/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/sbe/sbe_update.H $ */ /* */ /* IBM CONFIDENTIAL */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2013,2014 */ /* */ /* p1 */ /* */ /* Object Code Only (OCO) source materials */ /* Licensed Internal Code Source Materials */ /* IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code */ /* */ /* The source code for this program is not published or otherwise */ /* divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been */ /* deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. */ /* */ /* Origin: 30 */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ #ifndef __SBE_SBE_UPDATE_H #define __SBE_SBE_UPDATE_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace SBE { /******************************************/ /* Constants */ /******************************************/ // Using only first 20 bytes of 64-byte sbe_image_version const size_t SBE_MVPD_SHORT_IMAGE_VERSION_SIZE = 20; // Version of Struct stored in SEEPROM const uint32_t SBE_SEEPROM_STRUCT_VERSION = 0x00000001; const uint32_t SBE_SEEPROM_STRUCT_SIMICS_VERSION = 0x5A5A5A5A; // Constant written to SBE SEEPROM version struct to invalidate the // struct and the image - 'INVALID\0' const uint64_t SBE_SEEPROM_STRUCT_INVALID = 0x494E56414C494400; // Used for locations of SBE_Version and SBE Image on a SEEPROM const uint64_t SBE_IMAGE_SEEPROM_ADDRESS = 0x400; // 1KB const uint64_t SBE_VERSION_SEEPROM_ADDRESS = 0x300; // 1KB - 256B //Used to read SBE Boot Side from processor const uint64_t SBE_VITAL_REG_0x0005001C = 0x005001C; const uint64_t SBE_BOOT_SELECT_MASK = 0x0080000000000000; // PNOR SBE and SBEC Partition constants const uint32_t MAX_SBE_ENTRIES = 9; const uint32_t SBETOC_EYECATCH = 0x53424500; //'SBE\0' const uint64_t NONSECURE_VER_EYECATCH = 0x56455253494F4E00; //'VERSION\0' const uint32_t SUPPORTED_TOC_VER = 0x00000001; // MVPD SB Keyword contants const size_t MVPD_SB_RECORD_SIZE = 49; // PERMANENT FLAG - bit 0: 0x0 -> indicates 0 is permanent. const uint8_t PERMANENT_FLAG_MASK = 0x80; const uint8_t SEEPROM_0_PERMANENT_VALUE = 0x00; const uint8_t SEEPROM_1_PERMANENT_VALUE = 0x80; // RE-IPL SEEPROM DESIGNATION - bit 1: 0x0 -> indicates boot from SEEPROM 0 // NOTE: Used *ONLY* for re-IPL Requests const uint8_t REIPL_SEEPROM_MASK = 0x40; const uint8_t REIPL_SEEPROM_0_VALUE = 0x00; const uint8_t REIPL_SEEPROM_1_VALUE = 0x40; // Situation constants -- bits numbered from left to right const uint8_t SITUATION_ALL_BITS_MASK = 0xE0; // Bit 0: current side is permanent (=0) or temp (=1) const uint8_t SITUATION_CUR_IS_PERM = 0x00; const uint8_t SITUATION_CUR_IS_TEMP = 0x80; // Bit 1: current_side clean (=0) or dirty (=1) const uint8_t SITUATION_CUR_IS_CLEAN = 0x00; const uint8_t SITUATION_CUR_IS_DIRTY = 0x40; // Bit 2: alt side clean (=0) or dirty (=1) const uint8_t SITUATION_ALT_IS_CLEAN = 0x00; const uint8_t SITUATION_ALT_IS_DIRTY = 0x20; // For mbox messages to FSP const uint32_t MSG_IPL_DUE_TO_SBE_UPDATE = 0x40000012; const uint32_t MSG_IPL_MASTER_CORE = 0x40000005; /******************************************/ /* Enums */ /******************************************/ // Used for MVPD function enum opType_t { MVPDOP_UNKNOWN, // Invalid MVPDOP_READ, // Read version data from MVPD MVPDOP_WRITE, // Write version data to MVPD }; // Used to keep track of perm/temp, and cur/alt enum sbeSeepromSide_t { SBE_SEEPROM0 = 0x00, // corresponds to EEPROM::SBE_PRIMARY SBE_SEEPROM1 = 0x01, // corresponts to EEPROM::SBE_BACKUP SBE_SEEPROM_INVALID = 0xFF, }; // Actions can be combined enum sbeUpdateActions_t { CLEAR_ACTIONS = 0x00000000, DO_UPDATE = 0x00000001, IPL_RESTART = 0x00000002, UPDATE_MVPD = 0x00000004, MVPD_UPDATE_COMPLETE = 0x00000008, UPDATE_SBE = 0x00000010, SBE_UPDATE_COMPLETE = 0x00000020, UNSUPPORTED_SITUATION = 0x80000000, }; /******************************************/ /* Structs */ /******************************************/ /** * @brief Struct containing version information stored on SBE SEEPROMs * * NOTE: For ECC purposes, this must be 8-byte aligned, * so pad data if necessary * struct_version 1: size = 4+64+4 = 72 (aligned) */ struct sbeSeepromVersionInfo_t { uint32_t struct_version; uint32_t data_crc; uint8_t image_version[SBE_IMAGE_VERSION_SIZE]; } PACKED; // This line forces a compile fail if struct is NOT 8-byte-alaigned CPPASSERT(0 == (sizeof(sbeSeepromVersionInfo_t) % 8)); /** * @brief Struct of individual SBE entry in SBE and SBEC * Table of Contents in PNOR partitions */ struct sbeTocEntry_t { uint32_t ec; // Chip EC, right aligned uint32_t offset; // Offset within partition, in bytes uint32_t size; // Size of image, in bytes } PACKED; /** * @brief Layout of Table of Contents at beginning of SBE and * SBEC Partitions in PNOR */ struct sbeToc_t { uint32_t eyeCatch; // Expected to contain 'SBE\0' uint32_t tocVersion; // Version of SBE TOC sbeTocEntry_t entries[MAX_SBE_ENTRIES]; // Image entries } PACKED; /** * @brief Layout of SB keyword in MVPD */ struct mvpdSbKeyword_t { uint8_t flags; // 1 byte for various flags uint32_t seeprom_0_data_crc; uint8_t seeprom_0_short_version[SBE_MVPD_SHORT_IMAGE_VERSION_SIZE]; uint32_t seeprom_1_data_crc; uint8_t seeprom_1_short_version[SBE_MVPD_SHORT_IMAGE_VERSION_SIZE]; } PACKED; /** * @brief Contains the SBE state for a given target */ struct sbeTargetState_t { // Target Information TARGETING::Target* target; bool target_is_master; uint8_t ec; // Current Target SBE State Information sbe_image_version_t pnorVersion; mvpdSbKeyword_t mvpdSbKeyword; sbeSeepromVersionInfo_t seeprom_0_ver; sbeSeepromVersionInfo_t seeprom_1_ver; bool seeprom_0_ver_ECC_fail; bool seeprom_1_ver_ECC_fail; sbeSeepromSide_t cur_seeprom_side; // aka 'booted' side sbeSeepromSide_t alt_seeprom_side; sbeSeepromSide_t permanent_seeprom_side; // Customized Image Information for this Target size_t customizedImage_size; uint32_t customizedImage_crc; // Update Fields and New Fields to be Written to the Target sbeUpdateActions_t update_actions; EEPROM::eeprom_chip_types_t seeprom_side_to_update; sbeSeepromVersionInfo_t new_seeprom_ver; bool new_readBack_check; }; /******************************************/ /* Functions -- High Level Functions */ /******************************************/ /** * @brief Collects SBE Information for a specifc target * * @param[io/out] io_sbeState Struct containing SBE State of the target * * @return errlHndl_t Error log handle on failure. */ errlHndl_t getSbeInfoState(sbeTargetState_t& io_sbeState); /** * @brief Analyze and Determine Update Actions for a specific target * * @param[io/out] io_sbeState Struct containing SBE State of the target * * @return errlHndl_t Error log handle on failure. */ errlHndl_t getTargetUpdateActions(sbeTargetState_t& io_sbeState); /** * @brief Performs the Update Actions for a specific target * * @param[io/out] io_sbeState Struct containing SBE State of the target * * @return errlHndl_t Error log handle on failure. */ errlHndl_t performUpdateActions(sbeTargetState_t& io_sbeState); /******************************************/ /* Functions -- System Access */ /******************************************/ /** * @brief Read or Write SB Keyword in MVPD * * @param[in] i_target Target processor * * @param[in] i_op Indicates read or write * * @param[io/out] io_sb_keyword Pointer to MVPD SBE Keyword struct * * @return errlHndl_t Error log handle on failure. */ errlHndl_t getSetMVPDVersion(TARGETING::Target* i_target, opType_t i_op, mvpdSbKeyword_t& io_sb_keyword); /** * @brief Read SBE Version from PNOR * * @param[in] i_pnorImgHdrPtr Pointer to Image Header in PNOR * * @param[out] o_version Pointer to SBE Version struct * * @return errlHndl_t Error log handle on failure. */ errlHndl_t readPNORVersion(void*& i_pnorImgHdrPtr, sbe_image_version_t& o_version); /** * @brief Customize SBE Image for current Processor * * @param[in] i_target Target processor to customize * * @param[in] i_sbePnorPtr Pointer to SBE Image in PNOR * Expected that this pointer was found with * findSBEInPnor() function and is past any * image header * * @param[in] i_maxImgSize Maximum size of customized image * * @param[out] io_imgPtr Pointer to SBE image in memory * Memory from this pointer through * i_maxImgSize is expected to be pre-alloacted * * @param[out] o_actImgSize Actual size of the customized image * * @return errlHndl_t Error log handle on failure. */ errlHndl_t procCustomizeSbeImg(TARGETING::Target* i_target, void* i_sbePnorPtr, size_t i_maxImgSize, void* io_imgPtr, size_t& o_actImgSize); /** * @brief Determines which Seeprom was used to boot the SBE * * @param[in] i_target Target processor to customize * * @param[out] o_bootSide The Seeprom the SBE booted from * * @return errlHndl_t Error log handle on failure. */ errlHndl_t getSbeBootSeeprom(TARGETING::Target* i_target, sbeSeepromSide_t& o_bootSide); /** * @brief Collects Version information from a specific SEEPROM * * @param[in] i_target Target processor to customize * * @param[in] i_seepromSide The SEEPROM on the target that to collect * the information from * * @param[out] o_info Struct containing the SBE Version Information * * @param[out] o_seeprom_ver_ECC_fail Reports if there was an ECC erorr on * the collected information * * @return errlHndl_t Error log handle on failure. */ errlHndl_t getSeepromSideVersion(TARGETING::Target* i_target, EEPROM::eeprom_chip_types_t i_seepromSide, sbeSeepromVersionInfo_t& o_info, bool& o_seeprom_ver_ECC_fail); /** * @brief Updates a specific SEEPROM * * @param[io/out] io_sbeState Struct containing SBE State of the target * and the information to be used for updating * the SBE State of the target * * @return errlHndl_t Error log handle on failure. */ errlHndl_t updateSeepromSide(sbeTargetState_t i_sbeState); /** * @brief Check and Update all targets before Re-IPL Request * * @param[io/out] io_sbeStates_v Vector of SBE State structs * * @return errlHndl_t Error log handle on failure. */ errlHndl_t preReIplCheck(std::vector& io_sbeStates_v); /******************************************/ /* Functions -- Helper Functions */ /******************************************/ /** * @brief Send Mailbox msg to FSP to query if this IPL came from * SBE Update Re-Ipl Request * * @return bool If true, this IPL was from a Hostboot re-IPL request */ bool isIplFromReIplRequest(void); /** * @brief Determines the Update Actions for a specific target situation * * @param[io/out] io_sbeState Struct containing SBE State of the target * and is updated based on the situation * * @param[in] i_system_situation SBE Situation of the target that requires * analysis to determine Update Actions * * @return void */ void decisionTreeForUpdates(sbeTargetState_t& io_sbeState, uint8_t i_system_situation); /** * @brief Creates the memory space needed for SBE Image Customization * by allocating and setting permissions on VMM_VADDR_SBE_UPDATE * area defined in vmmconst.H * * @param[in] void * * @return void */ errlHndl_t createSbeImageVmmSpace(void); /** * @brief Cleans up memory space needed for SBE Image Customization * * @param[in] void * * @return void */ errlHndl_t cleanupSbeImageVmmSpace(void); /** * @brief Select best cores to include in SBE Image. * The output is used to indicate to p8_xip_customize which cores * should be included in the SBE image. * * @param[in] i_target Target processor to use for core selection * * @param[in] i_maxCores Maximum number of cores to select for inclusion * in the SBE Image * * @param[out] o_coreMask Core Mask for the target that does not exceed * the maximum number of cores * NOTE: bits 16:31 = EX0:EX15 * This value is used as input into * p8_xip_customize.C * * @return errlHndl_t Error log handle on failure. */ errlHndl_t selectBestCores(TARGETING::Target* i_target, size_t i_maxCores, uint32_t& o_coreMask); /** * @brief Reduces bits set in a bit mask until there is a * a maximum number of bits set. * NOTE: bits removed left-to-right * * @param[in] i_mask Starting mask to be reduced * * @param[in] i_maxBits Maximum number of bits that the * returned Bit Mask can contain * * @return uint32_t Bit Mask */ uint32_t trimBitMask(uint32_t i_mask, size_t i_maxBits); } //end namespace SBE #endif