/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/targeting/common/entitypath.C $ */ /* */ /* IBM CONFIDENTIAL */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011,2012 */ /* */ /* p1 */ /* */ /* Object Code Only (OCO) source materials */ /* Licensed Internal Code Source Materials */ /* IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code */ /* */ /* The source code for this program is not published or otherwise */ /* divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been */ /* deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. */ /* */ /* Origin: 30 */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ /** * @file targeting/common/entitypath.C * * @brief Implementation of the EntityPath class which provides a hierarchical * path structure for identification of targets */ //****************************************************************************** // Includes //****************************************************************************** // STD #include #include #include // This component #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace TARGETING { #define TARG_NAMESPACE "TARGETING::" #define TARG_CLASS "EntityPath::" #define TARG_LOC TARG_NAMESPACE TARG_CLASS TARG_FN ": " extern TARG_TD_t g_trac_targeting; //****************************************************************************** // EntityPath::EntityPath (Path Type Constructor) //****************************************************************************** EntityPath::EntityPath( const PATH_TYPE i_pathType) : iv_type(i_pathType), iv_size(0) { #define TARG_FN "EntityPath(...)" memset(&iv_pathElement[0], 0x00, sizeof(iv_pathElement)); #undef TARG_FN } //****************************************************************************** // EntityPath::EntityPath (Full Constructor) //****************************************************************************** EntityPath::EntityPath() : iv_type(PATH_NA), iv_size(0) { #define TARG_FN "EntityPath()" memset(&iv_pathElement[0], 0x00, sizeof(iv_pathElement)); #undef TARG_FN } //****************************************************************************** // EntityPath::removeLast //****************************************************************************** EntityPath& EntityPath::removeLast() { #define TARG_FN "removeLast()" TARG_ASSERT(size() >= 1, TARG_LOC "EntityPath empty (size = %d); cannot " "remove any path elements", size()); iv_pathElement[size() - 1].type = TYPE_NA; iv_pathElement[size() - 1].instance = 0; --iv_size; return *this; #undef TARG_FN } //****************************************************************************** // EntityPath::copyRemoveLast //****************************************************************************** EntityPath EntityPath::copyRemoveLast() const { #define TARG_FN "copyRemoveLast()" EntityPath l_newPath = *this; l_newPath.removeLast(); return l_newPath; #undef TARG_FN } //****************************************************************************** // EntityPath::addLast //****************************************************************************** EntityPath& EntityPath::addLast( const TYPE i_type, const uint8_t i_instance) { #define TARG_FN "addLast(...)" TARG_ASSERT(size() < MAX_PATH_ELEMENTS, TARG_LOC "Entity path cannot " "store any more path elements with size %d", size()); iv_pathElement[size()].type = i_type; iv_pathElement[size()].instance = i_instance; ++iv_size; return *this; #undef TARG_FN } //****************************************************************************** // EntityPath::copyAddLast //****************************************************************************** EntityPath EntityPath::copyAddLast( const TYPE i_type, const uint8_t i_instance) const { #define TARG_FN "copyAddLast(...)" EntityPath l_newPath = *this; l_newPath.addLast(i_type,i_instance); return l_newPath; #undef TARG_FN } //****************************************************************************** // EntityPath::operator-> //****************************************************************************** Target* EntityPath::operator->(void) { #define TARG_FN "operator->()" return TARG_GET_SINGLETON(TARGETING::theTargetService).toTarget(*this); #undef TARG_FN } //****************************************************************************** // EntityPath::operator== //****************************************************************************** bool EntityPath::operator==( const EntityPath &i_rhs) const { #define TARG_FN "operator==(...)" return ( (i_rhs.iv_type == iv_type) && (i_rhs.iv_size == iv_size) && (memcmp(&iv_pathElement[0], &i_rhs.iv_pathElement[0], (sizeof(iv_pathElement[0])*iv_size)) == 0)); #undef TARG_FN } //****************************************************************************** // EntityPath::equals //****************************************************************************** bool EntityPath::equals( const EntityPath& i_rhs, const uint32_t i_size) const { #define TARG_FN "equals(...)" TARG_ASSERT(i_size <= MAX_PATH_ELEMENTS, TARG_LOC "Caller specified " "invalid entity path size of %d which is greater than " "MAX_PATH_ELEMENTS of %d",i_size,MAX_PATH_ELEMENTS); return ( (i_rhs.iv_type == iv_type) && (i_size <= i_rhs.size()) && (i_size <= size()) && (memcmp(&iv_pathElement[0], &i_rhs.iv_pathElement[0], (sizeof(iv_pathElement[0])*i_size)) == 0)); #undef TARG_FN } //****************************************************************************** // EntityPath::operator[] //****************************************************************************** const EntityPath::PathElement& EntityPath::operator[]( const uint32_t i_index) const { #define TARG_FN "operator[](...)" TARG_ASSERT(i_index < size(), TARG_LOC "Caller specified invalid entity " "path subscript of %d when size is only %d",i_index,size()); return iv_pathElement[i_index]; #undef TARG_FN } //****************************************************************************** // EntityPath::pathElementOfType //****************************************************************************** const EntityPath::PathElement EntityPath::pathElementOfType( const TYPE i_type) const { #define TARG_FN "pathElementOfType(...)" for( uint32_t x = 0; x < iv_size; x++ ) { if( i_type == iv_pathElement[x].type ) { return iv_pathElement[x]; } } PathElement na_path = { TYPE_NA, 0 }; return na_path; #undef TARG_FN } //****************************************************************************** // EntityPath::setType //****************************************************************************** void EntityPath::setType( const PATH_TYPE i_pathType) { #define TARG_FN "setType(...)" iv_type = i_pathType; #undef TARG_FN } //****************************************************************************** // EntityPath::pathTypeAsString (DEBUG) //****************************************************************************** const char* EntityPath::pathTypeAsString() const { #define TARG_FN "pathTypeAsString()" switch (iv_type) { case PATH_DEVICE: return "Device"; case PATH_AFFINITY: return "Logical"; case PATH_PHYSICAL: return "Physical"; case PATH_POWER: return "Power"; default: return "Unknown entity path type"; } #undef TARG_FN } //****************************************************************************** // EntityPath::pathElementTypeAsString (DEBUG) //****************************************************************************** const char* EntityPath::pathElementTypeAsString( const TYPE i_type) const { #define TARG_FN "pathElementTypeAsString(...)" switch (i_type) { case TYPE_PROC: return "Proc"; case TYPE_NODE: return "Node"; case TYPE_CORE: return "Core"; case TYPE_L2: return "L2"; case TYPE_MCS: return "MCS"; case TYPE_MBS: return "MBS"; case TYPE_MBA: return "MBA"; case TYPE_L3: return "L3"; case TYPE_L4: return "L4"; case TYPE_MEMBUF: return "Membuf"; case TYPE_SYS: return "Sys"; case TYPE_EX: return "EX"; case TYPE_PCI: return "PCI"; case TYPE_DIMM: return "DIMM"; case TYPE_XBUS: return "XBUS"; case TYPE_ABUS: return "ABUS"; case TYPE_APSS: return "APSS"; case TYPE_DPSS: return "DPSS"; case TYPE_OCC: return "OCC"; case TYPE_PSI: return "PSI"; case TYPE_FSP: return "FSP"; case TYPE_PNOR: return "PNOR"; case TYPE_NA: return "NA"; // case TYPE_FSI_LINK: // return "FSI-link"; // case TYPE_CFAM: // return "CFAM"; // case TYPE_ENGINE: // return "Engine"; default: return "Unknown path type"; } #undef TARG_FN } //****************************************************************************** // EntityPath::pathEngineInstanceAsString (DEBUG) //****************************************************************************** const char* EntityPath::pathEngineInstanceAsString( const ENGINE_TYPE i_engine) const { #define TARG_FN "pathEngineInstanceAsString(...)" switch (i_engine) { // case ENGINE_IIC: // return "IIC"; // case ENGINE_SCOM: // return "SCOM"; default: return "Unknown engine type"; } #undef TARG_FN } //****************************************************************************** // EntityPath::dump (DEBUG) //****************************************************************************** void EntityPath::dump() const { #define TARG_FN "dump()" char l_pBuf[200]; memset(l_pBuf,'\0',200); char* l_pCursor = l_pBuf; l_pCursor+=sprintf(l_pCursor,"%s:",pathTypeAsString()); for(uint32_t i=0; i( malloc( l_len1 + 1 ) ); sprintf( l_pString, "%s:", l_ptr1 ); for (uint32_t i=0; i < size(); ++i) { l_ptr1 = pathElementTypeAsString( operator[](i).type ); l_len2 = strlen( l_ptr1 ) + 1; // add 1 for '/' char // realloc with extra 33 bytes (more than enough) // for the %d conversion and the nul char. l_ptr = realloc( l_pString, (l_len1 + l_len2 + 33) ); l_pString = static_cast( l_ptr ); // append at the nul char of previous string l_len2 = sprintf( l_pString + l_len1, "/%s%d", l_ptr1, operator[](i).instance ); l_len1 += l_len2; } return (l_pString); #undef TARG_FN } #undef TARG_CLASS #undef TARG_NAMESPACE } // End namespace TARGETING