CLASS Enumeration indicating the target's class NA 0 CARD 1 ENC 2 CHIP 3 UNIT 4 DEV 5 SYS 6 LOGICAL_CARD 7 MAX 8 NA TYPE Enumeration indicating the target's type NA 0 SYS 1 NODE 2 DIMM 3 MEMBUF 4 PROC 5 EX 6 CORE 7 L2 8 L3 9 L4 10 MCS 11 MBA 13 XBUS 14 ABUS 15 PCI 16 DPSS 17 APSS 18 OCC 19 PSI 20 FSP 21 PNOR 22 OSC 23 TODCLK 24 CONTROL_NODE 25 OSCREFCLK 26 OSCPCICLK 27 REFCLKENDPT 28 PCICLKENDPT 29 TEST_FAIL 30 LAST_IN_RANGE 31 NA MODEL Enumeration indicating the target's model NA 0 RESERVED 16 VENICE MURANO CENTAUR 48 JEDEC 80 CDIMM POWER8 112 NA ENGINE_TYPE Enumeration indicating the target's engine type NA 0 ENGINE_IIC 1 ENGINE_SCOM 2 NA FSI_MASTER_TYPE Enumeration indicating the master's FSI type MFSI 0 CMFSI 1 NO_MASTER 2 NO_MASTER CLASS Attribute indicating the target's class CLASS non-volatile TYPE Attribute indicating the target's type TYPE non-volatile MODEL Attribute indicating the target's model MODEL non-volatile ENGINE_TYPE Attribute indicating the target's engine type ENGINE_TYPE non-volatile SCRATCH_UINT8_1 Scratch attribute that can be used for dev/test volatile-zeroed ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT8_1 DIRECT SCRATCH_UINT8_2 Scratch attribute that can be used for dev/test volatile-zeroed ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT8_2 DIRECT SCRATCH_UINT32_1 Scratch attribute that can be used for dev/test volatile-zeroed ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT32_1 DIRECT SCRATCH_UINT32_2 Scratch attribute that can be used for dev/test volatile-zeroed ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT32_2 DIRECT SCRATCH_UINT64_1 Scratch attribute that can be used for dev/test volatile-zeroed ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT64_1 DIRECT SCRATCH_UINT64_2 Scratch attribute that can be used for dev/test volatile-zeroed ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT64_2 DIRECT SCRATCH_UINT8_ARRAY_1 Scratch attribute that can be used for dev/test 32 volatile-zeroed ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT8_ARRAY_1 DIRECT SCRATCH_UINT8_ARRAY_2 Scratch attribute that can be used for dev/test 2, 3, 4 volatile-zeroed ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT8_ARRAY_2 DIRECT SCRATCH_UINT32_ARRAY_1 Scratch attribute that can be used for dev/test 8 volatile-zeroed ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT32_ARRAY_1 DIRECT SCRATCH_UINT32_ARRAY_2 Scratch attribute that can be used for dev/test 2,3 volatile-zeroed ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT32_ARRAY_2 DIRECT SCRATCH_UINT64_ARRAY_1 Scratch attribute that can be used for dev/test 4 volatile-zeroed ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT64_ARRAY_1 DIRECT SCRATCH_UINT64_ARRAY_2 Scratch attribute that can be used for dev/test 2,2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT64_ARRAY_2 DIRECT DUMMY_RW Dummy attribute with read/write permissions 5 1,3,5 non-volatile ATTR_DUMMY_SCRATCH_PLAT_INIT_UINT8 DIRECT DUMMY_WO Dummy attribute with write-only permissions 0 non-volatile DUMMY_RO Dummy attribute with read-only permissions 0 non-volatile DUMMY_HEAP_ZERO_DEFAULT Dummy attribute on the heap with zero initialization volatile-zeroed PHYS_PATH Physical hierarchical path to the target EntityPath non-volatile AFFINITY_PATH Hierarchical path to the target with respect to logical affinity EntityPath non-volatile POWER_PATH Hierarchical path to the target with respect to power EntityPath non-volatile PRIMARY_CAPABILITIES Attribute which describes capabilities of a target Structure which defines a target's primary capabilities. A target can only support at most FSI SCOM and one of the other two SCOM types. Applicable for all targets. Structure is read-only. supportsFsiScom 0b0: Target does not support FSI SCOM; 0b1: Target supports FSI SCOM uint8_t 1 0 supportsXscom 0b0: Target does not support XSCOM; 0b1: Target supports FSI XSCOM uint8_t 1 0 supportsInbandScom 0b0: Target does not support inband SCOM uint8_t 1 0 reserved Reserved for future use uint8_t 5 0 non-volatile SCOM_SWITCHES Attribute storing information about which SCOM path to use Structure which defines which SCOM to use at a point in time. Only applicable if target supports one or more SCOM types. Only one bit (of the first three) can ever be set at any one time. useFsiScom 0b0: Do not use FSI SCOM at this time. 0b1: Use FSI SCOM at this time uint8_t 1 0 useXscom 0b0: Do not use XSCOM at this time. 0b1: Use XSCOM at this time uint8_t 1 0 useInbandScom 0b0: Do not use inband SCOM at this time. 0b1: Use inband SCOM at this time uint8_t 1 0 reserved Reserved for future expansion uint8_t 5 0 volatile FSI_MASTER_CHIP Chip which contains the FSI master logic that drives this slave EntityPath non-volatile FSI_MASTER_TYPE Type of Master FSI connection to this slave (MFSI or cMFSI) FSI_MASTER_TYPE non-volatile FSI_MASTER_PORT Which port is this chip hanging off of 0 non-volatile FSI_SLAVE_CASCADE Slave cascade position 0 non-volatile FSI_OPTION_FLAGS Reserved for any special flags we might need to access FSI 0 non-volatile EXECUTION_PLATFORM Which execution platform the HW Procedure is running on Some HWPs (e.g. special wakeup) use different registers for different platforms to avoid arbitration problems when multiple platforms do the same thing concurrently HOST = 0x01, FSP = 0x02, OCC = 0x03 non-volatile ATTR_EXECUTION_PLATFORM DIRECT IS_SIMULATION env: 1 = Awan/HWSimulator. 0 = Simics/RealHW. 0 non-volatile ATTR_IS_SIMULATION DIRECT HWAS_STATE HardWare Availability Service State Attribute. Keeps track of Target values poweredOn, present, functional struct - 4 booleans and a PLID deconfiguredByEid if this target was deconfigured, this will be a special DECONFIGURED_BY_ enum, OR it will be the errlog EID that caused it, either directly or by association, uint32_t 0 poweredOn 0b0: Target is not powered on (is off); 0b1: Target is powered on; uint8_t 1 0 present 0b0: Target is not present in the system; 0b1: Target is present in the system uint8_t 1 0 functional 0b0: Target is not functional; 0b1: Target is functional uint8_t 1 0 dumpfunctional FSP Only, used by DUMP applet; 0b0: target is dump capabile; 0b1: target is not dump capabile; uint8_t 1 0 volatile HWAS_STATE_CHANGED_FLAG HardWare Availability Service State Changed Attribute. Keeps track of changedSinceChecked state, indicates if the target has changed since last checked by the appropriate service. This is a bit field of flags (see HWAS_CHANGED_BIT enumeration that follows). 0x0 non-volatile HWAS_STATE_CHANGED_SUBSCRIPTION_MASK HardWare Availability Service State Changed Mask. Used when a target changes (ie, via HCDB change) to set the HWAS_STATE_CHANGED_FLAG, so that the appropriate services will all handle the change. This is a bit field of flags (see HWAS_CHANGED_BIT enumeration that follows). 0x0 non-volatile HWAS_CHANGED_BIT Enumeration indicating the services that are concerned with target changes (ie, via HCDB change). The values can be combined using a bitwise 'OR'. GARD 0x00000001 MEMDIAG 0x00000002 PSIDIAG 0x00000004 DIAG_MASK 0x00000006 NUMERIC_POD_TYPE_TEST Attribute which tests numeric POD types Numeric POD type test structure fsiPath Entity path for testing purposes EntityPath physical:sys-0 className Class for testing purposes CLASS CHIP uint8 Test uint8 uint8_t 0xAB uint16 Test uint16 uint16_t 0xABCD uint32 Test uint32 uint32_t 0xABCDEF01 uint64 Test uint64 uint64_t 0xABCDEF0123456789 int8 Test int8 int8_t -124 int16 Test int16 int16_t -32764 int32 Test int32 int32_t -2147483644 int64 Test int64 int64_t -9223372036854775804 non-volatile DECONFIG_GARDABLE If the Target is directly deconfigurable and GARDable; target may still be deconfigured in 'by association' processing. 0 non-volatile ISTEP_MODE If True, puts HostBoot into SPLess SingleStep mode. 0 non-volatile EEPROM_VPD_PRIMARY_INFO Information needed to address the EEPROM slaves Structure to define the addressing for an I2C slave device. i2cMasterPath Entity path to the chip that contains the I2C master EntityPath physical:sys-0 port Port from the I2C Master device. This is a 6-bit value. uint8_t 0x80 devAddr Device address on the I2C bus. This is a 7-bit value, but then shifted 1 bit left. uint8_t 0x80 engine I2C master engine. This is a 2-bit value. uint8_t 0x80 non-volatile EEPROM_VPD_BACKUP_INFO Information needed to address the EERPROM slaves Structure to define the addressing for an I2C slave device. i2cMasterPath Entity path to the chip that contains the I2C master EntityPath physical:sys-0 port Port from the I2C Master device. This is a 6-bit value. uint8_t 0x80 devAddr Device address on the I2C bus. This is a 7-bit value, but then shifted 1 bit left. uint8_t 0x80 engine I2C master engine. This is a 2-bit value. uint8_t 0x80 non-volatile EEPROM_SBE_PRIMARY_INFO Information needed to address the EERPROM slaves Structure to define the addressing for an I2C slave device. i2cMasterPath Entity path to the chip that contains the I2C master EntityPath physical:sys-0 port Port from the I2C Master device. This is a 6-bit value. uint8_t 0x80 devAddr Device address on the I2C bus. This is a 7-bit value, but then shifted 1 bit left. uint8_t 0x80 engine I2C master engine. This is a 2-bit value. uint8_t 0x80 non-volatile EEPROM_SBE_BACKUP_INFO Information needed to address the EERPROM slaves Structure to define the addressing for an I2C slave device. i2cMasterPath Entity path to the chip that contains the I2C master EntityPath physical:sys-0 port Port from the I2C Master device. This is a 6-bit value. uint8_t 0x80 devAddr Device address on the I2C bus. This is a 7-bit value, but then shifted 1 bit left. uint8_t 0x80 engine I2C master engine. This is a 2-bit value. uint8_t 0x80 non-volatile EC attribute indicating the chip target's EC level volatile-zeroed ATTR_EC DIRECT CHIP_ID attribute indicating the chip's ID volatile-zeroed ATTR_CHIP_ID DIRECT FSI_GP_REG_SCOM_ACCESS attribute indicating if the chip's FSI GP regs have scom access non-volatile ATTR_FSI_GP_REG_SCOM_ACCESS DIRECT L2_R_T0_EPS L2 tier0 read epsilon register value. volatile-zeroed ATTR_L2_R_T0_EPS DIRECT L2_R_T1_EPS L2 tier1 read epsilon register value. volatile-zeroed ATTR_L2_R_T1_EPS DIRECT L2_R_T2_EPS L2 tier2 read epsilon register value. volatile-zeroed ATTR_L2_R_T2_EPS DIRECT L2_FORCE_R_T2_EPS L2 force tier2 read epsilon protect (all tiers). volatile-zeroed ATTR_L2_FORCE_R_T2_EPS DIRECT L2_W_EPS L2 write epsilon register value. volatile-zeroed ATTR_L2_W_EPS DIRECT L3_R_T0_EPS L3 tier0 read epsilon register value. volatile-zeroed ATTR_L3_R_T0_EPS DIRECT L3_R_T1_EPS L3 tier1 read epsilon register value. volatile-zeroed ATTR_L3_R_T1_EPS DIRECT L3_R_T2_EPS L3 tier2 read epsilon register value. volatile-zeroed ATTR_L3_R_T2_EPS DIRECT L3_FORCE_R_T2_EPS L3 force tier2 read epsilon protect (all tiers). volatile-zeroed ATTR_L3_FORCE_R_T2_EPS DIRECT L3_W_EPS L3 write epsilon register value. volatile-zeroed ATTR_L3_W_EPS DIRECT CHIP_UNIT A unit (chiplet) 's offset number within the chip. 0 non-volatile ATTR_CHIP_UNIT_POS DIRECT POSITION Position of target relative to node 0 non-volatile MBA_PORT MBA port this DIMM is connected to 0 non-volatile ATTR_MBA_PORT DIRECT MBA_DIMM MBA port DIMM number of this DIMM 0 non-volatile ATTR_MBA_DIMM DIRECT CEN_DQ_TO_DIMM_CONN_DQ Centaur DQ to DIMM connector DQ mapping for a JEDEC DIMM. Uint8 value for each Centaur DQ (0-79). The value is the corresponding DIMM Connector DQ. 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39, 40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59, 60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79 80 non-volatile PROC_EPS_TABLE_TYPE Enumeration indicating the PROC_EPS_TABLE_TYPE EPS_TYPE_LE 1 EPS_TYPE_HE 2 PROC_EPS_TABLE_TYPE System attribute. Processor epsilon table type. Used to calculate the processor nest epsilon register values. non-volatile ATTR_PROC_EPS_TABLE_TYPE DIRECT PROC_FABRIC_PUMP_MODE Enumeration indicating the PROC_FABRIC_PUMP_MODE MODE1 1 MODE2 2 PROC_FABRIC_PUMP_MODE System attribute. Processor SMP Fabric broadcast scope configuration. MODE1 = default = chip/group/system/remote group/foreign. MODE2 = group/system/remote group/foreign. Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook. non-volatile ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_PUMP_MODE DIRECT PROC_X_BUS_WIDTH Enumeration indicating the PROC_X_BUS_WIDTH W4BYTE 1 W8BYTE 2 PROC_X_BUS_WIDTH System attribute. Processor SMP X bus width. Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook. non-volatile ATTR_PROC_X_BUS_WIDTH DIRECT ALL_MCS_IN_INTERLEAVING_GROUP System attribute. If all MCS chiplets are in an interleaving group (1=true, 0=false). If true the SMP fabric is setup in normal mode. If false the SMP fabric is setup in checkerboard mode. Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook. non-volatile ATTR_ALL_MCS_IN_INTERLEAVING_GROUP DIRECT FABRIC_NODE_ID Chip attribute. Logical fabric node the chip belongs to. Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook. Can vary across drawers. non-volatile ATTR_FABRIC_NODE_ID DIRECT FABRIC_CHIP_ID Chip attribute. Logical fabric chip id for this chip (position within the fabric). Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook. Can vary across drawers. non-volatile ATTR_FABRIC_CHIP_ID DIRECT CHIP_HAS_SBE Chip attribute. If true, the chip has an SBE and the associated registers. Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook. non-volatile ATTR_CHIP_HAS_SBE DIRECT FREQ_PROC_REFCLOCK System attribute. The frequency of the processor refclock in MHz. Provided by the MRW. non-volatile ATTR_FREQ_PROC_REFCLOCK DIRECT FREQ_PROC_REFCLOCK_KHZ System attribute. The frequency of the processor refclock in KHz. Provided by the MRW. non-volatile ATTR_FREQ_PROC_REFCLOCK_KHZ DIRECT FREQ_MEM_REFCLOCK System attribute. The frequency of the memory refclock in MHz. Provided by the MRW. non-volatile ATTR_FREQ_MEM_REFCLOCK DIRECT FREQ_CORE_FLOOR System attribute. The lowest frequency that a core can be set to in MHz. This is the same for all cores in the system. Provided by the MRW. non-volatile ATTR_FREQ_CORE_FLOOR DIRECT FREQ_PB System attribute. The frequency of a processor's PB chiplet in MHz. This is the same for all PB chiplets in the system. Provided by the MRW. non-volatile ATTR_FREQ_PB DIRECT FREQ_A System attribute. The frequency of a processor's A-bus chiplet in MHz. This is the same for all A-bus chiplets in the system. Provided by the MRW. non-volatile ATTR_FREQ_A DIRECT FREQ_X System attribute. The frequency of a processor's X-bus chiplet in MHz. This is the same for all X-bus chiplets in the system. Provided by the MRW. non-volatile ATTR_FREQ_X DIRECT MVPD_FREQ_CORE_NOMINAL Chip attribute. The nominal frequency of the processor cores in MHz. TODO This attribute should be from MVPD. When MVPD function is present, this attribute should be deleted. The corresponding HWPF attribute request should map to a function that calls the MVPD driver (in the same way as DIMM SPD). For now, just default to 3GHz 3000 non-volatile ATTR_MVPD_FREQ_CORE_NOMINAL DIRECT HUID Hardware Unit ID SSSSNNNNTTTTTTTTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii S=System N=Node Number T=Target Type (matches TYPE attribute) i=Instance/Sequence number of target, relative to node 0xFFFFFFFF non-volatile SP_FUNCTIONS Attribute which describes what the SP is or is not doing in this system Structure which defines a system's SP functions. Applicable for System target only. Structure is read-only. fsiSlaveInit 0b0: SP does not initialize FSI slave logic, Hostboot must; 0b1: SP does initialize FSI slave logic so Hostboot should not uint8_t 1 1 mailboxEnabled 0b0: There is no SP mailbox support; 0b1: There is SP mailbox support uint8_t 1 0 fsiMasterInit 0b0: SP does not initialize FSI master logic, Hostboot must; 0b1: SP does initialize FSI master logic so Hostboot should not uint8_t 1 1 hardwareChangeDetection 0b0: SP does not perform hardware change detection, Hostboot must; 0b1: SP does perform hardware change detection (HCDB) so Hostboot should not uint8_t 1 1 powerLineDisturbance 0b0: SP does not perform Power Line Disturbance (PLD) detection, Hostboot must; 0b1: SP does perform Power Line Disturbance (PLD) detection so Hostboot should not uint8_t 1 1 reserved Reserved for future use uint8_t 3 0 non-volatile HB_SETTINGS Attribute which describes how the SP has configured features in Hostboot. Structure which defines a system's HB settings. Applicable for System target only. traceContinuous Enable / Disable continuous trace. 0b0: Continuous trace is disabled. 0b1: Continuous trace is enabled. uint8_t 1 0 traceScanDebug Override trace debug selection for SCAN component. 0b0: TRACS entries for SCAN have default behavior. 0b1: TRACS entries for SCAN are enabled. uint8_t 1 0 reserved Reserved for future use uint8_t 6 0 non-volatile TEST_NULL_STRING Test attribute; string with empty default value 10 volatile TEST_MIN_STRING Test attribute; smallest string possible given size a 10 volatile TEST_MAX_STRING Test attribute; largest string possible given size abc 4 volatile TEST_NO_DEFAULT_STRING Test attribute; string with no default supplied 10 volatile VPD_REC_NUM Record offset for this target's VPD 0xFFFF non-volatile PEER_TARGET Peer target's address of a A/X-bus connection. NULL means address 0 for no peer target. If a target instance overrides the default with the peer target's PHYS_PATH. The target compiler will convert the valid PHYS_PATH string into the runtime virtual address of the peer target instance. NULL non-volatile PAYLOAD_BASE Base address (target HRMOR) of the payload. Value is in MB. 256 volatile PAYLOAD_ENTRY The offset from base address of the payload entry-point. Current default is 0x180 0x180 volatile PAYLOAD_KIND Enumeration indicating what kind of payload is to be started UNKNOWN 0 PHYP 1 SAPPHIRE 2 NONE 3 UNKNOWN PAYLOAD_KIND Attribute indicating what kind of payload is to be started. PAYLOAD_KIND non-volatile HB_HRMOR_NODAL_BASE Hostboot HRMOR = (HB_HRMOR_NODAL_BASE * node) + offset. 0x400000000000 volatile FABRIC_TO_PHYSICAL_NODE_MAP Correlate HDAT node number (physical) to the logical node (based on the PIR) that contains the host boot image. 0,255,255,255,255,255,255,255 8 volatile PROC_MEM_BASES read/write HWP attribute mapped to TARGETING Non-mirrored memory base addresses creator: mss_setup_bars consumer: proc_setup_bars, platform firmware notes: 64-bit RA eight independent non-mirrored segments are supported (max number based on Venice design) 8 volatile-zeroed ATTR_PROC_MEM_BASES DIRECT PROC_MEM_SIZES read/write HWP attribute mapped to TARGETING Size of non-mirrored memory regions creator: mss_setup_bars consumer: proc_setup_bars, platform firmware notes: for given index value, address space assumed to be contiguous from ATTR_PROC_MEM_BASES value at matching index eight independent non-mirrored segments are supported (max number based on Venice design) 8 volatile-zeroed ATTR_PROC_MEM_SIZES DIRECT PROC_MIRROR_BASES Mirrored memory base addresses creator: mss_setup_bars consumer: proc_setup_bars, platform firmware notes: 64-bit RA four independent mirrored segments are supported (max number based on Venice design) 4 volatile-zeroed ATTR_PROC_MIRROR_BASES DIRECT PROC_MIRROR_SIZES Size of mirrored memory region creator: mss_setup_bars consumer: proc_setup_bars, platform firmware notes: for given index value, address space assumed to be contiguous from ATTR_PROC_MIRROR_BASES value at matching index four independent mirrored segments are supported (max number based on Venice design) 4 volatile-zeroed ATTR_PROC_MIRROR_SIZES DIRECT PROC_L3_BAR1_REG read/write HWP attribute mapped to TARGETING L3 BAR1 register value creator: proc_setup_bars consumer: winkle image setup procedures notes: 64-bit register value SCOM address: 0x1001080B volatile-zeroed ATTR_PROC_L3_BAR1_REG DIRECT PROC_L3_BAR2_REG read/write HWP attribute mapped to TARGETING L3 BAR2 register value creator: proc_setup_bars consumer: winkle image setup procedures notes: 64-bit register value SCOM address: 0x10010813 volatile-zeroed ATTR_PROC_L3_BAR2_REG DIRECT PROC_L3_BAR_GROUP_MASK_REG read/write HWP attribute mapped to TARGETING L3 BAR Group Mask register value creator: proc_setup_bars consumer: winkle image setup procedures notes: 64-bit register value SCOM address: 0x10010816 volatile-zeroed ATTR_PROC_L3_BAR_GROUP_MASK_REG DIRECT FREQ_CORE firmware notes: Nominal processor's core DPLL frequency (MHz). Default value provided by Machine Readable Workbook. This attribute is the current value. @note this should be initialized by istep 7.1 proc_a_x_pci_dmi_pll_setup volatile-zeroed ATTR_FREQ_CORE DIRECT PROC_PCIE_NOT_F_LINK firmware notes: Set IPL time mux/switch between PCIE PHB/F link function (one per foreign link) 1,1 2 volatile ATTR_PROC_PCIE_NOT_F_LINK DIRECT PROC_MCS_GROUPS Per MCS group number Value is index for PROC_MEM_BASES and PROC_MEM_SIZES arrays creator: mss_eff_grouping.C consumer: HDAT 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 8 volatile ATTR_PROC_MCS_GROUPS DIRECT XSCOM_BASE_ADDRESS System XSCOM base address 0x0003FC0000000000 non-volatile IBSCOM_MCS_BASE_ADDR MCS Inband Scom base address 0x0003E00000000000 non-volatile ATTR_MCS_INBAND_BASE_ADDRESS DIRECT IBSCOM_PROC_BASE_ADDR PROC Inband Scom base address 0x0003E00000000000 non-volatile MIRROR_BASE_ADDRESS System Mirrorable base address 0x0002000000000000 non-volatile FSP_BASE_ADDR Base Address of FSP IO Region 0x0003FFE000000000 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_FSP_BAR_BASE_ADDR DIRECT FSP_BAR_SIZE Size of FSP IO Region 0x0000000100000000 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_FSP_BAR_SIZE DIRECT FSP_MMIO_MASK_SIZE MMIO Mask for FSP IO Region 0x0000000100000000 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_FSP_MMIO_MASK_SIZE DIRECT PSI_BRIDGE_BASE_ADDR Base Address of PSI Bridge Logic 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF non-volatile ATTR_PROC_PSI_BRIDGE_BAR_BASE_ADDR DIRECT INTP_BASE_ADDR Base Address of Interrupt Presenter 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF non-volatile ATTR_PROC_INTP_BAR_BASE_ADDR DIRECT PHB_BASE_ADDRS Base Address of PHB Register Space 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 4 non-volatile PCI_BASE_ADDRS Base Address of PCI Memory Space 0x0003D00000000000, 0x0003FFFE40100000, 0x0003FFFE40200000, 0x0003FFFE40300000 4 non-volatile MEM_BASE Base Address for all mainstore behind this processor volatile-zeroed ATTR_PROC_MEM_BASE DIRECT MIRROR_BASE Base Address for all mirrored mainstore behind this processor volatile-zeroed ATTR_PROC_MIRROR_BASE DIRECT RNG_BASE_ADDR Base Address of RNG IO Region 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF non-volatile ATTR_PROC_NX_MMIO_BAR_BASE_ADDR DIRECT RNG_BAR_SIZE Size of RNG IO Region 0x000000000001000 non-volatile IMT_BASE_ADDR Base Address of In-Memory Trace Region Set by FSP-based tooling 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF non-volatile IMT_BAR_SIZE Size of IMT IO Region Set by FSP-based tooling 0x0000000000000000 non-volatile PROC_EPS_GB_PERCENTAGE firmware notes: Guardband percentage to apply to baseline epsilon values volatile-zeroed ATTR_PROC_EPS_GB_PERCENTAGE DIRECT PROC_EPS_GB_DIRECTION firmware notes: Direction to apply guardband margin (positive/negative) volatile-zeroed ATTR_PROC_EPS_GB_DIRECTION DIRECT PROC_FABRIC_ASYNC_SAFE_MODE firmware notes: Set to force all asynchronous boundary crossings into safe mode. volatile-zeroed ATTR_PROC_FABRIC_ASYNC_SAFE_MODE DIRECT FREQ_PCIE The frequency of a processor's PCI-e bus in MHz. This is the same for all PCI-e busses in the system. Provided by the MRW. non-volatile ATTR_FREQ_PCIE DIRECT NOMINAL_FREQ_MHZ Nominal frequency in mhz for all processors in the system based on module VPD processing. 0 non-volatile MNFG_FLAGS Provides the mnfg flags in a single value. The bits are masked together so the single value will have data on several mnfg flags. Should note that the MNFG_FLAG_BIT enum is used to provide the value of the different mnfg flags. A user can bitwise 'OR' several of the MNFG_FLAG_BIT values together to indicate that multiple mnfg flags are set. @TODO via RTC: 35451 The HostBoot side can only read the mnfg flag attribute. However the FSP side will need to read and write the mnfg flag attributes. For now making it so both sides are read and writeable but will need to revisit to find a better way to handle persistency when the hostboot and FSP differ. 0x0000000000000000 non-volatile ATTR_MNFG_FLAGS DIRECT MNFG_FLAG_BIT Enumeration indicating the mnfg flags that are set by the user. The values can be combined using a bitwise 'OR'. The values will need to be kept in sync with the FAPI enumerator values. Also the enumeration type is used by the ATTR_MNFG_FLAGS attribute. Should note that the MNFG_FLAG_BIT values are of type uint32_t MNFG_THRESHOLDS 0x00000001 MNFG_AVP_ENABLE 0x00000002 MNFG_HDAT_AVP_ENABLE 0x00000004 MNFG_SRC_TERM 0x00000008 MNFG_IPL_MEMORY_CE_CHECKINGE 0x00000010 MNFG_FAST_BACKGROUND_SCRUB 0x00000020 MNFG_TEST_DRAM_REPAIRS 0x00000040 MNFG_DISABLE_DRAM_REPAIRS 0x00000080 MNFG_ENABLE_EXHAUSTIVE_PATTERN_TEST 0x00000100 MNFG_ENABLE_STANDARD_PATTERN_TEST 0x00000200 MNFG_ENABLE_MINIMUM_PATTERN_TEST 0x00000400 MNFG_DISABLE_FABRIC_eREPAIR 0x00000800 MNFG_DISABLE_MEMORY_eREPAIR 0x00001000 MNFG_FABRIC_DEPLOY_LANE_SPARES 0x00002000 MNFG_DMI_DEPLOY_LANE_SPARES 0x00004000 MNFG_PSI_DIAGNOSTIC 0x00008000 PROC_DPLL_DIVIDER PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PROC_DPLL_DIVIDER DIRECT PM_POWER_PROXY_TRACE_TIMER PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_POWER_PROXY_TRACE_TIMER DIRECT PM_PPT_TIMER_MATCH_VALUE PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_PPT_TIMER_MATCH_VALUE DIRECT PM_PPT_TIMER_TICK PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_PPT_TIMER_TICK DIRECT PM_AISS_TIMEOUT PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_AISS_TIMEOUT DIRECT PM_PSTATE_STEPSIZE PROC_CHIP Attribute Used to setup the PMC voltage controller Producer: proc_build_pstate_tables.C Consumer: OCC pstate_init() volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_PSTATE_STEPSIZE DIRECT PM_EXTERNAL_VRM_STEPDELAY_RANGE PROC_CHIP Attribute A 4 bit field selects one of the the upper 16bit of a 19bit counter (16+3) incremented in the nest/4 domain Consumer: proc_pm.scominit volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_EXTERNAL_VRM_STEPDELAY_RANGE DIRECT PM_EXTERNAL_VRM_STEPDELAY_VALUE PROC_CHIP Attribute Consumer: proc_pm.scominit volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_EXTERNAL_VRM_STEPDELAY_VALUE DIRECT PM_PMC_HANGPULSE_DIVIDER PROC_CHIP Attribute Producer: proc_pm_init Consumer: proc_pm.scominit volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_PMC_HANGPULSE_DIVIDER DIRECT PM_PVSAFE_PSTATE PROC_CHIP Attribute Pstate that is invoked in the PMC voltage controller upon the loss of the OCC Heartbeat.. Producer: proc_pm_init.C Consumer: proc_pm.scominit volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_PVSAFE_PSTATE DIRECT PM_SPIVID_FRAME_SIZE PROC_CHIP Attribute Supported values: 0x20 (32d) Chip Select assertion duration is spi_frame_size + 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPIVID_FRAME_SIZE DIRECT PM_SPIVID_IN_DELAY_FRAME1 PROC_CHIP Attribute Supported values: 0x00 to spi_frame_size. Values beyond spi_frame_size result in the input never being captured volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPIVID_IN_DELAY_FRAME1 DIRECT PM_SPIVID_IN_DELAY_FRAME2 PROC_CHIP Attribute Supported values: 0x00 to spi_frame_size. Values beyond spi_frame_size result in the input never being captured volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPIVID_IN_DELAY_FRAME2 DIRECT PM_SPIVID_CLOCK_POLARITY PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPIVID_CLOCK_POLARITY DIRECT PM_SPIVID_CLOCK_PHASE PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPIVID_CLOCK_PHASE DIRECT PM_SPIVID_CLOCK_DIVIDER PROC_CHIP Attribute For a 2.4GHz nest clock, this means that the SPI clk can be theoretically adjusted between 600MHz and 0.29MHz (cycle time 1.66ns...3.41us, in 1.66ns steps). However, a practical range is 0.5...25MHz. volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPIVID_CLOCK_DIVIDER DIRECT PM_SPIVID_INTERFRAME_DELAY_WRITE_STATUS PROC_CHIP Attribute Consumer: proc_pmc_init volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPIVID_INTERFRAME_DELAY_WRITE_STATUS DIRECT PM_SPIVID_INTERFRAME_DELAY_WRITE_STATUS_VALUE PROC_CHIP Attribute Delay is computed as: (value * ~100ns_hang_pulse) +0/-~100ns_hang_pulse time 0x00000: Wait 1 SPI Clock 0x00001 - 0x1FFFF: value = number of ~100ns_hang_pulses For values greater than 0x00000, the actual delay is 1 SPI Clock + the time delay designated by the value defined. Max. delay at 0x1FFFF: 13.1ms + 1 SPI clock cycle. volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPIVID_INTERFRAME_DELAY_WRITE_STATUS_VALUE DIRECT PM_SPIVID_INTER_RETRY_DELAY_VALUE PROC_CHIP Attribute Delay is computed as: (value * ~100ns_hang_pulse) +0/-~100ns_hang_pulse time 0x0000: Wait 1 SPI Clock 0x0001 - 0xFFFF: value = number of ~100ns_hang_pulses For values greater than 0x00000, the actual delay is 1 SPI Clock + the time delay designated by the value defined. Max. delay at 0x1FFFF: 13.1ms + 1 SPI clock cycle. volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPIVID_INTER_RETRY_DELAY_VALUE DIRECT PM_SPIVID_INTER_RETRY_DELAY PROC_CHIP Attribute Consumer: proc_pmc_init volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPIVID_INTER_RETRY_DELAY DIRECT PM_SPIVID_CRC_GEN_ENABLE PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPIVID_CRC_GEN_ENABLE DIRECT PM_SPIVID_CRC_CHECK_ENABLE PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPIVID_CRC_CHECK_ENABLE DIRECT PM_SPIVID_MAJORITY_VOTE_ENABLE PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPIVID_MAJORITY_VOTE_ENABLE DIRECT PM_SPIVID_MAX_RETRIES PROC_CHIP Attribute 0x00: No retry 0x01 to 0x1F: 1 to 31 respectively volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPIVID_MAX_RETRIES DIRECT PM_SPIVID_CRC_POLYNOMIAL_ENABLES PROC_CHIP Attribute An 8 bit mask vector to enable XORs in the CRC generation and checking LFSRs at the respective bit position. MSB (x^8) is omitted since it is always enabled, so the mask layout is (x^7,x^6,x^5,x^4,x^3,x^2,x^1,1) Planned CRC8 polynomial: x^8 + x^7 + x^6 + x^4 + x^2 + 1 Value to enable planned polynomial: 0b1101_0101 (=0xD5) volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPIVID_CRC_POLYNOMIAL_ENABLES DIRECT PM_OCC_HEARTBEAT_TIME PROC_CHIP Attribute Consumer: OCC FW volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_OCC_HEARTBEAT_TIME DIRECT PM_SLEEP_WINKLE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT PROC_CHIP Attribute Consumer: proc_pmc_init.C. Will be translated to a DYNAMIC ATTRIBUTE for use by proc_pm..scominit as a multiple of PM hang pulses.. Counter starts at 0, is increased with every tp_pmc_hang_pulse as long as PORE is busy and set the PMC local FIR bit 19 when count = threshold. volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SLEEP_WINKLE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT DIRECT PM_SLEEP_ENTRY PROC_CHIP Attribute Set Assisted if power off serialization is needed and SLEEP_TYPE=Fast; Set to Hardware if the system can handle the unrelated powering off between cores. Hardware setting decreases entry latency Producer: MRWB Consumer: proc_pm_init and proc_pcbs_init volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SLEEP_ENTRY DIRECT PM_SLEEP_EXIT PROC_CHIP Attribute Set to Assisted if power on serialization is needed and SLEEP_TYPE=Fast; Set to Hardware if the system can handle the unrelated powering off between cores. Hardware setting decreases entry latency Must be set to Assisted if ATTR_PM_SLEEP_TYPE=Deep as this necessary for restore. Setting to Hardware is a test mode for Fast only. Producer: MRWB Consumer: proc_pm_init and proc_pcbs_init. volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SLEEP_EXIT DIRECT PM_SLEEP_TYPE PROC_CHIP Attribute Selects which voltage level to place the Core domain PFETs upon Sleep entry. 0 = Vret (Fast Sleep Mode), 1 = Voff (Deep Sleep Mode) Producer: MRWB Consumer: proc_pm_init and proc_pcbs_init volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SLEEP_TYPE DIRECT PM_WINKLE_TYPE PROC_CHIP Attribute Selects which voltage level to place the Core and ECO domain PFETs upon Winkle entry. 0 = Vret (Fast Winkle Mode), 1 = Voff (Deep Winkle Mode) volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_WINKLE_TYPE DIRECT PM_PFET_POWERUP_CORE_DELAY0 PROC_CHIP Attribute 0 non-volatile ATTR_PM_PFET_POWERUP_CORE_DELAY0 DIRECT PM_PFET_POWERUP_CORE_DELAY1 PROC_CHIP Attribute 0 non-volatile ATTR_PM_PFET_POWERUP_CORE_DELAY1 DIRECT PM_PFET_POWERUP_CORE_DELAY0_VALUE PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_PFET_POWERUP_CORE_DELAY0_VALUE DIRECT PM_PFET_POWERUP_CORE_DELAY1_VALUE PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_PFET_POWERUP_CORE_DELAY1_VALUE DIRECT PM_PFET_POWERUP_CORE_SEQUENCE_DELAY_SELECT PROC_CHIP Attribute 0 in the bit position: use ATTR_PM_PFET_POWERUP_CORE_DELAY0; 1 in the bit position: use ATTR_PM_PFET_POWERUP_CORE_DELAY1 volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_PFET_POWERUP_CORE_SEQUENCE_DELAY_SELECT DIRECT PM_PFET_POWERDOWN_CORE_DELAY0 PROC_CHIP Attribute 0 non-volatile ATTR_PM_PFET_POWERDOWN_CORE_DELAY0 DIRECT PM_PFET_POWERDOWN_CORE_DELAY1 PROC_CHIP Attribute 0 non-volatile ATTR_PM_PFET_POWERDOWN_CORE_DELAY1 DIRECT PM_PFET_POWERDOWN_CORE_DELAY0_VALUE PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_PFET_POWERDOWN_CORE_DELAY0_VALUE DIRECT PM_PFET_POWERDOWN_CORE_DELAY1_VALUE PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_PFET_POWERDOWN_CORE_DELAY1_VALUE DIRECT PM_PFET_POWERDOWN_CORE_SEQUENCE_DELAY_SELECT PROC_CHIP Attribute 0 in the bit position: use ATTR_PM_PFET_POWERUP_CORE_DELAY0; 1 in the bit position: use ATTR_PM_PFET_POWERUP_CORE_DELAY1 volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_PFET_POWERDOWN_CORE_SEQUENCE_DELAY_SELECT DIRECT PM_PFET_POWERUP_ECO_DELAY0 PROC_CHIP Attribute 0 non-volatile ATTR_PM_PFET_POWERUP_ECO_DELAY0 DIRECT PM_PFET_POWERUP_ECO_DELAY1 PROC_CHIP Attribute 0 non-volatile ATTR_PM_PFET_POWERUP_ECO_DELAY1 DIRECT PM_PFET_POWERUP_ECO_DELAY0_VALUE PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_PFET_POWERUP_ECO_DELAY0_VALUE DIRECT PM_PFET_POWERUP_ECO_DELAY1_VALUE PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_PFET_POWERUP_ECO_DELAY1_VALUE DIRECT PM_PFET_POWERUP_ECO_SEQUENCE_DELAY_SELECT PROC_CHIP Attribute 0 in the bit position: use ATTR_PM_PFET_POWERUP_ECO_DELAY0; 1 in the bit position: use ATTR_PM_PFET_POWERUP_ECO_DELAY1 volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_PFET_POWERUP_ECO_SEQUENCE_DELAY_SELECT DIRECT PM_PFET_POWERDOWN_ECO_DELAY0 PROC_CHIP Attribute 0 non-volatile ATTR_PM_PFET_POWERDOWN_ECO_DELAY0 DIRECT PM_PFET_POWERDOWN_ECO_DELAY1 PROC_CHIP Attribute 0 non-volatile ATTR_PM_PFET_POWERDOWN_ECO_DELAY1 DIRECT PM_PFET_POWERDOWN_ECO_DELAY0_VALUE PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_PFET_POWERDOWN_ECO_DELAY0_VALUE DIRECT PM_PFET_POWERDOWN_ECO_DELAY1_VALUE PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_PFET_POWERDOWN_ECO_DELAY1_VALUE DIRECT PM_PFET_POWERDOWN_ECO_SEQUENCE_DELAY_SELECT PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_PFET_POWERDOWN_ECO_SEQUENCE_DELAY_SELECT DIRECT PM_PSTATE0_FREQUENCY PROC_CHIP Attribute Producer: proc_build_gpstate.C Consumers: proc_pcbs_init.C, proc_pcbs_lpst_init.C, volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_PSTATE0_FREQUENCY DIRECT PM_IVRMS_ENABLED PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_IVRMS_ENABLED DIRECT PM_SAFE_PSTATE PROC_CHIP Attribute Valid Values:-128 thru 127 Producer: proc_pm_init.C DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTE Consumer: proc_pcbs_init.C Establishes the Pstate that the core chiplet will take on if: psafe less-than-or-equal PMSR[global_actual_pstate] AND any of the following conditions are true: Loss of OCC Heartbeat if occ_heartbeat_en is set PMGP0[force_safe_mode] is set If psafe greater-than PMSR[global_actual_pstate], the global_actual_pstate is forced. The value of Psafe needs to be at or below the nominal Pstate to make sure safe operation of all chiplets. volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SAFE_PSTATE DIRECT PM_RESONANT_CLOCK_ENABLE PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_RESONANT_CLOCK_ENABLE DIRECT PM_RESONANT_CLOCK_FULL_CSB_PSTATE PROC_CHIP Attribute Defines the Pstate for the point at which clock sector buffers should be at full strength. This is to support Vmin operation. volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_RESONANT_CLOCK_FULL_CSB_PSTATE DIRECT PM_RESONANT_CLOCK_LFRLOW_PSTATE PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_RESONANT_CLOCK_LFRLOW_PSTATE DIRECT PM_RESONANT_CLOCK_LFRUPPER_PSTATE PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_RESONANT_CLOCK_LFRUPPER_PSTATE DIRECT PM_RESONANT_CLOCK_HFRLOW_PSTATE PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_RESONANT_CLOCK_HFRLOW_PSTATE DIRECT PM_RESONANT_CLOCK_HFRHIGH_PSTATE PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_RESONANT_CLOCK_HFRHIGH_PSTATE DIRECT PM_SPIPSS_FRAME_SIZE PROC_CHIP Attribute Supported values: 0x10 (16d), Chip Select assertion duration is spi_frame_size + 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPIPSS_FRAME_SIZE DIRECT PM_SPIPSS_OUT_COUNT PROC_CHIP Attribute Supported values: 0x000 to spi_frame_size. Values beyond spi_frame_size are ignored. volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPIPSS_OUT_COUNT DIRECT PM_SPIPSS_IN_DELAY PROC_CHIP Attribute Supported values: 0x000 to spi_frame_size. Values beyond spi_frame_size result in the input never being captured volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPIPSS_IN_DELAY DIRECT PM_SPIPSS_IN_COUNT PROC_CHIP Attribute Supported values: 0x000 to spi_frame_size. The actual number of bits captured is spi_frame_size - spi_in_delay volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPIPSS_IN_COUNT DIRECT PM_SPIPSS_CLOCK_POLARITY PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPIPSS_CLOCK_POLARITY DIRECT PM_SPIPSS_CLOCK_PHASE PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPIPSS_CLOCK_PHASE DIRECT PM_SPIPSS_CLOCK_DIVIDER PROC_CHIP Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPIPSS_CLOCK_DIVIDER DIRECT PM_SPIPSS_INTER_FRAME_DELAY_SETTING PROC_CHIP Attribute Delay is computed as: (value * ~100ns_hang_pulse) +0/-~100ns_hang_pulse time 0x00000: Wait 1 PSS Clock 0x00001 - 0x1FFFF: value = number of ~100ns_hang_pulses For values greater than 0x00000, the actual delay is 1 PSS Clock + the time delay designated by the value defined. Max. delay at 0x1FFFF: 13.1ms + 1 PSSI clock cycle. Producer: proc_pm_init Consumer: proc_pss_init volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPIPSS_INTER_FRAME_DELAY_SETTING DIRECT PM_SPIPSS_INTER_FRAME_DELAY PROC_CHIP Attribute Consumer: proc_pm_init Produces ATTR_PM_SPIPSS_INTER_FRAME_DELAY_SETTING volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPIPSS_INTER_FRAME_DELAY DIRECT PM_PBAX_RCV_RESERV_TIMEOUT PROC_CHIP Attribute Divider for the 1us PBAX hang pulse. A hang is detected after two divided hang pulses are received under the following conditions: Data Hi packet accepted and timeout waiting for Data Lo packet. Reservation aquired and timeout waiting for Data Hi packet. 00000 Data Timeout is Disabled 00001 divided hang pulse = PBAX hang pulse 00010 divided hang pulse = PBAX hang pulse/2 00011 divided hang pulse = PBAX hang pulse/3 . . . 11111 divided hang pulse = PBAX hang pulse/31 volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_PBAX_RCV_RESERV_TIMEOUT DIRECT PM_PBAX_SND_RETRY_COUNT_OVERCOMMIT_ENABLE PROC_CHIP Attribute Mode bit to count overcommit retries for the send retry threshold when sending PBAX commands on the powerbus. volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_PBAX_SND_RETRY_COUNT_OVERCOMMIT_ENABLE DIRECT PM_PBAX_SND_RETRY_THRESHOLD PROC_CHIP Attribute Defines the maximum number of retry attempts by the Send Engine for any phase of the PBAX transaction set before the operation is dropped and status bit are set. This does not count PowerBus overcommit retries unless snd_retry_count_overcom bit is set. 0x00 : No Timeout 0x01 : 1 attempt 0x02 : 2 attempts .etc. 0xFF : 255 attempts volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_PBAX_SND_RETRY_THRESHOLD DIRECT PM_PBAX_SND_RESERV_TIMEOUT PROC_CHIP Attribute Divider for the 1us PBAX hang pulse. A hang is detected after two divided hang pulses are received after attempting to acquire a reservation with the PBAX Receive engine before declaring a Send Reservation Timeout error. 00000 Send Reservation Timeout is Disabled 00001 divided hang pulse = PBAX hang pulse 00010 divided hang pulse = PBAX hang pulse/2 00011 divided hang pulse = PBAX hang pulse/3 . . . 11111 divided hang pulse = PBAX hang pulse/31 volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_PBAX_SND_RESERV_TIMEOUT DIRECT PM_SPWUP_FSP EX_CHIPLET Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPWUP_FSP DIRECT PM_SPWUP_OCC EX_CHIPLET Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPWUP_OCC DIRECT PM_SPWUP_PHYP EX_CHIPLET Attribute volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPWUP_PHYP DIRECT PM_EXTERNAL_VRM_STEPSIZE SYSTEM Attribute Step size (binary in microvolts) to take upon external VRM voltage transitions. The value set here must take into account where internal VRMs are enabled or not as, when they are enabled, the step size must account for the tracking (eg PFET strength recalculation) for the step. Consumer: proc_build_pstate_tables.C, proc_pmc_init.C -config Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook after system characterization. non-volatile ATTR_PM_EXTERNAL_VRM_STEPSIZE DIRECT PM_EXTERNAL_VRM_STEPDELAY SYSTEM Attribute Step delay (binary in microseconds) after a voltage change Consumer: proc_pmc_init -config Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook after system characterization. non-volatile ATTR_PM_EXTERNAL_VRM_STEPDELAY DIRECT PM_SPIVID_FREQUENCY SYSTEM Attribute SPI Clock Frequency (binary in MHz) Consumer: proc_pm_effective Produces ATTR_PM_SPIVID_CLOCK_DIVIDER Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook. non-volatile ATTR_PM_SPIVID_FREQUENCY DIRECT PM_SPIVID_PORT_ENABLE PROC_CHIP Attribute Defines the configuration of the SPIVID ports from the target. - NONE means that no VRM is attached. - PORTxNONRED means that the indicated port is used in a non-redundant configuration. - REDUNDANT means that all three are connected and considered redundant. Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook. non-volatile ATTR_PM_SPIVID_PORT_ENABLE DIRECT PM_SAFE_FREQUENCY SYSTEM Attribute Indicates the frequency that the cores will be moved to in the event of the loss of the OCC Heartbead. This value needs to be at or below the nominal frequency to make sure safe operation of all chiplets. Valid Values:-128 thru 127 The value is translated to the Pstate space. Consumer: proc_pm_effective.C DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTE: ATTR_PM_SAFE_PSTATE Consumer: proc_pcbs_init.C TODO: Dean said this may either be provided by the Machine Readable Workbook or Todd R's power management def file. non-volatile ATTR_PM_SAFE_FREQUENCY DIRECT PM_RESONANT_CLOCK_FULL_CLOCK_SECTOR_BUFFER_FREQUENCY SYSTEM Attribute Frequency (binary in MHz) for the point at which clock sector buffers should be at full strength. This is to support Vmin operation. Setting cannot overlap the Low or High bands. Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook after system characterization. non-volatile ATTR_PM_RESONANT_CLOCK_FULL_CLOCK_SECTOR_BUFFER_FREQUENCY DIRECT PM_RESONANT_CLOCK_LOW_BAND_LOWER_FREQUENCY SYSTEM Attribute Frequency (binary in MHz)) for the lower end of the Low Frequency Resonant band Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook after system characterization. non-volatile ATTR_PM_RESONANT_CLOCK_LOW_BAND_LOWER_FREQUENCY DIRECT PM_RESONANT_CLOCK_LOW_BAND_UPPER_FREQUENCY SYSTEM Attribute Frequency (binary in MHz) for the upper end of the Low Frequency Resonant band Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook after system characterization. non-volatile ATTR_PM_RESONANT_CLOCK_LOW_BAND_UPPER_FREQUENCY DIRECT PM_RESONANT_CLOCK_HIGH_BAND_LOWER_FREQUENCY SYSTEM Attribute Frequency (binary in MHz) for the lower end of the High Frequency Resonant band Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook after system characterization. non-volatile ATTR_PM_RESONANT_CLOCK_HIGH_BAND_LOWER_FREQUENCY DIRECT PM_RESONANT_CLOCK_HIGH_BAND_UPPER_FREQUENCY SYSTEM Attribute Frequency (binary in MHz)) for the upper end of the High Frequency Resonant band Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook after system characterization. non-volatile ATTR_PM_RESONANT_CLOCK_HIGH_BAND_UPPER_FREQUENCY DIRECT PM_SPIPSS_FREQUENCY SYSTEM Attribute SPIPSS Clock Frequency (binary in MHz) Valid range: 0.5MHz to 25MHz Consumer: proc_pmc_init Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook. non-volatile ATTR_PM_SPIPSS_FREQUENCY DIRECT PM_APSS_CHIP_SELECT PROC_CHIP Attribute Defines which of the PSS chip selects that the APSS is connected Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook. non-volatile ATTR_PM_APSS_CHIP_SELECT DIRECT PM_PBAX_NODEID PROC_CHIP Attribute Receive PBAX Nodeid. Value that indicates this PBA's PBAX Node affinity. This is matched to pbax_nodeid of the PMISC Address phase. Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook. non-volatile ATTR_PM_PBAX_NODEID DIRECT PM_PBAX_CHIPID PROC_CHIP Attribute Receive PBAX Chipid. Value that indicates this PBA's PBAX Chipid within the PBAX node. Is matched to pbax_chipid of the Address phase if pbax_type=unicast. Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook. non-volatile ATTR_PM_PBAX_CHIPID DIRECT PM_PBAX_BRDCST_ID_VECTOR PROC_CHIP Attribute Receive PBAX Broadcast Group. Vector that is indexed when decoded PMISC pbax_type=broadcast with the decoded PMISC pbax_chipid value. If the bit in this vector at the decoded bit location is a 1, then this receive engine will participate in the broadcast operation. Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook. non-volatile ATTR_PM_PBAX_BRDCST_ID_VECTOR DIRECT FREQ_CORE_MAX SYSTEM Attribute Maximum frequency (binary in MHz) that any processor in the system will run. Used to define the top end of the PState range in the frequency space. From this, the ATTR_PROCPM_PSTATE0_FREQUENCY is computed using ATTR_SYSTEM_REFCLK_FREQUENCY to determine the step size. Consumers: proc_build_gpstate_table.C (among others) TODO: Dean's proposal is that each platform will iterate over all chips, reading the super-turbo frequency from MVPD #V and set this attribute to the lowest value. non-volatile ATTR_FREQ_CORE_MAX DIRECT OVERRIDE_MVPD_NOM_FREQ_MHZ Module VPD #V keyword Nominal Frequency in MHZ consumer: p8_build_pstate_datablock, others firmware notes: Used as override attribute for pstate procedure volatile-zeroed ATTR_OVERRIDE_MVPD_NOM_FREQ_MHZ DIRECT OVERRIDE_MVPD_V_NEST_NOM_VOLTAGE Module VPD #V keyword V-nest nominal voltage consumer: p8_build_pstate_datablock, others firmware notes: Used as override attribute for pstate procedure volatile-zeroed ATTR_OVERRIDE_MVPD_V_NEST_NOM_VOLTAGE DIRECT OVERRIDE_MVPD_I_NEST_NOM_CURRENT Module VPD #V keyword I-nest nominal current consumer: p8_build_pstate_datablock, others firmware notes: Used as override attribute for pstate procedure volatile-zeroed ATTR_OVERRIDE_MVPD_I_NEST_NOM_CURRENT DIRECT OVERRIDE_MVPD_V_CS_NOM_VOLTAGE Module VPD #V keyword V-cs nominal voltage consumer: p8_build_pstate_datablock, others firmware notes: Used as override attribute for pstate procedure volatile-zeroed ATTR_OVERRIDE_MVPD_V_CS_NOM_VOLTAGE DIRECT OVERRIDE_MVPD_I_CS_NOM_CURRENT Module VPD #V keyword I-cs nominal current consumer: p8_build_pstate_datablock, others firmware notes: Used as override attribute for pstate procedure volatile-zeroed ATTR_OVERRIDE_MVPD_I_CS_NOM_CURRENT DIRECT OVERRIDE_MVPD_PS_FREQ_MHZ Module VPD #V keyword PowerSave Frequency in MHZ consumer: p8_build_pstate_datablock, others firmware notes: Used as override attribute for pstate procedure volatile-zeroed ATTR_OVERRIDE_MVPD_PS_FREQ_MHZ DIRECT OVERRIDE_MVPD_V_NEST_PS_VOLTAGE Module VPD #V keyword V-nest powersave voltage consumer: p8_build_pstate_datablock, others firmware notes: Used as override attribute for pstate procedure volatile-zeroed ATTR_OVERRIDE_MVPD_V_NEST_PS_VOLTAGE DIRECT OVERRIDE_MVPD_I_NEST_PS_CURRENT Module VPD #V keyword I-nest powersave current consumer: p8_build_pstate_datablock, others firmware notes: Used as override attribute for pstate procedure volatile-zeroed ATTR_OVERRIDE_MVPD_I_NEST_PS_CURRENT DIRECT OVERRIDE_MVPD_V_CS_PS_VOLTAGE Module VPD #V keyword V-cs powersave voltage consumer: p8_build_pstate_datablock, others firmware notes: Used as override attribute for pstate procedure volatile-zeroed ATTR_OVERRIDE_MVPD_V_CS_PS_VOLTAGE DIRECT OVERRIDE_MVPD_I_CS_PS_CURRENT Module VPD #V keyword I-cs powersave current consumer: p8_build_pstate_datablock, others firmware notes: Used as override attribute for pstate procedure volatile-zeroed ATTR_OVERRIDE_MVPD_I_CS_PS_CURRENT DIRECT OVERRIDE_MVPD_TURBO_FREQ_MHZ Module VPD #V keyword turbo frequency in MHZ consumer: p8_build_pstate_datablock, others firmware notes: Used as override attribute for pstate procedure volatile-zeroed ATTR_OVERRIDE_MVPD_TURBO_FREQ_MHZ DIRECT OVERRIDE_MVPD_V_NEST_TURBO_VOLTAGE Module VPD #V keyword V-nest turbo voltage consumer: p8_build_pstate_datablock, others firmware notes: Used as override attribute for pstate procedure volatile-zeroed ATTR_OVERRIDE_MVPD_V_NEST_TURBO_VOLTAGE DIRECT OVERRIDE_MVPD_I_NEST_TURBO_CURRENT Module VPD #V keyword I-nest turbo current consumer: p8_build_pstate_datablock, others firmware notes: Used as override attribute for pstate procedure volatile-zeroed ATTR_OVERRIDE_MVPD_I_NEST_TURBO_CURRENT DIRECT OVERRIDE_MVPD_V_CS_TURBO_VOLTAGE Module VPD #V keyword V-cs turbo voltage consumer: p8_build_pstate_datablock, others firmware notes: Used as override attribute for pstate procedure volatile-zeroed ATTR_OVERRIDE_MVPD_V_CS_TURBO_VOLTAGE DIRECT OVERRIDE_MVPD_I_CS_TURBO_CURRENT Module VPD #V keyword I-cs turbo current consumer: p8_build_pstate_datablock, others firmware notes: Used as override attribute for pstate procedure volatile-zeroed ATTR_OVERRIDE_MVPD_I_CS_TURBO_CURRENT DIRECT OVERRIDE_MVPD_FVMIN_FREQ_MHZ Module VPD #V keyword fvmin frequency MHZ consumer: p8_build_pstate_datablock, others firmware notes: Used as override attribute for pstate procedure volatile-zeroed ATTR_OVERRIDE_MVPD_FVMIN_FREQ_MHZ DIRECT OVERRIDE_MVPD_V_NEST_FVMIN_VOLTAGE Module VPD #V keyword V-nest fvmin voltage consumer: p8_build_pstate_datablock, others firmware notes: Used as override attribute for pstate procedure volatile-zeroed ATTR_OVERRIDE_MVPD_V_NEST_FVMIN_VOLTAGE DIRECT OVERRIDE_MVPD_I_NEST_FVMIN_CURRENT Module VPD #V keyword I-nest fvmin current consumer: p8_build_pstate_datablock, others firmware notes: Used as override attribute for pstate procedure volatile-zeroed ATTR_OVERRIDE_MVPD_I_NEST_FVMIN_CURRENT DIRECT OVERRIDE_MVPD_V_CS_FVMIN_VOLTAGE Module VPD #V keyword V-cs fvmin voltage consumer: p8_build_pstate_datablock, others firmware notes: Used as override attribute for pstate procedure volatile-zeroed ATTR_OVERRIDE_MVPD_V_CS_FVMIN_VOLTAGE DIRECT OVERRIDE_MVPD_I_CS_FVMIN_CURRENT Module VPD #V keyword I-cs fvmin current consumer: p8_build_pstate_datablock, others firmware notes: Used as override attribute for pstate procedure volatile-zeroed ATTR_OVERRIDE_MVPD_I_CS_FVMIN_CURRENT DIRECT OVERRIDE_MVPD_LAB_FREQ_MHZ Module VPD #V keyword lab frequency MHZ consumer: p8_build_pstate_datablock, others firmware notes: Used as override attribute for pstate procedure volatile-zeroed ATTR_OVERRIDE_MVPD_LAB_FREQ_MHZ DIRECT OVERRIDE_MVPD_V_NEST_LAB_VOLTAGE Module VPD #V keyword V-nest lab voltage consumer: p8_build_pstate_datablock, others firmware notes: Used as override attribute for pstate procedure volatile-zeroed ATTR_OVERRIDE_MVPD_V_NEST_LAB_VOLTAGE DIRECT OVERRIDE_MVPD_I_NEST_LAB_CURRENT Module VPD #V keyword I-nest lab current consumer: p8_build_pstate_datablock, others firmware notes: Used as override attribute for pstate procedure volatile-zeroed ATTR_OVERRIDE_MVPD_I_NEST_LAB_CURRENT DIRECT OVERRIDE_MVPD_V_CS_LAB_VOLTAGE Module VPD #V keyword V-cs lab voltage consumer: p8_build_pstate_datablock, others firmware notes: Used as override attribute for pstate procedure volatile-zeroed ATTR_OVERRIDE_MVPD_V_CS_LAB_VOLTAGE DIRECT OVERRIDE_MVPD_I_CS_LAB_CURRENT Module VPD #V keyword I-cs lab current consumer: p8_build_pstate_datablock, others firmware notes: Used as override attribute for pstate procedure volatile-zeroed ATTR_OVERRIDE_MVPD_I_CS_LAB_CURRENT DIRECT PROC_PCIE_IOP_CONFIG PCIE IOP lane configuration creator: platform consumer: proc_pcie_scominit firmware notes: Encoded PCIE IOP lane configuration non-volatile ATTR_PROC_PCIE_IOP_CONFIG DIRECT PROC_PCIE_IOP_SWAP PCIE IOP swap configuration creator: platform consumer: proc_pcie_scominit firmware notes: Encoded PCIE IOP swap configuration Array index: IOP number (0:1) 2 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_PCIE_IOP_SWAP DIRECT PROC_PCIE_PHB_ACTIVE PCIE PHB valid mask creator: platform consumer: proc_pcie_scominit firmware notes: Bit mask defining set of active/valid PHBs bit0=PHB0, bit1=PHB1, bit2=PHB2 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_PCIE_PHB_ACTIVE DIRECT PROC_PCIE_IOP_G3_PLL_CONTROL0 creator: platform (MRW) consumer: proc_pcie_scominit firmware notes: PCIe Gen3 PLL Control Register 0. ATUNE/CPISEL. Array index: IOP number(0:1) 2 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_PCIE_IOP_G3_PLL_CONTROL0 DIRECT PROC_PCIE_IOP_G2_PLL_CONTROL0 creator: platform (MRW) consumer: proc_pcie_scominit firmware notes: PCIe Gen2/Gen1 PLL Control Register 0. ATUNE/CPISEL. Array index: IOP number(0:1) 2 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_PCIE_IOP_G2_PLL_CONTROL0 DIRECT PROC_PCIE_IOP_PLL_GLOBAL_CONTROL0 creator: platform (MRW) consumer: proc_pcie_scominit notes: PCIe PLL Global Control Register 0. REFISRC/REFISINK. Array index: IOP number (0:1) 2 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_PCIE_IOP_PLL_GLOBAL_CONTROL0 DIRECT PROC_PCIE_IOP_PLL_GLOBAL_CONTROL1 creator: platform (MRW) consumer: proc_pcie_scominit notes: PCIe PLL Global Control Register 1. ENBGDOCPSRC/ENBGDOCAMP/REFVREG. Array index: IOP number (0:1) 2 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_PCIE_IOP_PLL_GLOBAL_CONTROL1 DIRECT PROC_PCIE_IOP_PCS_CONTROL0 creator: platform (MRW) consumer: proc_pcie_scominit notes: PCIe PCS Control Register 0. BITLOCKTIME/ADDDREMDELTA_810_B/STARTUPDELTA_810_B/ADDDREMDELTA_810_A/ STARTUPDELTA_A/RXREJECTHANDLING/EQCOMLETERESPONSE. Array index: IOP number (0:1) 2 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_PCIE_IOP_PCS_CONTROL0 DIRECT PROC_PCIE_IOP_PCS_CONTROL1 creator: platform (MRW) consumer: proc_pcie_scominit notes: PCIe PCS Control Register 1. RXSIGDETSETTING/ADDDREMDELTA_128130_B/STARTUPDELTA_128130_B/ ADDDREMDELTA_128130_A/STARTUPDELTA_128130_A. Array index: IOP number (0:1) 2 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_PCIE_IOP_PCS_CONTROL1 DIRECT PROC_PCIE_IOP_TX_FIFO_OFFSET creator: platform (MRW) consumer: proc_pcie_scominit notes: PCIe TX FIFO Offset Register. G3OFFSET/G2OFFSET/G1OFFSET. First array index: IOP number (0:1) Second array index: Lane number (0:15) 2,16 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_PCIE_IOP_TX_FIFO_OFFSET DIRECT PROC_PCIE_IOP_TX_RCVRDETCNTL creator: platform (MRW) consumer: proc_pcie_scominit notes: PCIe TX Receiver Detect Control Register. VREFSEL/RCVRDETCNT/DETDRVC/PH1WAIT. First array index: IOP number (0:1) Second array index: Lane number (0:15) 2,16 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_PCIE_IOP_TX_RCVRDETCNTL DIRECT PROC_PCIE_IOP_TX_BWLOSS1 creator: platform (MRW) consumer: proc_pcie_scominit notes: PCIe TX Bandwidth Loss Coefficient Register. GEN3BWCOEFF/GEN2BWCOEFF/GEN1BWCOEFF. First array index: IOP number (0:1) Second array index: Lane number (0:15) 2,16 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_PCIE_IOP_TX_BWLOSS1 DIRECT PROC_PCIE_IOP_RX_VGA_CONTROL2 creator: platform (MRW) consumer: proc_pcie_scominit notes: PCIe RX VGA Control Register 2. GAIN2/GAIN1. First array index: IOP number (0:1) Second array index: Lane number (0:15) 2,16 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_PCIE_IOP_RX_VGA_CONTROL2 DIRECT PROC_PCIE_IOP_RX_PEAK creator: platform (MRW) consumer: proc_pcie_scominit notes: PCIe RX Receiver Peaking Value Register. PEAK1/PEAK2/PEAK3. First array index: IOP number (0:1) Second array index: Lane number (0:15) 2,16 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_PCIE_IOP_RX_PEAK DIRECT PROC_PCIE_IOP_RX_SDL creator: platform (MRW) consumer: proc_pcie_scominit notes: PCIe RX Signal Detect Level Register. SDLVL3/SDLVL2/SDLVL1. First array index: IOP number (0:1) Second array index: Lane number (0:15) 2,16 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_PCIE_IOP_RX_SDL DIRECT PROC_PCIE_IOP_ZCAL_CONTROL creator: platform (MRW) consumer: proc_pcie_scominit notes: PCIe ZCAL Control Register. CMPEVALDLY. Array index: IOP number (0:1) 2 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_PCIE_IOP_ZCAL_CONTROL DIRECT VMEM_ID Voltage Memory Rail Manager ID. Currently HB only needs to configured the Vmem voltage rail manger during the IPL. The ID is an arbitary value and needed as correlation token between HB and HWSV. It will be generated by the 0 non-volatile NEST_FREQ_MHZ Nest frequency in MHz Default should be 2000 MHz per Greg Still 2000 volatile ATTR_NEST_FREQ_MHZ DIRECT CHIP_REGIONS_TO_ENABLE Called to get data to customize an IPL or SLW image with data indicating which chip regions the SBE should enable The data is in the format of the Module VPD PG (Partial Good Vector) keyword which is an 32 entry array of 16bit words, each word represents a chiplet and a defined set of bits within the word represents regions that are good. The 16 bit word is embedded within a 64bit word as described in the MVPD spec to reflect the clock controller region register layout: bits 0:3 are reserved -> set to 0 bits 4:19 are the 16 bit data word bits 20:63 are reserved -> set to 0 A platform needs to return data indicating the chip regions to enable, this may not be just the MVPD partial-good data, it may also not enable other chips and chiplets it has decided are non-functional - this is why it is not a standard MVPD query. 32 volatile-zeroed ATTR_CHIP_REGIONS_TO_ENABLE DIRECT BOOT_FREQ_MHZ Boot frequency in MHZ. Default is 50% of nominal. 2400 volatile ATTR_BOOT_FREQ_MHZ DIRECT EX_GARD_BITS Vector to communicate the guarded EX chiplets to SBE One Guard bit per EX chiplet, bit location aligned to chiplet ID (bit 16: EX00, bit 17: EX01, bit 18: EX02 ... bit 31: EX15) Guarded EX chiplets are marked by a '1'. 0 volatile ATTR_EX_GARD_BITS DIRECT PIB_I2C_REFCLOCK i2c reference clock for the system. default is 0x4 => I2C speed = ~1Mhz per Andreas Koenig 0x4 volatile ATTR_PIB_I2C_REFCLOCK DIRECT PROC_ADU_UNTRUSTED_BAR_BASE_ADDR ADU Untrusted BAR base address (secure mode) creator: platform firmware notes: 64-bit address representing BAR RA 0x0000000000000000 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_ADU_UNTRUSTED_BAR_BASE_ADDR DIRECT PIB_I2C_NEST_PLL i2c pll for the system default is 0x26 (For PIB @500 MHz (2 GHz nest)) for I2C speed = ~1Mhz per Andreas Koenig. 0x026 volatile ATTR_PIB_I2C_NEST_PLL DIRECT PROC_ADU_UNTRUSTED_BAR_SIZE ADU Untrusted BAR size (secure mode) creator: platform firmware notes: mask applied to RA 14:43 0x0000000004000000 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_ADU_UNTRUSTED_BAR_SIZE DIRECT SBE_IMAGE_OFFSET HostBoot image for SBE, offset to account for ECC Default is calculated from Hostboot base image of 0x3ece000 0xffef0000 volatile ATTR_SBE_IMAGE_OFFSET DIRECT PROC_PSI_UNTRUSTED_BAR0_BASE_ADDR PSI Untrusted BAR0 base address (secure mode) creator: platform firmware notes: 64-bit address representing BAR RA 0x0000000000000000 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_PSI_UNTRUSTED_BAR0_BASE_ADDR DIRECT BOOT_VOLTAGE Boot Voltage for system. 0:2 -> port enables (3b - system design based: port 0 for non-redundant systems (100); all ports for non-redundant (111)) 3 -> Unused - current recommended default = 1000b 4:7 -> phase enables (4b - defined by the system power design) - current recommended default = 0000b 8:15 -> VDD voltage (1B in VRM-11 encoded form - 6.25mV increments) note: VPD is in 5mV increments - current recommended default = 0x52 16:23 -> VCS voltage (1B in VRM-11 encoded form - 6.25mV increments) note: VPD is in 5mV increments -current recommended default = 0x4a 24:31 -> Unused = 0x00 0x80524a00 volatile ATTR_BOOT_VOLTAGE DIRECT PROC_PSI_UNTRUSTED_BAR0_SIZE PSI Untrusted BAR0 size (secure mode) creator: platform firmware notes: mask applied to RA 14:43 0x0000000004000000 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_PSI_UNTRUSTED_BAR0_SIZE DIRECT PROC_PSI_UNTRUSTED_BAR1_BASE_ADDR PSI Untrusted BAR1 base address (secure mode) creator: platform firmware notes: 64-bit address representing BAR RA 0x0000000000000000 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_PSI_UNTRUSTED_BAR1_BASE_ADDR DIRECT PROC_PSI_UNTRUSTED_BAR1_SIZE PSI Untrusted BAR1 size (secure mode) creator: platform firmware notes: mask applied to RA 14:43 0x0000000004000000 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_PSI_UNTRUSTED_BAR1_SIZE DIRECT PROC_SECURITY_SETUP_VECTOR Secureboot 64-bit proc_sbe_security_setup_vector used by proc_sbe_security_setup.S. 0s are an unsecure SBE image creator: platform firmware notes: 64-bit proc_sbe_security_setup_vector 0x0000000000000000 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_SECURITY_SETUP_VECTOR DIRECT MSS_VOLT DRAM Voltage. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_VOLT DIRECT MSS_FREQ Frequency of memory channel in MHz. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_FREQ DIRECT MSS_DIMM_MFG_ID_CODE DIMM Manufacturer ID Code. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2,2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_DIMM_MFG_ID_CODE DIRECT EFF_DIMM_RANKS_CONFIGED DIMM ranks configured. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2,2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DIMM_RANKS_CONFIGED DIRECT EFF_NUM_RANKS_PER_DIMM Number of ranks per DIMM. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2,2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_NUM_RANKS_PER_DIMM DIRECT EFF_DIMM_TYPE Type of DIMM. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DIMM_TYPE DIRECT EFF_CUSTOM_DIMM DIMM is a custom DIMM. Sometimes this is known as a CDIMM, but technically, we could support Custom DIMMs of different types than an UDIMM, such as RDIMM and LRDIMM. Created in mss_eff_cnfg volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CUSTOM_DIMM DIRECT EFF_DRAM_WIDTH DRAM Device Width. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_WIDTH DIRECT EFF_DRAM_GEN DRAM Generation. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_GEN DIRECT EFF_PRIMARY_RANK_GROUP0 Primary RankGroup0. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_PRIMARY_RANK_GROUP0 DIRECT EFF_PRIMARY_RANK_GROUP1 Primary RankGroup1. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_PRIMARY_RANK_GROUP1 DIRECT EFF_PRIMARY_RANK_GROUP2 Primary RankGroup2. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_PRIMARY_RANK_GROUP2 DIRECT EFF_PRIMARY_RANK_GROUP3 Primary RankGroup3. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_PRIMARY_RANK_GROUP3 DIRECT EFF_SECONDARY_RANK_GROUP0 Secondary RankGroup0. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_SECONDARY_RANK_GROUP0 DIRECT EFF_SECONDARY_RANK_GROUP1 Secondary RankGroup1. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_SECONDARY_RANK_GROUP1 DIRECT EFF_SECONDARY_RANK_GROUP2 Secondary RankGroup2. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_SECONDARY_RANK_GROUP2 DIRECT EFF_SECONDARY_RANK_GROUP3 Secondary RankGroup3. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_SECONDARY_RANK_GROUP3 DIRECT EFF_TERTIARY_RANK_GROUP0 Tertiary RankGroup0. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_TERTIARY_RANK_GROUP0 DIRECT EFF_TERTIARY_RANK_GROUP1 Tertiary RankGroup1. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_TERTIARY_RANK_GROUP1 DIRECT EFF_TERTIARY_RANK_GROUP2 Tertiary RankGroup2. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_TERTIARY_RANK_GROUP2 DIRECT EFF_TERTIARY_RANK_GROUP3 Tertiary RankGroup3. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_TERTIARY_RANK_GROUP3 DIRECT EFF_QUATERNARY_RANK_GROUP0 Quaternary RankGroup0. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_QUATERNARY_RANK_GROUP0 DIRECT EFF_QUATERNARY_RANK_GROUP1 Quaternary RankGroup1. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_QUATERNARY_RANK_GROUP1 DIRECT EFF_QUATERNARY_RANK_GROUP2 Quaternary RankGroup2. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_QUATERNARY_RANK_GROUP2 DIRECT EFF_QUATERNARY_RANK_GROUP3 Quaternary RankGroup3. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_QUATERNARY_RANK_GROUP3 DIRECT EFF_ODT_RD Rank Read ODT. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2,2,4 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_ODT_RD DIRECT EFF_ODT_WR Rank Write ODT. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2,2,4 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_ODT_WR DIRECT EFF_DRAM_RON DRAM Ron. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2,2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_RON DIRECT EFF_DRAM_RTT_NOM DRAM Rtt_Nom. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2,2,4 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_RTT_NOM DIRECT EFF_DRAM_RTT_WR DRAM Rtt_WR. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2,2,4 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_RTT_WR DIRECT EFF_DRAM_WR_VREF DRAM Write Vref. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_WR_VREF DIRECT EFF_DRAM_WRDDR4_VREF DRAM Write Vref for DDR4. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_WRDDR4_VREF DIRECT EFF_CEN_DRV_IMP_DQ_DQS Centaur DQ and DQS Drive Impedance. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CEN_DRV_IMP_DQ_DQS DIRECT EFF_CEN_DRV_IMP_ADDR Centaur Address Drive Impedance. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CEN_DRV_IMP_ADDR DIRECT EFF_CEN_DRV_IMP_CNTL Centaur Control Drive Impedance. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CEN_DRV_IMP_CNTL DIRECT EFF_CEN_DRV_IMP_CLK Centaur Clock Drive Impedance. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CEN_DRV_IMP_CLK DIRECT EFF_CEN_DRV_IMP_SPCKE Centaur Spare Clock Drive Impedance. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CEN_DRV_IMP_SPCKE DIRECT EFF_CEN_RCV_IMP_DQ_DQS Centaur DQ and DQS Receiver Impedance. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CEN_RCV_IMP_DQ_DQS DIRECT EFF_CEN_SLEW_RATE_DQ_DQS Centaur DQ and DQS Slew Rate. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CEN_SLEW_RATE_DQ_DQS DIRECT EFF_CEN_SLEW_RATE_ADDR Centaur Address Slew Rate. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CEN_SLEW_RATE_ADDR DIRECT EFF_CEN_SLEW_RATE_CLK Centaur Clock Slew Rate. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CEN_SLEW_RATE_CLK DIRECT EFF_CEN_SLEW_RATE_SPCKE Centaur Spare Clock Slew Rate. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CEN_SLEW_RATE_SPCKE DIRECT EFF_CEN_SLEW_RATE_CNTL Centaur Control Slew Rate. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CEN_SLEW_RATE_CNTL DIRECT EFF_CEN_RD_VREF Centaur Read Vref. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CEN_RD_VREF DIRECT EFF_CEN_DRV_IMP_DQ_DQS_SCHMOO Enables for which impedance values can be used and tested in a timing test. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CEN_DRV_IMP_DQ_DQS_SCHMOO DIRECT EFF_CEN_DRV_IMP_CLK_SCHMOO Enables for which impedance values can be used and tested in a timing test. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CEN_DRV_IMP_CLK_SCHMOO DIRECT EFF_CEN_DRV_IMP_SPCKE_SCHMOO Enables for which impedance values can be used and tested in a timing test. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CEN_DRV_IMP_SPCKE_SCHMOO DIRECT EFF_CEN_DRV_IMP_CNTL_SCHMOO Enables for which impedance values can be used and tested in a timing test. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CEN_DRV_IMP_CNTL_SCHMOO DIRECT EFF_CEN_RCV_IMP_DQ_DQS_SCHMOO Enables for which impedance values can be used and tested in a timing test. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CEN_RCV_IMP_DQ_DQS_SCHMOO DIRECT EFF_CEN_SLEW_RATE_DQ_DQS_SCHMOO Slew Rates that can be selected during timing adjustments. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CEN_SLEW_RATE_DQ_DQS_SCHMOO DIRECT EFF_CEN_SLEW_RATE_CLK_SCHMOO Slew Rates that can be selected during timing adjustments. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CEN_SLEW_RATE_CLK_SCHMOO DIRECT EFF_CEN_SLEW_RATE_SPCKE_SCHMOO Slew Rates that can be selected during timing adjustments. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CEN_SLEW_RATE_SPCKE_SCHMOO DIRECT EFF_CEN_SLEW_RATE_ADDR_SCHMOO Slew Rates that can be selected during timing adjustments. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CEN_SLEW_RATE_ADDR_SCHMOO DIRECT EFF_CEN_SLEW_RATE_CNTL_SCHMOO Slew Rates that can be selected during timing adjustments. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CEN_SLEW_RATE_CNTL_SCHMOO DIRECT EFF_DRAM_WR_VREF_SCHMOO Enables for which VREF to use on the WR Schmoo. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_WR_VREF_SCHMOO DIRECT EFF_DRAM_WRDDR4_VREF_SCHMOO Enables for which VREF to use on the WR Schmoo for DDR4. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_WRDDR4_VREF_SCHMOO DIRECT EFF_CEN_RD_VREF_SCHMOO Enables for which VREF value can be used in timing adjustments. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CEN_RD_VREF_SCHMOO DIRECT EFF_DIMM_SIZE DIMM Size. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2,2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DIMM_SIZE DIRECT EFF_DRAM_BANKS Number of DRAM banks. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_BANKS DIRECT EFF_DRAM_ROWS Number of DRAM rows. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_ROWS DIRECT EFF_DRAM_COLS Number of DRAM columns. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_COLS DIRECT EFF_DRAM_DENSITY DRAM Density. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_DENSITY DIRECT EFF_DRAM_TRCD DRAM RAS to CAS Delay. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_TRCD DIRECT EFF_DRAM_TRRD DRAM Row ACT to Row ACT Delay. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_TRRD DIRECT EFF_DRAM_TRP DRAM Row Precharge Delay. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_TRP DIRECT EFF_DRAM_TRAS DRAM ACT to Precharge Delay. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_TRAS DIRECT EFF_DRAM_TRC DRAM ACT to ACT/Refresh Delay. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_TRC DIRECT EFF_DRAM_TRFI Refresh Interval. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_TRFI DIRECT EFF_DRAM_TRFC DRAM Refresh Recovery Delay. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_TRFC DIRECT EFF_DRAM_TWTR DRAM Internal Write to Read Delay. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_TWTR DIRECT EFF_DRAM_TRTP DRAM Internal Read to Precharge Delay. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_TRTP DIRECT EFF_DRAM_TFAW DRAM Four ACT Window Delay. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_TFAW DIRECT EFF_DRAM_BL DRAM Burst Length. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_BL DIRECT EFF_DRAM_CL DRAM CAS Latency. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_CL DIRECT EFF_DRAM_AL DRAM Additive Latency. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_AL DIRECT EFF_DRAM_CWL DRAM CAS Write Latency. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_CWL DIRECT EFF_DRAM_RBT DRAM Read Burst Type. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_RBT DIRECT EFF_DRAM_TM DRAM Test Mode. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_TM DIRECT EFF_DRAM_DLL_RESET DRAM DLL Reset. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_DLL_RESET DIRECT EFF_DRAM_WR DRAM Write Recovery. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_WR DIRECT EFF_DRAM_DLL_PPD DRAM DLL Precharge PD. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_DLL_PPD DIRECT EFF_DRAM_DLL_ENABLE DRAM DLL Enable. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_DLL_ENABLE DIRECT EFF_DRAM_TDQS DRAM TDQS. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_TDQS DIRECT EFF_DRAM_WR_LVL_ENABLE DRAM Write Level Enable. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_WR_LVL_ENABLE DIRECT EFF_DRAM_OUTPUT_BUFFER DRAM output buffer. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_OUTPUT_BUFFER DIRECT EFF_DRAM_PASR DRAM Partial Array Self-Refresh. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_PASR DIRECT EFF_DRAM_ASR DRAM Auto Self-Refresh. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_ASR DIRECT EFF_DRAM_SRT DRAM Self-Refresh Temperature Range. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_SRT DIRECT EFF_MPR_LOC Multi Purpose Register Location. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_MPR_LOC DIRECT EFF_MPR_MODE Multi Purpose Register Mode. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_MPR_MODE DIRECT EFF_DIMM_RCD_CNTL_WORD_0_15 DIMM RCD Control Word. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2,2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DIMM_RCD_CNTL_WORD_0_15 DIRECT EFF_DIMM_RCD_IBT DIMM RCD IBT. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2,2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DIMM_RCD_IBT DIRECT EFF_DIMM_RCD_MIRROR_MODE DIMM RCD Mirror mode. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2,2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DIMM_RCD_MIRROR_MODE DIRECT EFF_SCHMOO_MODE Specifies the schmoo mode to use during draminit_train_adv. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_SCHMOO_MODE DIRECT EFF_SCHMOO_ADDR_MODE Specifies the schmoo mode to use during draminit_train_adv. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_SCHMOO_ADDR_MODE DIRECT EFF_SCHMOO_TEST_VALID Specifies the schmoo test to run during draminit_train_adv. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_SCHMOO_TEST_VALID DIRECT EFF_SCHMOO_PARAM_VALID Specifies the schmoo parameters to use during draminit_train_adv. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_SCHMOO_PARAM_VALID DIRECT EFF_SCHMOO_WR_EYE_MIN_MARGIN Specifies the schmoo minimum margin to use during draminit_train_adv. Used to signal possible SI issues in memory. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_SCHMOO_WR_EYE_MIN_MARGIN DIRECT EFF_SCHMOO_RD_EYE_MIN_MARGIN Specifies the schmoo minimum margin to use during draminit_train_adv. Used to signal possible SI issues in memory. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_SCHMOO_RD_EYE_MIN_MARGIN DIRECT EFF_SCHMOO_DQS_CLK_MIN_MARGIN Specifies the schmoo minimum margin to use during draminit_train_adv. Used to signal possible SI issues in memory. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_SCHMOO_DQS_CLK_MIN_MARGIN DIRECT EFF_SCHMOO_RD_GATE_MIN_MARGIN Specifies the schmoo minimum margin to use during draminit_train_adv. Used to signal possible SI issues in memory. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_SCHMOO_RD_GATE_MIN_MARGIN DIRECT EFF_SCHMOO_ADDR_CMD_MIN_MARGIN Specifies the schmoo minimum margin to use during draminit_train_adv. Used to signal possible SI issues in memory. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_SCHMOO_ADDR_CMD_MIN_MARGIN DIRECT EFF_MEMCAL_INTERVAL Specifies the memcal interval in clocks. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_MEMCAL_INTERVAL DIRECT EFF_ZQCAL_INTERVAL Specifies the zqcal interval in clocks. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_ZQCAL_INTERVAL DIRECT EFF_IBM_TYPE Specifies the memory topology type. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2,2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_IBM_TYPE DIRECT EFF_NUM_DROPS_PER_PORT Specifies the number of DIMM dimensions that are valid per port. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_NUM_DROPS_PER_PORT DIRECT EFF_STACK_TYPE Specifies the DRAM package type. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2,2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_STACK_TYPE DIRECT EFF_NUM_MASTER_RANKS_PER_DIMM Specifies the number of master ranks per DIMM. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2,2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_NUM_MASTER_RANKS_PER_DIMM DIRECT EFF_NUM_PACKAGES_PER_RANK Specifies the number of DRAM packages per rank. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2,2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_NUM_PACKAGES_PER_RANK DIRECT EFF_NUM_DIES_PER_PACKAGE Specifies the number of DRAM dies per package. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2,2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_NUM_DIES_PER_PACKAGE DIRECT MSS_MEM_THROTTLE_NUMERATOR_PER_MBA DIMM throttle numerator. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_MEM_THROTTLE_NUMERATOR_PER_MBA DIRECT MSS_MEM_THROTTLE_DENOMINATOR DIMM throttle denominator. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_MEM_THROTTLE_DENOMINATOR DIRECT MSS_MEM_THROTTLE_NUMERATOR_PER_CHIP This is the throttle numerator setting for cfg_nm_n_per_chip. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_MEM_THROTTLE_NUMERATOR_PER_CHIP DIRECT MSS_MEM_WATT_TARGET Channel total memory watts. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_MEM_WATT_TARGET DIRECT MSS_POWER_SLOPE DIMM Power slope value. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2,2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_POWER_SLOPE DIRECT MSS_POWER_SLOPE2 DIMM Power slope value. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2,2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_POWER_SLOPE2 DIRECT MSS_POWER_INT DIMM Power intercept value. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2,2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_POWER_INT DIRECT MSS_POWER_INT2 DIMM Power intercept value. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2,2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_POWER_INT2 DIRECT MSS_DIMM_MAXBANDWIDTH_GBS DIMM Max Bandwidth in GBs. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2,2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_DIMM_MAXBANDWIDTH_GBS DIRECT MSS_DIMM_MAXBANDWIDTH_MRS DIMM Max Bandwidth in MRs. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2,2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_DIMM_MAXBANDWIDTH_MRS DIRECT MSS_CHANNEL_MAXBANDWIDTH_GBS Channel Max Bandwidth in GBs. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_CHANNEL_MAXBANDWIDTH_GBS DIRECT MSS_CHANNEL_PAIR_MAXBANDWIDTH_GBS Channel Pair Max Bandwidth in GBs. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_CHANNEL_PAIR_MAXBANDWIDTH_GBS DIRECT MSS_CHANNEL_MAXBANDWIDTH_MRS Channel Max Bandwidth MRs. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_CHANNEL_MAXBANDWIDTH_MRS DIRECT MSS_CHANNEL_PAIR_MAXBANDWIDTH_MRS Channel Pair Max Bandwidth MRs. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_CHANNEL_PAIR_MAXBANDWIDTH_MRS DIRECT MSS_DIMM_MAXPOWER DIMM Max Power output. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2,2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_DIMM_MAXPOWER DIRECT MSS_CHANNEL_MAXPOWER Channel Max Power output. Initialized and used by HWPs. 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_CHANNEL_MAXPOWER DIRECT MSS_CHANNEL_PAIR_MAXPOWER Channel Pair Max Power output. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_CHANNEL_PAIR_MAXPOWER DIRECT MSS_RUNTIME_MEM_THROTTLE_NUMERATOR_PER_MBA Runtime throttle numerator setting for cfg_nm_n_per_mba. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_RUNTIME_MEM_THROTTLE_NUMERATOR_PER_MBA DIRECT MSS_RUNTIME_MEM_THROTTLE_DENOMINATOR Runtime throttle denominator setting for cfg_nm_m. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_RUNTIME_MEM_THROTTLE_DENOMINATOR DIRECT MSS_RUNTIME_MEM_THROTTLE_NUMERATOR_PER_CHIP Runtime throttle numerator setting for cfg_nm_n_per_chip. Initialized and used by HWPs. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_RUNTIME_MEM_THROTTLE_NUMERATOR_PER_CHIP DIRECT MSS_ZSERIES Determines if the code is Zseries type or P Series. The platform determines this and this attribute is mostly used in the initfiles so that we can share the same initialization code with the zSeries team 0 non-volatile ATTR_MSS_ZSERIES DIRECT MSS_NWELL_MISPLACEMENT Set by the platform depending on DD1 vs DD1.01. If true, then SI settings affected by the NWELL problem are adjusted. Used in eff_config volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_NWELL_MISPLACEMENT DIRECT MSS_INTERLEAVE_ENABLE Used in the setting of groups. It is a bit vector. If the value BITWISE_AND 1 = 1 then groups of 1 are enabled with special checkerboard modes needed, if the value BITWISE_AND 2 = 2, then groups of 2 are possible; if value BITWISE_AND 4, the groups of 4 are possible; if value BITWISE_AND 8, the groups of 8 are possible. If no groups can formed according to this input, then an error will be thrown. 0x07 non-volatile ATTR_MSS_INTERLEAVE_ENABLE DIRECT MSS_MBA_ADDR_INTERLEAVE_BIT sets the Centaur address bits used to interleave addresses between MBA01 and MBA23. valid values are 23 through 32. 0 non-volatile ATTR_MSS_MBA_ADDR_INTERLEAVE_BIT DIRECT MSS_MBA_CACHELINE_INTERLEAVE_MODE centaur interleave mode. 1 = 256-BIT, 0 = 128-BIT. 0 non-volatile ATTR_MSS_MBA_CACHELINE_INTERLEAVE_MODE DIRECT MSS_CACHE_ENABLE Specifies if a Memory Buffer chip L4 cache is enabled or disabled For good memory buffer chips, L4 is enabled Firmware can set to disabled for a particular chip if the cache is not functional 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled. 0 volatile ATTR_MSS_CACHE_ENABLE DIRECT MSS_PREFETCH_ENABLE Prefteching enable. 1 = enable, 0 = disable. 0 non-volatile ATTR_MSS_PREFETCH_ENABLE DIRECT MSS_CLEANER_ENABLE L4 cleaner enable. 1 = enable, 0 = disable. 0 non-volatile ATTR_MSS_CLEANER_ENABLE DIRECT MSS_LAB_OVERRIDE_FOR_MEM_PLL override the default Centaur MEM PLL settings with user-specified scan chain data. 1 = ON, 0 = OFF. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_LAB_OVERRIDE_FOR_MEM_PLL DIRECT MSS_MEM_MC_IN_GROUP A 8 bit vector that would be a designation of which MC are involved in the group. Initialized and used by HWPs. 8 volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_MEM_MC_IN_GROUP DIRECT MSS_MCS_GROUP_32 Data Structure from eff grouping to setup bars to help determine different groups Non- Mirroring [0-7] 0 -- MCS size //1-- No of MCS/group //2-- Total group size //3 -- Base address// 4-11 - MCS ID number// 12 --Alter.Bar //13 - A.Group Size // 14 - A.Base address // Mirroring [8-15] 0 -- MCS size //1-- No of MCS/group //2-- Total group size //3 -- Base address// 4-11 - MCS ID number// 12 --Alter.Bar //13 - A.Group Size // 14 - A.Base address Measured in GB 16,16 volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_MCS_GROUP_32 DIRECT MSS_EFF_DIMM_FUNCTIONAL_VECTOR A bit vector (per Dean's request) specifying if a DIMM is functional. DIMM attributes, such as SIZE, are qualified by this bit vector. The attribute ANDed 0x80 means port 0, DIMM 0 is functional, 0x40 means port 0, DIMM 1 is functional. 0x08 means port 1, DIMM 0 is functional and 0x04 means port 1 DIMM 1 is functional. A fully populated system would have the value of 0xCC. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Can be overwritten by ODM vendors if done from the PNOR or odm_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none This factors in functionality volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_EFF_DIMM_FUNCTIONAL_VECTOR DIRECT MSS_CAL_STEP_ENABLE A bit vector denoting valid cal steps to run during dram_init_train. [0] EXT_ZQCAL [1] WR_LEVEL [2] DQS_ALIGN [3] RDCLK_ALIGN [4] READ_CTR [5] WRITE_CTR [6] COARSE_WR [7] COARSE_RD bits6:7 will be consumed together to form COARSE_LVL. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_CAL_STEP_ENABLE DIRECT MSS_MEM_IPL_COMPLETE A numerical number indicating if the memory procedures are complete. written by mss_setup_bars when the bars are now functional in the processor. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_MEM_IPL_COMPLETE DIRECT MSS_SLEW_RATE_DATA The 4 bit result of running the slew calibration algorithm at various rates and impedances 2, 4, 4 volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_SLEW_RATE_DATA DIRECT MSS_SLEW_RATE_ADR The 4 bit result of running the slew calibration algorithm at various rates and impedances 2, 4, 4 volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_SLEW_RATE_ADR DIRECT ECID Bits 0 to 63 of the ECID in array entry 0 and bits 64 to 127 in ECID array entry 1 Created from running proc_getecid.C for processors Created from running mss_get_cen_ecid.C for centaurs 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_ECID DIRECT MSS_ALLOW_SINGLE_PORT When this value is true, then mss_eff config will allow a single port to have one dimm and will allow ports to have different sizes. Used in eff_config 0 non-volatile ATTR_MSS_ALLOW_SINGLE_PORT DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M0_CLK_P0 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M0_CLK_P0 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M0_CLK_P1 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M0_CLK_P1 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M1_CLK_P0 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M1_CLK_P0 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M1_CLK_P1 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M1_CLK_P1 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A0 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A0 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A1 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A1 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A2 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A2 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A3 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A3 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A4 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A4 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A5 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A5 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A6 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A6 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A7 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A7 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A8 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A8 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A9 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A9 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A10 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A10 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A11 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A11 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A12 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A12 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A13 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A13 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A14 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A14 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A15 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_A15 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_BA0 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_BA0 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_BA1 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_BA1 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_BA2 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_BA2 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_CASN Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_CASN DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_RASN Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_RASN DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_WEN Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_CMD_WEN DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_PAR Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_PAR DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_ACTN Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M_ACTN DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M0_CNTL_CKE0 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M0_CNTL_CKE0 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M0_CNTL_CKE1 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M0_CNTL_CKE1 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M0_CNTL_CKE2 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M0_CNTL_CKE2 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M0_CNTL_CKE3 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M0_CNTL_CKE3 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M0_CNTL_CSN0 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M0_CNTL_CSN0 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M0_CNTL_CSN1 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M0_CNTL_CSN1 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M0_CNTL_CSN2 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M0_CNTL_CSN2 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M0_CNTL_CSN3 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M0_CNTL_CSN3 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M0_CNTL_ODT0 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M0_CNTL_ODT0 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M0_CNTL_ODT1 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M0_CNTL_ODT1 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M1_CNTL_CKE0 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M1_CNTL_CKE0 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M1_CNTL_CKE1 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M1_CNTL_CKE1 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M1_CNTL_CKE2 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M1_CNTL_CKE2 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M1_CNTL_CKE3 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M1_CNTL_CKE3 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M1_CNTL_CSN0 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M1_CNTL_CSN0 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M1_CNTL_CSN1 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M1_CNTL_CSN1 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M1_CNTL_CSN2 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M1_CNTL_CSN2 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M1_CNTL_CSN3 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M1_CNTL_CSN3 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M1_CNTL_ODT0 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M1_CNTL_ODT0 DIRECT EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M1_CNTL_ODT1 Phase rotator value that comes from termination on the CDIMM VPD 0 2 volatile ATTR_EFF_CEN_PHASE_ROT_M1_CNTL_ODT1 DIRECT MSS_DQS_SWIZZLE_TYPE DQS Swizzle type is set by the platform to describe what kind of DQS connection is being used for register acceses. Type 0 is normal, type 1 is for systems with wiring like glacier 1. Additional types maybe defined if new boards have even different DQS swizzle features 0 non-volatile ATTR_MSS_DQS_SWIZZLE_TYPE DIRECT MSS_MCS_GROUP Data Structure from eff grouping to setup bars to help determine different groups Non- Mirroring [0-7] 0 -- MCS size //1-- No of MCS/group //2-- Total group size //3 -- Base address// 4-11 - MCS ID number// 12 --Alter.Bar //13 - A.Group Size // 14 - A.Base address // Mirroring [8-15] 0 -- MCS size //1-- No of MCS/group //2-- Total group size //3 -- Base address// 4-11 - MCS ID number// 12 --Alter.Bar //13 - A.Group Size // 14 - A.Base address Measured in GB 16,16 volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_MCS_GROUP DIRECT EFF_CKE_MAP Rank to CKE map. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg_cke_map. Can be overwritten by ODM vendors if done from the PNOR or odm_eff_cnfg. creator: mss_eff_cnfg_cke_map consumer: various firmware notes: none 2,2,4 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CKE_MAP DIRECT EFF_SPCKE_MAP Rank to Spare CKE map. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg_cke_map. Can be overwritten by ODM vendors if done from the PNOR or odm_eff_cnfg. creator: mss_eff_cnfg_cke_map consumer: various firmware notes: none 2,2,4 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_SPCKE_MAP DIRECT EFF_DIMM_SPARE Spare DRAM availability. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Can be overwritten by ODM vendors if done from the PNOR or odm_eff_cnfg. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: load from spd 2,2,4 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DIMM_SPARE DIRECT MSS_PSRO Set by the centaur mss_get_cen_ecid function used diagnostic and chip characterization reporting volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_PSRO DIRECT EI_BUS_TX_LANE_INVERT This attribute represents the polarity of a differential wire pair on the DMI and A buses. creator: platform (generated based on MRW data) See defintion in common_attributes.xml for more information. 0 non-volatile ATTR_EI_BUS_TX_LANE_INVERT DIRECT PROC_PERV_BNDY_PLL_CHIPLET_ID Chiplet ID for ring image for perv_bndy_pll ring containing filter plls and xb_pll,nest_pll creator: platform firmware notes: 0 volatile ATTR_PROC_PERV_BNDY_PLL_CHIPLET_ID DIRECT PROC_PB_BNDY_DMIPLL_CHIPLET_ID Chiplet ID for ring image for pb_bndy_dmipll ring creator: platform firmware notes: 0 volatile ATTR_PROC_PB_BNDY_DMIPLL_CHIPLET_ID DIRECT PROC_AB_BNDY_PLL_CHIPLET_ID Chiplet ID for ring image for ab_bndy_pll ring creator: platform firmware notes: 0 volatile ATTR_PROC_AB_BNDY_PLL_CHIPLET_ID DIRECT PROC_PCI_BNDY_PLL_CHIPLET_ID Chiplet ID for ring image for pci_bndy_pll ring creator: platform firmware notes: 0 volatile ATTR_PROC_PCI_BNDY_PLL_CHIPLET_ID DIRECT PROC_PERV_BNDY_PLL_SCAN_SELECT Scan select for ring image for perv_bndy_pll ring containing filter plls and xb_pll,nest_pll creator: platform firmware notes: 0x00100008 volatile ATTR_PROC_PERV_BNDY_PLL_SCAN_SELECT DIRECT PROC_PB_BNDY_DMIPLL_SCAN_SELECT Scan select for ring image for pb_bndy_dmipll ring creator: platform firmware notes: 0 volatile ATTR_PROC_PB_BNDY_DMIPLL_SCAN_SELECT DIRECT PROC_AB_BNDY_PLL_SCAN_SELECT Scan select for ring image for ab_bndy_pll ring creator: platform firmware notes: 0 volatile ATTR_PROC_AB_BNDY_PLL_SCAN_SELECT DIRECT PROC_PCI_BNDY_PLL_SCAN_SELECT Scan select for ring image for pci_bndy_pll ring creator: platform firmware notes: 0 volatile ATTR_PROC_PCI_BNDY_PLL_SCAN_SELECT DIRECT SBE_SEEPROM_I2C_ADDRESS_BYTES The number of address bytes required to address the SEEPROM memory device that contains SBE IPL code. This will vary by device based on the device capacity, and must be either 1, 2, 3 or 4. 4 non-volatile ATTR_SBE_SEEPROM_I2C_ADDRESS_BYTES DIRECT SBE_SEEPROM_I2C_DEVICE_ADDRESS A 2-element array containing the I2C device address of the primary (0) and secondary (1) SEEPROM devices containing SBE IPL code. Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_SBE_SEEPROM_I2C_DEVICE_ADDRESS DIRECT SBE_SEEPROM_I2C_PORT A 2-element array containing the I2C controller port number of the primary (0) and secondary (1) SEEPROM devices containing SBE IPL code. Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_SBE_SEEPROM_I2C_PORT DIRECT PNOR_I2C_ADDRESS_BYTES The number of address bytes required to address the PNOR memory device via the pseudo-I2C (LPC, ECCAX) controller. This will vary by device based on the device capacity, and must be either 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4. This attribute will be set to 0 for chips with no PNOR attached (PoreVe will never run on these chips). Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook 4 non-volatile ATTR_PNOR_I2C_ADDRESS_BYTES DIRECT SYNC_BETWEEN_STEPS Attribute to enable targetting attribute sync when in istep mode. 1 = sync will occur following each substep when ipl'ing in single step mode 0 = sync will not be done after each step volatile-zeroed ATTR_SYNC_BETWEEN_STEPS DIRECT PROC_SELECT_BOOT_MASTER Enumeration indicating which chip should be used as the PROC_SELECT_BOOT_MASTER PRIMARY 1 SECONDARY 2 PROC_SELECT_BOOT_MASTER Specifies which chip should be used as the boot master Initialized by the platform. PRIMARY - the primary master is used for the BOOT SECONDARY - the alternate master is used for the BOOT Platforms are expected to set this to PRIMARY in normal operation 1 volatile ATTR_PROC_SELECT_BOOT_MASTER DIRECT PROC_SELECT_SEEPROM_IMAGE Enumeration indicating which SEEPROM image should be used for the boot master FIRST 1 SECOND 2 PROC_SELECT_SEEPROM_IMAGE Specifies which SEEPROM image should be used for the boot master. FIRST - the first image was selected SECOND - the second image was selected Platforms are expected to set this to FIRST in normal operation 1 volatile ATTR_PROC_SELECT_SEEPROM_IMAGE DIRECT ENABLED_THREADS Bitmask of threads to enable for each processor, Zero means enable all architected threads volatile-zeroed MAX_PROC_CHIPS_PER_NODE System attribute. The max proc chips per node available in the system. non-volatile MAX_EXS_PER_PROC_CHIP System attribute. The max EX units per proc chip available in the system. non-volatile MAX_DIMMS_PER_MBA_PORT System attribute. The max DIMMs per MBA Port available in the system. non-volatile MAX_MBA_PORTS_PER_MBA System attribute. The max MBA ports per MBA available in the system. non-volatile MAX_MBAS_PER_MEMBUF_CHIP System attribute. The max MBAS per membuf available in the system. non-volatile MAX_CHIPLETS_PER_PROC System attribute. The max chiplets per proc available in the system. non-volatile MAX_MCS_PER_SYSTEM System attribute. The max MCS units available in the system. non-volatile DMI_REFCLOCK_SWIZZLE Defines Murano/Venice FSI GP8 refclock enable field bit offset (0:7) associated with this MCS chip unit. 0 non-volatile ATTR_DMI_REFCLOCK_SWIZZLE DIRECT EI_BUS_TX_MSBSWAP Source: MRW: Downstream MSB Swap and Upstream MSB Swap Usage: TX_MSBSWAP initfile setting for DMI and A buses This attribute represents whether or not a single clock group bus such as DMI and A bus was wired by the board designer using a feature called MSB Swap where lane 0 of the TX chip wires to lane n-1 on the RX chip where 'n' is the width of the bus. A basic description of this capability is that the board designer can save layers on the board wiring by crossing the wiring between the two chips in a prescribed manner. In a non-MSB Swapped bus Lane 0 on the TX chip wires to lane 0 on the RX chip, lane 1 to lane 1 and so on. If a bus is MSB Swapped then lane 0 of the TX chip wires to lane 'n-1' of the RX chip, lane 1 to lane 'n-2', etc. Random or arbitrary wiring of TX to RX lanes on different chips is NOT ALLOWED. The Master Chip of two connected chips is defined as the chip with the smaller value of (100*Node + Pos). The Slave Chip of two connected chips is defined as the chip with the larger value of (100*Node + Pos). The Downstream direction is defined as the direction from the Master chip to the Slave chip. The Upstream direction is defined as the direction from the Slave chip to the Master chip. The Downstream TX_MSBSWAP from the MRW is a uint8 value. 0x01 means the Downstream bus is wired msb to lsb etc. and 0x00 means the bus is wired normally, msb to msb, lsb to lsb (lane0 to lane0). The Upstream TX_MSBSWAP from the MRW is a uint8 value. 0x01 means the Upstream bus is wired msb to lsb etc. and 0x00 means the bus is wired normally, msb to msb, lsb to lsb (lane0 to lane0). It is up to the platform code to set up each ATTR_EI_BUS_TX_MSBSWAP value for the correct target endpoints. non-volatile ATTR_EI_BUS_TX_MSBSWAP DIRECT MSS_FREQ_OVERRIDE FOR LAB USE ONLY: Frequency override of this memory channel in MHz, comprising of up to three DIMMs. Set by config file or an attribute writing program. Consumed by mss_freq. The default of AUTO means mss_freq will find the best frequencies given the DIMMs plugged in and other rules. Otherwise, this is the system frequency. firmware notes: Platforms should initialize this attribute to AUTO (0) volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_FREQ_OVERRIDE DIRECT MCBIST_PATTERN Enables mcbist data pattern selection. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MCBIST_PATTERN DIRECT MCBIST_TEST_TYPE Enables mcbist test type selection. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MCBIST_TEST_TYPE DIRECT MCBIST_PRINTING_DISABLE MCBIST support for printing volatile-zeroed ATTR_MCBIST_PRINTING_DISABLE DIRECT MCBIST_DATA_ENABLE MCBIST support for enabling data volatile-zeroed ATTR_MCBIST_DATA_ENABLE DIRECT MCBIST_USER_RANK MCBIST support for rank selection volatile-zeroed ATTR_MCBIST_USER_RANK DIRECT MCBIST_USER_BANK MCBIST support for bank selection volatile-zeroed ATTR_MCBIST_USER_BANK DIRECT SCHMOO_MULTIPLE_SETUP_CALL MCBIST for multiple setup volatile-zeroed ATTR_SCHMOO_MULTIPLE_SETUP_CALL DIRECT MCBIST_ADDR_MODES Can choose mcbist address mode for full,half or quarter addressing mode. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MCBIST_ADDR_MODES DIRECT MCBIST_RANK Defines the rank for the Mcbist volatile-zeroed ATTR_MCBIST_RANK DIRECT MCBIST_START_ADDR Defines the start address for the Mcbist address range volatile-zeroed ATTR_MCBIST_START_ADDR DIRECT MCBIST_END_ADDR Defines the end address for the Mcbist address range volatile-zeroed ATTR_MCBIST_END_ADDR DIRECT MCBIST_ERROR_CAPTURE Enables error capture; basically a flag. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MCBIST_ERROR_CAPTURE DIRECT MCBIST_MAX_TIMEOUT Define mcbist Max timeout volatile-zeroed ATTR_MCBIST_MAX_TIMEOUT DIRECT MCBIST_PRINT_PORT Enable which port prints are required. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MCBIST_PRINT_PORT DIRECT MCBIST_STOP_ON_ERROR Flag to stop Mcbist on Error. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MCBIST_STOP_ON_ERROR DIRECT MCBIST_DATA_SEED Define data seed for the random data pattern or test volatile-zeroed ATTR_MCBIST_DATA_SEED DIRECT MCBIST_ADDR_INTER The address interleave map with user cases or deafult cases of BANK_RANK,RANK_BANK,BANK_ONLY,RANK_ONLYRANKS_DIMM0,RANKS_DIMM1,USER_PATTERN. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MCBIST_ADDR_INTER DIRECT MCBIST_ADDR_NUM_ROWS User defined constraint for limiting number of rows for addressing. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MCBIST_ADDR_NUM_ROWS DIRECT MCBIST_ADDR_NUM_COLS User defined constraint for limiting number of columns for addressing. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MCBIST_ADDR_NUM_COLS DIRECT MCBIST_ADDR_RANK User defined constraint for limiting number of ranks for addressing. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MCBIST_ADDR_RANK DIRECT MCBIST_ADDR_BANK User defined constraint for limiting number of banks for addressing. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MCBIST_ADDR_BANK DIRECT MCBIST_ADDR_SLAVE_RANK_ON If slave ranks exists;Restrict usage or enable addressing on them as well. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MCBIST_ADDR_SLAVE_RANK_ON DIRECT MCBIST_ADDR_STR_MAP To Define custom addressing map ; Input by user. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MCBIST_ADDR_STR_MAP DIRECT MCBIST_ADDR_RAND Flag for Addressing to go sequential manner or random. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MCBIST_ADDR_RAND DIRECT PROC_PCIE_REFCLOCK_ENABLE PCIE refclock enable valid mask creator: platform consumer: proc_pcie_scominit firmware notes: Bit mask defining state of refclock drive enables bit0=PCI0, bit1=PCI1, bit2=PCI2 0xE0 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_PCIE_REFCLOCK_ENABLE DIRECT PROC_EX_FUNC_L3_DELTA_DATA Delta/flip data for ex_func_l3 ring containing winkle customization settings for PBIEX programming. Relies on PBIEX settings in reference image containing scan flush default values. High-order 16 bits provide byte address offset for ring modification. Low-order 8 bits provide override data for addressed byte. Entries will be processed from index 0 to 63 (byte address of 0xFFFFFF should be used to signify last entry to process). creator: platform firmware notes: 0 64 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_EX_FUNC_L3_DELTA_DATA DIRECT PROC_EX_FUNC_L3_LENGTH Length of ex_func_l3 ring in bits creator: platform firmware notes: non-volatile ATTR_PROC_EX_FUNC_L3_LENGTH DIRECT PROC_PBIEX_ASYNC_SEL Enumeration indicating which _PBIEX_ASYNC_SEL should be use SEL0 0 SEL1 1 SEL2 2 PROC_PBIEX_ASYNC_SEL Selector for ATTR_PROC_EX_FUNC_L3_DELTA_DATA value to be returned by platform. creator: proc_build_smp firmware notes: volatile-zeroed ATTR_PROC_PBIEX_ASYNC_SEL DIRECT PROC_DCM_INSTALLED PROC_CHIP Attribute If true, the chip is installed on a Dual Chip Module Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook non-volatile ATTR_PROC_DCM_INSTALLED DIRECT X_EREPAIR_THRESHOLD_FIELD This attribute represents the eRepair threshold value of X-Bus used in the field. creator: platform (generated based on MRW data) See defintion in erepair_thresholds.xml for more information. non-volatile ATTR_X_EREPAIR_THRESHOLD_FIELD DIRECT A_EREPAIR_THRESHOLD_FIELD This attribute represents the eRepair threshold value of A-Bus used in the field. creator: platform (generated based on MRW data) See defintion in erepair_thresholds.xml for more information. non-volatile ATTR_A_EREPAIR_THRESHOLD_FIELD DIRECT DMI_EREPAIR_THRESHOLD_FIELD This attribute represents the eRepair threshold value of DMI-Bus used in the field. creator: platform (generated based on MRW data) See defintion in erepair_thresholds.xml for more information. non-volatile ATTR_DMI_EREPAIR_THRESHOLD_FIELD DIRECT X_EREPAIR_THRESHOLD_MNFG This attribute represents the eRepair threshold value of X-Bus used by Manufacturing. creator: platform (generated based on MRW data) See defintion in erepair_thresholds.xml for more information. non-volatile ATTR_X_EREPAIR_THRESHOLD_MNFG DIRECT A_EREPAIR_THRESHOLD_MNFG This attribute represents the eRepair threshold value of A-Bus used by Manufacturing. creator: platform (generated based on MRW data) See defintion in erepair_thresholds.xml for more information. non-volatile ATTR_A_EREPAIR_THRESHOLD_MNFG DIRECT DMI_EREPAIR_THRESHOLD_MNFG This attribute represents the eRepair threshold value of DMI-Bus used by Manufacturing. creator: platform (generated based on MRW data) See defintion in erepair_thresholds.xml for more information. non-volatile ATTR_DMI_EREPAIR_THRESHOLD_MNFG DIRECT MEMB_TP_BNDY_PLL_SCAN_SELECT Scan select for ring image for Centaur tp_bndy_pll ring creator: platform firmware notes: 0x00100008 non-volatile ATTR_MEMB_TP_BNDY_PLL_SCAN_SELECT DIRECT MRW_SAFEMODE_MEM_THROTTLE_NUMERATOR_PER_MBA Machine Readable Workbook safe mode throttle value for numerator cfg_nm_n_per_mba non-volatile ATTR_MRW_SAFEMODE_MEM_THROTTLE_NUMERATOR_PER_MBA DIRECT MRW_SAFEMODE_MEM_THROTTLE_DENOMINATOR Machine Readable Workbook safe mode throttle value for denominator cfg_nm_m non-volatile ATTR_MRW_SAFEMODE_MEM_THROTTLE_DENOMINATOR DIRECT MRW_SAFEMODE_MEM_THROTTLE_NUMERATOR_PER_CHIP Machine Readable Workbook safe mode throttle value for numerator cfg_nm_n_per_chip non-volatile ATTR_MRW_SAFEMODE_MEM_THROTTLE_NUMERATOR_PER_CHIP DIRECT MRW_THERMAL_MEMORY_POWER_LIMIT Machine Readable Workbook Thermal Memory Power Limit non-volatile ATTR_MRW_THERMAL_MEMORY_POWER_LIMIT DIRECT EFF_DRAM_LPASR Low Power Auto Self-Refresh. This is for DDR4 MRS2. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_LPASR DIRECT EFF_MPR_PAGE MPR Page Selection This is for DDR4 MRS3. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_MPR_PAGE DIRECT EFF_GEARDOWN_MODE Gear Down Mode. This is for DDR4 MRS3. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_GEARDOWN_MODE DIRECT EFF_PER_DRAM_ACCESS Per DRAM accessibility. This is for DDR4 MRS3. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_PER_DRAM_ACCESS DIRECT EFF_TEMP_READOUT Temperature sensor readout. This is for DDR4 MRS3. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_TEMP_READOUT DIRECT EFF_FINE_REFRESH_MODE Fine refresh mode. This is for DDR4 MRS3. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_FINE_REFRESH_MODE DIRECT EFF_CRC_WR_LATENCY write latency for CRC and DM. This is for DDR4 MRS3. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CRC_WR_LATENCY DIRECT EFF_MPR_RD_FORMAT MPR READ FORMAT. This is for DDR4 MRS3. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_MPR_RD_FORMAT DIRECT EFF_MAX_POWERDOWN_MODE Max Power down mode. This is for DDR4 MRS4. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_MAX_POWERDOWN_MODE DIRECT EFF_TEMP_REF_RANGE Temp ref range. This is for DDR4 MRS4. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_TEMP_REF_RANGE DIRECT EFF_TEMP_REF_MODE Temp controlled ref mode. This is for DDR4 MRS4. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_TEMP_REF_MODE DIRECT EFF_INT_VREF_MON Internal Vref Monitor.. This is for DDR4 MRS4. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_INT_VREF_MON DIRECT EFF_CS_CMD_LATENCY CS to CMD/ADDR Latency. This is for DDR4 MRS4. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CS_CMD_LATENCY DIRECT EFF_SELF_REF_ABORT Self Refresh Abort. This is for DDR4 MRS4. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_SELF_REF_ABORT DIRECT EFF_RD_PREAMBLE_TRAIN Read Pre amble Training Mode. This is for DDR4 MRS4. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_RD_PREAMBLE_TRAIN DIRECT EFF_RD_PREAMBLE Read Pre amble. This is for DDR4 MRS4. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_RD_PREAMBLE DIRECT EFF_WR_PREAMBLE Write Pre amble. This is for DDR4 MRS4. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_WR_PREAMBLE DIRECT EFF_CA_PARITY_LATENCY C/A Parity Latency Mode. This is for DDR4 MRS5. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CA_PARITY_LATENCY DIRECT EFF_CRC_ERROR_CLEAR CRC Error Clear. This is for DDR4 MRS5. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CRC_ERROR_CLEAR DIRECT EFF_CA_PARITY_ERROR_STATUS C/A Parity Error Status. This is for DDR4 MRS5. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CA_PARITY_ERROR_STATUS DIRECT EFF_ODT_INPUT_BUFF ODT Input Buffer during power down. This is for DDR4 MRS5. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_ODT_INPUT_BUFF DIRECT EFF_RTT_PARK RTT_Park value. This is for DDR4 MRS5. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none 2, 2, 4 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_RTT_PARK DIRECT EFF_CA_PARITY CA Parity Persistance Error. This is for DDR4 MRS5. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CA_PARITY DIRECT EFF_DATA_MASK Data Mask. This is for DDR4 MRS5. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DATA_MASK DIRECT EFF_WRITE_DBI Write DBI. This is for DDR4 MRS5. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_WRITE_DBI DIRECT EFF_READ_DBI Read DBI. This is for DDR4 MRS5. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_READ_DBI DIRECT VREF_DQ_TRAIN_VALUE vrefdq_train value. This is for DDR4 MRS6. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none 2,2,4 volatile-zeroed ATTR_VREF_DQ_TRAIN_VALUE DIRECT VREF_DQ_TRAIN_RANGE vrefdq_train range. This is for DDR4 MRS6. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none 2,2,4 volatile-zeroed ATTR_VREF_DQ_TRAIN_RANGE DIRECT VREF_DQ_TRAIN_ENABLE vrefdq_train enable. This is for DDR4 MRS6. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none 2,2,4 volatile-zeroed ATTR_VREF_DQ_TRAIN_ENABLE DIRECT TCCD_L tccd_l. This is for DDR4 MRS6. Computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_TCCD_L DIRECT EFF_WRITE_CRC Write CRC control for DDR4. Set in mss_eff_cnfg. Each memory channel will have a value. creator: mss_eff_cnfg consumer: various firmware notes: none volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_WRITE_CRC DIRECT EFF_DRAM_2N_MODE_ENABLED Describes if this MBA is in 2N address mode. The DIMM attributes associated with this MBA describes if this mode is needed for SI. The MR Keyword of the VPD gives and indication of the value needed. Set by eff_config and consumed in the mba_def.initfile. volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_2N_MODE_ENABLED DIRECT MSS_DIMM_POWER_TEST_REV The power test revision number that is saved when data is saved on an ISDIMM. If the power test changes, then a difference indicates that the power test needs to be rerun. This attribute needs to stick around between IPLs volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_DIMM_POWER_TEST_REV DIRECT FRU_ID FRU ID attribute for chip class 0 non-volatile PLCK_IPL_ATTR_OVERRIDES_EXIST Set to 1 by HWSV to indicate that attribute overrides exist in a PLCK IPL (not an IPL by steps). This is read by Hostboot to determine if it needs to request the attribute overrides from HWSV before starting its IPL. 0x00 non-volatile DUMMY_PERSISTENCY Cached value to test persistency 0 non-volatile ATTR_DUMMY_PERSISTENCY DIRECT IS_INTER_ENCLOSURE_BUS Indicate an inter-enclosure bus at this endpoint target. 0 = No, 1 = Yes 0 volatile PEER_PATH Entity path of the peer target of an Abus EntityPath non-volatile PROC_HTM_BAR_SIZE Desired HTM trace memory size value creator: platform firmware notes: set by platform to request size of per-chip area reserved for HTM trace memory 0 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_HTM_BAR_SIZE DIRECT PROC_OCC_SANDBOX_SIZE Desired size of OCC sandbox memory region creator: platform firmware notes: set by platform to request size of per-chip area reserved for OCC sandbox function 0 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_OCC_SANDBOX_SIZE DIRECT PROC_HTM_BAR_BASE_ADDR HTM trace memory base address allocated volatile-zeroed ATTR_PROC_HTM_BAR_BASE_ADDR DIRECT PROC_OCC_SANDBOX_BASE_ADDR OCC sandbox base address allocated volatile-zeroed ATTR_PROC_OCC_SANDBOX_BASE_ADDR DIRECT MEM_MIRROR_PLACEMENT_POLICY Define placement policy/scheme for non-mirrored/mirrored memory layout creator: platform consumer: opt_memmap firmware notes: NORMAL = non-mirrored start: 0, mirrored start: 512TB FLIPPED = mirrored start: 0, non-mirrored start: 512TB SELECTIVE = non-mirrored/mirrored start (interleaved): 0 0 non-volatile ATTR_MEM_MIRROR_PLACEMENT_POLICY DIRECT PROC_AS_MMIO_BAR_BASE_ADDR AS MMIO BAR base address value creator: platform consumer: proc_setup_bars firmware notes: 64-bit address representing BAR RA NOTE: BAR register covers RA 14:51 0 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_AS_MMIO_BAR_BASE_ADDR DIRECT PROC_AS_MMIO_BAR_ENABLE AS MMIO BAR enable creator: platform consumer: proc_setup_bars firmware notes: none 0 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_AS_MMIO_BAR_ENABLE DIRECT PROC_AS_MMIO_BAR_SIZE AS MMIO BAR size value creator: platform consumer: proc_setup_bars firmware notes: none 0x0000000000200000 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_AS_MMIO_BAR_SIZE DIRECT RISK_LEVEL Defines risk level to consider for initialization values applied during IPL. Risk level 0 should contain solutions for all known errata, and may sacrifice performance to avoid data integrity issue/error checking cases. Risk level 0x100 may introduce data integrity/error scenarios to provide full performance or visibility to state space/coverage behind known issues. volatile-zeroed ATTR_RISK_LEVEL DIRECT MSS_FREQ_BIAS_PERCENTAGE Percentage to increase/decrease MEM frequency. two's complement number. Measured in 100's. So the value of 100 is one percent increase. This frequency change comes from changing multipliers and dividers to get the desired frequency. The supported frequencies come from Tim Diemoz. Creator: platform set this to 0. Users can set this to a valid value. volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_FREQ_BIAS_PERCENTAGE DIRECT CDIMM_SENSOR_MAP_PRIMARY Custom DIMM Sensor Map for Primary I2C Port (1 byte of data): 0x00 No sensors attached 0x01 DIMM sensor 0 attached 0x02 DIMM sensor 1 attached 0x04 DIMM sensor 2 attached 0x08 DIMM sensor 3 attached 0x10 DIMM sensor 4 attached 0x20 DIMM sensor 5 attached 0x40 DIMM sensor 6 attached 0x80 DIMM sensor 7 attached Comes from the VPD MW Keyword 0 non-volatile ATTR_CDIMM_SENSOR_MAP_PRIMARY DIRECT CDIMM_SENSOR_MAP_SECONDARY Custom DIMM Sensor Map for Secondary I2C Port (1 byte of data): 0x00 No sensors attached 0x01 DIMM sensor 0 attached 0x02 DIMM sensor 1 attached 0x04 DIMM sensor 2 attached 0x08 DIMM sensor 3 attached 0x10 DIMM sensor 4 attached 0x20 DIMM sensor 5 attached 0x40 DIMM sensor 6 attached 0x80 DIMM sensor 7 attached Comes from the VPD MW Keyword 0 non-volatile ATTR_CDIMM_SENSOR_MAP_SECONDARY DIRECT EFF_DRAM_ADDRESS_MIRRORING Address mirroring on the DIMM by rank, up to 4 ranks. 0x08 means rank 0 is mirrored 0x04 means rank 1 is mirrored 0x02 means rank 2 is mirrored 0x01 means rank 3 is mirrored Comes from EFF config reading the VPD_DRAM_ADDRESS_MIRRORING from the AM keyword of the VPD. 2,2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DRAM_ADDRESS_MIRRORING DIRECT MSS_BLUEWATERFALL_BROKEN Set by the platform depending on DD1.0X vs DD1.03 or newer. If true, then draminit_train will modify dqs_clk_ps and gate to work around the issue. Set in get ecid which determines if we are at 1.03 volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_BLUEWATERFALL_BROKEN DIRECT CDM_POLICIES Cec Degraded Mode Policy flags Use the CDM_POLICIES enum to decode. If the appropriate bit is 1 then the policy mode is enabled, and those type of Guard records are disabled. 0x00 non-volatile CDM_POLICIES Enumeration of CDM_POLICIES flags Functional_Guard policy: Used in Field or development to prevent and disable the following: . Storing or creation of new Guard records from diagnostics or other faults through error logs with the error_type of Functional. . Using an already stored System Guard record with error_type of Functional from deconfiguring resources. FUNCTIONAL_DISABLED 0x01 MFG_Guard policy: Used in MFG only to prevent and disable the following: . Storing or creation of new Guard records from Diagnostic or other faults through error logs. This is all domains, CEC processor/memory, VPD, FSP, etc. . Storing or creation of Manual Guard record from user. NOTE: this does not stop FCO. . Using an already stored System or Manual Guard record from deconfiguring resources. This is all domains, CEC processor/memory, VPD, FSP, etc. MANUFACTURING_DISABLED 0x02 Predictive_Guard policy: Used in Field or development to prevent and disable the following: . Storing or creation of new Guard records from diagnostics or other faults through error logs with the error_type of Predictive. . Using an already stored System Guard record with error_type of Predictive from deconfiguring resources. PREDICTIVE_DISABLED 0x04 FIELD_CORE_OVERRIDE Field Core Override (FCO) is the override value for the number of functional cores allowed on the system. FCO is used when customers order a system with N cores but they only want to enable less than N cores to lower software license costs. A field in the anchor VPD is set by manufacturing to specify the maximum number of cores to enable. The number is maintained, even if some cores are garded out due to error. A value of 0 means all cores allowed; 0 non-volatile HOSTSVC_PLID Value of the next PLID that host service should send 0 non-volatile RUN_MAX_MEM_PATTERNS Policy indicating whether to perform the maximum amount of memory pattern testing possible or not. Set to 0x01 to perform the maximum amount of memory pattern testing possible. Set to 0x00 to perform the default amount of memory pattern testing. 0 non-volatile EFF_RLO Gives the RLO value to use for this port. This comes from the MR Keyword of the VPD gives and indication of the value. It will be writable until it comes from VPD. The value is a positive integer number. 0 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_RLO DIRECT EFF_WLO Read Latency Offset value that is used in the phy. This value comes from the MR keyword of the VPD 0 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_WLO DIRECT EFF_GPO Global Phy Offset value that is used in setting up the phy. This value comes from the MR keyword of the VPD 0 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_GPO DIRECT EFF_CKE_PRI_MAP Contains the CKE MAP for the DIMM being plugged in. It comes from the MT keyword but is not on a port basis --- meaning this Attribute may be split: with 16 bits associated with port A data and 16 bits with B. This value goes directly into the MBA01 Rank-to-primary-CKE mapping table register bits 0:31 (MBA01_MBAREF1Q) register. This attribute is writeable until it comes from the VPD 0 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CKE_PRI_MAP DIRECT EFF_CKE_PWR_MAP Contains the CKE Power Domain mapping tables for the DIMM being plugged in. It comes from the MT keyword but is not on a port basis --- meaning this Attribute may be split: with 32 bits associated with port A data and 32 bits with B. This value goes directly into the MBA01 Rank-to-CKE power domain mapping table bits 0:33 (MBA01_MBARPC1Q) register. This attribute is writeable until it comes from the VPD 0 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_CKE_PWR_MAP DIRECT EFF_RDTAG Read Tag value that is used in setting up the phy. It is expected that this value will come from the VPD 0 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_RDTAG DIRECT EFF_TSYS_ADR TSYS for all address blocks in the MBA pair. This value comes from the MR keyword of the VPD 0 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_TSYS_ADR DIRECT EFF_TSYS_DP18 TSYS for all DP18 blocks in the MBA pair. This value comes from the MR keyword of the VPD 0 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_TSYS_DP18 DIRECT EFF_DQ_WR_OFFSET DQ write offset value that is used in setting up the phy's phase rotators before WR_LVL, 0x40 is HW Default. It is expected that this value will come from the VPD 0 2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_DQ_WR_OFFSET DIRECT EFF_BUFFER_LATENCY Additional buffer latency in the case of RDIMMs and LRDIMMs. It is expected that this value will come from the VPD 0 volatile-zeroed ATTR_EFF_BUFFER_LATENCY DIRECT LRDIMM_MR12_REG LRDIMM MR1,2 register. DRAM Rtt_WR for all ranks, DRAM Rtt_Nom for ranks 0 and 1, DRAM driver impedance for all ranks. Eff config should set this up. 0 2,2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_LRDIMM_MR12_REG DIRECT LRDIMM_ADDITIONAL_CNTL_WORDS LRDIMM additional RCD control words as set by DIMM SPD: F[3,4]RC10, F[3,4]RC11, F[5,6]RC10, F[5,6]RC11, F[7,8]RC10, F[7,8]RC11, F[9,10]RC10, F[9,10]RC11, F[1]RC8, F[3]RC9, F[3]RC8, F[1]RC11, F[1]RC12, F[1]RC13, F[1]RC14, F[1]RC15. Eff config should set this up 0 2,2 volatile-zeroed ATTR_LRDIMM_ADDITIONAL_CNTL_WORDS DIRECT LRDIMM_RANK_MULT_MODE LRDIMM rank multiplication mode. Will be set at an MBA level with one policy to be used 0 volatile-zeroed ATTR_LRDIMM_RANK_MULT_MODE DIRECT PM_SPWUP_IGNORE_XSTOP_FLAG Flag storage to have the Special Wakeup procedure ignore a checkstop condition. volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_SPWUP_IGNORE_XSTOP_FLAG DIRECT CPM_INFLECTION_POINTS Structure to communicate the CPM inflection points from the CPM code to the Pstate code Datablock consisting of: 8 Inflection Point frequency entries (binary in ATTR_FREQ_PROC_REFCLOCK_KHZ / ATTR_PROC_DPLL_DIVIDER units) 1 ValidRanges entry - the number of valid inflection points in the previous locations (unit origin) 1 pMax frequency entry - the maximum allowed boosted frequency (binary in ATTR_FREQ_PROC_REFCLOCK_KHZ / ATTR_DPLL_DIVIDER units) 6 spare entries Producer: p8_cpm_cal_load Consumer: p8_pstate_datablock 0 16 volatile-zeroed ATTR_CPM_INFLECTION_POINTS DIRECT LAB_USE_JTAG_MODE This attribute controls how the procedures operate in JTAG mode under an environment called cronus flex. For normal operation, this attribute should be set to FALSE. Platforms should initialize this attribute to FALSE. 0 non-volatile ATTR_LAB_USE_JTAG_MODE DIRECT MSS_CONTROL_SWITCH This attribute enables control switches in the memory code. This is a one hot vector: Bit 7 controls the Bad Bit Mask function in draminit_training. The platform should initialize this to BBM_ON except if ATTR_LAB_USE_JTAG_MODE == TRUE, then the platform should set this attribute to BBM_ OFF. 0 volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_CONTROL_SWITCH DIRECT MSS_DIMM_POWER_TEST_MEM_THROTTLE_NUMERATOR_PER_MBA runtime memory throttle values adjusted by the dimm power test DIMM power test memory throttles for cfg_nm_n_per_mba 0 non-volatile ATTR_MSS_DIMM_POWER_TEST_MEM_THROTTLE_NUMERATOR_PER_MBA DIRECT MSS_DIMM_POWER_TEST_MEM_THROTTLE_NUMERATOR_PER_CHIP runtime memory throttle values adjusted by the dimm power test DIMM power test memory throttles for cfg_nm_n_per_chip 0 non-volatile ATTR_MSS_DIMM_POWER_TEST_MEM_THROTTLE_NUMERATOR_PER_CHIP DIRECT MSS_DIMM_POWER_TEST_MEM_THROTTLE_DENOMINATOR runtime memory throttle values adjusted by the dimm power test DIMM power test memory throttles for cfg_nm_m 0 non-volatile ATTR_MSS_DIMM_POWER_TEST_MEM_THROTTLE_DENOMINATOR DIRECT MSS_THROTTLE_CONTROL_RAS_WEIGHT RAS weight to use for memory throttle control volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_THROTTLE_CONTROL_RAS_WEIGHT DIRECT MSS_THROTTLE_CONTROL_CAS_WEIGHT CAS weight to use for memory throttle control volatile-zeroed ATTR_MSS_THROTTLE_CONTROL_CAS_WEIGHT DIRECT PROC_MIRROR_BASES_ACK Mirrored memory base addresses creator: mss_setup_bars consumer: consumer: opt_mem_map Mem opt map uses this for the bases of the mirror ranges. (max number based on Venice design) 4 volatile-zeroed ATTR_PROC_MIRROR_BASES_ACK DIRECT PROC_MIRROR_SIZES_ACK Size of mirrored memory region up to a power of 2 creator: mss_setup_bars consumer: opt_mem_map Mem opt map uses this to stack mirror ranges. The real amount of memory behind the mirror group maybe less than the number reported here if there are memory holes 4 volatile-zeroed ATTR_PROC_MIRROR_SIZES_ACK DIRECT PROC_MEM_BASES_ACK Non-mirrored memory base addresses creator: mss_setup_bars consumer: opt_mem_map Mem opt map uses this for the bases of the non-mirror ranges. (max number based on Venice design) 8 volatile-zeroed ATTR_PROC_MEM_BASES_ACK DIRECT PROC_MEM_SIZES_ACK Size of non-mirrored memory regions up to a power of 2 creator: mss_setup_bars consumer: opt_mem_map Mem opt map uses this to stack mirror ranges. The real amount of memory behind the mirror group maybe less than the number reported here if there are memory holes 8 volatile-zeroed ATTR_PROC_MEM_SIZES_ACK DIRECT MCBIST_RANDOM_SEED_VALUE Controls the MCBIST engine in the centaur chip. The value will be set in mss_eff_config_shmoo. 0 volatile-zeroed ATTR_MCBIST_RANDOM_SEED_VALUE DIRECT MCBIST_RANDOM_SEED_TYPE Controls the MCBIST engine in the centaur chip. The value will be set in mss_eff_config_shmoo. 0 volatile-zeroed ATTR_MCBIST_RANDOM_SEED_TYPE DIRECT L4_BANK_DELETE_VPD L4 Bank Delete settings in VPD. Denotes what banks have been deleted from the L4. Data will be pulled from CDIMM VPD if CDIMM present. Data will be pulled from backplane VPD if IS DIMMs present. non-volatile ATTR_L4_BANK_DELETE_VPD DIRECT PROC_BOOT_VOLTAGE_VID Proc Boot Voltage 0 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_BOOT_VOLTAGE_VID DIRECT DISABLE_I2C_ACCESS Set to skip physical access to i2c interface in SBE execution. Consumed by SBE hooks to permit skipping of selected code when running on a test platform (i.e., wafer) which does not have a physical SEEPROM connected. 0 non-volatile ATTR_DISABLE_I2C_ACCESS DIRECT PROC_REFCLOCK_RCVR_TERM Defines system specific value of processor refclock receiver termination (FSI GP4 bits 8:9) 0 non-volatile ATTR_PROC_REFCLOCK_RCVR_TERM DIRECT PCI_REFCLOCK_RCVR_TERM Defines system specific value of PCI refclock receiver termination (FSI GP4 bits 10:11) 0 non-volatile ATTR_PCI_REFCLOCK_RCVR_TERM DIRECT MEM_FILTER_PLL_SOURCE Defines source of MEM filter PLL input (FSI GP4 bit 23) 0 non-volatile ATTR_MEM_FILTER_PLL_SOURCE DIRECT DMI_DFE_OVERRIDE Defines where to apply DMI bus DFE override settings for HW244323. 0 non-volatile ATTR_DMI_DFE_OVERRIDE DIRECT PROC_VRM_VOFFSET_VDD Offset voltage (binary in microvolts) to apply to the VDD VRM distribution to the processor module. This value is applied to each processor instance. Producer: Machine Readable Workbook (via the power subsystem design per system) Consumer: p8_build_gpstate_table.C non-volatile ATTR_PROC_VRM_VOFFSET_VDD DIRECT PROC_VRM_VOFFSET_VCS Offset voltage (binary in microvolts) to apply to the VCS VRM distribution to the processor module. This value is applied to each processor instance. Producer: Machine Readable Workbook (via the power subsystem design per system) Consumer: p8_build_gpstate_table.C non-volatile ATTR_PROC_VRM_VOFFSET_VCS DIRECT CPM_TURBO_BOOST_PERCENT Percent of Boost Above Turbo for CPMs - (binary in 0.1 percent steps) Used in generating extra Pstate tables beyond those that would result from #V data. Producer: DEF file as this is CCIN based Consumers: p8_build_gpstate_table.C, p8_cpm_cal_load.C Platform default: 0 non-volatile ATTR_CPM_TURBO_BOOST_PERCENT DIRECT PROC_R_LOADLINE_VDD Impedance (binary microOhms) of the load line from a processor VDD VRM to the Processor Module pins. This value is applied to each processor instance. Consumers: p8_build_gpstate_table.C Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook (via the power subsystem design per system) non-volatile ATTR_PROC_R_LOADLINE_VDD DIRECT PROC_R_LOADLINE_VCS Impedance (binary microOhms) of the load line from a processor VCS VRM to the Processor Module pins. This value is applied to each processor instance. Producer: Machine Readable Workbook (via the power subsystem design per system) Consumer: p8_build_gpstate_table.C non-volatile ATTR_PROC_R_LOADLINE_VCS DIRECT PROC_R_DISTLOSS_VDD Impedance (binary in microOhms) of the VDD distribution loss sense point to the circuit. This value is applied to each processor instance. Producer: Machine Readable Workbook (via the power subsystem design per system) Consumer: p8_build_gpstate_table.C non-volatile ATTR_PROC_R_DISTLOSS_VDD DIRECT PROC_R_DISTLOSS_VCS Impedance (binary in microOhms) of the VCS distribution loss sense point to the circuit. This value is applied to each processor instance. Producer: Machine Readable Workbook (via the power subsystem design per system) Consumer: p8_build_gpstate_table.C non-volatile ATTR_PROC_R_DISTLOSS_VCS DIRECT FREQ_EXT_BIAS_UP Frequency Bias - % of bias upward (binary in 0.5 percent steps) in generating Pstate tables. Either this or FREQ_EXT_BIAS_DOWN can have non-zero value concurrently due to the unsigned definition of attributes. Producer: Attribute Overrides by Lab/Mfg Characterization Team Consumers: p8_build_gpstate_table.C Platform default: 0 volatile-zeroed ATTR_FREQ_EXT_BIAS_UP DIRECT FREQ_EXT_BIAS_DOWN Frequency Bias - % of bias downward (binary in 0.5 percent steps) in generating Pstate tables. Either this or FREQ_EXT_BIAS_UP can have non-zero value concurrently due to the unsigned definition of attributes. Producer: Attribute Overrides by Lab/Mfg Characterization Team Consumers: p8_build_gpstate_table.C Platform default: 0 volatile-zeroed ATTR_FREQ_EXT_BIAS_DOWN DIRECT VOLTAGE_EXT_VDD_BIAS_UP External VDD Voltage Bias - % of bias upward (binary in 0.5 percent steps) that is applied to each VPD point in generating the Global Pstate tables. Either this or ATTR_VOLTAGE_EXT_VDD_BIAS_DOWN can have non-zero value concurrently due to the unsigned definition of attributes. Producer: Attribute Overrides by Lab/Mfg Characterization Team Consumers: p8_build_gpstate_table.C Platform default: 0 volatile-zeroed ATTR_VOLTAGE_EXT_VDD_BIAS_UP DIRECT VOLTAGE_EXT_VDD_BIAS_DOWN External VDD Voltage Bias - % of bias downward (binary in 0.5 percent steps) that is applied to each VPD point in generating the Global Pstate tables. Either this or ATTR_VOLTAGE_EXT_VDD_BIAS_UP can have non-zero value concurrently due to the unsigned definition of attributes. Producer: Attribute Overrides by Lab/Mfg Characterization Team Consumers: p8_build_gpstate_table.C Platform default: 0 volatile-zeroed ATTR_VOLTAGE_EXT_VDD_BIAS_DOWN DIRECT VOLTAGE_EXT_VCS_BIAS_UP External VCS Voltage Bias - % of bias upward (binary in 0.5 percent steps) that is applied to each VPD point in generating the Global Pstate tables. Either this or ATTR_VOLTAGE_EXT_VCS_BIAS_DOWN can have non-zero value concurrently due to the unsigned definition of attributes. Producer: Attribute Overrides by Lab/Mfg Characterization Team Consumers: p8_build_gpstate_table.C Platform default: 0 volatile-zeroed ATTR_VOLTAGE_EXT_VCS_BIAS_UP DIRECT VOLTAGE_EXT_VCS_BIAS_DOWN External VCS Voltage Bias - % of bias downward (binary in 0.5 percent steps) that is applied to each VPD point in generating the Global Pstate tables. Either this or ATTR_VOLTAGE_EXT_VCS_BIAS_UP can have non-zero value concurrently due to the unsigned definition of attributes. Producer: Attribute Overrides by Lab/Mfg Characterization Team Consumers: p8_build_gpstate_table.C Platform default: 0 volatile-zeroed ATTR_VOLTAGE_EXT_VCS_BIAS_DOWN DIRECT VOLTAGE_INT_VDD_BIAS_UP Internal VDD Voltage Bias - % of bias upward (binary in 0.5 percent steps) that is applied to the Local Pstate Table voltage entries based on the Global Pstate Table built *after* the ATTR_VOLTAGE_EXT_VDD_BIAS_UP/ATTR_VOLTAGE_EXT_VDD_BIAS_DOWN bias have been applied. Either this or ATTR_VOLTAGE_INT_VDD_BIAS_DOWN can have non-zero value concurrently due to the unsigned definition of attributes. Producer: Attribute Overrides by Lab/Mfg Characterization Team Consumers: p8_build_gpstate_table.C Platform default: 0 volatile-zeroed ATTR_VOLTAGE_INT_VDD_BIAS_UP DIRECT VOLTAGE_INT_VDD_BIAS_DOWN Internal VDD Voltage Bias - % of bias downward (binary in 0.5 percent steps) that is applied to the Local Pstate Table voltage entries based on the Global Pstate Table built *after* the ATTR_VOLTAGE_EXT_VDD_BIAS_UP/ATTR_VOLTAGE_EXT_VDD_BIAS_DOWN bias have been applied. Either this or ATTR_VOLTAGE_INT_VDD_BIAS_UP can have non-zero value concurrently due to the unsigned definition of attributes. Producer: Attribute Overrides by Lab/Mfg Characterization Team Consumers: p8_build_gpstate_table.C Platform default: 0 volatile-zeroed ATTR_VOLTAGE_INT_VDD_BIAS_DOWN DIRECT VOLTAGE_INT_VCS_BIAS_UP Internal VCS Voltage Bias - % of bias upward (binary in 0.5 percent steps) that is applied to the Local Pstate Table voltage entries based on the Global Pstate Table built *after* the ATTR_VOLTAGE_EXT_VCS_BIAS_UP/ATTR_VOLTAGE_EXT_VCS_BIAS_DOWN bias have been applied. Either this or ATTR_VOLTAGE_INT_VCS_BIAS_DOWN can have non-zero value concurrently due to the unsigned definition of attributes. Producer: Attribute Overrides by Lab/Mfg Characterization Team Consumers: p8_build_gpstate_table.C Platform default: 0 volatile-zeroed ATTR_VOLTAGE_INT_VCS_BIAS_UP DIRECT VOLTAGE_INT_VCS_BIAS_DOWN Internal VCS Voltage Bias - % of bias downward (binary in 0.5 percent steps) that is applied to the Local Pstate Table voltage entries based on the Global Pstate Table built *after* the ATTR_VOLTAGE_EXT_VCS_BIAS_UP/ATTR_VOLTAGE_EXT_VCS_BIAS_DOWN bias have been applied. Either this or ATTR_VOLTAGE_INT_VCS_BIAS_UP can have non-zero value concurrently due to the unsigned definition of attributes. Producer: Attribute Overrides by Lab/Mfg Characterization Team Consumers: p8_build_gpstate_table.C Platform default: 0 volatile-zeroed ATTR_VOLTAGE_INT_VCS_BIAS_DOWN DIRECT PM_UNDERVOLTING_FRQ_MINIMUM Override for Minimum frequency for which undervolting is allowed. If value = 0, the value of VPD CPMin data point is passed to OCC FW via Pstate SuperStructure. If value != 0, this value will be passed to OCC FW via Pstate SuperStructure as the floor frequency for enabled CPMs. Will be internally rounded to the nearest ATTR_PROC_REFCLK_FREQUENCY / 8 value. Consumer: OCC FW; OCC Lab Tools Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook. non-volatile ATTR_PM_UNDERVOLTING_FRQ_MINIMUM DIRECT PM_UNDERVOLTING_FREQ_MAXIMUM Override for Maximum frequency for which undervolting is allowed. If value = 0, the value of VPD Turbo data point is passed to OCC FW via Pstate SuperStructure. If value != 0, this value will be passed to OCC FW via Pstate SuperStructure as the ceiling frequency for enabled CPMs. Will be internally rounded to the nearest ATTR_PROC_REFCLK_FREQUENCY / 8 value. Consumer: OCC FW; OCC Lab Tools Provided by the Machine Readable Workbook. non-volatile ATTR_PM_UNDERVOLTING_FREQ_MAXIMUM DIRECT PM_WINKLE_ENTRY Setting depends on di/dt charateristics of the system. Set Assisted if power off serialization is needed and WINKLE_TYPE=Fast; Set to Hardware if the system can handle the unrelated powering off between cores. Hardware setting decreases entry latency Producer: MRWB Consumer: p8_poreslw_init.C volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_WINKLE_ENTRY DIRECT PM_WINKLE_EXIT Setting depends on di/dt charateristics of the system and the setting of ATTR_PM_WINKLE_TYPE. Set to Assisted if power on serialization is needed and WINKLE_TYPE=Fast; Set to Hardware if the system can handle the unrelated powering off between cores. Hardware setting decreases entry latency. Must be set to Assisted if ATTR_PM_WINKLE_TYPE=Deep as this necessary for restore. Setting to Hardware is a test mode for Fast only. Producer: MRWB Consumer: p8_poreslw_init.C volatile-zeroed ATTR_PM_WINKLE_EXIT DIRECT