// IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG // This is an automatically generated prolog. // // $Source: src/usr/pnor/pnorrp.C $ // // IBM CONFIDENTIAL // // COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 // // p1 // // Object Code Only (OCO) source materials // Licensed Internal Code Source Materials // IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code // // The source code for this program is not published or other- // wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has // been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. // // Origin: 30 // // IBM_PROLOG_END #include "pnorrp.H" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pnordd.H" // Trace definition trace_desc_t* g_trac_pnor = NULL; TRAC_INIT(&g_trac_pnor, "PNOR", 4096); //4K // Easy macro replace for unit testing //#define TRACUCOMP(args...) TRACFCOMP(args) #define TRACUCOMP(args...) /** * Eyecatcher strings for PNOR TOC entries */ const char* cv_EYECATCHER[] = { //@todo - convert there to uint64_t "TOC", /**< PNOR::TOC : Table of Contents */ "HBI", /**< PNOR::HB_EXT_CODE : Hostboot Extended Image */ "HBD", /**< PNOR::HB_DATA : Hostboot Data */ "DJVPD", /**< PNOR::DIMM_JEDEC_VPD: Dimm JEDEC VPD */ "MVPD", /**< PNOR::MODULE_VPD : Module VPD */ //Not currently used // "GLOBAL", /**< PNOR::GLOBAL_DATA : Global Data */ // "SBE", /**< PNOR::SBE_IPL : Self-Boot Enginer IPL image */ // "HBB", /**< PNOR::HB_BASE_CODE : Hostboot Base Image */ // "XXX", /**< PNOR::HB_ERRLOGS : Hostboot Error log Repository */ // "HBR", /**< PNOR::HB_RUNTIME : Hostboot Runtime Image */ // "PART", /**< PNOR::KVM_PART_INFO : KVM Partition Information */ // "XXX", /**< PNOR::CODE_UPDATE : Code Update Overhead */ // "XXX", /**< NUM_SECTIONS : Used as invalid entry */ }; /** * @brief set up _start() task entry procedure for PNOR daemon */ TASK_ENTRY_MACRO( PnorRP::init ); /******************** Public Methods ********************/ /** * @brief Return the size and address of a given section of PNOR data */ errlHndl_t PNOR::getSectionInfo( PNOR::SectionId i_section, PNOR::SideSelect i_side, PNOR::SectionInfo_t& o_info ) { return Singleton::instance().getSectionInfo(i_section,i_side,o_info); } /** * STATIC * @brief Static Initializer */ void PnorRP::init( errlHndl_t &io_rtaskRetErrl ) { TRACUCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "PnorRP::init> " ); uint64_t rc = 0; errlHndl_t l_errl = NULL; if( Singleton::instance().didStartupFail(rc) ) { /*@ errorlog tag * @errortype ERRL_SEV_CRITICAL_SYS_TERM * @moduleid MOD_PNORRP_DIDSTARTUPFAIL * @reasoncode RC_BAD_STARTUP_RC * @userdata1 return code * @userdata2 0 * * @devdesc PNOR startup task returned an error. */ l_errl = new ERRORLOG::ErrlEntry( ERRORLOG::ERRL_SEV_CRITICAL_SYS_TERM, PNOR::MOD_PNORRP_DIDSTARTUPFAIL, PNOR::RC_BAD_STARTUP_RC, rc, 0 ); } task_end2( l_errl ); } /******************** Helper Methods ********************/ /** * @brief Static function wrapper to pass into task_create */ void wait_for_message( void* unused ) { TRACUCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "wait_for_message> " ); Singleton::instance().waitForMessage(); } /******************** Private/Protected Methods ********************/ /** * @brief Constructor */ PnorRP::PnorRP() : iv_msgQ(NULL) ,iv_startupRC(0) { TRACFCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "PnorRP::PnorRP> " ); // setup everything in a separate function initDaemon(); TRACFCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "< PnorRP::PnorRP : Startup Errors=%X ", iv_startupRC ); } /** * @brief Destructor */ PnorRP::~PnorRP() { TRACFCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "PnorRP::~PnorRP> " ); // delete the message queue we created if( iv_msgQ ) { msg_q_destroy( iv_msgQ ); } // should kill the task we spawned, but that isn't needed right now TRACFCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "< PnorRP::~PnorRP" ); } /** * @brief Initialize the daemon */ void PnorRP::initDaemon() { TRACUCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "PnorRP::initDaemon> " ); errlHndl_t l_errhdl = NULL; do { // read the TOC in the PNOR to compute the sections l_errhdl = readTOC(); if( l_errhdl ) { break; } // create a message queue iv_msgQ = msg_q_create(); // create a Block, passing in the message queue int rc = mm_alloc_block( iv_msgQ, (void*) BASE_VADDR, TOTAL_SIZE ); if( rc ) { TRACFCOMP( g_trac_pnor, "PnorRP::initDaemon> Error from mm_alloc_block : rc=%d", rc ); /*@ * @errortype * @moduleid PNOR::MOD_PNORRP_INITDAEMON * @reasoncode PNOR::RC_EXTERNAL_ERROR * @userdata1 Requested Address * @userdata2 rc from mm_alloc_block * @devdesc PnorRP::initDaemon> Error from mm_alloc_block */ l_errhdl = new ERRORLOG::ErrlEntry(ERRORLOG::ERRL_SEV_UNRECOVERABLE, PNOR::MOD_PNORRP_GETSECTIONINFO, PNOR::RC_INVALID_SECTION, TO_UINT64(BASE_VADDR), TO_UINT64(rc)); break; } //Register this memory range to be FLUSHed during a shutdown. INITSERVICE::registerBlock(reinterpret_cast(BASE_VADDR), TOTAL_SIZE,PNOR_PRIORITY); // Need to set permissions to R/W rc = mm_set_permission((void*) BASE_VADDR,TOTAL_SIZE, WRITABLE | WRITE_TRACKED); // start task to wait on the queue task_create( wait_for_message, NULL ); } while(0); if( l_errhdl ) { errlCommit(l_errhdl,PNOR_COMP_ID); iv_startupRC = l_errhdl->reasonCode(); } TRACUCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "< PnorRP::initDaemon" ); } /** * @brief Return the size and address of a given section of PNOR data */ errlHndl_t PnorRP::getSectionInfo( PNOR::SectionId i_section, PNOR::SideSelect i_side, PNOR::SectionInfo_t& o_info ) { //TRACDCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "PnorRP::getSectionInfo> i_section=%d, i_side=%X", i_section, i_side ); errlHndl_t l_errhdl = NULL; PNOR::SectionId id = i_section; do { // Abort this operation if we had a startup failure uint64_t rc = 0; if( didStartupFail(rc) ) { TRACFCOMP( g_trac_pnor, "PnorRP::getSectionInfo> RP not properly initialized, failing : rc=%X", rc ); /*@ * @errortype * @moduleid PNOR::MOD_PNORRP_GETSECTIONINFO * @reasoncode PNOR::RC_STARTUP_FAIL * @userdata1 Requested Section * @userdata2 Startup RC * @devdesc PnorRP::getSectionInfo> RP not properly initialized */ l_errhdl = new ERRORLOG::ErrlEntry(ERRORLOG::ERRL_SEV_UNRECOVERABLE, PNOR::MOD_PNORRP_GETSECTIONINFO, PNOR::RC_STARTUP_FAIL, TO_UINT64(i_section), rc); // set the return section to our invalid data id = PNOR::INVALID_SECTION; break; } // Zero-length means the section is invalid if( 0 == iv_TOC[i_side][id].size ) { TRACFCOMP( g_trac_pnor, "PnorRP::getSectionInfo> Invalid Section Requested : i_section=%d, i_side=%d", i_section, i_side ); TRACFCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "o_info={ id=%d, size=%d }", iv_TOC[i_side][i_section].id, iv_TOC[i_side][i_section].size ); /*@ * @errortype * @moduleid PNOR::MOD_PNORRP_GETSECTIONINFO * @reasoncode PNOR::RC_INVALID_SECTION * @userdata1 Requested Section * @userdata2 Requested Side * @devdesc PnorRP::getSectionInfo> Invalid Address for read/write */ l_errhdl = new ERRORLOG::ErrlEntry(ERRORLOG::ERRL_SEV_UNRECOVERABLE, PNOR::MOD_PNORRP_GETSECTIONINFO, PNOR::RC_INVALID_SECTION, TO_UINT64(i_section), TO_UINT64(i_side)); // set the return section to our invalid data id = PNOR::INVALID_SECTION; break; } } while(0); TRACFCOMP( g_trac_pnor, "i_section=%d, i_side=%d : id=%d", i_section, i_side, iv_TOC[i_side][i_section].id ); // copy my data into the external format o_info.id = iv_TOC[i_side][id].id; o_info.side = iv_TOC[i_side][id].side; o_info.name = cv_EYECATCHER[id]; o_info.vaddr = iv_TOC[i_side][id].virtAddr; o_info.size = iv_TOC[i_side][id].size; o_info.eccProtected = iv_TOC[i_side][id].eccProtected; return l_errhdl; } /** * @brief Read the TOC and store section information */ errlHndl_t PnorRP::readTOC() { TRACUCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "PnorRP::readTOC>" ); errlHndl_t l_errhdl = NULL; // Zero out my table for( uint64_t side = 0; side < NUM_SIDES; side++ ) { for( PNOR::SectionId id = PNOR::FIRST_SECTION; id <= PNOR::NUM_SECTIONS; //include extra entry for error paths id = (PNOR::SectionId) (id + 1) ) { iv_TOC[side][id].id = id; iv_TOC[side][id].side = (PNOR::SideSelect)side; iv_TOC[side][id].chip = 0; iv_TOC[side][id].flashAddr = 0; iv_TOC[side][id].virtAddr = 0; iv_TOC[side][id].size = 0; iv_TOC[side][id].eccProtected = 0; } } //@todo - Add in some dummy values for now // Will update under Story 3871 // assume 1 chip with only 1 side for now, no sideless // TOC starts at offset zero // put some random sizes in here //sizes and offsets taken from pnorLayout.xml iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDE_A][PNOR::TOC].size = 0x1000; iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDE_A][PNOR::HB_EXT_CODE].size = 0x200000; //1MB iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDE_A][PNOR::HB_DATA].size = 0x80000; //512K iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDELESS][PNOR::MODULE_VPD].size = 0x80000; //512K iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDELESS][PNOR::DIMM_JEDEC_VPD].size = 0x40000; //256K // fake PNOR will look like this: TOC::HB_EXT_CODE:HB_DATA:MODULE_VPD:DIMM_JEDEC_VPD // virtual addresses iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDE_A][PNOR::TOC].virtAddr = BASE_VADDR + 0; iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDE_A][PNOR::HB_EXT_CODE].virtAddr = BASE_VADDR + 0x1000; iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDE_A][PNOR::HB_DATA].virtAddr = BASE_VADDR + 0x201000; iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDELESS][PNOR::MODULE_VPD].virtAddr = SIDELESS_VADDR + 0x281000; iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDELESS][PNOR::DIMM_JEDEC_VPD].virtAddr = SIDELESS_VADDR + 0x301000; // flash iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDE_A][PNOR::TOC].flashAddr = 0; iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDE_A][PNOR::HB_EXT_CODE].flashAddr = 0x1000; iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDE_A][PNOR::HB_DATA].flashAddr = 0x201000; iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDELESS][PNOR::MODULE_VPD].flashAddr = 0x281000; iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDELESS][PNOR::DIMM_JEDEC_VPD].flashAddr = 0x301000; //@todo - end fake data //keep these traces here until PNOR is rock-solid TRACFCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "TOC: size=0x%.8X flash=0x%.8X virt=0x%.16X", iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDE_A][PNOR::TOC].size, iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDE_A][PNOR::TOC].flashAddr, iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDE_A][PNOR::TOC].virtAddr ); TRACFCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "EXT: size=0x%.8X flash=0x%.8X virt=0x%.16X", iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDE_A][PNOR::HB_EXT_CODE].size, iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDE_A][PNOR::HB_EXT_CODE].flashAddr, iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDE_A][PNOR::HB_EXT_CODE].virtAddr ); TRACFCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "DATA: size=0x%.8X flash=0x%.8X virt=0x%.16X", iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDE_A][PNOR::HB_DATA].size, iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDE_A][PNOR::HB_DATA].flashAddr, iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDE_A][PNOR::HB_DATA].virtAddr ); TRACFCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "MVPD: size=0x%.8X flash=0x%.8X virt=0x%.16X", iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDELESS][PNOR::MODULE_VPD].size, iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDELESS][PNOR::MODULE_VPD].flashAddr, iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDELESS][PNOR::MODULE_VPD].virtAddr ); TRACFCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "DJVPD: size=0x%.8X flash=0x%.8X virt=0x%.16X", iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDELESS][PNOR::DIMM_JEDEC_VPD].size, iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDELESS][PNOR::DIMM_JEDEC_VPD].flashAddr, iv_TOC[PNOR::SIDELESS][PNOR::DIMM_JEDEC_VPD].virtAddr ); //@todo - load flash layout (how many chips) //@todo - read TOC on each chip/bank/whatever TRACUCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "< PnorRP::readTOC" ); return l_errhdl; } /** * @brief Message receiver */ void PnorRP::waitForMessage() { TRACFCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "PnorRP::waitForMessage>" ); errlHndl_t l_errhdl = NULL; msg_t* message = NULL; uint8_t* user_addr = NULL; uint8_t* eff_addr = NULL; uint64_t dev_offset = 0; uint64_t chip_select = 0xF; bool needs_ecc = false; int rc = 0; uint64_t status_rc = 0; while(1) { status_rc = 0; TRACUCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "PnorRP::waitForMessage> waiting for message" ); message = msg_wait( iv_msgQ ); if( message ) { /* data[0] = virtual address requested * data[1] = address to place contents */ eff_addr = (uint8_t*)message->data[0]; user_addr = (uint8_t*)message->data[1]; //figure out the real pnor offset l_errhdl = computeDeviceAddr( eff_addr, dev_offset, chip_select, needs_ecc ); if( l_errhdl ) { status_rc = -EFAULT; /* Bad address */ } else { switch(message->type) { case( MSG_MM_RP_READ ): l_errhdl = readFromDevice( dev_offset, chip_select, needs_ecc, user_addr ); if( l_errhdl ) { status_rc = -EIO; /* I/O error */ } break; case( MSG_MM_RP_WRITE ): l_errhdl = writeToDevice( dev_offset, chip_select, needs_ecc, user_addr ); if( l_errhdl ) { status_rc = -EIO; /* I/O error */ } break; default: TRACFCOMP( g_trac_pnor, "PnorRP::waitForMessage> Unrecognized message type : user_addr=%p, eff_addr=%p, msgtype=%d", user_addr, eff_addr, message->type ); /*@ * @errortype * @moduleid PNOR::MOD_PNORRP_WAITFORMESSAGE * @reasoncode PNOR::RC_INVALID_MESSAGE_TYPE * @userdata1 Message type * @userdata2 Requested Virtual Address * @devdesc PnorRP::waitForMessage> Unrecognized message type */ l_errhdl = new ERRORLOG::ErrlEntry(ERRORLOG::ERRL_SEV_UNRECOVERABLE, PNOR::MOD_PNORRP_WAITFORMESSAGE, PNOR::RC_INVALID_MESSAGE_TYPE, TO_UINT64(message->type), (uint64_t)eff_addr); status_rc = -EINVAL; /* Invalid argument */ } } if( !l_errhdl && msg_is_async(message) ) { TRACFCOMP( g_trac_pnor, "PnorRP::waitForMessage> Unsupported Asynchronous Message : user_addr=%p, eff_addr=%p, msgtype=%d", user_addr, eff_addr, message->type ); /*@ * @errortype * @moduleid PNOR::MOD_PNORRP_WAITFORMESSAGE * @reasoncode PNOR::RC_INVALID_ASYNC_MESSAGE * @userdata1 Message type * @userdata2 Requested Virtual Address * @devdesc PnorRP::waitForMessage> Unrecognized message type */ l_errhdl = new ERRORLOG::ErrlEntry(ERRORLOG::ERRL_SEV_UNRECOVERABLE, PNOR::MOD_PNORRP_WAITFORMESSAGE, PNOR::RC_INVALID_ASYNC_MESSAGE, TO_UINT64(message->type), (uint64_t)eff_addr); status_rc = -EINVAL; /* Invalid argument */ } if( l_errhdl ) { errlCommit(l_errhdl,PNOR_COMP_ID); } /* Expected Response: * data[0] = virtual address requested * data[1] = rc (0 or negative errno value) */ message->data[1] = status_rc; rc = msg_respond( iv_msgQ, message ); if( rc ) { TRACFCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "PnorRP::waitForMessage> Error from msg_respond, giving up : rc=%d", rc ); break; } } } TRACFCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "< PnorRP::waitForMessage" ); } /** * @brief Retrieve 1 page of data from the PNOR device */ errlHndl_t PnorRP::readFromDevice( uint64_t i_offset, uint64_t i_chip, bool i_ecc, void* o_dest ) { TRACUCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "PnorRP::readFromDevice> i_offset=0x%X, i_chip=%d", i_offset, i_chip ); errlHndl_t l_errhdl = NULL; uint8_t* ecc_buffer = NULL; do { TARGETING::Target* pnor_target = TARGETING::MASTER_PROCESSOR_CHIP_TARGET_SENTINEL; // assume a single page void* data_to_read = o_dest; size_t read_size = PAGESIZE; // if we need to handle ECC we need to read more than 1 page if( i_ecc ) { ecc_buffer = new uint8_t[PAGESIZE_PLUS_ECC]; data_to_read = ecc_buffer; read_size = PAGESIZE_PLUS_ECC; } // get the data from the PNOR DD l_errhdl = DeviceFW::deviceRead(pnor_target, data_to_read, read_size, DEVICE_PNOR_ADDRESS(i_chip,i_offset) ); if( l_errhdl ) { TRACFCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "PnorRP::readFromDevice> Error from device : RC=%X", l_errhdl->reasonCode() ); break; } // remove the ECC data if( i_ecc ) { l_errhdl = stripECC( data_to_read, o_dest ); if( l_errhdl ) { break; } } } while(0); if( ecc_buffer ) { delete[] ecc_buffer; } TRACUCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "< PnorRP::readFromDevice" ); return l_errhdl; } /** * @brief Write 1 page of data to the PNOR device */ errlHndl_t PnorRP::writeToDevice( uint64_t i_offset, uint64_t i_chip, bool i_ecc, void* i_src ) { TRACUCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "PnorRP::writeToDevice> i_offset=%X, i_chip=%d", i_offset, i_chip ); errlHndl_t l_errhdl = NULL; uint8_t* ecc_buffer = NULL; do { TARGETING::Target* pnor_target = TARGETING::MASTER_PROCESSOR_CHIP_TARGET_SENTINEL; // assume a single page to write void* data_to_write = i_src; size_t write_size = PAGESIZE; // apply ECC to data if needed if( i_ecc ) { ecc_buffer = new uint8_t[PAGESIZE]; applyECC( i_src, ecc_buffer ); data_to_write = (void*)ecc_buffer; write_size = PAGESIZE_PLUS_ECC; } // write the data out to the PNOR DD errlHndl_t l_errhdl = DeviceFW::deviceWrite(pnor_target, data_to_write, write_size, DEVICE_PNOR_ADDRESS(i_chip,i_offset) ); if( l_errhdl ) { TRACFCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "PnorRP::writeToDevice> Error from device : RC=%X", l_errhdl->reasonCode() ); break; } } while(0); if( ecc_buffer ) { delete[] ecc_buffer; } TRACUCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "< PnorRP::writeToDevice" ); return l_errhdl; } /** * @brief Convert a virtual address into the PNOR device address */ errlHndl_t PnorRP::computeDeviceAddr( void* i_vaddr, uint64_t& o_offset, uint64_t& o_chip, bool& o_ecc ) { errlHndl_t l_errhdl = NULL; o_offset = 0; o_chip = 99; uint64_t l_vaddr = (uint64_t)i_vaddr; // make sure this is one of our addresses if( !((l_vaddr >= BASE_VADDR) && (l_vaddr < LAST_VADDR)) ) { TRACFCOMP( g_trac_pnor, "PnorRP::computeDeviceAddr> Virtual Address outside known PNOR range : i_vaddr=%p", i_vaddr ); /*@ * @errortype * @moduleid PNOR::MOD_PNORRP_WAITFORMESSAGE * @reasoncode PNOR::RC_INVALID_ADDRESS * @userdata1 Virtual Address * @userdata2 Base PNOR Address * @devdesc PnorRP::computeDeviceAddr> Virtual Address outside * known PNOR range */ l_errhdl = new ERRORLOG::ErrlEntry(ERRORLOG::ERRL_SEV_UNRECOVERABLE, PNOR::MOD_PNORRP_COMPUTEDEVICEADDR, PNOR::RC_INVALID_ADDRESS, l_vaddr, BASE_VADDR); return l_errhdl; } // find the matching section PNOR::SideSelect side = PNOR::SIDE_A; PNOR::SectionId id = PNOR::INVALID_SECTION; l_errhdl = computeSection( l_vaddr, side, id ); if( l_errhdl ) { return l_errhdl; } // pull out the information we need to return from our global copy o_chip = iv_TOC[side][id].chip; o_ecc = iv_TOC[side][id].eccProtected; o_offset = l_vaddr - iv_TOC[side][id].virtAddr; //offset into pnor o_offset += iv_TOC[side][id].flashAddr; TRACUCOMP( g_trac_pnor, "< PnorRP::computeDeviceAddr: o_offset=0x%X, o_chip=%d", o_offset, o_chip ); return l_errhdl; } /** * @brief Apply ECC algorithm to data, assumes size of 1 page */ void PnorRP::applyECC( void* i_orig, void* o_ecc ) { TRACFCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "> PnorRP::applyECC" ); //@todo - fill this in (Story 3548) memcpy( o_ecc, i_orig, PAGESIZE ); TRACFCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "< PnorRP::applyECC" ); } /** * @brief Apply ECC algorithm to data, assumes logical size of 1 page */ errlHndl_t PnorRP::stripECC( void* i_orig, void* o_data ) { TRACFCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "> PnorRP::stripECC" ); //@todo - fill this in (Story 3548) memcpy( o_data, i_orig, PAGESIZE ); TRACFCOMP(g_trac_pnor, "< PnorRP::stripECC" ); return NULL; } /** * @brief Static instance function for testcase only */ PnorRP& PnorRP::getInstance() { return Singleton::instance(); } /** * @brief Figure out which section a VA belongs to */ errlHndl_t PnorRP::computeSection( uint64_t i_vaddr, PNOR::SideSelect& o_side, PNOR::SectionId& o_id ) { errlHndl_t errhdl = NULL; o_id = PNOR::INVALID_SECTION; // first figure out which side it is on (slight performance boost) if( (i_vaddr >= SIDEA_VADDR) && (i_vaddr < (SIDEA_VADDR + SIDE_SIZE)) ) { o_side = PNOR::SIDE_A; } else if( (i_vaddr >= SIDEB_VADDR) && (i_vaddr < (SIDEB_VADDR + SIDE_SIZE)) ) { o_side = PNOR::SIDE_B; } else if( (i_vaddr >= SIDELESS_VADDR) && (i_vaddr < (SIDELESS_VADDR + SIDE_SIZE)) ) { o_side = PNOR::SIDELESS; } else { TRACFCOMP( g_trac_pnor, "PnorRP::computeSection> Invalid virtual address : i_vaddr=%X", i_vaddr ); /*@ * @errortype * @moduleid PNOR::MOD_PNORRP_COMPUTESECTION * @reasoncode PNOR::RC_INVALID_ADDRESS * @userdata1 Requested Virtual Address * @userdata2 * @devdesc PnorRP::computeSection> Invalid Address */ errhdl = new ERRORLOG::ErrlEntry(ERRORLOG::ERRL_SEV_UNRECOVERABLE, PNOR::MOD_PNORRP_COMPUTESECTION, PNOR::RC_INVALID_ADDRESS, i_vaddr, 0); return errhdl; } // loop through all sections to find a matching id for( PNOR::SectionId id = PNOR::FIRST_SECTION; id < PNOR::NUM_SECTIONS; id = (PNOR::SectionId) (id + 1) ) { if( (i_vaddr >= iv_TOC[o_side][id].virtAddr) && (i_vaddr < (iv_TOC[o_side][id].virtAddr + iv_TOC[o_side][id].size)) ) { o_id = iv_TOC[o_side][id].id; break; } } return errhdl; }