8byte($pnorRoBaseAddress); $headerBinData .= pack4byte($sizeOfSection); $headerBinData .= pack4byte($numSections); $headerBinData .= pack4byte($offsetToSections); # Split "fsp" into additional sections my @sections = ("pnorRo","pnorRw","heapPnorInit","heapZeroInit", "hbHeapZeroInit"); if($cfgIncludeFspAttributes) { push(@sections,"fspP0DefaultedFromZero"); push(@sections,"fspP0DefaultedFromP3"); push(@sections,"fspP3Ro"); push(@sections,"fspP3Rw"); push(@sections,"fspP1DefaultedFromZero"); push(@sections,"fspP1DefaultedFromP3"); } foreach my $section (@sections) { $headerBinData .= pack1byte($sectionHoH{$section}{type}); $headerBinData .= pack4byte($sectionHoH{$section}{offset}); $headerBinData .= pack4byte($sectionHoH{$section}{size}); } # Serialize PNOR RO section to multiple of 4k page size (pad if necessary) # First 256 bytes is RO header (pad if necessary) if((length $headerBinData) > $headerSize) { fatal("Header data of length " . (length $headerBinData) . " is larger " . "than allocated amount of $headerSize."); } my $outFile; $outFile .= $headerBinData; my $padSize = sizeBlockAligned((length $headerBinData),$headerSize,1) - (length $headerBinData); $outFile .= pack ("@".$padSize); # Remaining data belongs to targeting $outFile .= $numTargetsPointerBinData; $outFile .= $attributeListBinData; $outFile .= $attributePointerBinData; $outFile .= $numTargetsBinData; $outFile .= $targetsBinData; $outFile .= $roAttrBinData; $outFile .= pack ("@".($sectionHoH{pnorRo}{size} - $offset)); # Serialize PNOR RW section to multiple of 4k page size (pad if necessary) $outFile .= $rwAttrBinData; $outFile .= pack("@".($sectionHoH{pnorRw}{size} - $rwOffset)); # Serialize PNOR initiated heap section to multiple of 4k page size (pad if # necessary) $outFile .= $heapPnorInitBinData; $outFile .= pack("@".($sectionHoH{heapPnorInit}{size} - $heapPnorInitOffset)); # Serialize FSP section to multiple of 4k page size (pad if # necessary) if($cfgIncludeFspAttributes) { $outFile .= $fspP0DefaultedFromZeroBinData; $outFile .= pack("@".($sectionHoH{fspP0DefaultedFromZero}{size} - $fspP0DefaultedFromZeroOffset)); $outFile .= $fspP0DefaultedFromP3BinData; $outFile .= pack("@".($sectionHoH{fspP0DefaultedFromP3}{size} - $fspP0DefaultedFromP3Offset)); $outFile .= $fspP3RoBinData; $outFile .= pack("@".($sectionHoH{fspP3Ro}{size} - $fspP3RoOffset)); $outFile .= $fspP3RwBinData; $outFile .= pack("@".($sectionHoH{fspP3Rw}{size} - $fspP3RwOffset)); $outFile .= $fspP1DefaultedFromZeroBinData; $outFile .= pack("@".($sectionHoH{fspP1DefaultedFromZero}{size} - $fspP1DefaultedFromZeroOffset)); $outFile .= $fspP1DefaultedFromP3BinData; $outFile .= pack("@".($sectionHoH{fspP1DefaultedFromP3}{size} - $fspP1DefaultedFromP3Offset)); } return $outFile; } __END__ =head1 NAME xmltohb.pl =head1 SYNOPSIS xmltohb.pl [options] [file ...] =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<--help> Print a brief help message and exits. =item B<--man> Prints the manual page and exits. =item B<--hb-xml-file> File containing the intermediate representation of the host boot XML just prior to compilation down to images and source files (Default is ./hb.xml) =item B<--fapi-attributes-xml-file> File containing the FAPI HWP attributes, for purposes of configuring the attribute mappings between FAPI and targeting code =item B<--src-output-dir>=DIRECTORY Sets the output directory for generated source files (default is the current directory) =item B<--img-output-dir>=DIRECTORY Sets the output directory for generated binary files (default is the current directory) =item B<--img-output-file>=FILE Sets the file to receive the PNOR targeting image output (default ./targeting.bin). Only used when generating the PNOR targeting image =item B<--vmm-consts-file>=FILE Indicates the file containing the base virtual address of the attributes (default is src/include/usr/vmmconst.h). Only used when generating the PNOR targeting image =item B<--big-endian> Writes data structures to file in big endian format (default) =item B<--nobig-endian> Writes data structures to targeting image in little endian format (override to default). Supports x86 environments. =item B<--short-enums> Writes optimially sized enumerations to binary image (default). Any code which uses the binary image or enumerations from generated header files must also be compiled with short enumeration support. This saves at minimum 0 and at most 3 bytes for each enumeration value. =item B<--noshort-enums> Writes maximum sized enumerations to binary image (default). Any code which uses the binary image or enumerations from generated header files must not be compiled with short enumeration support. Every enumeration will consume 4 bytes by default =item B<--include-fsp-attributes> Emits FSP specific attributes and targets into the generated binaries and generated code. =item B<--noinclude-fsp-attributes> Omits FSP specific attributes and targets from the generated binaries and generated code. This is the default behavior. =item B<--verbose> Prints out some internal workings =back =head1 DESCRIPTION B will process a set of input .xml files and emit source files and a PNOR targeting image binary to facilitate compiling and configuring host boot respectively. =cut