#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/usr/targeting/common/genNodeMrwXml.pl $ # # IBM CONFIDENTIAL # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2013,2014 # # p1 # # Object Code Only (OCO) source materials # Licensed Internal Code Source Materials # IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code # # The source code for this program is not published or otherwise # divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been # deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. # # Origin: 30 # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # # Usage: # # genNodeMrwXml.pl --system=systemname --mrwdir=pathname # --build=hb/fsp --nodeCount=nodeCount # [--help] # # --system=systemname # Specify which system MRW XML to be generated. # The file name will be set as uppercase # --mrwdir=pathname # Specify the complete dir pathname of the MRW. Colon-delimited # list accepted to specify multiple directories to search. # --outfileDir=pathname # Specify the complete dir pathname to where output files should # be created # --build=hb/fsp # Specify if HostBoot build (hb) or FSP build (fsp) # --nodeCount # Specify the max number of nodes for the system # --help # displays usage # # Purpose: # # This perl script processes the various xml files of the Tuleta MRW to # extract the needed information for generating the final xml file. # use strict; use XML::Simple; use Data::Dumper; ################################################################################ # Set PREFERRED_PARSER to XML::Parser. Otherwise it uses XML::SAX which contains # bugs that result in XML parse errors that can be fixed by adjusting white- # space (i.e. parse errors that do not make sense). ################################################################################ $XML::Simple::PREFERRED_PARSER = 'XML::Parser'; ################################################################################ #main ################################################################################ my $mrwdir = ""; my $sysname = ""; my $usage = 0; my $nodeCount = 0; my $outFileDir = ""; my $build = "fsp"; use Getopt::Long; GetOptions( "mrwdir:s" => \$mrwdir, "system:s" => \$sysname, "nodeCount:i" => \$nodeCount, "outfileDir:s" => \$outFileDir, "build:s" => \$build, "help" => \$usage, ); if ($usage || ($mrwdir eq "") || ($sysname eq "") || ($outFileDir eq "")) { display_help(); exit 0; } if ($nodeCount ==0) { #no nodes so don't need to create node xml files exit 0; } my $SYSNAME = uc($sysname); my $outFile = ""; my @nodeOutFiles; my $sysInfo; my $fileSuffix; if ($build eq "fsp") { $fileSuffix="fsp"; } elsif ($build eq "hb") { $fileSuffix="hb"; } else { die "ERROR: $build is not valid. Valid values are fsp or hb\n"; } #create files my $mrw_file = open_mrw_file($mrwdir, "${SYSNAME}_${fileSuffix}.mrw.xml"); $sysInfo = XMLin($mrw_file, ForceArray=>1); #print Dumper($sysInfo); for my $j(0..($nodeCount)) { $outFile = "$outFileDir/${SYSNAME}_node_$j"."_${fileSuffix}.mrw.xml"; push @nodeOutFiles, [$outFile]; } #create file discriptor array my @nodeFD; for my $k(0..$#nodeOutFiles) { my $filename= sprintf("%s",@{$nodeOutFiles[$k]}); open $nodeFD[$k], '>', $filename || die "ERROR: unable to create $filename\n"; } #read in the targeting data from system xml files foreach my $targetInstance (@{$sysInfo->{targetInstance}}) { my $Id = $targetInstance->{'id'}; my $targetId = sprintf("%s",@{$Id}); #print("targetId =", $targetId, "\n"); my $xmlData= XMLout($targetInstance,RootName => "targetInstance"); #print Dumper($xmlData); if ($targetId eq "sys0") { for my $node(0..$nodeCount) { print {$nodeFD[$node]} $xmlData; } } else { my $nodeValue = $targetId; $nodeValue =~ s/.*node(\d?).*/$1/; if ($nodeValue < $#nodeFD ) { print {$nodeFD[$nodeValue]} $xmlData; } elsif ($nodeValue == $#nodeFD) { print {$nodeFD[0]} $xmlData; } else { die "ERROR: node value($nodeValue) is not in the range of possible nodes\n"; } } } #close file descriptors for my $k(0..$#nodeOutFiles) { my $filename= sprintf("%s",@{$nodeOutFiles[$k]}); close $nodeFD[$k] || die "ERROR: unable to close $filename\n"; } exit 0; ################################################################################ #subroutines below ################################################################################ #subroutines below sub open_mrw_file { my ($paths, $filename) = @_; #Need to get list of paths to search my @paths_to_search = split /:/, $paths; my $file_found = ""; #Check for file at each directory in list foreach my $path (@paths_to_search) { if ( open (FH, "<$path/$filename") ) { $file_found = "$path/$filename"; close(FH); last; #break out of loop } } if ($file_found eq "") { #If the file was not found, build up error message and exit my $err_msg = "Could not find $filename in following paths:\n"; foreach my $path (@paths_to_search) { $err_msg = $err_msg." $path\n"; } die $err_msg; } else { #Return the full path to the file found return $file_found; } } sub display_help { use File::Basename; my $scriptname = basename($0); print STDERR " Usage: $scriptname --help --help displays usage $scriptname --system=sysname --mrwdir=pathname --build=hb --nodeCount=nodeCount --system=systemname Specify which system MRW XML to be generated The system name will be set as uppercase --mrwdir=pathname Specify the complete dir pathname of the MRW. Colon-delimited list accepted to specify multiple directories to search. --outfileDir=pathname Specify the complete dir pathname to where output files should be created --build=hb/fsp Specify if HostBoot build (hb) or FSP build (fsp) --nodeCount Specify the max number of nodes for the system \n"; }