/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/pnor/pnorrp.H $ */ /* */ /* IBM CONFIDENTIAL */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011,2013 */ /* */ /* p1 */ /* */ /* Object Code Only (OCO) source materials */ /* Licensed Internal Code Source Materials */ /* IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code */ /* */ /* The source code for this program is not published or otherwise */ /* divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been */ /* deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. */ /* */ /* Origin: 30 */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ #ifndef __PNOR_PNORRP_H #define __PNOR_PNORRP_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * PNOR Resource Provider */ class PnorRP { public: /** * @brief Static Initializer * @param[in] ref to errlHndl_t */ static void init( errlHndl_t &io_rtaskRetErrl ); /** * @brief Return the size and address of a given section of PNOR data * Called by external PNOR::getSectionInfo() * * @param[in] i_section PNOR section * @param[out] o_info Location and size information * * @return errlHndl_t Error log if request was invalid */ errlHndl_t getSectionInfo( PNOR::SectionId i_section, PNOR::SectionInfo_t& o_info ); /** * @brief Creates a 4-byte Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) on the data * provided. The last iteration of the for-loop includes the ffs * checksum itself. Therefore if the 4-byte CRC created matches * the ffs checksum, the resulting CRC will be 0 * * @param[in] ptr Pointer to the data * * @param[in] size Size of the data * * @return uint32_t return 4-byte CRC, 0 if checksums match */ uint32_t pnor_ffs_checksum(void* data, size_t size); protected: /** * @brief Constructor */ PnorRP(); /** * @brief Destructor */ ~PnorRP(); private: /** * PNOR Constants */ static const uint32_t NUM_TOCS = 2; static const uint64_t TOC_0_OFFSET = 0; static const uint64_t TOC_1_OFFSET = 0x8000; enum { BASE_VADDR = VMM_VADDR_PNOR_RP, /**< 2GB = 0x80000000*/ TOTAL_SIZE = 64*MEGABYTE, /**< Allocate 64 MB (0x4000000)*/ LAST_VADDR = BASE_VADDR + TOTAL_SIZE, /**< End of our VA range */ /** Real number of bytes required to read 1 logical page */ PAGESIZE_PLUS_ECC = ((PAGESIZE * 9)/8), // 8B data + 1B of ECC SUPPORTED_FFS_VERSION = 0x1, /**< Supported FFS Version */ FFS_TABLE_BASE_ADDR = 0x0, /**< Currently only have FFS table */ }; /** * Which TOC (0 or 1) is used after verifying both. */ uint32_t iv_TOC_used; /** * Internal information to deal with the sections of PNOR */ struct SectionData_t { PNOR::SectionId id; /**< Identifier for this section */ uint64_t virtAddr; /**< Virtual address for the start of the section */ uint32_t flashAddr; /**< Address in flash */ uint32_t size; /**< Actual size of content in bytes (not including ECC) */ uint8_t chip; /**< Chip Select */ uint8_t version; /**< Version Checking */ uint16_t integrity; /**< Data Integrity */ uint8_t misc; /**< Misc Flags */ } PACKED; /** * Flash statistics */ struct FlashStats_t { uint8_t numWrites; /**< Number of writes to this page */ uint8_t numCEs; /**< Number of ECC corrections made */ }; /** * Cached copy of section data */ SectionData_t iv_TOC[PNOR::NUM_SECTIONS+1]; /** * Pointer to the message queue where we receive messages */ msg_q_t iv_msgQ; /** * Remember that we failed during initial startup * This is set by startup methods to indicate to constructor that * something went wrong */ uint64_t iv_startupRC; /** * Track some information related to flash wear and health * indexed by physical page number inside PNOR */ std::map iv_stats; /** * @brief Initialize the daemon, called by constructor */ void initDaemon(); /** * @brief Verify both TOC's and store section information from one of the * verified TOC's * * @return Error from device */ errlHndl_t readTOC(); /** * @brief Message receiver */ void waitForMessage(); /** * @brief Retrieve 1 logical page of data from the PNOR device * * @param[in] i_offset Offset into PNOR chip * @param[in] i_chip Which PNOR chip * @param[in] i_ecc true=apply ECC after reading * @param[out] o_dest Buffer to copy data into * @param[out] o_fatalError true=fatal error encountered, but no * log could be created * * @return Error from device */ errlHndl_t readFromDevice( uint64_t i_offset, uint64_t i_chip, bool i_ecc, void* o_dest, bool& o_fatalError ); /** * @brief Write 1 logical page of data to the PNOR device * * @param[in] i_offset Offset into PNOR chip * @param[in] i_chip Which PNOR chip * @param[in] i_ecc true=apply ECC before writing * @param[in] i_src Buffer to copy data from * * @return Error from device */ errlHndl_t writeToDevice( uint64_t i_offset, uint64_t i_chip, bool i_ecc, void* i_src ); /** * @brief Convert a virtual address into the PNOR device address * * @param[in] i_vaddr Virtual address of page * @param[out] o_offset Offset into PNOR chip * @param[out] o_chip Which PNOR chip * @param[out] o_ecc true=data is ECC-protected * * @return Error if VA is bad */ errlHndl_t computeDeviceAddr( void* i_vaddr, uint64_t& o_offset, uint64_t& o_chip, bool& o_ecc ); /** * @brief Figure out which section a VA belongs to * * @param[in] i_vaddr Virtual address of page * @param[out] o_id Which section of PNOR * * @return Error if VA is bad */ errlHndl_t computeSection( uint64_t i_vaddr, PNOR::SectionId& o_id ); /** * @brief Returns true if the initial startup failed for some reason * @param[out] Return code * @return true if startup failed */ bool didStartupFail( uint64_t& o_rc ) { if( iv_startupRC ) { //@patrick : Weak consistency bug? Will need some sort of lwsync / isync coordinating reading / setting of iv_startupRC if the daemonized task could be setting this. o_rc = iv_startupRC; return true; } return false; }; // allow local helper function to call private methods friend void* wait_for_message( void* unused ); // allow testcase to see inside friend class PnorRpTest; friend class PnorDdTest; /** * @brief Static instance function for testcase only */ static PnorRP& getInstance(); }; #endif