/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/targeting/common/utilFilter.C $ */ /* */ /* IBM CONFIDENTIAL */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2013 */ /* */ /* p1 */ /* */ /* Object Code Only (OCO) source materials */ /* Licensed Internal Code Source Materials */ /* IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code */ /* */ /* The source code for this program is not published or otherwise */ /* divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been */ /* deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. */ /* */ /* Origin: 30 */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ //****************************************************************************** // Includes //****************************************************************************** #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * Miscellaneous Filter Utility Functions */ namespace TARGETING { #define TARG_NAMESPACE "TARGETING::" #define TARG_CLASS "" /** * @brief Populate the o_vector with target object pointers based on the * requested class, type, and functional state. * * @parm[out] o_vector, reference of vector of target pointers. * @parm[in] i_class, the class of the targets to be obtained * @parm[in] i_type, the type of the targets to be obtained * @parm[in] i_functional, set to true to return only functional targets * * @return N/A */ void _getAllChipsOrChiplets( TARGETING::TargetHandleList & o_vector, CLASS i_class, TYPE i_type, bool i_functional = true ) { // Get all chip/chiplet targets // Use PredicateIsFunctional to filter only functional chips/chiplets TARGETING::PredicateIsFunctional l_isFunctional; // filter for functional Chips/Chiplets TARGETING::PredicateCTM l_Filter(i_class, i_type); // declare a postfix expression widget TARGETING::PredicatePostfixExpr l_goodFilter; // is-a--chip is-functional AND l_goodFilter.push(&l_Filter).push(&l_isFunctional).And(); // apply the filter through all targets. TARGETING::TargetRangeFilter l_filter( TARGETING::targetService().begin(), TARGETING::targetService().end(), &l_goodFilter ); if (!i_functional) { l_filter.setPredicate(&l_Filter); } o_vector.clear(); for ( ; l_filter; ++l_filter) { o_vector.push_back( *l_filter ); } } void getAllChips( TARGETING::TargetHandleList & o_vector, TYPE i_chipType, bool i_functional = true ) { _getAllChipsOrChiplets(o_vector, CLASS_CHIP, i_chipType, i_functional); } void getAllLogicalCards( TARGETING::TargetHandleList & o_vector, TYPE i_cardType, bool i_functional = true ) { _getAllChipsOrChiplets( o_vector, CLASS_LOGICAL_CARD, i_cardType, i_functional ); } void getAllCards( TARGETING::TargetHandleList & o_vector, TYPE i_cardType, bool i_functional = true ) { _getAllChipsOrChiplets( o_vector, CLASS_CARD, i_cardType, i_functional ); } void getAllChiplets( TARGETING::TargetHandleList & o_vector, TYPE i_chipletType, bool i_functional = true ) { _getAllChipsOrChiplets(o_vector, CLASS_UNIT, i_chipletType, i_functional); } void getChildChiplets( TARGETING::TargetHandleList& o_vector, const Target * i_chip, TYPE i_type, bool i_functional ) { // get the chiplets associated with this cpu TARGETING::PredicateCTM l_chipletFilter(CLASS_UNIT, i_type); o_vector.clear(); if (i_functional) { // Use PredicateIsFunctional to filter only functional chiplets TARGETING::PredicateIsFunctional l_functional; TARGETING::PredicatePostfixExpr l_functionalChiplets; l_functionalChiplets.push(&l_chipletFilter).push(&l_functional).And(); TARGETING::targetService().getAssociated( o_vector, i_chip, TARGETING::TargetService::CHILD, TARGETING::TargetService::ALL, &l_functionalChiplets ); } else { TARGETING::targetService().getAssociated( o_vector, i_chip, TARGETING::TargetService::CHILD, TARGETING::TargetService::ALL, &l_chipletFilter ); } } void getAffinityTargets ( TARGETING::TargetHandleList& o_vector, const Target * i_target, CLASS i_class, TYPE i_type, TARGETING::TargetService::ASSOCIATION_TYPE i_association, bool i_functional ) { // find all the targets that are affinity-associated with i_target TARGETING::PredicateCTM l_targetFilter(i_class, i_type); o_vector.clear(); if (i_functional) { // Use PredicateIsFunctional to filter only functional chips TARGETING::PredicateIsFunctional l_functional; TARGETING::PredicatePostfixExpr l_functionalTargets; l_functionalTargets.push(&l_targetFilter).push(&l_functional).And(); TARGETING::targetService().getAssociated( o_vector, i_target, i_association, TARGETING::TargetService::ALL, &l_functionalTargets ); } else { TARGETING::targetService().getAssociated( o_vector, i_target, i_association, TARGETING::TargetService::ALL, &l_targetFilter ); } } void getChildAffinityTargets( TARGETING::TargetHandleList& o_vector, const Target* i_target, CLASS i_class, TYPE i_type, bool i_functional) { getAffinityTargets (o_vector, i_target, i_class, i_type, TARGETING::TargetService::CHILD_BY_AFFINITY, i_functional); } void getParentAffinityTargets( TARGETING::TargetHandleList& o_vector, const Target* i_target, CLASS i_class, TYPE i_type, bool i_functional ) { getAffinityTargets (o_vector, i_target, i_class, i_type, TARGETING::TargetService::PARENT_BY_AFFINITY, i_functional); } const Target * getParentChip( const Target * i_pChiplet ) { const Target * l_pChip = NULL; // Create a Class/Type/Model predicate to look for chips TARGETING::PredicateCTM l_predicate(TARGETING::CLASS_CHIP); // Create a vector of TARGETING::Target pointers TARGETING::TargetHandleList l_chipList; // Get parent TARGETING::targetService().getAssociated(l_chipList, i_pChiplet, TARGETING::TargetService::PARENT, TARGETING::TargetService::ALL, &l_predicate); if (l_chipList.size() == 1) { l_pChip = l_chipList[0]; } else { TARG_ERR("Number of Parent chip is not 1, but %d",l_chipList.size()); } return l_pChip; } const Target * getExChiplet( const Target * i_pCoreChiplet ) { const Target * l_pExChiplet = NULL; // Create a Class/Type/Model predicate to look for EX chiplet of the input // core (i.e. the core's parent) TARGETING::PredicateCTM l_predicate(TARGETING::CLASS_UNIT); // Create a vector of TARGETING::Target pointers TARGETING::TargetHandleList l_exList; // Get parent TARGETING::targetService().getAssociated(l_exList, i_pCoreChiplet, TARGETING::TargetService::PARENT, TARGETING::TargetService::ALL, &l_predicate); if (l_exList.size() == 1) { l_pExChiplet = l_exList[0]; } else { TARG_ERR("Number of EX chiplet is not 1, but %d", l_exList.size()); } return l_pExChiplet; } void getPeerTargets( TARGETING::TargetHandleList& o_peerTargetList, const Target* i_pSrcTarget, const PredicateBase* i_pPeerFilter, const PredicateBase* i_pResultFilter) { #define TARG_FN "getPeerTargets" TARG_ENTER(); Target* l_pPeerTarget = NULL; TARG_ASSERT(NULL != i_pSrcTarget, "User tried to call getPeerTargets using NULL Target Handle"); // Clear the list o_peerTargetList.clear(); do { // List to maintain all child targets which are found by get associated // from the Src target with i_pPeerFilter predicate TARGETING::TargetHandleList l_pSrcTarget_list; // Create input master predicate here by taking in the i_pPeerFilter TARGETING::PredicatePostfixExpr l_superPredicate; TARGETING::PredicateAttrVal l_notNullPeerExist(NULL, true); l_superPredicate.push(&l_notNullPeerExist); if(i_pPeerFilter) { l_superPredicate.push(i_pPeerFilter).And(); } // Check if the i_srcTarget is the leaf node if(i_pSrcTarget->tryGetAttr(l_pPeerTarget)) { if(l_superPredicate(i_pSrcTarget)) { // Exactly one Peer Target to Cross // Put this to input target list l_pSrcTarget_list.push_back( const_cast(i_pSrcTarget)); } else { TARG_INF("Input Target provided doesn't have a valid Peer " "Target Attribute, Returning Empty List"); break; } } // Not a leaf node, find out all leaf node with valid PEER Target else { (void) TARGETING::targetService().getAssociated( l_pSrcTarget_list, i_pSrcTarget, TARGETING::TargetService::CHILD, TARGETING::TargetService::ALL, &l_superPredicate); } // Now we have a list of input targets on which we have to find the peer // Check if we have a result predicate filter to apply if(i_pResultFilter == NULL) { // Simply get the Peer Target for all Src target in the list and // return for(TARGETING::TargetHandleList::const_iterator pTargetIt = l_pSrcTarget_list.begin(); pTargetIt != l_pSrcTarget_list.end(); ++pTargetIt) { TARGETING::Target* l_pPeerTgt = (*pTargetIt)->getAttr(); o_peerTargetList.push_back(l_pPeerTgt); } break; } // Result predicate filter is not NULL, we need to apply this predicate // on each of the PEER Target found on the input target list else { for(TARGETING::TargetHandleList::const_iterator pTargetIt = l_pSrcTarget_list.begin(); pTargetIt != l_pSrcTarget_list.end(); ++pTargetIt) { TARGETING::TargetHandleList l_peerTarget_list; TARGETING::Target* l_pPeerTgt = (*pTargetIt)->getAttr(); // Check whether this target matches the filter criteria // or we have to look for ALL Parents matching the criteria. if((*i_pResultFilter)(l_pPeerTgt)) { o_peerTargetList.push_back(l_pPeerTgt); } else { (void) TARGETING::targetService().getAssociated( l_peerTarget_list, l_pPeerTgt, TARGETING::TargetService::PARENT, TARGETING::TargetService::ALL, i_pResultFilter); if(!l_peerTarget_list.empty()) { // Insert the first one only. o_peerTargetList.push_back( l_peerTarget_list.front()); } } } } } while(0); TARG_EXIT(); #undef TARG_FN } #undef TARG_CLASS #undef TARG_NAMESPACE }; // end namespace