#! /usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/usr/targeting/common/processMrw.pl $ # # OpenPOWER HostBoot Project # # Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015,2017 # [+] International Business Machines Corp. # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG use strict; use XML::Simple; use Data::Dumper; use Targets; use Math::BigInt; use Getopt::Long; use File::Basename; my $VERSION = "1.0.0"; my $force = 0; my $serverwiz_file = ""; my $version = 0; my $debug = 0; my $report = 0; my $sdr_file = ""; GetOptions( "f" => \$force, # numeric "x=s" => \$serverwiz_file, # string "d" => \$debug, "v" => \$version, "r" => \$report, ) # flag or printUsage(); if ($version == 1) { die "\nprocessMrw.pl\tversion $VERSION\n"; } if ($serverwiz_file eq "") { printUsage(); } $XML::Simple::PREFERRED_PARSER = 'XML::Parser'; my $targetObj = Targets->new; if ($force == 1) { $targetObj->{force} = 1; } if ($debug == 1) { $targetObj->{debug} = 1; } $targetObj->setVersion($VERSION); my $xmldir = dirname($serverwiz_file); $targetObj->loadXML($serverwiz_file); my $str=sprintf( " %30s | %10s | %6s | %4s | %9s | %4s | %4s | %4s | %10s | %s\n", "Sensor Name","FRU Name","Ent ID","Type","Evt Type","ID","Inst","FRU", "HUID","Target"); $targetObj->writeReport($str); my $str=sprintf( " %30s | %10s | %6s | %4s | %9s | %4s | %4s | %4s | %10s | %s\n", "------------------------------","----------", "------","----","---------","----","----","----","----------", "----------"); $targetObj->writeReport($str); #-------------------------------------------------- ## loop through all targets and do stuff foreach my $target (sort keys %{ $targetObj->getAllTargets() }) { my $type = $targetObj->getType($target); if ($type eq "SYS") { processSystem($targetObj, $target); } elsif ($type eq "PROC") { processProcessor($targetObj, $target); } elsif ($type eq "APSS") { processApss($targetObj, $target); } processIpmiSensors($targetObj,$target); } ## check topology foreach my $n (keys %{$targetObj->{TOPOLOGY}}) { foreach my $p (keys %{$targetObj->{TOPOLOGY}->{$n}}) { if ($targetObj->{TOPOLOGY}->{$n}->{$p} > 1) { print "ERROR: Fabric topology invalid. 2 targets have same ". "FABRIC_GROUP_ID,FABRIC_CHIP_ID ($n,$p)\n"; $targetObj->myExit(3); } } } ## check for errors if ($targetObj->getMasterProc() eq "") { print "ERROR: Master Processor not defined. Please instaitant a BMC and connect LPC bus\n"; $targetObj->myExit(3); } foreach my $target (keys %{ $targetObj->getAllTargets() }) { errorCheck($targetObj, $target); } #-------------------------------------------------- ## write out final XML my $xml_fh; my $filename = $xmldir . "/" . $targetObj->getSystemName() . "_hb.mrw.xml"; print "Creating XML: $filename\n"; open($xml_fh, ">$filename") || die "Unable to create: $filename"; $targetObj->printXML($xml_fh, "top"); close $xml_fh; if (!$targetObj->{errorsExist}) { ## optionally print out report if ($report) { print "Writing report to: ".$targetObj->{report_filename}."\n"; $targetObj->writeReportFile(); } print "MRW created successfully!\n"; } #-------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------- ## Processing subroutines #-------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------- ## System ## sub processSystem { my $targetObj = shift; my $target = shift; $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "MAX_MCS_PER_SYSTEM", $targetObj->{NUM_PROCS_PER_NODE} * $targetObj->{MAX_MCS}); $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "MAX_PROC_CHIPS_PER_NODE", $targetObj->{NUM_PROCS_PER_NODE}); parseBitwise($targetObj,$target,"CDM_POLICIES"); my ($num,$base,$group_offset,$proc_offset,$offset) = split(/,/, $targetObj->getAttribute($target,"XSCOM_BASE_ADDRESS")); $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "XSCOM_BASE_ADDRESS", $base); } sub processIpmiSensors { my $targetObj=shift; my $target=shift; if ($targetObj->isBadAttribute($target,"IPMI_INSTANCE") || $targetObj->getMrwType($target) eq "IPMI_SENSOR" || $targetObj->getTargetChildren($target) eq "") { return; } my $instance=$targetObj->getAttribute($target,"IPMI_INSTANCE"); my $name=""; if (!$targetObj->isBadAttribute($target,"FRU_NAME")) { $name=$targetObj->getAttribute($target,"FRU_NAME"); } my $fru_id="N/A"; if (!$targetObj->isBadAttribute($target,"FRU_ID")) { $fru_id=$targetObj->getAttribute($target,"FRU_ID"); } my $huid=""; if (!$targetObj->isBadAttribute($target,"HUID")) { $huid=$targetObj->getAttribute($target,"HUID"); } my @sensors; foreach my $child (@{$targetObj->getTargetChildren($target)}) { if ($targetObj->getMrwType($child) eq "IPMI_SENSOR") { my $entity_id=$targetObj-> getAttribute($child,"IPMI_ENTITY_ID"); my $sensor_type=$targetObj-> getAttribute($child,"IPMI_SENSOR_TYPE"); my $name_suffix=$targetObj-> getAttribute($child,"IPMI_SENSOR_NAME_SUFFIX"); my $sensor_id=$targetObj-> getAttribute($child,"IPMI_SENSOR_ID"); my $sensor_evt=$targetObj-> getAttribute($child,"IPMI_SENSOR_READING_TYPE"); $name_suffix=~s/\n//g; $name_suffix=~s/\s+//g; $name_suffix=~s/\t+//g; my $sensor_name=$name_suffix; if ($name ne "") { $sensor_name=$name."_".$name_suffix; } my $attribute_name=""; my $s=sprintf("0x%02X%02X,0x%02X", oct($sensor_type),oct($entity_id),oct($sensor_id)); push(@sensors,$s); my $sensor_id_str = ""; if ($sensor_id ne "") { $sensor_id_str = sprintf("0x%02X",oct($sensor_id)); } my $str=sprintf( " %30s | %10s | 0x%02X | 0x%02X | 0x%02x |" . " %4s | %4d | %4d | %10s | %s\n", $sensor_name,$name,oct($entity_id),oct($sensor_type), oct($sensor_evt), $sensor_id_str,$instance,$fru_id, $huid,$target); $targetObj->writeReport($str); } } for (my $i=@sensors;$i<16;$i++) { push(@sensors,"0xFFFF,0xFF"); } my @sensors_sort = sort(@sensors); $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "IPMI_SENSORS",join(',',@sensors_sort)); } sub processApss { my $targetObj=shift; my $target=shift; my $systemTarget = $targetObj->getTargetParent($target); my @sensors; my @channel_ids; my @channel_offsets; my @channel_gains; my @channel_grounds; foreach my $child (@{$targetObj->getTargetChildren($target)}) { if ($targetObj->getMrwType($child) eq "APSS_SENSOR") { my $entity_id=$targetObj-> getAttribute($child,"IPMI_ENTITY_ID"); my $sensor_type=$targetObj-> getAttribute($child,"IPMI_SENSOR_TYPE"); my $name=$targetObj-> getAttribute($child,"IPMI_SENSOR_NAME_SUFFIX"); my $sensor_id=$targetObj-> getAttribute($child,"IPMI_SENSOR_ID"); my $sensor_evt=$targetObj-> getAttribute($child,"IPMI_SENSOR_READING_TYPE"); my $channel = $targetObj-> getAttribute($child,"ADC_CHANNEL_ASSIGNMENT"); my $channel_id = $targetObj-> getAttribute($child,"ADC_CHANNEL_ID"); my $channel_gain = $targetObj-> getAttribute($child,"ADC_CHANNEL_GAIN"); my $channel_offset = $targetObj-> getAttribute($child,"ADC_CHANNEL_OFFSET"); my $channel_ground = $targetObj-> getAttribute($child,"ADC_CHANNEL_GROUND"); $name=~s/\n//g; $name=~s/\s+//g; $name=~s/\t+//g; my $sensor_id_str = ""; if ($sensor_id ne "") { $sensor_id_str = sprintf("0x%02X",oct($sensor_id)); } if ($channel ne "") { $sensors[$channel] = $sensor_id_str; $channel_ids[$channel] = $channel_id; $channel_grounds[$channel] = $channel_ground; $channel_offsets[$channel] = $channel_offset; $channel_gains[$channel] = $channel_gain; } my $str=sprintf( " %30s | %10s | 0x%02X | 0x%02X | 0x%02x |" . " %4s | %4d | %4d | %10s | %s\n", $name,"",oct($entity_id),oct($sensor_type), oct($sensor_evt),$sensor_id_str,$channel,"","", $systemTarget); $targetObj->writeReport($str); } } for (my $i=0;$i<16;$i++) { if ($sensors[$i] eq "") { $sensors[$i]="0x00"; } if ($channel_ids[$i] eq "") { $channel_ids[$i]="0"; } if ($channel_grounds[$i] eq "") { $channel_grounds[$i]="0"; } if ($channel_gains[$i] eq "") { $channel_gains[$i]="0"; } if ($channel_offsets[$i] eq "") { $channel_offsets[$i]="0"; } } $targetObj->setAttribute($systemTarget, "ADC_CHANNEL_FUNC_IDS",join(',',@channel_ids)); $targetObj->setAttribute($systemTarget, "ADC_CHANNEL_SENSOR_NUMBERS",join(',',@sensors)); $targetObj->setAttribute($systemTarget, "ADC_CHANNEL_GNDS",join(',',@channel_grounds)); $targetObj->setAttribute($systemTarget, "ADC_CHANNEL_GAINS",join(',',@channel_gains)); $targetObj->setAttribute($systemTarget, "ADC_CHANNEL_OFFSETS",join(',',@channel_offsets)); convertNegativeNumbers($targetObj,$systemTarget,"ADC_CHANNEL_OFFSETS",32); } sub convertNegativeNumbers { my $targetObj=shift; my $target=shift; my $attribute=shift; my $numbits=shift; my @offset = split(/\,/, $targetObj->getAttribute($target,$attribute)); for (my $i=0;$i<@offset;$i++) { if ($offset[$i]<0) { my $neg_offset = 2**$numbits+$offset[$i]; $offset[$i]=sprintf("0x%08X",$neg_offset); } } my $new_offset = join(',',@offset); $targetObj->setAttribute($target,$attribute,$new_offset) } sub parseBitwise { my $targetObj = shift; my $target = shift; my $attribute = shift; my $mask = 0; #if CDM_POLICIES_BITMASK is not a bad attribute, aka if it is defined if (!$targetObj->isBadAttribute($target, $attribute."_BITMASK")) { foreach my $e (keys %{ $targetObj->getEnumHash($attribute)}) { my $field = $targetObj->getAttributeField( $target,$attribute."_BITMASK",$e); my $val=hex($targetObj->getEnumValue($attribute,$e)); if ($field eq "true") { $mask=$mask | $val; } } $targetObj->setAttribute($target,$attribute,$mask); } } #-------------------------------------------------- ## Processor ## sub processProcessor { my $targetObj = shift; my $target = shift; ######################### ## In serverwiz, processor instances are not unique ## because plugged into socket ## so processor instance unique attributes are socket level. ## The grandparent is guaranteed to be socket. my $socket_target = $targetObj->getTargetParent($targetObj->getTargetParent($target)); $targetObj->copyAttribute($socket_target,$target,"LOCATION_CODE"); ## Module attibutes are inherited into the proc target my $module_target = $targetObj->getTargetParent($target); $targetObj->copyAttribute($module_target,$target,"LOCATION_CODE"); ## Copy PCIE attributes from socket ## Copy Position attribute from socket foreach my $attr (sort (keys %{ $targetObj->getTarget($socket_target)->{TARGET}->{attribute} })) { if ($attr =~ /PROC\_PCIE/) { $targetObj->copyAttribute($socket_target,$target,$attr); } elsif ($attr =~/POSITION/) { $targetObj->copyAttribute($socket_target,$target,$attr); } } $targetObj->log($target,"Finding master proc"); my $lpcs=$targetObj->findConnections($target,"LPC","BMC"); if ($lpcs ne "") { $targetObj->log ($target, "Setting master proc to $target"); $targetObj->setMasterProc($target); } $targetObj->log($target, "Processing PROC"); foreach my $child (@{ $targetObj->getTargetChildren($target) }) { my $child_type = $targetObj->getType($child); $targetObj->log($target, "Processing PROC child: $child Type: $child_type"); if ($child_type eq "NA" || $child_type eq "FSI") { $child_type = $targetObj->getMrwType($child); } if ($child_type eq "ABUS") { processAbus($targetObj, $child); } elsif ($child_type eq "XBUS") { processXbus($targetObj, $child); } elsif ($child_type eq "FSIM" || $child_type eq "FSICM") { processFsi($targetObj, $child, $target); } elsif ($child_type eq "PEC") { processPec($targetObj, $child, $target); } elsif ($child_type eq "MCBIST") { processMcbist($targetObj, $child, $target); # TODO RTC:170860 - Eventually the dimm connector will # contain this information and this can be removed my $socket_pos = $targetObj->getAttribute($socket_target, "POSITION"); $targetObj->setAttribute($child, "VDDR_ID", $socket_pos); } elsif ($child_type eq "OCC") { processOcc($targetObj, $child, $target); } } ## update path for mvpd's and sbe's my $path = $targetObj->getAttribute($target, "PHYS_PATH"); my $model = $targetObj->getAttribute($target, "MODEL"); $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, "EEPROM_VPD_PRIMARY_INFO","i2cMasterPath",$path); $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, "EEPROM_VPD_BACKUP_INFO","i2cMasterPath",$path); $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, "EEPROM_SBE_PRIMARY_INFO","i2cMasterPath",$path); $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, "EEPROM_SBE_BACKUP_INFO","i2cMasterPath",$path); ## initialize master processor FSI's $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, "FSI_OPTION_FLAGS", "flipPort", "0"); if ($target eq $targetObj->getMasterProc()) { $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, "FSI_OPTION_FLAGS", "reserved", "0"); $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "FSI_MASTER_CHIP", "physical:sys-0"); $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "FSI_MASTER_PORT", "0xFF"); $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "ALTFSI_MASTER_CHIP", "physical:sys-0"); $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "ALTFSI_MASTER_PORT", "0xFF"); $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "FSI_MASTER_TYPE", "NO_MASTER"); $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "FSI_SLAVE_CASCADE", "0"); $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "PROC_MASTER_TYPE", "ACTING_MASTER"); } else { $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "PROC_MASTER_TYPE", "NOT_MASTER"); $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "ALTFSI_MASTER_CHIP", "physical:sys-0"); } ## Update bus speeds processI2cSpeeds($targetObj,$target); ## these are hardcoded because code sets them properly $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, "SCOM_SWITCHES", "reserved", "0"); $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, "SCOM_SWITCHES", "useSbeScom", "1"); $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, "SCOM_SWITCHES", "useFsiScom", "0"); $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, "SCOM_SWITCHES", "useInbandScom", "0"); $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, "SCOM_SWITCHES", "useXscom", "0"); ## default effective fabric ids to match regular fabric ids ## the value will be adjusted based on presence detection later $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "PROC_EFF_FABRIC_GROUP_ID", $targetObj->getAttribute($target, "FABRIC_GROUP_ID")); $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "PROC_EFF_FABRIC_CHIP_ID", $targetObj->getAttribute($target, "FABRIC_CHIP_ID")); processMembufVpdAssociation($targetObj,$target); setupBars($targetObj,$target); } sub processI2cSpeeds { my $targetObj = shift; my $target = shift; my @bus_speeds; my $bus_speed_attr=$targetObj->getAttribute($target,"I2C_BUS_SPEED_ARRAY"); my @bus_speeds2 = split(/,/,$bus_speed_attr); $bus_speeds[0][0] = $bus_speeds2[0]; $bus_speeds[0][1] = $bus_speeds2[1]; $bus_speeds[0][2] = $bus_speeds2[2]; $bus_speeds[0][3] = $bus_speeds2[3]; $bus_speeds[1][0] = $bus_speeds2[4]; $bus_speeds[1][1] = $bus_speeds2[5]; $bus_speeds[1][2] = $bus_speeds2[6]; $bus_speeds[1][3] = $bus_speeds2[7]; $bus_speeds[2][0] = $bus_speeds2[8]; $bus_speeds[2][1] = $bus_speeds2[9]; $bus_speeds[2][2] = $bus_speeds2[10]; $bus_speeds[2][3] = $bus_speeds2[11]; $bus_speeds[3][0] = $bus_speeds2[12]; $bus_speeds[3][1] = $bus_speeds2[13]; $bus_speeds[3][2] = $bus_speeds2[14]; $bus_speeds[3][3] = $bus_speeds2[15]; my $i2cs=$targetObj->findConnections($target,"I2C",""); if ($i2cs ne "") { foreach my $i2c (@{$i2cs->{CONN}}) { my $dest_type = $targetObj->getTargetType($i2c->{DEST_PARENT}); my $parent_target =$targetObj->getTargetParent($i2c->{DEST_PARENT}); if ($dest_type eq "chip-spd-device") { setEepromAttributes($targetObj, "EEPROM_VPD_PRIMARY_INFO",$parent_target, $i2c); } elsif ($dest_type eq "chip-dimm-thermal-sensor") { setDimmTempAttributes($targetObj, $parent_target, $i2c); } my $port=oct($targetObj->getAttribute($i2c->{SOURCE},"I2C_PORT")); my $engine=oct($targetObj->getAttribute( $i2c->{SOURCE},"I2C_ENGINE")); my $bus_speed=$targetObj->getBusAttribute( $i2c->{SOURCE},$i2c->{BUS_NUM},"I2C_SPEED"); if ($bus_speed eq "" || $bus_speed==0) { print "ERROR: I2C bus speed not defined for $i2c->{SOURCE}\n"; $targetObj->myExit(3); } ## choose lowest bus speed if ($bus_speeds[$engine][$port] eq "" || $bus_speeds[$engine][$port]==0 || $bus_speed < $bus_speeds[$engine][$port]) { $bus_speeds[$engine][$port] = $bus_speed; } } } $bus_speed_attr = $bus_speeds[0][0].",". $bus_speeds[0][1].",". $bus_speeds[0][2].",". $bus_speeds[0][3].",". $bus_speeds[1][0].",". $bus_speeds[1][1].",". $bus_speeds[1][2].",". $bus_speeds[1][3].",". $bus_speeds[2][0].",". $bus_speeds[2][1].",". $bus_speeds[2][2].",". $bus_speeds[2][3].",". $bus_speeds[3][0].",". $bus_speeds[3][1].",". $bus_speeds[3][2].",". $bus_speeds[3][3]; $targetObj->setAttribute($target,"I2C_BUS_SPEED_ARRAY",$bus_speed_attr); } ################################ ## Setup address map sub setupBars { my $targetObj = shift; my $target = shift; #-------------------------------------------------- ## Setup BARs my $group = $targetObj->getAttribute($target, "FABRIC_GROUP_ID"); my $proc = $targetObj->getAttribute($target, "FABRIC_CHIP_ID"); $targetObj->{TOPOLOGY}->{$group}->{$proc}++; my @bars=( "FSP_BASE_ADDR", "PSI_BRIDGE_BASE_ADDR", "INTP_BASE_ADDR", "PHB_MMIO_ADDRS_64", "PHB_MMIO_ADDRS_32", "PHB_XIVE_ESB_ADDRS", "PHB_REG_ADDRS", "XIVE_ROUTING_ESB_ADDR", "XIVE_ROUTING_END_ADDR", "XIVE_PRESENTATION_NVT_ADDR", "VAS_HYPERVISOR_WINDOW_CONTEXT_ADDR", "VAS_USER_WINDOW_CONTEXT_ADDR", "LPC_BUS_ADDR", "NVIDIA_NPU_PRIVILEGED_ADDR", "NVIDIA_NPU_USER_REG_ADDR", "NVIDIA_PHY0_REG_ADDR", "NVIDIA_PHY1_REG_ADDR", "PSI_HB_ESB_ADDR", "XIVE_CONTROLLER_BAR_ADDR", "XIVE_PRESENTATION_BAR_ADDR", "XSCOM_BASE_ADDRESS", "NX_RNG_ADDR"); # Attribute only valid in naples-based systems if (!$targetObj->isBadAttribute($target,"NPU_MMIO_BAR_BASE_ADDR") ) { push(@bars,"NPU_MMIO_BAR_BASE_ADDR"); } foreach my $bar (@bars) { my ($num,$base,$group_offset,$proc_offset,$offset) = split(/,/, $targetObj->getAttribute($target,$bar)); my $i_base = Math::BigInt->new($base); my $i_node_offset = Math::BigInt->new($group_offset); my $i_proc_offset = Math::BigInt->new($proc_offset); my $i_offset = Math::BigInt->new($offset); my $value=""; if ($num==0) { my $b=sprintf("0x%016s",substr(( $i_base+$i_node_offset*$group+ $i_proc_offset*$proc)->as_hex(),2)); $value=$b; } else { for (my $i=0;$i<$num;$i++) { #Note: Hex convert method avoids overflow on 32bit machine my $b=sprintf("0x%016s",substr(( $i_base+$i_node_offset*$group+ $i_proc_offset*$proc+$i_offset*$i)->as_hex(),2)); my $sep=","; if ($i==$num-1) { $sep=""; } $value=$value.$b.$sep; } } $targetObj->setAttribute($target,$bar,$value); } } #-------------------------------------------------- ## MCS ## sub processMcs { my $targetObj = shift; my $target = shift; my $parentTarget = shift; my $group = shift; my $proc = shift; #@FIXME RTC:168611 To decouple DVPD from PVPD #parentTarget == MCBIST #parent(MCBIST) = Proc #parent(proc) = module #parent(module) = socket #parent(socket) = motherboard #parent(motherboard) = node my $node = $targetObj->getTargetParent( #node $targetObj->getTargetParent( #motherboard $targetObj->getTargetParent #socket ($targetObj->getTargetParent #module ($targetObj->getTargetParent($parentTarget))))); my $name = "EEPROM_VPD_PRIMARY_INFO"; $targetObj->copyAttributeFields($node, $target, "EEPROM_VPD_PRIMARY_INFO"); #@TODO RTC:163874 -- maybe needed for centaur support # my ($base,$group_offset,$proc_offset,$offset) = split(/,/, # $targetObj->getAttribute($target,"IBSCOM_MCS_BASE_ADDR")); # my $i_base = Math::BigInt->new($base); # my $i_node_offset = Math::BigInt->new($group_offset); # my $i_proc_offset = Math::BigInt->new($proc_offset); # my $i_offset = Math::BigInt->new($offset); # my $mcs = $targetObj->getAttribute($target, "MCS_NUM"); # #Note: Hex convert method avoids overflow on 32bit machines # my $mcsStr=sprintf("0x%016s",substr(( # $i_base+$i_node_offset*$group+ # $i_proc_offset*$proc+$i_offset*$mcs)->as_hex(),2)); # $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "IBSCOM_MCS_BASE_ADDR", $mcsStr); } ## MCBIST sub processMcbist { my $targetObj = shift; my $target = shift; my $parentTarget = shift; my $group = $targetObj->getAttribute($parentTarget, "FABRIC_GROUP_ID"); my $proc = $targetObj->getAttribute($parentTarget, "FABRIC_CHIP_ID"); #@TODO RTC:163874 -- maybe needed for centaur support # my ($base,$group_offset,$proc_offset,$offset) = split(/,/, # $targetObj->getAttribute($target,"IBSCOM_MCS_BASE_ADDR")); # my $i_base = Math::BigInt->new($base); # my $i_node_offset = Math::BigInt->new($group_offset); # my $i_proc_offset = Math::BigInt->new($proc_offset); # my $i_offset = Math::BigInt->new($offset); foreach my $child (@{ $targetObj->getTargetChildren($target) }) { my $child_type = $targetObj->getType($child); $targetObj->log($target, "Processing MCBIST child: $child Type: $child_type"); if ($child_type eq "NA" || $child_type eq "FSI") { $child_type = $targetObj->getMrwType($child); } if ($child_type eq "MCS") { processMcs($targetObj, $child, $target, $group, $proc); } } #@TODO RTC:163874 -- maybe needed for centaur support # my $mcs = $targetObj->getAttribute($target, "MCS_NUM"); # #Note: Hex convert method avoids overflow on 32bit machines # my $mcsStr=sprintf("0x%016s",substr(( # $i_base+$i_node_offset*$group+ # $i_proc_offset*$proc+$i_offset*$mcs)->as_hex(),2)); # $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "IBSCOM_MCS_BASE_ADDR", $mcsStr); } #-------------------------------------------------- ## XBUS ## ## Finds XBUS connections and creates PEER TARGET attributes sub processXbus { my $targetObj = shift; my $target = shift; my $found_xbus = 0; my $xbus_child_conn = $targetObj->getFirstConnectionDestination($target); if ($xbus_child_conn ne "") { ## set attributes for both directions $targetObj->setAttribute($xbus_child_conn, "PEER_TARGET", $targetObj->getAttribute($target, "PHYS_PATH")); $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "PEER_TARGET", $targetObj->getAttribute($xbus_child_conn, "PHYS_PATH")); $targetObj->setAttribute($xbus_child_conn, "PEER_TARGET", $targetObj->getAttribute($target, "PHYS_PATH")); $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "PEER_TARGET", $targetObj->getAttribute($xbus_child_conn, "PHYS_PATH")); $found_xbus = 1; } } #-------------------------------------------------- ## ABUS ## ## Finds ABUS connections and creates PEER TARGET attributes sub processAbus { my $targetObj = shift; my $target = shift; my $found_abus = 0; if ($targetObj->isBadAttribute($target, "PEER_PATH")) { $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "PEER_PATH","physical:na"); } $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "EI_BUS_TX_LANE_INVERT","0"); if ($targetObj->isBadAttribute($target, "EI_BUS_TX_MSBSWAP")) { $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "EI_BUS_TX_MSBSWAP","0"); } my $abus_child_conn = $targetObj->getFirstConnectionDestination($target); if ($abus_child_conn ne "") { ## set attributes for both directions my $aff1 = $targetObj->getAttribute($target, "AFFINITY_PATH"); my $aff2 = $targetObj->getAttribute($abus_child_conn, "AFFINITY_PATH"); $targetObj->setAttribute($abus_child_conn, "PEER_TARGET", $targetObj->getAttribute($target, "PHYS_PATH")); $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "PEER_TARGET", $targetObj->getAttribute($abus_child_conn, "PHYS_PATH")); $targetObj->setAttribute($abus_child_conn, "PEER_PATH", $targetObj->getAttribute($target, "PHYS_PATH")); $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "PEER_PATH", $targetObj->getAttribute($abus_child_conn, "PHYS_PATH")); # copy Abus attributes to proc my $abus = $targetObj->getFirstConnectionBus($target); $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "EI_BUS_TX_MSBSWAP", $abus->{bus_attribute}->{SOURCE_TX_MSBSWAP}->{default}); $targetObj->setAttribute($abus_child_conn, "EI_BUS_TX_MSBSWAP", $abus->{bus_attribute}->{DEST_TX_MSBSWAP}->{default}); $found_abus = 1; } } #-------------------------------------------------- ## FSI ## ## Finds FSI connections and creates FSI MASTER attributes at endpoint target sub processFsi { my $targetObj = shift; my $target = shift; my $parentTarget = shift; my $type = $targetObj->getBusType($target); ## fsi can only have 1 connection my $fsi_child_conn = $targetObj->getFirstConnectionDestination($target); ## found something on other end if ($fsi_child_conn ne "") { my $fsi_link = $targetObj->getAttribute($target, "FSI_LINK"); my $fsi_port = $targetObj->getAttribute($target, "FSI_PORT"); my $cmfsi = $targetObj->getAttribute($target, "CMFSI"); my $flip_port = 0; my $proc_path = $targetObj->getAttribute($parentTarget,"PHYS_PATH"); my $fsi_child_target = $targetObj->getTargetParent($fsi_child_conn); $targetObj->setFsiAttributes($fsi_child_target, $type,$cmfsi,$proc_path,$fsi_port,$flip_port); } } #-------------------------------------------------- ## PEC ## ## Creates attributes from abstract PCI attributes on bus sub processPec { my $targetObj = shift; my $target = shift; # PEC my $parentTarget = shift; # PROC ## process pcie config target ## this is a special target whose children are the different ways ## to configure iop/phb's ## Get config children my @lane_swap; $lane_swap[0][0] = 0; $lane_swap[1][0] = 0; $lane_swap[2][0] = 0; $lane_swap[3][0] = 0; my @lane_mask; $lane_mask[0][0] = "0x0000"; $lane_mask[1][0] = "0x0000"; $lane_mask[2][0] = "0x0000"; $lane_mask[3][0] = "0x0000"; my @lane_rev; $lane_rev[0][0] = ""; $lane_rev[1][0] = ""; $lane_rev[2][0] = ""; $lane_rev[3][0] = ""; my @is_slot; $is_slot[0][0] = 0; $is_slot[1][0] = 0; $is_slot[2][0] = 0; $is_slot[3][0] = 0; my $phb_config = "00000000"; my %cfg_check; my @equalization; # TODO RTC:167304 #my $wiring_table = $targetObj->getAttribute # ($target,"PCIE_LANE_SWAP_TABLE"); #$wiring_table=~s/\s+//g; #$wiring_table=~s/\t+//g; #$wiring_table=~s/\n+//g; #my @t = split(/,/,$wiring_table); #my %iop_swap; #iop_swap{iop}{clk swap}{clk group reversal} #$iop_swap{0}{0}{'00'}=$t[0]; #$iop_swap{0}{0}{'10'}=$t[1]; #$iop_swap{0}{0}{'01'}=$t[2]; #$iop_swap{0}{0}{'11'}=$t[3]; #$iop_swap{0}{1}{'00'}=$t[4]; #$iop_swap{0}{1}{'10'}=$t[5]; #$iop_swap{0}{1}{'01'}=$t[6]; #$iop_swap{0}{1}{'11'}=$t[7]; #$iop_swap{0}{2}{'00'}=$t[8]; #$iop_swap{0}{2}{'10'}=$t[9]; #$iop_swap{0}{2}{'01'}=$t[10]; #$iop_swap{0}{2}{'11'}=$t[11]; my @lane_eq; my $NUM_PHBS=6; for (my $p=0;$p<$NUM_PHBS;$p++) { for (my $lane=0;$lane<16;$lane++) { $equalization[$p][$lane] = "0x00,0x00"; } } foreach my $pec_config_child (@{ $targetObj->getTargetChildren($target) }) { foreach my $phb_child (@{ $targetObj->getTargetChildren ($pec_config_child) }) { foreach my $phb_config_child (@{ $targetObj->getTargetChildren ($phb_child) }) { my $num_connections = $targetObj->getNumConnections ($phb_config_child); if ($num_connections > 0) { # We have a PHB conncetion # We need to create the PEC attributes my $iop_num = $targetObj->getAttribute ($phb_config_child, "IOP_NUM"); my $phb_num = $targetObj->getAttribute ($phb_config_child, "PHB_NUM"); my $lane_group = $targetObj->getAttribute ($phb_config_child, "PCIE_LANE_GROUP"); my $pci_endpoint=$targetObj->getFirstConnectionDestination ($phb_config_child); my $pci_endpoint_type = $targetObj->getAttribute( $targetObj->getTargetParent($pci_endpoint), "CLASS"); if ($pci_endpoint_type eq "CARD") { $is_slot[$lane_group][0] = 1; } $lane_swap[$lane_group][0] = $targetObj->getBusAttribute ($phb_config_child, 0, "PCIE_SWAP_CLKS"); $lane_mask[$lane_group][0] = $targetObj->getAttribute ($phb_config_child, "PCIE_LANE_MASK"); $lane_rev[$lane_group][0] = $targetObj->getBusAttribute ($phb_config_child, 0, "LANE_REVERSAL"); my $eq = $targetObj->getBusAttribute ($phb_config_child, 0, "PCIE_LANE_EQUALIZATION"); my @eqs = split(/\,/,$eq); for (my $e=0;$e<@eqs;$e=$e+3) { if ($eqs[$e] eq "all") { for (my $lane=0;$lane<16;$lane++) { $equalization[$phb_num][$lane]= $eqs[$e+1].",".$eqs[$e+2]; } } else { $equalization[$phb_num][$eqs[$e]] = $eqs[$e+1].",".$eqs[$e+2]; } } my $swap_clks=$targetObj->getBusAttribute ($phb_config_child, 0, "PCIE_SWAP_CLKS"); my $lane_rev=$targetObj->getBusAttribute ($phb_config_child, 0, "LANE_REVERSAL"); # TODO RTC:167304 #my $capi = $targetObj->getAttribute($child, "ENABLE_CAPI"); $targetObj->setAttribute ($parentTarget, "PROC_PCIE_PHB_ACTIVE","0x0"); my $lane_mask_attr = sprintf("%s,%s,%s,%s", $lane_mask[0][0], $lane_mask[1][0], $lane_mask[2][0], $lane_mask[3][0]); $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "PROC_PCIE_LANE_MASK", $lane_mask_attr); $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "PEC_PCIE_LANE_MASK_NON_BIFURCATED", $lane_mask_attr); $targetObj->setAttribute ($target, "PEC_PCIE_LANE_MASK_BIFURCATED", "0,0,0,0"); #TODO RTC:167304 # my @iop_swap_lu; # my @iop_lane_swap; # for (my $iop=0;$iop<3;$iop++) # { # $iop_lane_swap[$iop] = # $lane_swap[$iop][0] | $lane_swap[$iop][1]; # my $lane_rev = $lane_rev[$iop][0].$lane_rev[$iop][1]; # $iop_swap_lu[$iop]= # "0b".$iop_swap{$iop}{$iop_lane_swap[$iop]}{$lane_rev}; # if ($iop_swap_lu[$iop] eq "") { # die "PCIE config for $iop,$iop_lane_swap[$iop], " # "$lane_rev not found\n"; # } # } # my $lane_rev_attr0 = sprintf("%s,%s,%s", # oct($iop_swap_lu[0]), # oct($iop_swap_lu[1]), # oct($iop_swap_lu[2])); # my $lane_rev_attr1 = sprintf("%s,0,%s,0,%s,0", # oct($iop_swap_lu[0]), # oct($iop_swap_lu[1]), # oct($iop_swap_lu[2])); # $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "PROC_PCIE_IOP_SWAP", # $lane_rev_attr0); # $targetObj->setAttribute($target, # "PEC_PCIE_IOP_SWAP_NON_BIFURCATED", $lane_rev_attr1); $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "PEC_PCIE_IOP_SWAP_BIFURCATED", "0"); $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "PEC_PCIE_IOP_REVERSAL", "0"); $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "PEC_PCIE_IOP_REVERSAL_NON_BIFURCATED","0"); $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "PEC_PCIE_IOP_REVERSAL_BIFURCATED", "0"); # TODO RTC:167304 #my $is_slot_attr = sprintf("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s", # $is_slot[0][0], $is_slot[0][1], # $is_slot[1][0], $is_slot[1][1], # $is_slot[2][0], $is_slot[2][1]); #$targetObj->setAttribute($target, "PROC_PCIE_IS_SLOT", # $is_slot_attr); #my $eq_str=""; #for (my $p=0;$p<$NUM_PHBS;$p++) #{ # for (my $lane=0;$lane<16;$lane++) # { # $eq_str=$eq_str.$equalization[$p][$lane].","; # } #} #$eq_str = substr($eq_str,0,length($eq_str)-1); #$targetObj->setAttribute($target, # "PROC_PCIE_LANE_EQUALIZATION", $eq_str); } # Found connection } # PHB bus loop } # PHB loop } # PEC config loop } #-------------------------------------------------- ## OCC ## sub processOcc { my $targetObj = shift; my $target = shift; my $parentTarget = shift; my $master_capable=0; if ($parentTarget eq $targetObj->getMasterProc()) { $master_capable=1; } $targetObj->setAttribute($target,"OCC_MASTER_CAPABLE",$master_capable); } sub processMembufVpdAssociation { my $targetObj = shift; my $target = shift; my $vpds=$targetObj->findConnections($target,"I2C","VPD"); if ($vpds ne "" ) { my $vpd = $vpds->{CONN}->[0]; my $membuf_assocs=$targetObj->findConnections($vpd->{DEST_PARENT}, "LOGICAL_ASSOCIATION","MEMBUF"); if ($membuf_assocs ne "") { foreach my $membuf_assoc (@{$membuf_assocs->{CONN}}) { my $membuf_target = $membuf_assoc->{DEST_PARENT}; setEepromAttributes($targetObj, "EEPROM_VPD_PRIMARY_INFO",$membuf_target,$vpd); my $index = $targetObj->getBusAttribute($membuf_assoc->{SOURCE}, $membuf_assoc->{BUS_NUM}, "ISDIMM_MBVPD_INDEX"); $targetObj->setAttribute( $membuf_target,"ISDIMM_MBVPD_INDEX",$index); $targetObj->setAttribute($membuf_target, "VPD_REC_NUM",$targetObj->{vpd_num}); } } my $group_assocs=$targetObj->findConnections($vpd->{DEST_PARENT}, "LOGICAL_ASSOCIATION","CARD"); if ($group_assocs ne "") { foreach my $group_assoc (@{$group_assocs->{CONN}}) { my $mb_target = $group_assoc->{DEST_PARENT}; my $group_target = $targetObj->getTargetParent($mb_target); $targetObj->setAttribute($group_target, "VPD_REC_NUM",$targetObj->{vpd_num}); } } $targetObj->{vpd_num}++; } } #-------------------------------------------------- ## MEMBUF ## ## Finds I2C connections to DIMM and creates EEPROM attributes ## FYI: I had to handle DMI busses in framework because they ## define affinity path #@TODO RTC:163874 -- centaur support sub processMembuf { my $targetObj = shift; my $target = shift; if ($targetObj->isBadAttribute($target, "PHYS_PATH", "")) { ##dmi is probably not connected. will get caught in error checking return; } processMembufVpdAssociation($targetObj,$target); ## find port mapping my %dimm_portmap; foreach my $child (@{$targetObj->getTargetChildren($target)}) { if ($targetObj->getType($child) eq "MBA") { my $mba_num = $targetObj->getAttribute($child,"MBA_NUM"); my $dimms=$targetObj->findConnections($child,"DDR3",""); if ($dimms ne "") { foreach my $dimm (@{$dimms->{CONN}}) { my $port_num = $targetObj->getAttribute( $dimm->{SOURCE},"MBA_PORT"); my $dimm_num = $targetObj->getAttribute( $dimm->{SOURCE},"MBA_DIMM"); my $map = oct("0b".$mba_num.$port_num.$dimm_num); $dimm_portmap{$dimm->{DEST_PARENT}} = $map; } } } } ## Process MEMBUF to DIMM I2C connections my @addr_map=('0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0'); my $dimms=$targetObj->findConnections($target,"I2C","SPD"); if ($dimms ne "") { foreach my $dimm (@{$dimms->{CONN}}) { my $dimm_target = $targetObj->getTargetParent($dimm->{DEST_PARENT}); setEepromAttributes($targetObj, "EEPROM_VPD_PRIMARY_INFO",$dimm_target, $dimm); my $field=getI2cMapField($targetObj,$dimm_target,$dimm); my $map = $dimm_portmap{$dimm_target}; if ($map eq "") { print "ERROR: $dimm_target doesn't map to a dimm/port\n"; $targetObj->myExit(3); } $addr_map[$map] = $field; } } $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "MRW_MEM_SENSOR_CACHE_ADDR_MAP","0x".join("",@addr_map)); ## Update bus speeds #@TODO RTC:163874 -- centaur support #processI2cSpeeds($targetObj,$target); ## Do MBA port mapping my %mba_port_map; my $ddrs=$targetObj->findConnections($target,"DDR3","DIMM"); if ($ddrs ne "") { my %portmap; foreach my $ddr (@{$ddrs->{CONN}}) { my $mba=$ddr->{SOURCE}; my $dimm=$ddr->{DEST_PARENT}; my ($dimmnum,$port)=split(//,sprintf("%02b\n",$portmap{$mba})); $targetObj->setAttribute($dimm, "MBA_DIMM",$dimmnum); $targetObj->setAttribute($dimm, "MBA_PORT",$port); $portmap{$mba}++; ## Copy connector attributes my $dimmconn=$targetObj->getTargetParent($dimm); } } } sub getI2cMapField { my $targetObj = shift; my $target = shift; my $conn_target = shift; my $port = $targetObj->getAttribute($conn_target->{SOURCE}, "I2C_PORT"); my $engine = $targetObj->getAttribute($conn_target->{SOURCE}, "I2C_ENGINE"); my $addr = $targetObj->getBusAttribute($conn_target->{SOURCE}, $conn_target->{BUS_NUM}, "I2C_ADDRESS"); my $bits=sprintf("%08b",hex($addr)); my $field=sprintf("%d%3s",oct($port),substr($bits,4,3)); my $hexfield = sprintf("%X",oct("0b$field")); return $hexfield; } sub setEepromAttributes { my $targetObj = shift; my $name = shift; my $target = shift; my $conn_target = shift; my $fru = shift; my $port = $targetObj->getAttribute($conn_target->{SOURCE}, "I2C_PORT"); my $engine = $targetObj->getAttribute($conn_target->{SOURCE}, "I2C_ENGINE"); #my $addr = $targetObj->getBusAttribute($conn_target->{SOURCE}, # $conn_target->{BUS_NUM}, "I2C_ADDRESS"); my $addr = $targetObj->getAttribute($conn_target->{DEST},"I2C_ADDRESS"); my $path = $targetObj->getAttribute($conn_target->{SOURCE_PARENT}, "PHYS_PATH"); my $mem = $targetObj->getAttribute($conn_target->{DEST_PARENT}, "MEMORY_SIZE_IN_KB"); my $count = 1; # default for VPD SEEPROMs my $cycle = $targetObj->getAttribute($conn_target->{DEST_PARENT}, "WRITE_CYCLE_TIME"); my $page = $targetObj->getAttribute($conn_target->{DEST_PARENT}, "WRITE_PAGE_SIZE"); my $offset = $targetObj->getAttribute($conn_target->{DEST_PARENT}, "BYTE_ADDRESS_OFFSET"); $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, $name, "i2cMasterPath", $path); $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, $name, "port", $port); $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, $name, "devAddr", $addr); $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, $name, "engine", $engine); $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, $name, "byteAddrOffset", $offset); $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, $name, "maxMemorySizeKB", $mem); $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, $name, "chipCount", $count); $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, $name, "writePageSize", $page); $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, $name, "writeCycleTime", $cycle); if ($fru ne "") { $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, $name, "fruId", $fru); } } sub setDimmTempAttributes { my $targetObj = shift; my $target = shift; my $conn_target = shift; my $fru = shift; my $name = "TEMP_SENSOR_I2C_CONFIG"; my $port = $targetObj->getAttribute($conn_target->{SOURCE}, "I2C_PORT"); my $engine = $targetObj->getAttribute($conn_target->{SOURCE}, "I2C_ENGINE"); my $addr = $targetObj->getAttribute($conn_target->{DEST},"I2C_ADDRESS"); my $path = $targetObj->getAttribute($conn_target->{SOURCE_PARENT}, "PHYS_PATH"); $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, $name, "i2cMasterPath", $path); $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, $name, "port", $port); $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, $name, "devAddr", $addr); $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, $name, "engine", $engine); } sub setGpioAttributes { my $targetObj = shift; my $target = shift; my $conn_target = shift; my $vddrPin = shift; my $port = $targetObj->getAttribute($conn_target->{SOURCE}, "I2C_PORT"); my $engine = $targetObj->getAttribute($conn_target->{SOURCE}, "I2C_ENGINE"); my $addr = $targetObj->getBusAttribute($conn_target->{SOURCE}, $conn_target->{BUS_NUM}, "I2C_ADDRESS"); my $path = $targetObj->getAttribute($conn_target->{SOURCE_PARENT}, "PHYS_PATH"); my $name="GPIO_INFO"; $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, $name, "i2cMasterPath", $path); $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, $name, "port", $port); $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, $name, "devAddr", $addr); $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, $name, "engine", $engine); $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, $name, "vddrPin", $vddrPin); } #-------------------------------------------------- ## ERROR checking sub errorCheck { my $targetObj = shift; my $target = shift; my $type = $targetObj->getType($target); ## error checking even for connections are done with attribute checks ## since connections simply create attributes at source and/or destination ## ## also error checking after processing is complete vs during ## processing is easier my %attribute_checks = ( SYS => ['SYSTEM_NAME'],#'OPAL_MODEL'], PROC => ['FSI_MASTER_CHIP', 'EEPROM_VPD_PRIMARY_INFO/devAddr'], MEMBUF => [ 'PHYS_PATH', 'EI_BUS_TX_MSBSWAP', 'FSI_MASTER_PORT|0xFF' ], ); my %error_msg = ( 'EEPROM_VPD_PRIMARY_INFO/devAddr' => 'I2C connection to target is not defined', 'FSI_MASTER_PORT' => 'This target is missing a required FSI connection', 'FSI_MASTER_CHIP' => 'This target is missing a required FSI connection', 'EI_BUS_TX_MSBSWAP' => 'DMI connection is missing to this membuf from processor', 'PHYS_PATH' =>'DMI connection is missing to this membuf from processor', ); my @errors; foreach my $attr (@{ $attribute_checks{$type} }) { my ($a, $v) = split(/\|/, $attr); my ($a_complex, $field) = split(/\//, $a); if ($field ne "") { if ($targetObj->isBadComplexAttribute( $target, $a_complex, $field, $v) ) { push(@errors,sprintf( "$a attribute is invalid (Target=%s)\n\t%s\n", $target, $error_msg{$a})); } } else { if ($targetObj->isBadAttribute($target, $a, $v)) { push(@errors,sprintf( "$a attribute is invalid (Target=%s)\n\t%s\n", $target, $error_msg{$a})); } } } if ($type eq "PROC") { ## note: DMI is checked on membuf side so don't need to check that here ## this checks if at least 1 abus is connected my $found_abus = 0; my $abus_error = ""; foreach my $child (@{ $targetObj->getTargetChildren($target) }) { my $child_type = $targetObj->getBusType($child); if ($child_type eq "ABUS" || $child_type eq "XBUS") { if ($targetObj->getMasterProc() ne $target) { if (!$targetObj->isBadAttribute($child, "PEER_TARGET")) { $found_abus = 1; } else { $abus_error = sprintf( "proc not connected to proc via Abus or Xbus (Target=%s)",$child); } } } } if ($found_abus) { $abus_error = ""; } else { push(@errors, $abus_error); } } if ($errors[0]) { foreach my $err (@errors) { print "ERROR: $err\n"; } $targetObj->myExit(3); } } sub printUsage { print " processMrwl.pl -x [XML filename] [OPTIONS] Options: -f = force output file creation even when errors -d = debug mode -s [SDR XML file] = import SDRs -r = create report and save to [system_name].rpt -v = version "; exit(1); }