# This is an automatically generated prolog.
# $Source: src/usr/targeting/common/Targets.pm $
# OpenPOWER HostBoot Project
# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015,2017
# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# permissions and limitations under the License.
package Targets;
use strict;
use XML::Simple;
use XML::Parser;
use Data::Dumper;
use feature "state";
use constant
DIMMS_PER_PROC => 32, # 2 memory riser cards per proc x 16 IS DIMMs (4 Centaurs x 4 DDR ports)
DIMMS_PER_DMI => 4, # 1 Centaur x 4 dimms per DDR port
MAX_MCS_PER_PROC => 4, # 4 MCS per Nimbus
my %maxInstance = (
"PROC" => 8,
"CORE" => 24,
"EX" => 12,
"EQ" => 6,
"ABUS" => 3,
"XBUS" => 3,
"OBUS" => 4,
"MCBIST" => 2,
"MCS" => 4,
"MCA" => 8,
"PHB" => 6, #PHB is same as PCIE
"PEC" => 3, #PEC is same as PBCQ
"MBA" => 16,
"PPE" => 51, #Only 21, but they are sparsely populated
"PERV" => 56, #Only 42, but they are sparsely populated
"CAPP" => 2,
"SBE" => 1,
"OBUS_BRICK" => 12,
"NPU" => 1,
"MC" => 2,
"MI" => 4,
"DMI" => 8,
"OCC" => 1,
"NV" => 6,
"NX" => 1,
"MEMBUF" => 8,
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $self = {
xml => undef,
data => undef,
targeting => undef,
enumerations => undef,
MAX_MCS => 0,
UNIT_COUNTS => undef,
master_proc => undef,
huid_idx => undef,
mru_idx => undef,
force => 0,
debug => 0,
version => "",
xml_version => 0,
errorsExist => 0,
TOP_LEVEL => "",
TOPOLOGY => undef,
report_log => "",
vpd_num => 0,
dimm_tpos => 0,
MAX_MC => 0,
MAX_MI => 0,
MAX_DMI => 0,
'0' => '3',
'1' => '2',
'4' => '7',
'5' => '6'
# TODO RTC:132549
# DMI_FSI_MAP is a lookup table for DMI channel to FSI and ref clock.
# It is processor specific and needs to be pulled from a
# processor attribute instead of being hardcoded
return bless $self, $class;
sub setVersion
my $self = shift;
my $version = shift;
$self->{version} = $version;
sub getData
my $self = shift;
return $self->{data};
## loads ServerWiz XML format
sub loadXML
my $self = shift;
my $filename = shift;
$XML::Simple::PREFERRED_PARSER = 'XML::Parser';
print "Loading MRW XML: $filename\n";
$self->{xml} =
XMLin($filename,forcearray => [ 'child_id', 'hidden_child_id', 'bus',
'property', 'field', 'attribute',
'enumerator' ]);
if (defined($self->{xml}->{'enumerationTypes'}))
$self->{xml_version} = 1;
## prints out final XML for HOSTBOOT consumption
sub printXML
my $self = shift;
my $fh = shift;
my $t = shift;
my $build= shift;
my $atTop = 0;
if ($t eq "top")
$atTop = 1;
$t = $self->{targeting}->{SYS};
print $fh "\n";
print $fh "" . $self->{version} . "\n";
if (ref($t) ne "ARRAY")
for (my $p = 0; $p < scalar(@{$t}); $p++)
if (ref($t->[$p]) ne "HASH") { next; }
my $target = $t->[$p]->{KEY};
$self->printTarget($fh, $target, $build);
my $children = $t->[$p];
foreach my $u (sort(keys %{$children}))
if ($u ne "KEY")
$self->printXML($fh, $t->[$p]->{$u}, $build);
if ($atTop)
print $fh "\n";
sub printTarget
my $self = shift;
my $fh = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $build = shift;
my $target_ptr = $self->getTarget($target);
if ($target eq "")
print $fh "\n";
my $target_id = $self->getAttribute($target, "PHYS_PATH");
my $target_TYPE = $self->getAttribute($target, "TYPE");
$target_id = substr($target_id, 9);
$target_id =~ s/\///g;
$target_id =~ s/\-//g;
print $fh "\t" . $target_id . "\n";
if($self->getTargetType($target) eq 'unit-clk-slave')
if($target_TYPE eq 'SYSREFCLKENDPT')
print $fh "\t"."unit-sysclk-slave"."\n";
elsif($target_TYPE eq 'MFREFCLKENDPT')
print $fh "\t"."unit-mfclk-slave"."\n";
elsif($self->getTargetType($target) eq 'unit-clk-master')
if($target_TYPE eq 'SYSREFCLKENDPT')
print $fh "\t"."unit-sysclk-master"."\n";
elsif($target_TYPE eq 'MFREFCLKENDPT')
print $fh "\t"."unit-mfclk-master"."\n";
print $fh "\t" . $self->getTargetType($target) . "\n";
## get attributes
foreach my $attr (sort (keys %{ $target_ptr->{ATTRIBUTES} }))
$self->printAttribute($fh, $target_ptr->{ATTRIBUTES}, $attr, $build);
print $fh "\n";
sub printAttribute
my $self = shift;
my $fh = shift;
my $target_ptr = shift;
my $attribute = shift;
my $build = shift;
my $r = "";
# temporary until we converge attribute types
my %filter;
$filter{MODEL} = 1;
if ($filter{$attribute} == 1)
if ( $build eq "fsp" && ($attribute eq "INSTANCE_PATH" || $attribute eq "PEER_HUID"))
print $fh "\t\n";
else{ print $fh "\t\n";}
print $fh "\t\t$attribute\n";
my $value = $target_ptr->{$attribute}->{default};
if (ref($value) eq "HASH")
if (defined($value->{field}))
print $fh "\t\t\n";
foreach my $f (sort keys %{ $value->{field} })
my $v = $value->{field}->{$f}->{value};
print $fh "\t\t\t$f$v\n";
print $fh "\t\t\n";
if ($value ne "") {
print $fh "\t\t$value\n";
if ( $build eq "fsp" && ($attribute eq "INSTANCE_PATH" || $attribute eq "PEER_HUID"))
print $fh "\t\n";
else{ print $fh "\t\n";}
## stores TYPE enumeration values which is used to generate HUIDs
sub storeEnumerations
my $self = shift;
my $baseptr = $self->{xml}->{enumerationType};
if ($self->{xml_version} == 1)
$baseptr = $self->{xml}->{enumerationTypes}->{enumerationType};
foreach my $enumType (keys(%{ $baseptr }))
foreach my $enum (
$self->{enumeration}->{$enumType}->{$enum} =
sub storeGroups
my $self = shift;
foreach my $grp (keys(%{ $self->{xml}->{attributeGroups}
->{attributeGroup} }))
foreach my $attr (@{$self->{xml}->{attributeGroups}
$self->{groups}->{$grp}->{$attr} = 1;
## build target hierarchy recursively
## creates convenient data structure
## for accessing targets and busses
## Structure:
##{TARGETS} # location of all targets
##{NSTANCE_PATH} # keeps track of hierarchy
## path while iterating
##{TARGETS} -> target_name # specific target
##{TARGETS} -> target_name -> {TARGET} # pointer to target data
## from XML data struture
##{TARGETS} -> target_name -> {TYPE}# special attribute
##{TARGETS} -> target_name -> {PARENT} # parent target name
##{TARGETS} -> target_name -> {CHILDREN} # array of children targets
##{TARGETS} -> target_name -> {CONNECTION} -> {DEST} # array of connection
## destination targets
##{TARGETS} -> target_name -> {CONNECTION} -> {BUS} # array of busses
##{TARGETS} -> target_name -> {CHILDREN} # array of children targets
##{TARGETS} -> target_name -> {ATTRIBUTES} # attributes
## {ENUMERATION} -> enumeration_type -> enum # value of enumeration
## {BUSSES} -> bus_type[] # array of busses by
## bus_type (I2C, FSI, etc)
## {BUSSES} -> bus_type[] -> {BUS} # pointer to bus target
## from xml structure
## {BUSSES} -> bus_type[] -> {SOURCE_TARGET} # source target name
## {BUSSES} -> bus_type[] -> {DEST_TARGET} # dest target name
sub buildHierarchy
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $instance_path = $self->{data}->{INSTANCE_PATH};
if (!defined $instance_path)
$instance_path = "";
my $baseptr = $self->{xml}->{'targetInstance'};
if ($self->{xml_version} == 1)
$baseptr = $self->{xml}->{'targetInstances'}->{'targetInstance'};
if ($target eq "")
## find system target
foreach my $t (keys(%{$baseptr}))
if ($baseptr->{$t}->{attribute}->{TYPE}->{default} eq "SYS")
$self->{TOP_LEVEL} = $t;
$target = $t;
if ($target eq "")
die "Unable to find system top level target\n";
my $old_path = $instance_path;
my $target_xml = $baseptr->{$target};
my $affinity_target = $target;
my $key = $instance_path . "/" . $target;
if ($instance_path ne "")
$instance_path = "instance:" . substr($instance_path, 1);
$instance_path = "instance:";
$self->setAttribute($key, "INSTANCE_PATH", $instance_path);
$self->{data}->{TARGETS}->{$key}->{TARGET} = $target_xml;
$self->{data}->{INSTANCE_PATH} = $old_path . "/" . $target;
## copy attributes
foreach my $attribute (keys %{ $target_xml->{attribute} })
my $value = $target_xml->{attribute}->{$attribute}->{default};
if (ref($value) eq "HASH")
if (defined($value->{field}))
foreach my $f (keys %{ $value->{field} })
my $field_val=$value->{field}{$f}{value};
if (ref($field_val)) {
$self->setAttributeField($key, $attribute, $f,"");
$self->setAttributeField($key, $attribute, $f,
if ($attribute eq "FSI_MASTER_CHIP" || $attribute eq "ALTFSI_MASTER_CHIP" )
$self->setAttribute($key, $attribute, "physical:sys-0");
$self->setAttribute($key, $attribute, "");
$self->setAttribute($key, $attribute, $value);
## global attributes overwrite local
my $settingptr = $self->{xml}->{globalSetting};
if ($self->{xml_version} == 1)
$settingptr = $self->{xml}->{globalSettings}->{globalSetting};
foreach my $prop (keys %{$settingptr->{$key}->{property}})
my $val=$settingptr->{$key}->{property}->
$self->setAttribute($key, $prop, $val);
## Save busses
if (defined($target_xml->{bus}))
foreach my $b (@{ $target_xml->{bus} })
if (ref($b->{dest_path}) eq "HASH") {
if (ref($b->{source_path}) eq "HASH") {
my $source_target =
$key . "/" . $b->{source_path} . $b->{source_target};
my $dest_target = $key . "/" . $b->{dest_path} . $b->{dest_target};
my $bus_type = $b->{bus_type};
my %bus_entry;
$bus_entry{SOURCE_TARGET} = $source_target;
$bus_entry{DEST_TARGET} = $dest_target;
$bus_entry{BUS_TARGET} = $b;
push(@{ $self->{data}->{BUSSES}->{$bus_type} }, \%bus_entry);
foreach my $child (@{ $target_xml->{child_id} })
my $child_key = $self->{data}->{INSTANCE_PATH} . "/" . $child;
$self->{data}->{TARGETS}->{$child_key}->{PARENT} = $key;
push(@{ $self->{data}->{TARGETS}->{$key}->{CHILDREN} }, $child_key);
foreach my $child (@{ $target_xml->{hidden_child_id} })
my $child_key = $self->{data}->{INSTANCE_PATH} . "/" . $child;
$self->{data}->{TARGETS}->{$child_key}->{PARENT} = $key;
push(@{ $self->{data}->{TARGETS}->{$key}->{CHILDREN} }, $child_key);
$self->{data}->{INSTANCE_PATH} = $old_path;
## prunes targets that do not have a valid XML data attached to them.
## Extraneous targets may get added during building heirarchy if the
## source/destination targets in the bus are not valid target instances.
sub prune
my $self = shift;
# TODO RTC 181162: This is just a temporary solution/workaround to the wrong
# APSS location in witherspoon XML. Need to take a call on either making
# this an error or get rid of this function altogether when we have fixed
# the witherspoon XML.
foreach my $target (sort keys %{ $self->{data}->{TARGETS} })
if(not defined $self->{data}->{TARGETS}->{$target}->{TARGET})
printf("WARNING: Target instance for %s not found, deleting. ",
printf("This probably indicates a bug in the source XML\n");
delete $self->{data}->{TARGETS}->{$target};
## traces busses and builds affinity hierarchy
## HOSTBOOT expected hierarchy: sys/node/proc/
## sys/node/proc/mcs/membuf/
## sys/node/proc/mcs/membuf/mba/dimm
## This function also sets the common attributes for all the targets
## Common attributes include:
## - HUID
sub buildAffinity
my $self = shift;
my $node = -1;
my $proc = -1;
my $tpm = -1;
my $bmc = -1;
my $sys_phys = "";
my $node_phys = "";
my $node_aff = "";
my $sys_pos = 0; # There is always a single system target
my $mcbist = -1;
my $num_mc = 0 ;
## count children target types
foreach my $target (sort keys %{ $self->{data}->{TARGETS} })
my $children = $self->getTargetChildren($target);
if ($children ne "") {
foreach my $child (@{ $children })
my $type = $self->getType($child);
foreach my $target (sort keys %{ $self->{data}->{TARGETS} })
my $target_ptr = $self->{data}->{TARGETS}{$target};
my $type = $self->getType($target);
my $type_id = $self->getEnumValue("TYPE", $type);
my $pos = $self->{data}->{TARGETS}{$target}{TARGET}{position};
if ($type_id eq "") { $type_id = 0; }
if ($type eq "SYS")
$proc = -1;
$node = -1;
$self->{targeting}{SYS}[0]{KEY} = $target;
#SYS target has PHYS_PATH and AFFINITY_PATH defined in the XML
#Also, there is no HUID for SYS
$self->setAttribute($target,"FAPI_POS", $sys_pos);
$self->setAttribute($target,"ORDINAL_ID", $sys_pos);
$sys_phys = "sys-0"; # just hardcode this as it does not change
elsif ($type eq "NODE")
$proc = -1;
$self->{membuf_inst_num} = 0;
$node_phys = "physical:".$sys_phys."/node-$node";
$node_aff = "affinity:".$sys_phys."/node-$node";
$self->{targeting}{SYS}[0]{NODES}[$node]{KEY} = $target;
$self->setHuid($target, $sys_pos, $node);
$self->setAttribute($target, "FAPI_NAME",$self->getFapiName($type));
$self->setAttribute($target, "FAPI_POS", $pos);
$self->setAttribute($target, "PHYS_PATH", $node_phys);
$self->setAttribute($target, "AFFINITY_PATH", $node_aff);
$self->setAttribute($target, "ORDINAL_ID", $pos);
elsif ($type eq "TPM")
$self->{targeting}{SYS}[0]{NODES}[$node]{TPMS}[$tpm]{KEY} = $target;
my $tpm_phys = $node_phys . "/tpm-$tpm";
my $tpm_aff = $node_aff . "/tpm-$tpm";
$self->setHuid($target, $sys_pos, $node);
$self->setAttribute($target, "FAPI_NAME",$self->getFapiName($type));
$self->setAttribute($target, "FAPI_POS", $pos);
$self->setAttribute($target, "PHYS_PATH", $tpm_phys);
$self->setAttribute($target, "AFFINITY_PATH", $tpm_aff);
$self->setAttribute($target, "ORDINAL_ID", $pos);
elsif ($type eq "BMC")
$self->{targeting}{SYS}[0]{NODES}[$node]{BMC}[$bmc]{KEY} = $target;
my $bmc_phys = $node_phys . "/bmc-$bmc";
my $bmc_aff = $node_aff . "/bmc-$bmc";
$self->setHuid($target, $sys_pos, $bmc);
$self->setAttribute($target, "FAPI_NAME",$self->getFapiName($type));
$self->setAttribute($target, "FAPI_POS", $pos);
$self->setAttribute($target, "PHYS_PATH", $bmc_phys);
$self->setAttribute($target, "AFFINITY_PATH", $bmc_aff);
$self->setAttribute($target, "ORDINAL_ID", $pos);
elsif ($type eq "MCS")
$self->setAttribute($target, "VPD_REC_NUM", 0);
elsif ($type eq "MCA")
my $ddrs = $self->findConnections($target,"DDR4","");
$self->processDimms($ddrs, $sys_pos, $node_phys, $node, $proc);
elsif ($type eq "PROC")
my $num_mcs = 0;
my $num_mi = 0;
my $num_dmi = 0;
### count number of MCSs
foreach my $unit (@{ $self->{data}->{TARGETS}{$target}{CHILDREN} })
my $unit_type = $self->getType($unit);
if ($unit_type eq "MCBIST")
$num_mcs+=2; # 2 MCS's per MCBIST
if ($unit_type eq "MC")
$num_mi += 2; # 2 MI's per MC
$num_dmi+=4; # 2DMI's per MI & 4 DMI per MC
if ($num_mcs > $self->{MAX_MCS})
$self->{MAX_MCS} = $num_mcs;
if ($num_mc > $self->{MAX_MC})
$self->{MAX_MC} = $num_mc;
if ($num_mi > $self->{MAX_MI})
$self->{MAX_MI} = $num_mi;
if ($num_dmi > $self->{MAX_DMI})
$self->{MAX_DMI} = $num_dmi;
$self->{NUM_PROCS_PER_NODE} = $proc + 1;
$self->{targeting}->{SYS}[0]{NODES}[$node]{PROCS}[$proc]{KEY} =
my $socket=$self->getTargetParent($self->getTargetParent($target));
my $parent_affinity = $node_aff . "/proc-$proc";
my $parent_physical = $node_phys . "/proc-$proc";
my $fapi_name = $self->getFapiName($type, $node, $proc);
$self->setHuid($target, $sys_pos, $node);
$self->setAttribute($target, "FAPI_NAME", $fapi_name);
$self->setAttribute($target, "PHYS_PATH", $parent_physical);
$self->setAttribute($target, "AFFINITY_PATH", $parent_affinity);
$self->setAttribute($target, "ORDINAL_ID", $proc);
$self->setAttribute($target, "POSITION", $proc);
$self->setAttribute($target, "FABRIC_GROUP_ID",
$self->setAttribute($target, "FABRIC_CHIP_ID",
$self->setAttribute($target, "VPD_REC_NUM", $proc);
$self->setAttribute($target, "FAPI_POS",
$self->getAttribute($socket,"FABRIC_GROUP_ID") *
$self->iterateOverChiplets($target, $sys_pos, $node, $proc);
$self->processMc($target, $sys_pos, $node, $proc, $parent_affinity,
$parent_physical, $node_phys );
sub iterateOverChiplets
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $sys = shift;
my $node = shift;
my $proc = shift;
my $tgt_ptr = $self->getTarget($target);
my $tgt_type = $self->getType($target);
my $target_children = $self->getTargetChildren($target);
if ($target_children eq "")
return "";
my @phb_array = ();
my @non_connected_phb_array = ();
foreach my $child (@{ $self->getTargetChildren($target) })
# For PEC children, we need to remove duplicate PHB targets
if ($tgt_type eq "PEC")
my $pec_num = $self->getAttribute($target, "CHIP_UNIT");
foreach my $phb (@{ $self->getTargetChildren($child) })
my $phb_num = $self->getAttribute($phb, "CHIP_UNIT");
foreach my $pcibus (@{ $self->getTargetChildren($phb) })
# We need to ensure that all PHB's get added to the
# MRW, but PHB's with busses connected take priority
# and we cannot have duplicate PHB targets in the MRW.
# We processes every PHB pci bus config starting with
# the config with the fewest PHB's. For PEC2 we start
# with PHB3_x16. If a bus is not connected to that PHB
# we add it to the phb_array anyway so the target will
# be populated in the HB MRW. As we processes the later
# PHB configs under PEC2 we may find that PHB3 has a
# bus connected to it. Since the bus config takes
# priority over the target that was already added to
# the phb_array, we just overwrite that phb_array entry
# with the PHB that has a bus connected.
if (($self->getNumConnections($pcibus) > 0) &&
(@phb_array[$phb_num] eq ""))
# This PHB does have a bus connection and the slot
# is empty. We must add it to the PHB array
@phb_array[$phb_num] = $phb;
elsif (($self->getNumConnections($pcibus) == 0) &&
(@phb_array[$phb_num] eq ""))
# This PHB does NOT have a bus connection. It's
# slot is still empty, so we must add it to the
# array so every PHB has a target in the MRW.
@phb_array[$phb_num] = $phb;
# Also add it to the non_connected_phb_array so we
# can examine later it if needs to be overriden.
@non_connected_phb_array[$phb_num] = $phb;
elsif (($self->getNumConnections($pcibus) > 0) &&
(@phb_array[$phb_num] ne ""))
# This PHB has a connection, but the slot has
# already been filled by another PHB. We need to
# check if it was a non connected PHB
if(@non_connected_phb_array[$phb_num] ne "")
# The previous connection in the PHB elecment
# is not connected to a bus. We should
# override it
@phb_array[$phb_num] = $phb;
# This is our "bug" scenerio. We have found a
# connection, but that PHB element is already
# filled in the array. We need to kill the
# program.
printf("Found a duplicate connection for PEC %s PHB %s.\n",$pec_num,$phb_num);
die "Duplicate PHB bus connection found\n";
my $unit_ptr = $self->getTarget($child);
my $unit_type = $self->getType($child);
#System XML has some sensor target as hidden children
#of targets. We don't care for sensors in this function
#So, we can avoid them with this conditional
if ($unit_type ne "PCI" && $unit_type ne "NA" &&
$unit_type ne "FSI" && $unit_type ne "PSI" &&
$unit_type ne "SYSREFCLKENDPT" && $unit_type ne "MFREFCLKENDPT")
#set common attrs for child
$self->setCommonAttrForChiplet($child, $sys, $node, $proc);
$self->iterateOverChiplets($child, $sys, $node, $proc);
my $size = @phb_array;
# For every entry in the PHB array, if there is a PHB in its slot
# we add that PHB target to the MRW.
# We process PEC's individually, so we need to make sure the PHB slot
# has a PHB in it. eg: phb_array[0] will be empty for when processing
# PEC1 and 2 as there is no PHB0 configured for those PECs.
for (my $i = 0; $i < $size; $i++)
if (@phb_array[$i] ne "")
(@phb_array[$i], $sys, $node, $proc);
sub setCommonAttrForChiplet
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $sys = shift;
my $node = shift;
my $proc = shift;
my $tgt_ptr = $self->getTarget($target);
my $tgt_type = $self->getType($target);
{ 'KEY' => $target });
#This is a static variable. Persists over time
#everything that is a grand_children of proc
state %grand_children;
if (not %grand_children)
$grand_children{"EX"} = 1;
$grand_children{"CORE"} = 1;
$grand_children{"MCS"} = 1;
$grand_children{"MCA"} = 1;
my $pos = $self->getAttribute($target, "CHIP_UNIT");
my $unit_pos = $pos;
#HB expects chiplets' positions in AFFINITY_PATH to be relative to the
#parent, serverwiz outputs it unique/absolute.
#Since, in P9, each of the chiplets only have
#up to two children (each eq has 2 ex, each ex has 2 cores, each mcbist has
#two mcs, etc), we can simply calculate this by (absolute_Pos%2)
#CHIP_UNIT is absolute position
if ($grand_children{$tgt_type} eq 1)
$unit_pos = $pos%2;
elsif ($tgt_type eq "OBUS_BRICK")
$unit_pos = $pos%3;
my $parent_affinity = $self->getAttribute(
my $parent_physical = $self->getAttribute(
my $affinity_path = $parent_affinity . "/" . lc $tgt_type ."-". $unit_pos;
my $physical_path = $parent_physical . "/" . lc $tgt_type ."-". $unit_pos;
my $fapi_name = $self->getFapiName($tgt_type, $node, $proc, $pos);
#unique offset per system
my $offset = ($proc * $maxInstance{$tgt_type}) + $pos;
$self->{huid_idx}->{$tgt_type} = $offset;
$self->setHuid($target, $sys, $node);
$self->setAttribute($target, "FAPI_NAME", $fapi_name);
$self->setAttribute($target, "PHYS_PATH", $physical_path);
$self->setAttribute($target, "AFFINITY_PATH", $affinity_path);
$self->setAttribute($target, "ORDINAL_ID", $pos);
$self->setAttribute($target, "FAPI_POS", $offset);
$self->setAttribute($target, "REL_POS", $pos);
my $pervasive_parent= getPervasiveForUnit("$tgt_type$pos");
if ($pervasive_parent ne "")
my $perv_parent_val =
$self->setAttribute($target, "PARENT_PERVASIVE", $perv_parent_val);
sub getFapiName
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $node = shift;
my $chipPos = shift;
my $chipletPos = shift;
if ($target eq "")
die "getFapiName: ERROR: Please specify a taget name\n";
#This is a static variable. Persists over time
state %nonFapiTargets;
if (not %nonFapiTargets)
$nonFapiTargets{"NODE"} = "NA";
$nonFapiTargets{"TPM"} = "NA";
$nonFapiTargets{"NVBUS"} = "NA";
$nonFapiTargets{"OCC"} = "NA";
$nonFapiTargets{"NPU"} = "NA";
$nonFapiTargets{"BMC"} = "NA";
if ($nonFapiTargets{$target} eq "NA")
return $nonFapiTargets{$target};
elsif ($target eq "SYS")
return "k0";
elsif ($target eq "PROC" || $target eq "DIMM")
if ($node eq "" || $chipPos eq "")
die "getFapiName: ERROR: Must specify node and chipPos for $target
current node: $node, chipPos: $chipPos\n";
my $chip_name = ($target eq "PROC") ? "pu" : "dimm";
my $fapi_name = sprintf("%s:k0:n%d:s0:p%02d",$chip_name,$node,$chipPos);
return $fapi_name;
if ($node eq "" || $chipPos eq "" || $chipletPos eq "")
die "getFapiName: ERROR: Must specify node, chipPos,
chipletPos for $target. Current node: $node, chipPos: $chipPos
chipletPos: $chipletPos\n";
$target = lc $target;
my $fapi_name;
if ($target eq "membuf")
$fapi_name = sprintf("$target:k0:n%d:s0:p%02d:c%d",
$node, $chipPos, $chipletPos);
elsif ($target eq "mba" || $target eq "l4")
$fapi_name = sprintf("membuf.$target:k0:n%d:s0:p%02d:c%d",
$node, $chipPos, $chipletPos);
$fapi_name = sprintf("pu.$target:k0:n%d:s0:p%02d:c%d",
$node, $chipPos, $chipletPos);
return $fapi_name;
sub getPervasiveForUnit
# Input should be of the form , example: "core0"
my ($unit) = @_;
# The mapping is a static variable that is preserved across new calls to
# the function to speed up the mapping performance
state %unitToPervasive;
if ( not %unitToPervasive )
for my $core (0..$maxInstance{"CORE"}-1)
$unitToPervasive{"CORE$core"} = PERVASIVE_PARENT_CORE_OFFSET+$core;
for my $eq (0..$maxInstance{"EQ"}-1)
$unitToPervasive{"EQ$eq"} = PERVASIVE_PARENT_EQ_OFFSET + $eq;
for my $xbus (0..$maxInstance{"XBUS"}-1)
for my $obus (0..$maxInstance{"OBUS"}-1)
$unitToPervasive{"OBUS$obus"} = PERVASIVE_PARENT_OBUS_OFFSET+$obus;
for my $capp (0..$maxInstance{"CAPP"}-1)
$unitToPervasive{"CAPP$capp"} = 2 * ($capp+1);
for my $mcbist (0..$maxInstance{"MCBIST"}-1)
$unitToPervasive{"MCBIST$mcbist"} =
for my $mcs (0..$maxInstance{"MCS"}-1)
$unitToPervasive{"MCS$mcs"} =
for my $mca (0..$maxInstance{"MCA"}-1)
$unitToPervasive{"MCA$mca"} =
for my $mc (0..$maxInstance{"MC"}-1)
$unitToPervasive{"MC$mc"} =
for my $mi (0..$maxInstance{"MI"}-1)
$unitToPervasive{"MI$mi"} =
for my $dmi (0..$maxInstance{"DMI"}-1)
$unitToPervasive{"DMI$dmi"} =
for my $pec (0..$maxInstance{"PEC"}-1)
$unitToPervasive{"PEC$pec"} =
for my $phb (0..$maxInstance{"PHB"}-1)
$unitToPervasive{"PHB$phb"} =
PERVASIVE_PARENT_PHB_OFFSET + ($phb>0) + ($phb>2);
my $offset = 0;
for my $obrick (0..$maxInstance{"OBUS_BRICK"}-1)
$offset += (($obrick%3 == 0) && ($obrick != 0)) ? 1 : 0;
for my $npu (0..$maxInstance{"NPU"}-1)
$unitToPervasive{"NPU$npu"} = PERVASIVE_PARENT_NPU_OFFSET;
my $pervasive = "";
if(exists $unitToPervasive{$unit})
$pervasive = $unitToPervasive{$unit};
return $pervasive
sub processDimms
my $self = shift;
my $ddrs = shift;
my $sys = shift;
my $node_phys = shift;
my $node = shift;
my $proc = shift;
if ($ddrs ne "")
#There should be 2 Connections
#Each MCA has 2 ddr channels
foreach my $dimms (@{$ddrs->{CONN}})
my $ddr = $dimms->{SOURCE};
my $port_num = $self->getAttribute($ddr,"MBA_PORT");
my $dimm_num = $self->getAttribute($ddr,"MBA_DIMM");
my $dimm=$dimms->{DEST_PARENT};
my $mca_target = $self->getTargetParent($ddr);
my $mcs_target = $self->getTargetParent($mca_target);
my $mcbist_target = $self->getTargetParent($mcs_target);
my $proc_target = $self->getTargetParent($mcbist_target);
my $dimm_connector_tgt = $self->getTargetParent($dimm);
my $mca = $self->getAttribute($mca_target, "CHIP_UNIT")%2;
my $mcs = $self->getAttribute($mcs_target, "CHIP_UNIT")%2;
my $mcbist = $self->getAttribute($mcbist_target, "CHIP_UNIT");
my $dimm_pos= $self->getAttribute($dimm_connector_tgt,"POSITION");
$self->setAttribute($dimm, "AFFINITY_PATH",
$self->getAttribute($mcbist_target, "AFFINITY_PATH")
. "/mcs-$mcs/mca-$mca/dimm-$port_num"
$self->setAttribute($dimm, "PHYS_PATH",
$node_phys . "/dimm-" . $dimm_pos);
my $type = $self->getType($dimm);
$self->setAttribute($dimm, "ORDINAL_ID",$dimm_pos);
$self->setAttribute($dimm, "POSITION", $dimm_pos);
$self->setAttribute($dimm, "VPD_REC_NUM", $dimm_pos);
$self->setAttribute($dimm, "REL_POS", $port_num);
$self->setAttribute($dimm, "MBA_DIMM", $port_num); #which dimm
$self->setAttribute($dimm, "MBA_PORT", 0); #0, each MCA is a port
## set all FAPI_POS
my $MCS_PER_CHIP = $self->{UNIT_COUNTS}->
{$mcbist_target}->{MCS} * $MCBIST_PER_CHIP;
my $MCA_PER_CHIP = $self->{UNIT_COUNTS}->
{$mcs_target}->{MCA} * $MCS_PER_CHIP;
my $DIMM_PER_MCA = 2;
my $parent_proc_fapi_pos =
$self->getAttribute($proc_target, "FAPI_POS");
my $mcbist_pos = ($parent_proc_fapi_pos * $MCBIST_PER_CHIP) +
my $mcs_pos = ($parent_proc_fapi_pos * $MCS_PER_CHIP) +
my $mca_pos = ($parent_proc_fapi_pos * $MCA_PER_CHIP) +
my $dimm_pos = ($mca_pos * $DIMM_PER_MCA) +
$self->getFapiName($type, $node, $dimm_pos));
$self->setAttribute($mcbist_target, "FAPI_POS", $mcbist_pos);
$self->setAttribute($mcs_target, "FAPI_POS", $mcs_pos);
$self->setAttribute($mca_target, "FAPI_POS", $mca_pos);
$self->setAttribute($dimm, "FAPI_POS", $dimm_pos);
$self->{huid_idx}->{$type} = $dimm_pos;
$self->setHuid($dimm, $sys, $node);
= $dimm;
sub processMc
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $sys = shift;
my $node = shift;
my $proc = shift;
my $parent_affinity = shift;
my $parent_physical = shift;
my $node_phys = shift;
foreach my $proc_child (@{ $self->getTargetChildren($target) })
my $tgt_type = $self->getType($proc_child);
if($tgt_type eq "MC")
my $mc = $proc_child;
my $mc_num = $self->getAttribute($mc, "CHIP_UNIT");
foreach my $mi (@{ $self->getTargetChildren($mc) })
my $mi_num = $self->getAttribute($mi, "CHIP_UNIT");
foreach my $dmi (@{ $self->getTargetChildren($mi) })
my $dmi_num = $self->getAttribute($dmi, "CHIP_UNIT");
my $membufnum = $proc * $self->{MAX_DMI} + $dmi_num;
my $aff_path = $self->getAttribute($dmi, "AFFINITY_PATH");
## Find connected membufs
my $membuf_dmi = $self->{data}->{TARGETS}{$dmi}{CONNECTION}{DEST}[0];
if (defined($membuf_dmi))
## found membuf connected
my $membuf = $self->{data}->{TARGETS}{$membuf_dmi}{PARENT};
$self->setAttribute($membuf, "POSITION",$membufnum);
$self->setAttribute($membuf, "AFFINITY_PATH",
$aff_path . "/membuf-$membufnum");
my $membuf_type = $self->getType($membuf);
my $memCardOffset = $proc * $maxInstance{"MC"} + $mc_num;
$self->setAttribute($membuf, "PHYS_PATH",
$node_phys . "/membuf-$membufnum");
my $parent_physical = $self->getAttribute($membuf, "PHYS_PATH");
$self->getFapiName($membuf_type, $node, $proc, $membufnum));
$self->setAttribute($membuf, "FAPI_POS", $membufnum);
$self->setAttribute($membuf, "ORDINAL_ID", $membufnum);
$self->setAttribute($membuf, "REL_POS", $membufnum);
$self->setAttribute($membuf, "POSITION", $membufnum);
$self->setAttribute($membuf, "VPD_REC_NUM", $membufnum);
## get the dmi bus
my $dmi_bus = $self->{data}->{TARGETS}{$dmi}{CONNECTION}{BUS}[0];
# copy DMI bus attributes to membuf
$self->setAttribute($dmi, "EI_BUS_TX_LANE_INVERT",
$self->setAttribute($dmi, "EI_BUS_TX_MSBSWAP",
$self->setAttribute($membuf, "EI_BUS_TX_LANE_INVERT",
$self->setAttribute($membuf, "EI_BUS_TX_MSBSWAP",
## auto setup FSI assuming schematic symbol. If FSI busses are
## defined in serverwiz2, this will be overridden
## in the schematic symbol, the fsi port num matches dmi ref clk num
my $fsi_port = $self->{DMI_FSI_MAP}->{$dmi};
my $proc_key =
my $proc_path = $self->getAttribute($proc_key,"PHYS_PATH");
$self->setAttribute($dmi, "DMI_REFCLOCK_SWIZZLE",$fsi_port);
my $dmi_swizzle =
if ($dmi_swizzle ne "")
$self->setAttribute($dmi, "DMI_REFCLOCK_SWIZZLE",$dmi_swizzle);
$self->setHuid($membuf, $sys, $node);
{DMI}[$dmi] {MEMBUFS}[$membufnum]{KEY} = $membuf;
$self->setAttribute($membuf, "ENTITY_INSTANCE",
## get the mbas
foreach my $membuf_child (@{ $self->{data}->{TARGETS}{$membuf}{CHILDREN} })
my $childType = $self->getType($membuf_child);
my $membuf_physical = $self->getAttribute(
my $membuf_aff = $self->getAttribute(
## need to not hardcard the subunits
if ($childType eq "L4")
{DMI}[$dmi]{MEMBUFS}[$membufnum]{L4S}[0] {KEY} = $membuf_child;
$self->setAttribute($membuf_child, "AFFINITY_PATH",
$membuf_aff . "/l4-0");
$self->setAttribute($membuf_child, "PHYS_PATH",
$membuf_physical . "/l4-0");
$self->setAttribute($membuf_child, "FAPI_POS", 0);
$self->setAttribute($membuf_child, "ORDINAL_ID", 0);
$self->setAttribute($membuf_child, "REL_POS", 0);
$self->setHuid($membuf_child, $sys, $node);
$self->getFapiName($childType, $node, $proc, 0));
if ($childType eq "MBA")
my $mba = $self->getAttribute($membuf_child,"MBA_NUM");
$self->setAttribute($membuf_child, "AFFINITY_PATH",
$membuf_aff . "/mba-$mba");
$self->setAttribute($membuf_child, "PHYS_PATH",
$membuf_physical . "/mba-$mba");
my $mba_offset = $proc * $maxInstance{"MBA"} +
MBA_PER_MEMBUF * $membufnum +
$mba ;
$self->setAttribute($membuf_child, "FAPI_POS", $mba_offset);
$self->setAttribute($membuf_child, "ORDINAL_ID", $mba_offset);
$self->setAttribute($membuf_child, "REL_POS", $mba_offset);
$self->setAttribute($membuf_child, "POSITION", $mba_offset);
$self->setHuid($membuf_child, $sys, $node);
$self->getFapiName($childType, $node, $proc, $mba_offset));
{DMI}[$dmi]{MEMBUFS}[$membufnum]{MBAS}[$mba]{KEY} = $membuf_child;
## Trace the DDR busses to find connected DIMM
my $ddrs = $self->findConnections($membuf_child,"DDR4","");
if ($ddrs ne "")
my $dimmPos=0;
foreach my $dimms (@{$ddrs->{CONN}})
my $ddr = $dimms->{SOURCE};
my $port_num = $self->getAttribute($ddr,"MBA_PORT");
my $dimm_num = $self->getAttribute($ddr,"MBA_DIMM");
my $dimm=$dimms->{DEST_PARENT};
#Centaur/Membufs use CEN_MBA_PORT and not MBA_PORT
#For now, support both.
if (!$self->isBadAttribute($ddr, "CEN_MBA_PORT"))
$port_num = $self->getAttribute($ddr,"CEN_MBA_PORT");
if (!$self->isBadAttribute($ddr, "CEN_MBA_DIMM"))
$dimm_num = $self->getAttribute($ddr,"CEN_MBA_DIMM");
my $aff_pos = DIMMS_PER_PROC*$proc+
$self->setAttribute($dimm, "AFFINITY_PATH",
$membuf_aff . "/mba-$mba/dimm-$dimmPos" );
$self->setAttribute($dimm, "PHYS_PATH",
$node_phys . "/dimm-" . $self->{dimm_tpos});
my $dimmType = $self->getType($dimm);
$self->getFapiName($dimmType, $node, $aff_pos));
$self->setAttribute($dimm,"FAPI_POS", $aff_pos);
$self->setAttribute($dimm, "ORDINAL_ID", $aff_pos);
$self->setAttribute($dimm, "POSITION", $aff_pos);
$self->setAttribute($dimm, "REL_POS", $aff_pos);
$self->setAttribute($dimm, "VPD_REC_NUM", $aff_pos);
$self->setHuid($dimm, $sys, $node);
->{SYS}[0]{NODES}[$node]{PROCS}[$proc] {MC}[$mc]{MI}[$mi]{DMI}[$dmi]
{MEMBUFS}[$membufnum]{MBAS}[$mba] {DIMMS}[$dimmPos]{KEY} =
$self->setAttribute($dimm, "ENTITY_INSTANCE",
sub setFsiAttributes
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $cmfsi = shift;
my $phys_path = shift;
my $fsi_port = shift;
my $flip_port = shift;
$self->setAttribute($target, "FSI_MASTER_TYPE","NO_MASTER");
if ($type eq "FSIM")
$self->setAttribute($target, "FSI_MASTER_TYPE","MFSI");
if ($type eq "FSICM")
$self->setAttribute($target, "FSI_MASTER_TYPE","CMFSI");
$self->setAttribute($target, "FSI_MASTER_CHIP","physical:sys-0");
$self->setAttribute($target, "FSI_MASTER_PORT","0xFF");
$self->setAttribute($target, "ALTFSI_MASTER_CHIP","physical:sys-0");
$self->setAttribute($target, "ALTFSI_MASTER_PORT","0xFF");
$self->setAttribute($target, "FSI_SLAVE_CASCADE", "0");
if ($cmfsi == 0)
$self->setAttribute($target, "FSI_MASTER_CHIP",$phys_path);
$self->setAttribute($target, "FSI_MASTER_PORT", $fsi_port);
$self->setAttribute($target, "ALTFSI_MASTER_CHIP",$phys_path);
$self->setAttribute($target, "ALTFSI_MASTER_PORT", $fsi_port);
$self->setAttributeField($target, "FSI_OPTION_FLAGS","flipPort",
$self->setAttributeField($target, "FSI_OPTION_FLAGS","reserved", "0");
## remove target
sub removeTarget
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
delete $self->{data}->{TARGETS}->{$target};
## returns pointer to target from target name
sub getTarget
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
return $self->{data}->{TARGETS}->{$target};
## returns pointer to array of all targets
sub getAllTargets
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
return $self->{data}->{TARGETS};
## returns the target name of the parent of passed in target
sub getTargetParent
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $target_ptr = $self->getTarget($target);
return $target_ptr->{PARENT};
## returns the number of connections associated with target
sub getNumConnections
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $target_ptr = $self->getTarget($target);
if (!defined($target_ptr->{CONNECTION}->{DEST}))
return 0;
return scalar(@{ $target_ptr->{CONNECTION}->{DEST} });
## returns the number of connections associated with target where the target is
## the destination
sub getNumDestConnections
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $target_ptr = $self->getTarget($target);
if (!defined($target_ptr->{CONNECTION}->{SOURCE}))
return 0;
return scalar(@{ $target_ptr->{CONNECTION}->{SOURCE} });
## returns destination target name of first connection
## useful for point to point busses with only 1 endpoint
sub getFirstConnectionDestination
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $target_ptr = $self->getTarget($target);
return $target_ptr->{CONNECTION}->{DEST}->[0];
## returns pointer to bus of first connection
sub getFirstConnectionBus
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $target_ptr = $self->getTarget($target);
return $target_ptr->{CONNECTION}->{BUS}->[0];
## returns target name of $i connection
sub getConnectionDestination
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $i = shift;
my $target_ptr = $self->getTarget($target);
return $target_ptr->{CONNECTION}->{DEST}->[$i];
## returns target name of $i source connection
sub getConnectionSource
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $i = shift;
my $target_ptr = $self->getTarget($target);
return $target_ptr->{CONNECTION}->{SOURCE}->[$i];
sub getConnectionBus
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $i = shift;
my $target_ptr = $self->getTarget($target);
return $target_ptr->{CONNECTION}->{BUS}->[$i];
sub findFirstEndpoint
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $bus_type = shift;
my $end_type = shift;
my $target_children = $self->getTargetChildren($target);
if ($target_children eq "") { return ""; }
foreach my $child (@{ $self->getTargetChildren($target) })
my $child_bus_type = $self->getBusType($child);
if ($child_bus_type eq $bus_type)
for (my $i = 0; $i < $self->getNumConnections($child); $i++)
my $dest_target = $self->getConnectionDestination($child, $i);
my $dest_parent = $self->getTargetParent($dest_target);
my $type = $self->getMrwType($dest_parent);
my $dest_type = $self->getType($dest_parent);
if ($type eq "NA") { $type = $dest_type; }
if ($type eq $end_type)
return $dest_parent;
return "";
# Find connections _from_ $target (and it's children)
sub findConnections
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $bus_type = shift;
my $end_type = shift;
return $self->findConnectionsByDirection($target, $bus_type,
$end_type, 0);
# Find connections _to_ $target (and it's children)
sub findDestConnections
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $bus_type = shift;
my $source_type = shift;
return $self->findConnectionsByDirection($target, $bus_type,
$source_type, 1);
# Find connections from/to $target (and it's children)
# $to_this_target indicates the direction to find.
sub findConnectionsByDirection
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $bus_type = shift;
my $other_end_type = shift;
my $to_this_target = shift;
my %connections;
my $num=0;
my $target_children = $self->getTargetChildren($target);
if ($target_children eq "")
return "";
foreach my $child ($self->getAllTargetChildren($target))
my $child_bus_type = "";
if (!$self->isBadAttribute($child, "BUS_TYPE"))
$child_bus_type = $self->getBusType($child);
if ($child_bus_type eq $bus_type)
my $numOfConnections = 0;
$numOfConnections = $self->getNumDestConnections($child);
$numOfConnections = $self->getNumConnections($child);
for (my $i = 0; $i < $numOfConnections; $i++)
my $other_end_target = undef;
$other_end_target = $self->getConnectionSource($child, $i);
$other_end_target = $self->getConnectionDestination($child,
my $other_end_parent = $self->getTargetParent($other_end_target);
my $type = $self->getMrwType($other_end_parent);
my $dest_type = $self->getType($other_end_parent);
my $dest_class = $self->getAttribute($other_end_parent,"CLASS");
if ($type eq "NA")
$type = $dest_type;
if ($type eq "NA") {
$type = $dest_class;
if ($other_end_type ne "") {
#Look for an other_end_type match on any ancestor, as
#connections may have a destination unit with a hierarchy
#like unit->pingroup->muxgroup->chip where the chip has
#the interesting type.
while ($type ne $other_end_type) {
$other_end_parent = $self->getTargetParent($other_end_parent);
if ($other_end_parent eq "") {
$type = $self->getMrwType($other_end_parent);
if ($type eq "NA") {
$type = $self->getType($other_end_parent);
if ($type eq "NA") {
$type = $self->getAttribute($other_end_parent, "CLASS");
if ($type eq $other_end_type || $other_end_type eq "")
if ($num==0) { return ""; }
return \%connections;
## returns BUS_TYPE attribute of target
sub getBusType
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $type = $self->getAttribute($target, "BUS_TYPE");
if ($type eq "") { $type = "NA"; }
return $type;
## return target type
sub getType
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $type = $self->getAttribute($target, "TYPE");
if ($type eq "") { $type = "NA"; }
return $type;
## return target type
sub getMrwType
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $type = $self->getAttribute($target, "MRW_TYPE");
if ($type eq "") { $type = "NA"; }
return $type;
## returns target instance name
sub getInstanceName
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $target_ptr = $self->getTarget($target);
return $target_ptr->{TARGET}->{instance_name};
## returns the parent target type
sub getTargetType
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $target_ptr = $self->getTarget($target);
return $target_ptr->{TARGET}->{type};
## checks if attribute is value
## must be defined and have a non-empty value
sub isBadAttribute
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $attribute = shift;
my $badvalue = shift;
my $target_ptr = $self->getTarget($target);
if (!defined($target_ptr->{ATTRIBUTES}->{$attribute}))
return 1;
if (!defined($target_ptr->{ATTRIBUTES}->{$attribute}->{default}))
return 1;
if ($target_ptr->{ATTRIBUTES}->{$attribute}->{default} eq "")
return 1;
if (defined $badvalue &&
$target_ptr->{ATTRIBUTES}->{$attribute}->{default} eq $badvalue)
return 1;
return 0;
## checks if complex attribute field is
## defined and non-empty
sub isBadComplexAttribute
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $attribute = shift;
my $field = shift;
my $badvalue = shift;
my $target_ptr = $self->getTarget($target);
if (!defined($target_ptr->{ATTRIBUTES}->{$attribute}))
return 1;
if (!defined($target_ptr->{ATTRIBUTES}->{$attribute}->{default}))
return 1;
if (!defined($target_ptr->{ATTRIBUTES}->{$attribute}->{default}->{field}))
return 1;
if ($target_ptr->{ATTRIBUTES}->{$attribute}->{default}->{field}->{$field}
->{value} eq "")
return 1;
if ($target_ptr->{ATTRIBUTES}->{$attribute}->{default}->{field}->{$field}
->{value} eq $badvalue)
return 1;
return 0;
## returns attribute value
sub getAttribute
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $attribute = shift;
my $target_ptr = $self->getTarget($target);
if (!defined($target_ptr->{ATTRIBUTES}->{$attribute}->{default}))
printf("ERROR: getAttribute(%s,%s) | Attribute not defined\n",
$target, $attribute);
if (ref($target_ptr->{ATTRIBUTES}->{$attribute}->{default}) eq "HASH")
return "";
return $target_ptr->{ATTRIBUTES}->{$attribute}->{default};
sub getAttributeGroup
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $group = shift;
my $target_ptr = $self->getTarget($target);
if (!defined($self->{groups}->{$group})) {
printf("ERROR: getAttributeGroup(%s,%s) | Group not defined\n",
$target, $group);
my %attr;
foreach my $attribute (keys(%{$self->{groups}->{$group}}))
if (defined($target_ptr->{ATTRIBUTES}->{$attribute}->{default}))
$attr{$attribute} = $target_ptr->{ATTRIBUTES}->{$attribute};
return \%attr;
## delete a target attribute
sub deleteAttribute
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $Name = shift;
my $target_ptr = $self->{data}->{TARGETS}->{$target};
if (!defined($target_ptr->{ATTRIBUTES}->{$Name}))
return 1;
$self->log($target, "Deleting attribute: $Name");
return 0;
## renames a target attribute
sub renameAttribute
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $oldName = shift;
my $newName = shift;
my $target_ptr = $self->{data}->{TARGETS}->{$target};
if (!defined($target_ptr->{ATTRIBUTES}->{$oldName}))
return 1;
$target_ptr->{ATTRIBUTES}->{$newName}->{default} =
$self->log($target, "Renaming attribute: $oldName => $newName");
return 0;
## copy an attribute between targets
sub copyAttribute
my $self = shift;
my $source_target = shift;
my $dest_target = shift;
my $attribute = shift;
my $value=$self->getAttribute($source_target,$attribute);
$self->log($dest_target, "Copy Attribute: $attribute=$value");
## copy an attribute between targets
sub copyAttributeFields
my $self = shift;
my $source_target = shift;
my $dest_target = shift;
my $attribute = shift;
foreach my $f(sort keys
my $field_val = $self->getAttributeField($source_target,
$attribute, $f);
$self->log($dest_target, "Copy Attribute Field:$attribute($f)=$field_val");
## sets an attribute
sub setAttribute
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $attribute = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $target_ptr = $self->getTarget($target);
$target_ptr->{ATTRIBUTES}->{$attribute}->{default} = $value;
$self->log($target, "Setting Attribute: $attribute=$value");
## sets the field of a complex attribute
sub setAttributeField
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $attribute = shift;
my $field = shift;
my $value = shift;
->{field}->{$field}->{value} = $value;
$self->log($target, "Setting Attribute: $attribute ($field) =$value");
## returns complex attribute value
sub getAttributeField
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $attribute = shift;
my $field = shift;
my $target_ptr = $self->getTarget($target);
if (!defined($target_ptr->{ATTRIBUTES}->{$attribute}->
printf("ERROR: getAttributeField(%s,%s,%s) | Attribute not defined\n",
$target, $attribute,$field);
return $target_ptr->{ATTRIBUTES}->{$attribute}->
## returns an attribute from a bus
sub getBusAttribute
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $busnum = shift;
my $attr = shift;
my $target_ptr = $self->getTarget($target);
if (
printf("ERROR: getBusAttribute(%s,%d,%s) | Attribute not defined\n",
$target, $busnum, $attr);
if (ref($target_ptr->{CONNECTION}->{BUS}->[$busnum]->{bus_attribute}->{$attr}
->{default}) eq "HASH") {
return "";
return $target_ptr->{CONNECTION}->{BUS}->[$busnum]->{bus_attribute}->{$attr}
## returns a boolean for if a given bus attribute is defined
sub isBusAttributeDefined
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $busnum = shift;
my $attr = shift;
my $target_ptr = $self->getTarget($target);
return defined($target_ptr->{CONNECTION}->{BUS}->[$busnum]->{bus_attribute}
## returns a pointer to an array of children target names
sub getTargetChildren
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $target_ptr = $self->getTarget($target);
## this is an array
return $target_ptr->{CHILDREN};
## returns an array of all child (including grandchildren) target names
sub getAllTargetChildren
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my @children;
my $targets = $self->getTargetChildren($target);
if ($targets ne "")
for my $child (@$targets)
push @children, $child;
my @more = $self->getAllTargetChildren($child);
push @children, @more;
return @children;
sub getEnumValue
my $self = shift;
my $enumType = shift;
my $enumName = shift;
if (!defined($self->{enumeration}->{$enumType}->{$enumName}))
printf("ERROR: getEnumValue(%s,%s) | enumType not defined\n",
$enumType, $enumName);
return $self->{enumeration}->{$enumType}->{$enumName};
sub getEnumHash
my $self = shift;
my $enumType = shift;
my $enumName = shift;
if (!defined($self->{enumeration}->{$enumType}))
printf("ERROR: getEnumValue(%s) | enumType not defined\n",
print Dumper($self->{enumeration});
return $self->{enumeration}->{$enumType};
sub setHuid
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $sys = shift;
my $node = shift;
my $type = $self->getType($target);
my $type_id = $self->{enumeration}->{TYPE}->{$type};
if ($type eq "" || $type eq "NA")
if (defined ($self->getAttribute($target,"BUS_TYPE")))
$type = $self->getAttribute($target,"BUS_TYPE");
$type_id = $self->{enumeration}->{TYPE}->{$type};
if ($type_id eq "") {$type_id = $self->{enumeration}->{BUS_TYPE}->{$type};}
if ($type_id eq "") { $type_id = 0; }
if ($type_id == 0) { return; }
my $index = 0;
if (defined($self->{huid_idx}->{$type}))
$index = $self->{huid_idx}->{$type};
else { $self->{huid_idx}->{$type} = 0; }
# Format: SSSS NNNN TTTTTTTT iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
my $huid = sprintf("%01x%01x%02x%04x", $sys, $node, $type_id, $index);
$huid = "0x" . uc($huid);
$self->setAttribute($target, "HUID", $huid);
$self->log($target, "Setting HUID: $huid");
$self->setMruid($target, $node);
sub setMruid
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $node = shift;
my $type = $self->getType($target);
my $mru_prefix_id = $self->{enumeration}->{MRU_PREFIX}->{$type};
if (!defined $mru_prefix_id || $mru_prefix_id eq "")
$mru_prefix_id = "0xFFFF";
if ($mru_prefix_id eq "0xFFFF") { return; }
my $index = 0;
if (defined($self->{mru_idx}->{$node}->{$type}))
$index = $self->{mru_idx}->{$node}->{$type};
else { $self->{mru_idx}->{$node}->{$type} = 0; }
my $mruid = sprintf("%s%04x", $mru_prefix_id, $index);
$self->setAttribute($target, "MRU_ID", $mruid);
sub getMasterProc
my $self = shift;
return $self->{master_proc};
sub setMasterProc
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
sub getSystemName
my $self = shift;
return $self->getAttribute("/".$self->{TOP_LEVEL}, "SYSTEM_NAME");
sub myExit
my $self = shift;
my $exit_code = shift;
if ($exit_code eq "") { $exit_code = 0; }
$self->{errorsExist} = 1;
if ($self->{force} == 0)
sub log
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $msg = shift;
if ($self->{debug})
print "DEBUG: ($target) $msg\n";
sub writeReport
my $self = shift;
my $msg = shift;
sub writeReportFile
my $self = shift;
open(R,">$self->{report_filename}") ||
die "Unable to create file: ".$self->{report_filename};
print R $self->{report_log};
close R;
=head1 NAME
use Targets;
my $targets = Targets->new;
foreach my $target ( sort keys %{ $targets->getAllTargets() } ) {
## do stuff with targets
$targets->printXML( $file_handle, "top" );
C is a class that consumes XML generated by ServerWiz2. The XML
describes a POWER system topology including nodes, cards, chips, and busses.
A simple example of a ServerWiz2 topology would be:
=over 4
=item Topology Example:
-pcie card
- daughtercard
- memory buffer
- dimms
Targets->loadXML("myfile.xml") reads this topology and creates 2 data
structures. One data structure simply represents the hierarchical system
topology. The other data structure represents the hierarchical structure
that hostboot expects (affinity path).
Unlike hostboot, everything in ServerWiz2 is represented as a target.
For example, FSI and I2C units are targets under the processor that have a
bus type and therefore allow connections to be made.
=over 4
=item new ()
There are no arguments for the constructor.
=head1 METHODS
C is a pointer to data structure containing all target information.
C is the hierarchical target string used as key for data
structure. An example for C would be:
=over 4
=item loadXml (C)
Reads ServerWiz2 XML C and stores into a data structure for
manipulation and printing.
=item removeTarget(C)
Removes the given target from the data structure (C)
=item getTarget(C)
Returns pointer to data structure (C)
=item getAllTargets(C)
Returns array with all existing target data structures
=item getTargetParent(C)
Returns C of parent target
=item getNumConnections(C)
Returns the number of bus connections to this target
=item getFirstConnectionDestination(C)
Returns the target string of the first target found connected to
C. This is useful because many busses are guaranteed
to only have one connection because they are point to point.
=item getFirstConnectionBus(C)
Returns the data structure of the bus of the first target found connected to
C. The bus data structure is also a target with attributes.
=item getConnectionDestination(C,C)
Returns the target string of the C target found connected to
=item getConnectionBus(C)
Returns the data structure of the C bus target found connected to
=item findEndpoint(C,C,C)
Searches through all connections to C
for a endpoint C and C
=item getBusType(C)
Returns the BUS_TYPE attribute of (C). Examples are I2C and DMI.
=item getType(C)
Returns the TYPE attribute of (C).
Examples are PROC and MEMBUF.
=item getMrwType(C)
Returns the MRW_TYPE attribute of (C).
Examples are CARD and PCI_CONFIG. This
is an extension to the TYPE attribute and are types that hostboot does
not care about.
=item getTargetType(C)
Returns the target type id of (C).
This is not the TYPE attribute. This is the
from target_types.xml. Examples are unit-pci-power8 and enc-node-power8.
=item isBadAttribute(C,C)
Tests where attribute (C) has been set in
target (C). Returns true if attribute is undefined or empty
and false if attribute is defined and not empty.
=item getAttribute(C,C)
Returns the value of attribute C in target C.
=item renameAttribute(C,C,
Renames attribute C to C in target
=item setAttribute(C,C,C)
Sets attribute C of target C to value C.
=item setAttributeField(C,C,C,C)
Sets attribute C and field C of target C
to value C. This is for complex attributes.
=item getBusAttribute(C,C,C)
Gets the attribute C from bus C bus number
=item isBusAttributeDefined(C,C.C)
Looks for a specific attribute and returns if it exists or not
=item getTargetChildren(C)
Returns an array of target strings representing all the children of target
=item getAllTargetChildren(C)
Returns an array of target strings representing all the children of target
C, including grandchildren and below as well.
=item getEnumValue(C,C)
Returns the enum value of type C and name C. The
enumerations are also defined in ServerWiz2 XML output and are directly
copied from attribute_types.xml.
=item getMasterProc()
Returns the target string of the master processor.
=item myExit(C)
Calls exit(C) when force flag is not set.
=item log(C,C)
Prints to stdout log message is debug mode is turned on.
=head1 CREDITS
Norman James