ADC_CHANNEL_FUNC_IDS ADC Channel function id. 16 channels. 16 non-volatile ADC_CHANNEL_GAINS ADC channel gain * 1000. 16 channels. 16 non-volatile ADC_CHANNEL_GNDS ADC Channel ground. 16 channels. 16 non-volatile ADC_CHANNEL_OFFSETS ADC channel offset * 1000. 16 channels 16 non-volatile ADC_CHANNEL_SENSOR_NUMBERS ADC Channel IPMI sensor numbers. 16 channels. 16 non-volatile ALLOW_CALLHOME_ESELS_TO_BMC Flag used to allow sending informational call-home errors as ESELS to the BMC 0 non-volatile APSS_GPIO_PORT_MODES APSS GPIO PORT MODES 2 non-volatile APSS_GPIO_PORT_PINS APSS GPIO PORT PINS Port0 pin 0-7 Port1 pin 8-15 16 non-volatile BMC_HW_CHIP_TYPE The type of hardware of the BMC ast2500 32 non-volatile BMC_MANUFACTURER The manufacturer of the BMC ibm 32 non-volatile BMC_MAX_ERROR_LOG_SIZE max size of error log that can be sent to BMC 2048 non-volatile BMC_SW_TYPE The software type of the BMC openbmc 32 non-volatile CALCULATED_MAX_SYS_POWER_EXCLUDING_GPUS HTMGT calculates the total non-GPU maximum power in W when the CPUs are at max frequency and memory at max power (least throttled) and then adds MISC_SYSTEM_COMPONENTS_MAX_POWER_WATTS 0x0000 volatile CALCULATED_PROC_MEMORY_POWER_DROP HTMGT calculates the total processor/memory power drop in W when the CPUs are at min frequency and memory at min power (most throttled). This is the how much CALCULATED_MAX_SYS_POWER_EXCLUDING_GPUS can be reduced by. 0x0000 volatile ENTITY_ID Enumeration indicating the IPMI entity ID, these values are defined in the IPMI specification. These values will be used in place of target type when events are sent to the BMC. NA 0 OTHER 0x01 PROCESSOR 0x03 SYSTEM_BOARD 0x07 POWER_MGMT 0x15 CHASSIS 0x17 MEMORY_DEVICE 0x20 SYS_MGMT_SOFTWARE 0x21 BIOS 0x22 OS 0x23 CORE 0xD0 MEMBUF 0xD1 OCC 0xD2 REF_CLOCK 0xD4 PCI_CLOCK 0xD5 TOD_CLOCK 0xD6 APSS 0xD7 GPU_CORE 0xD8 GPU_MEMORY 0xD9 GPIO_INFO Information needed to address GPIO device Structure to define the addessing for an I2C slave device. i2cMasterPath Entity path to the chip that contains the I2C master EntityPath physical:sys-0 port Port from the I2C Master device. This is a 6-bit value. uint8_t 0 devAddr Device address on the I2C bus. This is a 7-bit value, but then shifted 1 bit left. uint8_t 0 engine I2C master engine. This is a 2-bit value. uint8_t 0 vddrPin Logical GPIO pin number used to enabled/disable VDDR uint8_t 0 non-volatile GPU_SENSORS Attribute to hold 3 possible GPU sensors. Includes sensor types, ids, and OBUS_CFG bits 3,7 non-volatile GPU_SENSOR_ARRAY Enumeration defining the offsets into the GPU_SENSORS array. FUNC_OFFSET 0x00 FUNC_ID_OFFSET 0x01 TEMP_OFFSET 0x02 TEMP_ID_OFFSET 0x03 MEM_TEMP_OFFSET 0x04 MEM_TEMP_ID_OFFSET 0x05 OBUS_CFG_OFFSET 0x06 HDAT_I2C_ADDR This attribute holds the values of the I2C address from the i2c device connections as defined in the MRW. It is parsed into a struct in i2c.C 32 non-volatile HDAT_I2C_BUS_FREQ This attribute holds the values of the I2C bus frequency in Hz from the i2c device connections as defined in the MRW. It is parsed into a struct in i2c.C 32 non-volatile HDAT_I2C_DEVICE_LABEL This attribute holds the string descriptions of the I2C devices from the i2c device connections as defined in the MRW. It is parsed into a struct in i2c.C 64 32 non-volatile HDAT_I2C_DEVICE_PURPOSE This attribute holds the values of the I2C device purpose from the i2c device connections as defined in the MRW. It is parsed into a struct in i2c.C 32 non-volatile HDAT_I2C_DEVICE_TYPE This attribute holds the values of the I2C device type from the i2c device connections as defined in the MRW. It is parsed into a struct in i2c.C 32 non-volatile HDAT_I2C_ELEMENTS This attribute holds the number of elements that were found under this particular target, and how many devices are stored in the arrays. 0 non-volatile HDAT_I2C_ENGINE This attribute holds the values of the I2C Engine from the i2c device connections as defined in the MRW. It is parsed into a struct in i2c.C 32 non-volatile HDAT_I2C_MASTER_PORT This attribute holds the values of the I2C Master Port from the i2c device connections as defined in the MRW. It is parsed into a struct in i2c.C 32 non-volatile HDAT_I2C_SLAVE_PORT This attribute holds the values of the I2C slave port from the i2c device connections as defined in the MRW. It is parsed into a struct in i2c.C 32 non-volatile HTMGT_INTERNAL_FLAGS HTMGT internal flags 0x00000000 volatile HTMGT_SAFEMODE 1 = in safemode. 0 = in normal mode. volatile-zeroed HTMGT_SAVED_POWER_LIMIT User power limit information from the BMC to be used if communication with the BMC is lost after system is powered on. Used internally by HTMGT. volatile-zeroed IPMI_INSTANCE Holds the IPMI instance number for this entity. non-volatile IPMI_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE max buffer size to use for ipmi messages volatile-zeroed IPMI_SENSORS Attribute to hold 16 pairs of sensor name, sensor number pairs. A sensor name consists of one byte of general sensor type and one byte of sub-type 16,2 non-volatile IS_MPIPL_SUPPORTED Specifies if the mpipl is supported on this platform 0 : No , 1 : Yes 0 non-volatile MAX_VDD_CURRENT_READING Maximum theoretical Vdd current reading in 10mA units. Used when VDD_CURRENT_OVERFLOW_WORKAROUND_ENABLE is set. 0x0000 non-volatile MISC_SYSTEM_COMPONENTS_MAX_POWER_WATTS Power used by components other than CPU, memory, or GPUs in Watts non-volatile MRW_SAFEMODE_MEM_THROTTLE_NUMERATOR_PER_CHIP Machine Readable Workbook safe mode throttle value for numerator cfg_nm_n_per_chip non-volatile MSS_UTIL_N_PER_MBA cfg_nm_n_per_mba throttle N value that was calculated from MSS_DATABUS_UTIL_PER_MBA volatile-zeroed NO_APSS_PROC_POWER_VCS_VIO_WATTS A constant power (in watts) that the OCC is to add onto Vdd and Vdn power to represent any processor part that is not measured(i.e.Vcs,Vio) This is used by the OCC to calculate a total processor socket power. 0 non-volatile N_PLUS_ONE_MEM_POWER Maximum memory power in centiWatts with throttle set to nominal/turbo 0,0 2 volatile-zeroed N_PLUS_ONE_N_PER_CHIP Static per chip numerator setting when not in oversubscription. 0,0 2 volatile-zeroed N_PLUS_ONE_N_PER_MBA Static per MBA numerator setting when not in oversubscription. Calculated based on MRW memory power with redundant power. Lowest per MBA numerator ever allowed when OCC is throttling due to OT. 0,0 2 volatile-zeroed OCC_CONTROL_DATA OCC operational data 256 volatile-zeroed OPAL_MODEL Specifies the compatible model name for Opal to key off of. This is sourced from the MRW and should be of the format 'vendor,model', e.g. 'tyan,palmetto'. ibm,miscopenpower 32 non-volatile OPEN_POWER_DIMM_ERROR_TEMP_DEG_C DIMM temperature where an error will be generated in degrees C non-volatile OPEN_POWER_DIMM_READ_TIMEOUT_SEC DIMM read timeout in seconds non-volatile OPEN_POWER_DIMM_THROTTLE_TEMP_DEG_C DIMM temperature threshold where throttling will occur in degrees C non-volatile OPEN_POWER_GPU_ERROR_TEMP_DEG_C GPU core temperature error threshold in degrees C non-volatile OPEN_POWER_GPU_MEM_ERROR_TEMP_DEG_C GPU memory temperature error threshold in degrees C non-volatile OPEN_POWER_GPU_MEM_READ_TIMEOUT_SEC GPU memory temperature read timeout in seconds non-volatile OPEN_POWER_GPU_READ_TIMEOUT_SEC GPU core temperature read timeout in seconds non-volatile OPEN_POWER_MEMCTRL_ERROR_TEMP_DEG_C Memory controller temperature where an error will occur in degrees C non-volatile OPEN_POWER_MEMCTRL_READ_TIMEOUT_SEC Memory controller read timeout in seconds non-volatile OPEN_POWER_MEMCTRL_THROTTLE_TEMP_DEG_C Memory controller temperature threshold where throttling will occur in degrees C non-volatile OPEN_POWER_MIN_MEM_UTILIZATION_POWER_CAP Minimum memory utilization percent (from 0-100) for power capping non-volatile OPEN_POWER_MIN_MEM_UTILIZATION_THROTTLING Minimum memory utilization percent (from 0-100) for memory throttling non-volatile OPEN_POWER_MIN_POWER_CAP_WATTS Minimum hard power cap in Watts non-volatile OPEN_POWER_N_BULK_POWER_LIMIT_WATTS N mode bulk power supply limit in Watts non-volatile OPEN_POWER_N_MAX_MEM_POWER_WATTS Maximum power allocated to DIMMs in Watts non-volatile OPEN_POWER_N_PLUS_ONE_BULK_POWER_LIMIT_WATTS N+1 bulk power limit in Watts for systems running with redundant power supplies (default) non-volatile OPEN_POWER_N_PLUS_ONE_HPC_BULK_POWER_LIMIT_WATTS N+1 bulk power limit in Watts for High Performance Computing systems running with a non-redundant power supply policy 0 non-volatile OPEN_POWER_N_PLUS_ONE_MAX_MEM_POWER_WATTS N+1 max memory power in Watts non-volatile OPEN_POWER_PROC_DVFS_TEMP_DEG_C Processor temperature where DVFS will occur in degrees C non-volatile OPEN_POWER_PROC_ERROR_TEMP_DEG_C Processor temperature error threshold in degrees C non-volatile OPEN_POWER_PROC_READ_TIMEOUT_SEC Processor read timeout in seconds non-volatile OPEN_POWER_PROC_WEIGHT Weight factor (in 1/10ths) for each core DTS to calculate a core temperature. non-volatile OPEN_POWER_QUAD_WEIGHT Weight factor (in 1/10ths) for each quad (cache) DTS to calculate a core temperature. non-volatile OPEN_POWER_REGULATOR_EFFICIENCY_FACTOR Regulator efficiency factor non-volatile OPEN_POWER_SOFT_MIN_PCAP_WATTS Minimum soft power cap in Watts non-volatile OPEN_POWER_TURBO_MODE_SUPPORTED If this system supports Turbo frequency mode. 0x00 = no 0x01 = yes non-volatile OPEN_POWER_VRM_READ_TIMEOUT_SEC VRM read timeout in seconds (from 0-255) Use 0 to disable VRM OT monitoring 0 non-volatile OPEN_POWER_VRM_VDD_DVFS_TEMP_DEG_C VRM Vdd Temperature in degrees C to invoke DVFS (clip max Pstate) 0xFF non-volatile OPEN_POWER_VRM_VDD_ERROR_TEMP_DEG_C VRM Vdd Temperature in degrees C that an overtemp error will be logged 0xFF non-volatile OPEN_POWER_VRM_VDD_READ_TIMEOUT_SEC Maximum time in seconds allowed without having a new VRM Vdd temperature before DVFS will occur 0xFF non-volatile OP_TRACE_LITE Enable Trace lite on openpower. volatile-zeroed OT_MEM_POWER Maximum memory power in centiWatts with throttle set to minimum. 0,0 2 volatile-zeroed OT_MIN_N_PER_MBA Lowest per MBA numerator ever allowed when OCC is throttling due to OT. 0,0 2 volatile-zeroed POWERCAP_MEM_POWER Maximum memory power in centiWatts with when power is being capped. 0,0 2 volatile-zeroed POWERCAP_N_PER_CHIP Static per chip numerator setting when power is being capped. 0,0 2 volatile-zeroed POWERCAP_N_PER_MBA Static per slot numerator setting when power is being capped. 0,0 2 volatile-zeroed PROC_MHZ_PER_WATT Frequency (in MHz) for 1 Watt of processor power change. Used by the power capping algorithm to determine how much to change the frequency based on power available. This is used in populating CALCULATED_MAX_SYS_POWER_EXCLUDING_GPUS 28 non-volatile PROC_SOCKET_POWER_WATTS The maximum power a single procesor socket can support (in watts) This is used to populate CALCULATED_MAX_SYS_POWER_EXCLUDING_GPUS 250 non-volatile PSTATE_TABLE HTMGT PSTATE data 3656 volatile-zeroed PSTATE_TABLE_MFG HTMGT PSTATE data for mfg 3656 volatile-zeroed REPORT_THROTTLE_BELOW_NOMINAL Indicates if OCC should wait to report DVFS due to power/thermal until max frequency has been lowered below nominal. Default OCC will report DVFS when max frequency is lowered below turbo. DVFS is reported in poll response extended status bits and in OPAL shared memory throttle status byte. 1 = OCC report throttling only when max freq. lowered below nominal 0 = OCC report throttling when max freq. lowered below turbo 0 non-volatile SENSOR_TYPE Enumeration indicating the IPMI sensor type, these values are defined in the IPMI specification. These values will be used when sending sensor reading events to the BMC. NA 0 TEMPERATURE 0x01 PROCESSOR 0x07 POWER_UNIT 0x09 MEMORY 0x0c SYS_FW_PROGRESS 0x0F SYS_EVENT 0x12 ADDIN_CARD 0x17 OS_BOOT 0x1F APCI_POWER_STATE 0x22 FREQ 0xC1 POWER 0xC2 BOOT_COUNT 0xC3 PCI_LINK_PRES 0xC4 PWR_LIMIT_ACTIVE 0xC4 FAULT 0xC7 VDD_CURRENT_OVERFLOW_WORKAROUND_ENABLE Used to enable Vdd current overflow worakaround. To enable this attribute should be set to 1 and MAX_VDD_CURRENT_READING must be populated. Set to 0 to disable. 0x0000 non-volatile